• last year
Rat wags tail just like a dog

transcript https://www.temi.com/editor/t/gQ1DWchUNlojNIn7_9AxKq3KSbDHYdRolQjty8SLJhYj7JX5ukF1qEZ8wJmxO3OMMLXX5ez8pFgGg_6cODwZB9s7G5U?loadFrom=Dashboard&openShareModel=False
audio https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dmpiqcwklrq434x6wf4u1/gary-and-bob-recording.mp4?rlkey=72svezwo514g6rhvfw51d186l&dl=0
credit - garyandbobbob/Instagram

(vo - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/avn3lwgrl8t7gfd0t5085/gary-and-bob_intro_vo_02.wav?rlkey=g0df8p7djaver7rlou9y790kb&dl=0

When I pet him
Gary is no different
than a dog
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/grfpayd6ejdqfn63iivjq/Angela-Takac-IMG_1792-pet-ng5-start-tail.mov?rlkey=mv02mlksapzqyvy8mbmo4xr4w&dl=0 00 with audio

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/grfpayd6ejdqfn63iivjq/Angela-Takac-IMG_1792-pet-ng5-start-tail.mov?rlkey=mv02mlksapzqyvy8mbmo4xr4w&dl=0 cont till 04
(e - https://capture.dropbox.com/hr1n67AwPPcSv5y4

like puppy behavior.
(on camera 6:06t6:08
e - https://capture.dropbox.com/M0EjdqXHdZeJ2XnP

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/49dy3okwgjheq6gubrnxs/Angela-Takac-IMG_1477-ng5-02-start.MOV?rlkey=16gmtyyqzxzieunzmdtbp3htc&dl=0 02t04 - 20% faster
Come Gary
e https://capture.dropbox.com/gxFzFbtPzUde0euR

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/grfpayd6ejdqfn63iivjq/Angela-Takac-IMG_1792-pet-ng5-start-tail.mov?rlkey=mv02mlksapzqyvy8mbmo4xr4w&dl=0 36t38 20% faster
(s - https://capture.dropbox.com/Bl9z6BnxD9mNbEt6
e https://capture.dropbox.com/ziQuJterTHVxEKJc

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lahnsfs63uv3o83grdiwh/Angela-Takac-PXL_20220920_155711183.TS-shirt-ng5-start.mp4?rlkey=cba6s25v5apkrnsurmn7iah6v&dl=0 16t17 - 20% faster with audio
(crop frame to cut part above woman
(s - https://capture.dropbox.com/ELWmoy3rrkAbJkCp
e https://capture.dropbox.com/L9Uc2srbINb1Sm5w

