Реакція світових лідерів на страту українського солдата. Відрізання голови ще живому солдату.

  • last year
Реакция мировых лидеров на казнь украинского солдата. Отрезание головы еще живому солдату.

Рэакцыя сусветных лідэраў на расстрэл украінскага салдата. Адрэжце галаву яшчэ жывога салдата.

Reakcja światowych przywódców na egzekucję ukraińskiego żołnierza. Odcięcie głowy jeszcze żyjącemu żołnierzowi.

Die Reaktion der führenden Politiker der Welt auf die Hinrichtung eines ukrainischen Soldaten. Das Abschlagen des Kopfes eines noch lebenden Soldaten.

The reaction of world leaders to the execution of a Ukrainian soldier. Cutting off the head of a still living soldier.

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Субтитры - RU.

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, росія, окупація, путін, Військовополонений, Шарль Мішель, Європейська Рада, Руперт Джонс, генерал-майор, Пол Массаро, Вагнер, Кадирівці, голова, відрізання, страта, Бахмут, Велика Британія, США, Естонія, посол, Мелінда Сіммонс, Урмас Рейнсалу, ООН, Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, россия, оккупация, путин, Военнопленный, Шарль Мишель, Европейский Совет, Руперт Джонс, генерал-майор, Пол Массаро, Вагнер, Кадыровцы, голова, отрезание, казнь, Бахмут, Великобритания, США, Эстония, посол, Мелинда Симмонс, Урмас Рейнсалу, ООН, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, occupation, Putin, POW, Charles Michel, European Council, Rupert Jones, Major General, Paul Massaro, Wagner, Kadyrovtsy, head, beheading, execution, Bakhmut, UK, USA, Estonia, Ambassador, Melinda Simmons, Urmas Reinsalu, UN
00:16Torture on camera against the Ukrainian military, posted online, has already become a hallmark of the brutal behavior of the occupiers.
00:25Only in the past week, two videos of limb amputations appeared,
00:30earlier there was the execution of a military man for saying "Glory to Ukraine",
00:34in winter there was a case with the alleged skull of an "Azov" at a concert by the Russian propagandist "Berega".
00:40Subscribe to the channel, like it, press the bell.
00:43Leave a post in the comments.
00:52Such videos infuriate Ukrainians, convincing them that we are dealing with terrorists.
00:58The world reacts to this video by documenting war crimes,
01:03which can then be used in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
01:07The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine said it was shocked by the extremely violent videos.
01:14"Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case.
01:17In recent reports, the Mission has documented a number of serious violations of international humanitarian law,
01:24including those committed against prisoners of war.
01:27These latest violations, like others, must be properly investigated and those responsible brought to justice." .
01:36The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Urmas Reinsalu, reacted to the video of the execution and called for Russians not to be allowed to the Olympics.
01:44"A video is circulating on Twitter in which the Russians cut off the head of a Ukrainian soldier.
01:50And at the same time we are literally talking about the need for dialogue and competing with each other at the Olympics?
01:57What are we doing here?" Reinsalu said.
02:01British Ambassador to Ukraine Melinda Simmons said
02:05that the video will be added to the list of war crimes that the Russian Federation will have to face in court.
02:11"I will not watch this horrible video.
02:13I don't need another reason to stay up at night.
02:16But it will add to the list of violations that Russia will have to face for its crimes against Ukraine.
02:23If it was designed to intimidate, it's backfired."
02:28Advisor to the US Congress, Paul Massaro, drew attention to the fact that Russia chairs the UN Security Council
02:33when its soldiers behead a captured Ukrainian soldier with a knife.
02:37"A video is circulating on the Internet in which Russians cut off the head of a captured Ukrainian soldier with a knife.
02:44An extremely insane, barbaric war crime. Russia is a terrorist state.
02:49Russia chairs the UN Security Council, and its soldiers decapitate a captured Ukrainian soldier with a knife.
02:56Why do we allow this?
02:58Simply give Ukraine air defense systems and F-16s now. Arm them to the teeth.
03:04Stop Russia, the terrorist nation, NOW."
03:08Retired British Major General Rupert Jones said
03:12that Russian beheading is also a weapon in the war to terrorize Ukrainians.
03:17Jones compared it to the intimidation tactics of ISIS fighters.
03:22"Wagner PMC has shown their disregard for the laws of war, they have committed horrific atrocities over the last year.
03:30So, unfortunately, we should not be surprised by this…
03:34ISIS has used brutality as a weapon of war,
03:39they have had horrific videos of beheadings, and for them it is was a deliberate tactic.
03:44They wanted us to see this and try to avoid ISIS.
03:49As for the Russians, videos like this indicate one of two things:
03:53either they have beastly constitutions inside,
03:56or it's a tool of war for them to terrorize and intimidate Ukrainians.
04:02However, in 13 months, the Russians should have understood that this does not work."
04:08Charles Michel, president of the European Council, also reacted to the video.
04:13He shared Volodymyr Zelensky's tweet with his statement, and noted.
04:17"Shocked by the brutal video of the killing of a Ukrainian prisoner of war by a Russian soldier.
04:23Accountability and justice must prevail over terror and impunity.
04:28The EU will do everything possible for this.
04:31The EU will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary."
04:3648 hours have passed since the video appeared on the social networks.
04:40Unfortunately, none of the world leaders wrote anything or commented on this war crime of the Rashists.
04:46Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the NSDC, said:
04:49I don't know what these inhumans still have to do so that the world should respond to all these crimes as efficiently as possible.
