Don't Block The Flow - Sheryl Brady

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00:00:00 Exodus 28.
00:00:21 So this story is just, it's amazing to me and it came, really came alive to me.
00:00:29 A lot of different levels on yesterday.
00:00:32 Uh, in the, at the 28th chapter, the first verse, let me just kind of skip around and,
00:00:41 and take down on to the, let me, let me back up.
00:00:45 Moses is on a mountain having a conversation with God.
00:00:48 Moses is Moses is the leader.
00:00:50 He has went up the mountain to a higher place to hear from God.
00:00:55 He is up there.
00:00:57 God begins talking to him and he starts talking to him, um, talking to him about Aaron.
00:01:04 Aaron was who he left with the children of Israel with so he could go away and talk to
00:01:10 God.
00:01:11 And it says here, take thou unto the Aaron, thy brother and his sons with him from among
00:01:20 the children of Israel that he may minister unto me in the priest's office.
00:01:30 Verse two, the B clause for Aaron, thy brother, let's just go to the beginning of it.
00:01:36 And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron.
00:01:39 Okay.
00:01:40 This is the, this is the part that's got me tickled.
00:01:43 All right.
00:01:44 He will make holy garments for Aaron, thy brother for glory and for beauty.
00:01:51 And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit
00:01:56 of wisdom that they may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto
00:02:03 the priest's office.
00:02:05 Verse four, and these are the garments that they shall make.
00:02:10 So he's telling him these, I'm getting ready to build this Aaron man, a wardrobe.
00:02:17 God is so into this wardrobe that he is building for Aaron.
00:02:23 He says, I'm going to build him a breastplate and I want to eat fat and I want to robe and
00:02:29 I want to embroidered coat.
00:02:31 I want a miter.
00:02:32 I want a girdle and they shall make holy garments.
00:02:36 Holy garments for Aaron is your thy brother and his sons that they may minister.
00:02:43 He is saying, I'm reiterating that the reason I'm doing this stuff for you is because you're
00:02:49 going to use, you're going to be used by me.
00:02:52 Okay.
00:02:53 So I'm going to make you a whole wardrobe.
00:02:56 Verse five.
00:02:57 He says, it's going to take gold.
00:02:58 It's going to be blue, purple, scarlet, fine linen.
00:03:01 Then it goes on down and says the e-fod is of gold, of gold, of blue, of purple and scarlet
00:03:08 and fine twined linen and cutting work.
00:03:12 And he goes on and down there and it begins to describe, it's going to have two shoulder
00:03:16 pieces.
00:03:19 Therefore those pieces are going to be joined together and they're going to have two edges
00:03:24 on them.
00:03:25 And, and, and the, and the curious girdle, I was always curious about girdles of the
00:03:31 e-fod, which is upon it shall be the same according to the work thereof, even of gold,
00:03:37 of blue, of purple and scarlet.
00:03:39 See, if you think God is a boring Brown God, you have lost your mind.
00:03:44 Okay.
00:03:45 He goes on and he says, uh, I want you to take two onyx stones and I want you to engrave
00:03:53 on.
00:03:54 See, God is flashy.
00:03:55 That's all I'm trying to say to you right now.
00:03:57 God is flashy when it comes to clothes.
00:03:59 All right.
00:04:00 But he goes all the way down.
00:04:01 He is still talking about this wardrobe.
00:04:05 The e-fod is going to have stones of a memorial.
00:04:09 He says it's there, there will be ounces of gold.
00:04:13 Verse 17 says it's set in settings of stones, Sardis, topaz.
00:04:18 I mean, he keeps going and, and the second row, cause he is going to have a second row
00:04:23 will have Emerald and Sapphire and diamond.
00:04:26 The third row, he goes on and down the fourth row.
00:04:30 Uh, I mean, he's just going on and on.
00:04:32 And I don't even have time to read to you about all of these things that he talks about
00:04:40 for this wardrobe all the way through that whole chapter.
00:04:45 All right.
00:04:48 So now go over a couple of chapters to chapter 32.
00:05:01 First one.
00:05:02 And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the Mount, the people
00:05:09 gathered themselves together under Aaron and said unto him, make up.
00:05:15 He said, they said to him, get up.
00:05:18 Make us gods.
00:05:19 God will go before us.
00:05:22 And as for this Moses, this man, Moses, listen, he done brought us out of the land of Egypt
00:05:30 and we don't even know what's happened to him.
00:05:32 Where in the world is he?
00:05:34 Verse seven.
00:05:35 And the Lord said unto Moses, go get the down because that people at that point, I would
00:05:43 have said, wait, these are not my people.
00:05:47 They are your people.
00:05:51 God says, go down, go get down there for the people.
00:05:54 The ones you brought up out of the land of Egypt have corrupted them.
00:05:59 So verse 21 and Moses said unto Aaron, when he gets down there, he said, why, what did
00:06:08 this people?
00:06:09 What is going on?
00:06:10 In other words, what's happening here?
00:06:11 What a mess this is.
00:06:12 And Aaron said, let not the anger of my Lord wax hot.
00:06:24 In other words, don't get hot with me.
00:06:27 You know, the people, you know how they are.
00:06:32 You know, they set up for mischief, but they said unto me, make us gods, which shall go
00:06:38 before us.
00:06:39 And as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we don't know
00:06:45 what has become of him.
00:06:47 And I said to them, whosoever had any gold, let them break it off.
00:06:53 So they gave it to me and then I cast it into the fire.
00:06:57 I just took gold and cast it into the fire.
00:06:59 And when he hit the fire, it came out of cash.
00:07:04 I mean, there's a whole lot of stuff going on right here.
00:07:07 And when Moses saw that the people were naked, why were they naked for Aaron had made them
00:07:16 naked.
00:07:17 Oh, Aaron said it was them, but God said it was Aaron.
00:07:23 And now they are naked under their shame among their enemies.
00:07:29 One more passage and you can sit down.
00:07:32 Luke chapter two.
00:07:35 I'm sorry, Luke chapter 22, Luke chapter 22, beginning at the 31st verse.
00:07:42 And the Lord said, some of y'all try to figure out right now how in the world is she going
00:07:47 to pull all of this together?
