Not Rated |13min | Comedy | 2020 (Nigeria)
Officer Kbrown drinks the pregnant woman's urine thinking its beer.
Director: Daniel Julius
Writers: Mark Angel Comedy
Stars: Dominion, Kbrown
Officer Kbrown drinks the pregnant woman's urine thinking its beer.
Director: Daniel Julius
Writers: Mark Angel Comedy
Stars: Dominion, Kbrown
00:00Hey, slow down. Why were you speeding?
00:10Officer, I'm not speeding.
00:11Ah, you were not speeding.
00:13Officer, I was not speeding.
00:14Do you have a driver's license?
00:16Yes, officer.
00:17Let me see all the papers of this vehicle.
00:19Officer, this is it.
00:22Where is your proof of ownership?
00:29Officer, it's there.
00:31Where is your road worthiness?
00:34Officer, it's there.
00:38Where is your third party insurance?
00:40Officer, it's there. Look at it. Look at it here.
00:45Okay. Where is your police extract?
00:50Officer, it's there now. Check. It's there. Look at it. It's there.
00:56And where is your tinted permit?
00:59Officer, it's there now. Check for it. It's there. All my papers are complete, officer.
01:03Oh, your papers are complete.
01:06Yes, officer.
01:07I can see. What are you doing with that bottle?
01:10Officer, I'm drinking soda.
01:12So, you're drinking and driving.
01:14Officer, this is just soda. Now, how am I...
01:16Yes, you're drinking and driving.
01:19Did the law say, drink soda while driving?
01:22Officer, when did drinking soda become a crime?
01:25The law said, don't drink and drive.
01:28Officer, I am not officer. I am drinking soda. This is not alcohol.
01:32I am the officer of the law. You are drinking and driving.
01:36Step out of this vehicle.
01:37Are you serious?
01:39Officer, this is not alcohol. This is just soda.
01:42Step out of this vehicle.
01:43This is mere soda.
01:45We are taking you to the station.
01:46Step out of this vehicle.
01:48Officer, this is not alcohol. This is just soda.
01:50Your papers are complete, but you have broken the law.
01:52Officer, how did I break the law? I am just drinking soda.
01:54Excuse me, sir.
01:55Sorry, sir.
01:56I think the law said, you shouldn't drive under the influence of alcohol.
02:00Come on, copra is teaching me my job.
02:02My son, will you get back to your position?
02:04Sorry, sir.
02:06Step down.
02:07Officer, what did I do now?
02:08You will come to the station and explain yourself.
02:11Please, calm down.
02:13Calm down.
02:14But, this is not alcohol. This is just soda.
02:18Officer, but my papers are complete now.
02:20When you get to the station, you explain yourself.
02:22Officer, how?
02:23Officer, I am just drinking soda now.
02:26Officer, this is soda.
02:28Officer, this is soda.
02:29This is not alcohol.
02:30This is not alcohol.
02:31Are you keeping my job?
02:32Officer, my car.
02:33Officer, my papers are complete.
02:35I don't want to arrest you, but I am going to arrest you now.
02:37Arrest me for what?
02:38My papers are complete.
02:39I am not drinking alcohol.
02:48Park. Park. Park.
02:49Park down there.
02:52Park down there.
02:53Park. Park. Park.
03:01Officer, good afternoon.
03:02Good afternoon.
03:05You look suspicious.
03:07Take off the eyeglass.
03:09I hope you are not carrying any exhibit inside this car.
03:12I am not, sir.
03:13Where are the papers of this vehicle?
03:15Officer, you are not a member of the Federal Road Safety Corps.
03:18You should not be asking me that question.
03:19What do you mean?
03:20According to the FRSC Act of 2007,
03:22only members of the Corps can arrest or prosecute any driver
03:26if 1. The driver is driving with faulty headlamps.
03:292. Obstructing the traffic.
03:323. Disobeying traffic laws.
03:344. Stop!
03:36Who are you? Are you a lawyer?
03:39Are you a force man?
03:41Are you a politician?
03:42I am not.
03:44Do you have any family member that is in the law force or politics?
03:48No, sir. I do not.
03:50You are under arrest.
03:53Under arrest?
03:54For what?
03:55For possession.
03:56Possession of what?
03:57Wrongful possession.
03:58Wrongful possession of what?
03:59Wrongful possession of information that does not belong to you.
