• last year
snickers @snickers_the_smiling_cat 2/21 3:30 pm

transcript - https://www.temi.com/editor/t/sCtvPI13rROs0NH4XBsQyGOvNymx7jcLMNja79XLGzuDy0RWlHR5U67Kp1Q5IRwck1GIGr8ekwch5sptbONfA8fBR6o?loadFrom=Dashboard&openShareModel=False
audio - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pzeyefuq39v1lzmva9d33/snickers-recording.mp4?rlkey=ot2n7q1axm7l7oq4hne1au18l&dl=0
credit - snickers_the_smiling_cat/Instagram

(use 15% faster vo

One of the most
unique looking cats
I've ever seen.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mtdaj14qnifuyqfg1jkzm/Kelly-DeWeese-IMG_6073-start-ng5.mov?rlkey=qqerthgy2mbhe2nlfj7jghiri&dl=0 09 with audio

She has a big smile.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i9qc6obattnigl7edw8qg/ng5_11-smile-start-ng5.mp4?rlkey=z61lij7ev5o8278rybqetbk5d&dl=0 00t01
(e - https://capture.dropbox.com/NKIQveoXSofd6hhP
(bit of audio https://production.geobeats.com/admin/stock_footages/img-8466-indoor-ambient

She sits like a human.
When people come over
they're very shocked
by the way that she sits.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7f001pephzr0r5kwqu60h/Kelly-DeWeese-IMG_5910-ng5-start-name-23.mov?rlkey=5vljl1clkmuw92xhe17gk1kja&dl=0 00 with audio

I don't know
why she sits like that.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/twhx9l1oqo24mksmm0cov/ng5_2-couch-sit.mp4?rlkey=kh8iwykf2xh84py9bfrmh7dzu&dl=0 00
(bit of audio - https://production.geobeats.com/admin/stock_footages/img-8440-indoor-ambient

Snickers and I have
an unbelievable bond.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ca565jtdlnxtq0nbs8klc/289_snickers-smile-ng5-start.mp4?rlkey=8mzkddch7cwondjm63jr76tln&dl=0 00
(audio - https://production.geobeats.com/admin/stock_footages/img-8466-indoor-ambient

I do believe
she knows the words
I love you
because anytime I say it,
she just looks at me
with these sweet, loving eyes
and she'll always
blink back at me.
(whole video https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7xexnqifac228k3ak6a3m/Kelly-DeWeese-IMG_0721-03-ng5-blink-05.mov?rlkey=4ymvunyfwn3eyt6ou581je9sk&dl=0
(audio - https://production.geobeats.com/admin/stock_footages/ambient-indoor-img-8616

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wviiucfz51fzrb0t566rr/ng5-blink-morning-09-10-13-15-ng5.mp4?rlkey=2zqtj5zz87qkacp0a80mkl15q&dl=0 13t18 - 15% faster
Love you Snickers
Keep smiling
(end exactly here a bit after she says 'keep smiling - https://capture.dropbox.com/4DuE3hk0JtnYdZdz

29:43 i'm kelly..geobeats
Snickers' Story by GeoBeats Animals
music https://www.dropbox.com/s/naxi2dpt07je6h4/387_full_a-spell-on-my-soul_0155%20sad%20start.wav?dl=0
visual https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0ixh3avjj54zeud24f8zz/Kelly-DeWeese-IMG_5970-start-ng5.mov?rlkey=9vm5z4y9zvnbk5u70x49goyr0&dl=0 07t10
s https://capture.dropbox.com/BDXYhs5Gtg5wPxZB
e https://capture.dropbox.com/roLA7Zm9HQQVg7jm

I found Snickers
on June 26th, 2020
my mother had just
passed a few weeks prior
and I was out for a run
through a cornfield,
a running path.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7cvpu1ov168oxlboys4vr/Kelly-DeWeese-IMG_6506-face-ng5-start-smile.mov?rlkey=eg092ufvyml0ju3ud3g7cjqod&dl=0 00
(bit of audio - https://production.geobeats.com/admin/stock_footages/img-8466-indoor-ambient

