The Next Play - Dr. E. Dewey Smith

  • l’année dernière
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10:15 It's interesting that as that game was transpiring at the end of the game
10:22 against the UCLA Bruins against the Oregon Ducks,
10:25 with about two minutes left to go in overtime,
10:29 the ball got passed in somewhat of a disheveled way to a post player whose name was Moses Brown.
10:40 When Moses Brown received the basketball, he, with haste, because post players are not comfortable often with dribbling the basketball,
10:51 perimeter players, guards, forwards typically dribble the ball but not post players.
10:58 When he received the ball, because of the pressure that was on him,
11:04 he unintentionally tried to throw the ball to another teammate.
11:09 And he mistook the teammates direction and when he threw the ball,
11:13 with the desire to reach another teammate, unfortunately he threw it to a member of the Oregon Ducks
11:21 with the game on the line.
11:24 It was a huge and a costly mistake with the game on the line.
11:30 And as soon as he realized he turned the ball over, immediately his head dropped.
11:38 And his head dropped but yet there was still time on the clock for more game to be played.
11:43 And within a matter of seconds, after his head dropped, another of his teammates came to him and saw him with his head down
11:55 and saw the crucial mistake that Moses Brown had made and he decided that since time was left on the clock,
12:03 the point God decided to take his chin and lift his head up.
12:08 Those of us who are familiar with sports understand that sometimes victory or loss can be based on how you respond
12:17 once you've committed a costly penalty.
12:20 The truth of the matter is there's those in this room who've never played basketball but have turned the ball over,
12:29 have given our stuff away to somebody who wasn't supposed to have it.
12:33 Yeah, I wish I had time to talk but there's some kids in the room, there's some ladies in the room who can testify
12:40 that some stuff that belonged to you, you gave it to somebody who didn't deserve it
12:47 and who wasn't qualified to handle all of you.
12:50 And it'll make you sure enough drop your head.
12:55 The question is not about what do you do when you've turned the ball over,
12:59 when you've made mistakes and had penalties that have cost you victory.
13:03 The question is do you have anybody in proximity who can come along and say you can't do anything about what you just have done
13:12 but do you have anybody in your life who can come and take your chin and lift it slightly and lightly to simply say it's time for the next play.
13:23 And maybe there's somebody in this room today you cannot forgive yourself because of what you should have said,
13:29 what you could have said, what you would have said, what you could have done, what you should have done.
13:34 And I've learned that you can be paralyzed for years and never get over what you did in a previous play
13:42 because I've also discovered that many times in life family and even church folk love to regurgitate
13:51 and bring up the time when you inadvertently threw the ball away.
13:55 There are people in your life who will never let you live down what you did at the senior prom.
14:01 But the truth of the matter is I'm glad that I serve a God that when we come to him
14:08 he does not keep us stuck in what was but you and I have the ability to go to the next play.
14:18 And many of you sitting by in this room this morning have made a decision that it's time for you to go to the next play
14:23 because you know that God has something more in store for us.
14:27 He takes us from glory to glory and faith to faith.
14:30 Hear of St. Paul as he writes to his young mentee Timothy.
14:34 Wants to give them nuances about ministry because he wants him to understand that his life was one that had a next play dimension.
14:44 He writes to Timothy in some ways to defend his own apostleship because the Judaizers had come to bring up to question Paul's relevance
14:52 and Paul's authorization and Paul's proper credentialing.
14:55 Paul for all of his ministry had to deal with the reality that some folk didn't think he was qualified.
15:02 That some folk didn't think that he deserved a right to call himself apostle.
15:09 Can anybody give God praise that no matter how many old plays you have that you are ashamed of.
15:15 Paul also tells us if any person be in Christ they are a new creation.
15:20 Old things are passed away and behold all things become new.
15:25 I wish somebody would testify that we serve a God who can move you to the next play of life.
15:31 And here's somebody right now maybe you can't enjoy the new plays of relationship
15:37 because you're still stuck on the old play of Junebug.
15:40 Because Junebug left you and married Femay-Kwisha you feel that your life stopped with him.
