Identifying Multibaggers With Chakri Lokapriya | NDTV Profit

  • 7 months ago
- How to find multibagger stocks you can invest in?
- What're the key risks to watch out for

Identifying multibaggers with Chakri Lokapriya on 'Profit Insights'. 

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00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello and welcome to this special edition
00:11 of Profit Insights.
00:12 I am Heeral Dhadia and today we are discussing
00:16 all about multi-baggers.
00:18 Joining us on the show to discuss more
00:20 is Chakri Lokpriya, MD at TCG Asset Management.
00:24 Welcome to the show, Chakri.
00:26 - Hello, good afternoon.
00:29 - Good afternoon.
00:30 Chakri, my first question coming to you is,
00:32 overall, we've been talking about
00:35 what multi-baggers have been.
00:37 I mean, we've been identifying so many of them.
00:40 One of the multi-baggers that we've already identified
00:43 from Nifty 50 so far is a Tata Motors,
00:46 something that not really everyone had expected.
00:49 And that's what everyone is looking at going ahead.
00:52 For the benefit of the viewers,
00:54 how are you looking at multi-baggers
00:57 and what is a multi-bagger according to you?
01:00 - You know, it's a good question
01:02 because multi-baggers come in different shapes and sizes.
01:07 In terms of, you know, it can be a growth company,
01:11 a company who's adding new products
01:12 and therefore growing very fast.
01:14 Or it can be a turnaround,
01:15 a company whose fortunes have dimmed,
01:18 but now its valuations are so low.
01:21 Now it's the business is turning,
01:23 for the company is beginning to do better,
01:26 and therefore it'll start making greater amount
01:28 of revenue or profits.
01:29 That's the second kind.
01:31 The third kind could be, you know,
01:33 a company which has been growing at a steady state,
01:37 but now suddenly new avenues of businesses have opened
01:41 because of a change in the business landscape.
01:43 So they can belong to any one of the categories.
01:46 - Right.
01:48 So clearly, you know, returns more than the index
01:52 over the last three to five years
01:53 is something that we're looking at
01:55 as in terms of multi-baggers.
01:58 Now, when you talk about identifying multi-baggers,
02:00 you did mention a couple of criterias.
02:03 Let's first talk about a company which is a growth company,
02:07 which can be a multi-bagger, right?
02:09 Firstly, what is it that you would consider
02:12 as a growth company?
02:13 And if you could help us with a couple of examples
02:16 for the same.
02:17 - Yeah.
02:19 Now let's take the example of,
02:20 they come in different sectors.
02:22 So let's take for a very boring sector
02:25 like consumer staples.
02:26 Now, within that, you take a company, Warren Beverages.
02:30 They are one of the largest franchises
02:32 about distributors, bottlers of Pepsi.
02:36 Now, so they bottle Pepsi, Mirinda, Mountain Dew,
02:40 and they're also various juices like Tropicana
02:43 and also Aquafina.
02:45 Now this company has been a market leader,
02:48 one of the largest franchises of Pepsi.
02:50 So as Pepsi grows, the company grows.
02:53 And this company, Warren Beverages,
02:55 in particular has gone up something three and a half times
02:58 in the last two years.
03:00 One of the main reasons for that is one,
03:02 it's executed really well.
03:04 And second, its revenue is growing much faster
03:08 than that of the sector averages
03:10 because it's expanding into new markets.
03:13 It's expanded into new countries.
03:14 It's expanded into countries like Sri Lanka, Morocco,
03:18 various other countries that it's getting into.
03:20 Now, as these revenue opportunities unfold
03:24 and the company executes well,
03:27 then you begin to ascribe a multiple to the company
03:30 based on its execution in the past,
03:32 as well as its future revenue potential.
03:34 So here's a very good example of a company
03:36 as a staple, Warren Beverages,
03:38 but has gone up three and a half times
03:40 in the last less than about two, two and a half years.
03:43 - Right, so that's with regards
03:45 to where a growth company is concerned.
03:47 We are talking about Warren Beverages.
