Bishop Tudor Bismark - Grow Battle Strategy

  • l’année dernière
00:35 Chapter number 17 of 1 Samuel.
00:38 Anna, it's good to see you.
00:40 You need to eat something.
00:41 You've gone so thin.
00:44 Your cheekbones look like you've got a wound on your forehead.
00:46 Go eat something.
00:47 My goodness.
00:48 Have Orbit's portion of lunch today.
00:56 Verse 2, "And Samuel and Saul and the men of Israel
01:02 were gathered together and pitched by the valley of Elah
01:07 and set the battle in array against the Philistines."
01:13 So as you heard last week, we're in a fight.
01:19 And so you have to set the battle.
01:23 Don't just say, come, brah, come, come.
01:25 No.
01:25 You have to set the battle in array.
01:28 It's a fight.
01:29 It's inevitable.
01:31 Some of you are just coming out of a fight.
01:34 Many of you are in a fight.
01:37 Some of you are going into a fight.
01:40 Some of you have been fighting all your life
01:42 on all kinds of fronts.
01:45 If that's you, say it's me.
01:48 Don't ask for it if it's not you.
01:51 Verse 8, "And he stood, the giant stood,
01:56 and cried to the armies of Israel and said to them,
02:00 'Why are you come out to set your battle in array?
02:04 Am I, am not I a Philistine and you the servants of Saul?
02:11 Choose a man amongst you and let him come and fight with me.'
02:18 And so in preparing for this lesson,
02:21 I'm not looking for a man among us to fight for me.
02:24 I've chosen a man to fight for me.
02:26 It's my spirit man.
02:29 My spirit man has been nominated to fight for me.
02:33 And my spirit man is older than the demonic world
02:39 because your spirit was in God before the world
02:43 and the angels were formed.
02:45 And that knowledge of creative power
02:48 is going to fight for you.
02:51 Talk to your spirit man, say, "Fight for me."
02:54 Amen.
02:55 The natural things, as we will deal with,
02:57 are very difficult to comprehend,
02:59 but the spirit man does.
03:02 Some of you just love to cry.
03:05 You just love to cry.
03:07 I mean, is the ball over the line?
03:09 Is it not over the line?
03:11 Just don't cry.
03:14 Verse 21, "For Israel and the Philistines
03:18 had put the battle in array."
03:21 So when the armies of the enemy are lining up against you,
03:26 line up against them.
03:30 Yes.
03:30 You may be seated.
03:34 Father, bless this word.
03:35 So when you are growing battle strategy,
03:47 it's like what is the measure of your military capacity?
03:52 One of the greatest wonders of the world ever, ever, ever
03:57 is a wall that goes for thousands of kilometers,
04:01 the Great Wall of China.
04:03 It was built not for the means of people or a main road.
04:09 It was because of marauding forces
04:13 that were constantly coming into China.
04:15 And so I don't know how long it took.
04:18 Didn't have time to fully research that.
04:20 But they built a wall which is monumental,
04:23 as Hadrian built a wall which is monumental,
04:27 to keep the enemy out.
04:30 And so if you don't have a battle strategy, you need one.
04:38 And if you don't have defenses that
04:40 have been set up in your life, you need them.
04:45 Because inevitably, the fight is coming to you.
04:50 Whether you want to fight or not, it's coming to you.
04:53 And so when you begin to measure the military capacity
05:00 individually and as corporately and as a family,
05:03 what is the depth of our ammunition available?
05:07 If you only have 10 arrows--
05:10 the king had three in one of the scriptures.
05:13 He had three arrows, not enough to fight the enemy.
05:16 With the prophetic arm, he was told,
05:18 shoot the arrow to the east.
05:21 He said, that is the new day coming.
05:24 And then he says, take the rest of your arrows
05:27 and beat the ground.
05:29 And so the battle strategy was, I
05:31 don't have enough arrows to fight all the enemy.
05:34 But God gave him a strategy which
05:36 was a weapon of the spirit and not a weapon of the flesh.
05:40 By beating the ground, he was given victory.
05:44 The prophet chided him because he
05:47 didn't use those arrows to the fullness of their capacity.
05:51 The arrows had seven shots on the ground.
05:55 He only used three of the seven.
05:58 There were four that were lost into the abyss.
06:04 And so you have to maximize the weapons you do have.
06:08 And then the measure of the nation or the entity
06:10 you're fighting.
06:11 Know your enemy.
06:14 Who are you battling against?
06:16 Do some research on the enemies you're fighting against.
06:20 Understand their strategy, their agenda.
06:24 Understand what they're trying to do.
06:27 And sometimes the enemy will wear you out.
06:32 They will wear you out.
06:34 They'll just sit and wear you out.
06:38 They'll just sit and wear you out.
06:40 You'll finish your water, your resources.
06:43 People will start eating donkeys, dove down.
06:47 And then there'll be discussion.
06:50 One woman said, let's eat your child today.
06:53 And tomorrow we'll eat the other child.
06:54 And the child was eaten.
06:57 That's because of the demonic siege.
07:00 And the demonic spirits know that if they put pressure
07:03 on you long enough, we'll start devouring one another.
