King Of The Hill Season 2 Episode 6 Husky Bobby

  • l’année dernière


00:00 [Music]
00:20 [Bell ringing]
00:24 [Music]
00:33 You know why I like shell ones?
00:36 Because I can always find something I like.
00:39 Like those work shoes.
00:41 A fella could get a lot of work done in shoes like that.
00:44 Do you think those earrings would look nice on me, Hank?
00:47 You gotta think practical, Peggy.
00:50 Earrings don't keep you warm.
00:52 [Music]
00:58 I can't get these to work.
01:00 Come on, son. It's not like there's a science to doing up your pants.
01:05 Try to work with these, honey. They're on sale.
01:08 Excuse me. Can you show us how to operate these pants?
01:12 We're having some trouble.
01:15 Ah, well, can I talk to you privately for a moment?
01:20 I'm wondering if maybe... Oh, gee, how do I put this?
01:23 Well, maybe it's not quite the right time in your son's life for shell ones.
01:27 What are you talking about?
01:29 Well, I just wonder if he might feel a bit more at home at a store like H. Dumpty's.
01:34 What's H. Dumpty's?
01:36 H. Dumpty's is a store with special sizes for special kids.
01:40 Are you talking about a fat kid's store?
01:43 Oh, well, that word won't win you any friends at H. Dumpty's.
01:47 Do you really think Bobby is special in that way?
01:52 Ma'am, for his height, your son is a very special child.
01:56 Well, let's go tell Bobby he's fat.
01:59 No, Hank. This is a very sensitive situation for a little boy.
02:05 We have to break it to him gently.
02:10 Where are we going?
02:12 Well, we are going to a place called H. Dumpty's, Bobby.
02:16 What's that? A restaurant?
02:18 It's a clothing store.
02:20 Oh, a different kind of clothing store.
02:23 How is it different?
02:25 Well, every snowflake is different in its own beautiful, God-given way. Right, Hank?
02:33 Uh, sure. Some are a whole lot bigger than others.
02:38 But that does not make them any less beautiful.
02:43 Are you taking me to the vet?
02:49 Now, this is my kind of store.
02:52 Mm-hmm. So many overalls. Fun collars, too. Just super.
02:56 You'd never guess they could stretch as they do and still keep their shape.
03:01 Must be using some sort of advanced polymer.
03:04 What do you think about that, boy?
03:07 Why do they have to expand so much?
03:10 Oh, I don't know. For sports and skateboarding and things like that.
03:15 A juvenile is always stretching his clothes, you see.
03:21 These kids don't look like they like sports.
03:25 Oh, sure they do. They're wearing sneakers and baseball caps, aren't they?
03:31 This is a fat kid's store.
03:33 Oh, Bobby, we love you so much.
03:36 Oh, Lord.
03:38 I don't want to be here.
03:40 Now, son, come on. It's no big deal.
03:43 We're just shopping for clothes. You've got nothing to feel bad about.
03:47 In fact, you should be proud. You should be proud of who you are.
03:51 Yes, proud, because you are different.
03:54 And being different is the best thing in the whole wide world.
03:59 Is that true, Dad?
04:02 Uh, it sure is, son. It sure is.
04:07 [♪♪♪]
04:12 What do you think?
04:14 I think I have never seen such a handsome young man in all of my life.
04:20 These shorts fit. There's no lines.
04:26 Hey, I'm dressed like a football coach.
04:29 You call that a block?
04:32 Look at me. I'm a minister.
04:36 That's terrific, son.
04:41 Uh, excuse me. I'm Hal Dumpty, the owner here at H. Dumpty's.
04:46 I couldn't help noticing your son.
04:48 I'm sorry for the disruption. I'll give him a talking to.
04:52 No, no, no. I love his enthusiasm.
04:54 You do?
04:55 Mm-hmm. I want you to know, son, you look great in my clothes.
05:00 We're about to put an ad in the Arlen Bystander. I'd like him to model for us.
05:05 You want my son to be a fashion model?
05:08 Sure. Why not?
05:09 Yeah, Dad. Why not?
05:12 Uh, because, uh, because we're very, very busy. That's why.
05:18 We've got a lot to do today.
05:20 Well, the photo shoot's not until tomorrow.
05:22 We have even less time then. Thank you.
05:25 Well, what are we doing tomorrow, Hank?
05:27 Something very special. I didn't have time to tell you about it.
05:30 That's how little time we have.
05:33 This is a fat kid's door.
05:37 Oh, Lord.
