• 5 years ago
We've had a lot of unexpected and classic moments in the BoxMac kitchen, but it's not easy to remember which episode featured a given bit, leading some fans to ask "Which episode of BoxMac is that?" Here's a volume 4 compilation of classic moments from their episodes!

“They’re limp.”
83: MacAweenie and Whole Brown Rice Pasta Side

“Mostly comedy, a little bit of information.”
107: EXPENSIVE Williams Sonoma and Village Gourmet Half-Macs

107: EXPENSIVE Williams Sonoma and Village Gourmet Half-Macs

“Firm up the...”
110: Frozens - Evol Chipotle vs. Cracker Barrel Single Bowl

“They’re limp.”
110: Frozens - Evol Chipotle vs. Cracker Barrel Single Bowl

“Big busted women, over the wall!”
110: Frozens - Evol Chipotle vs. Cracker Barrel Single Bowl

“Echo, pizza, please!”
113: Devour Single Bowls and Cracker Barrel Parmesan

“Fill it up Fridays”
113: Devour Single Bowls and Cracker Barrel Parmesan

“Sea Shanties”
115: Annie’s and Simple Truth Organics and Pow! Protein

“A Pompalea”
117: KD Alfredo, Kraft Mug Mac and Organic, & President's Choice

“You could dump a little out!”
119: Sam's Choice and Gooey Butter Cake

“Cutting to commercial”
121: Thanksgiving Mac! - Brie, Turkey, and Cranberries!

“Complimentary edit of horrible sous vide device”
124: Sous Vide Steaks and Wal-Mart Artisan Crafted

“Frankie impersonates Junt interacting with Echo”
122: Mac & Cheese Fudge

“Echo, pizza, please!”
123: Mystery Box Challenge

“Echo, cancel!”
UnBoxing Mac 11: Pumpkin Pie and Turkey Chips and Tasty Middles

“Barrett’s Privateers”
BoxMac After Hours 12: “Is This a Thing?”

And much more at http://www.redcowentertainment.com.


