• 2 days ago
El Presidente | Stool Scenes


00:00Roan Aspert, Pope, New York office, they can vote to take Tate, make a move there permanently.
00:08So I'll read you the text message that I sent him, transfer him to NYC.
00:12He clearly does great numbies out here.
00:14Then we would have to see if he keeps the same energy.
00:16They're sending me all the stats and like he keeps saying how good he is, his numbers are way up, let's keep him here.
00:21What if I vote to keep him?
00:23Well I don't know, it's a New York vote.
00:26But what if I say Dave I want to keep him?
00:28I think New York trumps them.
00:30That's crazy!
00:38But I'm making a little puppet master meme right now saying dance for me New York.
00:43A way to revive this dying office.
00:46All it needs is a little CPR.
00:49I'm going to probably write a blog, hang these up around the office and try and revive this place.
00:54You can't!
01:13You know what I'm doing?
01:15Rhone Aspert, Pope, New York office, they can vote to take Tate, make a move there permanently.
01:24Yes, Dave said that.
01:27I think he misrepresented my argument just a little bit.
01:31So I'll read you the text message that I sent him.
01:34I said clear option for Tate, transfer him to NYC.
01:37He clearly does great numbies out here.
01:39Then we would have to see if he keeps the same energy.
01:42And then he said do I have NYC vs Chicago numbers?
01:45And I said, and I got them.
01:47So it was Tate video views on Twitter this week, 60 million.
01:52The week before, 6 million.
01:54The week before that, 2 million.
01:56The week before that, .5 million.
01:59So over 4 weeks, from a regular week in Chicago to his week in New York, it was 32x.
02:05What is that? A vote, what do you mean?
02:08I'm letting the New York office decide.
02:10Because New York wants him.
02:12He's going in and out, it's not fair for him to do all this.
02:15If he wants to be like this, make him live here full time.
02:20I love that.
02:22But only New York votes are going to vote to keep him.
02:25Well no, because some people like you think Kelly Keynes wants him.
02:28True, true.
02:30They're sending me all the stats and he keeps saying how good he is.
02:33His numbers are way up, let's keep him here.
02:35They got a point.
02:37But you knew he was going to do that.
02:39He was going for one week.
02:41He was always going to do that.
02:44Was Ron even there this week?
02:46I don't know.
02:48I don't know if I saw Ron watch this.
02:50Is Tate aware of this?
02:52No, Tate does not know that I'm aware.
02:56Ron sent it to me yesterday.
03:00What if I vote to keep him?
03:02It's a New York vote.
03:04But what if I say Dave, I want to keep him?
03:06I think New York trumps them.
03:08That's crazy.
03:10I don't think you can shit all over them like he has.
03:16I don't think he does it when he's in Chicago.
03:21I've told people we work at the same company.
03:24You're not going to just start shitting on them from afar for no reason.
03:29I don't think he's been doing that regularly.
03:32He's doing it this week because that was a carryover from the Kelly feud.
03:40I guess I can't fight him.
03:42He's in New York and he's just saying nobody works in this office.
03:45It sucks for a week straight.
03:47I would probably say this is bullshit.
03:49From my perspective, why wouldn't I want Tate to be out here?
03:55For the whole week, there was tons of fanfare about the New York office.
04:00People were tuned in to what was going on.
04:04I, as a consumer, consumed everything that happened with Tate
04:09with everybody that he was sparring with in the office.
04:12I enjoyed that content.
04:14That's my type of content that I enjoy.
04:17It's classic barstool content.
04:19From that perspective, why would I not want him to be doing that all the time?
04:24It didn't bother me.
04:26He's just saying the New York office.
04:28I'm just there working.
04:30He's not taking personal shots at me.
04:32I try to stab him in the face because he just said the New York office stinks.
04:36Also, he plays into the narrative of no one's at the desk.
04:39I'm like, no one's at the desk because people are recording shows and they're working.
04:42He plays into this comment denominator narrative.
04:45He definitely is.
04:47He's playing the comment section.
04:49Even the one he did, I'm like, I was recording Spinning Backwards and then I recorded Pick Central.
04:52Then I'm doing Necessary Roughness.
04:54People are shits in the office are doing this.
04:56People aren't doing things.
04:58He's playing to the...
05:00Which is easy to do if you're going back to Chicago.
05:02I think this is all just an extension of that one week where he had the feud.
