• 6 months ago


00:00:00 After an intense dinner party last night, one couple have woken up happy to have at least avoided the drama.
00:00:07 Hello?
00:00:13 And despite still living in separate apartments, Claire and Jesse have had a successful week, rebuilding their relationship.
00:00:21 Hello, come in.
00:00:23 Good morning.
00:00:24 Come in.
00:00:25 Hi.
00:00:26 Thank you, hello.
00:00:27 Coffee.
00:00:28 That's what I brought.
00:00:29 I'm feeling pretty good about Claire, to be honest, this morning.
00:00:33 Did you sage the place?
00:00:35 I did.
00:00:36 Yeah.
00:00:37 I need to smell it.
00:00:38 I can.
00:00:39 She's done enough for me this week for me to tell that her wanting to make it up to me is legit.
00:00:45 So, I don't know, maybe it's picking up.
00:00:47 Claire has spent the week treating Jesse to a series of thoughtful dames.
00:00:55 Good day.
00:00:57 And the visit from her dad helped put things in perspective for both of them.
00:01:02 Life is up and down.
00:01:03 I've experienced a lot of it.
00:01:05 You can work it out, anything, together.
00:01:08 You've got to fight for it, guys.
00:01:10 I think Jesse and I are in a pretty cool place.
00:01:14 We are definitely vibing each other.
00:01:17 So, I think we are definitely moving into probably the best position we've been so far in this experience.
00:01:22 Did you get your ring resized?
00:01:24 Yeah.
00:01:25 Cute, I've never seen you wear it on that hand.
00:01:28 Jesse's wearing his ring again, little cutie.
00:01:31 He's been wearing it on his pointer finger for a little while, so nice to see it on his wedding hand.
00:01:36 So, then all the ladies know he's taken.
00:01:38 I got it resized for the most part because it simply didn't fit.
00:01:45 But it still holds as much value as it did day one and signifies the message of you're in it, you're committed, let's see what we can make of this.
00:01:59 See you in a little while.
00:02:01 See you in a little while.
00:02:02 With your most bestest suit on.
00:02:09 Last night's chaotic dinner party left many of the couples reeling.
00:02:14 And this morning they're still trying to process Evelyn's revelations from the pocket dial.
00:02:20 So, big bloody night that one was, wasn't it?
00:02:25 It sure was.
00:02:26 There was so much to get out and so many people involved.
00:02:30 I wonder how Rupert felt about the whole thing.
00:02:32 What do you do?
00:02:34 I'd rather lock a phone.
00:02:36 Yeah.
00:02:37 How hard is it?
00:02:38 First move, lock the phone.
00:02:40 Second move, vent.
00:02:42 But not everyone is buying Evelyn's story.
00:02:47 That whole dinner party was so toxic and the butt dial, it's a flat out lie.
00:02:55 How did Evelyn hear everything that was going on if the Rupert's phone was in the back of his pocket, sitting down with music on?
00:03:04 The thing is, I know that bar quite well. I frequent that bar.
00:03:08 I know how loud it is in there.
00:03:10 There's absolutely no way someone could butt dial someone and you can't even hear each other in there.
00:03:15 Let alone Evelyn being able to hear a crystal clear conversation.
00:03:18 And it's just bizarre. She's just come in here and suddenly it's the Evelyn show.
00:03:25 Obviously, it was a pretty awkward situation to be in.
00:03:33 I'm glad it's over. I'm glad that I've told the girls.
00:03:36 I definitely feel like I was the bearer of bad news.
00:03:40 But I wanted to tell Taylor and Sandy what's going on because if that was me and I was trying to work at a marriage and behind my back someone was slacking me off, that's not on.
00:03:55 The type of things that were said were pretty disgusting.
00:03:58 It was malicious.
00:04:00 So I'm glad I spoke up.
00:04:02 I can't help what I heard and I just needed to tell them.
00:04:05 I thought you did really well. You were very well spoken.
00:04:08 And seeing you be so confident last night, that's quite attractive to me, having someone who's strong.
00:04:16 And seeing you have my back, I felt the same way.
00:04:19 I'm so glad that Rupert supported me last night at the dinner party.
00:04:23 It meant the world to me.
00:04:25 I think we found a mutual respect for each other in that situation.
00:04:30 So yeah, it was lovely.
00:04:32 One of the couples at the epicentre of last night's drama was Taylor and Hugo.
00:04:43 This morning, the pair are still in separate rooms and haven't spoken since the dinner party.
00:04:49 Last night at the dinner party, Evelyn disclosed that she had overheard a conversation between the boys when they were at the pub
00:04:57 and Hugo described me as being a sea**** Tuesday.
00:05:01 And he wished that he had any one of the other brides.
00:05:07 There's no truth and validity to Hugo justifying his actions as a vent.
00:05:15 It wasn't.
00:05:17 He said those things in a nasty way and he meant them.
00:05:21 And it's not okay.
00:05:24 Has anyone ever used those words to describe you before?
00:05:30 **********
00:05:32 **********
00:05:34 Yeah, absolutely.
00:05:44 You know, all of my exes are dickheads and the only difference is when they called me a ******** it was to my face.
00:05:53 And Hugo couldn't do that.
00:05:55 Instead, he said it to all of the boys.
00:05:58 The other big casualty from the Pocketdial incident was Sandy and Dan's relationship.
00:06:11 And as Sandy wakes up alone, she is still trying to wrap her head around Dan's explosive admissions at the dinner table.
00:06:20 At the moment, I don't feel great about the relationship.
00:06:22 Last night I was really confused and upset.
00:06:25 Obviously, I'm feeling pretty insecure after what I heard from Evelyn, that Dan went out with the boys and he said some horrible things about me.
00:06:33 Did you hold up your phone and show your ex-girlfriends boasting?
00:06:38 Um...
00:06:41 I thought that's what I was about to say. Rupert asked me whether or not I had a type.
00:06:45 That's pretty disrespectful to me. Why would you do that?
00:06:48 Why? Why? Why?
00:06:50 Of course it's disrespectful. You're comparing me to them.
00:06:53 And then after being physically intimate, you disappeared for the weekend and went out with the boys and told me you need to disappear for three days.
00:06:59 You can probably understand why I'm upset.
00:07:02 Dan, I heard you say you don't give a ****. You don't need to be here.
00:07:06 Maybe I did say that.
00:07:09 That makes me feel great.
00:07:12 My head is all over the place because I haven't spoken to Dan since the dinner party.
00:07:17 So I have no indication of where he's at.
00:07:20 The last thing I heard from him was what I felt seemed like a sincere apology.
00:07:25 And if I say leave, I'll never know.
00:07:28 Like, I don't know if he was sincere. I don't know if he can change his behaviour.
00:07:32 So I just feel really torn because when it is going good, he does make me feel really good.
00:07:38 But I know that I need to protect myself and know that the more I get into this, the more vulnerable I'm becoming.
00:07:44 And if he keeps up the same behaviour, the more hurt I'm going to get.
00:07:48 But then every time I think about saying leave, I'm like, I won't see him again.
00:07:52 And that, like, stresses me out.
00:07:59 It's a mixture of, like, caring for someone but also feeling really hurt.
00:08:04 I wonder if I never had a relationship. Save myself from all this hassle.
00:08:10 Welcome, lads. Hello, guys.
00:08:28 Come and grab a seat. Settle in.
00:08:30 Hello, ladies. Hello, ladies.
00:08:56 Welcome, everyone, to another commitment ceremony.
