• 6 months ago


00:00:00 Ready for another commitment ceremony.
00:00:02 Oh my God. I don't know if I'm ready.
00:00:05 It's the morning of the third commitment ceremony.
00:00:08 How do I look? Beautiful.
00:00:11 And tonight, our two newest couples are in the spotlight
00:00:15 as they face the experts for the first time.
00:00:18 First commitment ceremony, how are you feeling?
00:00:20 I mean, I feel pretty good.
00:00:22 I hope I don't cry. I hate when I cry. It's so annoying, right?
00:00:25 Right.
00:00:28 Married at first sight is a unique experience.
00:00:31 This week, we have seen the arrival of two new couples.
00:00:35 A little bit nervous. Are you? Yeah.
00:00:37 Our new matches have a very short time to develop an emotional connection
00:00:42 and fast-track their marriages.
00:00:44 The commitment ceremony gives us, as experts,
00:00:47 the platform to hold a mirror up to their relationships
00:00:51 and to send them on their way with a better understanding
00:00:54 and insight into making their marriages work.
00:00:57 How do you think we're going?
00:00:59 I guess we'll tell you tonight.
00:01:02 Tell me tonight? Yeah.
00:01:04 You're going to surprise me.
00:01:05 How do you think we're going?
00:01:07 I think we're going good. I... Yeah.
00:01:10 Arguably the experiment's most nervous groom, Rupert,
00:01:14 was lost for words after first setting eyes on Evelyn.
00:01:19 Is this where we talk?
00:01:21 Yeah.
00:01:24 Your hands are like...
00:01:27 But thanks to the experts' honeymoon box,
00:01:31 Evelyn finally learnt the source of his nerves.
00:01:35 You make me nervous.
00:01:37 Do I really make you nervous? Mm.
00:01:39 Really? Yeah. You're gorgeous.
00:01:42 It's a shock to me that Rupert finds me attractive
00:01:45 because I was trying so hard to get something out of him,
00:01:49 but now that I know and I make him nervous,
00:01:52 it's all beginning to make sense to me.
00:01:55 I wonder...
00:02:00 ..does the sex therapist, Alessandra,
00:02:05 does she ask probing questions?
00:02:08 Yeah.
00:02:09 I'm excited to hear what they have to say
00:02:11 and what their analysis on us is.
00:02:14 Right.
00:02:16 Heading into this commitment ceremony,
00:02:18 I am feeling really nervous.
00:02:21 That's the biggest thing for me,
00:02:23 like, hoping that I just don't get grilled up there
00:02:26 or fumble my words.
00:02:28 Fellow newlyweds Taylor and Hugo
00:02:33 have also had an unpredictable start to their marriage.
00:02:37 On their honeymoon,
00:02:38 Taylor was very explicit about where her husband was welcome.
00:02:43 Here you can sleep, on this thing. Come on.
00:02:45 You want me to sleep next to a freezing window?
00:02:48 Yes.
00:02:50 (SIGHS)
00:02:52 And then she made it clear he didn't meet expectations.
00:02:57 So, when I first saw you, I thought, "Oh!"
00:03:00 You know, I immediately thought, "I don't think he's very sporty."
00:03:03 You're probably not my type.
00:03:05 This is me trying to understand where you're at because...
00:03:08 Shut up!
00:03:10 You like the sound of your own voice too much
00:03:12 and it actually annoys me.
00:03:17 I think, from the beginning,
00:03:19 I have been approaching this experiment
00:03:22 with a little bit more enthusiasm than Taylor might have.
00:03:26 I'd really like to get the expert's opinion.
00:03:29 Is this just a case of, you know, she'll come around?
00:03:33 Any kind of indication about that would be great.
00:03:38 Meanwhile, Adam is still reeling from last night's dinner party.
00:03:47 Waking up this morning after last night,
00:03:50 I just wanted to... I just wanted to get up and leave the experiment.
00:03:54 My voice didn't get heard at all.
00:03:56 I'm owning up to the kiss that happened.
00:03:58 Yeah. That's what I'm fully owning.
00:04:00 But you don't call it cheating, is that correct?
00:04:02 Of course not. Because you were in a bad place.
00:04:04 Yes, I kissed Claire, but I wasn't cheating at the time.
00:04:08 I'm not sitting here saying that we're just in a bad place.
00:04:14 It wasn't a real relationship.
00:04:16 I'm not going to put my hand up and say I was a frigging cheat
00:04:20 when I wasn't a cheat.
00:04:22 Yeah, the pitchforks were out for me last night,
00:04:27 and, yeah, I've got more than one hole in me right now.
00:04:31 I felt like I copped the brunt of the whole situation
00:04:36 over a silly little drunk kiss with Claire.
00:04:39 It seems like I'm in a room full of perfect people
00:04:42 that have never made a mistake in their life.
00:04:44 These people have never needed to be forgiven for anything
00:04:47 because they're all perfect, so that showed last night.
00:04:50 As long as the experts can hear what I have to say
00:04:53 and they can give me some solid sound advice,
00:04:55 then, yeah, I'll be happy with that.
00:04:58 Adam's wife, Janelle, is still shocked by his unapologetic behaviour.
00:05:06 What the f*** was that?!
00:05:09 Oh, my God! I... Sorry.
00:05:12 That was just another level.
00:05:14 Talking to Adam is like talking to a brick wall.
00:05:18 It's not a two-way conversation.
00:05:20 No, it's not even a brick wall.
00:05:22 It's talking to a barking dog that doesn't shut up.
00:05:24 Adam did not seem sorry at all.
00:05:27 I want Adam to be held accountable for his actions by the experts.
00:05:36 He's dishonest, he's unkind,
00:05:38 and he really doesn't own up to his mistakes.
00:05:40 As the dark clouds roll in
00:05:47 ahead of tonight's commitment ceremony reckoning
00:05:50 and the group speculate on who will stay or go,
00:05:54 it's not only the couples at the centre of the infidelity storm
00:05:58 caught in its aftermath.
00:06:00 This will be Janelle and Adam's last commitment ceremony, 100%.
00:06:04 I'll be triggered if either of them rise today.
00:06:08 Like, triggered.
00:06:11 I think they need to make a new rule where if you're caught cheating, you go.
00:06:16 You don't even get to come and explain yourself on the couch, you go.
00:06:20 Adam's behaviour has also stirred up trouble for Alyssa and Duncan.
00:06:25 Duncan and I, tension's pretty high.
00:06:28 We have had a bit of, you know, hard conversations about Adam.
00:06:34 I think you need to pull...
00:06:35 You can't be friends with everyone, Duncan.
00:06:37 You can't, you cannot be friends with everybody.
00:06:39 Yeah.
00:06:40 I think you need to pull people up on their behaviour.
00:06:43 Duncan, just cut it out.
00:06:45 You're condoning his behaviour by even associating with that kind of person.