07:08 That will not be so among us.
07:11 We will not devour one another in the midst
07:14 of intense battle.
07:16 Don't you never say we will not devour one another.
07:20 I'm not going to eat your business
07:23 to get mine to survive.
07:26 No, I'm not going to do that.
07:27 Now business is business.
07:29 I understand that.
07:30 Church is church and family is family.
07:32 But we are Christians.
07:34 We are not going to devour one another.
07:36 And once we've devoured one business,
07:38 we hide the other one.
07:40 Full well anticipating a breakthrough is coming.
07:45 We know a breakthrough is coming at some point,
07:48 but it's coming quicker than you know.
07:50 If that lady had just waited, Barry, just a day,
07:53 the prophet would have said, tomorrow this time.
07:56 So they chowed the child.
07:58 They ate the future.
08:00 They consumed destiny because they were impatient.
08:05 And so understand what you're fighting against.
08:10 And then number three, the measure of intelligence
08:13 or information that's available.
08:15 Don't fight without knowledge.
08:17 And if you watch what happened in Israel,
08:20 there were no reprisals.
08:23 They waited for at least three weeks
08:25 because they were gathering intelligence.
08:27 And this is based on the various news outlets
08:31 that tend to be reliable, biased,
08:37 whatever the case might be.
08:38 Bottom line is intelligence gathering is important
08:43 because you don't know what is behind certain doors.
08:48 And so you have to know that when you come through that door,
08:52 one of my favorite movies is "Gladiator."
08:55 Russell Crowe as Maximus, he says to the guys,
08:59 "Whatever's coming out of those doors,
09:02 whatever's coming out of those gates,
09:05 we have to stick together.
09:07 We know something's coming out of those gates.
09:09 Whatever it is, the way we are going to survive
09:12 is when we stick together."
09:15 A highly recommended movie.
09:17 It's great.
09:18 No guns and no swearing.
09:20 Great movie.
09:23 So let's go to Samuel 17, verse 33.
09:30 "David said to Saul, Saul said to David,
09:33 Saul said to David,
09:35 'You are not able to go against the Philistine to fight him.'"
09:41 So the king is measuring someone else
09:46 by his capacity or inability or his nerve
09:53 or where he gets off the bus.
09:57 Saul, you are not where David lives or has lived.
10:01 And David, you are not where King Saul has lived
10:06 and what he has experienced.
10:08 And so when there's a giant that's screaming and shouting
10:14 and there's voices telling you, "You are not able,"
10:17 this is a matter of life and death.
10:20 This is a matter of slavery for our generations.
10:24 It's a matter of us losing all of our resources to an enemy
10:28 that doesn't take the time to plant and sow and to plow.
10:34 They just wait for someone else to do the work
10:36 and they come and take everything you've had.
10:38 And so you are just a youngster.
10:42 You are just a youngster.
10:45 This man has been a war machine
10:49 from when he was younger than you are right now.
10:52 And so my response as David's was later,
10:56 that greater is he that is, don't be boring,
10:59 greater is he that is than he that is.
11:04 Now the giant is coming.
11:05 Some of the things that you will face in the next season
11:09 are going to be, Jane, so overwhelming when you see them.
11:13 But there's an old spirit in you that is a giant killer.
11:18 And he begins to describe and saw armed David
11:24 with tools and armor of what he was accustomed to
11:30 from the battles that he had fought.
11:32 But you have to get your own testimony.
11:36 You have to fight your own battle.
11:39 You have to kill your own lions and bears and giants.
11:45 And so when we're dealing with, David says,
11:50 I can't use your proven armor and weapons.
11:56 I haven't proved them for myself.
11:59 I've never used a sword in my life.
12:02 I don't want to be using your sword at the expense of my life
12:07 and that of my colleagues, my brothers,
12:09 and the rest of the soldiers.
12:11 And the last part of that verse is,
12:13 for I have not proved these weapons.
12:16 And David took them off and went to what he knew.
12:20 And then also you have to then measure
12:24 the measure of the government you're dealing with,
12:28 both the ones you serve
12:30 and those that you might be subjected to.
12:33 In other words, if you refuse to fight
12:37 and you are now being taken captive,
12:41 is it better to stay alive as a slave
12:45 or to die as a hero on the battlefield?
12:49 You have to then measure the government
12:53 that you will be subjected to.
12:56 If the government you are now going to be subjected to
13:00 is known for heinous crimes,
13:03 brutal acts against women and children,
13:07 if they have a reputation like the Scythian soldiers
13:11 of Nebuchadnezzar of total brutality,
13:14 drinking human blood,
13:16 eating sensitive human organs,
13:20 are you willing to subject your nine-year-old girls
13:25 to brutal men?
13:28 Are you willing to subject your girls, your children,
13:31 your boys to serve as eunuchs,
13:34 to be put into public sex trades
13:39 and sex orgies and being mutilated?
13:43 Are you willing to put your kids
13:44 where you've got a 70-year-old man
13:47 marry a 12-year-old girl?
13:49 Are you willing for that?
13:50 If the answer is no, then you are going to have to fight.
