Clinton Portis Says He Would "RUN OVER" Will Compton - The Pro Football Football Show Week 9

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The Pro Football Football Show | The Pro Football Football Show
00:00:00 All right, we're back.
00:00:01 Another season, pro football, football show.
00:00:05 Chevy Silverado, Chicago.
00:00:07 Couldn't be more excited to be back.
00:00:09 - Yeah, Will, how are you feeling?
00:00:10 - Boys, girl, this season is going to be awesome.
00:00:15 But who is this jabroni?
00:00:17 That's the mystery guest.
00:00:19 Different host every single week.
00:00:21 I love that idea.
00:00:23 Let's go!
00:00:23 (upbeat music)
00:00:26 (upbeat music)
00:00:29 - Welcome to the pro football, football show
00:00:40 presented by the Chevy Silverado.
00:00:42 Week nine of the NFL season.
00:00:44 The whole crew is back.
00:00:45 And this time we are joined by Clinton Portis.
00:00:47 Everybody, welcome.
00:00:49 Are you happy to be here?
00:00:50 - I am.
00:00:51 - Yeah, you get to sit next to Big Cat, to Dan.
00:00:54 I mean, that must mean so much to you.
00:00:55 - You brought me into this windy city.
00:00:58 - Yeah.
00:00:59 - So it was great to just go out and free ball.
00:01:02 (laughing)
00:01:04 - Yeah, before the show,
00:01:07 like we were all talking about how cold it is in here.
00:01:08 And it's just like, the vibes are good though.
00:01:10 The vibes are good.
00:01:11 We're in November.
00:01:12 The NFL is really getting heated up.
00:01:13 Dan, how are you feeling right now?
00:01:15 I know it's been a crazy week in Chicago for you.
00:01:17 Obviously a lot of NFL.
00:01:18 - Well, we'll get to the bears.
00:01:19 Bears are a joke of an organization.
00:01:20 It's become, we fired another coach
00:01:23 under mysterious circumstances.
00:01:26 - Which coach?
00:01:28 - The running backs coach.
00:01:28 - Okay.
00:01:29 - HR was involved.
00:01:30 We don't know what happened.
00:01:31 So this is just happening every week for the bears.
00:01:33 But yeah, you know, trade deadline.
00:01:37 We're tanking, but we added Montez Sweat.
00:01:39 - Nice.
00:01:40 - Who knows?
00:01:41 - You never know.
00:01:42 - Yeah, you never know.
00:01:43 You got to get those guys.
00:01:43 - They're planning for the future.
00:01:44 - Yeah, planning for the future.
00:01:45 So, but I, yeah, I'm happy for Clinton Portis to be here.
00:01:48 He was one of my favorite running backs
00:01:50 when he was in the league.
00:01:51 So it's good to have him here.
00:01:53 - And Jerry played Madden with you.
00:01:54 - Hey, yeah.
00:01:55 When Jerry gave me that line, it was everything.
00:01:58 Like, "Hey, I played Madden with you."
00:02:00 Like, how in the hell would I know?
00:02:01 (laughing)
00:02:03 - And you're sure it was actually him?
00:02:04 - 100%, yeah.
00:02:05 - The question is who didn't play with CP and Madden?
00:02:08 - Exactly.
00:02:09 - He was, I mean.
00:02:10 - Oh, I thought you meant you actually
00:02:11 like played against him.
00:02:12 You mean you played with him?
00:02:13 - No, with him on the-
00:02:14 - Oh, okay, then yeah.
00:02:15 - Yeah, you were playing with him, yeah.
00:02:17 - So that's like the ultimate compliment.
00:02:20 - Yeah, everyone that chose the team
00:02:22 that I was on at the time, it like pinged me.
00:02:25 (laughing)
00:02:26 So I knew you were one of those guys.
00:02:27 - There you go.
00:02:28 That's incredible, that's incredible.
00:02:30 We're obviously gonna talk about the Raiders
00:02:31 in a little bit too, but big news this week,
00:02:33 they basically fired everybody.
00:02:34 Well, when you first saw that,
00:02:35 it happened in the middle of the night, it felt like.
00:02:37 When you woke up, what were your first thoughts on that?
00:02:40 - I wasn't surprised that they fired Coach McDaniels.
00:02:43 I was more surprised how soon it happened.
00:02:45 I was also surprised with Zig, but then again,
00:02:48 Ziggler, he's a guy who's gonna go down with the ship.
00:02:51 I know when we interviewed him and we talked to him,
00:02:53 he just said like, you know, he's gonna give it his all
00:02:55 for this, his first opportunity.
00:02:56 And if it doesn't work,
00:02:58 then he'll figure out the next move, so.
00:03:00 - He's a once a Raider, always a Raider.
00:03:03 - Oh, I thought you interviewed him.
00:03:05 - No, no, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:03:05 We were talking with Zig, Dave Ziggler, the GM.
00:03:08 - Well, no, I didn't understand the we part.
00:03:10 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:03:10 - He was sort of kind of like playing online.
00:03:12 He was online.
00:03:13 - Yeah.
00:03:14 (laughing)
00:03:16 - That counts, that counts.
00:03:17 - The Raiders are a joke of an organization.
00:03:19 It's their joke.
00:03:20 - It's not good right now.
00:03:21 I think what sucks is it feels like you wasted a year
00:03:25 and a half because every player,
00:03:28 or the majority of players were standing on the table
00:03:30 for Basaccia when they had him there.
00:03:31 And he got them to the playoffs on that backstretch
00:03:34 after Gruden got fired.
00:03:35 And everybody was sticking their neck out for Basaccia.
00:03:37 And so when Davis hires McDaniels to come in,
00:03:42 you're kind of thinking, okay,
00:03:43 this better be the right move.
00:03:44 And then you let DC go, Derek Carr last year,
00:03:46 and you basically say it was the quarterback, not us.
00:03:48 You got a hit with Garoppolo.
00:03:50 He hasn't played well.
00:03:50 So it just feels like that fan base,
00:03:53 they're just in hell every year.
00:03:55 And so we'll see what happens next year.
00:03:57 - Clinton, as somebody who played in the league for so long
00:03:59 and had the success you do,
00:04:00 what do you think's going on in the locker room right now
00:04:01 in Vegas?
00:04:02 Like, is it just a mess?
00:04:03 - Well, I think that fan base was hell
00:04:05 when it was in Oakland.
00:04:06 Now that it's in Las Vegas,
00:04:08 you just go bet against your team.
00:04:09 (laughing)
00:04:12 Bet against your team, you know, and figure it out.
00:04:15 But like you said, everyone stood out,
00:04:17 stood up for Basaccia.
00:04:19 All of a sudden you bring in another coach, McDaniels,
00:04:23 and it didn't work.
00:04:24 And you could tell the blueprint just from,
00:04:27 why separate Carr when you know Devontae Adams,
00:04:30 that's the reason he came.
00:04:32 So when I saw that, I was like in question.
00:04:34 Then Josh Jacobs been carrying you for such a long time,
00:04:38 and you don't want to pay him,
00:04:40 the whole show behind that.
00:04:42 And then you, you know, you're not giving him the ball.
00:04:45 You let your tight end go.
00:04:47 Like all of your pieces to the puzzle,
00:04:50 you're releasing before anything happens.
00:04:52 So it was like, hey, you know what?
00:04:54 I'm going to be out of here.
00:04:55 So guess what?
00:04:56 You're out of here as well.
00:04:57 You're not going to get to enjoy Vegas.
00:04:58 - Yeah, we were talking about it before,
00:05:00 but it's very similar to McDaniels in Denver.
00:05:02 When he got there and he traded Cutler away
00:05:04 and drafted Tebow and got all the guys out that,
00:05:07 you know, was, they weren't a great team when he got there,
00:05:10 but they were a, I think eight and eight team.
00:05:13 And they were kind of building something
00:05:14 with these young, these young draft picks.
00:05:16 And he was like, I'm going to clean house and start over.
00:05:19 It's tough. It's tough.
00:05:20 I mean, he did the same thing.
00:05:21 He like, it feels like you lose a lot of the culture
00:05:23 when you get let a lot of those guys out the door.
00:05:25 - And to both of those points too,
00:05:27 it's like losing the culture like that,
00:05:29 when your decision, your decisions aren't paying off,
00:05:32 it does like, it messes up the locker room.
00:05:34 And to your point too,
00:05:35 with not feeding the guys that you've been feeding,
00:05:36 like while the Raiders were the Raiders,
00:05:39 Hunter Renfro, another example, he's like non-existent.
00:05:41 When he was like a guy in the slot that you would think,
00:05:43 okay, in this system, he's going to be like the Wes Welker
00:05:46 or the Edelman.
00:05:47 And he hasn't, you know,
00:05:48 he's not giving the best players in the world.
00:05:49 - That just goes to show you how often, you know,
00:05:52 disciples work out.
00:05:54 You can't go and recreate,
00:05:55 but I think it's a golden opportunity for Antonio Pierce.
00:05:58 He was a teammate of mine.
00:05:59 AP has been in the locker room, been behind the scenes,
00:06:02 the Arizona State D coordinator,
00:06:05 even getting this opportunity for AP, I think is huge
00:06:08 because you got a chance to just go out.
00:06:11 It was kind of like the Colts last year, you know,
00:06:13 give it Saturday, an opportunity to just see,
00:06:17 hey, you know what?
00:06:19 It's not working with the gurus.
00:06:20 Here's a former player.
00:06:22 Here's another opportunity.
00:06:23 So I think for AP, just to quiet that locker room down,
00:06:27 of course, he's going to go to his guys.
00:06:28 He's going to run the ball.
00:06:30 He's a linebacker.
00:06:30 So he know what the physicality of having a running back
00:06:33 like Josh Jacobs would be.
00:06:35 You know, you got to get Devontae Adams the ball,
00:06:37 Benching Garoppolo, you know,
00:06:39 you're giving guys an opportunity to go out and say,
00:06:42 hey, you know what? I deserve this chance.
00:06:44 - Yeah.
00:06:45 - We'll definitely see what happens,
00:06:46 but there's just a lot of moving pieces,
00:06:47 but like you're saying, got to keep it moving
00:06:49 and maybe this is the answer for them.
00:06:50 So I don't know how familiar you are with the guest chair,
00:06:54 but you get to make your picks
00:06:55 and then everybody for all season, it's combined.
00:06:58 So Kyle Long was sitting there last week.
00:07:00 So now you get to pick on top of that.
00:07:02 The boys, they're competing all the time.
00:07:04 You know how this goes.
00:07:05 They're always competing.
00:07:06 Will, you had a really bad week.
00:07:07 - I did too.
00:07:08 - I know.
00:07:09 You think you figure it out,
00:07:11 but you just got to get back in the ring.
00:07:13 - I'm going to save my apology too
00:07:15 for when Kyle's back in two weeks.
00:07:17 - Hang on now. So we can't do the,
00:07:18 I thought this was an apology game.
00:07:19 - No, I'm going to write an apology for both of you.
00:07:21 - Okay.
00:07:22 - Because I said it was an apology game for both of you.
00:07:23 So I will have my written apology then.
00:07:26 - Sometimes they'd make bets on it,
00:07:27 just if they have to apologize to each other.
00:07:29 - I had to at the Packers last week
00:07:30 and I have to apologize for it.
00:07:31 - I heard them talking about making bets
00:07:33 on one in seven teams.
00:07:35 This is like, this is obsession.
00:07:39 You cannot bet on a one in seven team.
00:07:41 If anything, stay away from the game.
00:07:42 - No, but both teams were one in seven.
00:07:44 You have to make a bet.
00:07:45 - I know. No, you just, you a boy.
00:07:47 (laughing)
00:07:49 You know what?
00:07:49 Both of these coaches are on the verge of being fired.
00:07:52 They already lost the locker room.
00:07:54 Everyone is playing to be safe at this point.
00:07:56 - Asking Dan to not bet on a game
00:07:58 is asking for the impossible.
00:07:58 - When there's football on, we bet it.
00:08:00 That's just what we do.
00:08:02 - And it could be the jersey combination.
00:08:04 Right. Yeah. No, like asking him to not bet
00:08:06 is asking for literal the impossible to happen.
00:08:09 So just know that throughout the show
00:08:11 that you might not want to touch the game,
00:08:13 but Dan's going to somehow convince you.
00:08:14 - I'm going to block his number.
00:08:16 (laughing)
00:08:18 - So let's get right into it.
00:08:23 The storyline games of the week
00:08:24 presented by the Chevy Silverado.
00:08:25 Visit to check out the Chevy Silverado.
00:08:28 We're going to start with the Dolphins at the Chiefs.
00:08:30 Now we're back international.
00:08:32 We're going to Germany.
00:08:33 Will the Chiefs right now favored by one and a half
00:08:35 that 9.30 AM Eastern kick.
00:08:37 You know, we've, we've talked a lot
00:08:38 about these international games.
00:08:39 Regardless of that, do you believe in the Chiefs overseas?
00:08:43 - I believe in the Dolphins going there early in the week
00:08:47 versus later in the week.
00:08:48 - Yup.
00:08:48 - The Chiefs are doing.
00:08:49 - Yup.
00:08:50 - And I also think like, you look at the Miami offense.
