Павлоград - жахливі наслідки ракетного удару по Дніпропетровщині.

  • last year
Павлоград - ужасные последствия ракетного удара по Днепропетровщине.

Паўлаград - жудасныя наступствы ракетнага ўдару па Днепрапятроўшчыне.

Pawłograd - straszne następstwa uderzenia rakietowego na obwód Dniepropetrowski.

Pawlograd - die schrecklichen Folgen des Raketenangriffs auf die Region Dnipropetrowsk.

Pavlograd - the terrible consequences of the missile strike on the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Субтитри UA.
Subtitle - EN.
Субтитры - RU.

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, Росія, військові, новини, обстріл, Павлоград, Дніпро, ракета, постраждалі, влучення, область, Сергій Лисак, Національна поліція, ППО, збито, удар, атака, повітряного командування «Схід», Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, Россия, военные, новости, обстрел, Павлоград, Днепр, ракета, пострадавшие, попадание, область, Сергей Лысак, Национальная полиция, ПВО, сбито, удар, атака, воздушного командования "Восток", 1 мая, 1 травня, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, military, news, shelling, Pavlohrad, Dnipro, missile, injured, hit, region, Serhiy Lysak, National Police, air defense, shot down, strike, attack, Vostok Air Command
00:22Tragic night and morning for Dnipropetrovsk region. The enemy attacked with rockets.
00:267 of them were shot down by the air command "East". But there are also hits.
00:31Pavlohrad district got the worst of it.
00:35"In Pavlograd, an industrial enterprise was damaged. There was a fire there, which the rescuers have already put out.
00:41In the residential area, 19 multi-storey buildings, 25 private houses, 6 school and preschool education institutions, and 5 shops were destroyed.
00:50There is also destruction in the communities of the district.
00:53Almost 40 residential buildings were damaged in Verbkivska, 2 in Yuriyivska. A school was damaged in Mezhyritska.
00:59All services are working at the sites of missile arrivals. Information is being updated."
01:02Serhii Lysak - the head of Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration.
01:06As a result of the explosions, local residents were injured and sought medical help - currently more than 30 people, including five children.
01:15The youngest girl is only 8 years old.
01:18The Main Directorate of the National Police in the Dnipropetrovsk Region reported that
01:24"Аt night, additional investigative and operational teams worked at the sites of the attacks and received statements from the injured people.
01:31Currently, more than 20 investigative teams, explosive experts,
01:35a forensic laboratory and all specialized services continue to work at the sites of the attacks.
01:40Documentation is ongoing of a war crime of the Russian Federation - the police collect material evidence and record the consequences of the missile attack".
01:48In total, the enemy fired 18 cruise missiles at Ukraine that night, 15 missiles were shot down by air defense forces.
01:59And as always, subscribe to the channel, like, press the bell.
02:04Leave your comment.
