• last year
(Adnkronos) - La camomilla è un fiore che regala sorprese. A questo fiore e al gusto dei suoi infusi è dedicata l’odierna puntata de 'Il Gusto della Salute', la rubrica online ideata e coordinata dall'immunologo Mauro Minelli, docente di dietetica e nutrizione umana presso Lum. "La camomilla, nota agli egiziani e nella antica Roma per le sue qualità rigeneranti e lenitive, veniva considerata da Plinio il Vecchio nella sua Naturalis Historia un vero e proprio presidio farmacologico contro numerose problematiche di salute - spiega Minelli - I fiori essicati vengono utilizzati oggi per infusi dalle proprietà rilassanti. Si tratta di una bevanda ipocalorica, costituita prevalentemente da acqua e priva di proteine e grassi. Contiene numerosi minerali come il sodio, il potassio, il manganese e il magnesio. Attenzione però alla camomilla solubile ricca di zuccheri, meglio i filtri o i fiori essiccati da lasciare in infusione non più di tre o quattro minuti, altrimenti l'effetto può essere addirittura contrario a quello lenitivo e rilassante". 
"Dal punto di vista clinico sono note le proprietà calmanti della camomilla, in grado di alleviare gli stati di stress e conciliare il sonno. Significative - prosegue l'immunologo - le sue qualità antinfiammatorie e digestive, utili a contrastare alcune forme di colite con gas intestinali, gonfiore addominale e particolarmente indicate per arginare la cattiva digestione ed il reflusso. In ragione delle sue proprietà rilassanti ed antispastiche, soprattutto in passato, essa veniva utilizzata per alleviare i dolori, specie quelli associati al ciclo mestruale.La camomilla supporta anche le funzioni del sistema immunitario e del sistema nervoso grazie al suo contenuto di flavonoidi, terpeni e vitamine dei gruppi A,B e C". "Di rilievo pure la sua azione lenitiva e anti arrossamento per la pelle, ed è per questo che viene usata per allestire prodotto dermatologici come creme e lozioni, ma anche olii aromatici da disperdere negli ambienti per promuovere relax e benessere. Accanto alle molteplici proprietà benefiche l'assunzione di camomilla, però, può anche associarsi a qualche controindicazione, specie sul versante delle allergie. Appartenendo infatti alla stessa famiglia dell'artemisia e dell'ambrosia, la camomilla potrebbe evocare reazioni crociate in quei soggetti allergici a queste piante altamente allergizzanti", rimarca.  "Sono note le sue interferenze con alcuni farmaci antinfiammatori come l'aspirina e gli anticoagulanti, così come potrebbe potenziare gli effetti di medicamenti ansiolitici e sedativi assunti in contemporanea. Sebbene siano noti i suoi effetti positivi come adiuvante per i processi digestivi, in alcuni soggetti predisposti l'uso eccessivo di camomilla può portare a episodi di nausea, diarrea e vomito. Attenzione infine all'uso di camomilla in gravidanza perché per le ragioni espresse in precedenza, relative a interferenze farmacologiche, allergie o disturbi gastrointestinali, gli infusi di camomilla andrebbero consumati con ragionata parsimonia", conclude.


00:00 One of the infusions that has always been loved and appreciated by the unmistakable aroma,
00:05 by the many health virtues, is without a doubt the chamomile.
00:10 And we intend to talk about the products of this flower from the heart in this new episode of "Gusto della Salute".
00:17 In a few moments, after the opening.
00:19 [Music]
00:45 Chamomile is obtained from a herbaceous plant belonging to the family of composites,
00:50 otherwise called asteraceae, matricaria genera,
00:54 and a very aromatic plant, with a very similar appearance to daisy,
00:59 with which it shares the same botanical family.
01:03 Chamomile is highly appreciated for its calming, relaxing, sedative,
01:10 healing, digestive, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
01:15 Not by chance, it is widely used in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology.
01:22 The history of chamomile is long, a history that is lost in the night of time,
01:27 as Marco Renna will now have a way of telling us.
01:30 [Music]
01:37 The healing use of chamomile is known since ancient times.
01:41 For example, traces of chamomile have been found in the wrapping of the mummies of some Egyptian pharaohs.
01:49 Pliny the Elder himself, and we move to Rome, in his "Naturalis Historia",
01:56 talks of chamomile as an effective pharmacological presidium to deal with health problems.
02:05 In the current essay, chamomile has taken on a very precise conceptual role.
02:10 Let's think of the cinematographic language, where chamomile represents a real subgenre.
02:19 Well, we say a film with a particularly slow rhythm,
02:25 or a film that is too long or boring to induce sleep.
02:31 A chamomile film, in fact. And the same chamomile, the infusion of chamomile flowers,
02:38 serves to keep the artistic performances of some actors in balance,
02:45 to prevent an excessive exuberance from somehow compromising the linearity of the interpretation
02:53 and of the same story that is told in the video.
