It's Your Season Pt.4 - Rev. Funke Ewuosho

  • l’année dernière
00:00 we serve a good god. So, I want to continue with our series. Amen. Hallelujah. It's your season.
00:09 Can someone say it's our season? It is my season. Hallelujah. Part four. Heavenly Father, we thank
00:21 you for our time in prayer, our time in worship. As we get into the word tonight, I humble myself
00:26 under your mighty hand. I ask oh god you anoint me afresh and grant me utterance. I ask oh god that
00:32 every hearer will also be a doer. Grant us revelation. Lord, grant revelation to every
00:38 hearer. Revelation, Lord. Oh god, thank you. In the name of Jesus. Amen. It's your season.
00:50 Your season of fruitfulness. This month is the month of fruitfulness. I'm sure we know that it
00:58 is the will of god for us to be fruitful. For us to be fruitful physically, for us to be fruitful
01:05 materially, financially, to be fruitful spiritually. Amen. It's the will of god for us to be fruitful
01:14 on every side. You know, talking about physical fruitfulness, you know that when god made man,
01:20 bible says he made them male and female. He created them. Hallelujah. And he said to them,
01:27 bibles say he blessed them and he commanded them to be what? Fruitful. That was the first
01:32 commandment. Can someone say amen? He said be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth. That is
01:39 not to bring condemnation. That is to encourage you to say, you know what, god I thank you.
01:46 I would say, you know, if you ask anything according to his will. So in case you are wondering,
01:50 is fruitfulness, I mean physical fruitfulness, is it god's will? The first thing you remember is that
01:55 in the garden of eden when god made man, even before the fall, amen, he blessed them. Hallelujah.
02:02 I commanded them to be fruitful. So fruitfulness is your portion. Physical fruitfulness, amen.
02:09 Bless them. He said be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Praise the lord.
02:15 And we could see all that in one of these days. We're going to look at different things. But
02:20 to know that when you're talking about a month of fruitfulness, know that it's fruitfulness on every
02:25 side. You know, I remember when Abraham, god told him about his descendants, amen. He had a covenant
02:34 of descendants with god, amen. So yeah, we know that even spiritual fruitfulness, god says, you
02:42 know, and then financial material fruitfulness in that determined eight and so many scriptures.
02:50 But let's go on today. So it's your season of fruitfulness, prosperity, breakthroughs, abundance,
02:59 and blessings all around, amen. And that base text is Psalm 1 verses 1 to 3, "Blessed is the man who
03:05 walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of
03:10 the scornful, but is delighted in the law of the lord, and in his law he meditates day and night.
03:14 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season,
03:20 it brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatever it does
03:26 shall prosper." And I said that this series has been divided into three, I've divided it into
03:33 three parts. We've finished one part, and that is looking at the characteristics of the season.
03:40 What are the things that characterize the season of a thing? When you say something is in season,
03:46 what are the things you see? What are the things you look out for? I said number one, fruitfulness
03:52 and productivity. Can someone say amen? So make sure you get the series. This is part four. The
03:58 second thing is what? Ripeness, amen. And what? Readiness. Hallelujah. Readiness. And what was
04:07 the third thing I said? Maturity. It's mature, it is ready, it is ripe. Can somebody say amen?
04:15 Bible says in Job 5 26, "You shall come to the grave at a full age as a sheaf of grain ripens
04:24 in its season." When something is in its season, it is ripe. It ripens in its season. And I say,
04:32 like sheaves gathered in season. Amen. So it's ready to be gathered, ready to be eaten. If it's
04:40 a fruit, can someone say amen? When a fruit is ripe, when it is ready to be eaten, can someone
04:47 just say amen? So it's not first ripened, we said all of those things. And it is, you bear fruit,
04:54 when something is in season, there's an effortlessness about it. No more struggle.
05:00 A tree in season does not struggle to bring forth fruit. Can somebody say amen? Those fruits,
05:07 they come in effortlessly. Then number three, availability and spread. There's a spread. Amen.
05:16 The fame of Jesus Christ was everywhere. Jesus Christ's fame spread abroad. Amen. When something
05:21 is in season, it's available. You see it everywhere. Number four, closely related to that,
05:26 abundance. But this is different. And that is that, you know, when something is, when you look
05:31 at a tree, when a fruit is not in season, you don't really see it. It's not abundant. But when
05:38 there is in season, you see there's abundance. Amen. Plenty. Can somebody say amen? That's another
05:44 word for abundance. Plenty. Hallelujah. Malachi says, "God will bless you with more than what
05:54 you have room for." Praise God. That's abundance. In land and with there's no scarcity. Then number
06:02 five, freshness. "Whose leaf shall not wither bearing fresh fruit. But my own, Psalm 92.10,
06:10 you have exalted like a wild ox, have been anointed with what? Fresh oil." You see, there's
06:15 nothing new under the sun, but there's a freshness. The leaf does not wither. There's a freshness.
