Trump Claims Ilhan Omar Is Targeting Jews After She Calls Stephen Miller A 'White Nationalist'

  • 5 years ago
President Trump went after Ilhan Omar on Tuesday.

President Trump on Tuesday shared a critical comment made on Fox Business Network's 'Varney & Co' about Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar calling White House senior adviser Stephen Miller a "white nationalist." "'What's completely unacceptable is for Congresswoman Omar to target Jews, in this case Stephen Miller.' Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO," Trump tweeted. He soon after added another quote, writing: "'She (Congresswoman Omar) keeps on assaulting Jews...' Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO."  Notably, Omar took to Twitter on Monday to respond to news of Miller's apparent elevated authority over US immigration policy.  She wrote in a tweet: "Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. The fact that he still has influence on policy and political appointments is an outrage." Omar also shared a link to a recent reporting that Miller was behind the withdrawal of Ronald Vitiello as a candidate to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  The Washington Post notes that "because Miller, Trump's senior policy adviser, is Jewish, Omar's fervent detractors on the right saw her comments not as incendiary criticism of Miller's hard-line immigration policies but instead as part of a pattern of targeting Jews."