00:08:53 They've, they've, they dropped a couple
00:08:54 at Buffalo and at Philly.
00:08:56 But other than that,
00:08:57 you look at their body of work in eight games,
00:08:59 they've put up 3,600 yards of offense.
00:09:00 That's since the merger in 1970, that ranks third all time.
00:09:04 And you look at Tua, he's playing at a very high level.
00:09:07 Number one in yards, number one in touchdowns.
00:09:09 They protect him.
00:09:10 They're looking at getting their center,
00:09:11 Williams back this week.
00:09:12 And if you, if you watch the Broncos game last week
00:09:15 against the Chiefs, the formula to beat the Chiefs,
00:09:18 easier said than done, but eliminating 87.
00:09:21 But if you drop seven or eight and you rush smart,
00:09:24 and what I mean by that is you don't rush beyond the passer
00:09:26 because when you do that, you create these scramble lanes,
00:09:28 which Mahomes is very good at.
00:09:30 But if you feel that pocket slowly collapsing on you,
00:09:33 you know CP.
00:09:36 And when you're in pressure situations like that
00:09:38 with Mahomes, you're going to force the ball
00:09:40 to the only guy he trusts right now,
00:09:41 which is Travis Kelsey.
00:09:43 So you get two guys on him every play.
00:09:45 I like the Dolphins in this matchup.
00:09:47 I like the Dolphins to upset them.
00:09:49 And I have a bad opinion on it later.
00:09:52 - Okay.
00:09:53 - Okay, that's a nice little spoiler.
00:09:54 - Yeah, this game is a great game.
00:09:57 I wish it wasn't being played in Germany.
00:09:59 I wish the Chiefs didn't decide to go on Thursday.
00:10:01 Otherwise I would take the Chiefs.
00:10:03 As much as it's all about the offense,
00:10:05 I think this game is going to come down
00:10:06 to Vic Fangio versus Steve Spagnola.
00:10:08 The defensive coordinators of both teams,
00:10:11 because I think Steve Spagnola will find a good way
00:10:14 to slow down this Miami team.
00:10:16 They get sacks.
00:10:17 I think they're over 5% sack rate,
00:10:19 which when Tua plays a team like that, he struggles.
00:10:22 And on the other side, Vic Fangio,
00:10:24 he watched the Broncos just like you said.
00:10:26 They said it, Patrick Mahomes even admitted it
00:10:28 in the press conference after the game in the Broncos.
00:10:30 They're like, yeah, they kind of just took away 87.
00:10:32 They essentially said, beat us with everyone else.
00:10:35 We know these guys can't make catches.
00:10:37 The Chiefs lead the league in drop passes.
00:10:40 I've talked myself into a circle here.
00:10:42 (laughing)
00:10:43 - You don't like the travel schedule, but now you're--
00:10:45 - I'm gonna go with the Dolphins,
00:10:46 just because I think the Dolphins
00:10:48 have been building up to this game.
00:10:49 The Dolphins have to, this is like a nut check time
00:10:52 for the Dolphins.
00:10:53 They have played a very easy schedule
00:10:55 outside of the Eagles and the Bills,
00:10:56 and they got exposed by the Eagles and the Bills.
00:10:59 If they're gonna be a team that's taken for real,
00:11:01 they have to win this game.
00:11:02 The fact that they went on Sunday,
00:11:04 they're taking it very seriously.
00:11:05 They're getting some guys back on defense.
00:11:07 Jalen Ramsey back helps a lot.
00:11:09 I'm gonna take the Dolphins.
00:11:10 I hate this pick.
00:11:12 - Clinton, how do you feel?
00:11:13 - Well, I'm gonna agree with these guys
00:11:15 and take the Dolphins, but it's for a different reason.
00:11:17 I think when you look at the Dolphins,
00:11:19 getting Jalen Ramsey back was huge for that defense.
00:11:22 You got some guys that can get to the passer,
00:11:24 and when you look at the Chiefs,
00:11:26 how is this formula all of a sudden like,
00:11:29 oh, if you take 87 away?
00:11:31 What?
00:11:32 You should have been took 87 away.
00:11:33 And then don't allow Taylor Swift to come to the game.
00:11:36 (laughing)
00:11:37 Take 87 away, keep Taylor Swift from out of the stadium,
00:11:41 you know, just whatever you gotta do,
00:11:43 keep her out of the stadium,
00:11:44 and therefore, there's your extra bonus
00:11:49 to go out and get a win.
00:11:52 But when you look at it,
00:11:53 the Chiefs don't wanna run the ball.
00:11:55 - Which is crazy 'cause they can.
00:11:57 - Why not just run the ball?
00:11:59 You're putting all this pressure on Mahomes and Kelsey.
00:12:02 You can run the ball.
00:12:03 Pacheco is a good player,
00:12:05 and you got all these young receivers around him.
00:12:09 Give those guys enough time to grow into a system.
00:12:12 Kelsey and Mahomes, they just play throw-up tackle football.
00:12:17 - Yeah, right.
00:12:18 - I see Kelsey pouring like I'm going this way
00:12:20 and break this way, and Mahomes hit him on the dime.
00:12:23 So make those other guys have to play that style of play,
00:12:27 and then I think you can get,
00:12:28 I think you can put a spy on Mahomes
00:12:30 because you're sitting underneath Kelsey.
00:12:33 If you put a spy on Mahomes,
00:12:34 the moment he starts to take off,
00:12:36 just rush him at him.
00:12:37 You know, blitz him, make him get the ball out of his hand.
00:12:40 You're almost triple coverage, you know?
00:12:42 You just have someone under Kelsey,
00:12:44 that same guy that's underneath,
00:12:46 taking away the underneath cover, blitz him.
00:12:48 - Great point about running the ball
00:12:50 because the Chiefs, they get into the red zone,
00:12:52 and they just don't run the ball.
00:12:54 And it's like, you run the ball.
00:12:55 - You go screens and flea flickers
00:12:57 and all this, just run the ball.
00:12:59 - Right, run the ball.
00:13:00 And the answer to why they can stop Kelsey now
00:13:02 is they don't have Tyree Kale,
00:13:03 they don't have some of these guys on the outside
00:13:04 that they had for years.
00:13:06 And it's a lot of young receivers
00:13:08 that are trying to find their legs,
00:13:09 and I just don't, like drop, the drop passes are insane.
00:13:12 Patrick Mahomes having that many drop passes,
00:13:15 the Chiefs leading the league, it's crazy.
00:13:17 - Well, I mean, it's hard not to drop a pass
00:13:19 when you think the quarterback's finna run
00:13:21 and he just zipping.
00:13:22 - Yeah, but last week there was one right there
00:13:23 in the end zone that they dropped.
00:13:24 And with a quarterback like Mahomes
00:13:26 is gonna continue to deal it around.
00:13:28 But when he feels any pressure,
00:13:29 he's gonna try to force the ball to Kelsey.
00:13:31 - I hate that we all took the Dolphins.
00:13:33 - Yeah, me too. - I think it's a good thing.
00:13:35 - The travel is really all betting on.
00:13:37 - Jaylin Ramsey back, Hollins coming back,
00:13:40 Xavier and Howard might be coming back this week.
00:13:43 They're getting healthy.
00:13:44 This is a healthy Dolphins team
00:13:46 and I think they'll take care of business.
00:13:48 - But Dan, the travel thing has been,
00:13:49 I mean, for every team this year that you've picked,
00:13:51 you've always taken the guys that travel early.
00:13:54 It's nuts that the Chiefs decided to travel.
00:13:56 What, they go Wednesday night?
00:13:57 - I think Thursday. - Thursday?
00:13:58 - Yes. - I mean, that's nuts.
00:14:00 I don't know why.
00:14:01 - I mean, when you look at the Chiefs game,
00:14:02 really to those guys, it's gonna be like playing
00:14:06 at three or four in the morning.
00:14:07 - I know. - You know?
00:14:09 So travel, it don't matter when you travel.
00:14:11 The real mindset, a week ahead of time
00:14:13 is not gonna have you ready to play
00:14:15 at three in the morning, you know?
00:14:17 Unless you're allowing them to drink in the locker room
00:14:20 and turn up and really get into it.
00:14:22 You know, really get into it.
00:14:23 - So you're just trying to pull an all-nighter?
00:14:25 - Yeah, you're trying to just do something.
00:14:27 What?
00:14:28 It's like, "Hey, you know what?
00:14:29 "Wake up at 3 a.m. and come play this game."
00:14:31 How is that gonna go?
00:14:33 I would think Miami is used to it.
00:14:35 - Yes. - Yeah.
00:14:35 - That's a good point. - They've been there all week.
00:14:36 - That's a good point.
00:14:37 Jerry, I'm a little bit scared to ask you this,
00:14:38 but how do you feel about the Taylor Swift stuff
00:14:41 that Clinton just said?
00:14:42 - Well, I think it's 100% accurate.
00:14:43 Like, there's no need for that
00:14:45 because then it causes distractions and whatnot.
00:14:47 But I'm going with the Chiefs because of this.
00:14:50 The Dolphins, Dan's favorite saying,
00:14:52 "They stepped up in class twice, they're on two."
00:14:55 I'm gonna take my chances on Mahomes
00:14:57 and Chiefs with a low spread.
00:15:00 - Yeah. - The Chiefs, to me,
00:15:01 just aren't as talented this year either.
00:15:02 Like, they don't have the same horses
00:15:03 that they have in the past.
00:15:04 - I think they are as talented.
00:15:06 They just are a different team.
00:15:07 They just have to just be like, "We're a defensive team.
00:15:10 "We gotta run the ball more."
00:15:11 Like, they have, this is the best defense
00:15:14 Mahomes has had.
00:15:14 Lean on it, you know?
00:15:16 You don't have to have the home run play every time.
00:15:19 - One thing that does hurt them on defense
00:15:21 is being without Bolden and Willie Gay.
00:15:23 Like, those two backers, they fly, they run, they hit.
00:15:26 - Yeah, Bolden was a tough loss.
00:15:27 - Yes, bro.
00:15:28 - I think Frank Clark should've went back.
00:15:30 - Ooh.
00:15:31 - I think if they could've got Clark,
00:15:32 why not go out and get Sweat or Chase Young?
00:15:36 Like, how do you keep allowed,
00:15:37 I mean, we'll talk about that in another second,
00:15:39 but why not go out and get Montez Sweat
00:15:42 knowing you need help, you know?
00:15:44 Like, just going at that addition
00:15:46 and maybe that changes your team.
00:15:47 - Yeah.
00:15:48 - Let's go to the Cowboys at the Eagles.
00:15:50 The Eagles favored by three.
00:15:51 Clinton, I will start with you.
00:15:53 Obviously, these two teams hate each other.
00:15:55 It's a big-time rivalry.
00:15:57 Do you believe in the Cowboys this year?
00:15:58 I know a lot of people are up and down with them.
00:16:00 - I hate both of these teams as well.
00:16:02 (laughing)
00:16:03 - Fair.
00:16:03 - But, being that I have to,
00:16:04 and I hate to say this on TV,
00:16:06 I love what the Eagles are doing.
00:16:08 - Yeah.
00:16:09 - I love what the Eagles are doing.
00:16:10 Jalen Hurts, even with the turnovers prior,
00:16:14 having a turnover issue,
00:16:16 the way he spread the ball around,
00:16:17 getting it to Brown, getting it to Smith,
00:16:19 like all of a sudden you go out and get Julio Jones.
00:16:22 I think you gotta give Swift the ball more.
00:16:24 I think when you look at this offense, it's so explosive.
00:16:27 And what hurts the Cowboys is not having Diggs.
00:16:31 You know, with Diggs,
00:16:32 the Cowboys is a total different team.
00:16:34 You're allowed to let that D-line tee off on the quarterback,
00:16:37 get up the field and do whatever they wanna do,
00:16:40 because you know Diggs is sitting back here,
00:16:42 like, locked in.
00:16:44 And not having Diggs,
00:16:46 the other quarterback is playing great.
00:16:47 I think he has three pick sixes.
00:16:49 You're on bland.
00:16:50 - Yeah, I think he's playing great as well.
00:16:52 But just imagine you got Diggs and bland, you know,
00:16:55 imagine you got both of these guys playing together.
00:16:57 So I think the Eagles is a tough,
00:17:00 this is gonna be a tough game,
00:17:01 but I like the Eagles in it,
00:17:03 because the Cowboys offensively, it's just disappeared.
00:17:07 You know, Lamb and Dak is not cutting it.
00:17:10 Tony Pollard was expected to be a huge addition.
00:17:14 You let Zeke go,
00:17:15 and that just goes to show you what being RB1 really is.
00:17:19 Everybody look at the glitz and glamor when you come in,
00:17:22 and you've seen somebody else run in,
00:17:24 and all of a sudden you come in and you pop it.
00:17:26 Now that you're asked, hey, you know what?
00:17:28 You have to block, you have to do this,
00:17:30 you gotta be able to do everything.
00:17:32 We don't have a specialty play.
00:17:34 It's totally different.
00:17:35 I think he's averaging like 3.5 yards a carry.
00:17:38 I feel like I can go and get 3.5 right now.
00:17:41 - I bet you could.