06:22 Fresh ideas. Can someone say amen? Freshness. You know, it's not stale. It's fresh. Hallelujah.
06:30 Then prosperity. Hallelujah. Whatever it does shall prosper. And then number seven, rightness,
06:37 appropriateness. To everything there's a season. God makes all things beautiful. Because we have
06:41 entered into our season, you know, rightness, appropriateness. And we give the story about,
06:47 what was her name? Ruth, who happened. Praise the Lord. You know, people are going to stumble.
06:52 You know, I like when Joe was also taking the prayer, you know, talking about fruitfulness.
06:58 You know, people say, "Oh, you know, I found you people, you know, on YouTube. I found you on
07:03 whatever." You know what I mean? You know, just like, you know, I was just passing and I just
07:07 hurt somebody and I just, you know, I was just, just like a, something's happening.
07:12 Bible says that Ruth happened to come into the field of Boaz. And at that time that she was there,
07:18 Boaz also happened to come at the right time. Amen. Like say, like the scripture, it says God
07:24 makes everything happen at the right time. Ecclesiastes 3, 11. So, you have to cast your
07:31 cares on God. Cast all your cares on God. Jesus said, "By worrying, you cannot even add a cubit
07:37 to your lifespan, to your stature." So, just take it easy. Can someone say, "Man, when something is
07:43 in season, there's a rightness, appropriateness." Is that not true? Have you noticed that when,
07:49 when it's not time to see, is it tulips or daffodils, it would be strange. You get what
07:57 I'm saying? You know, when something is in season, there's a rightness about it.
08:01 Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. God is good. So, that was number what? Seven, isn't it? And then
08:09 we now moved into the second part of this message, which is what to do to come into your season.
08:17 Hallelujah. And I said, you know, I always like for the scripture to speak for itself.
08:23 By being planted, the same base text says, "Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the
08:29 counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scumful,
08:34 but his delight is," what? "In the law of the Lord." It's not enough not to stand in the way of
08:39 sinners or sinners. You must delight in the law of the Lord. Amen. It's not about not doing something.
08:45 What are you doing? It's not about not doing something because nature abhors vacuum.
08:52 You may not be walking in the counsel of the ungodly. You may not be standing in the way
08:57 of sinners. You may not be sitting in the seat of the scumful. But what are you doing? Are you
09:01 delighting in the law of the Lord? Amen. But his delight is in what? The law of the Lord. And in
09:09 his law, he meditates day and night. He's going to be like a tree. Hallelujah. A tree planted
09:24 by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season. Hallelujah. So, planted. Amen.
09:38 I like Psalm 128. "Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.
09:46 You eat the fruit of your labor. Blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like
09:54 a fruitful vine within your house. Your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Yes,
10:00 this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion. May
10:06 you see the prosperity of Jerusalem. All the days of your life, may you live to see your children's
10:11 children. Peace upon Israel. Hallelujah. Amen and amen. So, when you delight greatly in his
10:23 commandments, Psalm 112, 112. "Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find
10:34 great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land. The generation of the
10:41 upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses and their righteousness endures
10:48 forever. Even in darkness, light dawns for the upright. For those who are gracious and compassionate
10:55 and righteous, good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their
11:00 affairs with justice." Anyway, can you see that? The man, the woman who fears the Lord, who delights
11:09 greatly in his commands. This is the blessing. It's a wealth and riches. Their children will be mighty.
11:16 Hallelujah. The New Living Translation says, "Praise the Lord. How joyful are those who fear the Lord."
11:26 New Living Translation. "And delight in obeying his commands. Their children will be successful
11:31 everywhere. An entire generation of godly people will be blessed. They themselves will be wealthy
11:36 and their good deeds will last forever." Hallelujah. So, being planted. Amen. And we saw that
11:45 in Psalm 92, also talks about that. "Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of
11:49 our God." You know, Jesus said, you know, except you abide in him, you cannot bear fruit. You know,
11:56 if a branch doesn't abide in him, he's cast out as a branch and he's withered. You know, we talk about
12:01 freshness and he's withered. John 15. "And they are gathered, they gather them and throw them into the
12:07 fire. They are burned." Isaiah 37, 31 says, "And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah
12:14 shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward." And we're seeing that how are we planted?
12:20 You know, because we need to understand, praise the Lord. You know, taking root downward and bearing
12:26 fruit upward. So, how are we planted? Number one, we said by meditating in the word. Psalm 1 verse 2.
12:34 The scripture also still speaking for itself. "But his delight is in the law of the Lord." That's how
12:40 you get planted. "And in his law he meditates day and night, he shall be like a tree planted." So,
12:46 somebody who meditates in the word of God day and night shall be like a tree planted. So, one of the
12:53 ways you get planted is by meditating in God's word day and night. Amen. The word of the Lord
13:00 shall not depart from your mouth. You're going to meditate in it day and night. Joshua 1.8. You're
13:05 going to be observed to do what is according to all that is written in it. For then you will make
13:09 your way prosperous and then you have good success. You know that one of the characteristics of
13:14 being in season is that all you lay your hands on today shall prosper.