00:07:51 But by the grace of God and the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to
00:07:59 have you that he might sit you as wheat.
00:08:06 But I have prayed for you and I pray.
00:08:10 Notice he didn't say, I pray that you don't fail.
00:08:13 He said, I'm praying that your faith doesn't fail.
00:08:20 I'm praying that your faith fail not.
00:08:22 And when this is all in that same verse and when thou art converted, strengthen, I'm praying
00:08:32 for you that your faith don't fail.
00:08:34 And when thou art, it is going to happen.
00:08:37 It's just a matter of time.
00:08:38 But when, when thou art converted, strengthen your brethren.
00:08:44 When you get it together, turn around and help somebody else get it together.
00:08:49 When you are straight, turn around and help somebody else get straight.
00:08:54 Okay.
00:08:55 When you are converted, turn around and strengthen your brethren.
00:09:01 Look to your neighbor on the right and say, neighbor, don't break the flow.
00:09:07 Turn to your other neighbor.
00:09:08 Say neighbor, don't break the flow.
00:09:12 Lord, I thank you for this moment.
00:09:14 I'm excited about your word.
00:09:16 Let it speak to us.
00:09:17 Let it jump off the pages and find us in all of our situations.
00:09:24 Let it prepare us for what is ahead.
00:09:27 Give us ears to hear.
00:09:30 Give us a heart to receive.
00:09:33 We will thank you for it in Jesus name.
00:09:35 Amen and amen.
00:09:38 You may be seated on your way down.
00:09:39 Hit somebody.
00:09:40 Tell them don't, don't break the flow.
00:09:43 Tell somebody else.
00:09:44 Don't you be the one.
00:09:45 That breaks the flow.
00:09:57 So for the last couple of weeks, I've come up here in the building during our, uh, just
00:10:06 during our construction, just to kind of walk around and see what all is going on.
00:10:13 And it is amazing how we're working these workers right down.
00:10:21 I mean, just all the way even into Saturday, some of them are working, but it is amazing
00:10:28 to me how fast that they are able to turn this building around and make it what you
00:10:36 see that it is today.
00:10:39 If you look up here, I'm sure you will see dust.
00:10:42 And if you go out there, you'll see dust and you'll see remnants of our construction zone.
00:10:50 But, uh, it is, it is what it is because we are under construction and you know, everybody
00:10:58 is excited when you first share the vision of the construction.
00:11:02 I mean, everybody gets excited, but that's before we get inconvenience.
00:11:06 We're excited before we're inconvenience.
00:11:09 Okay.
00:11:10 We're excited because, uh, we hear about things that are yet to come, but in the middle of
00:11:16 it, there can come some frustration when we're shuffled off to an overflow.
00:11:23 Uh, we can find ourselves frustrated when we have to come early to get a seat in the
00:11:29 sanctuary, uh, just because we're under, when is this construction going to be over?
00:11:35 That's when all of that stuff starts happening.
00:11:38 Uh, we're, we're excited before, uh, we are asked to move out of our section that we've
00:11:44 always sat in and we have to move to another section.
00:11:49 Church does don't feel right when you have to sit in another section.
00:11:53 You know what I'm talking about?
00:11:54 Cause you're used to singing it from that angle.
00:11:57 You're feeling it from that angle and you don't want to sit over there.
00:12:01 It takes you a, takes you an hour before you finally lock in and realize that you, that
00:12:07 God is God.
00:12:08 Whether you're over here, whether you're over there, it doesn't matter.
00:12:11 Okay.
00:12:12 But the reality of it is we are creatures of habit and, and it's a mess.
00:12:18 Change is exciting until you're in the middle of it.
00:12:22 Look at somebody and say, but hold on cause we're coming out better.
00:12:28 Hold on because we are going to come out from the beginning.
00:12:34 I told you, and some of our pastors have told you that we should not be surprised if we
00:12:41 started seeing that things in our lives and in our homes and in our businesses and in
00:12:45 our families, uh, started going through a similar process as to what we are going through
00:12:53 in this building.
00:12:55 Okay.
00:12:56 So if you have found yourself under construction at home and maybe you didn't even plan for
00:13:01 it, but don't be surprised because your house of worship is under construction.
00:13:06 Okay.
00:13:07 And if you feel like God has all of a sudden made your life, uh, be under construction
00:13:16 and what I'm going to tell you about God, he never has to get a building permit.
00:13:21 He will just take a ball and a crane and a chain and he will wreck your life permit or
00:13:29 no permit.
00:13:32 So if you feel like in the last couple of months that God has just closed in on you
00:13:38 and he's doing reconstruction in your life, don't think it's strange.
00:13:45 Uh, because that's what usually what happens.
00:13:48 Look at your neighbor and say neighbor.
00:13:51 It's a mess, but we're moving through it.
00:13:56 We are there's, there's dust, there's debris, there's clutter, there's commotion.
00:14:02 But the reason that I can endure the clutter and the debris and the commotion and all of
00:14:08 those things is because I know what is waiting for us on the other side of progress.
00:14:15 So if we will keep progressing, there is a blessing that's waiting for us, not just in
00:14:22 this building, but in your life and in your walk with God.
00:14:27 If you can keep progressing, there is a blessing that's waiting just on the other side.
00:14:34 What are you saying?
00:14:35 Pastor Brady?
00:14:36 I'm saying that, that there is increased just beyond the mess.
00:14:40 Okay.
00:14:41 Let me say it again.
00:14:42 There is increased just beyond the mess.
00:14:44 There is growth that is just beyond the mess.
00:14:49 There's room for more that is just beyond the mess.
00:14:53 There's room to stretch, to expand.
00:14:56 There's room to enlarge.
00:14:58 There's room to increase.
00:14:59 There's room to evolve.
00:15:01 And it's just beyond the mess.
00:15:04 So don't underestimate us by looking at our mess because we are moving towards something
00:15:12 that is greater.
00:15:14 It's messy, but we are making progress.
00:15:18 We are making headway.
00:15:21 We are on the move.
00:15:23 It looks like your business is going under, but tire not and hold on because we are just
00:15:33 in the middle of construction.
00:15:36 God is preaching a message to us out of all of the mess that we are in.
00:15:42 So have you ever had God to take your mess and turn it into a message?