00:17:42 - I bet you could.
00:17:43 I know a lot of Cowboys fans would only be okay with that.
00:17:44 - It sounded good.
00:17:45 Like, it rolled off so smooth, but I doubt it.
00:17:49 - I can guarantee you a lot of people in Dallas
00:17:50 would not complain if you wanted to dress out and do that.
00:17:53 - I guarantee you the entire Dallas would complain.
00:17:56 They'll get Jerry Jones up out of there.
00:17:58 You brought Poynton's in?
00:17:59 Get him out of there.
00:18:01 - Yeah, but all you'd have to do is win,
00:18:02 and then Jerry'd be back on your side, no problem.
00:18:04 Dan, how you feeling?
00:18:05 - I just, I can't buy the Cowboys when they play good teams.
00:18:10 I mean, the Rams, I said it last week,
00:18:12 I was waiting for you to give me credit,
00:18:13 you didn't give me credit.
00:18:14 - I was trying to, I was trying to at the beginning,
00:18:16 but we went into the Raiders.
00:18:17 The Rams stink, and Dak beats up on bad teams.
00:18:22 I'm a little nervous about Jalen Hurts, his knee injury.
00:18:25 It's clear that he's not fully okay running the football,
00:18:29 but what'd he do last week?
00:18:30 He was phenomenal passing.
00:18:32 And I think it really just comes down to home field.
00:18:35 The Eagles have been there, done that.
00:18:37 They've won these type of games.
00:18:39 I'm gonna take the Eagles in this game.
00:18:42 And Dak, I just don't, I don't trust Dak in big games.
00:18:44 - This isn't good.
00:18:45 I like the Eagles too.
00:18:46 - Oh no.
00:18:47 - We are, yes, we are.
00:18:48 - Everybody's together.
00:18:49 - We're all on the ship.
00:18:50 - Yeah, right now, Chiefs, Cowboys, Parley look excellent.
00:18:53 (laughing)
00:18:55 - Going off of, going off CP, like to me,
00:18:58 Dallas is that Ferrari you have in the garage.
00:19:00 They're the pretty boy that doesn't know
00:19:01 how to get hit in the mouth.
00:19:02 And I think when you go to Philly,
00:19:04 you're playing a good physical team.
00:19:06 Like Philly, when you look at them, what they do well,
00:19:08 they can run the ball well, they play good defense,
00:19:10 time of possession, they're always controlling the clock.
00:19:12 They're 50% on third down, they're number one in the league.
00:19:15 You know CP, this is a team that like,
00:19:17 they don't play behind the sticks.
00:19:19 They're always in third manageable
00:19:20 or fourth and one with the tush push.
00:19:22 This is a team that knows how to win.
00:19:23 They can come from behind.
00:19:24 Last week, they were down 14 to three
00:19:26 against the Red, or against the Commanders.
00:19:28 They come back, win that game.
00:19:29 They know how to win in the fourth quarter, Patriots.
00:19:31 They won in overtime.
00:19:33 They just know how to win.
00:19:34 And I think this team plays with good composure and poise.
00:19:37 And with Dallas, you look at every game, not every game,
00:19:40 'cause the Chargers, you can make an argument
00:19:42 that that was a tough win, right?
00:19:44 30 to 27.
00:19:45 But when you look at their wins,
00:19:46 like the Jets, they jump on 'em 10-nothing.
00:19:49 The Giants, beat 'em 40-nothing.
00:19:50 They jump on 'em like 17 to three
00:19:52 with a blocked field goal, pick sixes.
00:19:54 They jump on these teams quick.
00:19:56 And Dan was 1000% right.
00:19:58 I was sitting at home on Sunday.
00:19:59 I watched him jump on the Rams.
00:20:00 I was like, what, 21 to three?
00:20:03 - Yeah, it was 26 to three, yeah.
00:20:04 - In the first quarter?
00:20:05 - Yeah, in the second, start of the second quarter.
00:20:06 - Early, yeah.
00:20:07 And I'm sitting there, I was like,
00:20:08 "Yep, Dan was, you were 1000% on that."
00:20:10 - Rams stable.
00:20:11 - And it's like, but the Cowboys need that
00:20:12 to happen immediately.
00:20:13 And if not, if they get hit in the mouth,
00:20:15 which I think they will,
00:20:17 they're just not gonna have enough to beat the Eagles.
00:20:18 - Also, last thing, Micah Parsons is
00:20:22 maybe the best defensive player in the league, Jerry.
00:20:26 He's incredible.
00:20:28 The Cowboys pass rush is incredible.
00:20:30 The one way you beat a pass rush
00:20:31 is you just run the ball down their throat
00:20:33 and the Eagles have that ability.
00:20:35 Like, they could come out and just be like,
00:20:36 "You know what?
00:20:37 We're gonna just control the ball,
00:20:39 run it, run it, run it,
00:20:40 and hit A.J. Brown over the top."
00:20:43 Like, there is that game plan the Eagles have
00:20:46 that I don't think the Cowboys have something similar.
00:20:48 They need everything to kind of be right.
00:20:49 And you said Tony Pollard hasn't been running the ball well.
00:20:52 The Cowboys, it just feels like they don't have
00:20:54 as much firepower that they can go into when they need it.
00:20:57 - I often sit and watch games
00:20:59 and I always think of two plays.
00:21:01 What happened to them?
00:21:02 Why did you take them out of the playbook
00:21:05 and where did you put them?
00:21:06 And that's draw, empower, right?
00:21:10 If you go to draw,
00:21:11 with all these teams just want to tee off,
00:21:13 and I would love to play Dallas
00:21:15 in Michael Parsons' run up field
00:21:17 and I have DeAndre Swift as a run back.
00:21:20 Here you go.
00:21:21 Go right underneath them.
00:21:22 The linebackers are already belling out.
00:21:24 They're in zone coverage trying to figure out
00:21:26 a way to sneak a pick.
00:21:28 Just run draw.
00:21:29 You know, when you're playing these teams,
00:21:31 even I think that play would work for the Chiefs.
00:21:34 I think it would be great for the Dolphins.
00:21:36 The Eagles have the weapons.
00:21:38 You can't go out and disrespect these guys.
00:21:40 You're playing one on one.
00:21:41 You got a running back in Swift against any linebacker.
00:21:45 I don't care who the linebacker is in open space.
00:21:48 Come on, man, get a man to draw.
00:21:50 And then when you look at most of these linebackers,
00:21:53 230, 240 across the board.
00:21:56 The linebackers I'm playing against,
00:21:58 Joy Porter and Ray Lewis and those guys,
00:22:00 255 full speed down here.
00:22:03 - 230 scrappy now, 230 scrappy.
00:22:05 - 230 scrappy.
00:22:05 - A lot of intangibles out there, 230.
00:22:06 - I wish I would love to look across and say,
00:22:09 you know what, all three of these linebackers, 230.
00:22:12 Let's run power.
00:22:13 (laughing)
00:22:14 - We're going low on you.
00:22:15 - You're not going low on me.
00:22:17 - You're not running us over.
00:22:19 You just FYI, you're not running us over.
00:22:21 - 230 will, come on, man.
00:22:23 - I love the Clintons, like we're through two games
00:22:26 and I love it because your answer to everything
00:22:28 is just run the ball.
00:22:29 And I kind of like that.
00:22:30 (all talking at once)
00:22:32 - For these teams that you're talking about,
00:22:34 that's what's missing.
00:22:35 - I know.
00:22:36 - If you go back to Kyle Shanahan, he has a Super Bowl.
00:22:39 If he does what?
00:22:40 - Run the ball.
00:22:41 - Just run the ball.
00:22:41 - Run the damn ball.
00:22:42 - Just run the ball.
00:22:43 - And not only that, but he's talking about
00:22:45 which plays to run.
00:22:46 Like I love the draw analogy and everything else.
00:22:48 - What happened to draw?
00:22:49 - The pass rushers going and being aggressive, run the draw.
00:22:51 - That was the best way.
00:22:52 Barry Sanders made the draw famous.
00:22:55 You don't have Barry Sanders,
00:22:57 but if you got a running back, allow him to run the draw.
00:23:00 Power, LaDainian Thomason,
00:23:02 probably one of the best power backs in all of sports.
00:23:06 If he got 12,000 yards, 11,000 was off of running power.
00:23:11 All right, so that formula obviously worked.
00:23:13 - Yeah.
00:23:14 - Run the damn ball.
00:23:15 And then if the linebackers look like this one across,
00:23:16 then you just run it down a slide.
00:23:18 - I lick my chops, I'll see you.
00:23:20 (all laughing)
00:23:21 - I'm good.
00:23:22 - I had to set you up though.
00:23:23 - Will come.
00:23:23 (all laughing)
00:23:24 - I've already won before the play started.
00:23:26 That's what I know is going on in my head.
00:23:28 - He lightened up looking across.
00:23:29 - Running right over you.
00:23:30 Right over you.
00:23:31 - Just truck your ass.
00:23:33 - I'm looking, saying, you know what, Will,
00:23:35 he's a four eight guy.
00:23:36 - I got it.
00:23:37 - You already lost.
00:23:38 - I got it.
00:23:38 - Come on.
00:23:39 (all laughing)
00:23:42 - What was your 40?
00:23:44 - It was four, five, six.
00:23:45 - Oh.
00:23:46 - Four, five, six.
00:23:47 - That's fast.
00:23:48 - 10 yard split, one, four, nine, just FYI.
00:23:51 - Okay.
00:23:52 - He could have got a running start.
00:23:53 He ain't catching me.
00:23:54 (all laughing)
00:23:57 - I love that the competitive pieces are broken.
00:23:59 - Right away.
00:24:00 - He's like, I'm like, hey, two, three, we're scrappy.
00:24:02 - It's been an hour.
00:24:03 - I'm taking you out, you're not running.
00:24:04 Maybe he's like, Will, come on, man.
00:24:05 - Two, 30?
00:24:06 - As soon as you said two, 30, his eyes were like,
00:24:09 wait, what are you about to say about me?
00:24:11 Two, 30, I watched it happen.
00:24:11 - Two, 30, I wish I could have seen a linebacker at two, 30.
00:24:14 (all laughing)
00:24:16 - Now you have to go back and see who you faced
00:24:18 that was a little late.
00:24:19 - Patrick Willis.
00:24:20 - Ian Gold was the only linebacker that was two, 30 or so.
00:24:23 And he was probably running a four, three.
00:24:25 - Yeah, yeah, Willis was a--
00:24:28 - But you talking about Patrick Willis and Navarro Bowman,
00:24:31 man, these people, two, four, they're running four, fours.
00:24:34 - The linebacker core has changed.
00:24:36 - Yeah, it has.
00:24:37 - It has.
00:24:38 Let's move to the game of the week
00:24:39 presented by the Chevy Silverado.
00:24:40 It is the Bills at the Bengals,
00:24:42 but first we are gonna go to Lucas Edits
00:24:44 presented by Jersey Jerry.
00:24:46 And, Clinton, if you wanna listen, Dan can help you
00:24:48 because there's usually some pretty good audio.
00:24:51 Again, Lucas Edits.
00:24:52 Let's roll it.
00:24:54 - Oh, that's yours, sorry.
00:24:55 - All right, welcome back, pro football,
00:24:57 football show, game of the week.
00:24:58 (all laughing)
00:24:59 Late night, the Bills are taking on the Cincinnati Bengals.
00:25:03 Bengals are hot, Joe Burrow looked good last week.
00:25:06 This is the second week of Lucas Edits
00:25:09 presented by Jersey Jerry.
00:25:10 Joe Burrow, first quarter, driving down the field
00:25:14 just outside the red zone.
00:25:15 - That's incomplete.
00:25:16 - Incomplete field goal coming up, McPherson.
00:25:18 - We're lining up for a field goal now.
00:25:19 - And it's good.
00:25:20 - Three nothing.
00:25:21 - And it is good from McPherson.
00:25:22 - What is going on, Jerry?
00:25:24 - Bengals with the early lead.
00:25:25 Josh Allen with the ball back.
00:25:27 Second quarter, time running out, drops back to pass.
00:25:31 Josh Allen takes off, but no, he's sacked.
00:25:34 Field goal coming up, long distance field goal, 50 plus,
00:25:37 and it is, it's no good.
00:25:40 It's no good.
00:25:41 Bills have yet to score still.
00:25:43 Bills get the ball back, third quarter now.
00:25:45 Josh Allen back to pass.
00:25:47 Wide, and I mean wide open for a touchdown.
00:25:51 Seven to three, Bills lead, two minute warning.
00:25:54 Fourth quarter, Bills to touchdown.
00:25:57 Bills 14 to three.
00:25:58 Joe Burrow, little life left, runs it in.
00:26:01 They're still down 14 to 11.
00:26:03 They got the two point conversion, onside kick.
00:26:06 And it's good, did they get it?
00:26:08 No, they didn't, they did not get it.
00:26:10 They fall short.
00:26:11 Bills 14, Bengals 11, final score.
00:26:15 Thanks for stopping by.
00:26:16 Second week, Lucas edits, presented by Jersey Jerry.
00:26:20 - It's great edit, Jerry.
00:26:20 - Jerry, fantastic.
00:26:22 The play by play is even better this week too.