15:46 Not realizing that sometimes God takes things out of your life in order to preserve and protect you
15:53 and provide something better for you in the next play.
15:57 Maybe that's some of you who lost some money in some businesses investing in some things in people that you should not have.
16:04 I tell you don't let shame and guilt paralyze you and keep you stuck on when you throw it away.
16:12 But today in a new month somebody shout I'm getting ready to find my strength back.
16:19 I'm getting ready to get my energy back and be back in the game because he that hath begun a good work in me.
16:26 That he's both the author and the finisher of my faith and God never starts until he finishes.
16:33 Does anybody realize tonight right now that God has something better for you in the next play.
16:38 If you believe that clap your hand right there and give him glory.
16:41 And here's what he says Paul realized that the Judaizers were like those who believe in Gnosticism.
16:48 Those who believe in Docetism and the Heresy of Rhetianism in the first century church.
16:52 They came on like hyenas trying to pounce on wounded prey.
16:59 They thought they were going to use Paul's past as a way to embarrass him.
17:04 But Paul said you can't keep me there because I've moved on to the next play.
17:08 There are some folk who think that they can hold your mess against you.
17:13 They can hold the pictures you sent them.
17:16 They can hold the thing that you said to them.
17:20 But do you not know that you don't have to fight your battles.
17:24 Y'all quiet on me here.
17:27 You serve a God.
17:29 Sometimes you got to be like Paul and learn how to tell on yourself.
17:32 Paul says listen you want to play my past preview when I threw the ball away in overtime.
17:38 That's alright Timothy let me tell you about it myself.
17:41 I've got some old plays in my life that I'm not proud of.
17:45 I'm embarrassed by but I've been able to move on to the next play.
17:50 And here is why I've been able to move on to the next play.
17:52 He said number one because he found me faithful.
17:56 Can the church say he found me faithful.
17:58 Look what he said in verse 12 he said I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who had enabled me for he counted me faithful.
18:05 Now please understand that he didn't say I was faithful.
18:10 He didn't say when he measured me equated to faithfulness.
18:18 He says when he looked at me through the lenses of the old play.
18:24 He decided to grade me on a curve.
18:28 And counted me as faithful even though my actions were the opposite of how he saw me.
18:34 I wish I had a witness right now and wish I had somebody who would give God praise.
18:38 That God has been faithful to us and sees us through the lenses of faithfulness.
18:43 But everybody can't appreciate this.
18:45 The only somebody who can appreciate this are those who look at your life and realize you have not always been faithful.
18:53 But in spite of your lack of faithfulness this morning God rode by in his golden chariot.
18:59 Chauffeured by the invisible winds.
19:02 Dispatched his darling angel to touch your body with the finger of love.
19:06 And let your eyes come open to greet the virgin light of a brand new day.
19:11 Met you this morning with a brand new set of mercies.
19:14 And because he found us faithful we ought to take a moment and say God thank you for seeing the best in me.
19:22 When everyone else around me could only see the worst in me you found me faithful.
19:28 But not only did he find me faithful.
19:31 Paul said I can move on to the next place on the ministry Timothy because he fixed my future.
19:36 Look what he said right here. He said I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who counted me faithful.
19:42 Look what he said in the end of verse 12. He says he put me in ministry.
19:46 Okay y'all got the brakes on me.
19:50 He said he put me in ministry.
19:53 Not that I had the credentials for it.
19:56 Not that I could execute the checks.
19:59 Not that I had hermeneutical accuracy and homiletical attractiveness.
20:03 He put me in ministry.
20:06 Not because of Euripides. Not because of Plato or Aristotle.
20:10 Not because of Hellenism. He put me in ministry.
20:15 When I didn't have the qualifications. When I didn't have the credentials.
20:18 When I didn't have the resources. When I didn't have the authorization of people to sign recommendation letters on my behalf.
20:25 He put me in ministry.
20:28 When even my family forsook me and didn't think the best of me.
20:31 He put me in ministry.