13:54 Can you hear what I'm saying?
13:56 You are going to have to fight.
13:58 The difference between, I'll give a football analogy,
14:04 the teams that are below the three lowest teams,
14:08 they are fighting relegation.
14:11 But why are they fighting relegation?
14:13 Because if they go to a lower league,
14:15 they don't get the kind of money that's possible
14:19 at a higher league.
14:21 And so they'll play very physical,
14:25 they'll put their life on the line,
14:28 their body on the line.
14:29 As individual players,
14:32 they're putting themselves in the window.
14:34 Perhaps some scout or some great team will identify them.
14:39 They'd be willing to be paid more money
14:43 sitting on the bench and be part of a team
14:45 and get a medal than to play on a lower league.
14:48 It just depends what your thing is.
14:50 And so you must understand here
14:53 that if you are playing on a lower league,
14:57 the government you are serving
14:58 or the administration you are serving,
15:01 they have a limited budget,
15:02 they have a limited reach,
15:04 they have limited influence.
15:07 The one that you are going to be fighting for,
15:11 that's a higher government.
15:13 You will have more influence
15:16 over many, many, many dispensations
15:19 like Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach, Abednego, Joseph.
15:23 Start at the bottom,
15:25 land up all the way at the top,
15:26 taking too much time with this.
15:28 Okay, so let's look at growing the battle strategy.
15:31 Okay, so verse 40 of chapter 17.
15:37 The Bible says here,
15:39 "He went and took stones out of the brook, smooth stones."
15:43 And so number one,
15:44 sophisticated weapons don't guarantee a win.
15:49 If you have a choice between an old weapon,
15:52 an ancient weapon,
15:54 a primitive kind of a weapon
15:56 to a sophisticated weapon,
15:57 I go sophisticated.
15:59 But if I don't have it,
16:00 if it's not in my budget,
16:02 I have to use what I have,
16:03 oil, a scarf, a toothpick,
16:06 whatever I have in my hand.
16:07 Number two,
16:10 the size of the test,
16:13 trial and enemy
16:16 doesn't mean you lose.
16:19 And so when you see Goliath
16:22 and you hear his voice
16:24 that's causing the ground to rumble,
16:27 it doesn't mean you have lost
16:29 when you are in awe of this thing.
16:32 It's like,
16:33 I can't believe it.
16:36 I'm only five foot
16:38 and I'm facing this kind of a giant.
16:41 Don't allow the size,
16:44 the sight,
16:46 the resource,
16:47 the reputation,
16:48 the thunderous voice of the enemy
16:51 to push you all the way down.
16:53 Refuse to be intimidated.
16:56 Let me say it again,
16:58 refuse to be intimidated.
16:59 The things he doesn't know about you,
17:08 he doesn't know that you were in the bush by yourself.
17:12 He doesn't know that you are praying private prayers
17:14 and singing love songs to the Lord.
17:16 He doesn't know that.
17:18 But you know everything about him
17:19 because it's been in the papers, it's headlines.
17:23 This guy wins this championship.
17:25 He's the under 16 champion,
17:26 under 17 champion,
17:28 under 21 champion,
17:29 under 23 champion.
17:31 You know, he's big and sluggish
17:34 and he's got a reputation
17:35 of winning all the gladiator battles.
17:37 And so his overconfidence,
17:42 his overconfidence can be his greatest weakness.
17:46 Negative voices that appear logically
17:48 mustn't take preeminence in your head.
17:51 Coming out of Cameroon this week,
17:56 Tenache and I spent a month this week in Cameroon.
17:59 And Thursday was an extremely painful day,
18:04 one of the most painful in many decades for us,
18:07 for me individually,
18:09 in the scope of the years of ministry we've been.
18:13 And so we're just tired.
18:15 And so there was an individual
18:18 that had implied,
18:22 because of the way we were dressed,
18:24 I dressed down, I wore some jeans,
18:26 got a few tears on my jeans,
18:28 a bit of a shirt on,
18:29 that's not much of a shirt.
18:30 You know, I dropped a bit of weight
18:32 so my jeans look skinnier than they normally are.
18:36 And they were like, you know,
18:38 giving me that look and even whispered,
18:40 what right do I have sitting in the business class cabin?
18:44 So I just said to him,
18:48 I don't wear socks.
18:52 Number four.
19:05 When you're in the battle,
19:07 you have to focus, as Pastor Tichy was saying,
19:11 focus on the enemy and not on the gallery.
19:13 You know, when Muhammad Ali fought Joe Bagner,
19:19 I believe it was,
19:21 the British heavyweight champion,
19:22 I think it was Liz Taylor,
19:27 one of the prominent chickies
19:29 caught Muhammad Ali's eye.
19:33 And he, for a split second, didn't focus.
19:37 And Joe Bagner, put him on the canvas,
19:40 the first man to put him on the canvas
19:42 in his fighting career at that time.
19:44 You can't lose a moment of focus.
19:49 You can't.
19:51 I have a friend and a relative
19:55 who's into guns and so on.
19:57 He uses rifles and so on.