00:26:24 - Yeah.
00:26:25 - It's good, it's good.
00:26:27 Okay, Clinton, so the Bills and the Bengals,
00:26:30 what are you thinking about?
00:26:31 - Let me take that out.
00:26:32 - Yeah, you don't need that anymore.
00:26:33 - I honestly think the Bills are another team
00:26:37 that has a running ball.
00:26:38 It doesn't seem like the chemistry
00:26:40 between Dorsey and Josh Allen is there.
00:26:44 Trying to force the ball is Stephon Diggs.
00:26:48 I know he's a great player,
00:26:50 but you gotta have other guys step up.
00:26:54 So when I watch the Bills,
00:26:56 and then all the injuries on defense,
00:26:57 losing the corner, that's not the same defense
00:27:02 of the previous two, three years
00:27:04 that the Bills has put on the field.
00:27:07 And when you go to the other side, the Bengals,
00:27:10 Chase comes out and say, "I'm always open."
00:27:13 All of a sudden, it wakes the quarterback up.
00:27:15 He's always open.
00:27:16 He's one of the few guys that I would say,
00:27:19 you have an entire core of receivers for the Bills,
00:27:23 I mean, for the Bengals, but as he said,
00:27:26 "I'm always open."
00:27:27 So knowing that the quarterback wanna get him the ball,
00:27:31 these other receivers, when you look at Higgins,
00:27:34 and you look at the other receivers, Boyd,
00:27:37 they're wide open as well.
00:27:39 If the run game come around for the Bengals,
00:27:43 I think this team could catch stride at the right time.
00:27:46 This is the time of year that you gotta have
00:27:48 a running game, that you gotta start playing tough,
00:27:51 hard-nosed football, because it's gonna get messy.
00:27:53 So I think the Bengals are poised to go out
00:27:57 and expose Buffalo.
00:27:59 Buffalo don't have three corners.
00:28:02 Losing their starting corner,
00:28:05 they don't have three guys to cover these receivers
00:28:08 that the Bengals have, and I think Burrow
00:28:10 is returning to form since missing
00:28:13 the early part of the season,
00:28:15 dealing with everything that he was dealing with injury-wise.
00:28:18 So I think Burrow is in stride to find his way
00:28:23 against this Bills' defense.
00:28:25 They don't look as dominant.
00:28:28 The pass rush isn't there, your safety's,
00:28:30 you know, it's so much.
00:28:32 When you change or you lose one or two guys,
00:28:34 it's so much that's changed.
00:28:36 - Yeah.
00:28:37 - Dan, we talked about the, oh wait, what did he do?
00:28:41 - The camera went to him and he's just going.
00:28:42 - Am I adding something?
00:28:43 - No, he's not.
00:28:45 So Clinton brings up a good point.
00:28:46 The Dorsey, Josh Allen, Dorsey is Josh Allen's guy,
00:28:50 but you heard him after the game against the Bucs,
00:28:52 he was like, I like to run up tempo.
00:28:54 I think the Bills are gonna do that.
00:28:56 I think they're gonna start seeing up tempo
00:28:58 from the beginning, 'cause it seems like
00:29:00 every time the Bills get on the ball, keep it moving,
00:29:03 their offense clicks, and it's like,
00:29:05 it's one of those offenses,
00:29:07 it's almost like a college offense, like an Oregon,
00:29:09 like if they don't get a first down,
00:29:11 it's a, like if they don't get that first first down,
00:29:14 they get stuck in the mud.
00:29:15 If they get that first first down, it's like off and running.
00:29:18 And I think they're gonna run up tempo.
00:29:20 I think it's gonna be a shootout.
00:29:22 I'm gonna go with the Bengals though,
00:29:23 just because of Joe Burrow's health.
00:29:25 I'm gonna go with, you have the Bengals as well?
00:29:27 Fuck.
00:29:28 - So everybody's on board.
00:29:29 - You took the Bengals as well?
00:29:30 - Of course, I went first.
00:29:31 (laughing)
00:29:33 - You guys are all together, which is usually very scary.
00:29:36 - I think it's gonna be a shootout.
00:29:37 That's the thing is, if I could pick the over-under,
00:29:40 it would be the over-mega-lock,
00:29:41 because the Bengals secondary is suspect,
00:29:44 their safety position is suspect.
00:29:46 But yeah, I guess I'll go with the Bengals.
00:29:49 Fuck, we're all going Bengals.
00:29:50 - So the first three games, all the storyline games,
00:29:52 you guys are all on the same page.
00:29:53 - We're all on the same page.
00:29:54 I think we're all going three and O.
00:29:55 - Yeah, I don't think so.
00:29:56 - 'Cause I agree with all that.
00:29:57 Like, the Cincy team now, you watched them last week
00:30:00 against the Niners, who is a top defense.
00:30:03 And you talked about the running game.
00:30:04 The first five games are averaging
00:30:05 like 75 yards on the ground.
00:30:07 Last week, against the number five defense in San Fran,
00:30:09 they put up over 130.
00:30:12 And you watch the Bengals team, and you're like,
00:30:13 this is gonna be a tough playoff team,
00:30:15 you know, come December, January.
00:30:17 But when you look at the bills,
00:30:18 you kinda just don't know what they wanna be at.
00:30:20 Now they're talking about, okay, we're gonna go up tempo.
00:30:22 You talk about the disconnect that is being felt
00:30:25 between Dorsey and Josh Allen.
00:30:27 And you look at their last three games,
00:30:29 they barely got a W against the Giants.
00:30:31 They lost to New England.
00:30:33 New England's failed to put up over 17 points
00:30:36 the entire season, besides one other game,
00:30:38 and that was in week one.
00:30:39 And then last week against the Bucs, we watched that game.
00:30:42 The Bucs are starting, they almost lost that game,
00:30:43 and the Bucs are starting every possession
00:30:45 like inside the five yard line.
00:30:47 So I just feel like the Bengals,
00:30:48 or the Bills have too many question marks.
00:30:50 And I do, I think the Bengals could
00:30:52 potentially run this up on 'em.
00:30:54 - Yeah. - I know that we are
00:30:55 a stat show.
00:30:57 Josh Allen is undefeated in Sunday night football.
00:30:59 Does that matter at all to you guys?
00:31:01 - Matters a little. - I'd like some stats.
00:31:02 Yeah, yeah, matters a little.
00:31:04 - In his era, they are five and O in Sunday night football.
00:31:06 This is Sunday night football, so.
00:31:07 - Well, in his era, they had one of the best
00:31:09 defense in the football.
00:31:11 You were able to go out, and of course,
00:31:13 you had digs through your era.
00:31:15 And then you've had, you know,
00:31:18 matchup wise has been favorable.
00:31:21 At this point, the Bengals in Borough
00:31:24 are starting to believe.
00:31:26 They're starting to see, hey, this is how our season--
00:31:28 - They've done it a couple times now.
00:31:30 - Yeah. - Yeah.
00:31:30 - Where they've started slow.
00:31:31 - It's like, okay, we're starting to get back healthy.
00:31:34 Let's go, here we go, you know.
00:31:36 And you often see that.
00:31:37 Some teams have a blow up,
00:31:39 and it turns the rest of the team up.
00:31:41 And then some teams have a blow up,
00:31:43 and they disappear, you know.
00:31:44 Look at the difference between Jamar Chase saying,
00:31:47 "I'm always open," and Devontae Adams saying,
00:31:50 "I'm always open."
00:31:51 You know, Devontae Adams, coach is gone.
00:31:54 - Yeah. - You know, so.
00:31:56 It just depends on how your teammates respond,
00:31:59 and who buys into the leadership of that team.
00:32:03 - And Joe Burrow, this is not a surprise.
00:32:04 I mean, he did the same thing last year,
00:32:06 and he's like-- - Yeah, but yeah,
00:32:07 we knew missing the offseason and the injuries.
00:32:10 Like, you knew he was gonna start off slow.
00:32:12 - Yeah. - Now, it's showing.
00:32:13 - Yeah. - When it matters.
00:32:14 - He was running, I think he ran for 46 yards
00:32:16 against the 49ers yesterday.
00:32:17 He's not like, or last week,
00:32:19 he's not a running quarterback,
00:32:20 but he's one of those guys that like,
00:32:22 maybe in the Mahomes, where they will run when they have to,
00:32:25 and it changes how the defense can guard 'em.
00:32:28 'Cause they always, it feels like those type of guys,
00:32:31 like Mahomes isn't gonna beat you with the speed,
00:32:32 Burrow's not gonna beat you with the speed,
00:32:34 but every time they take off and run,
00:32:36 there's so much space there,
00:32:37 'cause they see the field so well.
00:32:38 - Yeah. - It's time for the
00:32:39 Gotta Have It pick of the week.
00:32:41 Dan, we will start with you.
00:32:42 I'm gonna be honest, when I looked at the rundown,
00:32:43 I was shocked that it wasn't the Chicago Bears.
00:32:44 - I didn't go bears, we'll talk about them later, yeah.
00:32:46 - It's the Bucks and the Texans who gotta have it.
00:32:48 - I mean, I think the Bucks have to have it.
00:32:50 I'm gonna take the Texans,
00:32:51 but I think the Bucks have to have it
00:32:53 because the Bucks are in this crossroad period
00:32:55 where the NFC South is ripe for the picking.
00:32:57 Every team besides the Panthers
00:32:59 is within one game of each other.
00:33:00 They started out three and one,
00:33:02 they've lost three in a row.
00:33:04 They gotta have it.
00:33:05 And you know what?
00:33:06 More than anything, they gotta figure out a way
00:33:09 to run the football.
00:33:10 They stink at running the football,
00:33:12 and they keep doing it, - It worked out real quick.
00:33:13 - and they run it into their head.
00:33:14 And actually, I have a bad thing for the Texans.
00:33:17 You won't like this, Clinton.
00:33:19 The Texans have to figure out a way
00:33:21 to stop running the football.
00:33:22 They run the football so much on first down,
00:33:25 and they aren't good at it,
00:33:27 and C.J. Stroud is playing great.
00:33:29 Start giving your quarterback some second and fives,
00:33:33 some third and threes,
00:33:34 instead of running it for two yards
00:33:36 and always being behind the chain.
00:33:38 So I think the Texans will do that this week
00:33:40 'cause the Bucks' defense can stop the run.
00:33:43 I think you'll see a game plan that's geared
00:33:45 towards C.J. Stroud having a big game,
00:33:47 and I have the Texans in this game.
00:33:48 - When he said he'd have to run the ball more,
00:33:50 you perked up really quick.
00:33:51 You agree with that, I assume.
00:33:52 - I hate, though, running the ball on first down
00:33:54 when you can't run the ball.
00:33:55 - Well, this is where--
00:33:56 - That's the dumbest thing.
00:33:57 You're like, "You know it.
00:33:58 "You just run it on first down.
00:34:00 "That's what we're supposed to do."
00:34:01 - Yeah, but-- - But on first down, too.
00:34:03 - That's your obvious situation.
00:34:05 Now, I watched the Texans.
00:34:06 I saw Tank Dale get a reverse.
00:34:08 It was one of the best plays
00:34:10 that you've seen in football.
00:34:12 Tank Dale's movement.
00:34:14 If you look at him, he turns to the side,
00:34:16 makes a guy miss, and then shakes the next guy, right?
00:34:20 That's a great play, but Pierce is your running back.
00:34:23 - Yeah.
00:34:24 - All of these trick plays, when you have a young team,
00:34:28 it's not gonna get it.
00:34:29 Go behind your brain and bother.
00:34:30 Pierce, you're playing three running backs,
00:34:33 and then you're giving your receivers handoffs, as well.
00:34:36 So, get these guys in space.
00:34:38 Like you said, you can't run on first and 10.
00:34:41 It kind of sets the back up.
00:34:42 Teams know your formula.
00:34:44 Get 'em a swing pass.
00:34:45 Get 'em out in the open,
00:34:46 and then come back second and manageable,
00:34:48 third and manageable, and run the ball.
00:34:50 - Who are you taking in this game?
00:34:51 You taking the Bucs or the Texans?
00:34:53 - I think the Bucs gotta win it.
00:34:55 You know, the Tex--
00:34:56 I'll take the Texans.
00:34:58 I like Tank Dale and the Stroud.
00:34:59 I'll take the Texans. - Okay, okay.
00:35:00 Will?
00:35:01 - I'll go, I'm going Bucs.
00:35:02 - Oh, okay. - Bucs 3-0 against the spread
00:35:04 as a way underdog. - They stink.
00:35:06 They stink, though.
00:35:07 - The Bucs? - Yeah, they stink.
00:35:08 - They do, but we watched that game last week.
00:35:09 - Yeah, they stink. - If they, fair.
00:35:12 But the hitting yards, like being pinned back
00:35:14 the entire game is tough to score when you're,
00:35:17 and they still almost beat the Bills.
00:35:19 - No, they didn't.
00:35:20 - They won what, 24-18?
00:35:22 - Yeah, but that was-- - And the Hail Mary
00:35:23 at the end? - All coverage time.
00:35:24 They scored, and Will, we watched that game.
00:35:27 - We did, we bet every drive.