03:50 Now, second category that you have identified so far
03:54 is a company which probably is seeing a turnaround.
03:58 What is that kind of turnaround
04:00 that you would watch out for, number one?
04:03 I'm sure it'll be various depending on various sectors
04:06 and any examples on that that you can give us.
04:08 - Now, turnarounds can be many fold.
04:11 It can be a company whose its own business problems
04:16 as a therefore the stock has fallen
04:18 or second, it can be because of the sector.
04:20 Now, let's be more specific.
04:22 Let's take like, for example, an REC and Power Finance.
04:27 REC limited the stock is up about nearly five times
04:30 over the last two to three years.
04:32 Power Finance is up about four times.
04:35 Now, this company, they are Navratna Companies,
04:37 the government owned companies, power utilities,
04:40 they finance power utilities.
04:42 Now, if you rewind back in the past,
04:44 to let's say around 2007 and eight,
04:47 they had financed a number of power companies.
04:49 Supreme Court had come down,
04:51 changed some regulations, canceled coal mines.
04:53 So a number of power utilities went bankrupt
04:56 and they all became NPAs for Power Finance and REC.
04:59 Now, you fast forward many years later,
05:01 the companies cleaned up its balance sheet.
05:05 Balance sheets are stronger than ability to grow.
05:07 And then now renewable energy has become a very big thing.
05:10 And it's continued to going to be very big
05:12 for the next many years.
05:13 Now, being the lead financiers of this,
05:16 in Power Financing,
05:19 both the companies, REC and Power Finance,
05:21 are growing very fast.
05:23 The balance sheets are strong.
05:25 The secular growth is visible over the next many years.
05:29 Even though the stock is up,
05:31 both of them are up about four to five times
05:33 in the last two to three years,
05:35 the valuations are still undemanding
05:38 and the margins of the business are going to improve.
05:41 So this stock would continue to do well.
05:43 So that's another sign of an example of a turnaround,
05:47 which has become a multi-packet.
05:49 - Right.
05:50 So REC and PFC, these are examples with regards
05:53 to where a turnaround company goes.
05:56 Now, overall, if you see in terms
05:58 of both of these companies as well,
06:00 what is that key factor that you're considering,
06:03 which could continue to be a growth driver from here on?
06:06 Because as you mentioned about the past as well,
06:10 where a lot of negatives were there.
06:12 Present, there is a new thrust to renewables,
06:15 thermal energy as well.
06:16 So from here on, between the two of them as well,
06:20 which is the one that you are preferring?
06:22 - You know, good question.
06:25 If you look at both the companies,
06:26 one, they are NBFCs and they finance power utilities
06:31 as well as infrastructure companies.
06:34 Now that is the government's growth intent to expand.
06:37 And in terms of renewables, it's not just India,
06:40 but all over the world,
06:41 renewables has become a very important source
06:45 of growth and replacing.
06:46 And adding on to thermal energy.
06:49 So both Power Finance and RDC are financing.
06:52 Their loan growth is very strong at about 20% plus
06:56 for the next many years to come,
06:59 because they cleaned up their balance sheets.
07:01 Now they're well capitalized as a company
07:04 to finance that growth.
07:06 And three, being now in a sunrise sector again,
07:11 they're able, and given their size,
07:13 so that's an important factor,
07:15 where given their size,
07:17 they're able to source capital at an advantageous rate
07:21 versus other companies in the financing space.
07:25 And as a result, they earn higher margins.
07:28 And that is supposed to continue for the next many years.
07:31 And lastly, from a stock perspective,
07:33 even though they have done well,
07:35 given that their valuations are still reasonable,
07:38 one can continue to invest in such companies
07:41 in Power Finance, RDC,
07:43 and expect a further multi-bagger turn
07:46 for the next two to three years.
07:48 - Right, so that's with regards
07:50 to where turnaround companies go.
07:52 Stay with us, Chakri.
07:53 We'll quickly slip into a short break
07:54 and come back with another criteria
07:57 with regards to where identifying multi-baggers is concerned.
08:00 And that is with regards to change in business dynamics.
