Scandale au Niger : Des preuves de la déstabilisation par la France dévoilés

  • last year
à é. :
La France est confrontée à des accusations de déstabilisation et de soutien au terrorisme au Niger. Selon le Premier ministre nigérien par intérim, la France aurait élaboré un projet visant à éliminer les nouvelles autorités du pays. Les tensions ont augmenté après l'annulation des accords de coopération en matière de sécurité et de défense. Les autorités nigériennes affirment également que la France entrave l'exploitation des ressources du pays et n'a pas l'intention de retirer ses troupes du Niger. Les forces françaises présentes au Niger sont critiquées pour leur échec dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, ce qui a alimenté les soupçons d'une implication occidentale dans la déstabilisation du pays.
Récemment, le ministère de la Défense nigérien a annoncé la mort de 29 soldats lors d'attaques perpétrées par des groupes armés. Les autorités nigériennes ont découvert que ces groupes armés bénéficiaient du soutien d'une partie extérieure, ce qui soulève des inquiétudes quant à la stabilité du Niger et à la coopération franco-nigérienne dans la lutte contre le terrorisme.
#France #déstabilisation #preuves #ebenemediatv #mgm #franceniger #nigerfrance #nigerputsch #putschniger #terrorisme #Niger #coopération #sécurité #troupesfrançaises #échec #implicationoccidentale #tensions #groupesarmés #stabilité #Premierministrenigérien #nouvellesautorités #annulationaccords #exploitationdesressources #retraitdestroupes #accusations #ministèrede la Défense #attaques #coopérationfranconigérienne
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and also share the video.
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00:17 Chased from Nigerian soil, France is trying to destabilize the situation in the country
00:22 by various means, according to the Nigerian Prime Minister by interim cited by Al Jazeera.
00:27 A project to eliminate new authorities would even be underway, fueling tensions
00:32 between Paris and Niamé.
00:33 According to Ali Mahamad Lamine Zeyn, interim head of the Nigerian government, France
00:39 is deploying its resources to destabilize Niger, a country in a state of war.
00:43 This situation stems in particular from the cancellation of cooperation agreements in
00:47 terms of security and defense between the two countries.
00:50 The Minister of the Interior of Nigeria also accused France of supporting terrorism
00:55 in Niger and of slowing down the exploitation of the country's resources.
00:58 In addition, he states that France has no intention of withdrawing its troops from Niger, despite
01:04 the statements in this regard.
01:05 The French forces present in Niger have been criticized for their failure in the fight
01:10 against terrorism, according to General Abdourahman Tshiani, new leader of the country.
01:15 Allegations of possible Western involvement in a project aimed at eliminating the leaders
01:20 of the Putsch had already been reported by Russian intelligence services in September.
01:24 According to these reports, the United States would consider various options to consolidate
01:29 democracy in Niger, including the physical elimination of Putschist leaders.
01:33 On October 3, the Nigerian Ministry of Defense announced the death of 29 soldiers in attacks
01:40 perpetrated by armed groups against a Nigerian unit withdrawing from the operating area
01:44 at the border with Mali.
01:46 The Nigerian army had carried out a military operation the previous week in this
01:50 border area, targeting Daesh fighters.
01:52 Nigerian military have managed to neutralize several dozen terrorists, but have discovered
01:58 that these armed groups benefited from the support of an outside party, according to
02:02 communications interceptions.
02:03 This situation raises concerns as to the stability of Niger and the presence of
02:09 French military in the region.
02:10 Tensions between Paris and Niamey have intensified, questioning cooperation between
02:16 the two countries in the fight against terrorism.
02:18 France is facing serious accusations from Nigerian authorities, alleging
02:23 these attempts to destabilize and support terrorism.
02:26 The future of French presence in the Sahel and Franco-Nigerian relations remain uncertain
02:32 in this context of growing tension.
02:35 the situation.