05:06Yeah, but he could have ended the feud this week.
05:09But then you would have been like, he's a pussy because he showed up to New York.
05:11I don't care.
05:13I just let him go to the Indians.
05:15That's all I cared about.
05:17I saw that coming.
05:20I didn't care about anything else.
05:22I didn't know that...
05:23If they vote to keep him, they got to keep him.
05:25But I think it's a fair gripe that they brought up.
05:29Yeah, I just wasn't surprised by this week.
05:31I thought that was exactly what was going to happen because everyone was like, you won't do it when you go to New York.
05:35But there's real hatred.
05:37Oh, yeah.
05:38Oh, yeah.
05:39There's real hatred.
05:40If you're in New York, he comes in.
05:42Shit's all over you for a week.
05:44Being like, this office stinks.
05:45I'm better than this office.
05:46Yeah, I'm getting this office going.
05:48This is the only time people pay attention to this office or work.
05:51And by the way, peace out.
05:53I'm gone.
05:55It's basically being like, all right, you're right.
05:57You're so good.
05:58You're going to bring us the promise, man.
06:00Bring it back, yeah.
06:01And that will keep you.
06:04Why would I not want this office whipped into shape?
06:07Why would I not want a higher ceiling for New York?
06:10And why would I not want someone who says that they can do all these things to be out here?
06:14To me, it made a lot of sense.
06:15But I think it was divisive for a lot of people.
06:18Getting paid to work for Barstool Sports in New York City is a lot of people's dream job.
06:23And if he can have everybody working way harder and cranking out more content out here,
06:29plus the inter-office stuff on top of that,
06:32I think that that would be a huge win for this office.
06:35Now, I'm going to go back to the stream tonight.
06:37Can I say this in the stream or I would keep this?
06:39I'm going to announce it.
06:40Okay, I'll wait. I won't say it.
06:41By the way, I think they're going to send him.
06:43I think you guys are going to send him.
06:44If I was in New York, I would not want him in the office.
06:47I think he's going back to Chicago.
06:49I would want to keep him.
06:50I want to stay.
06:51I'm not trying to ruin the atmosphere in New York, and he will.
06:54But I think a lot of people will be like, get him out of here.
06:59And then it's actually even better for Tate if they send him back to Chicago.
07:03He had never been to the New York office.
07:05You told him not to go.
07:06So when he went, everyone was like, oh, you're not going to say it to our face.
07:09Then he showed up and was like, yeah, I am.
07:11Yeah, I just told you.
07:12So I don't think it's like—
07:13It hasn't, though, toned down.
07:15But I think it's because he never saw all those people.
07:20He never literally went.
07:21It was as high as it could get.
07:23And then you're like, you're not allowed to go there without me.
07:26And then it never resolved itself.
07:28And it still hasn't.
07:29Because he had never been there.
07:31But even him being there for a full week, I feel like it has not resolved.
07:34But clearly, is it wrong to text me yesterday?
07:37I just think I wasn't surprised by this because he had not been there yet.
07:41All right.
07:42There's an element of you go, and then it plays itself out, and it simmers down.
07:47That hasn't really happened.
07:49Like, he's just amping it up, amping it up.
07:51I think it's kind of simmered down, hasn't it?
07:53I don't think so.
07:54Well, it's more—the confusion I had was it was like a Kelly thing.
07:58Then you have the Clemmers, and Nate's kind of jumped in.
08:01Then it became like it's a New York office thing.
08:04And I'm like, what is like—it started off with one, two people.
08:08And then now it's like, oh, I'm beating you 20-on-one.
08:10I'm like, no one's really fighting you besides three people.
08:14Like, three people are arguing with you.
08:16No one really is fighting with you.
08:18And Nate is—what does it look like in a month?
08:20He's probably done.
08:25I thought all this was kind of not that serious.
08:27I think the New York—I think it is serious.
08:30Well, I think he—when it's like—I think people imagine, like,
08:33they take it personally when it's like work ethic and like this and that.
08:36Yeah, we're nonstop.
08:37And you're like purposely slant—you're like playing—you're very much like
08:40purposely playing into these like low-grade narratives.
08:43Of course, of course.
08:44There's no one—like, they're not glued to their desk.
08:46There's—where else could they be working?
08:48Right, right.
08:49He just like—he became like—he's become the comment section king.
08:52No, yeah, no, I get that.
08:53Which he's done a good job at that, but people are going to start to get annoyed.