00:06:49 This is going to be a deal-breaker with Duncan and I
00:06:54 if he's going to support people that I absolutely want nothing to do with.
00:06:57 That is going to be a big issue.
00:07:01 The turmoil from the past week has taken its toll on Claire and Jessie,
00:07:09 who now find themselves facing
00:07:12 what could be their most challenging commitment ceremony yet.
00:07:16 I had a bit of a rough sleep.
00:07:18 The dinner party last night, it was a lot.
00:07:22 The reception was icy.
00:07:25 Pretty much the whole night, it was just the only thing really everyone spoke about.
00:07:31 You know, they can say what they want,
00:07:35 but I'm just going to try and make it right with Jessie.
00:07:39 My priority is him.
00:07:41 Giving Jessie the letter last night for him to kind of contemplate
00:07:47 and just hoping that it may turn things around.
00:07:51 You don't have to talk if you don't have to talk, but I just wrote some things down.
00:07:55 It's a bit of an apology.
00:07:57 I hope you can know that I am, like, genuinely really (BLEEP) sorry for hurting you.
00:08:03 That's actually probably the best apology I've actually ever received.
00:08:08 I'm not perfect either. No-one in there is perfect.
00:08:12 Last night it did give me a glimmer of hope
00:08:15 that he would want to just give it maybe one more week.
00:08:20 But Jessie keeps his cards to his chest, so I'm not sure how he's feeling.
00:08:26 'Dear Jessie, I cannot remain silent and allow you to think
00:08:40 'that I don't care how hurt you are feeling because of my betrayal.
00:08:46 'I don't know why I did what I did, especially because I feel so strongly about cheating.
00:08:52 'And it went against what I said in my vows when I promised to keep your heart safe.
00:09:01 'I broke that promise, and for that I'm truly sorry.
00:09:05 'I want to tell you that I'm sorry a thousand times over,
00:09:09 'but my apology won't undo what has been done.
00:09:13 'In my wedding speech, I spoke about love being like a seed in soil.
00:09:18 'Without hard work, compassion and understanding, it cannot blossom.
00:09:23 'I know I broke the trust, but I really hope that these things may help us to continue to grow.
00:09:30 'Sincerely, sorry.
00:09:32 'Claire.'
00:09:41 Yes, there's an apology, but my boundaries have been crossed here.
00:09:47 I don't know if it's enough for me to stay here another week.
00:09:52 Greetings, gents. Hey, guys.
00:10:07 Hello, guys.
00:10:11 Hello, ladies. Hi.
00:10:37 Good to see you. Come in, sit down.
00:10:39 Hello. Hello. Hello. Hi.
00:10:42 Harrison, can I sit here? Yeah.
00:10:45 Thank you. Yeah.
00:10:47 Appreciate that. Thank you. No, it's all good.
00:10:51 Welcome, everybody, to the third commitment ceremony,
00:10:59 and it has been a massive week for you all.
00:11:03 Now, this week particularly, we have seen the arrival of two new couples -
00:11:08 Evelyn and Rupert,
00:11:11 Taylor and Hugo.
00:11:14 Welcome, guys. And, of course, as you saw last night, the dinner party was explosive.
00:11:20 And many things were said,
00:11:24 all of which we will be looking to unpack tonight.
00:11:32 Now, it is worth mentioning that Bronte is unable to join us here tonight
00:11:37 because she's feeling unwell.
00:11:39 So we will carry on without her,
00:11:42 but Harrison is gonna step up and represent the couple for us.
00:11:47 All right, let's bring our first couple up.
00:11:56 Janelle and Adam.
00:12:11 (CLEARS THROAT)
00:12:22 Who wants to start?
00:12:31 Maybe I'll start.
00:12:46 Janelle and Adam.
00:13:14 Janelle,
00:13:16 last commitment ceremony,
00:13:18 your relationship seemed to be going great.
00:13:21 How did you feel when you found out
00:13:23 that Adam had actually kissed Claire that night?
00:13:28 The cheating was one thing,
00:13:32 but it was all the actions I followed that just made it worse.
00:13:42 (SIGHS)
00:13:46 It was the... (SIGHS)
00:13:48 It was just the lack of accountability.
00:13:50 It was the lack of apology.
00:13:52 That just felt so...
00:13:56 It was shocking.
00:13:58 Adam, I want to ask you a question. Mm-hm.
00:14:07 Last night, you seemed much more concerned
00:14:10 about making peace with Jessie
00:14:13 than you did about Janelle at all. Mm-hm.
00:14:16 Why was that?
00:14:20 Um...
00:14:22 I basically... I just didn't have any chance to speak to her at all.
00:14:30 That's not what we saw last night at any moment.
00:14:37 I didn't... In fact, what you were doing was justifying.
00:14:41 Um...
00:14:43 You actually said...
00:14:45 You literally said it wasn't cheating
00:14:47 because you were in a bad place with Janelle.
00:14:49 (LAUGHS) OK.
00:14:51 I understand that.
00:14:53 It's just the mindset where I was at,
00:14:56 where I thought we were at in that relationship.
00:14:59 If we were in a bad place, I was unaware.
00:15:02 Like, I really was, because I kissed him goodbye.
00:15:05 And then we had sex that night.
00:15:07 Like, I don't just go sleeping around with everyone.
00:15:12 Like... (SIGHS)
00:15:14 Why did you kiss Claire?
00:15:16 I was just... I was... I was...
00:15:20 Can I just be honest? Please.
00:15:23 I was just... I was... I was drunk.
00:15:26 Oh, Adam.
00:15:28 Don't insult their intelligence.
00:15:31 That's just not...
00:15:33 So we... So we were vibing that night.
00:15:36 We were just... There was just a vibe.
00:15:39 It wasn't premeditated or anything like that.
00:15:45 So it's like we ended up just going downstairs.
00:15:50 She asked me if I wanted to go down and have a vapor.
00:15:53 She asked the table, and we kissed.
00:16:01 I feel even worse. I'm like, should it have been...
00:16:03 Would I have felt better about it
00:16:05 if it was a more genuine, real connection?
00:16:07 Or if it was just the fact that it was just a stupid, drunken kiss?
00:16:11 Like, um...
00:16:13 I'm trying to... Adam, there were comments.
00:16:15 Hmm? I heard you make comments.
00:16:17 And then you hit on somebody else when you were leaving the bar.
00:16:20 What? Yeah.
00:16:21 Like, there were so many points of that night
00:16:23 where you were being flirty, and you were putting the feelers out
00:16:26 in every direction you possibly could.
00:16:28 I'm a flirty guy, right?
00:16:31 It wasn't just the moment. It was the entire night.
00:16:35 Well, that's not it at all.
00:16:37 This is why my reaction towards Adam and Claire, very different.
00:16:45 Adam wasn't just flirting with Claire. He was flirting with everyone.
00:16:48 No, I wasn't. Not at all.