00:35:29 - Do you remember how many stupid penalties
00:35:31 and fluke plays needed to happen
00:35:33 for the Bucs to even score on that last drive?
00:35:35 - Yeah, I remember the last one
00:35:36 'cause we were like-- - That was like four fouls.
00:35:37 - We were in chase phase saying,
00:35:38 "Why have they taken eight minutes off the clock
00:35:40 "just to try and get a score?"
00:35:41 - The Bucs stink.
00:35:43 They're not a good team.
00:35:43 - Bucs, plus three.
00:35:44 We gotta break our train here
00:35:46 'cause we would've went four in a row with each other.
00:35:47 - There you go, okay, so your gotta have it matchup
00:35:49 is the Vikings and the Falcons.
00:35:50 Who has to have it?
00:35:51 - Taylor Hunt. - Falcons.
00:35:55 Falcons, NFC South, I think it's wide open.
00:35:57 - That's your pick for gotta have it.
00:35:59 How were you surprised there?
00:36:01 - Because, you know how I felt.
00:36:03 - I was worried I said the wrong game.
00:36:04 - You know how I felt about the Vikings all year long.
00:36:06 Like, I've always been right with the Vikings.
00:36:08 I hate that my guy Kirk went down.
00:36:11 But I think the same reason the Bucs are in the hunt,
00:36:14 you got the Saints there.
00:36:15 Like, somebody's gotta start taking control of the South.
00:36:17 I think Atlanta making the move to go with Heineke
00:36:20 is the right move because they're a good football team
00:36:22 when they don't turn the ball over.
00:36:24 And that's what Ritter's done.
00:36:26 They can run the football.
00:36:27 They got receivers who can talk shit
00:36:28 when they do get the football.
00:36:30 They have a defense who can run and hit.
00:36:31 They're eighth in pass defense.
00:36:32 They can pressure the quarterback.
00:36:34 This is a good football team
00:36:35 if they have the right guy under center,
00:36:36 and I think it's Heineke.
00:36:37 - Dan?
00:36:38 - Yeah, I'm gonna take the Vikings simply
00:36:39 because I don't think the Falcons should be favored
00:36:42 by four and a half against anyone.
00:36:44 The Falcons are a decent team,
00:36:46 but they don't blow teams out.
00:36:48 They're gonna find a way to keep the Vikings in this game.
00:36:50 - But that's Ritter.
00:36:51 - I don't know what,
00:36:52 yeah, but Taylor Heineke turns the ball over too.
00:36:54 - But he's a game player.
00:36:55 - He makes plays, but he's a gunslinger.
00:36:58 - In costume of the year last week.
00:37:00 - I think the Vikings, you get a little bit of a galvanized,
00:37:02 like, you know, all right, Kirk's out.
00:37:04 We're playing good ball.
00:37:06 Let's figure out a way to win this game.
00:37:07 Jaron Hall, the BYU kid, I don't,
00:37:10 yeah, I don't like this pick.
00:37:13 I hate myself for this.
00:37:14 I'm taking the Vikings.
00:37:15 I like, this is one of those ones where I'm saying it,
00:37:17 and I'm like, what are you doing, dude?
00:37:18 What are you doing?
00:37:20 Vikings are gonna suck.
00:37:21 That's why I like the Vikings.
00:37:22 - CP would know this too,
00:37:24 like, a rookie quarterback beat you
00:37:26 the way Will Levis beat them last week,
00:37:28 and you're playing another.
00:37:29 Rookie quarterback was a second star.
00:37:30 - No tape, though.
00:37:31 - That defense is getting-- - No tape!
00:37:32 - Yeah, but that defense is getting challenged.
00:37:34 - No tape!
00:37:35 - Not to let that happen again.
00:37:37 - Who's side are you on here?
00:37:38 - I gotta go with the Falcons,
00:37:39 and I think the reason I go with the Falcons,
00:37:42 you've made the change at quarterback.
00:37:43 That should bring B. John Robinson back to the forefront.
00:37:46 You have play mix, Kyle Picks, B. John.
00:37:51 - Drake London, yeah.
00:37:52 - Having Drake London, yeah.
00:37:54 I think when you make this switch to Heineke,
00:37:58 and as he said, Heineke is a gamer, you know?
00:38:02 Heineke is a gamer, and he's a player.
00:38:05 And I think he's just gonna find a way to make plays.
00:38:08 He's getting the opportunity because of turnover.
00:38:10 So the one thing he's thinking is,
00:38:12 I can't turn the ball over.
00:38:14 So if he goes in and he protects his ball,
00:38:17 run it when he needs to run it,
00:38:18 throw the ball out of bounds,
00:38:20 instead of taking risky plays,
00:38:22 I just see the Falcons being able
00:38:24 to take control of this game.
00:38:26 - And you know, too, he'll play more loose
00:38:28 than a young QB who's thinking,
00:38:29 don't turn the ball over.
00:38:30 Like, they're thinking,
00:38:31 they're a little bit more calculated.
00:38:33 Even though they're not doubting themselves,
00:38:35 they're like, man, you can't have this mess up.
00:38:37 Heineke's proven that he's spot-started,
00:38:41 he's winning the free agency,
00:38:42 he's tried being the guy,
00:38:43 he knows that whether politics, tangibles, anything else,
00:38:46 he's in more of a vet role to where his fucking moments,
00:38:49 he's gonna make it happen because he's taking chances.
00:38:52 - Clinton, your matchup is the Giants and the Raiders.
00:38:54 We talked about the Raiders off the top of the show,
00:38:55 obviously disarray for them right now.
00:38:58 Are you riding with them or the Giants this week?
00:39:00 - Well, I'm, I'm, I almost feel like Will right now.
00:39:05 Like, I didn't pick this, but.
00:39:08 (laughing)
00:39:10 I think these are the first two coaches to get fired.
00:39:14 The Raiders are already gone,
00:39:16 and I think the Giants coaches are.
00:39:17 - Table, yeah.
00:39:19 - I really think he's on the hot seat.
00:39:22 You went all in on Daniel Jones,
00:39:25 and yeah, exactly, he's not the answer.
00:39:29 You go out and you bring in a tight end,
00:39:31 and you're not even using this man
00:39:33 as the weapon that he is.
00:39:35 You got Saquon Barkley.
00:39:37 You're not using this man as the weapon that he is.
00:39:40 So something is obviously wrong.
00:39:42 Then you've already kind of thrown in the towel
00:39:45 'cause you traded your tackle.
00:39:46 You know, you let your D lineman go to the West Coast.
00:39:50 - Seahawks, yeah.
00:39:52 - So I think the Giants are in one of those positions
00:39:54 where it's almost like the Raiders.
00:39:57 Like, you know what?
00:39:58 I'm about to be out of here,
00:39:59 so you get out of here as well.
00:40:01 - So I'm waiting for the name on the back.
00:40:03 - Yeah, it's just, I think the Raiders win this game,
00:40:08 and the reason you're at home,
00:40:10 the Giants locker room is kind of in that disarray
00:40:13 that the Raiders were in.
00:40:15 I think guys getting McDaniels out
00:40:17 just takes the weight off a guy's shoulders.
00:40:19 When you hate a coach, it's the worst.
00:40:22 Like, anybody.
00:40:23 (laughing)
00:40:23 - Hey, yes.
00:40:24 - You hate a coach, it's the worst in the locker room.
00:40:27 And just anybody that comes in can get more out of you
00:40:31 and the guys around than that coach, you know?
00:40:34 And I think AP is one of those guys
00:40:37 that guys are gonna buy into,
00:40:38 and he's gonna be able to get it out of his players.
00:40:41 It goes, you know what, man?
00:40:42 We got Antonio, we don't have to worry about it.
00:40:44 McDaniels is gone, let's go out here and do this.
00:40:47 - Did you have a coach that got fired,
00:40:50 and then the interim or the next coach,
00:40:52 you're like, yes, this is the bounce back?
00:40:54 - Oh yeah, I had a coach that just, you know,
00:40:57 it wasn't it.
00:40:57 Our styles or whatever it was didn't match.
00:41:01 And the moment that he was gone, it was like,
00:41:04 I was so far gone that it was just like one of those,
00:41:09 man, it's over for me.
00:41:10 - Yeah.
00:41:11 - Like, it's time, my time is up.
00:41:12 I can't deal with these politics.
00:41:14 But just seeing what it did to the locker room,
00:41:17 because I think when Coach Gibbs left,
00:41:19 everything was in place,
00:41:20 and we all wanted Greg Williams to transition
00:41:25 from Coach Gibbs to Greg Williams,
00:41:27 and we didn't get that opportunity.
00:41:29 It didn't happen.
00:41:30 So it was so many guys like,
00:41:32 boy, Greg get this,
00:41:34 because you know Greg is gonna keep
00:41:35 this locker room together.
00:41:36 He's gonna keep these guys together.
00:41:38 And it did happen.
00:41:39 So we went another direction, and it didn't work out.
00:41:41 - Yeah, and Antonio Pierce does feel like that guy
00:41:44 who's gonna galvanize the locker room.
00:41:46 I'm taking the Raiders just because of the bounce back
00:41:48 of when a coach does get fired,
00:41:50 everyone's kind of on high alert, like, oh shit,
00:41:53 things, you know, no one's job is safe.
00:41:55 There's gonna be a new coach next year.
00:41:57 There's gonna be a new GM.
00:41:59 None of us have safety, so we gotta go out and ball.
00:42:02 And you got a players coach with Antonio Pierce
00:42:04 who, a little weird when he was like,
00:42:06 I like to feel the players.
00:42:07 I wanna feel them, I wanna touch them.
00:42:08 (laughing)
00:42:10 That was a little weird.
00:42:11 - I need him to feel me too.
00:42:11 - I need him to feel me, we need to touch each other.
00:42:15 But that shit works for a game.
00:42:16 - Yeah. - It does.
00:42:17 - Yeah, for a game at least.
00:42:18 - For a game. - For a game.
00:42:19 - That's giving hugs.
00:42:21 That's being in the center as a coach.
00:42:23 That's, you know, giving this rah-rah
00:42:25 and all the guys are surrounding me,
00:42:27 like buying into it.
00:42:28 Like, that's filling my energy, filling my vibe.
00:42:31 Not like, you look good, cat.
00:42:33 (laughing)
00:42:35 - Hey, some ass taps or some good ass slaps.
00:42:37 - Yeah, that's a good idea.
00:42:39 - Okay, so no, yeah, not like rubbing and fondling.
00:42:42 It's more like, oh, let's go.
00:42:43 - As fans, it sounds like creepy.
00:42:45 Guys in the locker room are like, this is my shit.
00:42:46 - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, okay.
00:42:47 Will, who are you taking?
00:42:48 - I'm going with the Raiders.
00:42:50 Max Crosby, I think they're right tackle.
00:42:51 They're down to their third guy.
00:42:53 He just signed there a couple weeks ago.
00:42:55 I think Max tears him up.
00:42:56 Like, that dude shows up.
00:42:58 I know TJ is a monster, but Max is,
00:43:00 he's somebody who should be looked at
00:43:01 for defensive player of the year as well.
00:43:03 - So, Jerry, I know that by the time this airs,
00:43:05 the game has already happened,
00:43:06 but the Steelers are playing in Thursday Night Football.
00:43:08 When this airs, what happened?
00:43:10 - Low scoring game, 17-14, I would say, Steelers.
00:43:17 - Steelers, you were in bed crying
00:43:19 and you want people to remind you,
00:43:20 like, if you get too high, hey, remind me.
00:43:22 - I'm not getting too high.
00:43:22 - No, he doesn't think the Steelers
00:43:24 are gonna win this game.
00:43:25 He's just picking 'em 'cause they're the Steelers.
00:43:27 - Okay, okay.
00:43:28 - It's what I do every week with the Bears.
00:43:29 - You don't think they're gonna win?
00:43:30 - I think the Steelers are in a bad spot this week.
00:43:31 - Yeah, he's doing, yeah. - Short rest.
00:43:33 - That's why we hammer the Steelers.
00:43:34 Jerry's been wrong every single week about the Steelers.
00:43:37 - He has, man.
00:43:38 Except for the Rams.
00:43:40 - Yeah.
00:43:41 - No, he didn't even feel that.
00:43:43 I had to talk him into that.
00:43:44 - We all rallied.
00:43:45 - I had to talk him into that.
00:43:46 He said the Steelers were gonna kill the Texans.
00:43:48 They got killed by the Texans.
00:43:50 - He just whispered to me he likes the Titans.
00:43:51 But again, in this interview.
00:43:53 - Yeah, see, see?
00:43:54 - Yeah, he just, he whispered it to me.
00:43:55 - Yeah.
00:43:56 - Okay, let's go to the Rapid Fire Games of the Week,
00:43:57 presented by Body Armor.
00:43:59 Of course, Body Armor is the official water
00:44:01 of Barstool Sports.
00:44:02 Jerry will be the water boy.
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00:44:11 Let's start with the Rams at the Packers.
00:44:13 Dan, that was the apology game last week,
00:44:14 and I know Kyle is not here.
00:44:16 He'll be back in a few weeks.
00:44:17 - Yep.
00:44:18 - But how are we feeling about the Packers?
00:44:19 - I mean, look, I got, I was wrong about the Packers.
