Наші вдома. Сльози на очах. Військовополонений при звільненні дізнається, хто в нього народився, дівчинка чи хлопчик.

  • last year
Наши дома. Слезы на глазах. Военнопленный при освобождении узнает, кто у него родился, девочка или мальчик.

Нашы вдома. Слёзы на вачах. Ваенны ваенны, калі вызваліўся, высвятляе, хто нарадзіўся з ім, дзяўчынкай ці хлопчыкам.

Nasz dom. Łzy w naszych oczach. Kiedy jeniec wojenny zostaje zwolniony, dowiaduje się, czy miał dziewczynkę czy chłopca.

Unser Zuhause. Tränen in unseren Augen. Als ein Kriegsgefangener entlassen wird, erfährt er, ob er ein Mädchen oder einen Jungen bekommen hat.

Ours are at home. Tears in our eyes. When a prisoner of war is released, he finds out whether he had a girl or a boy.

Субтитри UA.
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Субтитры - RU.

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, росія, окупація, путін, Військовополонені, звільнення, обмін, Єрмак, Дарія Зарівна, Валерія Карпиленко, письменниця, Азовсталь, Координаційний штаб, Маріуполь, Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, россия, оккупация, путин, Военнопленные, освобождение, обмен, Ермак, Дария Заривная, Валерия Карпиленко, писательница, Азовсталь, Координационный штаб, Мариуполь, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, occupation, Putin, POWs, release, exchange, Yermak, Daria Zarivna, Valeria Karpilenko, writer, Azovstal, Coordination Headquarters, Mariupol
00:17Ukraine returned another 100 defenders from captivity, including the defenders of Mariupol, Azovstal, and Gostomel.
00:24As a result of another exchange of prisoners of war, 80 defenders and 20 Women defenders returned home.
00:31Among them, nine are officers, the rest are representatives of private and non-commissioned officers.
00:37The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War was informed.
00:41"This time it was possible to free 24 National Guardsmen, 22 border guards, 22 representatives of the Naval Forces,
00:4921 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 11 territorial defenders.
00:55The freed Defenders took part in battles in the Kherson, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Kyiv, Zaporozhye and Sumy areas.
01:06Among our heroes are the defenders of Mariupol, Bakhmut and Gostomel,
01:10as well as the defenders of Chongar, Zmiiny Island, ZNPP and ChNPP".
01:15Almost half of the released prisoners have serious injuries, illnesses or have been tortured.
01:22The youngest of the freed Defenders is 19 years old.
01:25The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, wrote in the Telegram channel.
01:30"I am especially glad to announce the wonderful news about the exchange to the relatives of the people released from captivity.
01:36They have been waiting for their husbands, wives, parents at home for a long time.
01:41Waiting is always a very difficult and nervous process.
01:45Some people have been seriously injured, have diseases.
01:49We will do everything necessary so that everyone from them I received all the necessary help.
01:55The task of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi is to return all our people.
02:00For him, this issue is key and one of the priorities."
02:03Among those released from captivity today is the defender of "Azovstal", writer Valeriya Karpylenko,
02:09informed the Adviser on Communications of the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Daria Zarivna.
02:15"On May 5 of last year at Azovstal, she married her beloved border guard Andriy Subotin.
02:22Their photo with foil wedding rings was on the pages of the world media.
02:26Unfortunately, on May 7, her husband was killed, and Valeria was taken prisoner after the surrender of Azovstal.
02:33Her relatives did not know anything about her fate.
02:37The woman was kept in the colony in Olenivka on the territory controlled by the DPR militants,
02:42but after the terrorist attack in the colony, she was probably transferred to the territory of Russia...
02:46Now Valeria has returned home."
02:49Subscribe to the channel, like, press the bell.
02:52Leave a comment under this video.
03:02One of the Ukrainian soldiers who returned home could not hold back his tears when he called his mother.
03:08This touching video was published by ombudsman Dmytro Lubenets.
03:12A soldier had a baby while he was in captivity and he finds out that it was a girl.
03:18"Mommy, hello, dear!
03:34I'm in Ukraine, mommy.
03:38My God, son.
03:42Mommy, what's there, a boy or a girl?
03:45A girl! You asked yourself.
03:49My son, I love you. I'm so happy, I believed, son."
03:57A hundred families received real joy before Easter, because it was possible to bring home another 100 defenders and women defenders,
04:05President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted in his address.
04:09"These are a hundred families who received real joy before Easter.
04:13And, of course, we continue to work to return all of our people from Russian captivity.
04:19We remember each and every one! And we will return them!
04:23I thank everyone in our Coordination Center of the Main Intelligence Directorate, thank everyone, who is engaged in negotiations and preparation of exchanges:
04:31guys Budanova, Yermak, Malyuk, Lubinets... Well done, guys!
04:36I am especially grateful to everyone who supports our people after their release and takes care of their treatment and adaptation. It is important."
04:46As of April 2023, since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has returned 2,093 people from Russian captivity.
04:53The Ukrainian situation with the exchange of prisoners is truly unique for the whole world,
04:58because such mass processes before the end of the war usually did not occur in the history of conflicts.
05:04We will return all defenders. Glory to our heroes of the Armed Forces! Glory to Ukraine!