19:59 He was telling me that a sniper
20:01 with the kinds of rifles that are out right now,
20:04 a sniper can hit a target,
20:06 a bull's eye target,
20:08 as far as three kilometers away.
20:10 And so you're gonna lose focus.
20:14 You know that there's snipers anywhere.
20:16 You're gonna lose focus now
20:17 when you're about to break through?
20:20 Not now.
20:21 Don't lose focus now.
20:23 The Bible says of the Benjamites,
20:27 they were so skilled with the regan
20:31 that they could split a hair 50 meters away.
20:35 Imagine a woman's hair,
20:37 which you can't even see,
20:38 could split it in two.
20:40 That's how skilled they were.
20:42 And in a moment when you're losing focus,
20:44 there's a rock flying at you faster than the speed,
20:48 the speed of a .45 pistol coming at your head.
20:52 And if you lose focus,
20:53 you're gonna be on the floor.
20:55 So let's do some work now.
20:57 And let's deal with the doctrine of duality.
21:01 The doctrine of duality.
21:04 Ecclesiastics chapter number one and verse 10.
21:08 To everything there is a season.
21:10 So things have seasons.
21:12 And to every time there's a purpose.
21:15 Time has a purpose.
21:17 So when you come into a season,
21:20 it means that things are coming.
21:23 When you see things coming to your life,
21:26 you must know that it's just for a season.
21:29 Don't be stupid and spend all your money
21:33 in a season of prosperity.
21:36 And we've gone through this before.
21:38 When you begin to see your purpose being fulfilled,
21:43 you must know it's your time.
21:45 And so if you are Joseph and you are in prison,
21:48 and two political prisoners come to you
21:52 in the political wing of the prison,
21:54 a butler and a cup bearer,
21:57 they are a sign that you're about to come out of prison.
22:02 So start washing your clothes.
22:04 Start ironing your clothes.
22:06 Start brushing your teeth.
22:09 Get yourself shaved properly.
22:11 Fix yourself.
22:12 Clip those claws on your feet that are toenails.
22:16 Fix them.
22:17 Get a pliers or a pinches, a hedge cutter.
22:20 Fix those items there.
22:22 Because you don't wanna go before the king
22:24 with my corpus like this.
22:27 Certain people coming into your life
22:29 at certain seasons are revealing it's a purpose.
22:33 It's a purpose that's being fulfilled in your life.
22:39 And so throughout our years,
22:41 we have seen the revolving door.
22:43 People coming in, people coming out.
22:46 And there's nothing you can do about it.
22:49 But there's people that have been there
22:51 who will be there forever
22:54 because they are here to fulfill
22:56 not just our purpose, but theirs.
22:59 Because theirs and ours feed each other.
23:03 Now remember this, remember this,
23:06 remember this, is that that purpose,
23:09 see, there could not be a dream,
23:11 or a Jason, or a TJ, or Aurora,
23:16 or Amelia, or Eden, or Idris
23:19 without a Tudor and a Chi-Chi.
23:21 And there couldn't be a Chi-Chi
23:23 if there wasn't a kind woman at the cafe
23:26 that looked like Helen's relatives in Arcadia.
23:31 And there couldn't be all those things
23:34 if there was no full purpose.
23:37 And so God can take something that is evil,
23:41 like a war, and bring purpose out of that thing.
23:46 And so understand this,
23:48 you have to understand a time to be born, a time to die.
23:51 And when death comes at your door,
23:54 you can say, "Mm, it's not my time to die."
23:58 This business is not dying now.
24:01 It has not fulfilled its purpose.
24:04 In other words, I've raised this business,
24:07 it's now at the size where it needs to be milked.
24:11 Now you want to take my business before I've milked it?
24:14 No, it's not a time to die.
24:16 I have to milk this business.
24:18 (imitates milking)
24:21 These machines that are milking, no, it's like.
24:25 (imitates milking)
24:28 Yeah, I learned, I learned, I learned.
24:36 Some of you have no idea.
24:38 A time to plant, a time to harvest.
24:41 Don't eat your seeds.
24:44 I get offerings in strange places, strange places.
24:49 I just decided to jog yesterday
24:52 and I didn't have the kind of money
24:54 for my offering for today.
24:56 And it doesn't bother me anymore
24:58 because God always gives seed to the sower.
25:00 I was jogging in a strange place
25:02 and a man stopped and gave me my offering for today.
25:06 So, I mean, why should I go to work?
25:09 I just spend my time jogging, he's an.
25:11 Famba, be sure.
25:14 A time to sow, a time to reap,
25:17 a time to kill, a time to heal.
25:20 Don't kill your business.
25:23 Don't kill a relationship.
25:27 And I don't want to spend too much time.
25:28 A time to break down.
25:30 Let's go to slide number next seven.
25:32 A time to embrace, a time to get, a time to lose.
25:37 But last one, a time of war and a time of peace.
25:41 A time of war and a time of peace.
25:44 Now is not a time for a pause, President Biden.
25:47 It's not a time for a pause.
25:48 It's not a time, it's a time for war.
25:51 There'll be a time for peace.
25:52 Zimbabwe, this is not a time for war.
25:56 It's a time for peace.