04:02Calm down.
04:04You are under arrest.
04:05You are going to the station.
04:06Officer, I don't understand.
04:07How did you know all these things that you are quoting?
04:10I read. I do research.
04:11Oh, you are reading things that do not belong to you.
04:15Officer, what is the meaning of this?
04:16Oh, you are even taller than the officer of the law.
04:18You are looking down on me.
04:19This is harassment.
04:21Arrest him.
04:22Excuse me, sir.
04:23I think possession of knowledge is not a crime according to the rule of law.
04:27Michael, will you keep quiet?
04:30When did you join the police force?
04:32Arrest him.
04:33I am sorry, sir.
04:34You are under arrest.
04:35Arrest him.
04:36This is wrong.
04:37Take this guy to the station.
04:38This is unlawful.
04:40People are displacing police in this country.
04:41This is wrong.
04:42What is my crime?
04:43What is my offense?
04:44What did I do wrong?
04:45When you reach the station, you explain yourself.
04:47What is my offense?
04:48You are suffering in the summer.
04:49You are driving a big car.
04:50You are speaking in big English.
04:52What an idiot.
04:54If I caught you now,
04:56they will say we are using abusive language.
05:06Excuse me, sir.
05:07I want to discuss something with you.
05:09Officer, the way you are doing this police work,
05:12you are overdoing it.
05:13Michael, will you keep quiet?
05:15What do you know?
05:17Do you know how long I have been in this force?
05:20This is why you remain as a copra and you cannot rise above this level.
05:24How do you think I got here?
05:25It is overdue that got me here.
05:29Officer, see and you know.
05:31According to our constitution,
05:33you are supposed to do the work to a certain limit.
05:35Shut up.
05:36Are you teaching me my job?
05:38Common copra like you,
05:39you are so wretched.
05:41You have been a copra from the last era they brought you.
05:44From the last division they brought you to this place.
05:46You still remain a copra.
05:47Seven years now you are still a copra.
05:49Watch and learn.
05:50It is overdue that brought me to this position.
05:53And it is only overdue that can take you out of this wretched position.
05:57Stop that car. Stop that car.
05:58Stop there. Stop there.
05:59Slow down. Slow down.
06:01Stop there. Stop there.
06:02Why are you speeding under this rain?
06:04I am very sorry, sir.
06:11Park this motor. Park this motor.
06:26Driver, I am not going to ask you for the papers of this vehicle.
06:31They say it is only the road safety that can ask for that now.
06:33So I am going to do my job,
06:35which is stop and search.
06:37So everybody is going to come down from this vehicle
06:39and I am going to search all of you.
06:41But officer, it is raining now.
06:43My friend, will you keep quiet?
06:44Officer, rain is falling now.
06:45Am I not under the rain? Am I complaining?
06:47But officer, I am pregnant.
06:49Now, everybody come down from this car.
06:52I am going to search everybody one after the other.
06:55You come down.
07:04What do you have in your pocket?
07:06It is my phone, sir.
07:08And what is this?
07:09This is swine.
07:10Are you sure this is swine?
07:12Yes, sir.
07:13Let me see.
07:15All these people will be carrying this inside the bottle
07:17and they will say it is swine.
07:18Sir, I am going for a birthday.
07:19This is a birthday gift.
07:20It is swine, sir.
07:21I will need to test this swine
07:23to be very sure that this is swine.
07:25Officer, you want to test my swine?
07:28You want to test swine that I bought for somebody?
07:30My friend, will you keep quiet?
07:31Do you want to teach me my job?
07:32Officer, don't pop it.
07:33Don't pop it.
07:34My friend, will you keep quiet?
07:36This is a suspicious act.
07:38I need to be very sure that this is swine.
07:46This is swine.
07:47But it is tasting...
07:54This is swine.
07:56You are very lucky that this is swine.
07:58Find a way and close it.
08:01My friend, step aside.
08:05Driver, on your inner line.
08:06This is swine.
08:07This is swine.
08:08This is swine.
08:09This is swine.
08:10This is swine.
08:11This is swine.
08:12This is swine.
08:13This is swine.
08:14Driver, on your inner line.
08:16Why are you...
08:17Calm down.
08:21You look very suspicious.
08:23You look like a criminal.
08:24Officer, I don't know what you are talking about.
