Этим летом Крым будет освобожден и вернется в состав Украины. Кто против Украины, уезжайте сейчас.

  • last year
Цього літа Крим буде звільнений і повернеться до складу України. Хто проти України, їдьте зараз, поки є час.

Гэтым летам Крым выйдзе і вернецца ва Украіну. Хто супраць Украіны, пакіньце зараз, пакуль ёсць час.

Tego lata Krym zostanie wyzwolony i wróci do Ukrainy. Ci, którzy są przeciwko Ukrainie, wyjeżdżają teraz, póki jest jeszcze czas.

In diesem Sommer wird die Krim befreit und an die Ukraine zurückgegeben. Diejenigen, die gegen die Ukraine sind, sollten jetzt gehen, solange es noch Zeit ist.

This summer Crimea will be liberated and returned to Ukraine. Those who are against Ukraine, leave now, while there is still time.

Полное интервью: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUwgnSdXKNE

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, росія, окупація, путін, військові, контрнаступ, Крим, деокупація, Севастополь, зрадники, Кримський міст, Аксьонов, Константинов, покарання, Михайло Подоляк, радник, Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, россия, оккупация, путин, военные, контрнаступление, Крым, деоккупация, Севастополь, предатели, Крымский мост, Аксенов, Константинов, наказание, Михаил Подоляк, советник, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, occupation, Putin, military, counteroffensive, Crimea, de-occupation, Sevastopol, traitors, Crimean bridge, Aksyonov, Konstantinov, punishment, Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor
00:17In 2022, no one could have imagined that in 2023 Ukraine would seriously talk about the return of Crimea.
00:24Many thought that this was a story for twenty or fifty years.
00:27But the full-scale war launched by Russia has created the prerequisites for the possible liberation of Crimea right now.
00:35Subscribe to the channel, put like.
00:37Leave a comment and express your opinion on
00:39whether Crimea will be de-occupied this summer.
00:47Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the presidential office, has repeatedly said that in the summer of 2023 it will be broadcast from the Yalta embankment.
00:55Assures that his optimism is based on the logic of war.
00:59He again repeated his thesis about the de-occupation of Crimea in an interview with Radio Liberty.
01:04"We will definitely, in a very short time, from a historical point of view, in six months, or five, or seven months, we will be in Crimea.
01:14This may be too optimistic, but this optimism, is mathematically verified.
01:21I say again, "Russia doesn't have enough resources to hold the situation.
01:26The logic of the war is absolutely obvious, and we can definitely talk about the reality of Crimea on the embankment in Yalta.
01:33And we can definitely talk about the absolutely effective future of Crimea."
01:38When asked whether there would be a war for Crimea, Mikhail Podolyak replied that this was not a war for a certain territory,
01:45but a war for the right to exist of the civilized world, within the framework of international law.
01:50"This is not a turf war, territory is only one of the elements.
01:55It's a war for the right that no one can come to your house and say:
01:59"Look, I have a little more weapons, I have a little more cruise missiles, so give me what I want".
02:06Today there is a war for the right to exist of the civilized world.
02:10And in this civilized world there is no place for Russia, in this form.
02:15And therefore, of course, the war will go on until the entire territory of Ukraine is liberated ".
02:22Can Crimea become a subject of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia?
02:26Mikhail Podolyak answered this question in the affirmative, but added
02:30that such negotiations are possible only after Russia withdraws all its troops from the territory of Ukraine,
02:36from all the occupied territories.
02:38"They dragged many people from the Russian Federation to Crimea, who illegally obtained our property.
02:44In 2014, many citizens of Ukraine were forced to leave the Crimean peninsula.
02:50Of course, we can wait a couple of days until they collect their things and leave through the Kerch bridge
02:56 which will be dismantled later.
02:59There is no need to raise the question of how to return the Ukrainian to the Crimea, it is necessary to eradicate everything Russian there.
03:05And those who share the values ​​of the Russian Federation should leave and live in Russia.
03:11Mikhail Podolyak says that he belongs to the most radical category in this matter.
03:16"We must completely close everything that concerns the Russian cultural space there.
03:22We must eradicate everything Russian.
03:24There should only be a Ukrainian cultural area, or a global cultural area.
03:30We should not have a dialogue about whether a person has the right to use the Russian language or not.
03:36Please use it at home, but this is not an instrument of pressure, this is not an instrument of protest, this is not an instrument of blackmail.
03:44Russia for Ukraine is an enemy country, and it will remain so historically.
03:50If someone in Crimea does not want to live by the laws and rules Ukraine, must voluntarily leave.
03:55And as soon as Ukraine controls the peninsula,
03:58it will first have to deal with the traitors and investigate the cases of the repressed Ukrainians."
04:05Podolyak predicts that 2023 will be a difficult year for Crimea.
04:09Because Russian propaganda worked well in Crimea.
04:13And it will be difficult to eradicate the "Russian world" from people.
04:16“This will be the de-blockade of a large territory where the Russians have invested heavily in propaganda, in the destruction of everything Ukrainian.
04:25And in general, Russia, this is not a country that produces competitiveness, democracy, or freedom.
04:31It is a camp country. It prohibits all this.
04:35We will have to clean it all up, and it will be quite difficult. It will no longer be possible to integrate Crimea with a smile."
04:42Once the Donetsk or Luhansk or Zaporizhia regions are liberated,
04:47Russia will be forced to sign something that will mean capitulation.
04:52But this loss in the war will be presented to the Russians as a victory, says Mikhail Podolyak.
04:57"russia can look for some "no analogies" to the word capitulation,
05:01to disguise it for their own internal information environment,
05:06which the Kremlin controls through propaganda programs.
05:09They can sell the following concept -
05:12"we stopped NATO troops on the borders of the Russian Federation and NATO will never attack Russia again."
05:18Can you sell it? Of course they can sell it.
05:23Russia can sell any illusion to its poorly educated audience.
05:27Let them sell while they have time, because when they lose in a military sense, they will not have the opportunity to sell anything.
05:35The audience will then start this series of riots.
05:38Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chechnya - there will definitely be riots, or one can say ethnic attempts to secede from the Russian Federation. "
05:47Ukraine needs to fix Russia's defeat in order for this country to go through a series of legal procedures, Mikhail Podolyak is convinced.
05:55And the end of the war will be the way Ukraine needs, without any doubt, but the price will be even higher than now.
06:03Full interview with Mikhail Podolyak, see the official channel of Radio Liberty. Link in the description.