08:56We're like, you're just like—
08:58I would—I don't—
09:00Like, even last night, like, he said to me, like, where are you and Marty?
09:02I'm like, I'm literally at work.
09:03I'm like, what do you want me to do?
09:05You're just not doing it back to him.
09:06Well, like, I told him straight up the first day.
09:08He showed up at like 630 in the morning.
09:10And he did the whole thing.
09:12And I was like, look, you can do this, but if you keep doing it,
09:15I will—I will start tweeting you every time I'm at work and you're not here.
09:19And you're going to lose.
09:20But your office has the benefit of, like, you being there.
09:23Yeah, no, true.
09:24There is no, like—
09:25For sure.
09:26It's kind of like—
09:27No, he—I didn't agree with him when he was like, no one told me to stop in New York.
09:31It's like, there's no one who can—like, if someone tells you to stop, you're going to just make fun of them.
09:36I agree with that.
09:37Maybe he has to apologize.
09:39I think it's a fair next move, by the way.
09:42Tate, like Tate then, has two options.
09:44Like, lean into it and be like, fucking fine, I'll live here.
09:47Or be like, this is a joke.
09:50And then he moves his bitch that way.
09:52Yeah, no, it's true.
09:53I mean, this is why Roan's so smart.
09:54I mean, why he's the best.
09:56Maybe he's the actual savior of the New York office.
09:58He's like, here's content ideas we can do.
09:59Like, what if he becomes—
10:00What if Tate just embraces it?
10:01And be like, fucking fine, I'll live here.
10:05It was never my idea to do a vote.
10:07I know that the Yak said that they're going to vote me out to be in Chicago.
10:12Which, you know, if they need me to make that office relevant again, it's the least I could do.
10:20No, I'm joking, obviously.
10:21But it was more me saying, Dave, you're the boss.
10:25This would be your call.
10:26And then Dave entered the wrinkle of having the vote and making a production out of it.
10:33So it's like, I gave him a seed.
10:36He wanted it.
10:37And now she's a content idea.
10:38And to be honest, this is week two in a row where every day people on camera and off camera are talking about the Tate situation.
10:47This is clearly good for content.
10:49This is clearly good for business.
10:51And it looks like it's going to bleed into next week where there's going to be a vote.
10:54So that's going to be three weeks in a row that Tate has owned.
10:57Like, seems like a good thing to me.
11:00I don't know.
11:01All right, if you have never been to a NASCAR race, this is your weekend.
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11:35What's up, man?
11:36Good to see you.
11:37Good to see you.
11:38What's going on, dude?
11:39Good to see you.
11:40I'm doing all right.
11:41Do you remember Joey Tate?
11:43I've never met.
11:44Thank you for all the kind words over the years.
11:46I'm Casey Smith.
11:47You're a legend.
11:48Oh, my God.
11:49Nice to meet you.
11:50You're a legend.
11:52So what are you doing here?
11:53What do you eat?
11:54No, I live in Westfield, not too far away.
11:56You're not eating today?
11:58No, I'm doing something for during, like, second quarter.
12:01So you're eating some stuff for entrepreneurs maybe?
12:07All right.
12:08So always, yeah?
12:10Only like 60 seconds.
12:12Chicago office.
12:13We'll do something.
12:14We should do something there.
12:15Yeah, yeah.
12:16That'd be rad.
12:18Yeah, we could get everyone going out.
12:19Can't you?
12:20It'd be funny.
12:21Do something fun.
12:23How many guys would you need to, like, beat them?
12:24Depends how long.
12:25I know.
12:26Like, a lot.
12:27A lot.
12:29Like, if it's a short contest, like three minutes, it's hard for me to beat four people.
12:32It is hard to beat four.
12:34But the longer time goes on, the more people I can beat.
12:38Because people start to fade quick.
12:39I would have thought about that.
12:40But like, three minutes, everybody's really strong in the beginning, and then they start to fade.
12:44But if it was, like, ten minutes, I could go against, like, six or seven.
12:48I love that.
12:49I love the talking.
12:50But that's a lot of work.
12:51But that's pushing hard.
12:53Are we talking any food, or are we talking hot dogs?
12:55Like, if it's the faster food.
12:58And it's, like, hot dogs, definitely.
13:00Pizza, probably five people.
13:04How many hot dogs do you eat in three minutes?
13:06Three minutes?
13:0760, 70.