00:09:00 We had a dinner party last night.
00:09:03 We heard some explosive claims.
00:09:07 But tonight, we're going to get to the bottom of it.
00:09:10 We want your raw, honest truth.
00:09:15 And we will hold a mirror up to each and every one of you.
00:09:18 Now, with that being said, let's get our first couple up on the couch.
00:09:24 (MUSIC)
00:09:27 Claire and Jesse.
00:09:32 (APPLAUSE)
00:09:35 Who are you two and what have you done with Jesse and Claire?
00:09:45 This is a very different couple.
00:09:49 Help us understand what has taken you from where you were last week to where you are today.
00:09:55 Allow me. Please.
00:09:57 (LAUGHTER)
00:09:59 What has allowed us to take us from where we were last week to where we are this week?
00:10:05 Someone's made an effort. She sure did.
00:10:14 Jesse, tell us about it.
00:10:16 Oh, man, where do I start? So...
00:10:19 First of all, she took me for a date on... to play squash.
00:10:23 The next date she took me on, she took me to a music store.
00:10:28 We both played the drums and we both played a little bit of the piano.
00:10:31 I played the triangle. It's very metal of me.
00:10:33 Oh, you did play the triangle. Yes. Yes.
00:10:36 And she also bought me a new crystal named Carnelian.
00:10:40 You remember? Oh, cutie.
00:10:44 Jesse, it sounds like Claire really listened to you
00:10:48 and showed you that she was wanting to make an effort.
00:10:51 How did that feel for you?
00:10:53 I think at the beginning of the week, I must admit, my walls definitely were still up.
00:10:58 But as the week progressed, I just... I don't know. They just came down.
00:11:03 Seeing him last week feel not good and not validated and not, you know, enough.
00:11:13 I wanted him to feel all those things, so, yeah.
00:11:16 And, Jesse, what were the things that you felt this week?
00:11:22 I felt prioritised. I felt considered.
00:11:28 She made me feel wanted. Yeah, I feel worthy.
00:11:33 I mean, I'm sure you can see it right now. I'm in a good mood.
00:11:36 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:11:39 So, Jesse, have you found yourself at a place where you're able to forgive Claire?
00:11:49 Um...
00:11:55 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:11:58 Um...
00:12:11 So, Jesse, have you found yourself at a place where you're able to forgive Claire?
00:12:23 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:12:26 Um...
00:12:31 Um, yeah. Yeah.
00:12:35 Uh...
00:12:37 (GENTLE MUSIC)
00:12:40 I love it.
00:12:41 Forgiveness is a choice. Yeah.
00:12:43 I've heard that so many times throughout my life, and that never made any sense to me until now.
00:12:51 And how do you feel about her now?
00:12:54 Yeah, I don't know. Like...
00:12:56 Well, I do know. I just don't know how to word it.
00:13:00 Give it a go.
00:13:01 Um, yeah. I think I like her the most...
00:13:06 ...ever.
00:13:08 (LAUGHTER)
00:13:10 That's adorable.
00:13:11 (LAUGHTER)
00:13:13 And so, Claire, how do you feel about Jesse now?
00:13:18 I like Jesse.
00:13:21 He's funny. He's cool. He's weird.
00:13:24 I love it.
00:13:25 And I like not just how he's handled himself through all this,
00:13:29 but how he's allowed space for me to step into.
00:13:33 With everything now being on the table, me taking accountability and me saying sorry,
00:13:39 it's created the opportunity for us to actually...
00:13:43 ...like each other.
00:13:45 Yeah. It's a nice feeling.
00:13:47 And is it a romantic feeling?
00:13:50 Yeah, it is a romantic feeling.
00:13:52 And has there been affection between the two of you?
00:13:56 (LAUGHTER)
00:13:58 Yeah, a little bit.
00:14:00 Yeah, there's been a bit of kissing.
00:14:02 Wow.
00:14:04 But for me as well, I do need the depth and the conversation and the emotional intimacy,
00:14:10 and that's something I would like to focus on this week.
00:14:13 Yeah, let's talk more and let's touch more.
00:14:17 (LAUGHTER)
00:14:19 That's a beautiful formula. I love it.
00:14:23 Such an incredible turnaround.
00:14:26 Shall we go to the decision?
00:14:28 Yes.
00:14:29 Jesse.
00:14:30 (LAUGHS)
00:14:31 Not only did I write 'stay', I wrote 'stay metal'.
00:14:35 (LAUGHTER)
00:14:37 Oh, come on.
00:14:39 No. Well, no surprise.
00:14:42 (LAUGHTER)
00:14:43 Great week. Looking forward to another great week.
00:14:46 Oh, what a very neat three kisses.
00:14:48 With kisses.
00:14:49 (APPLAUSE)
00:14:51 Well, surely this week's got to be about continuing to progress,
00:14:58 having those deep conversations, keeping those kisses going.
00:15:02 Very, very, very proud of you.
00:15:03 Yeah, thanks, you guys.
00:15:04 Good on you, guys.
00:15:05 Have a great week.
00:15:06 Well done.
00:15:07 So excited.
00:15:08 Well done, guys.
00:15:09 (APPLAUSE)
00:15:11 Stay metal.
00:15:12 Am I doing it the wrong way? Is it that way?
00:15:14 Oh, you can do that way, but...
00:15:15 I'm doing it this way.
00:15:17 (APPLAUSE)
00:15:19 That's very cute.
00:15:20 Yes, that's very cute.
00:15:21 Stop.
00:15:22 Yeah, don't.
00:15:23 Yeah, all right.
00:15:24 (LAUGHS)
00:15:25 (WHISPERS)
00:15:26 Thank you.
00:15:27 Let's get our next couple up.
00:15:30 Sandy and Dan.
00:15:37 (APPLAUSE)
00:15:40 (APPLAUSE)
00:15:42 Well, hello, you two.
00:15:47 You were right in the thick of it last night, weren't you,
00:15:49 at the dinner party?
00:15:50 Yeah.
00:15:51 Who wants to kick it off?
00:15:55 I think I will.
00:15:59 What I heard from Evelyn,
00:16:02 that Dan had showed the other boys photos of his ex-girlfriends
00:16:07 and that I'm not his type.
00:16:10 It's not a good feeling.
00:16:12 Yeah.
00:16:16 I just remind myself, my dad said to me,
00:16:23 the one thing he said when I left,
00:16:25 and we didn't leave in a good place,
00:16:27 but he said, 'My biggest fear is that you will go there
00:16:31 'and you'll be disrespected by who they pair you with.'
00:16:34 And that's exactly what happened.
00:16:38 (LAUGHS)
00:16:39 So...
00:16:40 Dan, there are plenty of heavy accusations thrown out at you last night.
00:16:51 What's your take on that?
00:16:54 First thing I want to do is apologise again to you
00:17:01 for being insensitive and disrespectful with the boys.
00:17:07 I own it. I said it.
00:17:09 It wasn't the right place to have that conversation.
00:17:12 I let you down.
00:17:14 And it hurts my heart to know that you've got a heavy heart as well.
00:17:19 Oh, stop it.
00:17:22 Prior to him going out with the boys,
00:17:25 how was the relationship between the two of you going?
00:17:28 Not great.
00:17:29 There were other things I was hurt about as well.
00:17:32 We spoke about taking the relationship to the next level.
00:17:35 In terms of physical intimacy.
00:17:37 And, yeah, we did end up sleeping together.
00:17:40 And then after that, I feel like you pulled back.
00:17:43 I didn't get much from Dan.
