TPZ S3 Episode 8 –Keris –The Mystical Dagger

  • 10 months ago
Pusaka or heritage in English is an essential part of the socio-cultural setting in Java. In fact, an heirloom given by one’s ancestors or a dominant mentor tends to be a powerful and sacred object that enriches a person physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This is not only applicable in the East but also in the West whereby a child inherits his father’s hunting knife or a lucky dime that brings good fortune.

In this episode, Li Kim introduces the primeval weapon of the Malay Archipelago known as the Keris, which is said to be a sovereign pusaka that is an empowerment of an external object to represent our inner energy. Every Keris is made specifically for each person by a specialist known as an Empu, who undertakes strict spiritual disciplines. He charges and blesses the Keris with prayers and even places a spirit in the Keris to help the owner. The question remains, what happens if the Keris is used to harm or a negative spirit is placed into the Keris?