13:08No, no, no.
13:0930, right?
13:10Right about 33 in three minutes.
13:12How long is the hot dog contest?
13:14So that would be, like, if we did a three-minute.
13:16Oh, it's ten minutes.
13:17Ten minutes, yeah.
13:18And you do 70 or so.
13:21My nephew's name was 83.
13:22So if we did a three-minute contest, we'd probably eat, like, 80.
13:27No, not even.
13:28We'd probably need more.
13:29Yeah, that's no chance.
13:30And a ten-minute contest.
13:32I ate 12 when I did it.
13:34Yeah, hot dogs, I'm really fucking fast.
13:36No, I'm not.
13:37That's literally it.
13:38I mean, you're the best.
13:39You're the coach.
13:40You're the coach.
13:41But, like, there's a lot of work.
13:42That was like Steph Curry being, like, three-pointers.
13:44I'm really good at those.
13:45That's the biggest one.
13:48I put the most work into it.
13:50All right, Barstool Pickleball open.
13:52I think this is event six of six.
13:55Body Armor.
13:56I just got off a flight from Hawaii.
13:57I was out there with the foreplay and the good, good guys.
13:59We were there for a cup of coffee, as people like to say.
14:02We barely were in Hawaii.
14:04And then we got off the plane.
14:05We came straight here.
14:06We're outside because there's a lot of pickleball going on inside.
14:09We got music going on.
14:10I can't play it.
14:11But you're seeing some amazing footage right now of the best pickleball being
14:14played that you can possibly find on Long Island, the best competition.
14:18And it's all brought to you by Body Armor.
14:20Body Armor is getting me.
14:22It's keeping me alive right now, really.
14:24I mean, I just got off 15 hours worth of flights and delays.
14:27This is what I needed.
14:28You can see I'm salivating right now.
14:30I literally am barely, I'm barely alive.
14:33And this Body Armor sport water is getting me there.
14:36It's got all the electrolytes in it.
14:38And this is what I needed.
14:39So, look at that.
14:41Amazing facility.
14:43Amazing place.
14:44Amazing tournament.
14:45Amazing open.
14:46That's the end of a year.
14:47The end of the first full year of the Barstool Pickleball open.
14:49Amazing time.
14:50Amazing time.
14:51Thank you to everyone that's played in it.
14:52And, yeah, we're going to go in there.
14:53Bareilles is on its way.
14:54You're going to be seeing some footage of that.
14:56My dad's bringing some heroes.
14:57He's bringing some rigatonis and some meatballs.
14:59And, yeah, it's going to be fun.
15:01So, I can't wait to watch people dink their asses off in there.
15:04Let's go.
15:06I only saw a clip of the rundown of Nate completely fucking owning you.
15:12What's happening?
15:13If this content, as you just said, Dan, was so good last week,
15:17why did you sit him down and say you're not allowed to do this?
15:20Because, no.
15:21If the numbers are so good and so high,
15:24why isn't he motherfucking everybody in your office?
15:27Why did you sit him down and say you can't do this?
15:29Nate, are you listening to me?
15:31If he went to New York, he would not be able to do the thing that he did last week.
15:36It was a short time.
15:37I don't think that you can do that.
15:39Like, I said it was good for three, four days.
15:42I did not think that would be good for six months.
15:45It's so transparent what you're doing and what he was doing.
15:48What are you talking about?
15:49I didn't tell him.
15:50Dan, shut up for one second.
15:52Oh, my God.
15:53Let me talk.
15:54Like, it's so transparent what you're doing and what he was doing.
15:58Dan, shut up.
16:00I didn't say shit.
16:01It's so just like when you were sucking his dick on the yak last week,
16:06being like, oh, it's so funny, it's so funny,
16:08and then he goes back to Chicago and you put him back under your thumb
16:12and he sits upstairs by himself and just prays that you say his name on the yak
16:17and you don't let him do anything that you say he's so good at in Chicago,
16:21but you cheerlead from afar when he's here.
16:24It just makes you such a cocksucker.
16:27All right, so can I talk, Nate?
16:28Thank you for joining the rundown.
16:29Yeah, you went all that.
16:30You went 10 seconds without interrupting me.
16:32Good job, Dan.
16:35Jesus Christ.
16:38It's becoming apparent, at least from half of our company,
16:41you don't really like me.
16:44Yeah, that rundown yesterday was crazy.
