Speedy Gonzales - (Ep. 06) - Mexicali Shmoes

  • l’année dernière


00:00 (singing in Spanish)
00:03 Hello, pussycats. You looking for a nice fat mouse for dinner?
00:27 Oh, it's no use, Manuel. This mouse fellow is Spidey Gonzalez.
00:33 Spidey Gonzalez? Who's he?
00:36 Spidey Gonzalez, the fastest mouse in all Mexico. You don't catch him with the feet. You got to catch him with the... the brims.
00:47 Brims? Where we get these brims?
00:50 You don't need the brims. I got the brims. Come with me. We get this Gonzalez fellow.
00:58 (singing in Guadalajara)
01:14 Hey, Spidey, why you not come out? Oh, we having a fiesta. Look, everybody having lots of fun.
01:22 (speaking in Spanish)
01:43 Hey, Jose, come here. I'm in the press.
01:47 Don't move, Manuel.
01:50 The gringo bugs Bonnie. I see him do this once in him own pictures. I like him.
02:10 (speaking in Spanish)
02:12 I miss me amigo Jose. He gone for a long time.
02:30 Jose!
02:37 You back, Jose?
02:39 Si, I'm back. Your sister in Los Angeles, she say hello.
02:45 Hello, sister.
02:48 Silencio, silencio. He'll hear you.
02:52 He's going to go boom.
02:59 (speaking in Spanish)
03:03 (speaking in Spanish)
03:05 Where you think you going, Manuel?
03:10 What is my mouth?
03:13 Not yours, mine.
03:27 Manuel, I do not know what is it come over me to be so greedy.
03:32 It was your idea, amigo. It is rightfully yours, Manuel.
03:38 Gracias, Jose.
03:40 Por nada.
03:41 Ah, hey, Senor Gonzalez. Now I got you.
03:46 Rama.
03:52 (music)
03:54 When this Gonzalez come through this minefield, kaboom.
04:01 Blames?
04:03 Si, blames.
04:04 (screaming)
04:05 Here he comes.
04:06 Jose!
04:07 (screaming)
04:09 (screaming)
04:15 The mines are be blown up. Save me. I'm too young to go kaboom.
04:21 Don't be afraid, Jose. Manuel, he know where is all the mines.
04:27 Ha! We made it, Jose.
04:38 Gracias, amigo. Gracias.
04:42 (explosion)
04:43 (gunshot)
04:46 (explosion)
04:54 (gunshot)
04:56 Stupid.
05:05 Maybe, Jose, instead we try to catch this Peter Gonzalez, we should have catched Slopo Rodriguez, the slum dog.