05:39 Hey, Lou Anne. Don't I look handsome?
05:45 Something looks different about you. Did I cut your hair?
05:49 I got new clothes. Watch this.
05:52 No rips. We found a better store for me.
05:55 All this time I thought I was an extra, extra large, but that's why my clothes never fit right.
06:01 Turns out I'm a medium.
06:04 Guess what else?
06:06 They even wanted to take my picture and be in an ad on account of how handsome I look.
06:13 You mean they want you to model?
06:15 Bobby, this is a dream come true.
06:18 It is?
06:19 Oh, yeah. Bobby, models are some of the happiest people on earth.
06:25 I like being happy.
06:27 Do you have someone to do your hair?
06:29 I don't even have a ride.
06:31 Well, I could drive you. I'll be your driver/stylist.
06:35 I'm working towards getting my license in both.
06:38 Hey, this isn't a restaurant review. It's a paid advertisement.
06:44 Dad, a man took pictures of me.
06:47 What?
06:48 I was a model for the H-Dump Disaster.
06:50 What? I thought we agreed I was too busy for you to model.
06:54 Lou Anne took me.
06:57 Ah!
06:59 Ah!
07:01 Ah!
07:03 Oh, yeah, that's my favorite, too.
07:05 That's the one that's gonna be in tomorrow's paper tomorrow.
07:09 Ah!
07:12 If you run that ad in your paper, my son could never go back to school.
07:19 You've seen his picture. You can tell he's not very good with his fists.
07:25 [car door opens]
07:27 [music]
07:30 Oh, uh, morning, Bill.
07:48 Did you come over to have breakfast with me 'cause you thought I was lonely?
07:53 Uh, sure.
07:55 All right. I'll start grating the potatoes.
07:59 You know, uh, I don't know if you really want to make too big of a deal out of this, Bobby.
08:13 Why not? I got my picture taken, I made $40, and they let me keep the underwear.
08:20 I'm still wearing it, Dad.
08:23 Uh-huh. Okey-dokey.
08:25 Well, thank you very much for calling. We certainly will.
08:29 Okay, buh-bye.
08:31 Well, that was the second biggest talent agent in all of Arlen.
08:36 He says he saw the ad and he wants to meet us.
08:39 He says he can get Bobby lots of work.
08:41 Wow! Where do I sign?
08:43 Uh, Peggy?
08:49 Why are you encouraging Bobby?
08:52 I'm trying to contain an outbreak here and you're driving the monkey to the airport.
08:56 What is the harm in letting Bobby do something that makes him feel good about himself?
09:00 What's the harm?
09:02 Peggy, kids always victimize the one who's different.
09:06 Believe me, I know.
09:09 Hey, fatty! You are fat!
09:15 Well, times have changed, thank goodness.
09:18 In today's world, we celebrate our differences. Don't you watch TV?
09:22 You know very well I watch TV.
09:25 Well, maybe you should watch a little more closely.
09:28 The daytime talk shows are just full of people who are standing up and saying,
09:32 "I am different! I am proud of it! Get used to it! Woo!"
09:37 I'm not saying Bobby shouldn't be proud.
09:40 I'm just saying he should keep it to himself.
09:43 And if that means one day he ends up on Oprah with nothing to say, well, then so be it.
09:49 Hank, shh! Look. Look how happy he is.
09:52 I got my birth certificate, a leaf I found, and now this.
09:58 Oh.
10:00 Do you really want to take that away from him?
10:03 Hey, take a seat. Can I get you something? Water?
10:11 It's in a bottle?
10:14 When you reach the top, son, you'll find most everything is.
10:18 Miss Hill?
10:19 Oh, I'm not thirsty now, but thank you.
10:22 The H-Jumpties ad was a great start,
10:25 but I think with the right handling, you could be the next Andy Maynard.
10:30 Hey, I've seen that guy. He likes his sundae, even on a Monday.
10:35 I didn't even know he was real.
10:37 He's real all right. As in real hot.
10:41 Next week, I got him headlining at the Little Junior Plus fashion show.
10:45 Is that something Bobby could do?
10:47 One step at a time, Mrs. Hill.
10:49 There's a catalog shoot tomorrow for Caulfields of Texas.
10:53 They're launching a new line of clothing called Gravitas.
10:57 I want that account.
11:00 Hey there, son. What do you say we toss the old pigskin around?
11:06 Get a little exercise?
11:08 No, I don't think so, Dad.
11:10 I got a catalog shoot coming up. I gotta watch my shape.
