Рашисти відрізали ножем голову живому українському військовому. Реакція СБУ, президента, суспільства.

  • last year
Рашисты отрезали ножом голову живому украинскому военному. Реакция СБУ, президента и общества.

Рашысты адрэзалі галаву жывых украінскіх вайскоўцаў нажом. Рэакцыя СБУ, прэзідэнта і грамадства.

Rasiści odcięli nożem głowę żywemu ukraińskiemu żołnierzowi. Reakcja SBU, prezydenta i opinii publicznej.

Raschisten schneiden einem lebenden ukrainischen Soldaten mit einem Messer den Kopf ab. Reaktion des SBU, des Präsidenten und der Öffentlichkeit.

Rashists cut off the head of a live Ukrainian soldier with a knife. The reaction of the SBU, the president and society.

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Субтитры - RU.

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, росія, окупація, путін, Військовополонений, Єрмак, Дарія Зарівна, СБУ, Василь Малюк, ІнформНапалм, Вагнер, Кадирівці, голова, відрізання, страта, Бахмут, Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, россия, оккупация, путин, Военнопленный, Ермак, Дарья Заривная, СБУ, Василий Малюк, ИнформНапалм, Вагнер, Кадыровцы, голова, отрезание, казнь, Бахмут, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, occupation, Putin, POW, Yermak, Daria Zarivna, SBU, Vasyl Malyuk, InformNapalm, Wagner, Kadyrovtsy, head, beheading, execution, Bakhmut
00:16Russian inhumans executed a Ukrainian soldier by beheading him.
00:22Rashists filmed the commission of another war crime and shared the video on social networks.
00:28The video appeared on the network on April 11, it was probably shot in the summer.
00:33We are not publishing this video for ethical reasons, but we want to understand why they are doing it.
00:40Subscribe to the channel, like it, press the bell.
00:43Leave a comment. We are interested in your opinion.
00:52Is this video, on which the Russians execute a captured Ukrainian, real?
00:56In our opinion, yes, it is quite real.
01:00Will videos appear more often on the network? Yes, they will.
01:05Hacktivists from InformNapalm made these conclusions.
01:09"It has been known for a long time that various forms of perversion and torture are quite widespread among the Rashists,
01:15with such murders, which are filmed on camera, they "bind the blood of war crimes" of newcomers in their units.
01:24After such a "baptism in blood", the probability that a militant will escape and surrender is significantly reduced, because there is kompromat.
01:33It is a common practice in the world of criminal and terrorist groups.
01:38And the Russian army and mercenaries are such a group."
01:42Hacktivists assume that if the video appeared on the network, then the performers are already dead or have betrayed their unit.
01:49In this way, commanders take revenge on traitors.
01:52"There is an assumption that videos with such compromising information get on the network if an accomplice escaped or betrayed,
02:00or the video was found on the phone of an already liquidated commander and decided to put it on the network.
02:07And yes, there are many more such videos, and if they get on the network, then their perpetrators may probably already be dead.
02:15We received oral testimony that the Russian military (mostly Kadyrovs, but not only) practiced cutting off the heads of captured Ukrainians,
02:25not only military, but also civilians, whom they previously robbed and tortured.
02:31They cut off the heads of not only men, but also women who had been raped before."
02:37Another video may have been shot "quite recently" in the Bakhmut area.
02:41It was published on April 8. It was probably filmed by Russian mercenaries from the "Wagner" PMC.
02:48It shows the decapitated bodies of two Ukrainian soldiers lying on the ground next to a destroyed armored vehicle.
02:56"More carefully. More carefully, he blew himself up on a mine.
03:00There are mines everywhere here.
03:04You see, no one came up yet.
03:07No! They came up, their head was cut off.
03:13They came up, their head was cut off.
03:15Khokhlyad bastards.
03:19They took off their shoes and undressed them.
03:21There he is, another one. Their there were three of them. The eldest was a dwarf.
03:26- And what, they cut off their hands with a knife? - Yes. - That's right."
03:30Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak wrote in a telegram: "There will be responsibility for everything."
03:35Yermak's communications adviser Daria Zarivna said that the video "is an Psychological operations whose purpose is to intimidate."
03:44"It finally dehumanizes and demonstrates the entire essence of a terrorist country.
03:49But it is important to understand the purpose. This is Psychological operations the purpose of which is intimidation.
03:54The target audience is not only Ukraine, but also Western societies.
03:58Only it does not work on us. This is what the Russians fear, but not we".
04:03This video of Russia is no accident. This is not an episode.
04:07It was like that before. That was the case in Bucha. Thousands of times.
04:11President Zelensky stated.
04:13"There is something that no one in the world can ignore: how easily these beasts kill.
04:18This video of the execution of a Ukrainian prisoner... The world must see.
04:23This is a video of Russia as it is. What kind of creatures are these.
04:26There are no people for them. Son, brother , a man... Someone's child...
04:30This is a video of Russia trying to make this very thing the new norm - this habit of destroying lives.
04:38This is not an accident. This is not an episode.
04:41It happened before. It happened in Bucha. Thousands of times.
04:44Everyone must react . Every leader. Don't wait for it to be forgotten. That time will pass.
04:51We are not going to forget anything and forgive the killers.
04:55Legal responsibility will be for everything. Terror must be defeated.
04:59No one will understand if the leaders do not react. We must act now!"
05:04The Security Service of Ukraine has launched an investigation into a war crime
05:08- the torture and murder of a Ukrainian prisoner by the occupiers - captured on a video
05:13shared on social networks.
05:15"The Security Service of Ukraine has started a pre-trial investigation of this war crime under part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
05:24"We will find these inhumans. If necessary, we will get them wherever they are:
05:30from underground or from the other world.
05:33But they will definitely be punished for what they have done," emphasized the head of the SBU, Vasyl Malyuk.
05:38Ukrainians have long known that they are fighting against sadists and maniacs, that the Russians have come to kill and torture,
05:46to organize genocide of the Ukrainian people.
05:49And such videos demonstrate that this war cannot be ended without a final victory over evil.
05:55That's why we have to win now.