25:57 Mozambique, please put down your weapons.
26:01 It's a time for peace.
26:03 You guys in the francophone countries,
26:05 Africa's coming together so nicely.
26:08 Let's have peace.
26:09 It's a time for peace.
26:10 Let's build together.
26:12 You can either take the rocks and throw at each other
26:15 or you can take the rocks and build a monument.
26:17 I choose a monument.
26:19 Turn to your neighbors and say, let's choose a monument.
26:23 I mean, why do we want to split the church
26:25 when we now just come into kingdom of cathedral?
26:27 You want to go and start your little entity there.
26:29 Let's work together.
26:31 Why do you want to leave now
26:33 when the company's just coming into fullness
26:35 and you want to go and take the best clients over here?
26:39 You don't have the experience
26:40 to manage those clients by yourself.
26:42 We can help you here.
26:44 The commissions we can make together
26:46 can help you set up your own deal.
26:48 It's better for you to be a partner in this law firm,
26:52 in this company, in this accounting firm
26:56 than for you to start some item there
26:57 where you're going back to calculate,
26:59 just cha-cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha-cha.
27:04 Are you trucking with a brother?
27:08 I'm now in verse slide number eight.
27:12 Watching the time.
27:14 He says here, what profit has he
27:21 that works in that way in he labors?
27:28 So you have to now ask yourself the question,
27:32 what is the profit margin here?
27:34 What is the profit margin?
27:37 'Cause sometimes you can be in overdraft
27:41 or deficit for a long time,
27:44 but at some point that deficit will turn
27:48 from red into the black.
27:51 But can you survive the pressure
27:55 of being in the red for so long?
27:57 So you have to look at the bottom line, the profit line.
28:01 Is this profitable?
28:02 Well, Bishop, this business is only gonna turn over
28:06 a profit in 2027.
28:09 Really?
28:10 Really?
28:11 But the returns from '27 to 2030 are so incredible,
28:16 it's gonna make this season of dearth and famine
28:19 look like a little breeze.
28:21 That the level of profit that's coming
28:23 is the Zambezi River as compared to your ball.
28:27 So it's worth it.
28:29 And then the second thing in that verse, he says here,
28:31 and I've seen travail, always pain is needed
28:35 for where you're going,
28:37 that God has given to the sons of men
28:39 to be exercised in it.
28:41 So pain is teaching you.
28:44 Pain is growing you.
28:48 Pain is giving you access, building muscles
28:52 that you don't normally use
28:56 to make you strong for where you're going.
28:59 Let's deal with duality now.
29:06 In the beginning,
29:07 in the beginning,
29:10 God created, so everything has a beginning.
29:16 And when everything begins, there is duality.
29:20 In the beginning, God created heaven and earth,
29:24 not heaven by itself, together.
29:29 They came together.
29:30 Heaven and earth shall pass away,
29:34 but my word shall not pass away.
29:37 So there is the invisible anchor in duality.
29:41 In heaven and earth, it's the word.
29:43 Old nature versus new nature.
29:48 The old nature, the natural man, the spiritual man.
29:53 Adam became a beast,
29:57 but in him was the beauty of Christ.
30:02 And Jesus came to extract that beauty when he came.
30:06 There is the old and the new, no influence,
30:10 or salt, a little bit of salt, just a little,
30:15 influences an entire pot.
30:17 Darkness and light, weakness and strength,
30:22 night and day, right and wrong,
30:27 good, evil, life, death, blessing, cursing,
30:31 manna, corn of the promised land, parable and mystery.
30:36 And so in 1311 of Matthew, the disciple says,
30:40 "Why do you preach to the people in parables?"
30:43 And so, "Carmen," he said, "Because it is given to you
30:47 "to know the mystery of the kingdom of heaven,
30:49 "but to them it is not given."
30:51 And so when you have parables being taught,
30:56 it means you are dealing with an immature congregation.
31:00 You are dealing with people
31:01 who are struggling with natural things.
31:04 They are thingified.
31:05 They leave the church because you stop preaching
31:07 on BMWs and cars and houses.
31:11 They want to go to places
31:12 where there's money found in wallets
31:14 and bags of money left in your house
31:16 and a baby born overnight and all of that rubbish.
31:21 It's a process.
31:23 It's a process.
31:27 The carnal man and the spiritual man,
31:30 the greatest enemy God has, he's not the devil,
31:32 the greatest enemy that God has, Romans eight,
31:35 he's the carnal mind.
31:36 The carnal mind wants things.
31:39 The carnal mind doesn't want a process.
31:43 The carnal mind wants it now.
31:45 Now God can do suddenlies,
31:47 but you will pay for it on the back end.
31:50 I prefer to pay for it on the front end.
31:53 The reason for that, I will then take value
31:56 in the pain of getting the thing
31:59 than getting the thing and not appreciating it.
32:02 The shallow man, the deep man,
32:08 the milk man, that doesn't sound right,
32:12 and the meat man.
32:18 Peter was a shallow man.
32:21 Jesus said, "Can I borrow your boat?"
32:24 He stood on the boat and he preached to the people.