00:44:21 I was dead right about the Rams.
00:44:23 I'm gonna take the Packers this week.
00:44:25 - Dead right.
00:44:26 - Dead right about the Rams.
00:44:28 - Thank you.
00:44:29 - That was personal, 'cause I was like,
00:44:30 I think the Rams stink, and everyone's like,
00:44:31 you're an idiot, you're an idiot.
00:44:33 It's like, no, I think the Rams stink.
00:44:34 - Who's calling you an idiot?
00:44:35 - Everyone.
00:44:36 Everyone, people online, everyone was calling me an idiot.
00:44:39 - Did it hurt your feelings?
00:44:41 - No, I just was like, no, it didn't hurt my feelings.
00:44:43 I said, I'm waiting for the Cowboys to smush 'em,
00:44:46 and then I'll get my revenge,
00:44:47 and then I've gotten my revenge.
00:44:48 I've just been dunking on people left and right.
00:44:50 My thing is, everyone's always like,
00:44:53 oh, you just hate the Rams.
00:44:54 Like, no, I don't hate the Rams.
00:44:56 I got no feeling for the Rams.
00:44:57 I'm just telling you the truth.
00:44:58 They stink, and Matt Stafford is hurt.
00:45:00 I think it's gonna be bad weather.
00:45:01 If he plays, can't grip the football.
00:45:04 The Packers are bad, too, but I'm gonna take the Packers.
00:45:07 And the one thing, the one matchup I like in this game,
00:45:10 the Rams can't run the football.
00:45:13 The Packers have been getting gashed by the run,
00:45:17 so the one weakness on the Packers' defense
00:45:19 the Rams can't exploit.
00:45:21 I will take the Packers.
00:45:22 They are dog shit.
00:45:23 I want it on the record, the Packers are dog shit.
00:45:26 They're gonna win this game.
00:45:27 - Clinton?
00:45:28 - This is a game I wouldn't look at.
00:45:30 - Yeah. (laughing)
00:45:31 - I would not watch.
00:45:33 - Here's what happens, and this is a note
00:45:35 to all the haters out there.
00:45:37 People are always like, damn, they do this for their job,
00:45:40 and their record is like under 500.
00:45:42 You pick every fucking game.
00:45:43 This game stinks.
00:45:45 This game stinks.
00:45:46 I shouldn't have to pick this game, but I'm picking it.
00:45:47 - You know Stavrides is gonna be out there, though,
00:45:49 slinging it, 'cause he's like the toughest player.
00:45:50 - Can't grip it.
00:45:51 - He'll find a way. - And it's gonna be
00:45:52 clean-lipping. - Grit-ripping.
00:45:53 - Being that this game is disciples of Kyle Shanahan,
00:45:58 it's gonna be personal.
00:46:00 McVay, I think, comes out on top,
00:46:05 just because they know each other.
00:46:07 I know what you wanna do.
00:46:09 I don't think Green Bay is a good team.
00:46:12 The Rams have been hit by the injury bug,
00:46:15 but if Cup, having Cup on your team,
00:46:20 and having Aaron Donald on your team is the advantage.
00:46:24 The Packers don't have either one of those guys.
00:46:26 So I like the Rams.
00:46:28 - Will? - Rams.
00:46:29 I'm going with the Rams.
00:46:30 Green Bay hasn't covered in the last four,
00:46:31 and they're the worst outside of the Steelers,
00:46:34 but they're the worst team in the first quarter of football.
00:46:36 They haven't scored a touchdown
00:46:40 in 10 first-half quarters in a row, five games in a row.
00:46:44 - And you know, being an offensive player,
00:46:46 if you can't score on the scripted plays,
00:46:48 it goes back to you saying this a few weeks ago.
00:46:51 Even though they're not saying it publicly,
00:46:53 I think internally, behind closed doors,
00:46:55 it's just like, hey, we don't think love is the guy.
00:46:57 Love's not gonna be the guy.
00:46:58 - Yeah, but you didn't think Aaron Rodgers was the guy.
00:47:01 - Yeah, but did Aaron Rodgers have the start like this
00:47:03 with love, the way love is?
00:47:04 - No, I'm just saying. - No, I'm just saying.
00:47:05 - You shouldn't have gotten rid of Aaron Rodgers.
00:47:07 - Oh, yes, got you, yes.
00:47:08 - You should have already known.
00:47:09 It took four years to get love on the field.
00:47:12 Aaron Rodgers, it took him the same amount of time
00:47:14 to get on the field, but he was behind Brett Ford.
00:47:16 Now, love, I think you then knew he wasn't the guy.
00:47:21 And then you didn't have receivers last year for Rodgers.
00:47:25 So how did you think all of a sudden these receivers
00:47:28 were gonna do any different for love?
00:47:30 - Yeah, no, their receiving core is very young,
00:47:32 and it just, like, they need a veteran.
00:47:35 Like, if they had a veteran, like, who can be
00:47:37 that security blanket for love,
00:47:39 I think he'd look a lot different.
00:47:40 - And again, when they go probably three and out
00:47:42 on the first drive, or have to punt on the first drive,
00:47:45 the fan base is very impatient.
00:47:46 They're gonna start booing right away.
00:47:47 Like, I think it's just gonna play into the Rams' favor.
00:47:49 - Clinton, the commanders at the Patriots, who you taking?
00:47:52 (laughing)
00:47:57 - ACP, don't do it.
00:47:58 - Another game, it's a three and five, two and 16.
00:48:00 - You want me to start?
00:48:01 I'll help you.
00:48:02 - I will actually take the Patriots.
00:48:03 - Oh.
00:48:04 - And the reason is, Belichick is not gonna lose
00:48:07 to a team in disarray, right?
00:48:09 Belichick is just--
00:48:11 - But does he have a team in disarray?
00:48:12 - Yeah, but his team, it seemed like his team
00:48:15 has been in disarray since Brady left.
00:48:17 But when you talk about two bad teams,
00:48:21 I'm gonna go with Belichick, just for the simple fact
00:48:25 that that defense, although the Patriots' offense
00:48:29 has been playing horrible since Brady left,
00:48:32 that defense is finding a way to make plays.
00:48:37 And you see the commanders, you know,
00:48:40 John Allen goes off on TV, you lose Chase Young,
00:48:45 you lose Sweat, you know, it's like a finger point
00:48:49 situation going on.
00:48:50 And I don't think the commanders have that bun
00:48:54 in the locker room that you need in football.
00:48:58 You know, if you look at these guys,
00:49:00 I got Terry McClearn on my team.
00:49:02 If I'm going off about anything,
00:49:04 it's the fact that why aren't we giving him the ball
00:49:07 every damn play?
00:49:08 I don't care if I play safety, corner, linebacker,
00:49:11 D-end, whatever it is, I'm mad because we don't
00:49:15 give Terry McClearn the ball every play.
00:49:17 And when you don't have guys doing that,
00:49:19 it's kinda just like, yeah, we gotta figure this thing out.
00:49:23 No, we don't have to figure it out.
00:49:25 Get a ball to Terry, let us go out and play defense.
00:49:27 So I would take the Patriots.
00:49:29 - Dan?
00:49:31 - I think he swayed me.
00:49:32 I was gonna go commanders, I think I'll go Patriots.
00:49:33 - That was a great speech.
00:49:34 - Yeah.
00:49:35 This does feel too obvious to take the Patriots.
00:49:39 That's the only thing that's giving me a little hesitation
00:49:41 just because you just traded away Chase Young
00:49:43 and Montez Sweat.
00:49:45 And, but I'll go back to Sam Howell, rookie quarterback.
00:49:49 You know, I know he played a couple of times last year,
00:49:52 but rookie quarterback going up against Belichick,
00:49:54 he usually dominates those spots.
00:49:56 I'll take the Patriots.
00:49:58 - Will?
00:49:58 - Washington.
00:49:59 - I like your analogy with the Rams Packers.
00:50:02 I like Howell and Scary Terry over Jones and DeMario Douglas.
00:50:07 - I would love Howell and Scary Terry.
00:50:09 - And Eric B. and me, like who, I don't even know
00:50:11 who's calling the plays for the Patriots.
00:50:13 - Yeah, but if Howell would throw the ball.
00:50:15 - I know, he holds on to it.
00:50:16 - I'm not coming out of the game where my tight end
00:50:19 has more targets than Terry McClellan.
00:50:20 It's not gonna happen.
00:50:21 - I feel you, but last week, I know we were saying
00:50:23 he holds on to it, but last week he was getting it out
00:50:25 in two and a half seconds.
00:50:26 - He was.
00:50:27 - They were playing well against the Philly defense,
00:50:28 up on 'em 14 to three.
00:50:29 Like, I think they both are not good.
00:50:31 - The Patriots are like masterminds of--
00:50:34 - Not scoring.
00:50:36 - Confusion.
00:50:37 - Yeah, of confusing.
00:50:38 - Yeah.
00:50:39 - So I think they're gonna confuse.
00:50:40 You go back to the Bills game.
00:50:42 What did we give up, eight to 10 sacks?
00:50:44 Like, we gave up eight sacks in the game against the Bills.
00:50:48 You don't think Belichick has shown his team this,
00:50:50 like, hey, you know what, look at that old lineman.
00:50:53 He's trash.
00:50:54 (laughing)
00:50:55 He is trash.
00:50:57 I'm blitzing over this guy the entire time.
00:51:00 It's gonna happen, you know?
00:51:01 It's just one of those, as former players,
00:51:05 you always wanna say, hey, you know what, I'm taking them.
00:51:08 Like, I'm supporting my team.
00:51:10 Fan base probably even get upset,
00:51:12 but the truth is, the team stayed.
00:51:15 (laughing)
00:51:16 - Hey, you're calling out--
00:51:17 - But a quality coordinator like BNME,
00:51:20 who they were, they were the most sacked team
00:51:22 going into last week, but that's where somebody
00:51:24 like EB comes in and figures out,
00:51:26 you gotta dial things up to get it out quicker.
00:51:28 You're talking to Sam Howe, you're in his ear,
00:51:29 he gets it out quicker, you start building
00:51:31 off that little bit. - Week one, EB had
00:51:32 the opportunity to figure out, I have a kid
00:51:35 in Terry McClarn who's a fucking stud.
00:51:39 Who's a stud.
00:51:40 Let's get him the ball.
00:51:41 He hasn't figured that out.
00:51:42 - And it's weak. - And John Dotson's
00:51:44 really good, too. - And I think it's a good thing
00:51:45 that they traded away Chase.
00:51:46 - Yeah, I do, too, but who are you putting in for him?
00:51:49 I think it's a good thing-- - Somebody who plays
00:51:50 team defense. - Yeah, who plays, yeah.
00:51:52 I think it's a good thing for Chase.
00:51:54 - Yeah. - I don't think
00:51:55 it's a good thing for us.
00:51:55 - I think it's both. - I don't know,
00:51:56 the best thing that happened for them was Chase was home.
00:52:00 So I think for Chase, getting the opportunity
00:52:02 to go to the West Coast, to be in San Fran
00:52:05 with the organization, you're not asked to do much.
00:52:07 Both sides on the other side.
00:52:09 That D-line that San Fran already has is special.
00:52:13 So adding him to it, I think, gives him a chance
00:52:15 to see how football is supposed to be played
00:52:18 because everywhere he's been, he's been that guy.
00:52:20 He's been the stud.
00:52:21 Now you're lining up against Trent Williams.
00:52:24 And when you open up your chest and you get hit in
00:52:26 and all the wind is knocked out of you,
00:52:29 all of a sudden it changed.
00:52:30 So you know what?
00:52:31 Maybe I'll buy into this team.
00:52:33 - Yeah, yeah. - I'm not LeBron, I'm not MJ.
00:52:36 So I think it's gonna be good for Chase.
00:52:38 - Yeah, I agree.
00:52:39 I think it's good literally for both sides.
00:52:40 - Yeah. - 'Cause he does have to,
00:52:42 he has to, what you were just talking about,
00:52:44 going into a locker room, you know there are already
00:52:46 big dogs on defense, you're not gonna come in.
00:52:48 From what you hear on the internal stuff,
00:52:50 there was a disconnect between him, J. Allen,
00:52:54 team defense, doing your own thing.
00:52:56 And what you just explained is why I think
00:52:58 it'll be even a good thing for him
00:52:59 'cause you gotta kinda check your ego,
00:53:01 especially when you're going against a guy
00:53:02 like Trent Williams.
00:53:03 - All right, Dan, your Bears, the Bears at the Saints.
00:53:06 So you said you wanna talk about the Bears.
00:53:08 - Yeah, I mean, they're a dumpster fire.
00:53:10 Ryan Poles did a press conference this week
00:53:13 and he was like, Matt Ibraflues is our guy.
00:53:16 Matt Ibraflues said, you know,
00:53:18 it feels like the vibes in this locker room are great,
00:53:21 we're two and two in our last four.
00:53:23 You're three and 18 before that, dude.
00:53:25 You stink, you stink.
00:53:28 But I still am gonna take the Bears.
00:53:29 'Cause I don't think the Saints are good.
00:53:31 I don't think the Saints are good.
00:53:32 I think they played a really bad Colts defense.