11:14 Tell you what. You play a little catch with your old man this afternoon,
11:18 and I'll buy you that album you want by those guys I hate.
11:22 Thanks, but I already got it. My agent gave me an advance.
11:27 I also got that bike helmet you said you'd buy me if my grades improved.
11:32 Oh, raked and bagged, Bobby.
11:35 Thanks, Mr. Dill-Tree.
11:37 No, thank you, sir.
11:39 Hey, Hank.
11:42 Raking the yard is your job, Bobby.
11:45 I know, but I got a career to think about now.
11:49 The yard is raked, but this peanut butter's not gonna eat itself.
11:54 Well, back to work.
11:56 Well, we're off to the photo shoot, Hank. See you there later.
12:03 Photo shoot? What's this about a photo shoot?
12:07 Uh, nothing.
12:09 I'm just, uh, getting some family portraits taken.
12:14 [laughing]
12:16 Ah, so family boy's getting his portrait taken. Whee!
12:21 Did you bring your comb?
12:23 [laughing]
12:26 Funny.
12:27 Yeah, man, I tell you what, man.
12:29 I got so pretty up in that little old man's hair on off the side, man.
12:33 I did like, get my good side, man.
12:35 You're a dang old pretty sissy, dad, like that.
12:37 You know, you guys ought to watch it.
12:39 Making fun of people like that, you could hurt their feelings.
12:43 [laughing]
12:48 Man, yeah.
12:50 Bobby!
13:17 Hey, dad, you're just in time.
13:19 We're coming off of five and now we're gonna shoot another set up.
13:23 Grab a plate and settle. That means be quiet.
13:26 Do you have any idea how you look?
13:29 On camera or off, because they're two very different things.
13:33 Can we please have it quiet?
13:36 Carlo is a little upset today. He had a spat with Orlando.
13:41 I am learning so much.
13:44 Yoo-hoo! Over here, Hank.
13:46 My God, Peggy, I feel like I've died and gone to New York.
13:50 Come on, this is very exciting.
13:52 I think Bobby may have found his calling.
13:55 The director wants to put Bobby in the Little Junior Plus fashion show.
14:00 The Little Junior what?
14:02 Plus! It's this weekend.
14:05 Now, Orlando says they're going to broadcast it on Arlen Cable Access.
14:08 But don't tell Carlo.
14:10 Oh, no, don't tell Carlo.
14:11 Why would I tell anything to Carlo?
14:14 Who the hell is Carlo?
14:16 Okay. It's your birthday, yes?
14:24 You're older now.
14:26 Where has the time gone, little man?
14:28 Yes! That's it!
14:30 And you make a wish for something magical.
14:34 Don't tell!
14:35 Run! Run! Run! You look at you go!
14:42 Go to the 50! Go to the 60!
14:44 This is your Olympic dream come true!
14:47 Oh, they try to tackle you, but you won't let them because you look too fantastic.
14:54 Hey, there, lifeguard. Look at you.
14:57 Up on your purse so high.
14:59 All around you, they splash and splash, but not you.
15:03 Cut! Cut! That's it. Go home, everybody.
15:06 None of this ever happened.
15:08 Hank, what are you doing?
15:09 I'm not doing anything.
15:11 I'm not even here. None of us are. Let's go.
15:14 Hanky?
15:21 No!
15:22 Dad!
15:24 No!
15:25 Uncle?
15:27 No!
15:28 You don't even know what I was going to say.
15:32 It's not fair. I've been looking forward to this fashion show for hours.
15:37 I want to be a part of history.
15:40 Please?
15:41 Bobby, there are times when a father knows best, and this is one of those times.
15:46 My hair is caught in the door.
15:53 It's really our fault, Peggy.
15:58 Somewhere along the line, we forgot to teach Bobby shame.
16:02 I guess we can't count on the schools for everything.
16:06 Well, good night. Don't worry. By tomorrow, he'll have forgotten all about that fashion show.
16:13 Morning, Peggy. Where's Bobby?
16:33 Don't tell me he's still sleeping.
16:35 Why not? What's he got to wake up for?
16:38 I'd better go talk to him.
16:41 Bobby, I know you're probably pretty upset with me right now,
16:49 but one day you'll understand how much love it takes to crush a little boy's dreams.
16:54 Now, what do you say we get up and have some breakfast together?
16:58 Bobby?
17:01 Ugh!
17:02 Quick, Luanne! Bobby's run off! You gotta tell me where he is!
17:09 Oh, no, not you, too!
17:13 Ahh!