00:15:55 Let me say it like this.
00:15:56 Have you ever had God take your test and turn it into a testimony?
00:16:02 Oh my God.
00:16:04 You don't feel like it when you're in the middle of it, but if you ever want to really
00:16:09 be used by God in ministry, you have got to survive messy moments.
00:16:18 Let me say that again.
00:16:19 I said, and especially for everybody that's holier than everybody else, if you ever think
00:16:24 that God is going to use you and your holy self in ministry, you have got to be able
00:16:32 to go through and survive the messy moments in your life.
00:16:38 And in my estimation, you're not really qualified to do the work of ministry until you've had
00:16:43 a mess or two of your own that you've had to work your way through because your greatest
00:16:50 ministry always comes out of the greatest messes in your life.
00:16:56 I said the greatest ministry, the finest oil always comes out of the finest crushes that
00:17:05 you have went through in your life.
00:17:09 Oh, always know that.
00:17:13 That's why when you're in the middle of it and you feel like you're going to die, you
00:17:16 have to tell yourself there will be glory after this.
00:17:20 If you walk with God a while, you'll learn to do that.
00:17:24 You'll learn that when you are in the middle, when all hell breaks loose from every direction,
00:17:28 you will learn, okay, God, God, okay, I see this.
00:17:30 I know what this is.
00:17:32 I know that you're about to do something in my life that you have never done before.
00:17:36 So rather than charge you foolishly, I'm going to come to church and praise you hysterically
00:17:41 because I know I see the handwriting on the wall.
00:17:46 This has the signature of God on my life.
00:17:54 Over I would say over the last April will be three years that Bishop and I have found
00:18:03 ourselves at the mercy of one medical appointment after another, after another, and also at
00:18:11 the mercy of medical professionals.
00:18:14 And for the most part, most of them have been incredibly efficient, incredibly effective,
00:18:26 incredibly kind, incredibly caring in what they have done for us.
00:18:33 And I can always tell by how they handle him as to whether they themselves know what it
00:18:41 is like to be a patient.
00:18:47 I have discovered that most of them, thank God have knowledge, but I've also discovered
00:18:55 that the best ones are the ones that have learned how to blend their knowledge with
00:19:00 their heart.
00:19:05 Those are just things I've observed along the way and most of the time, the way that
00:19:11 they have learned to blend their knowledge with their heart is because either they themselves
00:19:18 or somebody that they really, really love, they know what it is like to be in the shoes
00:19:26 of the patient.
00:19:28 So I can tell by the way that they handle him as to whether they know what it's like
00:19:34 to feel the pain emotionally and physically that he is feeling.
00:19:42 Everything that you need to know to be of service to anybody else, it does not always
00:19:52 come just out of a book.
00:19:56 You can read the Bible until you are blue in the face, but there is a whole side of
00:20:03 ministry that even though you've read the whole Bible, there's a whole side that you
00:20:08 know nothing about because all you've done is read the letter and the Bible says that
00:20:15 the letter kills.
00:20:18 You can kill somebody with this word right here, but that's not enough.
00:20:23 You have to be able to take the things that you've been through and mix your heart with
00:20:28 all of the head knowledge that you have in order to be effective in ministry.
00:20:34 Does anybody know what I'm talking about today?
00:20:36 I don't want to be at the mercy of somebody that just has head knowledge.
00:20:44 Most of the stuff that the people that have helped us and helped him, it came from a mixture
00:20:53 of both of those things.
00:20:56 So that being said, my question to you on this Sunday morning is that could it be possible
00:21:06 that God has allowed you to go through the things that you have went through to experience
00:21:17 the things that your life, your life's journey has taken you through?
00:21:22 Could it be possible that you've had to face the things that you've had to face and you've
00:21:28 had to feel the things that you have had to feel because God wanted you to have more than
00:21:37 head knowledge when it comes to helping other people?
00:21:42 Is that possible?
00:21:44 Could it be that sometimes he wants us to understand that destiny often incorporates
00:21:52 our agony?
00:21:56 So we're crying and praying and begging God to get us out of the agony, but it seems like
00:22:03 he ain't doing it.
00:22:05 Listen, if you have prayed and cried and believed and confessed the word over something and
00:22:11 it don't move, it's cause it ain't supposed to move.
00:22:16 Cause when the Lord gets ready, it's going to move.
00:22:22 So sometimes we, I think we fail at understanding that our destiny will always incorporate
00:22:31 our agony.
00:22:32 Look at somebody and say, I believe that.
00:22:36 Our greatest ministry always comes out of our greatest pain.
00:22:41 And I actually, for one thing, that it's one of the first qualifications for real ministry.
00:22:46 You have to have the ability to be able to feel another person's pain.
00:22:52 If you can't feel another person's pain, then I don't think you are qualified to be in ministry.
00:22:58 So don't even try to sign up for Faisal.
00:23:04 Leave that seat empty.
00:23:07 Leave it for somebody else.
00:23:09 Cause that part, somebody said that part, that part right there, we can't teach you.
00:23:17 Only life teaches you.
00:23:20 Only God teaches you.
00:23:22 We can't teach you that.
00:23:24 So, and I'm going to go on and say, whenever you see anybody that has a real deep well
00:23:35 in the side of them, whenever you see anybody that has a deep anointing in their life, whenever
00:23:41 you see somebody that has a real deep connection with God, it is usually a sign that they have
00:23:49 been through some very raw experiences in their life.
00:23:55 If you see some, two people can sing the same song and one person sing it completely different
00:24:02 than the other person, because the one over here that sings it different is the one that
00:24:07 has had to cry, that has been through hell, that has to get back up over and over again.
00:24:14 They've been lied on, cheated, talked about, mistreated, but some way, somehow they find
00:24:20 their way back into the presence of the Lord.
00:24:24 And it is their situation.
00:24:26 It is their trauma.
00:24:27 It is their confusion.
00:24:29 It is their pain that has qualified them to be a carrier of such glory and such anointing
00:24:37 and such great power.
00:24:38 You might watch somebody preach and think, I can preach better than that.
00:24:42 Well, you might have more book knowledge than they do, but if they have a real glory on
00:24:47 their life, it's because they have been through things.