13:22 And how are you going to get there is by being planted. If you abide in me, my words abide in
13:28 you. Jesus said, "You ask what you desire and it shall be done." John 15.7 and all of that. So,
13:34 we said that and we're talking about the wise builder. Then the second thing, the wise and
13:37 the foolish builder, the second thing is waiting on God. Can someone say amen? We're talking about
13:42 how to be planted. How are you going to be planted? Meditating in the word of God day and night. What
13:47 does it mean? Speaking the word of God to yourself over and over. Listening to the word. Meditating
13:52 in the word. Hearing the word. Can somebody say amen? Spending time in the word. God says when
13:57 you lie down, when you sleep, when you wake up. So, when is it not to? So, that means every time
14:04 you make your schedule around the word of God. Not the other way around. Can someone say amen?
14:10 Simple, you know, they look for when they are not busy. When they are not doing anything.
14:14 That's when they not have time for God. No. That is not how it is. You're going to make your schedule
14:20 around God's word. Amen. Meditating. God said to the children of Israel, when you lie down,
14:25 when you sleep, when you are walking. Amen. It's like somebody said, "Well, that looks boring."
14:30 It's not boring. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. So, the second thing is waiting on God. Isaiah 40,
14:36 30 to 31, "Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. But those
14:42 who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They
14:47 shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint." What does it mean to wait on the Lord?
14:52 You know, when you go to some of those restaurants, when you have waiters, they are waiting on you.
14:57 They are at your beck and call. You know, they come when they see that your glass is going down.
15:02 They come and refill it. Can someone say amen? They come, you know, whatever. They clear your table.
15:07 They come. They're always like, if you made any sign, they're like, "Oh, you know, do you need a,
15:11 you know..." I'm not talking about, you know what I mean. I'm not talking about fast food joints,
15:14 but you know what I'm saying. I'm talking about proper restaurants. Praise the Lord. So, don't go
15:19 to McDonald's next time and say, "Nobody's waiting on me." Have you noticed that even in some places,
15:24 you clear your own table? Yeah, in those places, but waiting, amen. Those that, they that wait upon
15:32 the Lord shall renew their strength. So, what does it mean to wait upon the Lord? In Habakkuk chapter
15:39 two, verses one to three, "I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart and watch to see
15:47 what he will say to me." Do you understand? You're watching to see. You know, you're watching for his
15:54 moves. You're watching to see. "And what I will answer when I am corrected. Then the Lord answered
16:02 me and said, 'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it. For the
16:09 vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it will speak and it will not lie. Though it
16:16 tarries, wait for it. Because it will surely come, it will surely come, it will not tarry." Can someone
16:26 say, "It will surely come?" It's not going to tarry. Hallelujah. One hand it says, "If it tarry, you wait
16:34 for it." But it says, "It will surely come." It's going to surely come. You must understand that.
16:40 That is not something debatable. Praise the Lord. Can someone say, "It will surely come?"
16:46 You must be sure about that. You can take that to the bank. Amen. Hallelujah. It's going to happen
16:55 until the devil is going to see it. Remember that guy that when Elisha prophesied that food
17:03 was going to become very cheap. And the guy said, "Even if God should open the windows of heaven, can
17:09 this be?" What did Elisha say to the man? He said, "It's going to happen. It's going to happen."
17:16 You know, tell the devil, "Hang around. It's going to happen. You hang around. It's going to happen."
17:24 You know, like the lady, you know, I told you about somebody who, you know, she was believing God,
17:29 you know, for something that has to do with healing, for the manifestation and everything. So she said
17:34 as she was worshipping, the devil said to her, "Thank God she recognized it was the devil." The devil
17:39 said to her, "All this while you have been worshipping God, you have been believing, nothing has happened."
17:43 And she now said, "Even if nothing happens, I'm going to still worship God." So when she told me, I said,
17:49 "That's not the right thing to say." You know, I said, "I know what you are trying to say,
17:53 but by saying that you have played into the hand of the devil. So go and cancel those words."
17:58 What you should have told him is, "It's going to happen. You hang around since you are jobless.
18:05 You hang around." I said, "I know what you are trying to say. What we're trying to say to the devil is that
18:12 you're worshipping God, does not depend on, you know, what you have or what you don't have. And that
18:18 is very important. We don't have to wait for something to happen before we worship God. God, if
18:23 you don't give me a car, I won't come to church again. God, that job I've been looking for, if I don't
18:28 get it, I give you three months. In three months, if it doesn't happen, I'm not going to come to church again.