00:53:34 And Tyson Pagent, he's not a starting quarterback,
00:53:38 but I think what he's showing is he can be in this league
00:53:40 for a long time as a backup.
00:53:42 He gets rid of the ball fast.
00:53:44 I didn't think that that game was on him
00:53:47 on Sunday night football against the Chargers.
00:53:49 I think that was just, the Bears defense
00:53:51 versus Justin Herbert is a huge mismatch.
00:53:53 Derek Carr doesn't have Justin Herbert's skill.
00:53:56 And I think they'll be in this game.
00:53:58 I'm taking the Bears eight and a half.
00:53:59 - Will?
00:54:00 - Saints, I'm gonna go Saints.
00:54:02 I think I bought in on the Bears.
00:54:06 We got in a group chat, me, BC, Kyle Long,
00:54:08 I put a little parlay together.
00:54:09 I was fully bought in on Tyson Pagent.
00:54:11 I thought he was gonna be the next Romo.
00:54:13 Then you were three and out, three and out.
00:54:15 Oh shit, he's coming.
00:54:16 Three and out, three and out.
00:54:17 Oh shit, he's kind of driving a little bit.
00:54:19 - Wrong, wrong.
00:54:20 That first play of the game to Mooney, deep 40 yards.
00:54:23 - Okay, but then.
00:54:24 - And he wasn't even touched.
00:54:26 It should have been a touchdown.
00:54:27 - But either way, it's like you pat him on.
00:54:29 - It's different if we go seven nothing.
00:54:30 - No doubt, no doubt.
00:54:31 - It's different.
00:54:32 - Classic pat him on the back shit in my hand.
00:54:34 I was, I couldn't believe I got duped.
00:54:37 But then again, it's like, okay, that makes sense.
00:54:38 It usually happens.
00:54:40 I like Saints.
00:54:41 Derek Carr looked good last week.
00:54:42 I think the Saints rolled.
00:54:43 - Clinton.
00:54:44 - I like Saints.
00:54:45 I've been a Saints fan my entire life.
00:54:46 I'm from Laurel, Mississippi.
00:54:48 So I've been a Saints fan when they were the Aints,
00:54:51 with Mike Vickie and everyone else.
00:54:53 So I would take the Saints.
00:54:55 And for the reason I'm taking Saints,
00:54:56 the Saints defense is actually a good defense.
00:55:00 - It is.
00:55:01 - So when you look at this Bears team,
00:55:03 not getting DJ Moore to ball, not being able,
00:55:06 he's another guy like Terry.
00:55:08 I'm forcing the ball to my best players.
00:55:10 I just don't understand losing
00:55:12 and not giving your best player a chance to help you win.
00:55:16 So when you look at teams like the Bears,
00:55:18 you look at teams like the Commanders,
00:55:20 I'm not giving my best player an opportunity
00:55:23 to help me win these games.
00:55:25 And I think Chicago is one of those teams.
00:55:27 Like force feed, Moore to ball.
00:55:29 The Saints got pretty good corners.
00:55:31 D-line is full of studs.
00:55:33 So when you look at that game,
00:55:36 especially being in New Orleans, I'm going with the Saints.
00:55:39 - All right, Will Cardinals and Browns.
00:55:42 - I'll take the Browns.
00:55:44 - Correct.
00:55:45 - Run game, defense.
00:55:46 - Correct.
00:55:47 - I'm going Browns.
00:55:48 - It's just as easy as Clayton Toon versus Browns defense.
00:55:52 That's it.
00:55:52 That's the whole handicap of this game.
00:55:54 - Okay.
00:55:54 - So Browns.
00:55:55 - That's it.
00:55:56 - Browns.
00:55:57 - Clayton Toon, nice career at Houston.
00:55:58 Clayton Toon's not gonna go to Cleveland
00:56:00 and play against this defense.
00:56:02 And what's his name?
00:56:04 Schwartz is doing.
00:56:06 This is gonna be a rout.
00:56:07 Browns are gonna kill him.
00:56:09 - Browns across the board?
00:56:10 - Browns are gonna kill him.
00:56:11 - And Cardinals defense is real bad.
00:56:13 - Yes.
00:56:14 - The Cardinals have basically like,
00:56:16 they've tricked everyone with that one win
00:56:18 against the Cowboys.
00:56:19 They are bad.
00:56:20 They're really bad.
00:56:22 They are.
00:56:23 They win one game and everyone's like,
00:56:24 "Oh, they're frisky."
00:56:25 No, no, they're a bad team.
00:56:26 - We were at the beginning of the year though.
00:56:27 - I know, they were covering.
00:56:28 - They were playing like the fly.
00:56:29 They were like, okay, they're not.
00:56:30 - No, no, no.
00:56:31 - You gotta kill them.
00:56:32 - Bad team.
00:56:32 - But now they're dead.
00:56:33 - Really bad team.
00:56:34 - Just bad.
00:56:35 - Yes.
00:56:36 - So Browns across the board.
00:56:37 - Ravens.
00:56:37 - Ravens.
00:56:38 - Okay.
00:56:39 - Ravens.
00:56:40 And I think this is the most weapons
00:56:43 that Lamar has had.
00:56:45 - Yep.
00:56:46 - And figuring out a way to not only
00:56:49 let Andrews be the guy,
00:56:51 I think the young kid from Boston College.
00:56:54 - Zay Flowers, yep.
00:56:55 - Yeah, I think Flowers is gonna be a dog in this league.
00:56:59 And then having, you know, having OBJ as a leader,
00:57:02 you know, that defense isn't the same defense
00:57:05 that we're used to seeing the Ravens fly around
00:57:08 and pound people with.
00:57:10 But they have some good players
00:57:12 that's gonna get it done defensively.
00:57:14 And I think that offense is gelling.
00:57:16 You look at Lamar, Lamar is not even running the ball
00:57:19 as much as he used to, which is a good thing
00:57:22 because the team is growing together offensively.
00:57:25 So now you know you have that weapon of Lamar legs,
00:57:30 but he's been able to throw the ball
00:57:32 and spread the ball around to Flowers
00:57:34 and Andrews, you know.
00:57:36 At this time of year, guys are gonna be like,
00:57:41 "Oh, we gotta stop Lamar."
00:57:42 You can't ever go without the threat
00:57:44 of having a spy on Lamar.
00:57:46 So that threat alone is always there.
00:57:49 So there's gonna be one guy misplaced.
00:57:51 So I think that allows them to get downfield more.
00:57:54 So I'm going with Lamar Jackson.
00:57:55 - Okay, so I'm switching one of my advisors' picks.
00:57:59 We're gonna have to let everyone know.
00:58:00 This is the first switch, only switch.
00:58:02 I did take the Seahawks on advisors.
00:58:04 Again, I thought about it more.
00:58:06 It's similar to last week with the Cowboys and the Rams.
00:58:08 I thought about it more.
00:58:09 I like the Seahawks.
00:58:11 The Ravens are on a different level than the Seahawks.
00:58:13 The Ravens, Lamar Jackson has only lost one game
00:58:16 to the NFC when he plays them in the regular season.
00:58:19 Teams just aren't ready for what Lamar Jackson
00:58:21 brings to the table.
00:58:22 They haven't seen it.
00:58:23 I also think the Ravens can play multiple styles
00:58:26 of defense, zone or man.
00:58:28 If they stick with man, Geno Smith is atrocious against man.
00:58:32 I'm gonna take the Ravens and on top of all of that,
00:58:35 the Ravens played like a C minus against the Cardinals
00:58:39 last week and they won that game handily.
00:58:41 I know that the score looks a little different
00:58:43 'cause the Cardinals scored a couple times
00:58:44 at the end of the game with an onside kick and everything.
00:58:46 I think the Ravens, this is the spot for them.
00:58:48 They're gonna kill the Seahawks.
00:58:50 Switch.
00:58:51 - Well, I'm gonna go Seahawks.
00:58:54 I liked how they beat the Browns last week.
00:58:56 Again, playing a good running team, a good defense.
00:58:59 - That sounded defeated.
00:59:00 - Yeah.
00:59:01 - Also, there's no way you like how they beat the Browns.
00:59:04 - You know what, they got a win against the Browns.
00:59:06 Yeah, but it's still--
00:59:07 - PJ Walker threw a ball off a guy's helmet.
00:59:09 - When you look at the Browns, it's like the Ravens.
00:59:12 Ravens play good defense.
00:59:13 Browns play phenomenal defense.
00:59:14 You still get a win.
00:59:15 You still have the formula to go over there
00:59:17 and fly across the country and beat the Ravens
00:59:20 and I want them to beat the Ravens.
00:59:22 I'm not confident, you're right.
00:59:24 - Yeah, that didn't sound good.
00:59:25 - He called that out immediately.
00:59:25 - Didn't sound good.
00:59:26 - He called that out immediately.
00:59:27 Okay, Dan, the Colts or the Panthers?
00:59:29 - Okay.
00:59:30 (laughing)
00:59:31 I'm gonna go with the Panthers
00:59:33 and it's really just the Colts' defense is in disarray
00:59:37 and the Panthers, we talked about it last week,
00:59:39 they switched their OC.
00:59:41 They moved the ball a little bit against the Texans.
00:59:44 That was an ugly, ugly game.
00:59:46 But yeah, I'm gonna go with the Panthers
00:59:47 just 'cause I don't think the Colts can stop anyone.
00:59:50 It's really bad right now.
00:59:51 They've given up over 35 points three games in a row.
00:59:55 I'll take the Panthers at home.
00:59:56 - Clinton?
00:59:57 - I think the Colts, losing Anthony Richardson,
01:00:01 having Anthony Richardson was a different energy.
01:00:03 So losing Anthony Richardson for the season,
01:00:06 the offense hasn't looked good,
01:00:07 running game kind of disappeared,
01:00:09 running back has been hurt.
01:00:11 You get Taylor back, but it hasn't really been designed
01:00:15 for Jonathan Taylor to get off.
01:00:17 So it's a hard pick.
01:00:20 I live in Charlotte.
01:00:21 The Panthers are for anything.
01:00:25 They just want anything.
01:00:26 I'm gonna go with the Panthers.
01:00:27 - Okay, a one in 16, all right.
01:00:29 - I'll go Colts.
01:00:30 - Oh, okay. - I'll go Colts.
01:00:31 I just don't think, even as bad as the defense is
01:00:33 for the Colts, Panthers, they don't really have much offense.
01:00:37 So I'm going with the Colts.
01:00:38 - Okay, Monday Night Football, Will,
01:00:39 the Chargers or the Jets?
01:00:41 And we talked about this a few weeks ago.
01:00:42 Zach Wilson said, he's seeing it.
01:00:44 We don't know exactly what's gonna happen
01:00:45 with Aaron Rodgers yet, but Zach Wilson feels like
01:00:48 he is a different player right now, right?
01:00:50 - Yeah, give me the Jets.
01:00:51 Give me the Jets.
01:00:53 I'm not gonna say it 'cause I know BC will hold me to it.
01:00:56 But give me the Jets.
01:00:57 I like the Jets.
01:00:57 - To cover too? - The Chargers,
01:00:59 yes, to cover, to cover.
01:01:01 I was gonna say, let's sprinkle this money line,
01:01:03 but then Dan will hold me to it,
01:01:04 and then that'll be the whole record thing.
01:01:07 Chargers, 0-2 when traveling outside of Cali.
01:01:09 I like, give me the Jets, man.
01:01:12 - Okay, I'm gonna take the Jets as well.
01:01:15 The Jets just find a way to make quarterbacks look bad.
01:01:18 They've done it.
01:01:19 They did it week one with Josh Allen.
01:01:21 They did it with whatever it was,
01:01:22 week three with Patrick Mahomes.
01:01:25 They drag you into the mud.
01:01:26 They make the game ugly, ugly, ugly.
01:01:29 It's gonna be a three-point game.
01:01:31 If you get three and a half points at home,
01:01:32 I'm taking the Jets.
01:01:33 - Clinton?
01:01:34 - I feel like this is gonna be like
01:01:36 a Sunday morning announcement
01:01:38 that Aaron Rodgers is coming back in two weeks.
01:01:41 (laughing)
01:01:42 And the Jets fans are gonna be,
01:01:44 out of all the places I've played,
01:01:48 the worst crowd, and this is over Oakland, over Philly,
01:01:52 the worst crowd that I've ever heard,
01:01:56 where you really got people in the back
01:01:58 that annoyed the entire sideline, were the Jets.
01:02:02 - Really?
01:02:03 - Were the Jets.
01:02:04 And I was in Denver, and the Jets,
01:02:07 it was like, is this personal?
01:02:09 I had to turn to my teammate and say,
01:02:10 do you know these people?
01:02:11 Like, did you play here?
01:02:13 Like, what happened that they hate you to this magnitude?
01:02:16 So, just that alone, knowing the annoyance of the Jets,
01:02:20 - I like that.
01:02:21 - With the charges coming over.
01:02:23 That Jets defense, man, it's something about it.
01:02:28 And all of a sudden, the quarterback, like you were saying,
01:02:30 he just has a different,
01:02:32 he only scored 13 points last week,
01:02:34 so it's not like he's gunslinging.
01:02:36 But you got the weapons to gunslinging,
01:02:38 and that Jets defense is one of the best.