20:33 I'm trying to let y'all go in a few minutes and I am.
20:36 But I gotta put a quote in the media and park there for a second.
20:40 Because when I look at my life. So many things about my life and your life you didn't qualify for.
20:47 The only reason you're there is because he put you in it.
20:52 Can somebody testify? I don't know how I got a college degree.
20:55 I didn't have a rich uncle who paid my tuition.
20:58 I had to deal with crazy folk at financial aid every semester.
21:02 Lord I was drunk at homecoming. I was wild at midterms.
21:08 Somehow or someway four or five years later I made it out of college.
21:11 Can I tell you how? Cause God put you in it.
21:16 Somebody got a job that you didn't deserve or qualify for.
21:19 Didn't have the education, the credentials or the experience.
21:22 Folk on the job had more tenure than you.
21:25 But somehow you got it and they didn't. You know why?
21:28 Cause God put you in it.
21:30 Somebody got a house and a car that you know your credit was so tall you couldn't get a cab or parking binges on credit.
21:37 But somehow you got it. Can I tell you how you got it?
21:41 He put you in it.
21:43 Fourteen years ago when we bought this building, folk all over town and across the nation told me do it.
21:48 That second sanctuary, you need to tear it down cause it ain't gonna be good for nothing.
21:53 Can I tell you something? But fourteen years later,
21:56 the same folk who said it was raggedy, ain't good for nothing, how y'all like us now?
22:02 We worshiping that place for the first time. You know why?
22:06 Cause God put me in it.
22:07 And when God puts you in something, can't no hater, can't no devil, can't no ex, can't no relative, can't no teacher, can't nobody un-put you out of what God put you in.
22:20 Y'all do me a favor, point your hand at our superintendent and say, "Superintendent, you got the position."
22:26 Cause God put you there.
22:30 God put you in a place, God has the authority to do what God wants to do.
22:35 When he puts you in a walk-in bowl, that's what God has put you in.
22:40 Look at our neighbors, they stay in it, stay in it, stay in it, stay there.
22:43 And when he puts you in it, praise him for it.
22:46 When he puts you in it, give him glory for it.
22:48 When he puts you in it, give him honor for it.
22:50 Cause with everything I have, God puts it in!
22:55 God puts it in!
22:57 Yeah, he found me faithful.
23:07 Ah, ah, he put me in it.
23:12 Ah, y'all forgive me.
23:15 I ain't got happy.
23:18 He put me in it.
23:21 I never shall forget 33 years old, 33 years ago, when I started pastoring, one of the closest relatives to me, went to a whole group of people and said, "Y'all know what? Do it think that he ready to pastor.
23:37 He ain't nothing but a boy.
23:41 Give him 90 days.
23:44 He ain't built for it.
23:46 He ain't ready for it.
23:49 And the same folk that called him to pastor church, give him 90 days, they gonna send him away from there.
23:56 Can I tell you something?
23:58 Those 90 days, done turning in 33 years.
24:03 And the same one who said, "I ain't gonna make it," is the same one now who's down on his own luck.
24:11 Can I tell you why? Cause when God puts you in it, and do me a favor, don't get up trying to prove people wrong.
24:19 Let me put it in a... The devil is a liar. I get so sick of y'all, and so many of us about, "Let your haters be your motivators."
24:25 No, no, don't let your haters be your motivators, because what that means is when you get up in the morning, you got your haters on your mind.
24:33 I'm doing this to prove something wrong to my haters. That means your haters still got control over you.
24:42 Why do you let people who dog you out be on your mind every day, where their words have to motivate you?
24:48 Don't let your haters be your motivators, let your purpose be your motivator.
24:53 Let your destiny be your motivator.
24:56 Stop trying to prove people wrong, and start proving people right.
25:01 Forget what they think about you, walk in what God said about you.
25:06 And I wish somebody give God a praise right there, "He put me in it."
25:11 And that's why the old folks say, "This joy that I have, the world didn't give it!"
25:16 Somebody shout right up, "God put me in it. Whatever you got for me, put me in it."