00:16:50 Adam would never have come forward.
00:16:52 I've seen messages from Adam saying, "I will deny it."
00:16:55 Not at all.
00:16:56 And Claire also didn't go home and sleep with Jessie
00:16:59 after kissing someone else. Right?
00:17:02 It's a little different. It's hard to say...
00:17:04 Dude, they both did the wrong thing. Of course they did.
00:17:06 You haven't looked at me once, OK?
00:17:08 Because I haven't looked at you or Adam.
00:17:10 You... But what?
00:17:15 Can I just speak quickly?
00:17:21 We could clearly see that Claire...
00:17:24 had a lot of weight.
00:17:26 She had a lot of weight in that remorse
00:17:28 at the dinner party last night.
00:17:30 And Adam has pretty much none.
00:17:33 Well, that's not it at all.
00:17:35 Whatever it was happened in that one moment.
00:17:40 There was nothing more to it.
00:17:42 There was nothing more at all to it.
00:17:44 I'm beating myself up about this because I feel so terrible about it.
00:17:48 This is not something that I do regularly.
00:17:50 This is not a part of who I am.
00:17:52 I think we've heard everything we need to hear from you.
00:17:55 And, Adam, the message is very clear.
00:18:02 That you're not owning.
00:18:04 You say the words, "I'm sorry." Mm-hm.
00:18:09 But you don't understand it.
00:18:11 When you cheated on Janelle, you made a choice.
00:18:19 When Jesse thought that you'd done something behind his back,
00:18:23 you reared up, got combative,
00:18:27 and got in his face by choice.
00:18:30 When you were called out about the relationship,
00:18:34 you chose again...
00:18:36 to call it phony.
00:18:39 You chose to be flirty.
00:18:43 You chose to drink that night.
00:18:46 My point is this.
00:18:49 Bad choices you're making.
00:18:52 Nobody else is doing it.
00:18:54 You are.
00:18:56 And until you own that...
00:18:58 you're gonna repeat these mistakes.
00:19:01 Fair enough.
00:19:04 And the only person that you should have cared about in this experiment is Janelle.
00:19:09 Because I don't care whether you were getting along or not.
00:19:12 There's plenty of people in this experiment over eight weeks that don't get along.
00:19:17 They don't go and kiss another bride.
00:19:20 That's your choice.
00:19:25 And what everyone is telling you is, you don't walk the walk.
00:19:30 You say, "I'm sorry," but then you get angry, defensive, and you blame.
00:19:35 Don't do that.
00:19:41 All right. There's only one thing left for us to do, and that is to go to a decision.
00:19:46 We're gonna go with you first, Janelle.
00:19:49 I didn't come to this experiment for this.
00:19:59 So I wrote, "Leave."
00:20:04 Good girl.
00:20:06 Uh-huh.
00:20:08 All right. Over to you, Adam. What have you got?
00:20:11 The place that we were at when all of this came out...
00:20:19 was the best place that we've actually been in, and...
00:20:23 I messed it up. I messed it all up.
00:20:27 I know that I've hurt you, and...
00:20:31 for that reason, I'm also gonna leave.
00:20:35 [♪♪♪]
00:20:38 Very good.
00:20:47 [♪♪♪]
00:20:52 [♪♪♪]
00:20:55 Nobody's going after him.
00:21:07 Nope. No one's gonna go.
00:21:09 Nobody.
00:21:12 Oh, my God. I just feel so relieved.
00:21:15 This makes no use.
00:21:19 [♪♪♪]
00:21:22 Let's get our next couple up.
00:21:39 Alyssa and Duncan.
00:21:47 [♪♪♪]
00:21:50 Hello, guys.
00:21:53 Hey, hey.
00:21:55 Oh, who wants to start? The week that was.
00:21:58 Um, look, I think that Alyssa and I have had a very good relationship...
00:22:03 up until...
00:22:05 some things that came out in the last couple of days.
00:22:10 So, um...
00:22:17 what's going on for you, Alyssa? You seem very emotional.
00:22:20 What's going on on the inside?
00:22:25 My heart's just beating really fast. Um...
00:22:34 [♪♪♪]
00:22:45 Um...
00:22:47 It's tough because...
00:22:54 I just don't understand how he could...
00:23:00 still be in contact with Adam.
00:23:04 [crying]
00:23:11 After knowing what Adam did to Janelle,
00:23:15 and knowing what Adam did to Jesse...
00:23:17 Yeah, it's just really triggering to me.
00:23:22 Alyssa didn't just reach out to Adam.
00:23:27 But it's also, like, Adam's not somebody that you've known for 25 years.
00:23:31 It's just somebody that you've just met.
00:23:34 They've done all these horrible things.
00:23:36 Why are you the person to have to reach out to him?
00:23:40 [♪♪♪]
00:23:43 Like, reach out to Jesse, or, like, reach out to anybody else.
00:23:48 Like, why Adam, when you knew, like...
00:23:51 how he made those people feel?
00:23:55 I reached out to Jesse as well.
00:23:59 And I stayed in contact with Adam...
00:24:02 so that I could say stuff to him like,
00:24:05 "You've got to own your behaviour. Don't bring Janelle into it.
00:24:08 Don't bring Claire into it."
00:24:10 But knowing how Jesse felt, you would still continuously speak to Adam.
00:24:13 I just... I don't get that. I don't... I don't understand.
00:24:17 It's like your actions condone...
00:24:20 what Adam was doing.
00:24:22 [crying]
00:24:28 I didn't think I'd necessarily done anything too wrong.
00:24:37 I think I was trying to get people to own stuff.
00:24:41 Has her reaction to this, Duncan, changed the way you feel about it?
00:24:51 [sniffles]
00:24:59 Uh...
00:25:01 [laughs]
00:25:04 [music playing]
00:25:06 Because of the very strong reaction she's having.
00:25:15 Even watching her now, you know, just fidgeting with her foot...
00:25:19 and just her head's down, and she's deep, deep in her feelings.
00:25:23 [sniffles]
00:25:29 [music playing]
00:25:31 Um, it doesn't change how I feel about Alyssa as a person.
00:25:40 But it's definitely a hiccup.
00:25:46 I wanted or I hoped that Alyssa could say,
00:25:53 "I don't agree with you, but I understand why you probably wouldn't did that."
00:25:57 But it feels like I'm in trouble for doing, like,
00:26:01 nearly something as bad as what Adam did.
00:26:04 The total interaction is four or five minutes face-to-face
00:26:11 and three or four text messages.
00:26:13 And what did you say to him?
00:26:15 -In the three, four minutes? -Yeah.
00:26:17 He said to me, "I heard Alyssa's gonna come for me."
00:26:19 And I said, "Yeah, and you deserve it."
00:26:26 Like, it's pretty simple to me.
00:26:28 Um...
00:26:31 I don't know. It's a...