18:33 I'm not going to serve you again." And that was what she was trying to address. The Bible says, "In all things
18:38 give thanks." In all things. The Bible says, "Even if the fig tree does not blossom." And all of that. But that
18:47 does not mean you will not tell the devil, "No, no, no, no, it's not about that." You tell him, "It's going
18:51 to happen. Satan is going to happen. And you hang around and you're going to see it." You know, I told
18:58 someone, the way to answer the devil is not just to counter what he said. It's not to talk about
19:04 what you would do. If the devil tells you that as you are going, you won't come back, tell him that not only
19:10 will you come back, tell him what you are going to do. Can somebody say, "Amen?" You see, don't
19:16 equalize with Satan. You must always go beyond. That's how to get him. Praise the Lord. So you
19:25 tell him that you hang around. I'm not even going to have only one. I'm going to have two.
19:29 Praise God. You remember that story that Miles Mann told the first time he went to Kenya
19:36 and even he didn't see his host at first and nobody met him at the airport and nobody, you know, he
19:41 didn't know anybody and the devil was laughing at him, telling him that, "Oh, you, you have come to suffer
19:47 here. You know, nobody came to meet you." And he said, he told the devil, "You know, I'm going to have
19:53 churches here. I'm going to have these here." You see, you have to intimidate the devil, but it's not
19:59 just, it's not an empty thing. You're moving on. Like I said earlier today, faith prophesies.
20:05 You must understand that God was not the one that spoke through Moses. When Moses said,
20:12 "The Egyptians you see today," if you read that place very carefully, you will see when God said
20:16 something to him and you will see the one that he said as a result of faith. God's faith speaks.
20:22 Can somebody say amen? Because you have enough of the word of God to know God's will and so you can
20:29 speak based on that. That is it. It's not presumptuous. It's because you have enough of the knowledge of God
20:37 that the plans of God for you are good plans and not evil. So based on that, you don't have to wait
20:43 for, for God to speak through you. You speak based on your faith that is in your heart. Amen.
20:50 So because you know the will of God, you can speak. You can speak into your future. You can prophesy
20:56 into your future that my future is going to be great. It's going to be, and somebody will stop you and say,
21:01 "Did God say anything?" No, no, it's not like God said anything. The word of God already says it. I'm speaking.
21:05 You know, when you are speaking like that, they say, "Did God say something to you?" It's not that God
21:09 said something to me. The word of God says something and I'm speaking based on that.
21:13 There's somebody saying that, "Oh, I know I'm going to live long." Hey, did God show you? No, it's not
21:20 that God showed you. The Bible says it. It says, "With long life I will satisfy you. My people shall
21:24 long enjoy the work of their hands." There are so many scriptures saying to the righteous, "I'll be well
21:29 with him." So many things. So based on that, you are speaking. You are not waiting. Not that, you know,
21:36 you are not saying, "Thus said the Lord." You are saying by faith and it's not presumptuous. It's based
21:43 on what you know in the word of God. That's why I say to people, "I know not because I know, but I know."
21:50 What I'm trying to say is that I know not because God told me, but I know. Like I tell people,
21:57 if somebody, you know, when you take your first step, I will tell you where you're going to end
22:00 if you didn't change. Not because God told me. You know, I remember Catherine Coleman used to say,
22:09 "I'm not a prophet. I'm not a seer." Well, if you ask me what the future holds, I'll tell you.
22:14 Because you just have to look at the trajectory. Check into the word of God. So when somebody's
22:19 living a certain life, based on the word, I can tell you where you will end. The Bible says, "Look
22:25 at that man. The end of him is peace." That's the way you conduct your affairs. Amen. And if you
22:34 kept on doing that, we know where you will end. Do you understand? God is good. Hallelujah.
22:43 So he said, "Write it." He said, "It's going to speak." So tell them, they said, "Do not tarry.
22:48 Wait for it because it will surely come." Can someone say, "It will surely come."
22:54 In the book of Lamentations, chapter 3, you know, I like this. Do you know what I even
23:02 discovered? I wrote it in the foreword of my book. I found that I wrote it in my 50th book too.
23:09 I really must, I really must. That must be, I didn't know. I must praise God. I didn't know
23:15 it was in my golden nuggets too. I just love that scripture. Amen. Lamentations, chapter 3.
23:20 It said, let me read from verse 19 anyway. You might as well. "I remember my affliction." I'm
23:28 reading from the NIV. "And my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them
23:33 and my soul is downcast within me." When you remember those negative things, your soul will
23:38 be downcast. You will be depressed. "Yet," verse 21, "this I call to mind." You must choose what
23:49 to call to mind, not what will make your soul to be depressed. "This I call to mind and therefore
23:56 I have hope." That is what are the things I call to mind and that I now have hope.
24:05 "Because of his great love we are not consumed. For his compassions never fail. They are new
24:11 every morning. Great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, the Lord is my portion. Therefore I will
24:17 wait for him." Wait for him. "The Lord is good to those who hope in him." Whose hope is in him?
24:25 "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him. To the one who seeks him." Let's read verse 26
24:31 together. "It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." Can you see that?
24:40 It is good to wait patiently, quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It will surely come.