25:27 Make it so clear. And I came with a prophetic word. God is getting ready to put somebody in increase.
25:35 God is getting ready to put somebody in breakthrough.
25:40 God is getting ready to put somebody's business in favor.
25:42 God is getting ready to put somebody in excess.
25:45 God is getting ready to put somebody in jobs and better jobs.
25:49 Raises and bonuses and unexpected checks.
25:52 God is getting ready to put somebody in peace in your household, and a positive balance in your checkbook.
25:58 God is getting ready to put somebody in the loved one being saved.
26:01 If you believe God is going to put you in it, take a moment and give Him glory for what He's getting ready to put you in.
26:09 Woo!
26:10 Open your mouth and say, "Put me in it!"
26:15 Bless me.
26:24 Bless me.
26:26 Enlarge my territory.
26:32 Hey!
26:37 He found me faithful.
26:40 He fixed my future.
26:42 Let me cut across the field.
26:44 Lastly, He fortified me with favor.
26:48 I say, "He fortified me with favor."
26:51 He said, "Timothy, let me tell you about myself. I was in the last place a blasphemer.
26:58 I was in the last place a persecutor.
27:04 I was in the last place injurious.
27:07 I held a culture to men who stoned Steve.
27:10 I was going around trying to lock up the people who were part of this movement called away.
27:14 Let me tell you the truth about myself. I was a mess in my last place.
27:20 In my last chapter. That was the time you would have caught me in church at 9 o'clock on a Sunday morning.
27:27 Look how y'all looking at me now.
27:29 That's something y'all can admit. You just would have been getting home.
27:33 From throwing your money on the stage to the shoe models.
27:35 Y'all got the break zone doing this morning.
27:38 That was the time I wouldn't have been in church. If I was, I wouldn't have been sober.
27:42 Yeah, I got a last place in my life. I was a blasphemer.
27:46 I was a persecutor. I was injurious. Don't y'all make me wrong.
27:52 Verse 13. I was a blasphemer.
27:58 I was a persecutor.
28:01 I was injurious.
28:03 Don't make me shout.
28:05 But.
28:08 Conjunction.
28:14 But.
28:16 Negation of the latter.
28:19 Anticipation of the former.
28:21 But.
28:23 Old play reversed.
28:25 Y'all quiet on me here.
28:27 New play induced.
28:30 But.
28:31 I thank God.
28:33 For but.
28:35 Yeah, amazing grace.
28:37 How sweet the sound.
28:39 That saved a wretch like me.
28:41 I once was lost.
28:43 Now I'm found.
28:45 I was blind.
28:47 Now I see.
28:49 I thank God for but.
28:51 I was sinking deep in sin.
28:53 Far from the peaceful shore.
28:55 Very deeply staying within. Sinking to rise no more.
28:59 The master.
29:00 Of the sea heard my despairing cry.
29:03 And from the water lifted me not safe.
29:05 And my.
29:07 I was shackled by a heavy burden.
29:09 Leave the Lord a gift and shame.
29:11 Then the hand of Jesus touched me.
29:13 And now I'm no longer the same.
29:15 For even the youth shall faint and be weary.
29:17 And the young men shall utterly fall.
29:20 They that wait upon the Lord.
29:24 Shall renew their strength.
29:27 They shall mount up.
29:29 Y'all still acting bougie.
29:31 Weeping may endure for the night.
29:35 Oh.
29:38 I was a blasphemer.
29:42 I was a persecutor.
29:44 I was injurious.
29:46 But I obtained mercy.
29:49 Because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.
29:52 Here's my favor.
29:54 And the grace.
29:56 Of our Lord.
29:58 And the chariots of our couriers.
30:01 With exceeding abundantly.
30:03 With pistachios and agape.
30:05 Which is in Yeshua.
30:07 Christos. He said what God did for me.
30:10 Is he found every place.
30:13 Where I had faults.
30:16 And he surrounded my faults.
30:20 With favor.
30:23 With favor.
30:24 Can I tell y'all something?
30:28 Your boy.
30:30 Has made a lot of mistakes.