32:42 i'm angela...geobeats
Gary's Story by GeoBeats Animals
music https://www.dropbox.com/s/nav5bb4ta0xsm4p/330_full_the-old-couple_0156%20couple%20juno.wav?dl=0
visual https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e8wmzcef31e67inqwyw9b/Angela-Takac-IMG_1490-ng5-pet-start.MOV?rlkey=lze2izxg7zh1x6uei7yhpgioq&dl=0 00t04 with audio
(e - https://capture.dropbox.com/DIsNRjs7FqhM6Drq
00:00 When I pet him, Gary is no different than a dog.
00:02 Like puppy behavior.
00:04 Come on, Gary.
00:05 [DOOR OPENS]
00:06 [SCREAMS]
00:07 I am Angela, and this is Gary's story for GeoBeat.
00:09 When my son-- at the time, he would have been 11--
00:11 came to me two years ago and asked us for pet rats,
00:15 my initial reaction was very fear-based.
00:17 But I kind of challenged myself, and he got
00:20 the two rats for his birthday.
00:22 Gary, come.
00:23 Oh, good boy.
00:24 We ended up saving Bob and Gary from being snake food.
00:27 Hi, boys.
00:29 They were feeder rats.
00:30 Hi.
00:31 The man brought out a bin of male rats,
00:33 and we were just told to pick two.
00:35 So we saved Bob and Gary.
00:37 It was very sobering when I first got them.
00:39 Any fear I had of them was so out the window,
00:42 because you saw how scared they were.
00:44 Your initial reaction is to just want comfort them
00:47 and be with them.
00:48 They're prey animals, so they're just scared of everything.
00:50 Bob.
00:51 So gaining their trust took a lot of time.
00:53 There you are.
00:54 A good two months until they would willingly come to us
00:57 and have that interaction.
00:59 Bob.
01:00 Bob, a roonie.
01:01 The only time they were in their cage was bedtime.
01:03 So we really embraced them with us.
01:06 They totally know their names.
01:07 Hi, Bob.
01:08 Come, Gary.
01:10 OK, Bob, come on.
01:11 Gary.
01:12 Want some cat grass?
01:14 Gary was kind of the runt.
01:15 And ever since we took him in, he just
01:17 wanted to cuddle and be with you all the time.
01:19 He loved hoods.
01:20 So anything with a big hood, he will just kind of snuggle up
01:23 and take a nap right against my neck.
01:28 Part of their trust in you is they start grooming you as well.
01:31 Gary is definitely the alpha in between the two boys,
01:40 but only because Bob lets him be the alpha.
01:42 You OK, Bob?
01:43 Gary, you want more food?
01:46 No?
01:46 Deal.
01:47 He's very strong personality, likes to be in charge,
01:50 likes to push Bob around.
01:51 Gets jealous of me.
01:53 So if I'm petting Bob, he'll come and want to be in there,
01:55 too.
01:56 In the early days, my daughter used
01:58 to take Gary into her bed before bedtime,
02:00 just as quiet time with her and Gary.
02:02 She went for a sleepover one night,
02:04 and I looked up and down.
02:05 We could not find him.
02:06 He was in her bed.
02:07 Like, it was the cutest thing.
02:09 I don't know how, but he had managed to get on her bed,
02:11 and he was sleeping under the blankets, where he kind of
02:13 always had been with her every night.
02:15 Bob's still a little reserved.
02:20 We realized that even since day one.
02:21 He was just quiet.
02:22 So it was a harder connection to make with him.
02:25 But even today, we're finding he's coming out of his shell
02:28 a little more each day.
02:29 Don't do it.
02:31 Hey.
02:32 Gary picks on Bob a lot.
02:33 The rags do something called forced grooming.
02:35 Come here.
02:36 They're grooming each other, but it's forced.
02:37 So they pin each other down.
02:39 It's part of their, like, alpha thing.
02:41 Bob is such a sweetie and just takes it,
02:43 even though he's so much bigger and he could totally
02:46 just knock him off his feet.
02:47 You can see the difference when Bob's getting groomed.
02:54 His eyes are open, and I ask him if he needs help.
02:56 And it gives me kind of this look of, save me, mommy.
02:59 When Gary's getting groomed, he's loving it.
03:06 He's like in heaven, right?
03:08 Lying down, his eyes closed.
03:10 They fight like brothers, but they love like brothers.
03:12 And they're always on top of each other,
03:14 using each other as pillows.
03:16 They're totally not what I expected.
03:18 They're clean.
03:19 They're litter trained, 100%.
03:21 Again?
03:22 We're doing this again?
03:23 Gary.
03:25 They don't smell bad.
03:26 It's like a neutral smell.
03:27 You smell like nothing, Gary.
03:29 If they need something or want me,
03:30 they will physically latch onto my leg
03:33 and climb up all the way to my shoulder.
03:35 I think we bonded with them.
03:37 Hey, guys.
03:37 Hey, Gary.
03:38 Have you bonded with me?
03:39 I'm in awe by their sweetness, kindness, and just intelligence.
03:45 Bruxing and boggling are the signs of a happy, happy rat.
03:48 They're grinding their teeth.
03:49 At the same time, their eyes go in and out of their sockets.
03:52 They're about a year and a half now,
03:54 so they're close to end of life.
03:56 They only live for two years.
03:57 Even their say, Gary, can sense when I'm feeling stressed,
04:00 because I find that's when he comes to me
04:02 and wants to cuddle me.
04:03 Come on.
04:05 Got you.
04:06 And whether or not there's any scientific truth to that,
04:09 that's what it seems like happens.
04:11 Oh, my gosh.
04:12 And I know that sounds silly and cheesy,
04:14 but the love of an animal and the trust of an animal like that,
04:17 I can't even put it into words.
04:19 I love you too, Gary.
04:21 I've had pets.
04:22 I've had dogs.
04:23 But this is really something different.
04:24 I love you, Gary.
04:26 I love you.
04:32 (upbeat music)