24:54 Amen. That was why Moses said, you know, be still and wait for, you know, God is going to
25:02 say the salvation of the Lord today. Hallelujah. "So what are we talking about?
25:10 Waiting on the Lord. Is that okay? Isaiah 50, 4 to 5. "The Lord God has given me the tongue of the
25:19 learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.
25:26 What's the secret of having the tongue of the learned? He awakens me morning by morning.
25:34 He awakens my ear to what? You awake my ear to hear as the learned.
25:46 So you cannot have the tongue of the learned if you are not hearing.
25:49 If you are not hearing as the learned. The Lord God has opened my ear and I was not rebellious
26:01 nor did I turn away." We're talking about waiting on God. Part of being planted. How am I going to
26:09 be planted? By meditating in the word of God day and night. Speaking the word to myself. Spending
26:14 time in the word and also by what? Waiting on God. Psalm 27 verse 8, "When you said to me,
26:24 'Seek my face,' my heart said to you, 'Your face, Lord, I will seek.'" Seeking God. Seeking his face.
26:31 Waiting on him. Psalm 34 verse 10, "The young lions lack and suffer hunger but those who seek
26:41 the Lord shall not lack any good thing." Remember the characteristics of fruit of your season?
26:48 Somebody who seeks God cannot lack any good thing. Can somebody say amen? Waiting on God.
26:53 Waiting on him in worship. Hallelujah. In prayer. Waiting on God. Spending time in worship.
27:03 Fellowshiping with him. Spending time in the word. Looking into the word of God day and night. That
27:09 is going to meditation now. Looking into the word. Studying the word. Meditating. Looking into the
27:13 word of God. Waiting on God. Hallelujah. Spending time in worship. Just worshiping him. Hallelujah.
27:21 Worshiping him. Worshipping him. Spending time with him. Being at his beck and call. "Man shall
27:28 not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from his mouth." You know, God awakening
27:34 your ear to hear like a learned and that's how you have the tongue of a learned. You know like what
27:43 to say. You speak as a learned because your ears are glued to the mouth of God. Can someone say amen?
27:49 The number three, relationship with the Holy Spirit.
27:54 Remember it says, "It shall be like a tree planted where? By the rivers of water."
28:05 In Psalm 46, verses 4 to 5, "There's a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,
28:12 the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her. She shall not be moved.
28:19 God shall help her just at the break of dawn. There's a river whose streams." That river is the
28:23 Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. "Whose streams shall make glad the city of God." John 7, 38 to 39, "He who
28:31 believes in me as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow what? Rivers of living water."
28:37 Verse 39, "But this he spoke concerning the Spirit. Whom those believing in him would receive for the
28:45 Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified. Isaiah 11 to the Spirit of the
28:53 Lord shall rest upon him. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding. The Spirit of counsel and might. So
28:58 when I am planted by the rivers of water, when I'm planted in the Holy Ghost, hallelujah, I'm going to
29:05 be manifesting counsel, might, hallelujah, because it's the Spirit of wisdom. You cannot run out of
29:15 wisdom. You cannot run out of understanding when you are planted by the rivers of water.
29:20 The Spirit of counsel and might. The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
29:28 There's so much wisdom that will be flowing. So much wisdom. So much wisdom. You know, I think in
29:36 the interview, you know, at my last birthday during the, around that time, they asked me, "What do you
29:41 see your next phase?" You know, what I said, "It's going to be characterized with wisdom." And I just
29:46 said that I didn't really think about it. But you know what? It's so true. People have been like,
29:53 people have been like, "Have you noticed that, you know, the way, the way our mother is working, the wisdom that is coming out of her these days?"
29:59 And I just said it prophetically. I did not even think about it. And in listening to the prayer
30:04 that was prayed over me, that was also said. You see, it's when you are planted, you'll be manifesting
30:10 counsel, understanding, strength. It's the Spirit of might. Be strengthened with might. Paul was praying for
30:18 the Ephesian church. Be strengthened with what? Might in the inner man by the Holy Ghost. He's the Spirit of
30:24 might. Spirit of strength. You are planted. Even when you feel whatever, because you are planted, you take
30:32 your roots deep down. Can someone say amen? First Corinthians 14, 4, "He who speaks in the tongue does what?
30:41 Edifies himself." When you are praying in the Holy Ghost, building up yourself on your most holy faith,
30:48 praying in the Holy Ghost. First Corinthians 14, 4, New Living Translation says, "A person who speaks in
30:54 tongue is strengthened personally." Hallelujah! You're strengthened. Your strength has been renewed.
31:03 So if you're going to come into your season, you must be somebody who is planted. Planted
31:10 by meditation. Meditating in the Word of God, day and night. Waiting on God in worship, in prayer,
31:17 waiting on Him to hear from Him. Spending time in His Word and then worship with the Holy Ghost.
31:23 Praying in the Holy Ghost, praying in the Spirit, Jude 20, Jude 1, 20. Amen. So that's the number one.