16:47So the dog came in, like, stone cold.
16:50Like, we needed a glass breaking, like, oh, my God, is that Eric Nathan's music?
16:55He came in hot.
16:56Dan just kept going, Jesus Christ, Nate.
16:59Jesus Christ.
17:01Jesus Christ.
17:04Jesus Christ.
17:07But the ruling is we're going to do a survivor-style vote,
17:13send Tate to New York and ruin his life, but then he's here every day,
17:19or we can keep him out and he just gets to, like, slink away to Chicago.
17:23So, Gia, on one hand, if he has to move to, like, a rat-infested apartment
17:27in New York City and not be able to peacock around like he owns, you know, Chicago,
17:31on the other hand, if he stays in Chicago, we never see him.
17:34So it's really about, like, do you want to, like, be petty and ruin him,
17:38but you also have to, like, deal with the fact that Tate now lives here
17:43and comes to this office.
17:45That's what I said.
17:46So they were like, you know, Kelly's not going to want him around.
17:49I was like, I think I know where Kelly's voting.
17:51I think it's more the other people who are like, I don't –
17:54he's not really bothering me, like, as much, but I don't want to see him every day.
17:58Well, nobody wants to see him every day, but it would form –
18:01What's that?
18:05I mean, like, you know, the shtick will run out, like, so quickly.
18:09I think that my soul would flourish watching him, like, crumble
18:14in the wintertime in New York City like the dork he is.
18:20Hell yes!
18:24I think there's more petty than, like, oh, I don't want to see this guy.
18:30So, Frank, we get to vote as an office if he –
18:33if we get to ruin his life and he moves here or if he remains a zero in Chicago.
18:39I say bring him here.
18:41Let him face the music.
18:43Let him – who puts us down.
18:46If you think we suck, come join us.
18:51Join the suck and show us the way.
18:54Show us the way!
18:55There we go.
18:56I'm more inclined to leave it to, like, I mean, like, I don't see him much.
18:59I go in and out and do my thing in the studio.
19:00But, like, the people who sit here, I feel bad because he really does check us out.
19:04You're not having him on the podcast.
19:05But if – but if you guys are down –
19:07He's kind of annoying on camera, though.
19:08I think if he were here every day, he would be fine.
19:10Like, he was the whole –
19:11He's still –
19:12Well, that's kind of what I –
19:13He refuses to go, or at least to me.
19:14We've never had a genuine conversation ever.
19:17I've said it a million times.
19:18Let's have a conversation with someone who does not want to do it.
19:20Wait, actually?
19:22I'd be like, he can talk to you on camera.
19:23He can send me a message.
19:24He can do whatever.
19:25He's never done those things.
19:27And so, I don't know –
19:28I said this before.
19:29I don't think that he wants to do that with me because then it'll shatter the illusion
19:31that I'm this monster that he wants to paint me.
19:33So, I don't know, like, if that's his own issue.
19:35But he can't just sit here and be, like, a pest for the rest of the time.
19:38Like, otherwise, none of us want to deal with him.
19:39So, they went and looked at the numbers.
19:41And, like, the videos – the video numbers performed well.
19:44And more importantly, it's just that anything he does in Chicago is, like, zero.
19:48And it's, like, double – I think it was, like, 4X the numbers.
19:50But I also think unless he changes something and, like, does something unique and different,
19:55that will just run its course.
19:57And then your numbers in New York are kind of, like –
19:59you can't just, like, be here at 830 every morning forever.
20:03Eventually, you have to come up with something else.
20:05I finally got to the point where I – he wrote that big blog about, like,
20:08oh, the champagne or whatever.
20:09I'm, like, bored of it now.
20:10I guess I was, like, oh, he said the same fucking shit.
20:12Well, no, but the thing is – so, there's – it's always, like, the loud –
20:15it's the vocal minority of, like, commenters and people on Twitter.
20:19That's just going to slowly dwindle as people are, like, okay, we get it.
20:23Like, he doesn't like Kelly or he doesn't think we work hard or, you know, whatever.
20:27Maybe he won't.
20:28Maybe he's the greatest content creator.
20:30That's also a possibility.
20:31New York is the best, man.
20:33We've got the best tech.
20:34It's a win-win.
20:35He edited a picture or the video of him running away saying, like,
20:38goodbye New York City relevance or something like that.
20:41And that was – Dave said, like, that was, like, the nail in the coffin.