08:04 We'll slip into a short break and be right back.
08:06 Please stay tuned to NDTV Profit.
08:08 (upbeat music)
08:12 (upbeat music)
08:15 (upbeat music)
08:21 Welcome back.
08:27 You're watching Profit Insights.
08:28 I'm Hiral Dattia, and this is a special edition
08:31 where we're talking about multi-baggers
08:34 with Chakri Lokprear.
08:35 Chakri, we've identified two criteria.
08:38 The third one that we're looking at
08:39 is the change in business dynamics.
08:43 Now, if you talk about the change
08:44 in business dynamics as well,
08:47 what is it that you would be watching out for
08:49 with an example once again?
08:51 - Okay, you know, this is a very interesting one
08:55 because now let's take, for example, railway stocks.
08:58 You know, these are companies which every year
09:01 in the past you would talk about them during the budget,
09:03 then forget about them.
09:05 Now, because you know, they're a simple, boring business.
09:07 They supply wagons to the railways
09:09 who are primarily their main source of customer.
09:13 And now, you know, if you look at, for example,
09:15 a company, Tatager Wagons in this industry,
09:19 this stock has gone up by about 10 times
09:22 in the last two or three years.
09:23 Now, what made the company go up by 10 times?
09:27 Now, certainly you had not just the railways
09:30 just ordering a replacement demand or new demand,
09:33 but there was this huge government push
09:34 towards one-day barter, faster trains, better trains.
09:38 And so their order book for new types of trains
09:42 suddenly expanded, which means suddenly new type of trains
09:45 means higher margin, greater size, and longer order book.
09:50 And second, you know, metros,
09:53 which did not exist a few years ago.
09:55 Metros are becoming very big all across the country.
09:58 And now this company started getting orders
10:00 to build the wagons for the metros.
10:03 Again, far more higher specifications
10:05 than what railway wagons were a few years ago.
10:08 This again means higher revenue growth rates
10:11 and higher margins.
10:13 And third, the company itself has kind of woken up
10:17 and started exporting its products,
10:20 railway wagons to other countries.
10:21 So that's opened up a brand new revenue stream.
10:25 So if you add up all these together,
10:27 now the company is expected to grow
10:28 in a far higher growth rate than it did before,
10:32 make far more profit margins than it did before.
10:34 And therefore the stock, not surprisingly,
10:37 turned out to be a multi-bagger up several times.
10:40 - Right, so that's an example with regards
10:43 to where Titakar Wagon goes
10:46 and where we are talking about change in business dynamics.
10:49 Now, taking these three aspects into consideration, Chakri,
10:53 another question I have is,
10:55 what are the key risks one should be watching out for?
10:58 Because yes, as an investor, you would invest, you know,
11:02 in companies thinking they could be multi-baggers,
11:05 but I'm sure you have to take into consideration risks
11:08 which could be common.
11:09 How would you look at that?
11:11 - Absolutely right.
11:13 Now, again, depending upon the criteria
11:15 that you use to identify one of these companies.
11:19 Now, if you, let's say take the railway wagon company.
11:23 Now it's gonna be, it's out of book,
11:25 which is worth several thousand crore,
11:28 which is gonna be executed over the next several years.
11:31 So one needs to keep a track
11:33 of whether the company is actually converting
11:36 that out of book into actual revenue.
11:38 And is that revenue adding to the growth
11:41 and profitability of the company over the years?
11:44 So you need to monitor it on a quarterly basis
11:47 and on an annual basis to ensure
11:49 that this conversion is happening.
11:51 Now, if you take an REC or Power Finance,
11:55 you should explore one, for instance,
11:57 look at again, it's loan growth rate.
12:00 Is it continuing to accelerate?
12:02 Are the NPAs of the bank under control?
12:05 That gives you an indication of whether it's executing well,
12:08 the executing excellence of a company you can measure.
12:12 So there are various metrics.
12:13 So you need to measure the metrics on an ongoing basis,
12:18 on a quarterly and an annual basis
12:19 to ensure milestones are being met
12:22 and forecasts are being achieved.