00:24:54 Anybody that has a real empathy, anybody that has the capacity, somebody shout capacity,
00:25:01 anybody that has the capacity to feel another person's pain is because they've been there
00:25:08 themselves.
00:25:09 And it's hard to get people to respond appropriately to another person's pain when they have never
00:25:18 felt pain like that themselves.
00:25:22 They will always disappoint you.
00:25:25 See real ministry requires us to be sympathetic, but it also requires us to have empathy.
00:25:34 Ask your neighbor, do you have any empathy?
00:25:37 Look at him and tell him you might be running low.
00:25:45 That's why God is so careful when he goes to calling and choosing people.
00:25:52 See your, your friends might call you and your mama might call you.
00:25:57 Your daddy might call you.
00:25:59 A lot of people might call you into ministry, but when God is choosing people for ministry,
00:26:08 wouldn't tell you what God does.
00:26:10 God, he doesn't look for you on Sunday morning on the front row.
00:26:16 That's not where he chooses.
00:26:19 The Bible tells us that when God chooses somebody, where is he choosing from?
00:26:23 Do you know your Bible?
00:26:24 He chooses them from the furnace of, thank you.
00:26:30 He chooses them from the furnace of, of all y'all that are waiting to be chosen.
00:26:36 You should have known that verse.
00:26:37 You should have studied your Bible enough to say the furnace of affliction, because
00:26:42 when God chooses somebody, he doesn't choose you from, from your divinity school.
00:26:48 He chooses you from the, he doesn't choose you from sitting out on the beach, just relaxing.
00:26:53 Just laying out there.
00:26:54 Oh, I'm just waiting on God to choose me.
00:26:58 No, God chooses people who are in the heat of the fire.
00:27:03 He chooses people that knows what it is like to be.
00:27:07 He doesn't pull.
00:27:08 He doesn't, he doesn't snatch people from a pool of talent.
00:27:12 He doesn't snatch people out of a pool of, of, of, of just giftedness.
00:27:18 When God goes after somebody, he goes after people, not because they have good connections
00:27:24 or because they have that wonderful personality.
00:27:27 Let me tell you something.
00:27:29 When God chooses people, he goes right to the furnace of affliction and he chooses people
00:27:35 that have been through the fire.
00:27:37 People that have been purged.
00:27:39 Their mind has been purged.
00:27:41 Their will has been purged.
00:27:44 Any kind of agenda has been purged out of death.
00:27:48 They have been refined by the fire.
00:27:53 That's who God chooses.
00:27:56 According to Zachariah 13 and nine, those are the people who will call on the name of
00:28:02 the Lord and he will answer.
00:28:05 Do you hear that?
00:28:08 Those that have been through the fire are the people that have a real, have real power
00:28:14 in prayer because they are the ones that will call on the name of the Lord and God hears
00:28:20 them.
00:28:21 God said, I will refine them like silver and I will test them like gold and they will call
00:28:27 on my name and I will answer them.
00:28:30 I will say they are my people and they will say the Lord is our God.
00:28:43 So when God goes to choosing people, he picks people who have some skin in the game.
00:28:49 Are you following me?
00:28:53 Only those that have skin in the game are the ones that are qualified.
00:28:58 He chooses those who have proven the genuineness of their faith.
00:29:04 That is why I'm shocked when I read and I'm surprised that he would pick Aaron to be a
00:29:18 high priest.
00:29:20 Listen, Aaron's first day on the job is a train wreck.
00:29:32 You read it, I sold you a little bit of it.
00:29:35 Moses going up the mountain to talk to God, he leaves Aaron in charge.
00:29:40 When Moses comes back down off the mountain, can you imagine what he thought?
00:29:46 All of the children of Israel were naked.
00:29:51 He done turned it into a strip club.
00:29:54 The first day on the job.
00:30:04 What in the world?
00:30:07 And on top of that, they done made an idol out of their earrings and they're gold.
00:30:15 See, that was always my argument back in the old church.
00:30:19 They would say, "You can't wear earrings.
00:30:20 You can't wear gold."
00:30:21 And I'm like, "Let me tell you, they got in trouble when they took theirs off."
00:30:25 Yes.
00:30:26 So Aaron has miserably failed.
00:30:27 And I, as if I would have been Moses, I would have fired him A-M-B-C-D.
00:30:38 But instead, God sends Moses down the mountain with a promotion to make Aaron the high priest.
00:31:01 Okay, I got lots of questions right there because you're sovereign and you know all
00:31:08 things and you know what he's doing down here.
00:31:12 And you're still sending Aaron, I mean, still sending Moses down with a promotion for Aaron.
00:31:23 I mean, and on top of all that, you have planned his wardrobe.
00:31:29 You've built him an entire wardrobe with stones and all.
00:31:34 I read it to you.
00:31:37 Made him an ephod out of fine linen, blue, purple, scarlet.
00:31:40 I'm not going to go back into it all, but I mean, God was into this.
00:31:48 Looks to me like God has made the wrong choice if I just take it at face value.
00:31:56 Why would he pick Aaron to intercede for the sins of Israel when he's the one that's got
00:32:03 him sinning?
00:32:06 Why Aaron?
00:32:07 Somebody say, why Aaron?
00:32:10 And the only thing that I can say to that is that it may just be possible that when
00:32:17 God is looking for someone who can bring the people's failures to him, he knew that he
00:32:30 would have to have somebody who could relate to failure themselves.
00:32:41 He knew he had to have somebody in there that could move beyond just being judgmental.
00:32:50 He needed somebody that would know what it was like to mess up.
00:32:54 Listen, I would have fired him if I leave and leave Pastor Jeremy in charge and I come
00:33:03 back next Sunday and all y'all have no clothes on and you are worshiping God like crazy.
00:33:14 I would be like, where's, where's Jeremy?
00:33:17 I ain't even going to ask where Pastor Jeremy is.
00:33:19 I'd be like, where's Jeremy?
00:33:25 I would have fired him, but God promoted him not because of his failure, but in spite of
00:33:34 his failure, because man looks on the outer appearance, but God looks upon the heart.
00:33:43 God knows that everybody from time to time will face messy moments on the road to their
00:33:51 destiny and the truth is we cannot make progress without making a mess every now and then.