20:44He was, like, all right.
20:45Now you've got to come back.
20:46That – this is – it's very – it's very, like – there's a couple other times.
20:51He didn't, like, cite, but he's, like, some – every now and then we know –
20:54you can tell when it's crossed over into, like, this is, like, people are –
20:58they really don't like it and it's really not, like, a good scene.
21:02So I can't, like, force that on them.
21:04But if they want – like, that's why it's a vote.
21:06I think if it was, like, a little more content-ish, he would just make it happen.
21:09But I think he's, like, there are people – I don't want to –
21:12I think he's actually worried about, like, people here being, like, I don't want that.
21:15He can't hide behind everybody protecting his ass.
21:17Like, when he's an asshole, everyone's going to see it.
21:19Like, that's the thing.
21:21He's going to have to figure out how to work with us.
21:27I mean, if he's going to be here, that's his path.
21:34Well, that is also the thing is, like, you know –
21:38I think he was, like, I'm going to go in there and cause, like, havoc for a week
21:41and then I can run away.
21:43And if you can't and, like, everyone here is, like, we just genuinely don't like you, dude.
21:46Then your life kind of sucks.
21:49So I think they're going to, like, get Jeff Delo.
21:51I think they're going to make it look like, you know, the wood stumps and the fire.
21:55Like, we're going to do a survivor-style vote.
21:57You have to put your face on it and, like –
22:00Like, if Tate had to choose.
22:01Stay there.
22:04So what he needs is, like –
22:06I mean, the best-case scenario would be New York not voting him here.
22:14And he can be, like, they're afraid of me coming there.
22:18But he secretly is just, like, I want to stay at home.
22:22And then if he gets voted here, it's either, like, quit or pretend.
22:27Like, all right, good, let's do this.
22:29Like, I can't wait to live in New York.
22:31You're talking about your career.
22:32You're going to do it for every day for, like, years and years and years.
22:35So eventually, even him being around here, we'll just be, like, I don't know.
22:37He sits in the corner like everyone else.
22:39He sat in the corner.
22:40Most of the time he was quiet.
22:41Most of the time it's him typing away that causes all the issues.
22:44He doesn't say anything out loud.
22:45It's always just on his computer.
22:47So it's, like, not that big of a deal.
22:49It's got no impact on me.
22:51I don't care what he does.
22:52I just want to ruin his life.
22:54He's keeping up his troll things.
22:55He doesn't want to find Common Ground because he's been reading the Reddit about us for ten years.
23:00It just throws it all back in our face.
23:02At a certain point, it's like, are you a Reddit commenter or are you a co-worker?
23:07He's basically a co-worker.
23:08He's basically a co-worker.
23:10But does he do, like, anything else?
23:14I mean, he writes about Ohio, right?
23:16But does he have, like, Tommy's thoughts or, like, does he have a series or nothing like that?
23:21Because you have to find that.
23:23You can do trolling and have a show.
23:29Yeah, that's just that.
23:38You want to do a tank walks with him?
23:40I'll do a tank walk.
23:41So here's what's going to happen is Tate will see the rundown and he'll put up a cartoon of himself cracking his fingers.
23:48And he'll blog about me and he'll bring up all my worst moments of the last ten years.
23:53He'll bring everything bad up and say how I'm not important and this and that and this and that.
23:57And he'll run back the same playbook.
23:59And it's just the playbook is the same stuff, just different person, different person, different person.
24:04And I'll get people online saying mean things to me.
24:07And then that'll be that.
24:10So when that happens, I had it here first.
24:14So I'm the only one who, like, is actually kind of friends with Tate because we went on a trip together.
24:19And I kind of don't want to vote him to come here because they're going to torture him.
24:23So I'm, like, in the worst position.
24:26Who cares?
24:27Who gives a fuck about Tate?
24:29Because you went on one trip together?
24:30He was chill.
24:32He's not mad at me.
24:34You found a way to slander people and then present it as content.
24:38And I think that's fucked up.
24:39That's not the shit that I fuck with.
24:41And I know that you want to jerk everybody off on the fucking yak, a show that you're not even on, by the way.
24:45But I don't give a shit how comfortable you are in Chicago.
24:48If you want to come to New York and talk shit to our face for the next year, five years, ten years, then do it.
24:52But otherwise, cut the shit.
24:54Be real.
24:55Let us know that you don't want to come here because you have a girlfriend and a life.
