5x115lb/113.25lb(228.25lb), 5x165lb/163.25lb(328.5lb), 213lb/212.5lb(425.5lb), 236lb/235lb(471lb), 257.25lb/259lb(516.25lb)
The 425.25lb lift was a Double Overhand PR and the 516.25lb lift was a PR as well: Praise the Lord!
If you haven't done these yet, GIVE THEM A TRY!! I put the handles over the feet so the arms are in front of the knees making me start with a flat back. This is going to help your initial pull off the floor with regular Deadlifts. As the weights get up around the knees they will move out and to the sides allowing you to follow through more than with a barbell. In fact I am doing this to promote The Sweep that I want to use on Cleans which will be up next. Like using Trap Bar Sweeping Deadlifts on Snatches to allow me to exaggerate the sweeping ROM, the 2 Dumbbells Deadlifts allow me to do likewise. Sure are a bunch of options out there folks! Find the one that works for you!! God Bless!!
The 425.25lb lift was a Double Overhand PR and the 516.25lb lift was a PR as well: Praise the Lord!
If you haven't done these yet, GIVE THEM A TRY!! I put the handles over the feet so the arms are in front of the knees making me start with a flat back. This is going to help your initial pull off the floor with regular Deadlifts. As the weights get up around the knees they will move out and to the sides allowing you to follow through more than with a barbell. In fact I am doing this to promote The Sweep that I want to use on Cleans which will be up next. Like using Trap Bar Sweeping Deadlifts on Snatches to allow me to exaggerate the sweeping ROM, the 2 Dumbbells Deadlifts allow me to do likewise. Sure are a bunch of options out there folks! Find the one that works for you!! God Bless!!