00:34:04 I want all of these renovations to go away.
00:34:07 I want that wall down.
00:34:08 I want to look out there.
00:34:09 I want to, I want to see this, the new seats that we have ready to go in back there.
00:34:15 I want to see the dust cleaned up.
00:34:17 I want all of it to go away.
00:34:20 I want to be able for us to sit together right in here.
00:34:25 Take those that are in overflow, pull them in here.
00:34:27 I want all of it to happen and I want it to happen now, but the truth is if we're going
00:34:35 to enjoy the new, we got to tear down the old.
00:34:44 If you're going to enjoy the new you, you got to let God take his wrecking ball and
00:34:51 tear down the old you and you have to know in between the old and the new, there will
00:35:00 inevitably be a mess.
00:35:05 Now it's easy for somebody to walk in here and see the dust and the debris and say, it's
00:35:13 easy for them to call it a mess.
00:35:16 But while you call it a mess, we call it making room for the difference between what you call
00:35:27 it and what we call it is we are looking at it through a different lens.
00:35:34 Are you following me?
00:35:35 I said, we're looking at it through a different lens.
00:35:38 Could it be that you are looking at your life right now through an incorrect lens?
00:35:48 Oh Lord, I want you to hear me today.
00:35:52 You could be the reason you feel overwhelmed.
00:35:55 The reason you feel like everything is falling apart.
00:35:58 The reason you are looking at your situation and calling it a mess and calling yourself
00:36:04 a failure is because to you, it looks like you are falling behind.
00:36:10 You get further and further behind, but it could be that you are actually moving ahead.
00:36:18 It looks like a mess around the Potter's house north, but that's because you don't see where
00:36:25 we are heading.
00:36:26 It looks like a mess to you, but it looks like a blessing to me.
00:36:31 Look at somebody and tell them, I don't know what you see, but I see a blessing.
00:36:40 It might look like a mess, but I am under construction.
00:36:46 I said, I am under construction.
00:36:49 God is doing a new thing in my life and it's hard to imagine that right now, but I've got
00:36:55 some things that might be out of place.
00:36:58 I've got some dust where it usually isn't dust.
00:37:01 My mind is a little confused and I've had some disappointments along the way and I've
00:37:08 got some collateral damage that is all around me.
00:37:12 And yes, my heart has been shattered and yes, it looks like it's not going to be any good,
00:37:19 but I want you to touch somebody and tell them, but I, I got a feeling that everything
00:37:28 is going to be.
00:37:33 I dare you to hit three people and tell them everything's going to be all right.
00:37:47 Everything.
00:37:48 It looks like it's over.
00:37:52 It looks like a wrap, but God brought me here to tell somebody.
00:37:57 Everything is going to be all right.
00:38:03 How do you know Pastor Brady?
00:38:05 Cause the Holy Ghost done told me, I said, the Holy Ghost told me, somebody ought to
00:38:17 give him a praise that says, I believe everything is going to be all right.
00:38:33 Okay.
00:38:34 Sit back down for a minute.
00:38:37 You have got somebody that I don't know who, but you have got to be able to see progress.
00:38:47 In spite of the mess.
00:38:48 It's hard, but you got to be able to see it.
00:38:58 If these walls could talk, these walls will be like, what are they slapping up on me?
00:39:09 Pain.
00:39:10 Why are they putting pain on me?
00:39:15 Am I paying good enough?
00:39:17 What have I got to change?
00:39:20 Why ain't that wall that's changing?
00:39:23 It's dusty around this place.
00:39:26 I'm tired of the disruptions.
00:39:28 Whenever there's construction, there's always going to be disruption.
00:39:33 I'm tired of having limited access.
00:39:36 I can only walk here.
00:39:38 I can only go there.
00:39:40 It's inconvenient.
00:39:41 I'm tired of being delays, but being delayed, but sometimes construction demands for us
00:39:49 to have to face delay.
00:39:51 Oh, and can I talk about the unexpected costs?
00:39:56 It's not what we put in the budget.
00:40:00 It's not what you told me.
00:40:02 It's way different than what you, your man must've never built nothing in your life.
00:40:08 If there's unexpected cost, my normal is gone.
00:40:12 I want to come to my normal church and sit in my normal seat with my normal circle.
00:40:19 And although I mean, we are, we people are losing it and all the while God, who is the
00:40:25 general contractor is saying, just trust me.
00:40:36 Trust me in your home.
00:40:40 Trust me on your job.
00:40:42 Believe in me.
00:40:45 Believe if I began a good work in you, that I will be faithful to complete rest in me
00:40:56 for he that shall come will come and he will not tear it.
00:41:03 Not away your confidence, which has great recompense of reward for yet a little while.
00:41:14 Tell somebody it's just a little while and he that shall come, he will come.
00:41:21 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan had decided to have you that he might shift
00:41:36 you as wheat.
00:41:39 But I have prayed for you, but your faith failed.
00:41:46 And your feelings may fail and you may get tired of feeling like smiling and you might
00:41:54 get tired of feeling like praising him when it looks like things in your construction
00:42:01 zone are not straightening out.
00:42:05 But in those moments, that is where you can't be anchored into your feelings.
00:42:12 At that moment, you got to be anchored into your faith because it is your faith that he
00:42:20 prayed for.
00:42:21 He didn't pray for your feelings.
00:42:23 He got to hear me today.
00:42:25 He prayed for your faith.
00:42:28 So if you are going to be able to remain stable in your emotions, when your life is under
00:42:36 construction, you have got to be anchored in your faith.
00:42:42 How do I do that?
00:42:45 Number one, you have to know.
00:42:48 You have to know that whatever happens, God is for you.
00:42:56 Do you know that?
00:42:57 See, I think I really think I am his favorite.
00:43:03 And I'm not just saying that.
00:43:06 I think that.
00:43:08 So that makes me know that no matter what comes my way, I might react, but in a minute,
00:43:20 I'm going to be calm and write that down because I know that I'm his child and I know what
00:43:27 he said he would do in my life.
00:43:30 And so I know if what I'm going through doesn't go away, when it's all said and done, it will
00:43:36 work together for my good and for his glory.
00:43:44 You have to know when all hell is breaking loose that God is for you.