31:32 What's number one? How you are going to come into your season? What's number one? Being planted.
31:39 Being planted. That's just number one. All that we've been talking about is just under number one.
31:44 We talk about how to be planted. Can someone say amen? I want you to get it very well. Go out of the way
31:50 with these notes so you don't mix up things. Then the number two, which I'm going to begin to introduce,
31:56 is preparation. Preparation. I'm talking about how to come into your season. You don't just turn up.
32:05 Can someone say amen? If you see anybody who comes into their season, they had a season of preparation.
32:10 Nobody turns up. Can somebody say amen? If there's anybody who just turned up, there's going to be a flash
32:18 in the pan. The same way they appear, they will just fizzle out. You won't see them again.
32:24 That's the truth. It's not a curse. It's true. You won't see them again. The same way they just
32:30 appear like a smoke. They just disappear like that. So what we're talking about, number two,
32:37 preparation. What's number one? Planted. Be planted and stay planted. Be planted. So when I've spent
32:46 time meditating in the world, meditating, spending time in the world, spending time in the Holy Ghost
32:50 and all of that, I'm being planted. Then number two, preparation. Jeremiah 1, 4-5.
32:58 "Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 'Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before
33:03 you were born, I sanctified you.'" That is separated you. Sanctified means separated. "I separated you,
33:10 sanctified you. I ordained you a prophet to the nations." Jump to verse 17. "Therefore, prepare
33:18 yourself and arise." It's not enough to say, "Before you were born, they called you, they knew you,
33:25 you know what I mean." Yes, thank God for that. Verse 17 says what? "Therefore, prepare yourself
33:34 and arise." You have to prepare yourself. NIV says, "Get yourself ready." Amen. You know one of the
33:44 things we said about the characteristics of when you come into a season? Preparedness, readiness.
33:51 You can't be ready without preparation. Nobody can be ready without having prepared.
33:59 Bless you, Diana. You can't say food is ready when you didn't prepare the food.
34:06 For food to be ready, dinner is ready, that means there was a time when you were preparing it.
34:14 Okay, okay, I went to buy fast food. Okay, it's okay. Or packaged food. Even those ones, you have
34:21 to throw them in the oven or something or somebody prepared them anyway. Praise the Lord.
34:25 Get ready. Take note of this. There's a period of training for reigning.
34:31 If you see anybody who never went through any preparation, run away from them.
34:36 Run away from them. If you see any pastor who has a church and never went through any preparation,
34:43 don't join the church. That's the truth. Thank you for your thunderous silence.
34:51 It's unnecessary. It's a waste of time.
34:53 You know, it is said that one of the reasons, I don't know, but people have said it,
35:00 prophetic teachers have said it, that one of the reasons why Saul, the king, crashed out badly
35:08 was because there was no preparation. Amen.
35:13 David went through a period of preparation. Is that not true? I didn't say he didn't commit
35:20 sin, but he didn't crash out. Can somebody say amen? God said, "I've taken the kingdom from you,
35:26 Mr. Saul." But like I said, prophetic teachers said that. Let's leave that alone.
35:34 So, there's a period of training for reigning. How to prepare yourself?
35:39 How? I always like to talk about the how. Number one, by study, by working hard. Amen.
35:48 You're going to study to prepare yourself. Second Timothy 2, 15, be diligent to prepare yourself.
35:59 Approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
36:08 NIV says, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved." A worker, can someone say a
36:16 worker? You have to work. A worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the
36:23 word of truth. New Living Translation says, "Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive
36:31 his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains
36:40 the word of truth." Like I said, you don't just turn up. The Amplified says, "Study and be eager
36:47 and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved, tested by trial. A workman who has no
36:55 cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing, rightly handling and
37:02 skillfully teaching the word of truth." You see, you have to have your time of preparation.
37:12 Your time of preparation is so important.
37:15 Paul was saying to Timothy, he said, "Take heed to yourself. Take heed to your teaching so you can
37:23 save yourself and those who are listening to you." That's why I say, if you see anybody who says,
37:28 "I'm doing something," don't go and join them if they've not gone through preparation.
37:32 He says, "So that you can save yourself and those who are listening to you."
37:38 A lot of destinies today have been aborted and destroyed by those who were not prepared.
37:44 Is somebody listening to me?
37:48 You have to work hard. 1 Timothy 5, 17 to 18, "Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy
37:58 of double honor, especially those who labor in word and doctrine." I'm talking about study. I'm
38:06 talking about hard work. For the scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out
38:13 the grain, and the laborer is worthy of his wages." Can someone say laborer?
38:17 NIV, "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor,
38:25 especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. Elders who do their work well,
38:31 NIV, should be respected and paid well, especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching."
