Crozza l'Ai e i lavori a rischio: "Con sentenze in 5 secondi Ruby sarebbe stata ancora minorenne"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Ci sarà l’immigrazione al contrario, saremo noi ad andare a cercare lavoro in Burkina Faso ‘scusa, mi fai zappare qualcosa, ti prego?’". Maurizio Crozza nel suo monologo a 'Fratelli di Crozza, in onda ogni venerdì sul NOVE e in streaming su discovery+, mette in guardia con ironia dall'intelligenza artificiale. "Ora vi faccio vedere l’elenco dei lavori a rischio estinzione: Cassieri, commercialisti, fotografi, postini, avvocati, giornalisti, tutti sostituiti dal silicio. C’è una causa in tribunale? Bene. L’intelligenza artificiale legge in un attimo tutti gli atti e tutte le sentenze, da Re Salomone a oggi, e scrive il verdetto in 5 secondi. Per esempio, tutti i processi Ruby: Ruby Uno, Ruby Bis e Ruby Ter, sarebbero finiti quando Ruby era ancora minorenne. Per non parlare della fine che faranno gli impiegati. Massì, via anche gli impiegati. Tu pensa l’Ibm è nata da ingegneri per fare dei computer e li ha fatti così bene che adesso i computer fanno fuori gli ingegneri. A spasso 300 milioni di lavoratori, e tra l’altro tutti qui nei Paesi avanzati". 


00:00 is of natural civic common sense, isn't it?
00:03 If the politics of this civic sense were intrusive,
00:07 instead of making videos to get consensus on the subject of work,
00:11 it would take care of the fact that soon a large part of the work
00:16 will be burned by artificial intelligence.
00:20 Now I'll show you the list of works at risk of extinction.
00:25 Chat, GPT and artificial intelligence, the 20 works at risk.
00:32 We start with cashiers, to get to the merchants,
00:36 passing through the postmen, the photographers,
00:39 and then the journalists, the lawyers, all replaced by the siliceous.
00:45 Is there a case in court?
00:48 Well, artificial intelligence reads in a moment all the acts,
00:52 gives the mood to today, and writes the verdict in 5 seconds.
00:56 For example, all the Rubi trials, Rubi 1, Rubi Bis, Rubi Ter,
01:06 would be over when Rubi was still a minor, because it takes 5 seconds.
01:11 Not to mention the end that the employees will have,
01:14 IBM's cashier suspends 7,800 jobs,
01:17 the new employees will be replaced by artificial intelligence.
01:22 Yes, but if the employees also go away,
01:26 think about IBM, born as engineers to make computers,
01:30 and he did so well that now the computers make the engineers.
01:33 It's wonderful, isn't it?
01:35 According to Goldman Sachs' study, there would be 300 million jobs at risk
01:40 because of the spread of artificial intelligence.
01:43 300 million workers at risk.
01:47 And among other things, all here, in the advanced countries,
01:50 there will be immigration, on the contrary.
01:52 We will be looking for jobs in Burkina Faso.
01:55 Excuse me, can you make me a cup of tea, please?