00:26:35 It's a differing of opinion,
00:26:38 and I think you can have different opinions and work through them.
00:26:41 It's very important for you to realise that, you know,
00:26:46 there are gonna be times when you disagree about things.
00:26:49 There'll be people that will come into your lives
00:26:51 that you may not necessarily gel with, but your partner does.
00:26:55 And, you know, you're gonna need to be able to handle this
00:26:59 in a way where you still stay as a team...
00:27:02 -Yeah. -...rather than turn against each other
00:27:05 and start thinking, "Is this right for me?"
00:27:08 I knew eventually we would go through some really hard times.
00:27:17 Do I think this is gonna derail us? Absolutely not.
00:27:20 Um...but it is kind of good to be able to sit here with you.
00:27:24 I just didn't, like, hash it all out.
00:27:26 Well, it's very good to see you both being real on the couch.
00:27:31 -Yeah. -We've seen you gliding along
00:27:33 -in a whole lot of happiness and... -Yeah.
00:27:36 -...and joy. -Yeah.
00:27:37 And tonight, uh, we see crisis,
00:27:40 and both of you needing to really thrash it out,
00:27:43 which is what you started to do.
00:27:45 But we are gonna need to go to your decision now.
00:27:48 Um, let's go with you first, Duncan. Stay or leave?
00:27:53 Um...
00:27:54 It all comes back to whether you think you really understand that person.
00:28:02 And if you think you do,
00:28:03 then little hiccups and blips in the radar are pretty insignificant.
00:28:08 So, I wrote stay.
00:28:13 Oh, cute.
00:28:15 Let's not cry again.
00:28:19 (CLEARS THROAT) So, yeah, I, um... I chose to stay.
00:28:23 (APPLAUSE)
00:28:25 Well, it's good to see that you're like everybody else.
00:28:36 -You're not perfect. -(LAUGHS)
00:28:38 You're just going through the ups and downs of being in a relationship.
00:28:41 -Mm. -Good luck for this week.
00:28:43 -Thank you. -There's plenty to come.
00:28:45 But for now, you can go back to the group.
00:28:47 -Thank you. -(APPLAUSE)
00:28:49 Coming up...
00:28:52 You don't look comfortable next to her.
00:28:54 ..and Claire feels the heat from the other couples.
00:29:02 It's not just lying once, it's, like, five times now that you've lied,
00:29:05 like, throughout this journey for Jessie.
00:29:07 Let's get our next couple up.
00:29:18 Leighton and Melinda.
00:29:23 (APPLAUSE)
00:29:25 Guys, how are you going?
00:29:32 Mel, you want to start?
00:29:34 (BOTH LAUGH)
00:29:36 Um, we've been good for probably the longest streak for us,
00:29:41 which is record. It's, like, three or four days.
00:29:43 Four days? Doesn't sound like long, but for us, like, that's a lot.
00:29:46 No, we'll take it.
00:29:47 There's definitely feelings there, for sure.
00:29:49 We have a really good chemistry.
00:29:51 Are you falling for her?
00:29:53 I... Yeah, I am, yeah.
00:29:55 -Ooh. -Yeah, for sure.
00:29:57 So, Mel, where do you stand on feelings? Do you like him?
00:30:01 Um, I mean...
00:30:03 ..I can't see my life without Leighton.
00:30:06 Like, he needs to be in it.
00:30:08 Literally, if he goes to the toilet, I'm like, 'Pee fast.'
00:30:11 (BOTH LAUGH)
00:30:12 We need to get to the decision.
00:30:14 Mel?
00:30:16 He just keeps ticking all the boxes for me to stay.
00:30:19 I agree. I think that Mel and I are in a really good place today,
00:30:24 even though it's three or four days since an argument.
00:30:26 That's still great for us.
00:30:28 And so I think stay to see how long we can keep this hot streak going.
00:30:32 -Wonderful. -Amazing. -Good work.
00:30:34 (APPLAUSE)
00:30:36 Well, next up on the couch, we have Tani and Oli.
00:30:41 (APPLAUSE)
00:30:43 How's your week been?
00:30:50 I feel like, yeah, I feel like it was a good week.
00:30:52 I've really been able to fully be myself around you.
00:30:55 Yeah.
00:30:57 You know, whenever we go out, you know, I'm following,
00:30:59 or she's coming with me to...
00:31:01 -Yeah. -...get a bubble tea or something silly, like...
00:31:04 It feels awesome. I honestly didn't expect that...
00:31:07 ..it would happen kind of so soon.
00:31:11 I think in my experience,
00:31:13 I've had a lot of these kind of three-month situationships, flings.
00:31:17 But it feels different than, you know, anything else I've experienced.
00:31:21 That's really nice, and we, you know, talk about our feelings,
00:31:24 talk about, you know, how we're going to progress.
00:31:27 We started really thinking about the future of us,
00:31:31 and we're starting to have conversations
00:31:34 about life outside of this experiment.
00:31:37 Yeah, I think how we've been going has been quite, you know,
00:31:40 -a natural progression. -100%.
00:31:42 I mean, this is the stuff that definitely makes us happy.
00:31:45 Well, let's go to a decision, and I don't think we're going to have any surprises.
00:31:48 -Oli, let's go to you first. -Yeah.
00:31:50 So, I'm obviously stoked with where we're at,
00:31:52 and, yeah, I definitely want to stay,
00:31:55 and I did a couple of love hearts.
00:31:57 I was like, "Maybe they're a little bit too many, or carried away."
00:31:59 I was like, "I got one here," and I just kept going.
00:32:01 -I love it. -They kind of look like triangles, to be honest.
00:32:03 -That is enthusiasm. -Yeah, they gave it a shot.
00:32:06 -Beautiful. -What have you got? Come on.
00:32:08 -Yeah, I'm staying. -Oh, smiley.
00:32:10 -Wonderful. -Yeah.
00:32:13 -Good on you. -Thanks so much.
00:32:15 -Thank you. -Thanks so much.
00:32:17 Good stuff. Disgustingly awesome.
00:32:22 Love it.
00:32:24 All right. Harrison...
00:32:28 ...come on up to the couch.
00:32:32 [ Applause ]
00:32:35 -Hello. -Hello.
00:32:37 Harrison.
00:32:39 This is gonna be interesting.
00:32:43 Flying solo tonight?
00:32:49 Yeah, unfortunately, Brontë couldn't be here.
00:32:52 She goes through a lot more...
00:32:55 ...at that time of the month.
00:32:58 I'm not a voice for endodermatriosis
00:33:02 or a woman's biological functions,
00:33:05 but she's in a lot of pain
00:33:09 and gets very emotional and crying.
00:33:14 And, um...
00:33:21 And, um...
00:33:28 Sorry.
00:33:31 [ Sighs ]
00:33:33 [ Sighs ]
00:33:39 It's just really hard to see her like that.
00:33:42 I'm gonna try and get through this as best I can.