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7cvpu1ov168oxlboys4vr/Kelly-DeWeese-IMG_6506-face-ng5-start-smile.mov?rlkey=eg092ufvyml0ju3ud3g7cjqod&dl=0 cont till 09
(e - https://capture.dropbox.com/1r8ExyjmbJCg0W53
(cont bit of audio- https://production.geobeats.com/admin/stock_footages/img-8466-indoor-ambient
00:00 One of the most unique looking cats I've ever seen.
00:03 She has a big smile.
00:04 She sits like a human.
00:05 When people come over,
00:06 they're very shocked by the way that she sit.
00:09 I don't know why she sits like that.
00:11 Snickers and I have an unbelievable bond.
00:14 I do believe she knows the words, "I love you,"
00:16 because anytime I say it,
00:17 she just looks at me with these sweet loving eyes
00:20 and she'll always blink back at me.
00:22 Love you, Snickers.
00:23 I am Kelly, and this is Snickers' story for GeoBeans.
00:27 I found Snickers on June 26, 2020.
00:30 My mother had just passed a few weeks prior
00:32 and I was out for a run through a cornfield, a running path,
00:36 and she just came right in front of my feet
00:38 and literally stopped me.
00:39 Very sickly, her eyes were pretty much glued shut.
00:42 You could tell she had a lot of fleas.
00:44 She kept shaking her head,
00:45 so she clearly had mites in her ears.
00:48 There were no other cats around.
00:49 The other thing that I noticed about her,
00:51 she was trying to meow.
00:52 She would open her mouth, but no sound would come out.
00:55 I was about two miles from home
00:57 and I carried her all the way back to my house.
00:59 I could tell there was a sense of relief from her.
01:01 She was very hungry.
01:02 Love you.
01:04 When I took her to the vet the next day,
01:06 they did check to see if she was microchipped.
01:08 Unfortunately, she was not.
01:10 They assumed that she was probably born in that field
01:13 and she got away from her mother somehow.
01:16 What you doing, pretty girl?
01:18 I did put up signs in my neighborhood for about a week,
01:21 but nobody claimed her, so I kept her.
01:24 I took it as a sign
01:25 that my mother was bringing this cat to me for me to save,
01:29 but she was very sick.
01:30 The infection was not clearing up.
01:32 She was on various types of antibiotics
01:34 and she wasn't getting better.
01:36 Eventually, I was given a choice
01:39 that I could either put her down
01:41 or I could send her to a specialist
01:45 to get further examination.
01:47 I was told up front
01:48 that it was probably going to be very costly,
01:50 so I had to make that choice of what I was going to do.
01:53 And I, of course, made the choice to go to the specialist
01:56 and we found out what her problem really was.
01:59 She had very large polyps that were growing
02:02 inside her inner ear.
02:03 So I scheduled the surgeries.
02:05 First surgery went well,
02:07 and then I took her back six weeks later
02:08 for the second surgery,
02:10 and that's where things did not go so well.
02:12 During the middle of the procedure,
02:14 she lost consciousness
02:16 because the polyp dropped into her throat
02:19 and her brain shut down for about a good 10 seconds.
02:23 And they had to do CPR on her
02:25 in the middle of the procedure.
02:27 They were able to revive her,
02:29 but she woke up blind from the procedure.
02:31 And they asked if I still wanted to keep her.
02:34 And I, of course, said yes.
02:36 I'll deal with whatever comes my way.
02:39 And they said it would be about 50/50
02:41 if her eyesight comes back.
02:42 Awfully cute.
02:44 Knowing that, I brought a blind cat back to my house
02:47 and I did everything I could
02:49 to make the space comfortable for her.
02:51 Keep smiling.
02:52 About six, seven weeks later,
02:55 one day I was holding her
02:56 and just waving my fingers in front of her.
02:59 And I noticed that she was following my hand.
03:01 And so I immediately called the vet
03:04 and brought her back up to the specialist for an exam.
03:07 And her eyesight had indeed come back.
03:09 Isn't that crazy that her paw is in the shape of a smile?
03:13 Now I've got a beautiful, healthy cat
03:15 that just is so loving and so sweet.
03:18 Love you.
03:18 A complete miracle.
03:21 Bye.
03:24 (upbeat music)
03:27 (upbeat music)