32:28 And then he said to Peter, "Launch out into the deep
32:31 "and you'll catch a multitude of fish."
32:35 And Jesus was telling Peter subliminally,
32:40 auto suggestively, metaphorically,
32:43 "You are a shallow man.
32:45 "The exercise is not for you to go to the deep
32:49 "to catch fish."
32:50 And Peter said, "Lord, we have trailed all night
32:52 "and caught nothing."
32:53 Jesus was saying, "That's exactly what I'm saying.
32:55 "You are a shallow man."
32:57 We want New Life Covenant Church
33:02 to be a church of men and women
33:05 that want deep things.
33:07 Don't be telling you every Sunday,
33:10 "We love you all.
33:12 "We love you all.
33:13 "We love you, we love you all."
33:15 We don't want the church to be, "We love you all."
33:18 We want the church to be people,
33:20 blood and guts, brains, fighting,
33:24 fighting devils in the trench,
33:27 fighting for Africa, fighting for our rights,
33:31 fighting for the youth.
33:32 (congregation cheering)
33:36 It's not going around kissing,
33:37 "We love you, we love you."
33:40 Show me, show me what you have accomplished.
33:44 Anybody can live on borrowed money.
33:48 Squillet.
33:48 Squillet is called swipe,
33:53 which means that somebody's stealing from you.
33:55 Swipe.
33:56 Yes, the percentage on credit cards.
33:59 Swipe, swipe.
33:59 No!
34:00 (congregation laughing)
34:04 The ignorant man.
34:07 I don't want you to be telling stories.
34:12 The Bible says that Jesus said,
34:14 "If you are wanting stories in Goni
34:17 "for all the preaching,
34:19 "it means that you can never be trusted
34:22 "with mysteries, deep things."
34:29 There's a time for embarkway.
34:31 Stories.
34:36 Duality.
34:40 Let's go deep now, all right?
34:42 So there's Hagar and there's Sarah.
34:48 Hagar is a weed.
34:50 She's a natural woman.
34:53 She's attractive.
34:55 She's swinging from Cape Town to Cairo.
34:59 She hypnotized the whole valley.
35:01 Boom, Ishmael.
35:06 The spirit man,
35:10 the one that God gave you first, Sarah,
35:13 is the one through which the promise will come.
35:16 It's a process.
35:18 Faith is a process.
35:21 Duality.
35:24 You have Hagar, who's Mount Sinai, the law.
35:28 Thou shalt not, thou shalt not, thou shalt not.
35:31 Where Sarah is grace,
35:34 where we work out grace.
35:36 Grace is a process of working things out.
35:38 You make a mistake, grace will lift you up and say,
35:41 "Try again."
35:43 You fall down, "Try again."
35:45 The law cuts your head.
35:47 Grace says, "Try again."
35:49 Turn to your neighbor, say, "Keep trying."
35:51 The earthly Jerusalem and the heavenly Jerusalem.
35:56 The earthly Jerusalem is being fought for right now.
35:59 The heavenly Jerusalem is being contended for
36:02 in the heavens.
36:04 There's Leah and there's Rachel.
36:07 You love Rachel first,
36:09 but Leah is the one that's giving you the foundation
36:12 for where you're going, Jacob.
36:14 There is Michelle and Abigail.
36:17 Michelle is given to David because he killed a giant,
36:22 but she was not a spiritual wife.
36:25 She was a natural gift for a natural deeds.
36:30 And so when David went into the spirit
36:33 and started dancing and worshiping God,
36:36 the natural man criticized a spiritual act
36:41 and God made her barren
36:43 because God will not allow a spirit being
36:47 to have some sort of relationship,
36:50 to build some sort of a morphed being.
36:53 Michelle, you are barren.
36:55 Don't criticize my worship.
36:59 Don't criticize my praise.
37:02 Don't go and tell a story about the way I worship
37:04 and the way I preach if you don't understand
37:07 the spiritual implications of what is being said.
37:11 Michelle, you will not have a child,
37:14 but God is about to send you Abigail.
37:17 Now, Abigail lived with a man by the name of Nabal,
37:22 a man of the flesh.
37:23 He was a shallow man.
37:25 And David asked him,
37:27 "Please, can you give us a little bit of food?
37:29 Because we've been like the security in this area.
37:33 We've been safeguard in this area."
37:36 And Nabal said,
37:38 "Can I be insulted by some sort of a shepherd boy?
37:42 He's nothing."
37:43 And David was so angry, he wanted to kill Nabal,
37:48 but God sent a spiritual woman, Abigail.
37:51 And she said to him,
37:52 "What kind of a king will you be
37:56 if you react to everybody that speaks against you?
37:59 Nabal is a fool.
38:01 I know it.
38:01 I live with him.
38:03 Don't kill him.
38:05 Don't kill him.
38:08 You'll have blood on your hands.
38:10 That's not necessary."
38:12 And she fed David and the troops.
38:15 And because of her wisdom,
38:17 Nabal was so inebriated and drunk on himself.
38:21 He ate too much fresh cream,
38:23 full of satsa and meat.
38:24 Boom, his heart failed.
38:27 And what David would have got by the arm of the flesh
38:32 was already his by the gift of the spirit.
