• 4 years ago
Olde Timey Neck Lift as they are done in competition today for @instituteofiron. This is only 207lb because I am waaaay out of practice with these. You're probably wondering what the hell I'm doing with my arms! First off, you're not really 'lifting' with your neck any more than you're lifting with your upper back on Squats: those are just the contact points for the resistance. Once you get yourself into a bowed position, you try to 'fall over' kinda like you were going to try that move from The Matrix: or think of a STANDING Neck Bridge. Once you're back far enough, you straighten the legs to lift the weight off the deck. Holding the arms up AND reaching for the clouds bunches up your Traps around the sides & base of the neck giving solid support as you lean/fall back. Oh to be SURE, yer gonna get some ISOMETRIC tension in the neck & upper back but, there's NO NECK MOVEMENT. This is a heavy support lift intended to build ligament & tendon strength. The goal is just to get the weight off the ground and hold for a moment. Would this benefit MMA fighters, Wrestlers, Football, Rugby and Soccer players?? Yep. Would a lighter version help regular folks correct some posture problems by getting the head & shoulders back? YEP. I believe Pro Strongman Eric Todd has the current record of 1,080lb so there's a bit of'growth' potential there. Now that Spring is here, l will be practicing these more which will help strengthen my back for heavy Squats & Deadlifts. BTW, I'm pretty much using a competition set up so don't think you have to set up EXACTLY as l did. God Bless!!