Met Office Afternoon Forecast 22/11/23 – Dry South, Unsettled North

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Mild temperatures for most of the UK, with high pressure dominating in the South creating drier conditions. Rain expected to move southwards into most parts of Scotland. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 22/11/23. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Annie Shuttleworth.


00:00 Good afternoon. Well, it'll be turning more unsettled across northern areas through this
00:05 afternoon. But for the south, the drier interlude is set to continue for the next few days at
00:10 least. That's because high pressure is in charge across southern areas. In the north
00:14 though, we've got this weather front lying close to the northwest and that will become
00:17 an increasing feature through the next few days. Now, you probably will have heard some
00:21 cold weather is on the way. But if we have a look at our air masses for now, we can see
00:25 we've got this milder air dominating across the UK for now. You can see that by the oranges.
00:31 You can't help but notice the deeper blues to the north though, and that will, that colder
00:36 air will shift southwards as we head towards Friday and into the weekend. But for now,
00:41 we're in that milder air mass. As we've got quite a big difference in the temperature
00:45 of the air, we've got these stronger winds, quite a strong jet stream at the moment, and
00:48 that's going to allow for some strengthening and gusty winds as we head through Thursday
00:52 into Friday, particularly to the east of high ground. We'll see these gusty winds through
00:56 the next couple of days. And then on Friday, the winds really pick up across the North
01:00 Sea, bringing some potentially larger waves to eastern coast through Friday. But for now,
01:05 we've got that cloudier, milder air mass across the bulk of the country through this afternoon.
01:09 So quite a lot of cloud around, some spots of drizzle here and there. But the bulk of
01:14 the rain will be restricted to Northern Ireland and northern areas of Scotland where we're
01:18 closer to that weather front. We've got the gusty winds starting to pick up, so to the
01:22 lee of the Pennines, we could start to see the winds strengthening through this afternoon.
01:27 Some sunshine will poke out here and there, and temperatures will be close, similar to
01:31 yesterday across southern areas. Across the north though, temperatures are on the rise
01:35 a little bit with that milder air mass, highs of around 13 or 14 degrees across northeastern
01:41 areas of Scotland. That mild theme will continue through tonight, so it's going to be a milder
01:46 night than last night. Temperatures not falling much below 7 degrees across southern areas,
01:51 a bit of a difference from the 2 degrees we reached last night. So quite a lot of cloud
01:56 around though, and some rain and drizzle, particularly over the hills of Wales, the
01:59 Pennines, as well as parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland. The rain will be more persistent
02:03 as well across northwestern Scotland. Rain total starting to build up around 40 or 50
02:08 millimetres here. So as I said, a milder night tonight, temperatures not falling much below
02:14 10 degrees in towns and cities. But it will be colder across northern areas. That cold
02:20 front has finally started to shift southwards tonight, so that will bring the colder air
02:26 to the Shetland Isles as well as northwestern Scotland. So temperatures starting to drop.
02:30 We could see some showers of sleet and snow starting to fall as well, but any snow will
02:35 be restricted to high ground. And then through Thursday, southern areas seeing a very similar
02:41 day ahead of that weather front, a lot of cloud around, some sunshine likely across
02:46 southeastern areas. It will be a similar feel to today though. Across the north though,
02:50 quite a difference as that weather front has cleared through and we could see some of those
02:55 showers starting to fall across the hills of Scotland, those snow showers starting to
02:59 fall. The rain will become more persistent across Northern Ireland as well as central
03:03 areas of England too. And you can start to see that colder air being introduced as well.
03:09 The colder air will then sink southwards into Friday. So it's Friday when I think you'll
03:13 notice the biggest difference. Daytime temperatures not reaching double digits in many areas at
03:18 all. It's likely to stay cold as we head through the weekend as well. It's likely to be fairly
03:23 dry, so plenty of frost around. You can find more details about our forecast by subscribing
03:29 to our YouTube channel. I'll see you later.