30:32 Not just in my BC days.
30:36 Not just my before Christ days.
30:42 Not before I had a preacher's license.
30:46 Y'all quiet on me.
30:48 Not before I came to the house of hope.
30:51 But I've made some mistakes.
30:53 Like Paul.
30:55 Over and over again.
30:58 I don't deserve to be preaching to nobody.
31:02 I'm going to tell you the truth about me.
31:05 Some of y'all were born with a hymn book in one hand.
31:08 And a bible in the other.
31:11 Some of y'all have never made a mistake.
31:14 You came out your mama's womb speaking in tongues.
31:19 Some of y'all so holy.
31:21 You never had a mucus in your nose.
31:23 Never had any gastrointestinal activity.
31:27 Some of y'all so righteous.
31:29 You ain't never even passed gas.
31:31 But me. Your boy.
31:34 I've emitted some stuff that didn't smell good.
31:38 I've had some issues in my life.
31:41 That if it were not for the grace of God.
31:46 And so today I stop by to tell y'all.
31:49 Don't let your past.
31:51 Keep you stuck.
31:53 But make up within your mind.
31:55 That if God be for me.
31:57 Who can be against me.
32:01 I gotta close this message now.
32:03 But make up in your mind.
32:05 That whatever you need.
32:07 That we serve a God.
32:09 Who will make sure.
32:11 That the last chapter is not the last chapter of your life.
32:15 Do me a favor.
32:16 Look at a neighbor. Say neighbor.
32:18 Move on to the next play.
32:20 Say move on to the next play.
32:23 Cause God has a reward waiting for you.
32:26 If you just can get.
32:28 To the next play.
32:30 I gotta close here.
32:32 But I'm reminded of an old story.
32:34 There was an old lady who went down.
32:37 To the grocery store.
32:39 She was an old lady who lived in poverty.
32:44 And she didn't have any money.
32:47 All she had was faith in God.
32:52 And a letter that her mama had given her.
32:55 Before she died.
32:57 Her mother told her if you ever get in need.
33:01 And pull out this letter.
33:05 And your need will be supplied.
33:08 She went down to the grocery store.
33:12 She found the grocery store manager.
33:14 She said sir I don't have any money.
33:18 All I have.
33:20 Is this letter that my mama gave me.
33:23 Before she died.
33:25 All I have is faith in God.
33:29 And mama said if I get in need.
33:32 Pull out this letter.
33:34 The old manager was an atheist.
33:36 Who said I'm gonna make a fool out of the old lady.
33:40 He said I tell you what go get all the groceries you want.
33:43 Put them in your grocery cart.
33:45 And bring me your groceries.
33:48 I'll bring a scale out of the meat department.
33:51 And I'll put your groceries.
33:54 On one side of a scale.
33:56 And I'll put this little flimsy letter.
33:59 On the other side of the scale.
34:02 And if your letter weighs more than the groceries.
34:05 You can take the groceries on home.
34:09 He was looking for a fool.
34:11 But the old lady was living by faith.
34:14 She got a grocery cart.
34:16 Went to the meat department.
34:19 She got some cube steak.
34:21 She got some shrimp.
34:24 She got some lobster.
34:27 She got some turkey.
34:29 She got some oxtails.
34:32 She got some eggs.
34:34 Some milk and some juice.
34:38 Some water and some cleaning supplies.
34:40 She got some corn.
34:42 Peas.
34:44 Greens.
34:46 And tomatoes.
34:48 And she filled that grocery cart.
34:50 Up to the register.
34:52 Up to the top.
34:54 She went back to the store manager.
34:57 Who brought the meat department scale.
35:00 To the front of the store.
35:02 But unbeknownst to him.
35:04 When they brought the scale out the meat department.
35:07 The chain got dislodged.
35:10 So what he did.
35:12 He put her groceries.
35:14 On one side of the scale.
35:16 He took that letter.
35:18 And put the letter on the other side.
35:21 And when he put the letter on the other side.
35:24 He hit the scale.
35:26 Where the letter was.