00:43:50 Even when it feels like everything in your life is against you.
00:43:55 God is, oh, I dare you to put your hand on your chest and say God is for, put your name
00:44:03 in there, share.
00:44:04 Say it again.
00:44:05 God is for me.
00:44:06 Say it louder.
00:44:07 God is for me.
00:44:08 You may not be for me and you may not be for me and you may not be for me, but I ain't
00:44:19 fixing to lose no rest over you.
00:44:22 You are you because at the end of the day, God is fighting for us, pushing back the lighting
00:44:32 of the kingdom that cannot be.
00:44:41 You've got to know that Romans 8 and 28 is your promise that all things, all things will
00:44:50 work together for your good.
00:45:00 So if you're going to survive, you're going to survive the renovations of your life.
00:45:08 You have got to operate and you've got to function, not from the perspective of, oh,
00:45:15 this is a mess, but you have to operate and function, live, move and have your being from
00:45:26 the perspective of making progress.
00:45:30 It might be slow.
00:45:32 I'm not where I want to be, but you know what?
00:45:33 I'm not where I used to be.
00:45:35 And so I'm going to give God praise.
00:45:38 I'm going to make progress and then praise.
00:45:40 I said, I'm going to make progress and then praise.
00:45:43 I'm going to make progress and then I'm going to make praise.
00:45:46 Y'all ain't helping me today.
00:45:50 And when the enemy comes in and says, your glass is half empty, but you got to look at
00:46:03 it and say, yeah, but guess what?
00:46:07 It's half full too.
00:46:12 You have to tell the enemy, my glass looks half empty to you, but it looks half full
00:46:19 to me.
00:46:20 Touch somebody and say, what are you looking at?
00:46:25 How are you looking at it?
00:46:28 When you change your perspective, it changes everything.
00:46:33 God said, tell my people to change their perspective.
00:46:44 The man on the Jericho road was beaten.
00:46:48 He had been robbed.
00:46:50 He had been left half dead.
00:46:54 But that preaches right there because if he was half dead, tell somebody he was still
00:46:59 half alive.
00:47:06 And the part of him that was half alive started fighting the part of him that was half.
00:47:15 Have you ever got in a fight with yourself?
00:47:24 God ain't going to see you through.
00:47:25 He ain't, he's going to tell you.
00:47:26 No, he's not going to tell you.
00:47:27 No, he's not going to tell me.
00:47:29 He is a faithful God.
00:47:30 I'm going to hold on to his unchanging hand.
00:47:31 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:47:32 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:47:33 I've been through worse than you.
00:47:34 I've been through worse than you.
00:47:35 I'm going to hold on to his unchanging hand.
00:47:36 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:47:37 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:47:38 I've been through worse than you.
00:47:39 I'm going to hold on to his unchanging hand.
00:47:40 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:47:41 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:47:42 I've been through worse than you.
00:47:43 I'm going to hold on to his unchanging hand.
00:47:44 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:47:45 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:48:09 I've been through worse than you.
00:48:32 I'm going to hold on to his unchanging hand.
00:49:01 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:49:29 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:49:59 I've been through worse than you.
00:50:00 I'm going to hold on to his unchanging hand.
00:50:01 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:50:02 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:50:03 I've been through worse than you.
00:50:04 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:50:05 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:50:06 I've been through worse than you.
00:50:07 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:50:08 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:50:09 I've been through worse than you.
00:50:10 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:50:11 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:50:12 I've been through worse than you.
00:50:13 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:50:14 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:50:15 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:50:43 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:51:04 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:51:33 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:51:58 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:52:26 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:52:55 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:53:03 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:53:11 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:53:12 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:53:13 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:53:14 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:53:15 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:53:16 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:53:17 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:53:18 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:53:19 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:53:20 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:53:21 I'm going to build my hopes on things eternal.
00:53:22 The part of that man that was half alive said, you know what?
00:53:23 Push somebody and tell them excuse me, but I'm in the press. I'm in the press. That's why I worship like I worship. That's why I praise like I praise. I know it bothers you, but I am in the press.
00:53:51 I'm in the press.
00:54:01 If that woman, if that woman or if you continue, if she had chosen to continue to rehearse her condition and feel sorry for herself, she would have died.
00:54:26 But the thing that saved her life was not just the power that she tapped into, but it was the pain that she decided to disconnect from.
00:54:50 It wasn't just the fact that she touched Jesus. It was the fact that in her mind she said I've had enough of this and she disconnected from the pain.
00:55:08 Instead of talking about how bad things were, she started saying, go read your Bible and study it.
00:55:17 She started saying, if I may but touch, if I may but touch, if I may but touch,
00:55:24 if I may but touch, if I may but touch. Where do you hear her talking about, it's been 12 years.
00:55:32 If I may but touch, if I can just touch him, if I can get to the heel of his carpet,
00:55:40 I don't even have to touch him, I can touch something that's touching him. If I may but touch.
00:55:46 She changed her entire perspective,
00:55:53 which calls
00:55:59 healing to flow from Jesus to her without him ever touching her.
00:56:13 She got a miracle behind his back.
00:56:28 He did not even know who touched him. He didn't even know who got it.
00:56:38 Because when it was all said and done, he said, who touched me?
00:56:54 Look at somebody and say, who touched him? Who touched him? Who touched him? Who touched him?
00:57:06 He didn't touch her. She decided to reach for him. She didn't even have to touch him.
00:57:22 And it was so profound that he said,
00:57:26 go your way. He didn't say, I made you whole.
00:57:34 Y'all ain't helping me. He said, go your way because you're
00:57:46 don't underestimate your faith. He said, your faith has made you whole. Do you realize
00:57:56 that what you are facing right now, you have the power to come out of it by what you say to your
00:58:09 heart? Stop talking to yourself about what you didn't get. Stop talking to yourself about what
00:58:23 your mama didn't leave you, about what your daddy didn't leave you, about what your spouse didn't
00:58:29 do for you, about what your brothers and sisters didn't do. Stop complaining about your kid
00:58:38 not doing this and not doing that. Start telling them what they're doing right.