24:58And we will have sympathy for you and not bring you here.
25:00Otherwise, pack your fucking bags, asshole.
25:03I don't get it.
25:04I don't get you.
25:05That Keith's rant was the most succinct thing.
25:07Because when you go to New York and you're saying being an asshole, there's elements beyond just carving.
25:13That's fair.
25:14That was a true.
25:15We cut it.
25:17Then you have this asshole come in.
25:18He's an asshole again for an entire week.
25:21He makes no effort to sort of like we are all one company.
25:25No effort to be like, maybe try to get along.
25:28Pieces out.
25:29Buy New York relevancy.
25:31And then it's like, wait a minute.
25:33This guy's going to go back there.
25:35No, you want to be this fucking cocksucker.
25:38Come do it here full time.
25:40That's what they said.
25:41I have no problem with it.
25:42I think it went as well as it could go.
25:44Do I believe the apologies are genuine?
25:47I'm not really sure.
25:48I mean, this guy's not been genuine a day in his life.
25:50So I can't.
25:51You know, the timing is really convenient.
25:53I'm genuinely sorry that I did that to you because I wasn't thinking about someone else.
25:59And I was thinking about myself.
26:00So if I could do it again, I really wish I would have showcased my talents to Dave in a way that didn't hurt someone else.
26:08I feel good getting a lot of myself off my chest.
26:10I just think that people don't understand that he doesn't know anybody.
26:14And he just like, you know, garners the support of these like fucking scumbags online.
26:18Like it's kind of crazy.
26:19I don't know.
26:20And he calls them fans, but we don't.
26:22So I don't know why he thinks that that's normal.
26:24But yeah, I think it went pretty well.
26:26All the other guys have my back.
26:27So feeling good about that.
26:28I really have no idea.
26:30I think it was more of a yes for sure.
26:35Earlier in the week after unnamed, maybe people are, you know, seeing the apology or whatever.
26:41And they're like, I don't know.
26:44I really don't know how people are going to vote.
26:46You know, I still am of the belief of like, if he does better here and we need better here, then it makes sense to have him here.
26:56But yeah, I mean, if he just like begs to stay in Chicago, then I don't know.
27:03Maybe people will be like, all right, whatever, fucking stay in Chicago.
27:06I have honestly no idea how the vote's going to go.
27:08I think we all were like, it's going to be a yes.
27:10And then people were like, yeah, I don't know.
27:12It's kind of sucks, whatever.
27:14And now everyone's kind of leaning back towards yes, because all he wants to do is stay in Chicago to watch The Axe.
27:18And have Big Cat say yes or no to his content, which is tough.
27:22Tough thing to say for all of us here.
27:25I don't know. I really don't know.
27:27I think it's truly, it's like a survivor vote where there's sometimes you go into final trial, like this person's going to win.
27:34And there's sometimes where it's like, I need to see how the speeches play out.
27:37I need to see how everyone performs.
27:39I think that's kind of going to be the case on Monday.
27:43We're here, championship final.
27:45We've got the men's 4.0 plus.
27:47We've got the men's 4.0 plus going on over there.
27:50We've got, I think, the twins with the death of siblings happening on that side.
27:53Both these matches are super intense.
27:55A lot of people sticking around waiting for it.
27:57We've got a lot of more games going on.
27:59Bronze medal matches are going on.
28:00The silver medal, the gold medal.
28:02Nothing is more gold medal than Sun Cruiser.
28:05Wow, what a day it's been.
28:07I was in Hawaii this morning, actually yesterday.
28:10So it was a crazy 24 hours.
28:15Incredible stuff.
28:17Really good pickleball at this level.
28:23You're saying, if, what now?
28:25You're welcome to come.
28:26Like, if you want the Yankees to save you.
28:29And all I have to do is, what?
28:31Just come, come join us.
28:33We'll take down the big bad Dodgers for you.
28:35We'll do it.
28:36You couldn't do it.
28:37We'll do it.
28:38We'll take them down for you.
28:39We'll do it for you.
28:40I know how much they pummel you.
28:41They fucking pummel you.
28:43It does sound like a lot of fun.
28:44I mean, you're such a human piece of shit.
28:47You're such a worthless scumbag.
28:49I would never root for you.
28:51I'm getting hard.
28:52Keep going.
28:53Keep going.
28:56Tommy versus Mets is a must.
28:59That's why I wish the Mets won, just for that.