38:39 In 2 Timothy 2, 6, "The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops." Can someone say
38:48 hardworking? NIV says, "And hardworking farmers should be the first to enjoy the fruit of their
38:59 labor." So, preparation involves working hard. If you're going to come into your season,
39:10 you must work hard. Before coming to your season, it is, it's going to be, you're going to work hard
39:18 at what you're doing. Praise God. If I'm going to come into my season as a preacher,
39:24 I'm going to work hard. If you're going to come to your season in whatever field you are,
39:29 you're going to work hard. You're going to study. You're going to work hard. If you're going to come
39:35 into your season financially and be blessed materially, you're going to work hard. You're
39:43 going to study. It's part of your preparation. Can somebody say amen? You're going to work so hard.
39:50 You're going to, you're going to, you're going to, you know, you do know that it takes hard work.
39:54 I remember when I was working on that, on this, my latest book, my God, did I want to give up? Yes.
40:01 Because I had so many things going on. Do you understand? I had so many things going on at the
40:08 same time and I was like, wow, I need to, you know, do this book. Because the last one I wrote
40:14 was when I was 50. I'm like, my God, 10 years. But then many things were going on. I went to
40:20 Nigeria in March, you know, I knew that whatever, okay, I'm going to write a book. Every day it was
40:23 so busy. Throughout in Nigeria was busy. I came back in April and then I knew that whatever,
40:29 okay, I came in the weekend of Easter, okay, been here on Sunday and then Monday the Easter, whatever,
40:34 and then I had to really start. I mean, night was day, day was night. I must tell you, it was something
40:43 else. Sometimes I could work till whatever, maybe work till, maybe I could sleep in the night, then
40:54 wake up at 1, I could now work from 1 o'clock to 7 o'clock. Or sometimes the other way around,
41:00 I might now wake up like 5 and work from 5 to whatever. I was just like whatever. And I remember
41:05 when we went to Kenya, you know, with all the work going on in Kenya, we're preaching twice a day.
41:09 I was preaching twice a day, my mother was preaching twice a day in Kenya and all of that.
41:12 On our way back, nine-hour flight, the only time I stopped was to eat. I worked throughout on that
41:19 book because I had a target. You understand? The book had to go to the printers. The book had to
41:24 get to a certain stage and everything like that. So it was really a lot of work. But what I'm
41:28 saying is that when that book comes into its season, you should know that there's been work.
41:33 So you think of anything you want to do, in coming into your season,
41:39 I want you to know that there's no shortcut. You cannot run away from hard work. I was reading
41:47 something that there was this guy, this intelligence guy, what was his name? Albert,
41:54 what was his name? Einstein. He said something that genius is 99% hard work.
42:07 You can't run away from hard work. I was somewhere and somebody was asking a question,
42:11 you know, all this working smart, working smart, how do you, you're talking about working hard.
42:15 I said working smart does not cross out working hard.
42:18 It doesn't cross it out. Working smart means now I can use smartphone, smart this, smart that,
42:27 but it's still, I had all the, working smart does not mean you can work, you shouldn't work,
42:31 not you can't, you shouldn't, you cannot come into your time of season without hard work.
42:37 That's the truth. Proverbs 22, 29, do you see a man who excels in his work?
42:46 He will stand before kings. He will not stand before unknown men or ordinary men.
42:54 We always quote the scripture, kings will be your foster fathers, queens will be your,
43:00 now balance that scripture with this one. You will stand before kings.
43:06 You will not stand before unknown men. The old King James says,
43:11 see as that a man diligent in his business. You must be diligent. Amen.
43:17 And I want to say this about hard work. It must be focused.
43:24 You cannot not be focused. You know, Nehemiah said, when they kept calling him, he said,
43:32 I'm not coming to see you guys. I'm doing a great work. Can someone see me? So when you talk about
43:39 working hard study, you must be focused. Have you received anything tonight? So we're going to carry
43:44 on on Sunday. We are still on preparation. Like I said, we are approaching this series
43:52 in two ways. The prophetic dimension where they come and say, it's your season.
43:56 And the teaching dimension where we are breaking it down and telling you what does it mean when
44:03 they say you've come into your season. What are the characteristics? And then how do you come
44:10 into your season? And that's what we're looking at. The first thing is this planted. Amen. Planted.
44:18 And you don't uproot yourself. You remain planted. Amen. Because any river that forgets its source is
44:26 going to dry up. Jesus said, except you abide in him. You're going to wither. So it's not about,
44:33 I've planted and planted and planted. So I was planted. It's not like I was planted. Remain
44:37 planted. Planted by the rivers. Praise the Lord. But for you to come into your season, you must
44:43 have been planted. You must have spent time meditating in the world. Amen. Day and night.
44:49 Can somebody say amen? Spend time in the Holy Ghost. Your relationship with him. Hallelujah.
44:56 Spend time waiting on God. Worshiping. Downloading stuff from him. And then we are now going to
45:04 number two. We are now in number two preparation. And the first number preparation is what? Study
45:09 and focused hard work. Focused hard work. Intelligently directed. Have you received
45:15 anything? Let's worship the Lord with our substance. Father, we worship you. We worship you.