00:17:45 I didn't mean to pull away at all whatsoever.
00:17:50 I'm sorry if you felt that way.
00:17:52 I mean, you slept on the couch on Tuesday night.
00:17:54 We had another argument and we said we'd reset.
00:17:57 And then you said we'd take sex off the table
00:17:59 'cause it makes me too emotional.
00:18:02 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:18:05 We did end up sleeping together.
00:18:15 And then after that, I feel like you pulled back.
00:18:18 I didn't get much from Dan.
00:18:20 I didn't mean to pull away at all whatsoever.
00:18:24 I'm sorry if you felt that way.
00:18:26 I mean, you slept on the couch on Tuesday night.
00:18:28 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:18:31 We had another argument and we said we'd reset.
00:18:35 And then you said we'd take sex off the table
00:18:37 'cause it makes me too emotional.
00:18:39 You said that to her.
00:18:45 Yeah, yeah, I said, "Let's just remove it for the expectation of that
00:18:57 "so we can just hit the reset and then get back to that point again."
00:19:00 Last week here on the couch, Daniel,
00:19:05 you said that you were not sexually attracted to Sandy.
00:19:09 Yeah.
00:19:10 I wonder how long after the commitment ceremony you guys had sex.
00:19:15 It was actually the next morning.
00:19:17 The next morning? Yeah.
00:19:19 OK, so how did you become sexually attracted to her overnight?
00:19:22 Um...
00:19:24 Uh...
00:19:26 Well, I think we built up pretty much everything else in our relationship
00:19:30 in terms of our bond and our chemistry and that kind of thing.
00:19:33 But the one thing that was missing, from my perspective,
00:19:35 was there was a few little walls that were still up.
00:19:38 And that morning...
00:19:39 You said you weren't sexually attracted.
00:19:41 Yeah, yeah, absolutely, yes.
00:19:42 So the next morning, um, we woke up and had a chat
00:19:45 and there was actually a bit of a purging of a lot of emotion that came up.
00:19:49 And we had a big cuddle, which turned into kisses,
00:19:52 and in that moment, um, we were just one.
00:19:56 Well, yes, you can become aroused, of course...
00:19:59 Yeah.
00:20:00 ...by physical closeness.
00:20:02 But to be with somebody
00:20:05 who you have just stated you are not sexually attracted to,
00:20:09 when you know how important that was,
00:20:11 in particular in this relationship with the two of you,
00:20:14 it's been a big topic from the beginning
00:20:17 of whether or not you were going to go into
00:20:19 the physical, sexual aspect of the relationship.
00:20:22 And I'm trying to understand what the endgame is
00:20:26 for being physically intimate so shortly
00:20:29 after such a strong statement of not really wanting to go there.
00:20:34 It doesn't seem to add up to me.
00:20:36 Sandy, did you feel like he was sexually attracted to you
00:20:42 when you guys were together?
00:20:43 Did you feel that attraction from him?
00:20:45 At that time, yes, yeah.
00:20:46 I was really happy afterwards, but it's what came after.
00:20:50 Because my feelings grew even more.
00:20:54 But then Dan pulled away, and then, yeah, I just felt hurt.
00:21:03 Yes, and that was a big fear of yours,
00:21:08 being intimate with somebody and then having exactly this happen.
00:21:11 Yeah.
00:21:12 I'm very sorry this happened this way for you, Sandy.
00:21:16 Me too.
00:21:18 Why did you pull away, Dan?
00:21:23 I was thinking a lot about some of the lifestyle differences
00:21:30 that we have.
00:21:31 There's some big things that are there,
00:21:35 and there's some things that we can't ignore.
00:21:37 And one of the big things for me is my love of the beach
00:21:43 and the ocean.
00:21:45 I wake up every morning, I'm at the beach before sunrise,
00:21:48 and it's those times when I'm on my own,
00:21:52 those spiritual-type moments,
00:21:54 that I really want somebody to share that with.
00:21:58 That has weighed very heavy on my heart,
00:22:01 because that is a true love of mine.
00:22:03 It's where I feel most at home.
00:22:04 So my heart and my mind have been at conflict,
00:22:08 because that was one of the big things for me,
00:22:10 was having somebody that could share that with me.
00:22:14 And go to the ocean with your mates.
00:22:16 Dan, a key ingredient to a healthy relationship
00:22:22 is not the love of an ocean.
00:22:25 Okay?
00:22:27 It's not.
00:22:28 Now, you may not be on the same page about water,
00:22:37 but there are a lot of more important ingredients
00:22:40 to a healthy relationship.
00:22:42 Things like values,
00:22:45 and things like communication styles,
00:22:48 and time together versus time apart,
00:22:51 admiration, praise.
00:22:54 Yeah, okay.
00:22:57 So tell me, Dan, in getting to know Sandy,
00:23:03 which of her interests did you dive into
00:23:06 and try to explore and understand?
00:23:08 Oh, her music and her Bollywood movies at home.
00:23:21 The Bollywood?
00:23:22 No, you're shaking your head, Sandy.
00:23:24 No, I haven't taken an interest.
00:23:27 I have been watching them, as you've had them on, absolutely.
00:23:30 You put your noise-cancelling headphones in,
00:23:31 and then you go sit on the bed.
00:23:32 Only sometimes. Only sometimes.
00:23:35 It's like you want to more focus on the fact
00:23:37 that you didn't get exactly what you wanted in the looks department.
00:23:39 And I'm not just making that up,
00:23:40 because you've said to a few people
00:23:42 what your ideal woman would look like.
00:23:43 And then even when my sister visited,
00:23:45 she goes, "What is this thing about lifestyle?
00:23:46 "There's more important things like your values align,
00:23:49 "you know, our five-year plans matched up."
00:23:52 I could have the same values as a seven-year-old woman.
00:23:57 It doesn't mean I'm going to be matched with it, does it?
00:24:03 I'm trying to focus on the things where we are similar.
00:24:06 But at every point, especially this last week,
00:24:09 I felt you've tried to test me, almost like,
00:24:11 so that I just go, "No, I'm done with this."
00:24:13 Because you keep focusing on the indifferences
00:24:16 and not focusing on the things where we are aligned.
00:24:19 That's the issue.
00:24:22 All right, well, let's get to the decision.
00:24:31 Stay or leave, what's it going to be?
00:24:33 Daniel.
00:24:35 I came here with an expectation
00:24:43 that I was going to find someone that can really join me
00:24:47 on my love of the ocean and the adventure
00:24:49 and all that kind of stuff.
00:24:51 And unfortunately, we were dealt a set of cards
00:24:54 that was a little bit different to that.
00:24:56 And it started to unravel a bit for me this week.
00:24:59 I feel that this has been more of a friendship
00:25:04 that we've been building.
00:25:06 So I think the best thing for me to do is leave.
00:25:15 The beach and the ocean is calling me,
00:25:19 and I have to go home.
00:25:21 All right, then.
00:25:22 And for you, Sandy, what have you got?
00:25:25 I've had a really hard week.
00:25:37 I miss my family.
00:25:39 I want to go home and apologise to my parents.
00:25:42 I want to go home and apologise to my family.
00:25:47 I want to go home and apologise to my parents.
00:25:50 I didn't come here to be disrespected.
00:26:01 I came here to meet my person.
00:26:03 I mean, it sucks when you start to form feelings for someone.
00:26:10 [sobs]
00:26:12 But I need to look after myself first,
00:26:19 as much as I care for Dan.