08:26What is inside your pocket?
08:27Officer, nothing.
08:28Just my phone.
08:29Are you sure that you have not used this pocket to carry weed before?
08:32Officer, check.
08:33There is nothing inside.
08:35Only my phone.
08:41This pocket is testing weed.
08:43What is inside?
08:44Are you wearing a camouflage?
08:46Officer, this is not...
08:47You are a criminal.
08:48Are you sure that you are not a militant?
08:49Take him outside.
08:51Take him behind.
08:54You are under arrest.
08:55Officer, I have children.
08:56You are under arrest.
08:57And you, calm down.
09:03What is in this bag?
09:04What are you carrying?
09:06It's my auntie's baby food.
09:07Your auntie's baby food?
09:08Yes, sir.
09:09Are you sure that you are not smuggling something inside this bag?
09:11No, sir.
09:12Are you sure that this food is not poisoned?
09:14No, sir.
09:15Let me see.
09:18What is this?
09:19Golden moon, sir.
09:21Golden moon without spoon?
09:22No, sir. I have spoon.
09:26Are you sure that this food is not poisoned?
09:28No, sir.
09:29You are very sure?
09:30Yes, sir.
09:31I am going to taste it.
09:36Too much sugar.
09:37This food is not good for babies.
09:45Let me taste.
09:46Come on. Shut up.
09:47Are you a snob, sir?
09:51You are finishing the golden moon.
09:53Come on. Shut up.
09:54My auntie will kill me.
09:56I am trying to save the baby.
09:57You are putting too much sugar inside the baby's food.
09:59My auntie will kill me.
10:03You want to give the baby diabetes?
10:05Sir, but this is not right.
10:07Come on. Shut up.
10:08You are in front of a suspect.
10:13You have finished it.
10:15What is the next thing there?
10:18Let me see.
10:24You want to poison the baby?
10:27What is this?
10:28It's milk.
10:29The baby's milk.
10:30Baby's milk?
10:31Yes, sir.
10:32Is this original milk?
10:33Yes, sir.
10:34Are you sure this milk is original?
10:35Yes, sir.
10:36I am going to taste it.
10:39This is for babies now.
10:40My friend.
10:41Are you correcting me in front of a suspect?
10:46I am sorry, sir.
10:48Let me taste.
10:49My friend.
10:50Are you a senior officer?
10:58Are you sure this milk has vitamin D?
11:00Yes, sir.
11:01That means it is very good for the health.
11:11What is the rest you have inside?
11:14Hot water.
11:16Don't worry.
11:17Step aside.
11:27Calm down.
11:29She is pregnant.
11:30And so?
11:31Who is this one?
11:32My friend.
11:33Get out from here.
11:35Take it easy.
11:37Come on.
11:38Go far.
11:39Good evening.
11:41Good evening.
11:42Where are you going to?
11:43I am going to the hospital.
11:44You are pregnant.
11:45Are you married?
11:47I am married.
11:48Is your husband responsible for this pregnancy?
11:49Of course.
11:50My husband is responsible for my pregnancy.
11:53Are you sure this is real pregnancy?
11:56This is pregnancy now, officer.
11:58I am going to taste it.
12:01What do you mean?
12:03Never mind.
12:04What is in your bag?
12:05Nothing is inside my bag.
12:06Are you sure there is nothing inside this bag?
12:08There is nothing inside my bag.
12:09Open it.
12:10Let me see.
12:12Then what is this?
12:14You see.
12:15An exhibit.
12:16First you lie to an officer.
12:19And you are carrying beer.
12:20This is an exhibit.
12:23It is not beer.
12:24You are trying to kill this baby.
12:25Shut up.
12:26Just see.
12:27This is beer.
12:31It is not beer.
12:32It is not beer.
12:33Shut up.
12:34It is not beer.
12:35Shut up.
12:36You have this baby.
12:37With beer.
12:39This is not beer.
12:44What kind of salty beer is this?
12:48I told you this is...
12:49Shut up.
12:50Taste it.
12:55This beer is tasting like urine.
12:57Like urine?
13:00I told you this is not beer.
13:01This is my urine.
13:02I am going for a urine culture test.
13:04You mean I drank your urine?
13:07It is beer you drank.
13:08Urine flavor.
13:12I am so pregnant.
13:13Give me my urine.
13:16Take your urine.