00:33:49 Um, I'm a guy.
00:33:54 I don't know what Brontë actually goes through.
00:33:57 So I've just got to be supportive and just do whatever I can.
00:34:01 Okay, well, I'm not getting a sense that you're being real with us.
00:34:07 -Um... -Stay or leave?
00:34:09 What's it gonna be?
00:34:11 Well, I wrote "stay."
00:34:14 Okay, good.
00:34:16 She wrote "stay."
00:34:23 Wonderful.
00:34:25 Excelente.
00:34:27 Okay, let's get one of our new couples up on the couch.
00:34:38 Evelyn and Rupert, please come up.
00:34:43 -Hi, guys. -Hello.
00:34:49 Hello.
00:34:51 [ Sighs ]
00:34:53 -There you are. -How's it going?
00:34:56 I'm sweating a little bit.
00:34:58 [ Laughs ]
00:35:00 Well, how are things going for the two of you?
00:35:10 Um...
00:35:12 I mean, like, I guess she's obviously gorgeous.
00:35:16 Like...
00:35:18 Um, but, yes...
00:35:22 Rupert, you don't look comfortable next to her.
00:35:26 Right.
00:35:28 Um, no, I'm definitely comf-- I'm comfortable with her.
00:35:32 Like, I will say that.
00:35:34 -It doesn't show. -Right.
00:35:37 What do I need to do to show it?
00:35:39 Do I need to hold her leg or something like that?
00:35:42 Like, I don't...
00:35:44 Well, that didn't look great, either.
00:35:47 [ Laughter ]
00:35:49 I'm just happy you're changing.
00:35:52 You're being cautious.
00:35:54 This is your first commitment ceremony,
00:35:56 so give us what is going on here.
00:35:59 Um, I think...
00:36:03 Um...
00:36:05 -I don't know. I guess... -Evelyn.
00:36:08 What's going on?
00:36:10 I feel like...
00:36:16 I just don't get as much as I'm giving.
00:36:20 And I feel like...
00:36:23 I just don't know if Rupert's totally ready for this,
00:36:27 in all honesty.
00:36:28 There you go.
00:36:30 You're wanting more out of him,
00:36:32 and you, Rupert, seem to be too scared to really be yourself.
00:36:37 -Right, yeah. -That's what it looks like.
00:36:40 And that's not gonna work.
00:36:43 What do you need from him that he's not giving you?
00:36:47 I want to know what he really thinks about me and us.
00:36:52 Yeah, I like her.
00:36:54 I really get along with her.
00:36:56 I definitely feel like there is a chemistry there,
00:36:59 and I could see it, like, leading to something, for sure.
00:37:03 And I mean, like, I myself need reassurance.
00:37:07 Like, that's, like, one of the things I need.
00:37:10 Like, I need someone to tell me that they like me.
00:37:13 I hate getting rejected.
00:37:15 Like, if someone's not attracted to you or whatever,
00:37:17 like, I'm not saying she is or not,
00:37:19 but I'm not gonna, you know, give my full self to someone
00:37:23 if it's, you know, gonna get shut down.
00:37:28 Evelyn, are you attracted to Rupert?
00:37:35 Honestly, the more we spend time with each other,
00:37:41 I see it blossoming.
00:37:43 So, yes, I do find Rupert attractive.
00:37:47 Yes, it's like, score.
00:37:54 Is this the first time that you hear that or get that validation,
00:37:57 or did you know this already?
00:37:59 Yeah, that's a massive thing for me.
00:38:01 Like, if someone's not attracted to you,
00:38:04 I mean, that's half the battle, you know what I mean?
00:38:08 When Evelyn says I'm doing too much of the hard work,
00:38:11 I don't want to hear that.
00:38:13 I want you to be rolling the sleeves up and taking the lead.
00:38:18 All right, let's get to the decision.
00:38:22 Rupert, what you got?
00:38:24 - I'm staying. - Good.
00:38:26 Right.
00:38:28 We both fully need to jump into this.
00:38:33 So, stay. Excellent.
00:38:35 Good.
00:38:37 This next week for you is a relationship crash course.
00:38:43 You're going to get up to speed with the other couples,
00:38:45 you're going to get all the tools, all the strategies that you need.
00:38:49 Don't be cautious.
00:38:51 You've got this, guys. Go get 'em.
00:39:00 Still to come, Sandy and Dan reveal all.
00:39:04 Part of me feels like he hardly looks at me.
00:39:07 Really?
00:39:27 All right, let's have our next couple up.
00:39:30 Sandy and Daniel.
00:39:36 What's going on?
00:39:55 Um...
00:39:57 Oh.
00:39:59 Um, it's been, uh...
00:40:01 We've had a little bit of turbulence this week, yeah,
00:40:04 so it's been a little bit of a bumpy ride.
00:40:07 I don't know, sometimes I just feel like I'm not there.
00:40:18 What makes you say that?
00:40:24 Like, I don't... Like...
00:40:26 Like, you don't want to spend time with me or I don't...
00:40:31 Because, like, we had an argument.
00:40:38 Dan had been out and I was just getting in my head,
00:40:43 "Where is he? Why is he out? I haven't heard from him."
00:40:46 So, yeah, I get up really early in the morning, so I go for a run,
00:40:49 I go to the gym, it's my time, it's my active time.
00:40:51 You are gone a lot.
00:40:53 I'm out every morning, yeah, absolutely.
00:40:56 I'm at the gym, I'm going for a run.
00:40:58 For six hours. OK.
00:41:00 What's wrong with that?
00:41:03 That's what I'm saying, but we're in an experiment.
00:41:05 The experiment is ten weeks. Yeah.
00:41:07 We need to be maximising our time together,
00:41:09 doing things together to build the relationship.
00:41:12 That's why we're here.
00:41:14 But, you know, I am missing the sun, the sand and the surf
00:41:19 and the beach and my sunrises and all that kind of stuff,
00:41:22 and I'm trying to make compromises where I can
00:41:25 to at least fill a very important part of my life.
00:41:29 How do you think you've compromised in this relationship
00:41:34 when you're going out and exercising, for instance,
00:41:37 for six hours a day?
00:41:39 No, not six hours a day.
00:41:41 That was, I went out one day for that six hours.
00:41:44 Sandy's got the same opportunity to spend that time
00:41:47 that Sandy has to do what she wants or what she chooses to do.
00:41:51 But I mean, I don't want to go out by myself
00:41:53 and just do things by myself. I want to do things with you.
00:41:56 Um...
00:41:58 Why aren't you going out? Why aren't you not hanging out together?
00:42:04 Doesn't seem to be much intimacy here in this relationship.
00:42:07 You look like you're just friends hanging on in there.
00:42:10 If that.
00:42:12 Yep.
00:42:14 What I need to know from you is...
00:42:20 are you sexually attracted to a date?
00:42:23 Um, right now, no.