01:02:41 Like, it's definitely a great defense.
01:02:43 - The backers are insane, like,
01:02:46 sauce partner, white handed.
01:02:47 - Across the whole line.
01:02:48 - Yeah.
01:02:49 - When Zach Wilson's just carrying himself differently,
01:02:51 he's not having to score a bunch of points,
01:02:52 but he looks like he's just a lot more confident.
01:02:54 - It's easy to carry, look at the receivers that he has.
01:02:57 I would have been carrying myself like that.
01:02:59 I'd look at Wilson and these guys,
01:03:02 the availability of those receivers.
01:03:04 Brees Hall, you know,
01:03:05 get him back involved in the game early.
01:03:08 Like, you have weapons that you can get involved,
01:03:11 and just get the ball out of Zach Wilson's hand.
01:03:13 Don't make him think.
01:03:14 Get the ball out of his hand.
01:03:15 - Yeah.
01:03:16 - It's a straight, it's a straight.
01:03:17 - Every time Hall touches the ball,
01:03:18 he makes an awesome play.
01:03:20 It feels like they show the Jets,
01:03:22 like, "Oh, Brees Hall just ripped off a 50-yarder."
01:03:24 And then you don't come back to him.
01:03:26 - And shout out Morstead.
01:03:28 - Yeah, the punter.
01:03:29 - Harry Punter, yes.
01:03:30 The hit and yardage matters
01:03:31 when you're not getting anything going offensively.
01:03:33 And we saw it with the Bills Bucks.
01:03:35 Like, when you're placing it inside the five
01:03:36 and you're getting that field position
01:03:38 against a defense like that,
01:03:39 like, you're always gonna have a shot.
01:03:40 They have all these different ways of winning the game
01:03:42 whenever, you know, the defense and the special teams
01:03:45 needs to pick the offense up or vice versa.
01:03:47 - I like that.
01:03:48 Hit and yardage matters.
01:03:49 - It does.
01:03:50 - It does.
01:03:51 - It does.
01:03:52 - All right, well, you teased this earlier.
01:03:53 You said you have a bad opinion.
01:03:55 - Yes, I think Miami dominates the Chiefs.
01:04:00 - Whoa, dominates.
01:04:02 - Yeah, I think it's at least a two-score game.
01:04:04 - Oh, man.
01:04:06 Okay.
01:04:07 - Okay, do you think it's a bad opinion?
01:04:09 - Yeah, I think it's a bad opinion.
01:04:10 It could happen, though.
01:04:12 - So you'd say-
01:04:13 - The rest thing has fucked me up so bad.
01:04:15 If this game was being played in Miami,
01:04:17 I'd hammer the Chiefs.
01:04:18 - Really?
01:04:19 - Yes.
01:04:20 I don't know why they went so late.
01:04:22 We see it.
01:04:22 Teams go late and they sleep long.
01:04:24 - Even roster-wise, I know Miami's like,
01:04:27 you know, are they front runners?
01:04:29 They've lost to tough games against tough teams
01:04:31 like the Bills and who else did Miami lose to?
01:04:34 - The Eagles.
01:04:35 - The Eagles and the Bills.
01:04:36 - But it's like, now that they're healthy,
01:04:39 this could be a really, really good football team,
01:04:42 especially defensively.
01:04:42 - Okay, okay.
01:04:43 - Dan, you have a bad opinion?
01:04:44 - Well, I got shut down with my bad opinion last week
01:04:47 when I said the Seahawks were gonna win the NFC West.
01:04:49 Who's in first right now?
01:04:51 - The Seahawks.
01:04:51 - The Seahawks.
01:04:52 - Yes.
01:04:53 - I'm losing this game, both of them.
01:04:54 - Well, yeah, I do have 'em losing this week
01:04:55 and that's my bad opinion.
01:04:57 So this week, the AFC,
01:04:59 actually, it kinda goes into what you're saying,
01:05:01 the AFC goes through the AFC North.
01:05:03 I think the Bengals and the Ravens
01:05:04 are gonna be the two teams everyone looks to.
01:05:07 Statement wins and they're like,
01:05:09 that's the toughest division.
01:05:10 Those two teams are the Super Bowl caliber teams in the AFC.
01:05:13 So maybe you're right.
01:05:14 Maybe the Chiefs do get killed by the Dolphins.
01:05:16 - So your bad opinion is?
01:05:18 - We're gonna wake up on Monday being like,
01:05:22 Ravens and Bengals, that's the Super Bowl.
01:05:23 That's the AFC championship game.
01:05:25 So I guess it would work that the Chiefs would lose that game.
01:05:28 - But Dolphins.
01:05:29 - Right.
01:05:30 - Then you would start looking at them.
01:05:31 If they whoop the Chiefs, you're gonna be like,
01:05:33 hey, the Dolphins are getting hot.
01:05:36 - Clinton, do you have a bad opinion for us?
01:05:38 - I think it's a good bad opinion.
01:05:39 And I think after this week,
01:05:41 it's gonna be at least two coaches get fired this weekend,
01:05:44 from this weekend.
01:05:46 - If you had to guess which two.
01:05:48 - Out of those bad games,
01:05:49 I would think it's gonna be Green Bay.
01:05:51 - No.
01:05:52 - And LaFleur?
01:05:53 - No way.
01:05:54 - I think LaFleur is gonna be out of it.
01:05:55 - No way.
01:05:56 - I don't know.
01:05:57 - Two coaches fired.
01:05:58 - You're gonna say Dabow, right?
01:05:59 Dabow?
01:06:00 - Yeah.
01:06:01 - No way.
01:06:02 - And a Giants coach.
01:06:02 I think LaFleur is on the hot seat.
01:06:06 - I don't think so.
01:06:07 I think he's a great coach.
01:06:08 I think it's just been a adrenaline rush.
01:06:10 - Yeah, you gotta either think,
01:06:11 is it the quarterback or is it the head coach?
01:06:14 - I think last year you had a quarterback
01:06:16 that's a Hall of Famer.
01:06:18 You didn't win then either.
01:06:20 - Good point.
01:06:21 - That's a good point,
01:06:21 but there was a lot of tug of war going on.
01:06:24 - You drafted this quarterback,
01:06:25 you drafted this quarterback
01:06:27 when you could have went out and got receivers.
01:06:30 For the quarterback that you had.
01:06:32 Before any war starts,
01:06:34 you had the opportunity,
01:06:35 instead of you taking love in the first round,
01:06:37 there were wide receivers available.
01:06:39 - Fair.
01:06:40 - But the front office runs that.
01:06:41 - Let me see what wide receivers.
01:06:42 - You know that there's like a who has a majority power.
01:06:45 When LaFleur got hired,
01:06:46 this is a Green Bay organization that's like,
01:06:47 "Hey, we run the show around here."
01:06:49 Like when they were looking at bringing me in for a workout,
01:06:52 Kirk Alvidadi, who was with Washington at the time,
01:06:54 he's like, "Man, I don't even go to the workouts."
01:06:56 It's all front office ran.
01:06:58 - So.
01:06:59 - So.
01:07:00 - Is love LaFleur's guy
01:07:01 or is he is love the front office's guy?
01:07:04 - So it doesn't matter.
01:07:05 When people are looking for someone else to blame,
01:07:09 who are they gonna blame?
01:07:10 Can LaFleur fire the front office?
01:07:14 - Good point.
01:07:14 That's a good point.
01:07:15 - Okay, so someone is gonna take the blame for this.
01:07:17 - Tee Higgins, Michael Cuban Jr.
01:07:20 - If he goes out and lose to McVay in a bad Rams team,
01:07:24 I think that hot seat warms up.
01:07:26 - You can tell we've been on some bad ball teams.
01:07:29 You just know how the politics starts to work
01:07:31 on the inside once people are trying to figure out
01:07:33 who's holding the gun at the end.
01:07:34 - Well, and somebody has to be blamed.
01:07:36 - Yeah, somebody's gotta be blamed.
01:07:36 - And the other coach is gonna be devil.
01:07:40 - Okay, it is time for the Survivor Pool picks.
01:07:43 So Dan, you and Jerry are still alive.
01:07:46 Jerry, I know that you were trying
01:07:47 to sell your pick last week,
01:07:48 but you and Dan, so Dan,
01:07:50 is he still not allowed to sell it to Will?
01:07:52 - I know.
01:07:53 It's me and Jerry, head to head.
01:07:54 - Head to head, okay.
01:07:55 So Jerry, do you wanna go first?
01:07:56 - I'll go second.
01:07:57 - You'll go second, okay.
01:07:58 - I'll go Browns.
01:07:58 - Browns.
01:07:59 - Easy.
01:08:01 I was gonna take Browns,
01:08:02 but I'm not gonna because I don't wanna have it awash.
01:08:05 I'll go with the Texans this week.
01:08:06 - Oh, that's stupid.
01:08:08 - Go the Texans.
01:08:09 - Now Jerry, how is this gonna work
01:08:11 with the little loney loan,
01:08:12 but then you also owe me a thousand bucks?
01:08:14 - Dan, don't hit him with that.
01:08:16 This is head up, man against man.
01:08:17 - Not right now.
01:08:18 - Well, no, because I'm gonna give him a little loney loan.
01:08:20 - I know.
01:08:21 - On top of it?
01:08:22 - Yeah, on top of it.
01:08:23 - Okay.
01:08:23 - Are you just gonna give me my money back?
01:08:26 - Eventually.
01:08:27 (laughing)
01:08:29 - It's okay.
01:08:30 - Hey, I like the Texans this week.
01:08:32 I'm gonna go with the better quarterback.
01:08:33 - That's too bad that you're gonna have
01:08:34 to give me a thousand bucks.
01:08:36 - Well, but then Will would get to get back in if he loses.
01:08:38 - Well, no, I'd have to lose too.
01:08:39 Will, Taylor, and Jerry are gonna give me a thousand bucks
01:08:42 on this set next week.
01:08:43 - Yeah, if one of you guys lose,
01:08:44 don't we just get to start it over since there's an--
01:08:46 - Yeah, we'll start it over if I win,
01:08:48 which I will this week.
01:08:50 - You all pay him and then we start.
01:08:50 - Although I took the Texans, good pick, Jerry.
01:08:52 We're still--
01:08:52 - But what if he wins and you lose?
01:08:54 - Then we start it over, yeah.
01:08:55 - I took the Texans.
01:08:56 - But then you guys all pay Jerry.
01:08:56 - No, no, it's a good pick.
01:08:57 I took the Texans as well.
01:08:58 - Yeah.
01:08:59 - I took the Texans in the show.
01:09:00 - Oh, yeah, I like them.
01:09:01 - Yeah.
01:09:02 - It really doesn't matter because they're still in.
01:09:04 Otherwise, you would have had to pay Jerry a thousand dollars
01:09:07 - At some point.
01:09:09 (all laughing)
01:09:11 - At some point.
01:09:12 - At some point, you're gonna have to do it.
01:09:13 All right, so anything else, guys?
01:09:15 - No, great show.
01:09:16 - Great show.
01:09:16 - Thank you for being here.
01:09:17 - It was awesome.
01:09:18 - Man, thanks for having me.
01:09:19 - Fucking ball.
01:09:20 - Run the ball.
01:09:21 - Run the damn ball.
01:09:21 - I love the scheme.
01:09:22 - I love being around running backs when they're just like,
01:09:24 you gotta run the ball 'cause he's just so fired up.
01:09:26 It's like, that's man football.
01:09:28 That's just run the ball down their throat.
01:09:30 - And not only run the ball,
01:09:31 have everybody on the team say run the ball.
01:09:32 - Yeah.
01:09:33 - Give it to your best play?
01:09:34 - Yeah, give it to your best play.
01:09:35 - How many yards do you think you can get seriously?
01:09:36 Kerry's yards without getting injured right now in the NFL.
01:09:39 If he had to play on Sunday.
01:09:40 Let's say you're playing on the Eagles,
01:09:42 best offensive line in the league.
01:09:44 - You got Mel.
01:09:45 You got Mel all week too.
01:09:47 - Put me in for the magic play on goal line.
01:09:51 I dive across the top and then the stretcher comes out.
01:09:55 (all laughing)
01:09:57 - But what if you're lining up against Will?
01:09:58 - Force fumble.
01:09:59 - Oh, Will?
01:10:00 - That's a force fumble.
01:10:01 - Put me in on the goal line.
01:10:02 I'm diving over the top.
01:10:04 When I land in the end zone,
01:10:07 just like Tecmo Bowl used to do.
01:10:08 You remember,
01:10:09 - Drive the end zone back up.
01:10:11 - They run out with a little gurney,
01:10:13 pick me up, I'm done.
01:10:14 I'm gonna shoot the peace sign.
01:10:16 (all laughing)
01:10:18 It's over.
01:10:19 - But you got in the end zone.
01:10:20 That's all that matters.
01:10:21 You got the points.
01:10:22 - It's done.
01:10:23 (all laughing)
01:10:24 - I got my touchdown.
01:10:25 - That's all that matters.
01:10:26 All right, thanks everybody for tuning in.
01:10:27 We'll see you next week.
01:10:28 (upbeat music)
01:10:30 [WHOOSH]
