• last year
copper @obibunfuriends 3/8 1:00 pm

transcript - https://www.temi.com/editor/t/bSE3GIXojkfb1PR_1IeCmruxF5n1l8HV12OJAnk54EdGTZHzTVf9b_c8tY8fFWFtrvXBpRtJQBphcoR_1WwvrULgeMg?loadFrom=Dashboard&openShareModel=False
audio - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ccgdjq3gimuijndjm14w4/copper-recording.mp4?rlkey=6xa4r1b0embv5ys12q9u30c01&dl=0
credit - obibunfuriends/Instagram

(music keep it low - https://www.dropbox.com/s/8mqnhco3o93r8ez/387_full_charm-the-birds_0155%20funny.wav?dl=0
(vo - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oeo5cqe261tmqh46u2na2/copper_vo_01_10.wav?rlkey=1h5amqe7h15aps4d8s3ixnl2t&dl=0
(start music .5 sec after vo starts

Right before Valentine's Day
I came downstairs and
he was straddling her
while kissing her ears.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vy6r9w5tbp5rjy0jqydlt/Shanleigh-Knittel-inbound8129229016936551780-mate-ng5.mp4?rlkey=s0ueob6h9sa5b913a4zu0sk56&dl=0 00 with audio

She's about twice his size,
which makes them
the cutest little pairing.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fq1bctjjkafrqfdxo99ci/Shanleigh-Knittel-inbound6141579892231511779-mate-ng5.mp4?rlkey=na9z1isqeo0gxfiqitjo3kkjl&dl=0 00

(music bit louder

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2lkiauhxxj3z0foqmukfs/Shanleigh-Knittel-inbound175976179981977437-eat-ng5-mate.mp4?rlkey=rpuvtnj2hjnlv3ewv4t2xm27a&dl=0 01t04 bump audio
(s - https://capture.dropbox.com/cdJ8gXKo2465ZMoz
e https://capture.dropbox.com/tfvVcJkocMG6kWSz

(music lower

He just took
on this husbun role
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/26z93xbowluo5ag50iiu5/ng5-mate.jpg?rlkey=jlh5fdnl0ds6mqyd9hldj8gpt&dl=0 still of this

and is right there
with his bonded made 24/7
taking care of her.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/09b38j2yd42f18fnr7c3w/Shanleigh-Knittel-inbound9160126609315722314-mate-ng5.mp4?rlkey=yjkinsrxj6dj8e0hwsnh8tcae&dl=0 00
(brigthen frame a bit

He gives her a lot of kisses.

She'll shove her head
under him to say like,
hey, give me kisses.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xz93sekinxtsi1mgu9ozx/Shanleigh-Knittel-inbound5715807331673287495-mate-ng5.mp4?rlkey=s3hunj9zfd76cxa9r7jswwenm&dl=0 04t07
(s - https://capture.dropbox.com/bvRnnFJfmIdVJRAV
(e - https://capture.dropbox.com/u306KmCPAYJOL3kd

35:23 i'm stanleight...geobeats
Copper's Story by GeoBeats Animals
music https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uwd2ncwqha9q5xcockd5g/575_instrumental1_just-walk-with-me_0193-link-end-start.wav?rlkey=xh2ox27khoknxo9x53es3jgpb&dl=0
visual https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wmyc9ngexblx1kph54crf/Shanleigh-Knittel-inbound4867338322344324738-pet-kiss-07-ng5.mp4?rlkey=caokxl3azpngikz4yedd9xp13&dl=0 05t09 - show visual for 1 sec before vo
(s - https://capture.dropbox.com/F4X6Riu1D5g8ydjJ
(e - https://capture.dropbox.com/tQ5ZfPKP28ptVfyR

A friend of ours
was notified about
some domestic bunnies
who had been abandoned.
So through our local rescue,
we went out to investigate.
It was a really cold and snowy day
and I was the first to arrive
and I saw Copper in a ditch.
And through our local Humane Society,
we actually helped rescue
12 other bunnies
from that same site.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mhyc9g12sj0jtquu3v0rl/Shanleigh-Knittel-inbound762287747715256089-ng5-start.mp4?rlkey=oz5eco62wo5a9vdg7fdcm1757&dl=0 whole video
00:00 Right before Valentine's Day, I came downstairs and he was straddling her while kissing her ears.
00:04 She's about twice his size, which makes them the cutest little pair.
00:07 I just took on this husband role and is right there with his bonded mate 24/7 taking care of
00:14 her. He gives her a lot of kisses. She'll shove her head under him to say like, "Hey, give me kisses."
00:19 I'm Shanley and this is Copper's story for GOBs.
00:25 A friend of ours was notified about some domestic bunnies who had been abandoned.
00:30 So through our local rescue, we went out to investigate. It was a really cold and snowy day
00:35 and I was the first to arrive and as soon as I pulled up, I saw Copper in a ditch. And through
00:39 our local Humane Society, we actually helped rescue 12 other bunnies from that same site.
00:43 It was a hutch that was on the ground and they were just burrowing out, probably because they
00:47 didn't have access to food and water and it was such cramped quarters. It was awful. There was
00:50 a more recent litter that didn't make it. He's lucky to have survived. I really don't think he
00:55 would have made it much longer out there by himself. He was very fluffy because, you know,
00:59 they're putting on extra fur to try and stay warm, but he was basically skin and bones otherwise.
01:05 Copper came home with us as a foster and ended up staying. When we first brought him home,
01:09 as soon as we put food in front of him, he just started eating. Kalua has a similar rescue story
01:15 and him and Kalua hit it off right away. What are you doing? She's seven to eight pounds and
01:19 they said he's around three and a half to four, so twice his size. She's the one who is always
01:25 seeking him out for comfort and she's very shy, so it's kind of funny to watch that dynamic.
01:30 They do pretty much everything together. They have their morning routine. They'll play with
01:35 some of their toys and then afternoon is nap time. They'll nap together and then come out in the
01:41 evening and go to the litter box together to get the veggies together. What are you doing?
01:47 He just loves life. He's such a happy little guy.
01:49 You should sit. Ow!
01:52 I crinkle the bag. He thinks it's a treat bag and he comes running.
01:57 He does this thing with his mouth that's really funny where it's almost like a phantom chewing
02:04 that he does in anticipation that food could be on the way. If you leave the bathroom door open
02:09 for a second, he's just had this like war with the shower curtain. I don't know what it is,
02:14 but he'll start cawing at it and biting at it. We have a few different shower curtains. He treats
02:18 them all the same. His relationship with my husband is very, very funny. We always joke
02:23 that they have this alpha male kind of back and forth about him. You can get him off if you want
02:28 him off. He lost his bed privileges. Oh, I think he'll get it off when he's ready.
02:31 It was always only his pillow. He just wants to be in charge.
02:42 We joke that he has a foot fetish because he's always wanting to check out our shoes and then
02:46 lick his feet. He doesn't really give kisses anywhere else, but he loves to lick feet.
02:52 He's been great, but overall it's really just been these kind of weird neurological episodes
02:57 where he spaces out for a few days that we just haven't been able to diagnose and get a handle on,
03:01 but he just kind of zones out. We take care of him and then he's back to his usual happy,
03:05 floppy self. He had a rough start. He's been through a lot in his life, but he still just
03:10 has this zest for life and he's a great husband.