00:26:21 I care for me more, and I need to stand up for myself
00:26:24 and respect myself, so I have to leave.
00:26:37 This was a hard decision, wasn't it, Sandy?
00:26:39 We know how much you wanted this.
00:26:41 I really did.
00:26:44 I mean, it had a lot of pressure on me to make it work as well.
00:26:46 Yeah.
00:26:47 And we can appreciate the position you're in,
00:26:52 you know, within your family, your community,
00:26:55 and I guess how much is at stake for you,
00:26:57 coming into this process,
00:26:59 and the three of us are so disappointed for you.
00:27:05 Any final words you'd like to say to Dan?
00:27:08 I still wish that you had seen beyond just the external
00:27:21 and really gotten to know me,
00:27:23 because I think you really would have liked that person.
00:27:25 And it still hurts, because a part of me thinks,
00:27:28 what could it be?
00:27:30 [sighs]
00:27:32 I think it's going to take me time to build myself back up again.
00:27:52 [sighs]
00:27:55 [sniffles]
00:27:57 God.
00:28:04 You know, Sandy, you came into this experiment
00:28:07 really without any sort of history of a relationship.
00:28:11 You took a massive leap of faith,
00:28:14 which we are in great awe of, really.
00:28:17 You showed huge courage and bravery.
00:28:20 You have much to be proud of.
00:28:24 So leaving here, for you,
00:28:28 will be an opportunity to really shine.
00:28:31 You may feel fragile now,
00:28:33 but very soon, back in the real world,
00:28:37 you will feel stronger than you've ever felt.
00:28:40 You both gave it a shot,
00:28:46 and we wish you all the very best,
00:28:48 and good luck.
00:28:50 Thank you.
00:28:53 [applause]
00:28:55 I'm so proud of you.
00:29:03 I've stayed true to who I am.
00:29:06 I know what I'm worthy of,
00:29:08 and I'm going to keep looking for that.
00:29:10 Can we see you?
00:29:13 Can we hug you?
00:29:16 He's out there somewhere.
00:29:18 He's out there.
00:29:20 I mean, I waited 36 years. What's another couple?
00:29:23 Coming up...
00:29:27 Leighton, don't do that.
00:29:30 Melinda and Leighton are called out.
00:29:32 This here is trying to put a facade up.
00:29:37 Are you concerned that this is not going to work
00:29:40 when the experiment is over?
00:29:42 Yeah, totally I'm concerned.
00:29:43 Emotions run high for Alyssa.
00:29:46 Why would somebody want to date someone that's a single mom
00:29:50 when he can easily go and date somebody else
00:29:52 that doesn't have a child,
00:29:53 that doesn't have all this baggage and everything?
00:29:55 And Harrison...
00:29:56 Why do you feel guilty?
00:29:58 ...stirs the pot.
00:29:59 Just come around and say, "I don't believe it happened."
00:30:02 [The Facts]
00:30:06 [The Facts]
00:30:10 Next up on the couch...
00:30:16 Evelyn and Rupert.
00:30:21 Hello.
00:30:27 Hiya.
00:30:30 Evelyn, you had quite the big night last night.
00:30:34 Yes.
00:30:35 Dropped some major bombs.
00:30:38 What was that experience like for you last night?
00:30:42 Honestly, I'm not going to lie.
00:30:44 This whole situation has been pretty intense for Rupert and I.
00:30:49 Yeah, it was a hard situation to be put in.
00:30:53 But I'm so glad that Rupert had my back last night.
00:30:57 [The Facts]
00:31:00 I think it brought us closer.
00:31:03 Tell us about your week.
00:31:06 We came into the week, we were really positive.
00:31:09 Given the crash course, I tried to really give it everything.
00:31:14 I think the intimacy side of things,
00:31:16 me personally, I found that easier.
00:31:19 I feel great about Evelyn and where it's going.
00:31:22 Yeah, it's great.
00:31:24 Evelyn, how do you think the relationship has improved
00:31:27 since you were last here on the couch?
00:31:29 We are flirting, we have banter,
00:31:33 we take the piss out of each other, we giggle,
00:31:36 we make jokes. It's nice.
00:31:39 I feel positive, I feel hopeful.
00:31:42 You know, there's that excitement.
00:31:44 We've got to find out whether you want to stay or leave.
00:31:47 Rupert.
00:31:48 So I said stay.
00:31:51 Evelyn, what have you got for us?
00:31:53 Stay.
00:31:54 Go back to the group and we'll see you next time.
00:32:01 Next up...
00:32:05 Bronte and Harrison.
00:32:11 Welcome, Bronte.
00:32:17 You too.
00:32:18 Hello. We missed you last week.
00:32:20 I know, I missed you guys too.
00:32:22 It's kind of nice to have Bronte here.
00:32:24 Are you feeling better?
00:32:25 I'm feeling much better, yeah.
00:32:27 I'm very happy to hear that.
00:32:28 It was tough to see you like that.
00:32:30 I know.
00:32:31 Harrison was particularly concerned about you
00:32:36 and even became emotional on the couch when you weren't here.
00:32:40 Did you know about that?
00:32:41 I did.
00:32:43 To have Harrison really show compassion and empathy,
00:32:48 you know, it's something that I didn't really see
00:32:50 for the first few weeks of our marriage.
00:32:53 He's been extremely supportive and wanting to know
00:32:57 exactly what endometriosis is and what it does to a woman.
00:33:02 And that's very different to a lot of my past partners.
00:33:06 I've had past partners tell me that I am going to be a bad mum.
00:33:11 Sorry, don't want to get emotional.
00:33:15 I actually did want to address that.
00:33:17 I don't think any woman should be told that.
00:33:21 That was really hard for me to hear.
00:33:23 I think Bronte's going to be an amazing mum one day.
00:33:26 Thank you.
00:33:27 Thank you.
00:33:28 And that's why when I did have the weekend with my son,
00:33:32 I wanted them to meet.
00:33:33 So I introduced Bronte to my son for the first time.
00:33:37 That was a huge step for me.
00:33:39 I haven't done that before.
00:33:40 You've never introduced a woman to your son?
00:33:42 No.
00:33:43 Yeah, well, it's a relationship, you know, it's moving forward.
00:33:46 We then had the friends and family meet.
00:33:50 You know, like went over some stuff that had come up before,
00:33:53 but I think we handled it really well.
00:33:55 I think the back end of the wedding,
00:33:57 obviously that's the last thing that our friends and family saw.
00:34:01 And clearly that wasn't great.
00:34:03 Everyone knows how close I am with my sister.
00:34:07 And her approval means absolutely everything to me.
00:34:10 And she can see that I am happy
00:34:12 and she can see that there has been a massive 180,
00:34:16 which is a huge positive.
00:34:19 And it is a massive 180 from just a couple of weeks ago.
00:34:24 How do you feel about each other, Harry's son?
00:34:29 Um, I'm definitely falling for Bronte.
00:34:34 There was a lot of parts of me that I felt like were broken.
00:34:38 And I think time with Bronte's putting all those parts back together.
00:34:45 I think Bronte's bringing out the best in me.
00:34:51 She's just a great, a great gal.
00:34:55 Bronte, are you falling in love with Harry's son?
00:35:02 Yeah, yeah, definitely falling for Harry's son.
00:35:06 You know, I can't imagine what it would be like to wake up and he's not there.
00:35:11 Tell me about the intimacy in this relationship.
00:35:13 How is that progressing?
00:35:15 It's pretty wild.
00:35:16 It's pretty wild.