35:29 What he did not know.
35:31 When he hit the scale.
35:33 With the letter.
35:36 The chain broke.
35:37 And you all know what happened.
35:39 The letter.
35:41 Outweighed the groceries.
35:43 I said the letter.
35:45 Outweighed the groceries.
35:47 That man.
35:49 Started fussing.
35:51 And cussing.
35:53 But that old lady.
35:55 Started dancing.
35:57 Shouting.
35:59 Jumping.
36:01 Running around.
36:03 And speaking in tongues.
36:05 You're not saying nothing to me.
36:07 She was praying God.
36:10 Going home.
36:12 With groceries all in her arms.
36:14 That man came behind her.
36:16 And said old lady.
36:18 I need to see.
36:20 What that letter said.
36:23 She gave him the letter.
36:25 He opened up the letter.
36:27 Can I tell you what the letter said?
36:30 The letter said.
36:33 But my God.
36:35 Shall supply.
36:37 All.
36:39 Of your need.
36:41 According to his riches.
36:43 Up in glory.
36:45 Do me a favor.
36:47 Look at a neighbor.
36:49 And say neighbor.
36:51 Forget about.
36:53 The past plague.
36:55 Forget about.
36:57 What happened yesterday.
36:59 And the future.
37:02 Today.
37:03 I'm pressing on.
37:05 The upward way.
37:07 New heights.
37:09 New heights.
37:11 New heights I'm gaining.
37:13 Every day.
37:15 Still praying.
37:17 As I onward bow.
37:19 Lord.
37:21 Plant my feet.
37:23 Y'all ain't gonna help me preach here.
37:25 Do me one last favor.
37:27 Say neighbor.
37:29 You looking at somebody.
37:32 Who's got some bad stuff.
37:33 In the last place.
37:35 But the good news is.
37:38 Be not dismayed.
37:40 Whatever befall you.
37:42 The Lord.
37:45 The Lord.
37:49 The Lord.
38:00 The Lord.
38:01 The Lord.
38:06 We'll take care of you.
38:08 Won't he take care of you.
38:10 Do me a favor.
38:12 Touch two people on the shoulder.
38:14 Say get to the next place.
38:16 Get to it.
38:23 Get to it.
38:27 The Lord.
38:28 Y'all stay.
38:36 Y'all stay in.
38:38 Hold the door.
38:43 Listen.
38:52 If you are here today.
38:56 The Lord.
38:57 The Lord.
38:59 The Lord.
39:02 The Lord.
39:04 The Lord.
39:06 The Lord.
39:08 The Lord.
39:10 The Lord.
39:12 The Lord.
39:14 The Lord.
39:16 The Lord.
39:18 The Lord.
39:20 The Lord.
39:22 The Lord.
39:25 The Lord.
39:26 The Lord.
39:28 The Lord.
39:30 The Lord.
39:32 The Lord.
39:34 The Lord.
39:37 The Lord.
39:39 The Lord.
39:41 The Lord.
39:43 The Lord.
39:45 The Lord.
39:47 The Lord.
39:49 The Lord.
39:51 The Lord.
39:54 The Lord.
39:55 The Lord.
39:57 The Lord.
40:00 The Lord.
40:02 The Lord.
40:04 The Lord.
40:06 The Lord.
40:08 The Lord.
40:10 The Lord.
40:12 The Lord.
40:14 The Lord.
40:16 The Lord.
40:18 The Lord.
40:20 The Lord.
40:23 Lift your head up.
40:26 The psalmist put it this way, thine O Lord are shield for me. My glory and the
40:52 lifter. Don't let depression, don't let what they did, don't let what they said.
41:03 That's all I came to tell you today. Next play. I lift up mine eyes to the hills
41:16 from from whence cometh my help. Get to the next play. Listen, you hear that you're not born
41:24 again. One day we're gonna leave the old play of time, we're going to eternity. Now
41:32 the next play called heaven and only those who lifted their eyes to accept
41:37 Jesus will qualify for the next play. As I let you go shortly, say preacher I'm
41:45 not sure I'm saved, I'm going to heaven. That's you, I want you to step in the aisle. I want
41:50 you to come down here right quick. Next week we're gonna have a QR code where
41:54 you can do it by on the screen. But if you're here, you're not sure if you died
41:57 you're going to heaven. I gotta let y'all go. You want to accept Jesus today as
42:01 your Lord and your Savior. It's a new worship place but it's the same Savior.
