Rupiah Menguat Tipis, Masih di Rp15.600 Per USD

  • 9 months ago
Rupiah berhasil menguat, setelah melemah dalam 3 hari perdagangan beruntun, meskipun masih bertahan di level Rp15.600an per USD. Dikutip dari data RTI, hingga perdagangan Kamis (18/01) siang tadi rupiah menguat di 0,15% di Rp15.612 per USD.


00:00 In our analysis, we found that the other trading indicators, not only the S&K/BK/USD/CAD index,
00:05 also managed to strengthen after weakening in three trading days,
00:10 even though it still remains at the level of US$15,600.
00:15 According to the RTI data, until the trading on Thursday, the Rupiah strengthened at 0.15% at US$15,612.
00:23 Previously, the Rupiah was opened to strengthen at 0.16% at US$15,610.
00:30 This position decided the weakening trend that occurred for three days in a row, or since January 15, 2024.
00:38 The Rupiah strengthening occurred in the middle of the US$ index in our trading this morning,
00:43 dropped from 0.17% to 103.27%.
00:46 Meanwhile, from the domestic, the Indonesian Bank again maintained a level 6% in the balance.
00:51 Meanwhile, on the other hand, the Indonesian Bank also admitted that the Rupiah strengthening at the beginning of the year
00:56 weakened to 1.24% in the year to date,
01:00 but the entry of foreign currencies continues to this day.
01:05 Let's go straight to the graph, Mirza.
01:07 We will try to see how the Rupiah exchange rate moves towards the next main currency.
01:13 You can also watch the graph on your television screen.
01:16 The Rupiah movement towards the US dollar seems to be still moving above the level of 15,600,
01:22 precisely at 15,624 Rupiah.
01:26 Then towards the euro at 17,040 Rupiah.
01:29 Pound Sterling at 19,842 Rupiah.
01:32 Then towards the Japanese yen at 105.78 Rupiah.
01:36 [Siren]