00:42:35 The sexual chemistry just isn't there because...
00:42:48 I think that sexual tension needs to build.
00:42:51 Sandy, how do you take that?
00:43:05 Um...
00:43:09 I think I have to say it.
00:43:13 I think I have to say it.
00:43:15 I think I have to say it.
00:43:18 I feel a little bit of rejection.
00:43:21 Part of me feels like he hardly looks at me.
00:43:26 I feel like I'm trying.
00:43:30 Um, you know, like, kissing him when he brings me a coffee
00:43:33 or trying to give him a cuddle and a hug
00:43:35 or even at night trying to cuddle and hug.
00:43:37 But then I feel like there's a boundary.
00:43:39 Like, if I go past it, Dan doesn't want to go past a certain point either.
00:43:43 Really?
00:43:45 Yeah, that's just how I feel. I'm saying how I feel.
00:43:47 Yeah.
00:43:49 Dan.
00:43:55 Feeling like you're not liked by the other person,
00:43:58 it tends to shrink one...
00:44:00 when you feel like there's going to be a wall put there.
00:44:03 Intimacy is, of course, not only sexual, but emotional as well.
00:44:08 You have... you have tools.
00:44:11 You have things that you can use to make this relationship
00:44:16 really begin to thrive.
00:44:18 We're going to now go to the decision.
00:44:23 Stay or leave?
00:44:25 First up, you, Dan.
00:44:27 Um, well, I think we've spoken enough tonight,
00:44:30 so I'll just come out with my decision, which is to stay.
00:44:33 Big stay.
00:44:35 Good. Sandy, what have you got?
00:44:37 I'm going to keep it short and sweet, too.
00:44:39 Same thing, stay.
00:44:41 Good. You can go back to the group.
00:44:49 Thanks. Thank you. Well done, guys.
00:44:51 Thank you.
00:44:53 I mean, no-one wants to hear, "I'm not sexually attracted to you."
00:44:57 I just... I mean, well, yeah, it would be a problem if that continues.
00:45:04 It's a marriage. There's got to be sexual attraction there.
00:45:07 Because otherwise, we're kind of wasting our time.
00:45:10 Our next couple on the couch...
00:45:15 ..Taylor and Hugo.
00:45:27 (APPLAUSE)
00:45:29 Well, welcome to the experiment.
00:45:33 Thank you. Thank you for having us.
00:45:35 Pleasure. What a welcome you've had.
00:45:37 Yeah, I mean, it's been crazy the last couple of nights, so...
00:45:41 I'll bet. Yeah.
00:45:43 Why don't you tell us how things are going between the two of you?
00:45:47 I think this past week has really been an adjustment for me.
00:45:51 Um, coming into the marriage,
00:45:57 I was hoping to, you know,
00:46:00 have all that adorable kind of meet-cute stuff happening.
00:46:04 Um, and then things kind of slowed down, I think, on the honeymoon.
00:46:09 Mm.
00:46:11 Yeah, I mean, I really struggled with the compliments
00:46:16 I was constantly getting from Hugo.
00:46:18 What was bothering you about the compliments?
00:46:26 It does not compute for me.
00:46:28 It does not compute for me.
00:46:30 I was getting called adorable and cute over and over and over again,
00:46:37 and I did snap at Hugo and I said, "I'm anything but adorable and cute.
00:46:41 "Can you please, if you're going to compliment me,
00:46:44 "say something that sounds at least genuine and reflects my personality?"
00:46:48 What would you have preferred to hear?
00:46:53 I think something that reflected me a little bit better.
00:46:57 Like what?
00:46:59 Perhaps smart.
00:47:01 Um, perhaps quick.
00:47:04 Um, driven.
00:47:06 Those types of things.
00:47:08 What if I put it to you that he'd only known you for a couple of days
00:47:15 and maybe hadn't had time to figure out those qualities yet?
00:47:18 Perhaps.
00:47:21 Has there been any affection between you?
00:47:25 No.
00:47:27 Are you attracted to him?
00:47:31 Um...
00:47:37 (SIGHS)
00:47:39 I think that's a pretty clear answer.
00:48:04 (CHUCKLES)
00:48:06 I mean, my type was definitely, um...
00:48:14 ..those football guys and, you know, typical tradies,
00:48:18 and it is a little bit different to Hugo.
00:48:22 Perhaps something I'd like to clarify first
00:48:27 is that this is not made to order, grooms and brides.
00:48:33 That's not what we do. We're not in that business.
00:48:36 That's your old pattern.
00:48:41 That's the old guy you used to go for, and that didn't work out for you.
00:48:45 So I'm wondering if there's an opportunity here
00:48:48 to maybe draw a line under that and to say,
00:48:51 "OK, these were the first impressions that happened on the honeymoon,
00:48:54 "and it was a mistake, and now you're starting to move past that."
00:49:01 I mean, my type was all the wrong things,
00:49:04 and I know that that's not what I need right now or ever again,
00:49:10 so that is why I'm here,
00:49:12 but it has been really, really hard for me to let Hugo in.
00:49:17 And it was probably in the last couple of days.
00:49:21 It was a bit of a game-changer for me.
00:49:23 Hugo, he's so funny, even though I don't wanna laugh at his stupid jokes.
00:49:28 I can't help it now. He's sucked in.
00:49:30 Yeah, it's so annoying.
00:49:32 Let's find out where you are in terms of your decision to stay or leave.
00:49:37 I have definitely chosen to stay.
00:49:40 Mm-hm. That's great.
00:49:42 And, Tayla?
00:49:45 (SIGHS) Um...
00:49:47 Short and simple.
00:49:49 I want to stay, and I need to stay.
00:49:53 OK. Good. Good.
00:49:55 Here's the opportunity now, this week,
00:49:58 for you to let some of those walls down a little bit...
00:50:00 Yeah. ..and to let this guy in.
00:50:02 Thank you. Nice.
00:50:03 Thanks so much, guys. Thank you so much.
00:50:05 (APPLAUSE)
00:50:07 Next, Lindell and Cameron's relationship takes an unexpected turn.
00:50:17 Lindell, your body language,
00:50:19 the way that you're presenting yourself tonight, is quite telling.
00:50:24 (MUSIC)
00:50:26 Next up on the couch...
00:50:35 ..Lindell and Cameron.
00:50:42 (APPLAUSE)
00:50:46 Hi. Hey.
00:50:52 Lindell, your body language,
00:50:55 the way that you're presenting yourself tonight, is quite telling.
00:50:59 What's going on?
00:51:10 (MUSIC)
00:51:12 It's been one rollercoaster for us.
00:51:25 When's the first time with your mum?
00:51:30 So, my mum, um...
00:51:32 God bless her. (CHUCKLES)
00:51:35 She knows that when I'm having a really rough time,
00:51:37 that I just want a hug and for people— Mm-hm.