00:58:45 If you, you might just get a result that you've never had before
00:59:01 because you tapped into a power that you've never tapped into before. He said,
00:59:09 who touched, who touched me? That miracle left his body and he didn't even know who got it.
00:59:17 She got a miracle behind his back. He knew when it left him, but he didn't know where it went.
00:59:30 If he did, then why did he say, who touched me? The disciples were like, man, master,
00:59:42 look, there are multitudes of people around you. Everybody is touching you. We are touching you.
00:59:52 Jesus said, no, no, no, you might have brushed up against me, but you didn't touch me.
01:00:00 Whoa, help us Jesus. There are churches around the world today who go in and brush up against Jesus,
01:00:19 but they miss out on miracles because they have failed to touch him.
01:00:26 Look at somebody and tell them, don't be so easily satisfied.
01:00:31 The sad thing is people get up in the morning, they go to church, they go through all of the
01:00:44 motions. They even brush up against the presence of God, but then they go back home without their
01:00:52 need being met. And guess what? They are okay with it because they'd rather have a casual
01:01:01 relationship with their faith than have a crawling in desperation relationship that would move them
01:01:12 from a mess to a miracle with God.
01:01:35 Listen, the death angel had to back up off that woman. I said the death angel had to back up off
01:01:44 that woman because of how she decided to change the way that she talked to herself. You might be
01:01:53 looking at a situation today that is really messy in your life. And sometimes it really is,
01:02:02 but I came to tell you that you can turn your mess into a miracle if you will just keep on living
01:02:10 long enough to survive. Look at three people and tell them, I will survive this.
01:02:18 Pull them, yank them, snatch them, tell them I will.
01:02:30 I will. I will survive.
01:02:36 And I'm not talking about hype and I'm not talking about you just saying it just to try to
01:02:45 bump yourself up. I'm talking about there is a real power that you tap into when you shift
01:02:54 your perception.
01:02:56 Listen, I got to wrap this up right here. But listen, oftentimes when we read that text in Luke,
01:03:14 we only read the first half and then people get happy and get excited and preachers get excited.
01:03:22 And that's where we hang our nail. Simon, Simon, Satan desires to have you that he might
01:03:30 sift you as weed, but I pray for you that your faith, look at somebody say, hold on to your faith.
01:03:36 But now look back at that same person and tell him, but there's so much more to the story.
01:03:43 The reason that he prays for Simon's faith not to fail
01:03:49 is because there's another part in that verse. And the other part of that first says,
01:03:54 when you are converted,
01:04:00 strengthen thy brethren. The sign that you have really been
01:04:16 converted is that you have the ability to turn around and strengthen somebody else.
01:04:26 The sign you've been converted is when you have the power to take what happened for you and turn
01:04:38 around and make it happen for somebody else. That is why it is not good for you to just run into the
01:04:45 church when you are in a crisis. I got to talk to somebody right now. I'll be there Sunday. I'll be
01:04:51 there Sunday. I'm in a crisis. My family's gone. All of that. You can do all of that right there.
01:04:57 And then you come in a church, things ease up and get better. And then you turn around
01:05:02 and walk back out without strengthening anybody.
01:05:12 Listen, if you get the gift and then decide to walk away and leave the giver,
01:05:24 you will eventually run out of the gift. The prodigal son did.
01:05:37 He said, I don't need my father. I just need my father's stuff. Give me the portion
01:05:43 and follow to me. He gets the gift. He leaves the giver and then he gets out there,
01:05:52 spends all of his money on righteous living. And it was only then that he began to realize
01:06:03 that the giver was way better than the gift.
01:06:10 Listen, you don't get delivered so that you won't need the deliverer.
01:06:21 You don't get healed just so you will never need the healer again. You don't get saved
01:06:33 just so that you can say, I don't need the savior anymore. You don't get blessed
01:06:37 so you can walk away from the blessing. No, Jesus says, when you are converted,
01:06:47 strengthen your brethren. I came and I chose you Aaron
01:06:59 out of your mess. I rescued you out of your mess and I did it so that you could help other
01:07:12 messy people. Listen, everybody at some point in their life will find themselves in a mess.
01:07:25 Rich folk. So stop hating on people that are rich.
01:07:29 Poor folk, educated, uneducated, white, black, brown, red, whatever. Young folk, even old folk
01:07:47 make messes. It'll be a different mess. It might not look like your mess,
01:07:54 but it's a mess nonetheless because nobody preacher, pastor, deacon, elder, bishop,
01:08:09 servant leader, first time visitor, nobody escapes messes in life. So stop feeling sorry for yourself
01:08:26 just because it looks like that your neighbor across the street never has a mess
01:08:37 because that is not so. Look at somebody and be honest and tell them my life is messy too.
01:08:44 But when you are converted,
01:08:48 strengthen your brethren. When you are converted, that means stabilize somebody else,
01:08:57 help somebody else get up, help somebody else get out, help somebody else get through their loss,
01:09:05 help somebody else overcome the grief that is trying to kill them. God, you know what God is
01:09:12 saying? He's saying, listen, I will get it to you if I can get it. And I know we believe that when
01:09:22 it comes to money. We know that money is currency and we know that money has got to move and money
01:09:30 has got to flow. But any and where most of us are smart enough to know that when you break the flow,
01:09:38 you lose the power that comes with the money. I don't care whether you're talking about a global
01:09:46 economy, a national economy, a local economy, a house and your household economy. It only survives
01:09:54 through movement. Somebody do that right there. It only survives through movement. Stagnation
01:10:03 stops the flow and it becomes a detriment to any organization.
01:10:14 We know that about money, but do we know that about mercy?
01:10:19 Do we know that about mercy? Do we know that God will give you mercy
01:10:38 if he can get it through you? The Bible said, blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain.
01:10:47 When you give mercy, you get mercy. God is saying, if I can get you to help somebody else,
01:10:58 if I can get you to hug somebody else, if I can get you to love on somebody, if I can get you to
01:11:06 believe in somebody else, if I can get you to care about somebody, if I can get you to speak
01:11:14 words of encouragement to somebody else, the more you give all of that away, the more I will give it
01:11:22 back to you. Press down, shake it together and running over. But the moment that you decide
01:11:32 to break the flow and start making everything about you,
01:11:41 you lose the ability to receive the very thing that you need yourself.
