• l’année dernière
À Pinsot, dans la commune nouvelle du Haut-Bréda (Isère), il n'y avait plus de fromagerie depuis 13 ans. C'est un jeune architecte de 39 ans, Aurélien Gillier, qui a décidé de reprendre la production. Il change de métier après avoir suivi les formations pour devenir fromager.


00:00 I'm melting the stone and heating it to make the tome.
00:02 Aurélien has been making the tome for 10 years.
00:05 I'm a training architect, but I actually trained myself on the alpages of Beaufort.
00:10 I've been doing alpages for 8 years and it's really a passion.
00:13 You're taking a financial risk.
00:14 The system with 12 dairy cows with a transformation of almost half of the milk into yogurt.
00:20 On yogurt, we value the liter a lot for its price.
00:23 And the fact that we have few structural charges, that is, few new buildings, etc.,
00:28 makes it very efficient at the economic level.
00:31 These are the systems of the future of agriculture.
00:33 So when you see Aurélien settling in the valley, 13 years later, what does it mean to you?
00:37 I'm delighted.
00:39 I think that young people now are brave, they settle, but it's not necessarily for life.
00:44 Especially when you're not from the valley.
00:46 Monique Ferrier and her husband were the last to make cheese in the Haut-Breda.
00:50 With this participatory funding, Aurélien found the money that the banks didn't give him.
00:56 Access to mountain farms is quite complex.
00:58 The owners don't like to over-update the rental of the farms.
01:01 It's a fragility vis-à-vis the banks.
01:04 I need to be able to manufacture and sell when my cows will have milk again.
01:09 The 20,000 euros will be used to manufacture a mobile cheese factory on a 6.80 meter trailer,
01:15 something never seen before in the old people's homes.