00:51:39 For someone to tell me that it's gonna be OK.
00:51:42 And she knows that I'm away from my whole support network here.
00:51:47 And I think she just— she just said, 'Oh, come on, Kent, like, give her a hug.'
00:51:53 And he didn't want to, and then she said, 'Oh, come on, like, she needs a hug.
00:51:56 'Look at her. She needs a hug.'
00:51:58 And Cam was like, 'No, I feel uncomfortable,' and kind of got up and left.
00:52:04 (MUSIC)
00:52:07 We were in Robe, and we had a massive blow-up.
00:52:10 And I was a hug. All of us was a hug.
00:52:13 I could've just hugged, but I just felt pressured, and I felt it was unnatural.
00:52:18 Linda, do you feel like Cam overreacted?
00:52:24 Um...
00:52:33 (MUSIC)
00:52:35 I would never want to make anyone do anything that they were uncomfortable with.
00:52:42 I felt uncomfortable. I felt awkward. It was really weird. I found that weird.
00:52:49 Hugging me shouldn't feel unnatural. Not a month in here.
00:52:55 Not a month into this, did you not feel unnatural?
00:52:57 It was weird when your mum was there, and your mum's pressuring me to do something.
00:53:00 Am I that...awful and repulsive that you don't even want to hug me when I'm upset?
00:53:06 Like, it just made me, like...
00:53:08 It wasn't that. I just felt pressured. I was pressured.
00:53:10 Like, it made me snap. It was unnatural. That the one thing...
00:53:13 Cameron, I tell you what, that shouldn't even be coming into it. That's just a cop-out.
00:53:22 From never being in a relationship to then FaceTiming...
00:53:29 You come and it's very difficult because Lyndal is clearly very upset still.
00:53:35 And you continue to defend not feeling comfortable.
00:53:40 I'm not hearing any remorse for the fact that she feels so awful.
00:53:54 It's still a hug to your wife with whom you have a relationship, who's feeling badly.
00:54:00 Yeah. Who's needing...
00:54:02 I should have just hugged. I should have just done the hug, but I didn't.
00:54:05 It's important to show affection to your loved one, to your wife.
00:54:20 It's very different than just any other person or any other context.
00:54:24 And I know that you don't have that experience yet.
00:54:27 Like, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I have struggled throughout this whole experiment.
00:54:33 I've been definitely fish out of water throughout the whole lot.
00:54:38 Lyndal's wanting affection. She's needing it.
00:54:44 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:54:46 There are some things that I definitely do need to change.
00:54:55 I need to show more affection. Way more affection.
00:54:59 You need to show up. Yeah.
00:55:02 I need to, you know, pull my head out of my ass and kind of up my game a little bit.
00:55:10 A little bit a lot, because you have to grow into it in a pace that has to do with Lyndal's pace as well.
00:55:17 Because otherwise, yes, you'll grow into it God knows when.
00:55:21 Are you willing to do that, Cam?
00:55:27 I am willing to do that.
00:55:34 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:55:36 Bueno, let's get to the decision. OK. Cam?
00:55:43 Yeah, I don't want to see more blow-ups, but it has been a good week.
00:55:49 It's been a challenging week, but I'm here to show up.
00:55:53 And all right, stay with a little ex next to it. (BOTH LAUGH)
00:55:58 Lyndal.
00:56:01 I really hope that this is the worst coming out now and that we can go forward and be better.
00:56:07 So, yeah, I came to the conclusion that I will stay.
00:56:11 I'm prepared to stay. Sorry.
00:56:14 (BOTH LAUGH)
00:56:16 No ex, sorry.
00:56:18 Cam, give Lyndal a hug.
00:56:22 I'll give her a kiss instead.
00:56:26 Lyndal. (APPLAUSE)
00:56:30 (APPLAUSE)
00:56:31 Look at that reaction. Just look at her for two seconds.
00:56:36 (BOTH LAUGH)
00:56:38 You guys have all the ingredients, but you do need to show up.
00:56:42 It needs to be a whole lot more and it needs to be consistent.
00:56:46 And that's what's going to build a strong foundation for you guys. OK?
00:56:49 Have a great week. Thank you so much.
00:56:52 Thank you. Well done, guys.
00:56:54 (APPLAUSE)
00:56:57 (MUSIC)
00:56:59 All right, let's get our last couple up.
00:57:10 Jessie and Claire.
00:57:13 (APPLAUSE)
00:57:15 Hi, guys.
00:57:22 Hey, you two. Hey.
00:57:26 (MUSIC)
00:57:27 Well, where do we begin?
00:57:30 There's been a huge revelation that has come out this week
00:57:39 about you and Adam and Claire.
00:57:43 Yeah.
00:57:45 Now, the reason why it all came out was because you decided to come clean.
00:57:52 Correct.
00:57:55 What motivated that?
00:57:56 The last time we were seated on this couch,
00:58:01 Jessie said that he was beginning to develop romantic feelings for me.
00:58:06 That's right. Yeah.
00:58:08 And I found myself keeping him at arm's length
00:58:12 because I was carrying that guilt and that shame.
00:58:17 I knew I'd done the wrong thing.
00:58:23 (MUSIC)
00:58:24 Jessie, how's all this been for you?
00:58:30 Um, yeah, it's been a pretty heavy week, to be honest. Yeah.
00:58:38 When Claire pulled me out the front, I thought...
00:58:43 I just thought, worst-case scenario, she's gonna break up with me.
00:58:47 She's just gonna leave the experiment now.
00:58:50 Um, and then when she said what she said, it was like,
00:58:54 "Oh, well, I was expecting the worst,"
00:58:58 and then it was actually worse than the worst.
00:59:01 And I don't mean to make you feel bad.
00:59:03 No, you're not. I'm sorry.
00:59:06 Um...
00:59:08 You look like you're weighed down right now.
00:59:11 You've got the weight of the world on you.
00:59:13 Mm.
00:59:15 Let us in. What's going on inside you?
00:59:19 Oh.
00:59:20 I'm not sure how to explain it, you know?
00:59:26 Um...
00:59:28 Yeah.
00:59:31 There was a lot of vindication, a lot of, like, you know,
00:59:35 "I knew it. I knew I was under something."
00:59:37 Um...
00:59:40 And there's a lot of questioning.
00:59:43 There's a lot of doubt.
00:59:46 A lot of, um, defeatism and despondency and...
00:59:51 You know? Mm.
00:59:54 Claire, can I ask, why didn't you come clean
01:00:03 when Jessie first had those suspicions about you?
01:00:08 Um, I was just afraid, I guess.
01:00:13 It's too hard to believe for me.
01:00:15 Same. Same.
01:00:17 Of course, but I...
01:00:19 Let's not forget that you literally lied to Janelle's face.
01:00:22 I still can't get past that.
01:00:24 Not just lying once, it's like five times now
01:00:26 that you've lied, like, throughout this journey for Jessie.
