• last year
(Adnkronos) - Al via la 2° edizione di Hydrogen Expo, l’innovativa mostra-convegno italiana dedicata al comparto tecnologico per lo sviluppo della filiera dell’idrogeno presso Piacenza Expo. A margine della cerimonia d’apertura ha parlato Francesco Rolleri, presidente di Confindustria Piacenza. 


00:00 What are the future projects of the company?
00:03 We have a number of companies that could be, or are already,
00:09 included in the important hydrogen industry.
00:13 We have many pleasant exhibitors and we are very happy about this
00:18 because we have this great ambition to become the European capital of hydrogen.
00:25 We need to work hard, we need to have big dreams to start the path.
00:31 We have been lucky enough to host the first hydrogen fair here in Piacenza for a few years.
00:39 This is the second edition and there is a great influx of people and I am really very happy.