00:35:18 We had a few wines the other night and he came home
00:35:20 and I think Ollie thought we were remodelling the bedroom.
00:35:26 Yeah, I do hear things, yeah.
00:35:34 Let's get to the decisions. Bronte?
00:35:37 I wrote stay with a little love heart.
00:35:41 I also decided to stay with a little love heart.
00:35:45 Oh, that's so cute.
00:35:46 Yeah, matching.
00:35:47 Oh, that's so cute.
00:35:51 Alright, have a great week you guys.
00:35:53 Thank you so much.
00:35:54 Thank you.
00:35:55 Bye.
00:36:01 Next couple up on the couch.
00:36:10 Melinda and Leighton.
00:36:16 Hello, hello.
00:36:17 Hi.
00:36:18 How are we?
00:36:20 Mr. Bronte.
00:36:22 Yeah.
00:36:23 They talk shit in the lounge every week.
00:36:26 Tell us about your week.
00:36:29 It was like the same Leighton and Mel pattern
00:36:33 where dinner parties are good,
00:36:36 commit ceremony is good,
00:36:37 the next day is so-so,
00:36:39 followed by the second day maybe bad,
00:36:41 and then good again.
00:36:44 And every time we get here, like I guess,
00:36:46 it feels like we're good.
00:36:49 We don't really have much to talk about.
00:36:52 I think we're at that stage where we are trying to ascertain
00:36:57 whether the issues we have in our relationship
00:37:00 is as a result of the experiment.
00:37:03 We are both very stubborn and hot-headed,
00:37:05 and so things can kick off.
00:37:07 And that sets somebody back.
00:37:08 So we can take, I used to say we take one and a half steps forward,
00:37:11 one step back, so we're always moving half a step forward.
00:37:14 And an inch a day you walk.
00:37:15 Leighton, the way you're talking right now,
00:37:18 it's like you're in a boardroom.
00:37:22 It's like you're trying to convince me and everybody else
00:37:25 and take, you know, the issue and kind of dilute it.
00:37:30 Don't do that.
00:37:31 It's very difficult to get a read on your relationship.
00:37:37 This here is trying to put a facade up.
00:37:46 But you're not letting us in.
00:37:51 I'm telling everyone that's fine.
00:37:53 I'm telling everyone that's fine.
00:37:55 Harrison, there is some whispering going on over there.
00:38:01 What's the story?
00:38:03 [music playing]
00:38:16 This here is trying to put a facade up.
00:38:25 I'm telling everyone that's fine.
00:38:28 I don't know why.
00:38:30 Harrison, there is some whispering going on over there.
00:38:35 What's the story?
00:38:39 Mate, the guy I met at the Bucks party, you were full of life.
00:38:44 Really fun, full of energy.
00:38:47 And mate, you just don't seem happy.
00:38:51 I'm looking at a different guy tonight.
00:38:53 And I think every week we see the same story from you guys,
00:38:56 and I just don't buy it.
00:38:58 Just own it.
00:38:59 Tell us what's going on.
00:39:01 You know, I think for me, it's a really challenging process.
00:39:05 And Mel and I, we're very similar.
00:39:07 We're very passionate.
00:39:08 We're very headstrong.
00:39:09 We're very stubborn.
00:39:10 And I think there's parts of our relationship that don't work.
00:39:13 There are so many parts.
00:39:14 You're being diplomatic.
00:39:15 [music playing]
00:39:19 Just tell me, what is going on?
00:39:22 Um, well, when we do get into an argument,
00:39:26 we're both very stubborn.
00:39:27 No one wants to sort of back down.
00:39:30 It's both our way or the highway.
00:39:32 It's like--
00:39:33 [sighs]
00:39:34 --two know-it-alls.
00:39:35 Yeah, and it is draining to be in a relationship like this.
00:39:40 It can be a little toxic.
00:39:42 So you get gridlocked, and your points score.
00:39:46 I'm right.
00:39:47 You're wrong.
00:39:48 That will happen.
00:39:49 That will maybe set you back for half a day or a day.
00:39:51 Then we'll build on the fact that we do have a really good chemistry
00:39:54 and physical connection.
00:39:55 So this is not a facade.
00:39:57 Yeah, absolutely not.
00:39:58 When we're good, we are really good.
00:40:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:40:01 But it's, like, scary, because I don't know after this
00:40:04 if I'm going to be OK with not having that, like,
00:40:08 foundation in our relationship where we can't talk,
00:40:10 we can't argue, because that, to me, is--
00:40:14 it's a dead end.
00:40:15 Melinda, do you want this to move forward?
00:40:21 Yeah, I do.
00:40:24 I just can't figure it out.
00:40:25 [sighs]
00:40:26 [music playing]
00:40:39 You know, in the past, this would be me done.
00:40:43 But I do want to try almost anything,
00:40:46 because there's too many things that are, like, so close to perfect,
00:40:51 you know, that I've never had before.
00:40:54 I've told you, you need to get real on this couch.
00:40:58 And at last, we're getting there.
00:41:01 There are two CEOs sitting on the couch, butting heads.
00:41:05 When you guys have got things to bring up,
00:41:08 rather than thinking, I'm right and they're wrong,
00:41:13 I want you to say, I take your point.
00:41:17 Because then the other person feels validated, and you can move.
00:41:23 It's no longer about point scoring.
00:41:25 When you try and do that, you both lose.
00:41:28 We're going to go to the decision now to see where you're at, Layton.
00:41:32 I definitely agree there's things that we need to work on in our relationship.
00:41:35 We've got to start to just meet in the middle.
00:41:38 And so I would like to stay and work on this more,
00:41:41 because I think there's a lot of potential with this.
00:41:44 Linda, what have you got for us?
00:41:46 Communication is, like, super important to me,
00:41:49 and we've, like, got to get it right.
00:41:51 So I'm going to work really hard this week,
00:41:54 because it's crunch time for me and us.
00:41:57 So yeah, I'm choosing to stay.
00:42:00 [applause]
00:42:03 All right, well, listen, I'm glad we got honest tonight.
00:42:07 We don't want to hear any more bordering talk.
00:42:10 What we want to hear is transparency and honesty.
00:42:14 Off you go.
00:42:15 I like it. Thank you.
00:42:17 [applause]
00:42:20 I just can't get over the fact that Harrison had the height to sit there
00:42:29 and call out our relationship, say that he doesn't buy it.
00:42:33 I didn't buy your little monologue on the couch
00:42:35 where you're saying you all of a sudden overnight now are in love.
00:42:39 You're not going to come between me and Leighton.
00:42:42 Stay away from my relationship.
00:42:45 Our next couple on the couch...
00:42:49 Chani and Olly.
00:42:51 [applause]
00:42:54 Hello. How are you?
00:42:56 How are you going, guys?
00:42:57 How are you going?
00:42:59 Yeah, yeah, good.
00:43:00 Good.
00:43:01 Yeah?
00:43:02 I feel really strongly about Olly.
00:43:04 I think each day we're just getting better and better.
00:43:08 It was really nice to see our family.
00:43:10 I feel like that was just such a fun time
00:43:12 and just, I guess, really reassuring from their side as well,
00:43:16 hearing how they saw how we were together.
00:43:19 I feel, yeah, really, really strongly towards Olly.
00:43:22 I obviously really like him.
00:43:24 How about you, Olly?
00:43:25 Yeah, like, we just continue to grow.
00:43:29 It will be one or two days,
00:43:31 and then it's like we've doubled in terms of our appreciation for one another.
