• last year
Disabled falcon is living her best life

transcript - https://www.temi.com/editor/t/Bp31aMtt6IAQa2NSu3YY19Sc1TcxUHAM-nbB1emce0YUp_w8UushWTqCVL1w0Bo6DpJxi1wo0IhbaGX4qwSatNV4Dzw?loadFrom=Dashboard&openShareModel=False
audio - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w5dhcuf99b08nsh15q54e/petunia-recording.mp4?rlkey=gznj1rd3qfj84olef68z94j5s&dl=0
credit - petuniatheperegrine/Instagram

She has been under
care for years.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8ed1oewrao5kppf1kj04w/Haley-IMG_9039-start-ng5-sound.MOV?rlkey=bg8t02989ik0zvttangb0mnkg&dl=0 show visual for half a sec before vo - slight bit of audio

She can no longer fly
and hunt for her own food.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/peoz6worelkh89ki05j6n/Haley-IMG_7243-ng5-26-35-start.MOV?rlkey=h9wj70qdi1ubl8lck22or3dot&dl=0 26t27 with audio
e - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jg2eossqdsaixaax53fb5/Screenshot-2023-08-12-17.28.21.png?rlkey=rhb2km6ajosdrargucxneszwe&dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/js815byvj6sotpuffjx8j/Haley-IMG_6542-ng5-start.MOV?rlkey=luvnt3xxcpahezry15e6tvmcs&dl=0 06t07
You're so cute
(go till end with bird making sound - bump the sound of that bird

23:08 we are hailey...geobeats
(this line 15% faster
Petunia's Story by GeoBeats Animals
music https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rljohxaq877ub8qr50vnx/514_full_the-square_0172.wav?rlkey=2ukqz3gzhu02un41kq62o227f&dl=0
visual https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p44b1brbinqfa10ryfu7a/Haley-IMG_7030-sound-ng5.MOV?rlkey=0siwja60b3zrpg3nwoxq3xyso&dl=0 01t06 slight bit of audio
s https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cy3b3xd9ndopucqfudcef/Screenshot-2023-08-12-17.33.08.png?rlkey=255xez62ds8n3577dbn7qvhe2&dl=0
e https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xaiub8bzcu9ptf2winiau/Screenshot-2023-08-12-17.32.28.png?rlkey=ghiv1qb105uyde6fetiz0ucd1&dl=0
(frame so bird's head is above top line
00:00 She tried to fledge out of her nest three times as a baby,
00:03 which is when a baby bird will jump out of the nest to start life on their own.
00:08 And the first two times she fledged out too early and rehabbers put her back into that nest.
00:13 The third time she still jumped too early, but then she did injure her right wing
00:18 and so she was non-releasable.
00:19 Good morning!
00:20 She was transferred to a facility in St. Louis, Missouri.
00:24 She was there for a few years and then came to American Eagle Foundation in 2019
00:28 and has been with us for about three years now.
00:30 She has a very limited flight capability.
00:33 She can't get off the ground very well.
00:35 She can maybe get a few feet off the ground,
00:37 which for peregrine falcons takes away their hunting abilities.
00:40 They are usually in mountains and big cities on skyscrapers.
00:44 Peregrine falcons live a very high impact lifestyle
00:47 because they can dive at speeds of over 200 miles per hour.
00:50 She's not able to dive for food.
00:55 Yep.
00:56 Petunia's personality is very unique.
00:58 Since she was rehabbed at such a young age, she's actually very comfortable around people.
01:04 We often observe her doing lots of little head tilts from side to side.
01:07 She often does it when she sees something new or something she's not familiar with.
01:11 So cute!
01:12 Petunia has her own aviary here at the American Eagle Foundation.
01:16 It is specialized just for disabilities.
01:19 [Music]
01:21 We have a lot of lower perching for her,
01:36 and we also have perches that are rounded and rougher for her feet.
01:39 She gets to see all the nature.
01:45 She's fully exposed to everything.
01:46 She's able to watch the grass blow and watch other birds flying by
01:51 or little squirrels running along,
01:53 which it may seem like little things, but it is enrichment to her.
01:56 Peregrine actually means "wanderer,"
01:58 and that relates to how peregrine falcons have one of the longest migrations
02:01 of any bird of prey in North America.
02:03 The longest journey that's been tracked for a peregrine falcon
02:06 is that they migrated over 8,000 miles in one year.
02:09 We take Petunia on about a couple walks a week.
02:13 Petunia is by no means a pet.
02:16 We have to respect the fact that she's a wild animal.
02:18 We only touch her for medical behaviors.
02:21 We don't touch her in any sort of way other than that.
02:23 We are very fortunate and lucky for the bond and the relationship we have with Petunia.
02:28 [Music]
02:30 [Music]