45:22 Father, we give you praise. We magnify your name. Lord, you are worthy.
45:29 Oh Lord, you are worthy. We worship you. We are going to declare it is my season.
45:37 I tell you it is your season. Lord, we give you praise. We worship you.
45:41 Talking about how to come into your season. How to come into your season.
45:49 Father, we give you praise.
46:03 [inaudible]
46:10 Yeah, I've got it now. It's what Einstein said. He said genius is one percent talent
46:17 and 99 percent hard work. Albert Einstein. Genius is what? One percent talent and 99 percent hard
46:31 work. Amen.
46:33 I've seen people. I've always known this but not in this court or whatever. That there's a limit to
46:50 which talent can carry you. That's how I've said it and explained to people. I've seen people
46:57 from when we were in school. There were people who were naturally gifted, talented, clever people
47:02 naturally. I saw that when they did not match it with hard work. That was how I learned it
47:09 firsthand. I saw that growing especially from secondary school and all of that. I saw that
47:15 as they were going on when it wasn't much with hard work. They were drawing back and dropping
47:24 so fast. I've used that to advise many young people. I say, "Look, I can see you are intelligent.
47:30 I can see you are brilliant." Who are naturally intelligent? That is the truth. I said, "But you
47:36 know what? As you go higher in your classes, you're going to have to work hard." I've always
47:44 said that to people because I saw that firsthand when I was in secondary school. Now to see Albert
47:51 Einstein saying, "Genius is what? 1% talent and 99% hard work." Father, we thank you for what we
48:02 have received tonight. Thank you because indeed it is our season. Thank you Lord that no one will
48:10 miss out on their season. Lord, we know that it is not your will for us to come into season and then
48:15 get out of season. We want us to remain in season. That is to continually be fruitful, to continually
48:22 be prosperous, to continue to be fresh. That is your will, Father. We thank you. We bless you.
48:31 Thank you for helping me. Thank you for granting me authors. Lord, thank you also for our tithes
48:36 and offerings today. Thank you Lord for even those who have joined us online too. Father, we thank
48:42 you because you gave us power to get wealth in the first place. Thank you Lord because you multiply
48:46 the seed soon and you increase the fruit of our righteousness. Lord, bless every giver and let
48:52 every giver also be a receiver. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen, amen. Thank you, Pastor. Can we just
49:01 stretch forth our hands to pray over our pastor this evening? Lord, let's just thank God for the
49:07 word that has come forth from her and let's just pray a blessing. We declare, we use our faith to
49:13 declare over our pastor. It's her month, it's her season of fruitfulness. Thank you, Lord. We worship
49:19 you. Thank you for using our past as a vessel this evening to bless us and to pour into us. And this
49:25 evening we pour back into all the virtue that has gone out of her. We pray that she will be first
49:30 partaker of the fruits in the name of Jesus. Indeed, this is her month of fruitfulness. Lord,
49:36 we thank you. We give you praise in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Thank you, KG. Thank you all for your
49:41 prayers. Let's be encouraged to evangelize, to share our flyers. You can just get to the office
49:50 and pick flyers and just have in your bag. You never know. Give it to someone and all of that.
49:56 Don't wait until Saturday. Don't wait until you come out. You can give it to someone. It's very,
50:01 as we're talking about our month of season and fruitfulness. It's our season of fruitfulness.
50:07 So just have that in your bag and just pass it out. You know, it is God who gives the increase.
50:14 And you might be the one planting. Let somebody else, whoever is going to water. But we know that
50:19 at the end of the day, it is God who gives the increase. So don't worry about the increase.
50:24 Don't worry about what is on your job. You just do your job. Is that okay? Let God do his job.
50:30 You do your job. A lot of times we try to do God's job. And that's what happens when you are
50:36 carrying cares. You are trying to do the job that is not your job. He said, "Lay hands on the sick,
50:42 they will recover." It's not your job for you to get them to recover. It's your job for you to lay
50:48 hands on them. And I believe that if we all step out doing our job in faith, by faith, in obedience
50:54 to God and faith, God will do his own bit. He will send someone that will water the seed and then he
51:00 will bring increase. Let's make sure our faith is involved in anything and everything that we do.
51:05 And that is what counts. And that is what pleases God. And that is what will bring results when your
51:11 faith is involved. Amen. That's when your fruits will not go bad in the field. When your vine will
51:17 not cast its young before time. Because your faith is involved. The Lord bless you and keep you. The
51:24 Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you
51:28 and give you his peace. Name of the Lord be upon you as well with your spirit, soul, bodies. And
51:33 Jesus is Lord over your lives. In Jesus' name. Amen. And share the grace in fellowship. Grace of
51:40 our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Be with us all
51:45 now and forevermore. Amen. If you can, turn and share with someone. Surely goodness and mercy
51:52 shall follow you all the days of your life. And you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