00:43:37 I genuinely have feelings for you
00:43:40 and definitely in the process, I think, of falling in love.
00:43:46 I'm really stoked with where we're at.
00:43:49 I think that we're not going to be surprised,
00:43:51 but we must come to your decisions.
00:43:54 Olly?
00:43:55 I have written "stay" with an XO.
00:43:58 All right.
00:43:59 Yes.
00:44:00 Stay.
00:44:01 [applause]
00:44:03 You guys are doing so, so well.
00:44:05 Being able to voice how you're feeling about one another
00:44:08 through the process to one another, I think, is a big, important part,
00:44:12 especially for you guys, because feelings are really developing here.
00:44:16 So continue on and have a great week.
00:44:18 Thank you.
00:44:19 Thank you.
00:44:20 Thanks so much, guys.
00:44:21 Thank you.
00:44:22 Good work, guys.
00:44:23 [applause]
00:44:25 [music]
00:44:28 Our next couple up on the couch,
00:44:32 Lyndall and Cam.
00:44:34 [applause]
00:44:39 Hi.
00:44:40 Hello.
00:44:41 How are you doing?
00:44:42 [music]
00:44:45 Last time we saw you on the couch, you two had some issues.
00:44:51 Where are you at this week?
00:44:53 [music]
00:44:56 Well, last week I was told that I needed to show up,
00:45:00 so I showed more affection.
00:45:02 I showed that I genuinely wanted to be here.
00:45:05 Went and got some flowers, and then there was more hugging,
00:45:07 there was more kissing,
00:45:10 and then we had family come and say hello to us.
00:45:14 How'd that go?
00:45:16 I had a good chat with Mum,
00:45:17 and I just spoke to her about a few little things that I thought
00:45:20 I might get a bit of understanding, a bit of help from her.
00:45:24 After they left, I had a chat with Lyndall,
00:45:26 and Lyndall was like, "What did your mum think of that?"
00:45:28 "What did your mum think?"
00:45:30 And I just said, "Hey, like Mum said,
00:45:31 "there might be a few little insecurities from Lyndall."
00:45:34 [music]
00:45:38 And what were the insecurities that she said Lyndall had?
00:45:42 It was just about...
00:45:44 Needing affection.
00:45:47 But it wasn't a bad thing.
00:45:48 It wasn't like, "Oh, she's got insecurities,"
00:45:50 on your horse off you go.
00:45:51 It wasn't like that.
00:45:52 It was just like, "Maybe you can talk to each other
00:45:54 "and try and have a conversation."
00:45:58 Cameron, what do you think about what it would be like
00:46:01 for Lyndall to hear that your mum thinks she's insecure?
00:46:05 [music]
00:46:08 Yeah, it wouldn't be easy.
00:46:10 How do you think it makes her feel?
00:46:13 It'd make you feel insecure.
00:46:16 [music]
00:46:20 I'm not a man with words.
00:46:21 I just told it how it was.
00:46:23 [music]
00:46:28 I know this is your first relationship.
00:46:31 There are different ways to tell it the way that it is.
00:46:37 When she hears, "Hey, I spoke to Mum and she thinks
00:46:40 "you're insecure," how is that going to go?
00:46:43 Yeah, there's probably different ways to skin a cat there.
00:46:45 Yeah.
00:46:47 Yeah.
00:46:49 [music]
00:46:51 I was really hurt because after the week that we'd had
00:46:57 where all I'd asked for, genuinely,
00:47:02 was one bit of affection a day, to hear that this was something
00:47:07 that was coming back to me and something that I had
00:47:09 to then work on, it just set me off.
00:47:11 I was like, "I can't win."
00:47:13 I asked for pretty much less than bare minimum
00:47:17 and I'm sitting here having to justify that I'm not insecure.
00:47:21 I have literally avoided long-term relationships
00:47:25 because I didn't think I deserved one.
00:47:29 And our biggest arguments have sprung from having to ask
00:47:33 for hugs and kisses.
00:47:35 And it just makes me feel like I did not wait my whole life
00:47:40 to finally let myself ask for a long relationship,
00:47:45 to be begging someone to see when I'm hurt
00:47:49 and help me with it instead of walking away.
00:47:52 I can't be perfect all the time.
00:47:57 I can't be happy all the time.
00:48:00 That is absolutely not what my life has been.
00:48:03 [music]
00:48:05 I just don't understand how I was meant to give you reassurance
00:48:09 on Friday when you got nasty at me.
00:48:11 Well, did you back me up?
00:48:12 Did you say to your mum, "Lyndall's not insecure.
00:48:14 She's actually asking me for very little
00:48:16 and maybe I want to take on the challenge"?
00:48:18 Well, if you'd let me finish the conversation,
00:48:20 I wanted to give you all this, but you didn't give me the chance.
00:48:23 Right, well, what reassurance would you have given me?
00:48:26 We would have sat down, had a good chat.
00:48:28 I said we would have had the best chat ever and said,
00:48:30 "Right, we're going to start our conflict different
00:48:32 instead of going for the throat."
00:48:34 And I would have got you a hug.
00:48:35 I would have gave you more kisses.
00:48:36 I said, "We're both in this together."
00:48:39 Cam, how you bring up an issue is more important, really,
00:48:44 than what you bring up.
00:48:46 Sledgehammer goes badly.
00:48:50 Gentle goes well.
00:48:54 Let's go to the decision.
00:48:56 Lyndall.
00:48:58 I'm hopeful.
00:48:59 I do want to keep having fun.
00:49:00 I have had fun this week.
00:49:02 So I'm ready to go.
00:49:03 There you go.
00:49:06 What about you, Cam?
00:49:07 What you got for us?
00:49:08 Still a lot to learn, obviously, but I want this to work.
00:49:14 Mumma Rae's no quitter.
00:49:17 That's a stay.
00:49:19 There's a little X on there in the end, too.
00:49:21 Hey, look, guys, you're both two people
00:49:23 that care about each other.
00:49:24 You're invested, and we can see that.
00:49:26 You'll get there.
00:49:28 And on that note, you can go back to the group.
00:49:30 Thank you, Cam.
00:49:37 Coming up...
00:49:38 Fatigue by a thousand cuts, I'd probably call it.
00:49:42 As Hugo opens up...
00:49:44 I'm literally just flailing around, kind of terrified.
00:49:48 Taylor shuts him down.
00:49:51 What are you talking about, Hugo?
00:49:53 Just the little things of how we've been.
00:49:55 Honestly, what are you talking about?
00:49:57 He's putting on an act.
00:50:11 Our next couple tonight...
00:50:16 Alyssa and Duncan.
00:50:22 Hello, you two.
00:50:23 Hi.
00:50:24 Hiya.
00:50:25 Well, why don't you tell us about your week?
00:50:29 Family and friends week, obviously.
00:50:32 It was a great week, but we also, you know,
00:50:35 had some hard discussions as well, so...
00:50:39 Right, so can we understand what was going on there?
00:50:47 I think it's just thinking a lot about the future,
00:50:50 because, you know, we're more than halfway through the experiment.
00:50:53 Like, it's going to come up really quickly, and I just, you know,
00:50:55 sometimes think that our lives are very different,
00:50:58 and I don't know how that's going to look.
00:51:02 Are you concerned that this is not going to work
00:51:04 when the experiment is over?
00:51:05 I totally am concerned.
00:51:11 I have a child, and, like, my child is going to be my priority.
00:51:15 And I've never been in a relationship as a single mum,
00:51:19 so I don't even know what that looks like.