38:35 And God threw Abby in.
38:38 God threw Abby in.
38:39 God threw Abby in.
38:41 God threw Abby in as a benefit.
38:43 Abby, Abby, Abby, do you hear me?
38:45 Abby, Abby, Abby, Abby.
38:49 In other words, there's meat
38:50 that you don't understand where it's from.
38:53 Can you hear me, Abby?
38:54 Put your hands together for the spirit.
38:58 Then there are in duality,
39:07 the male counterparts.
39:09 There's Adam before he fell.
39:12 Intellectual intelligence on another level.
39:16 Adam named everything that's living.
39:20 The fallen Adam.
39:22 The fallen Adam was so destructive.
39:25 There's Nimrod and Abraham.
39:29 Nimrod brought a kingdom.
39:30 His tower was so high.
39:34 The Lord said, "I've got to go down
39:36 "and see what this guy is doing."
39:39 The people is one.
39:40 Genesis 11, verse six.
39:42 "And whatever they have determined to do,
39:45 "they will achieve.
39:46 "Nothing will be impossible with him."
39:50 It wasn't that God didn't want him to build a tower.
39:55 He wanted Nimrod to build a corporate tower
39:59 with every person reaching kingdom heights.
40:03 But Nimrod was building his own tower.
40:07 If you are a business person,
40:10 make God your covenant partner.
40:14 Don't ask God to bless you.
40:16 Ask him to be a covenant partner.
40:19 Because when you are in covenant with God in your business,
40:23 in your ministry,
40:26 your covenant partner will put you to sleep.
40:29 Ask Abraham.
40:31 He'll put you to sleep
40:33 and he'll make the kinds of decisions
40:35 as chairman of the board
40:37 that you are not capacitated to make.
40:40 You'll wake up and you'll find out that your name is great.
40:44 Your products are great.
40:47 Your children are multi-generational.
40:49 You'll find out there's long life in you.
40:53 Kings are in your spirit.
40:56 Say, "God, be a partner in my life.
41:00 "I'm covenanting with you this morning."
41:04 It is a battle strategy.
41:07 When the enemy comes in like a flood,
41:10 my partner will fight for me.
41:13 When drought comes in,
41:15 my partner will make it rain.
41:18 When ants come in to devour
41:21 and the pestilence comes in,
41:23 my partner will rise up.
41:26 It's a battle strategy.
41:28 Be still.
41:30 The battle is not yours.
41:33 The battle is the Lord's.
41:35 He is my partner.
41:37 Give someone a high five.
41:39 Say, "I want you to know I have a partner.
41:42 "He's a secret weapon."
41:44 Give yourself a high five.
41:46 Say, "My partner is about to do something
41:50 "I've never seen before."
41:51 Give God a praise.
41:53 Give Him a praise.
41:54 Give God a praise.
41:55 (congregation cheering)
41:59 There's Ishmael and there's Isaac.
42:07 Ishmael and Isaac.
42:10 Anyone can have a child
42:13 with something that's looking good.
42:16 But can you make something of something that's ugly?
42:20 Rachel looks good,
42:22 but Leah is the baby machine.
42:24 Can you bring under subjection
42:35 something that is ugly?
42:38 Can you bring into control
42:40 something that is bucking the system?
42:43 It's easy to take a mixture
42:48 that's made for you
42:50 and throw it in the oven.
42:52 But can you make a cake from scratch?
42:55 Can you cook that meal from scratch?
42:58 Or are you going to Woolworths
42:59 and get a microwave meal?
43:02 Thank God for a microwave meal,
43:05 especially when you're busy.
43:07 But when you are going to get married,
43:11 can you really cook, sister?
43:13 Brother, can you really support your family?
43:16 Turn to your neighbor,
43:18 say, "You gotta do it from scratch.
43:21 "You gotta do it from scratch.
43:23 "The wise man built from scratch."
43:27 There's some fool in South Africa
43:30 that's been posing as a doctor,
43:33 as a doctor for 12 years,
43:37 performing operations and surgeries
43:40 and kept on insisting, "I'm a doctor."
43:44 But a day is going to come
43:46 when what you say you are,
43:49 if you've not been built on the foundation,
43:52 will not support who you are.
43:54 And if you are a bishop,
43:57 you have to earn it.
43:59 Amen.
44:00 Call yourself a bishop,
44:01 call yourself an apostle,
44:03 call yourself whatever you wanna call yourself.
44:06 But a day will come when the battle is raging
44:11 and your credentials will be tested
44:14 against adverse circumstances.
44:17 How do you respond when the test comes?
44:22 Give yourself a high five.
44:24 Say, "I've got a strategy."
44:26 Clap your hands.
44:30 (audience laughing)
44:33 I gotta go now.
44:36 I gotta go now.
44:39 I wanna end with 2 Kings.
44:41 Chapter number six,
44:43 Elisha had sons of the prophets
44:48 inherited from his daddy, Elijah.
44:51 Elijah inherited that from the founder of the school.
44:56 His name was Samuel.
44:59 Their line was,
45:01 "Our words don't fall to the ground."