01:11:55 Because in order to receive it, you got to give it away. Look at somebody and tell them you got
01:12:02 to give it away. If you want friends, you have to be friendly. If you want attention, give attention.
01:12:12 If you want a smile, give a smile for whatsoever a man, that shall he also. It's hard not to smile
01:12:26 when somebody smiles at you. You know, it's hard. So I was relieved today. I'll get prepared
01:12:36 to change the service. If you are not getting something
01:12:45 back to you, you must ask yourself, did I break the flow?
01:12:56 Did I get what I wanted and then refuse to give any of it away?
01:13:09 Did I stop giving mercy? Did I stop being kind? Did I stop caring? Did I stop
01:13:17 showing love? Let me tell you about love, Pastor. I showed that man love. I cooked his dinner. I
01:13:28 washed his clothes. I stood by him. I was there for that woman. I helped her get through school.
01:13:35 I did everything I could do. I showed them love. Just an FYI.
01:13:45 You may not always get it back
01:13:53 from where you gave it.
01:13:58 (applause)
01:14:05 But I tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will get it back. Look at your neighbors. Tell
01:14:11 them don't mess the flow up. Don't mess up the flow. Don't mess up the flow. Your money gets
01:14:19 in trouble when you break the flow. Your marriage gets in trouble when it becomes a one-way street.
01:14:27 Your family gets in trouble when you break the flow. Your business, your ministry, your dreams,
01:14:35 your desires, it all gets in trouble when you break the flow. And when what you got all stops
01:14:52 with you, you are breaking the flow. And you break it because you got it, but you didn't give it.
01:15:05 Blessed are the merciful, but they shall obtain mercy. And when thou art converted,
01:15:21 take the strength that you've got. Give it to your brethren.
01:15:28 Just reach over and touch somebody one more time. Kelly, keep it flowing. Keep it flowing. Keep it
01:15:34 flowing. Come on. Keep it flowing. Keep it flowing in the back. Keep it flowing. Keep it flowing.
01:15:38 Come on. Come on. Come on. Keep it flowing. Keep it flowing. Keep it moving.
01:15:41 Keep it moving. Keep it circulating. Give it. Why? Because God blesses. Give us. Keep it.
01:15:47 Give it. Keep on giving. Give it. Keep it. Keep it. Keep it. He blesses all kinds of givers. Givers of love.
01:15:53 Givers of time. Givers of mercy. Givers of talent. Givers of opportunities. You get an opportunity
01:16:00 and you make another room for you. Make a place for somebody else to have an opportunity. Givers
01:16:05 of wisdom. Givers of resources. Givers of... Y'all have already stopped the flow. Tell somebody,
01:16:12 keep it going. Keep it moving. Whatever area of your life that you are struggling in, you break
01:16:19 the flow. And the way you break the flow is by refusing to just hold it all inside. Because when
01:16:32 you do that, you can no longer receive. You can only hold so much.
01:16:55 Oh, you want me to take that notebook? Oh, I wish I could. But my hands are full.
01:17:05 That notebook's much more valuable than all this other stuff in my head.
01:17:10 But I ain't got room to receive it now. Because
01:17:18 I refuse to let things flow in my life.
01:17:26 Stand all over the building with me. Please don't move.
01:17:35 Listen, let me tell you something about the enemy. He does not have the power to curse you.
01:17:48 Okay? He can't do it. The only hope that he has
01:17:55 as far as messing you up
01:18:01 is to hope that you make decisions that cause you to curse yourself.
01:18:16 He can't curse you. But if I can influence you enough, I'll tell you, you better stop being so
01:18:27 generous. You better stop paying your tithe. You better stop giving. You better stop doing. You
01:18:31 better stop smiling at people. You better stop opening your heart. You better stop taking people
01:18:36 to dinner. You better stop. Look at somebody and tell them, don't break the flow. Jesus says,
01:18:44 if I bless you, I mean for you to bless somebody else. Oh, y'all ain't hearing me. If I give to you,
01:18:52 it's because I mean for you to give it to somebody. If I open a door for you,
01:18:57 it's because I want you to open a door for somebody. If I make a way for you, I expect you
01:19:04 to make a way for somebody else. If I am an answer to your prayer, then I expect you to be an answer
01:19:11 to somebody else's prayer. And if I sow it into you, it's guaranteed to come back to me. Why?
01:19:24 Because every time you give a smile, it's sad that preachers have reduced this
01:19:31 scripture down to money because that's where our mind always goes. But every time you give
01:19:38 on any level, what you do is you increase your capacity to get.
01:19:48 Do y'all hear me today?
01:19:53 And it might just be that you are stagnant in different areas of your life
01:20:05 because you've ran out of capacity. And all it's going to take is repentance from dead works
01:20:16 and a decision that says, Lord, if you bless me, I bless you back. I'll bless somebody.
01:20:29 Look at your neighbor and tell them, listen, come on, get some authority about you. Look at
01:20:35 tell them, listen here. You need to give something away.
01:20:39 Come on now. I said, you need to give some away.
01:20:43 Go in your house and pull out them clothes. Clean out that pantry before that food expires.
01:20:54 Come on, tell everybody you need to give something away. Give it away. Give it away.
01:21:03 Comfort one another with the same comfort that you have been comforted. Aaron, I forgave you
01:21:24 so that you couldn't know how to forgive us. You will have a grace for others. Aaron,
01:21:37 because you will always remember the grace that I had for you.
01:21:48 Y'all that's why I can't hold a grudge. I can't. I'll be so mad at myself
01:21:53 because I'm like, I'm no, absolutely not. I ain't saying a word. I ain't saying another word to
01:21:58 them. No, I'm not. I'm through. I'm through. Hey, how you doing? Cause I'm scared. Y'all hear me?
01:22:09 I'm scared. God has been so good to me. He's been better to me than I deserve. And I cannot hold a
01:22:19 grudge against anybody. I can't put my foot on anybody's neck because God did not have to do it
01:22:27 for this girl right here, but he did. So I can't be stingy. I can't be stingy because I wouldn't
01:22:40 have anything if he hadn't given me everything. Come on, clap your hands and thank him right
01:22:50 now. Don't you be stingy with your praise right now.
