Président Détenu au Niger : Washington hausse le ton

  • last year
Dans la crise politique actuelle au Niger, le président élu démocratiquement, Mohamed Bazoum, est détenu illégalement par un nouveau gouvernement militaire. Les pressions internationales s'intensifient alors que la CEDEAO envisage une intervention armée pour rétablir la démocratie. Les États-Unis, par l'intermédiaire du secrétaire d'État Antony Blinken, ont averti le gouvernement militaire de garantir la sécurité de Bazoum et de sa famille. La suspension de l'aide étrangère par les États-Unis et la France, en collaboration avec les dirigeants ouest-africains, ajoute à la pression pour un retour à la démocratie.
La situation suscite des tensions régionales, avec la CEDEAO cherchant à résoudre pacifiquement la crise. Toutefois, la menace d'une intervention armée plane alors que le gouvernement militaire nigérien résiste aux efforts diplomatiques. La réunion des chefs de l'armée ouest-africaine à Accra souligne l'urgence de la situation. Alors que la communauté internationale exerce une pression croissante pour le retour à l'ordre constitutionnel, la diplomatie et la recherche d'une résolution pacifique restent les principaux objectifs dans cette crise complexe et préoccupante.
#Bazoum, #NigerCrisis, #CEDEAO, #DemocracyRestoration, #Intervention, #Sanctions, #Blinken, #Detention, #PeacefulResolution, #RegionalTensions, #SahelBase, #InternationalPressure, #GardePresidentielle, #Diplomacy, #MilitaryGovernment, #Detainees, #PoliticalCrisis, #BlinkenStatement, #CEDEAOForce, #SecurityResponsibility.

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00:00 In the heart of West Africa, the situation in Niger has become a point of concern for
00:13 the international community.
00:15 President Mohamed Bazoum, democratically elected, is currently held by members of
00:20 the presidential guard, who took power more than two weeks ago.
00:24 In a recent statement, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a firm warning
00:30 to the new military government.
00:32 In this ongoing political crisis, Washington has taken a categorical position, stating
00:38 that the new Nigerian military government must guarantee the security and well-being
00:42 of President Bazoum, as well as his family and other members of the failed government.
00:46 Secretary of State Blinken denounced the unacceptable detention conditions in which
00:52 the president and members of the government are held, calling them illegal detentions.
00:56 He has pressed for their immediate release.
00:59 The Economic Community of the States of West Africa, CDAO, has also taken measures
01:05 ordering the potential deployment of a reserve force for a possible armed intervention
01:09 in Niamey, the capital of Niger.
01:12 This measure was taken after the Putschists, who seized power, stubbornly resisted
01:17 all diplomatic efforts aimed at restoring democratic order in the country.
01:22 However, it should be noted that the CDAO insists on the use of force as a last resort.
01:28 This regional authority still favors peaceful solutions to resolve the crisis that strikes
01:33 enclaved Niger.
01:34 France and the United States, which have military bases in the region to fight
01:39 against the Islamic rebels of the Sahel, have publicly supported the CDAO's resolution
01:43 against the Putschists.
01:45 The significant suspension gesture of some foreign aid programs by Washington
01:50 and Paris has marked a strong international reaction.
01:52 This decision was taken in unison with the West African leaders, in order to sanction
01:58 the new military government and to maintain pressure for a return to democracy.
02:02 Secretary of State Blinken noted that the United States stands by the Nigerian people
02:09 in its quest for democracy.
02:11 He praised the determination of the CDAO to explore all possible options for a peaceful
02:16 resolution of the crisis.
02:17 The threat emanating from the Nigerian military government, according to which President Basoum
02:23 would be killed in the event of deployment of armed troops by the CDAO, adds a note
02:27 of tension to this already delicate situation.
02:29 The leaders of the West African army quickly mobilized, planning a crucial meeting
02:34 in Accra, the capital of Ghana, to discuss actions to be undertaken in the neighborhood
02:39 of Niger.
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02:49 (air whooshing)