42:06 And I feel glory here.
42:11 This is gonna be like old-time church. I can feel it all in my bones. You hear, you
42:17 don't have a church home. Yeah, I see you're not sure if you died you're going
42:21 to heaven. Come on, I see you coming. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
42:26 Ministers, y'all walk down. Y'all come on down. You come take this seat right here.
42:29 Yeah, come on, come on. Y'all come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, give God praise.
42:33 Give this God praise. Maybe you don't have a church home. You need a church home, a
42:38 place where you can grow in the Lord. That's you. Come on down here right now.
42:41 Come on down here right now. Or maybe you strayed away but you want to get back
42:44 into right fellowship with God. Come on, come on, come on. Come on, man of God. Come
42:49 on. I need Christ. I need a church. I need to make some changes in my life. Come on
42:54 down here right now. Y'all give these young men a hand. The young men here, I'm
42:58 waiting for the little... Come on, come on, come on. Is there another? Is there another? I
43:03 want Jesus as my Lord and my Savior. Come on, come on, if you're here.
43:07 I want Christ. I want to be in a church. If you're watching online and you want
43:12 to be a part of a church where you can grow, come on, while on the screen, you can
43:15 text the word salvation, connect or prayer. Come on, we thank God for these
43:20 who've come. Is there anybody else who wants to come? I'm not sure I'm going to
43:23 heaven. Preacher, I'm not sure I'm going to heaven when I die. Preacher, I don't have a
43:29 church home. Preacher, I strayed away. I got so caught up in the relationship that
43:33 went bad. Got so caught up in my criminal record. I got so caught up in the stuff I
43:37 did that was stupid. I can't forgive myself. Sometimes our biggest
43:42 enemy is the enemy that's in me. If Christ has forgiven you, why you can't
43:49 forgive yourself? That's all I can encourage somebody today is to lift up
43:54 your head. Yes, lift up your head. Yes, yes, if you're here. Is there another who
44:01 wants to come? Hallelujah. Is there another who wants to come? I'm
44:06 waiting for you. My storage is empty. Come on, hallelujah. And I am available.
44:17 Y'all give God a hand clap of praise for these who've come. Listen, as we're
44:21 leaving, as we're leaving, as you remain standing, remain standing, this is what I
44:26 need you to do for me. I think we, we do have, listen, here's a good thing. Since
44:35 you're over here, we have food right next door, after the service. So you simply go
44:42 out, turn to your right. Y'all give these a hand who walking, who are leaving out now,
44:46 those who came, y'all give a hand, listen. So while you're leaving, and some of you
44:53 may be asked to get some recordings for our, to tell what you feel about the
44:57 worship experience. Somebody from the media ministry may ask you, tell
45:01 them what you thought about the worship experience, tell them. And so we can
45:05 accommodate you. And also on to what we're going to do on tomorrow, we're
45:10 gonna have something on the website. We want you to give us constructive
45:15 feedback from the first service here. I want to hear from you, your thoughts
45:20 about how we can improve. There are a lot of things we're going to improve that we
45:24 ran out of time, but I want to hear from you. I want to make sure that you're
45:26 comfortable and that we address as many concerns that are constructive as
45:30 possible. Now some folks just gonna be negative. They can't help it. They're just
45:36 negative nances. But if something that you can help improve it, because
45:40 we're gonna be here for a minute, we're gonna be here for a minute,
45:45 but we want to make it as comfortable and worshipful as possible for you, and
45:50 while we're here. So on tomorrow you can go to where it says feedback from the
45:53 summer switch and you just leave us what you feel so we can take
45:57 care of it okay now before we leave this is what I need you to do