00:51:21 Gotcha.
00:51:23 Has Duncan said or done anything to make you believe
00:51:26 that it won't work with your child?
00:51:28 No.
00:51:29 No, it's my own insecurity.
00:51:33 I told myself I was going to cry on the couch.
00:51:39 Sometimes I just think, like...
00:51:43 Why would somebody want to date someone that's a single mum
00:51:47 when he can, like, easily go and date somebody else
00:51:50 that doesn't have a child, that doesn't have, like,
00:51:52 all this baggage and everything?
00:51:58 So I guess it's like a bit of self-sabotage.
00:52:03 But I just, like, have a really hard time of, like,
00:52:06 feeling deserving of it.
00:52:09 And it's almost like it kind of feels like it's too good to be true.
00:52:16 Can I have a tissue, please?
00:52:21 Duncan, how does it feel hearing Alyssa say that?
00:52:25 It's tough. It's really tough.
00:52:28 I think it comes from Alyssa feeling like that she's my priority.
00:52:34 And so I feel like I do that in the experiment.
00:52:38 So, Alyssa, what could Duncan do to reassure you
00:52:41 that he is in this for the long haul?
00:52:45 I'm not sure. I'm honestly, like, I don't know.
00:52:48 I do feel really seen and I do feel heard with Duncan,
00:52:50 and that's not something that I've ever had before.
00:52:53 And so then I think it's a little bit scary for me
00:52:55 because, like, it does, you know, feel really real.
00:52:59 What about you, Duncan? Can you say anything at this point
00:53:02 that you could do differently to reassure Alyssa?
00:53:06 Look, I mean, we've had plenty of these discussions.
00:53:09 One of the first things I said was,
00:53:11 "Have a look at how I applied for this experiment."
00:53:14 I said that I'm happy to be matched with someone with or without a child.
00:53:20 You know, there's going to be challenges on the real world,
00:53:22 but it's I'm really happy to get into the weeds
00:53:25 of what that's going to look like.
00:53:28 I'm not shying away from those discussions.
00:53:32 I'm extremely committed to this relationship
00:53:35 and, more importantly, to seeing what it's going to look like on the outside.
00:53:40 Powerful words. You hear them?
00:53:46 Yeah, I do.
00:53:48 Well, on that note, why don't we go to the decision, guys?
00:53:51 Alyssa, over to you.
00:53:53 Um...
00:53:55 It's really real and it's really scary for me
00:53:58 to kind of jump right in and be very vulnerable,
00:54:00 but that's what I came for.
00:54:02 And I'm so lucky and very proud to have, you know, Duncan as my match.
00:54:08 So clearly I rolled safe.
00:54:10 Wonderful.
00:54:12 OK, Duncan, your decision.
00:54:15 Sure. Um...
00:54:17 If I continue to show up and I think I know some of the things
00:54:21 that I can do that just helps things go forward
00:54:24 and I'm looking forward to continuing our little...
00:54:27 What did you say? I'm sorry.
00:54:29 He put all of it out of his misery.
00:54:31 Thank you.
00:54:33 All right, you guys.
00:54:38 For you, Alyssa, hear him when he says he's in this with you,
00:54:42 because I think...
00:54:44 I think he's for real.
00:54:46 I think you are starting to realise that too,
00:54:48 and that's probably why it's quite scary.
00:54:50 Yeah. And I get that. There's a lot at stake here.
00:54:53 And maybe this week, guys, just more of this chat about,
00:54:56 "This is what I expect, this is what I need from you.
00:54:59 "How can we make sure we're both really clear in our communication?"
00:55:02 Yeah. Yep.
00:55:04 Good on you guys. Good luck. Thank you.
00:55:06 Have an excellent week, you guys. Thank you.
00:55:08 Thank you.
00:55:10 Our last couple up on the couch.
00:55:15 Taylor and Hugo.
00:55:17 Hello. Hello, babe.
00:55:25 Hi.
00:55:27 How are you going?
00:55:29 Well, it was a big night last night for you two, wasn't it?
00:55:33 Who wants to kick it off?
00:55:37 I don't really have too much to say, actually.
00:55:41 I don't really have too much to say, actually.
00:55:44 Hugo, what do you think?
00:55:51 Sure.
00:55:53 Yeah, last night was wild.
00:55:55 And I have not been having a good week.
00:55:59 And I haven't been handling how I've been feeling this week very well, or...
00:56:05 How to, um...
00:56:11 Let's talk about last night.
00:56:14 The revelations that came out.
00:56:16 Premivalent.
00:56:18 Obviously, Saturday night, I went out with the boys.
00:56:24 And, look, I conducted myself poorly.
00:56:28 I absolutely admit that.
00:56:30 I said to the guys, you know, "I just feel like we've been given this insanely incredible opportunity
00:56:36 "and I wish, you know, I'd been paired up with any other wife or any other applicant."
00:56:42 And it all kind of came out in a bit of a rant to the boys.
00:56:48 So I thought I was doing it in a place that, you know, was safe.
00:56:52 I could get it out and could reset and come back
00:56:56 and, I guess, try and continue to give the best version of myself to the relationship.
00:57:03 I had no idea that there was a butt dial.
00:57:07 There was a butt dial.
00:57:10 I know. Sure, sure. I... OK.
00:57:13 Yeah, there was one. Sorry.
00:57:17 And you heard all of this in the butt dial?
00:57:20 Not those exact words, but along those lines, yes.
00:57:24 I just don't know how a butt dial gets through facial ID, a lock screen on an iPhone.
00:57:30 It kind of pisses me off that you keep, like, just own it.
00:57:33 And obviously, the butt dial did happen.
00:57:36 And I feel like you're not really owning it, you just keep saying...
00:57:39 I think I've absolutely just owned it.
00:57:41 Yeah, then why do you keep saying, "I thought I was in a safe space"?
00:57:43 Because I legitimately had no idea that there had been a butt dial.
00:57:46 I was just sharing with the boys.
00:57:48 I feel like you're just putting it back on me that...
00:57:51 Bro, no part of... Why do you feel guilty?
00:57:54 Because obviously the butt dial... Why are you accusing her?
00:57:56 And you're sitting there looking like... Asking a question.
00:57:58 Because you're not even involved, and you're just always accusing.
00:58:01 I'm not accusing anyone of anything.
00:58:03 You've both been looking at each other like it didn't happen,
00:58:06 and then you're being arced up to come in. I don't believe it happened.
00:58:09 I'll just come around and say, "I don't believe it happened."
00:58:12 You've both been looking at each other like it didn't happen.
00:58:24 I don't believe it happened.
00:58:26 You don't believe it happened?
00:58:28 I'll just come around and say, "I don't believe it happened."
00:58:30 Of course you don't, Harrison, cos you weren't involved,
00:58:32 and you love to be involved.
00:58:34 That is so irrelevant.
00:58:36 Well, guys, guys...
00:58:38 Guys...
00:58:40 Regardless of whether some want to believe the butt dial or not,
00:58:46 both people have admitted, Daniel and Hugo,
00:58:50 that they said things that hurt their partner.
00:58:54 That's fact.
00:58:57 And none of us were accepting of that.
00:59:01 You can vent to friends,
00:59:04 but calling people names and really going in for character assassinations
00:59:08 is totally unacceptable and disrespectful.
00:59:12 However, we've also got to look at the pattern here.
00:59:18 And there are patterns going on between the two of you
00:59:23 where you guys aren't even close to being a couple.
00:59:27 Hugo...
00:59:30 Do you like Taylor?