02:57 [Music]
03:04 Chamomile flowers are usually used to prepare a drink from the plant properties and from the relaxing properties.
03:12 If we examine the nutritional values of this drink, we immediately notice that it is hypocaloric,
03:17 it is mainly composed of water, it only brings 2 kcal per 100 ml of product,
03:24 in fact it has no proteins, no fats, no fibers and insignificant amounts of carbohydrates.
03:30 Chamomile has many plant compounds that have antioxidant properties,
03:36 such as polyphenols and flavonoids, but also phytonutrients, such as terpenes,
03:42 such as lecumarines, which have a beneficial activity for our body.
03:48 In addition, chamomile contains minerals, mainly sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium,
03:54 but also small amounts of calcium and iron.
03:57 But beware of the infusion times.
03:59 If the chamomile is left in infusion for more than 2 or 3 minutes,
04:04 the substances contained in it transform, modify and make the effect completely opposite to the relaxing one.
04:13 Finally, beware of soluble chamomile.
04:16 If we observe this product closely, we immediately notice that in the list of ingredients
04:22 the quantity of chamomile is very low, but the concentration of sugar is very high.
04:28 So, the solution is to use chamomile as a dried flower or as a filter,
04:35 leave it in infusion for 2, 3, maximum 4 minutes
04:39 and enjoy the relaxing and healing properties of this drink.
04:44 [Music]
04:51 So, chamomile is known for a whole series of beneficial virtues,
04:56 for a whole series of beneficial properties,
04:58 among which I remember first of all the calming and relaxing property,
05:03 considering that chamomile is very useful to counteract stress states, anxiety states,
05:10 to promote relaxation and to favor sleep.
05:14 [Music]
05:18 Another important property of chamomile is that it performs an anti-inflammatory action,
05:24 which is mainly aimed at the advantage of internal organs.
05:27 So, chamomile can be useful, for example, to treat some forms of colitis
05:32 that can occur with abdominal gas, with swelling and abdominal cramps,
05:38 but also digestive functions, so it can be useful, for example,
05:42 in maldigestions or in reflux forms.
05:46 [Music]
05:50 Among the beneficial substances contained in chamomile, there are vitamins A, B and C,
05:55 the sesquiterpenic lattones, the flavonoids,
05:58 which is why chamomile can be particularly useful
06:02 to support the functions of the immune system and also of the nervous system.
06:07 [Music]
06:11 Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties,
06:15 chamomile is also used to prepare products for skin care,
06:20 so creams, lotions, pomades, which perform an anti-redness and a healing action.
06:27 [Music]
06:30 Always due to its anti-inflammatory and antispastic properties,
06:35 some observations suggest that chamomile could be useful
06:40 to alleviate the pains that are usually associated with the menstrual cycle.
06:45 [Music]
06:49 Chamomile flowers can also be used to extract essential oils,
06:53 which are often used in aromatherapy,
06:57 but which can also be dispersed in the environment to promote relaxation and well-being.
07:02 [Music]
07:06 Although rich in beneficial properties and health virtues,
07:10 chamomile can also present some contraindications.
07:14 Among these, I would first like to remind you of the risk of allergies.
07:18 I said at the beginning that chamomile belongs to the family of compounds,
07:23 of asteroids, which include extremely allergizing plants inside them,
07:29 such as artemisia or ambrosia.
07:32 Therefore, subjects who should be allergic to these pollen, which belong to infesting plants,
07:38 could have cross-reactivity with chamomile,
07:42 and therefore be careful to use these infusions by those sensitive subjects.
07:48 [Music]
07:51 Chamomile can generate some interactions with certain drugs,
07:56 in particular with those drugs that act on the central nervous system,
08:00 especially sedatives.
08:02 However, it should be remembered that chamomile can also interfere with the action of some anti-inflammatories,
08:08 such as aspirin, or with the action of anticoagulants.
08:11 So, those who should practice this type of therapy,
08:14 should pay attention to the contemporary use of chamomile infusions,
08:19 which could interfere with the pharmacological action of those drugs.
08:25 [Music]
08:28 Although chamomile is often used for its digestion-supporting functions,
08:34 it should be said that the excess of chamomile-containing drinks
08:38 could generate some adverse effects in certain subjects,
08:43 such as nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.
08:46 [Music]
08:49 Although there is an old myth that says that the use of chamomile during pregnancy
08:56 could induce or even accelerate labor,
09:01 it should be said that during pregnancy chamomile should be used with a certain discretion,
09:07 because the eventual excess could induce, above all,
09:11 disorders of the intestinal system, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
09:16 However, pregnant women should also pay attention to the use of chamomile,
09:22 because, due to what I said previously,
09:26 chamomile could interfere with some drugs, especially anticoagulants,
09:31 or in allergic subjects could evoke allergic reactions of various kinds.
09:37 So, once again, it will always be the case,
09:41 before consuming a certain product, to hear the opinion of your health care provider.
09:47 [Sound of explosion]
09:51 [Music]
10:01 [Music]