01:00:29 I mean, how do we trust you?
01:00:34 If we can find it in ourselves to forgive some of the other mistakes
01:00:37 that have happened on this couch,
01:00:40 I think... It's the betrayal, it's the gaslighting,
01:00:42 it's Adam sitting there on the couch at the first commitment ceremony.
01:00:45 Jessie's saying, "I feel this has happened,"
01:00:47 and Adam is, like, making him look like a crazy person.
01:00:50 And I think it's way past just kissing.
01:00:53 She's owning her mistake.
01:00:55 She's apologising.
01:00:59 I don't know what else you want from her right now.
01:01:02 I just think we're trying to hold her just as accountable
01:01:04 as we were holding them.
01:01:06 But she's being accountable by apologising
01:01:09 and saying, "I've done the wrong thing,"
01:01:10 and coming forward, that is holding yourself accountable.
01:01:12 I don't know what else she can do right now.
01:01:16 Just trust your intuition, Jessie.
01:01:31 Not her words, just your intuition.
01:01:33 Yeah.
01:01:38 I agree about Claire and her...
01:01:41 taking accountability and owning it
01:01:46 and giving a true apology.
01:01:49 And I don't...
01:01:51 One thing I don't like about this experiment
01:01:55 is people being on the couch and just getting drilled.
01:01:59 So I don't like to add to Claire's...
01:02:07 despair.
01:02:08 I was protecting her.
01:02:11 Yeah.
01:02:13 Don't worry about me. I deserve that.
01:02:16 Why did it hurt so much?
01:02:20 Um...
01:02:24 Oh, man, just, like...
01:02:27 You know, you wanted...
01:02:32 You just questioned whether you were worthy.
01:02:35 Um...
01:02:36 Worthy of what?
01:02:39 Oh, love in general, you know.
01:02:41 I've been single seven years.
01:02:43 I haven't had good relationships really ever.
01:02:48 Like, just reaffirming a lot of things in there.
01:02:52 Um...
01:02:54 (SNIFFLES)
01:03:02 (SOBS)
01:03:03 I'm so sorry.
01:03:07 (SOBS)
01:03:27 (SOBS)
01:03:28 You don't deserve love.
01:03:37 You don't deserve what I do.
01:03:39 I'm so sorry.
01:03:55 (SNIFFLES)
01:03:56 Um, yeah.
01:03:59 So, Claire, when you hear Jesse talk about, you know,
01:04:05 the impact of the cheating on him
01:04:07 and he gets you to step into his shoes,
01:04:10 what impact does that have on you?
01:04:14 It breaks my heart that he feels this way.
01:04:17 And I've brought out these feelings in him
01:04:22 and that I've made it worse.
01:04:24 And I'm really, really sorry.
01:04:25 He's sitting here feeling all his feels,
01:04:34 but he's worried about me feeling hurt.
01:04:37 And that is massive.
01:04:39 That just shows how selfless he is.
01:04:41 Um, you know, I just...
01:04:44 I'm disappointed in myself for doing that to him.
01:04:48 I think it's time we get to the decision.
01:04:54 Sail, leave, and we're gonna go with you first, Jesse.
01:04:57 Um...
01:05:02 I can provide Claire my forgiveness,
01:05:06 my understanding
01:05:08 and my friendship.
01:05:10 And I can do all those three things
01:05:15 whilst also still doing the right thing by myself.
01:05:19 Um...
01:05:20 And I've chosen to leave.
01:05:22 Right.
01:05:24 I'm so sorry.
01:05:28 What about you, Claire? What have you decided to do?
01:05:34 Um...
01:05:36 I wrote Jesse a letter,
01:05:38 which probably better explains
01:05:40 my reason for what I chose to do tonight.
01:05:44 I'm sorry.
01:05:47 I'm sorry.
01:05:48 Um...
01:05:50 I chose...
01:05:54 What about you, Claire? What have you decided to do?
01:06:09 Um...
01:06:11 I wrote Jesse a letter,
01:06:13 which probably better explains
01:06:16 my reason for what I chose to do tonight.
01:06:19 Um...
01:06:21 And now I feel...
01:06:23 I chose...
01:06:25 I chose to stay
01:06:27 and try and earn back Jesse's trust and forgiveness.
01:06:32 But I also don't want him to...
01:06:46 feel like he has to stay if he...
01:06:48 doesn't want to.
01:06:50 I'm so sorry, Jesse.
01:06:57 So just to clarify, Claire,
01:06:59 why did you decide you wanted to stay?
01:07:02 Leaving
01:07:05 would be just like saying,
01:07:07 "Well, I've said the truth, now I'm gonna go, bye."
01:07:10 And it would be
01:07:13 not trying to make amends
01:07:15 and make Jesse feel like
01:07:17 he's deserving and he's worthy.
01:07:20 Jesse, how are you feeling right now?
01:07:23 Um, to be honest, I kind of feel a bit grumpy.
01:07:30 Can you let us in?
01:07:38 I'm exhausted.
01:07:42 I'm exhausted.
01:07:43 So she might have some more gas in the tank.
01:07:50 And that's great. It's honourable.
01:07:53 But I don't have the same stain.
01:08:02 Now, Jesse, it's very clear that the way that you
01:08:11 have handled it
01:08:12 in terms of finding out that your partner has cheated
01:08:15 has been remarkable.
01:08:18 You have maintained a kindness that, frankly,
01:08:25 you know, at times,
01:08:27 has taken our breath away.
01:08:29 They're the qualities of someone who
01:08:36 absolutely deserves love.
01:08:40 I know this is a very difficult situation,
01:08:42 but we have seen relationships turn around.
01:08:46 And if you can
01:08:49 give her a chance to see what she's got,
01:08:52 who knows what will happen, Jesse.
01:08:55 There's no guarantees here,
01:08:57 but maybe just observe.
01:09:00 See what these seven days bring you.
01:09:03 Alright.
01:09:07 Thank you.
01:09:09 Good luck with it.
01:09:10 This has been an intense session on the couch.
01:09:12 But both of you have handled it very well.
01:09:17 And time will now tell
01:09:19 what impact it's had on you.
01:09:21 Good luck with the week ahead.
01:09:24 Thank you.
01:09:26 Thanks.
01:09:27 Take care, guys.
01:09:28 And take care of each other.
01:09:30 Love you, mate.
01:09:31 Thanks, man.
01:09:32 I think that I will look back on this decision
01:09:35 in a couple of days,
01:09:37 and I will not regret that I chose to stay,
01:09:40 because I know that there's something there worth fighting for
01:09:43 and worth working towards, for sure.
01:09:46 I think that I will look back on this decision
01:09:48 in a couple of days,
01:09:50 and I will not regret that I chose to stay,
01:09:52 because I know that there's something there worth fighting for
01:09:55 and worth working towards, for sure.
01:09:58 [Music]