45:04 And so one of the sons of the prophets said,
45:07 "Daddy, the place where we are,"
45:11 slide number 14,
45:14 "The place where we are is too small."
45:19 Shout, "It's too small."
45:22 Mr. Muchen, I thank you for this building,
45:25 but it's too small.
45:27 Fun 47, thank you for Sunday School,
45:31 but it's too small.
45:33 Thank you guys for this well put together platform,
45:38 but it's too small.
45:40 Thank you musicians for playing so well,
45:43 but this is too small.
45:46 We can't fit an orchestra here.
45:48 We need a trombone or two,
45:51 a trumpet and a French horn or three.
45:54 We need a baritone tenor alto and soprano saxophone.
45:58 I gotta have a violin, viola, cello,
46:01 and a double bass back up in here.
46:04 Shout three times, "It's too small."
46:07 You didn't shout loud enough.
46:13 Shout, "It's too small."
46:15 This place I've been is too small.
46:20 Ah, it's too small.
46:22 My wardrobe is too small.
46:25 My pantry is too small.
46:27 My driveway is too small.
46:30 My shoes are too small.
46:32 My yard is too small.
46:35 I gotta stretch out.
46:37 Shout, "I gotta stretch out."
46:39 I'll call you when I'm ready.
46:48 Shout, "It's too small."
46:50 I've been through many dangers,
46:53 trials and snares,
46:55 but Sandra and Kenoa have been here too long
46:59 and it's too small.
47:01 It's time to move now.
47:03 Give three people a fist bump.
47:07 Say, "I'm moving.
47:08 I'm moving."
47:18 The challenge, the challenge with moving
47:23 is you need an ax.
47:26 You need an ax to get resources,
47:31 but you don't have the money,
47:33 so you have to borrow from somebody.
47:38 And so they borrowed power from someone.
47:44 You may have to borrow power from someone.
47:49 We borrowed power from Buchanan for this building,
47:54 but it's too small now.
47:57 Turn to someone.
48:04 Say, "I'm cutting my way to my next place.
48:10 I'm cutting my way to my PhD.
48:15 I'm cutting my way to being a millionaire.
48:19 I'm cutting my way from a BMW to a Bentley.
48:24 I'm cutting my way from silver to gold.
48:29 I'm cutting my way from a flat to a double story.
48:34 I'm cutting my way.
48:38 I'm cutting my way.
48:41 I'm cutting my way from parables to mysteries.
48:46 I'm cutting my way from milk to meat.
48:50 Bye-bye, here I go."
48:52 I'll preach part two in service number two, stand.
49:07 (bells ringing)
49:10 Cop the attitudes, Diana.
49:15 If you have borrowed power,
49:36 look after it.
49:38 If you have borrowed power, look after it.
49:47 You can't go from here
49:52 to Norton every day with combis.
50:01 And your boss knows it.
50:04 So they are going to lend you power called a Toyota Corolla.
50:08 It's a means to get you there.
50:13 Not just to be convenient for you,
50:17 but the boss needs you here on time.
50:19 You are living on borrowed power.
50:23 They've given you a company house
50:27 because you don't have enough money for your own house.
50:29 It's borrowed power.
50:32 Look after the house.
50:33 (gentle music)
50:36 With a right hand raised like this.
50:50 If you are willing and able, say after me,
50:57 "Father, I declare there is a gathering together
51:03 of angels to war on my behalf.
51:08 Today, this week, this entire month,
51:15 the rest of the year.
51:17 Lose your angels to bring answers.
51:22 Lose your angels to bring safety."
51:28 I said, "Lose your angels to bring protection.
51:33 Lose your angels to strengthen me."
51:38 Now I speak to Harare, city of Harare.
51:43 We live here.
51:46 Let's partner together.
51:49 Harare, yield your increase.
51:52 Don't lock me out.
51:57 All corruption will not be yielded to me,
52:02 but the good seeds, the good fruit is being yielded to me.
52:08 Harare, open your mouth and vomit your blessing.
52:14 I'm expanding my coast, enlarging my tent.
52:20 I receive the blessing.
52:23 Shout Zimbabwe.
52:26 Why are we playing minors?
52:28 Zimbabwe, I've been here all of my life.
52:33 Give me your inheritance.
52:37 Give me your rights.
52:39 Give me what was fought for.
52:42 The battle is mine.
52:45 I receive God's blessing in Jesus' name.
52:50 If you have two hands,
52:54 (audience cheering)
52:57 slide number 20.
53:01 Slide number 20, everybody.
53:04 Look at slide 20.
53:05 Turn to the person next to you and tell them.
53:22 You must win this fight.
53:24 I said you must win this fight.
53:30 I said you must win this fight.
53:36 You must win this fight.
53:40 You must win this fight.
53:43 This fight, you gotta win this fight.
53:48 You gotta win.
53:51 You gotta win.
53:52 You gotta win.
53:54 You gotta win.
53:57 You gotta win this fight.
54:00 Ah, yeah.
54:01 (upbeat music)
54:05 (upbeat music)
54:08 (upbeat music)
54:10 (upbeat music)
54:13 (upbeat music)
