
  • 9 months ago
Tennessee Titans coach Mike Vrabel met with the media on Tuesday and talked about the plethora of injuries they have had over the past several years. He hopes it balances out one of these years.
00:00 I guess it's like analytics, I guess you need a lot of examples,
00:07 however many examples they use to run the model.
00:14 >> How much did Colton, I guess, improve?
00:17 He just broke a year, what's your message to him as he soon as start to rehab?
00:21 >> Well, he improved on the special teams and
00:26 when you have a young receiver like that with some size and some speed,
00:30 you hope that that can translate into the kicking game.
00:33 I don't think that it did right away, and
00:37 I think that he worked extremely hard.
00:39 Personally, I think Anthony Levine worked extremely hard.
00:43 And again, anything that a player does is gonna be on them.
00:46 But I know that Levine spent a lot of time teaching Colton how to play special
00:51 teams and how to be a gunner in this league.
00:56 So those were some real positive things.
01:00 And so the message is to get healthy and
01:04 find a role on this football team next year.
01:09 Thanks guys.