12:24 - Right, so that's with regards to the risks
12:28 that we should be watching out for as well.
12:31 How are you looking at new entrance into the business?
12:35 How are you factoring that aspect?
12:40 - You know, that can add a completely new dynamics.
12:44 Now a company that did not exist in the space comes up,
12:49 takes up market share.
12:50 Now, if you take a company like JSW Paints, Grassim,
12:54 these are all coming into the paint industry.
12:57 Now, if you look back a few years ago,
13:00 hardly three, four years ago,
13:01 Asian Paints was and is the market leader,
13:04 enjoyed superior profit margins, superior revenue growth,
13:08 and is considered as one of the marquee players.
13:11 That was because it was in a two to three industry.
13:14 They were Berger Paints,
13:15 there are a couple of other companies, not more,
13:18 and the competition was limited.
13:19 Now, once with the entrant of Grassim and JSW,
13:23 they are in an adjacent business.
13:25 For instance, they're in the cement business,
13:27 which has a very similar distribution chain, supply chain,
13:31 like the paint industry,
13:32 and therefore they can plug into the paint industry
13:35 fairly quickly.
13:37 Now, and they have the muscle, the size,
13:39 to rapidly expand their, roll out their paint products.
13:44 As a result of that, the new entrants kind of benefit.
13:48 The existing entrants, like Asian Paints,
13:50 start losing market share, start losing profit margins,
13:54 and therefore start being a lesser multiple
13:57 the valuation comes down.
13:59 So that's a risk for a Asian Paints
14:01 and a benefit for a newer entrant.
14:03 - Right, so that's with regards to a newer entrant's goal.
14:07 Now, the last and the most important thing
14:10 that I'm sure viewers and investors are watching out for
14:14 is that we've spoken about a couple of companies
14:17 which have already been multi-baggers, right?
14:19 So from here on, which are the stocks
14:22 that you would identify as multi-baggers, Chakri?
14:26 Let's go one by one.
14:28 Do you think a power finance, that's a PFC and REC,
14:32 in spite of being a multi-bagger in 2023,
14:35 or even in the last two years,
14:38 continues to see that upside
14:40 because the fundamentals look absolutely strong.
14:43 I mean, a 10 trillion AUM is what the target is in FY28.
14:48 The growth we're looking at is about 15%
14:52 in the next two to three years.
14:54 With the exposure that they have,
14:57 do you think that's still a multi-bagger
14:58 and what's your rationale?
15:00 - You know, you raised some very important points.
15:02 And if you look at it,
15:03 we're just a back from power finance and REC.
15:06 Now, renewable energy and thermal energy
15:09 are gonna be very important sources of growth.
15:12 If India has to grow at 7% plus, you need a lot of power.
15:16 And in make in India,
15:17 which means more of manufacturing,
15:20 which requires more power.
15:22 And therefore you need greater number
15:23 of power utility companies.
15:25 And those power utility companies need financing
15:28 to start up new factories.
15:30 And that financing is coming,
15:32 is being led by REC and power finance.
15:35 Now, these companies, like you rightly mentioned,
15:37 have a 10 trillion kind of target,
15:40 which is very doable given the current growth rate
15:43 that they're growing at.
15:45 And second, you know,
15:46 the company's management has been very proactive
15:49 and looking at low cost funds,
15:52 managing their cost of funds very well,
15:55 mixing the loan liability ratios.
15:57 So which means execution,
15:59 the company is continuing to,
16:01 both of them are continuing to execute really well.
16:03 And in spite of the fact that they've been multi-baggers,
16:08 they still trade at only one time book value,
16:10 about 1.2 times book value on FY26.
16:14 Now, when your loan growth is clearly evident
16:16 over the next many years,
16:17 the companies will clearly can be multi-baggers
16:20 even from current levels.
16:22 - Right.
16:23 So that's with regards to PFC as well as REC.
16:26 Now, any other company that you would identify
16:29 as a multi-bagger and why?
16:31 - You know, if you look at the power space,
16:34 it's quite a wide space.
16:36 Now you have, we talked about financiers.