17:14 I'm in a crisis situation here. I gotta go find Bobby.
17:18 You two take turns kicking each other's asses.
17:22 [♪♪♪]
17:25 I'm Bobby Hill. I'm here for the show.
17:44 Ah, yes, Bobby Hill, your talent.
17:47 Oh.
17:48 Here's your complimentary tote bag.
17:50 Toilet water. Cool.
17:53 That's like for an emergency or something, right?
17:56 It does not matter how fast you drive, Peg. We will never get there on time.
18:00 We might as well face it. We're missing his big moment.
18:03 No, we're stopping his big moment.
18:06 I didn't fill up with 89 octane for nothing.
18:09 What is this?
18:17 It's a fashion show for plus-size boys.
18:20 There's going to be music and a fog machine, and it all goes to benefit the schools.
18:24 Plus free donuts.
18:26 We'll do it for the schools.
18:28 [♪♪♪]
18:31 Hey, you're Andy Maynard!
18:43 Duh.
18:44 I'm gonna be in the show with you.
18:46 Hey, don't put your stuff down there. I called this whole makeup counter.
18:50 Did you get a free bag?
18:52 Yeah, but it's the worst one I've ever seen.
18:56 Yeah.
18:57 Hey, do you want to get into trouble?
18:59 No.
19:00 Then get me a brownie.
19:02 [♪♪♪]
19:08 [♪♪♪]
19:34 Relax, relax. It's nothing I haven't seen before.
19:38 Buh-huh.
19:40 Hey, never say I don't hustle for you, Bobby.
19:44 It's a done deal. You're going on first.
19:47 First? Me?
19:49 But what will Andy Maynard think?
19:52 I'll tell you what Andy Maynard thinks.
19:56 Andy Maynard always goes on first.
20:02 Do you really think I'm ready for this?
20:05 I don't think you're ready. I know you are.
20:09 Now go out there and knock 'em dead, sailor boy.
20:13 Are you gonna come quietly or do I carry you out baby tantrum style?
20:18 You can't make me leave, Dad. I'm going on first.
20:22 I've never been first in anything.
20:25 Tell you what, you can be the first to drop out of this show. Come on.
20:29 Why are you always trying to turn me into you?
20:32 Why can't you accept me for who I am?
20:36 Yeah, yeah, we both saw that after school special,
20:40 but I'm not an alcoholic and you're not an ice skater, so let's go.
20:45 But it's not fair.
20:47 Oh, come on, son. I'm just trying to keep you from being embarrassed.
20:51 Is that what you're afraid of? Or are you afraid you'll be embarrassed?
20:58 Come on, Bobby. Let's go.
21:01 Are you too sexy for your shirt or aren't you?
21:04 I'm sorry, Mr. Stokes. I want to do the show, but my dad won't let me.
21:09 I guess I'll never get my moment in the spotlight.
21:14 Bobby, wait.
21:16 Yes, Dad?
21:18 Why don't you drape this poncho over you till we get to the car?
21:21 Ladies and gentlemen, the Arlen gang.
21:26 The Arlen Galleria Plex is proud to present
21:30 Little Junior Plus, fashions for a new millennium.
21:36 No, no, let me go.
21:39 I have to get out there before the whales pounce confetti.
21:44 See you later, navigator.
21:48 [applause]
22:12 Carlo! Carlo! Help!
22:40 Hey, where did he go?
22:42 Right here to find you.
22:45 [grunts]
22:47 [grunts]
22:49 [grunts]
22:59 [grunts]
23:09 [grunts]
23:11 Wow, Dad. How did you know this was gonna happen?
23:23 Well, I just know something about human nature, son.
23:26 If you put teenagers and husky boys and donuts all in the same place,
23:31 you're just asking for trouble.
23:33 I feel good right now.
23:36 I feel like this guy will get me out of anything.
23:39 I'm gonna have Bill wash your car.
23:42 It goes to show a father knows what's best for his kid.
23:46 And the mother, although well-meaning, is usually wrong.
23:50 Usually wrong?
23:52 My lifetime average is still higher than yours, mister.
23:56 Or have you forgotten Solo Flex?
23:58 All right, no need to bring that up.
24:01 Don't worry, Peggy. I'll use it every day.
24:04 It's cheaper than going to the gym.
24:06 Okay, you've made your point.
24:08 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, chest, shoulder, and back.
24:12 Okay.
24:15 [theme music]
24:18 [theme music]
24:22 [theme music]
24:26 [theme music]
24:29 (Instrumental)
