00:00 [music]
00:12 [laughing]
00:14 [speaking Spanish]
00:18 [laughing]
00:20 But surely our amigos in the village will come and rescue us, no?
00:25 [music]
00:31 [speaking Spanish]
00:38 Why not do some of us attempt the rescue of our amigos, unfortunate senores?
00:44 [speaking Spanish]
00:47 Because it is hopeless, amigos. No mouse is a match for that pussycato grosso.
00:51 He is mucho too fast and ferocioso.
00:55 There is one mouse, amigos, who is a match for that gringo pussycato.
01:00 Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico.
01:04 [speaking Spanish]
01:08 But amigos, why for would Speedy Gonzales come all the way here from Guadalajara?
01:14 [speaking Spanish]
01:23 Speedy Gonzales would come all the way from Guadalajara to visit anybody, Sister Carmela.
01:29 [laughing]
01:36 [speaking Spanish]
01:44 [speaking Spanish]
01:46 [phone ringing]
01:50 [speaking Spanish]
01:58 [phone ringing]
02:01 Hello? Are you there?
02:03 No, I am here. At your service, my little enchilada.
02:07 [speaking Spanish]
02:19 Hola, pussycato. I, Speedy Gonzales, have come to rescue me compadres.
02:23 Oh, certainly, certainly. Let me open the gate for you.
02:28 [laughing]
02:30 Be my guest.
02:31 [speaking Spanish]
02:38 [sniffing]
02:41 [sniffing]
02:52 [sniffing]
02:53 [cheering]
03:01 [speaking Spanish]
03:06 [speaking Spanish]
03:09 [sniffing]
03:14 [screaming]
03:17 [laughing]
03:42 [speaking Spanish]
03:47 Now, amigos, we are done with that stupid gato. We pull a Trojan dog trick.
03:53 [barking]
04:05 [barking]
04:15 This time, amigos, I bring back all the rest.
04:18 [barking]
04:29 Yee-haw!
04:31 [crashing]
04:34 This time, we make like Archie, Cinta Blasco, and Santa Fe.
04:37 [crashing]