(Adnkronos) - Massimo Giletti, dopo la sospensione di Non è l'Arena, domenica 23 aprile non parteciperà allo Speciale che Enrico Mentana condurrà su La7. E' lo stesso conduttore a spiegare il motivo della mancata partecipazione alla trasmissione che si soffermerà sulla sua vicenda.
00:00 There are issues that cannot be resolved in a television studio.
00:07 They have to be addressed in the offices of the MPs,
00:10 that is, in the offices of a company.
00:12 Otherwise, we risk ending up in a court room.
00:17 As you can see, I have just left the French Procurement Office
00:21 and this makes us understand the complex, difficult and delicate situation we are living.
00:28 For this reason, and I would like to thank Enrico Mentana,
00:33 I cannot participate in the special on Sunday 7th.
00:39 I owe it to the MPs who are working on this investigation.
00:45 I also owe it to myself.
00:49 I will speak, but this is not the right time to do so
00:56 and maybe it's not even the right way.