16:38 We talked about, now if you look at,
16:40 now what, again, what is good for somebody
16:43 can be bad for somebody else.
16:45 Now, solar panel prices are coming down
16:48 and coming down very fast.
16:50 So, and it is like following the principle,
16:52 which is in the technology industry
16:55 where prices keep coming down.
16:57 And therefore it's bad for solar panel manufacturers.
17:00 On the other hand, a company like Sterling Wilson,
17:03 which is an EPC player,
17:05 which installs these various solar farms all over,
17:10 they benefit from that because, you know,
17:13 worldwide solar panels is coming down.
17:15 The company is well positioned as renewable energy,
17:18 gathers space, not just in India, but outside India.
17:22 The company has exposure to, of course, the Indian market
17:26 and outside India, they've expanded
17:28 into various parts of Africa
17:30 where the solar ability is very strong.
17:34 In addition to that, now they have a very strong stakeholder
17:36 in the Reliance Industries,
17:38 owning 40% of the company and Reliance in itself
17:41 has very big plans for the solar industry.
17:45 So given all that, now this is a company
17:47 which has turned around from the past
17:50 and given that it has a new leg of growth,
17:52 the valuations are pretty much on its side.
17:54 And I think this is another stock
17:56 which has all the credentials to be a multi-bagger.
17:59 - Right, so Sterling and Wilson,
18:01 which has all the credentials to be a multi-bagger as well.
18:05 Chakri, let me take one more stock with you.
18:08 You know, specifically, if you see in terms of multi-baggers,
18:11 we've always identified them from the mid-cap,
18:14 small cap universe, right?
18:16 Very rarely you see multi-baggers that evolve
18:19 out of nifty-fifty or, you know, from the large cap space.
18:23 One such example that I have with regards to 2023
18:26 is a Tata Motors.
18:27 The year 2023, the stock went up two times.
18:30 In 2021, Tata Motors was up 2.6 times.
18:34 2009, it was up five times
18:36 and 2003, up around 2.3 times, right?
18:39 So in that last two decades,
18:42 four times Tata Motors has been a multi-bagger.
18:46 How would you look at this company now?
18:48 - You know, absolutely, rightly said.
18:51 And, you know, multi-baggers can come both in large,
18:54 mid or small cap.
18:55 So there is no, I would urge all your viewers
19:00 to basically to look across the spectrum.
19:03 Tata Motors, perfect example.
19:04 This is a company which has, you know,
19:07 over the many years ago, acquired Jaguar,
19:10 then Land Rover.
19:12 In making those acquisitions,
19:13 it had incurred a huge amount of debt
19:16 and therefore the balance sheet became weaker.
19:19 And then it did lots of steps to lower the debt over time.
19:24 And meanwhile, Jaguar and Land Rover started doing well.
19:27 And now the company is foraying very well
19:30 into domestically and abroad,
19:33 into the electric vehicle space.
19:35 They have 10 different electric vehicles
19:37 across the different price point spectrums,
19:39 appealing to different types of customers.
19:41 So their future product profile is extremely strong.
19:45 They cater to both the luxury market, Jaguar, Land Rover,
19:48 as well as the lower segment.
19:50 They're there in passenger,
19:51 as well as in commercial vehicles.
19:53 And they're now generating free cash flows
19:56 and their valuations are pretty much on their side.
19:59 So with the global economic recovery insight
20:02 with the company actions,
20:04 looks like Tata Motors again,
20:06 can be a very strong performer in the coming years.
20:09 Right, so Tata Motors,
20:11 that could be a strong performer as well in coming years.
20:15 In fact, thank you Chakri so much for joining us on the show
20:18 and explaining to our viewers what are multi-baggers,
20:22 the ways we could identify them as well,
20:24 and what could be potential multi-baggers going ahead.
20:28 That's when we're completely out of time
20:30 on this edition of Profit Insights
20:33 and a detailed discussion of what multi-baggers
20:37 could be from here on.
20:39 Thanks for watching and lots more lined up on the other side.
20:41 Please stay tuned to NDTV Profit.
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