00:59:33 Uh, yeah, I...
00:59:35 I like Taylor, but I feel really insecure around her.
00:59:38 In what way?
00:59:42 Well, I mean, body language isn't great.
00:59:45 Little things that put you on guard.
00:59:48 I'm affectionate.
00:59:50 You know, coming in for the dinner party, you look really nice,
00:59:53 kiss on the cheek. I remember you said you didn't appreciate that.
00:59:57 Like, my guard's up, and I'm not really sure what to do to help us progress.
01:00:02 You're shaking your head, Taylor. I'm seeing it.
01:00:06 What's wrong? Yeah, because I don't know why he kissed me on the cheek.
01:00:10 European family, like, kiss on the cheek is just...
01:00:12 But I've told you, don't make advances like that.
01:00:15 Sorry.
01:00:18 I have.
01:00:20 Did anyone else kiss you on the cheek last night?
01:00:23 To greet you?
01:00:25 I don't think I've ever been kissed on the cheek.
01:00:29 I may have, because I kiss most people on the cheeks.
01:00:32 That's like an Australian thing, right?
01:00:34 I probably might have.
01:00:37 Did any of that bother you?
01:00:39 Uh, no, it didn't.
01:00:43 But him showing any physical touch towards me,
01:00:49 I've made that very clear I don't want that.
01:00:53 Even a kiss on the cheek or a greeting hello?
01:00:56 Yes, yes. I don't want that.
01:00:58 When that's, like, where I know that your head's at about me,
01:01:01 I just don't know what the right thing is to do most of the time now.
01:01:06 Taylor, do you think your behaviour towards Hugo
01:01:12 suggests that you like him?
01:01:15 I do like Hugo. Well...
01:01:17 Answer the question. No, no, no. No, no, no.
01:01:20 Does your behaviour towards Hugo
01:01:25 give him a sense that you even like him a little bit?
01:01:28 Yes.
01:01:32 How?
01:01:34 Because you guys don't see what happens behind closed doors.
01:01:37 He doesn't see it. This is the thing. That's what he's trying to say to you.
01:01:40 Why am I getting in a bad rap right now? I don't understand this.
01:01:43 Because we've got to look at relationships from both sides.
01:01:46 He's taking some responsibility. I'm not hearing it from you.
01:01:50 He thinks you don't like him.
01:01:52 Oh.
01:01:55 What do you do to suggest that you like him?
01:01:58 I truly feel like I've made a bit more of an effort than Hugo.
01:02:01 I think I've been trying to ask more questions,
01:02:04 trying to engage in conversation.
01:02:07 You know, I'm watching his shows and letting him choose the meal
01:02:11 and things like that.
01:02:13 I just want to pull you up on some of the language that you're using here.
01:02:16 Do you realise you're saying "letting him"?
01:02:19 What would I say otherwise?
01:02:21 What do you think you could say that might be different?
01:02:24 I don't know.
01:02:28 Let me ask you this, Taylor.
01:02:30 What behaviours do you think you're doing
01:02:34 that is responsible for this relationship issue?
01:02:38 Mmm...
01:02:55 I don't know.
01:03:01 That's your problem.
01:03:04 Hugo, what are you doing
01:03:07 to contribute to this relationship problem?
01:03:10 When I feel uncomfortable, I withdraw
01:03:15 instead of trying to communicate why I'm upset.
01:03:19 I need to be taking a lot more initiative
01:03:22 in making her feel secure and also happy.
01:03:27 But I don't really know how to right this ship at the moment.
01:03:33 I have no idea.
01:03:36 I'm literally just flailing around, kind of terrified.
01:03:40 Terrified of Taylor?
01:03:45 Terrified of doing the wrong thing,
01:03:48 terrified of upsetting you more,
01:03:51 and I feel like I'm trying to give, like,
01:03:54 a best first impression every single time.
01:03:59 I'm sorry, I just don't know what he's talking about.
01:04:03 It's not like you've been in the corner scared of me.
01:04:08 I've not said anything to you
01:04:11 that you should feel upset about or scared about.
01:04:15 No.
01:04:16 And that is the only...
01:04:18 I said scared about doing the wrong thing.
01:04:21 I said terrified of, you know, putting my foot in it
01:04:25 or making another mistake
01:04:27 because I just want us to feel like we're on the same page
01:04:31 and on the same team.
01:04:33 He's putting on an act.
01:04:35 I could sit here with my head down and act really sad,
01:04:39 but I'm not going to do that,
01:04:41 and I'm the one that's been hurt.
01:04:43 Have you been hurt, Hugo?
01:04:45 Yeah, I guess, fatigue by a thousand cuts,
01:04:49 I'd probably call it.
01:04:51 What are you talking about, Hugo?
01:04:53 Just the little things of how we've been.
01:04:56 All the tiny little things in the weeks.
01:04:58 But no, we haven't, though.
01:05:00 What are you talking about?
01:05:02 You haven't acted like this at all.
01:05:04 Be real.
01:05:05 I've been smiling and just trying to present
01:05:08 the best version of myself every single time
01:05:10 to try and push past feeling uncomfortable.
01:05:12 No, you've been acting like a completely different person
01:05:15 because that's what you do.
01:05:17 OK.
01:05:19 Act sad again, OK?
01:05:21 All right, sorry.
01:05:24 Well, there's clearly work to be done here.
01:05:27 Let's go to the decision for now.
01:05:31 Taylor will go to you first.
01:05:33 I came here really wanting to find a partner
01:05:36 to have children with,
01:05:38 and I don't think someone calling me a *****
01:05:42 is the right person for me,
01:05:45 so I chose to leave.
01:05:47 Hugo?
01:05:52 Um...
01:05:54 This week, it has been difficult between us.
01:05:58 I do regret what I had said out with the boys
01:06:03 and that it has hurt you,
01:06:05 but I do want to work towards repairing that,
01:06:08 and I do want you to feel like you can trust me again.
01:06:12 So...
01:06:14 To that end, and wanting to patch things up,
01:06:20 I did write stay.
01:06:22 OK.
01:06:29 I don't know why you did that, Hugo.
01:06:32 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:06:46 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:06:49 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:06:52 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:06:55 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:06:58 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:07:01 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:07:04 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:07:07 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:07:10 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:07:13 I did write stay.
01:07:16 I don't know why you did that, Hugo.
01:07:25 I want to try and move through it.
01:07:31 No, you don't.
01:07:33 He's speaking for me.
01:07:36 OK, I don't.
01:07:39 Just because he says it, doesn't mean it's the truth.
01:07:42 Why did you put stay?
01:07:47 I guess because I want to try and try and make it a bit better, at least, between us.
01:07:53 Can't get worse, right?
01:07:56 I'm not staying. I'm going back to Tassie.
01:08:02 I'm not staying.
01:08:06 I'm not staying.
01:08:08 No way.
01:08:14 While you're hurting on the couch here, couples can turn it around in a week.
01:08:23 And we know with this rule, that when one person says stay and the other person says leave,
01:08:29 that we get the couple to stay to see if they can turn it around.
01:08:35 We're not saying that you don't feel what you're feeling.
01:08:39 We're just saying that it may be very different to what you may feel tomorrow morning.
01:08:46 On that note, guys, you can go back to the group.
01:08:52 Thank you.
01:09:04 Taylor. Taylor. Taylor, wait.
01:09:08 Hey, it's all right.
01:09:09 No, seriously, f*** these. I'm going home.
01:09:11 [BLANK_AUDIO]
