Trump Jr.: 'FloopyJoe' Biden 'Can Run But He Can't Hyde'

  • 5 years ago
Donald Trump Jr. jabbed Joe Biden on Twitter.

Donald Trump Jr. mocked former Vice President Joe Biden's change of heart on the Hyde Amendment, writing on Twitter Friday, "#FloppyJoe can run but he can't Hyde."
The president's son made the remark a day after the Democratic presidential hopeful decided to stop supporting the Hyde Amendment, a measure which cuts off most abortion-related federal funding, notes the New York Times. 
Biden said during the announcement: "If I believe health care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone's ZIP code." 
While Biden's reversal falls more in line with the majority of Democrats, it is considered at odds with his prior backing of the measure based on his Catholic beliefs. 
