• il y a 2 ans


00:00 [music]
00:02 He is very fast, the Speedy Gonzales.
00:04 The fastest mouse in all Mexico, amigo.
00:06 You will see.
00:08 Ole! Arriba!
00:10 Andele!
00:12 Pipa, pipa!
00:14 Salve, salve!
00:16 Hey, you know the Speedy Gonzales?
00:18 Si, he goes steady with my sister.
00:20 Speedy Gonzales goes steady with everybody's sister.
00:24 [laughs]
00:26 Ole!
00:28 [speaks in Spanish]
00:30 [music]
00:32 [screams]
00:34 [speaks in Spanish]
00:36 [laughs]
00:38 [music]
00:40 [speaks in Spanish]
00:42 [laughs]
00:44 Mouse burgers!
00:46 Time for supper.
00:48 [music]
00:50 [roars]
00:52 [speaks in Spanish]
00:54 Run for your life!
00:56 [roars]
00:58 Hey, why everybody mamosa?
01:00 [speaks in Spanish]
01:02 [screams]
01:04 [speaks in Spanish]
01:06 [speaks in Spanish]
01:08 [speaks in Spanish]
01:10 [speaks in Spanish]
01:12 Our celebration is ruined.
01:14 No, no, no, no, amigos.
01:16 Don't worry.
01:18 I'll take care of Senor Volturo.
01:20 But good.
01:22 [speaks in Spanish]
01:24 Uh-oh.
01:26 I think this is where I come in.
01:28 Yee-haw!
01:30 [speaks in Spanish]
01:32 [music]
01:34 [music]
01:36 [screams]
01:38 [screams]
01:40 [screams]
01:42 [speaks in Spanish]
01:44 [speaks in Spanish]
01:46 [speaks in Spanish]
01:48 It's nothing.
01:50 Hmm.
01:52 [screams]
01:54 [speaks in Spanish]
01:56 Somebody give you a hot fruit?
01:58 Si. I mean, no.
02:00 Hey,
02:02 did you steal my supper?
02:04 Si.
02:06 What for you steal my supper for?
02:08 Cucaracha!
02:10 [sings]
02:12 [sings]
02:14 [sings]
02:16 [sings]
02:18 [music]
02:20 [music]
02:22 [music]
02:24 [music]
02:26 Senor, are you following me?
02:28 Oh, no, Senor.
02:30 I wouldn't do
02:32 thing like that.
02:34 Okay.
02:36 [music]
02:38 [music]
02:40 [music]
02:42 Stop, Senor.
02:44 [music]
02:46 [music]
02:48 [music]
02:50 Didn't your mother ever told you
02:52 to look both ways before crossing the railroad track?
02:54 You could get hurt.
02:56 I think this belong to you, Senor.
02:58 I go now.
03:00 [music]
03:02 [music]
03:04 [music]
03:06 [music]
03:08 [music]
03:10 You know,
03:12 I got the feeling like somebody is looking at me.
03:14 [music]
03:16 [laughs]
03:18 [laughs]
03:20 [music]
03:22 [music]
03:24 Yee-haw!
03:26 [music]
03:28 [music]
03:30 Is this yours, Senor?
03:32 Gracias.
03:34 Senor,
03:36 look like you never gonna be able to catch me.
03:38 But I know there is one
03:40 fat leading mouse you can catch
03:42 really easy, mental. I saw you.
03:44 [music]
03:46 [music]
03:48 [music]
03:50 [music]
03:52 [music]
03:54 [music]
03:56 [music]
03:58 [music]
04:00 [music]
04:02 [music]
04:04 Hi. Where is
04:06 fat mouse you promised me
04:08 for supper?
04:10 Oh, you have the wrong house, Senor.
04:12 - What do you hear about us chickens?
04:14 (chicken clucking)
04:15 - Oh, excuse-a-plea, Senora Chickens.
04:19 Ho, ho, ho, I am stupid.
04:22 I go look somewhere other.
04:25 (Chicken Clucking)
04:28 - La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
04:31 la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
04:36 - To Speedy, happy Cinco de Mayo, your own Lupe.
04:57 - Oh, how nice of my own Lupe.
05:00 I wonder which my own Lupe it is.
05:03 I see, can I play this game?
05:06 Ole, arriba, andale, andale.
05:08 Oh, this is fun.
05:12 - Oh, stupid.