WordGirl WordGirl S03 E012 Meat-Life Crisis – Mobot Knows Best

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:06 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:09 ♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪
00:11 ♪ Vocabulary that sounds ♪
00:12 ♪ From the final exon ♪
00:14 ♪ Watch her villains here she comes ♪
00:16 ♪ Face without catastrophe ♪
00:19 ♪ You need a living dictionary ♪
00:21 ♪ Her superior intellect ♪
00:22 ♪ Keeps the crime world in check ♪
00:24 ♪ Oh girl ♪
00:27 ♪ Huggy faces by her side ♪
00:29 ♪ Vocabulary of my life ♪
00:31 ♪ She'll make sure that crime won't pay ♪
00:33 ♪ And throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:37 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:40 ♪ Word up ♪
00:42 ♪ From the planet Lexicon ♪
00:44 ♪ Watch her villains ♪
00:47 ♪ Here she comes ♪
00:52 ♪ Word Girl ♪
00:55 Listen in for the words "mope" and "vendor".
00:59 Ah, yes, another beautiful day in the city.
01:02 The sun is shining, the birds are singing,
01:04 and a man who shoots meat out of his hands
01:06 is about to rob a bank.
01:08 Let me guess, you're gonna rob the bank.
01:10 You don't seem very surprised.
01:12 I think you mean surprised, and no, I'm not.
01:15 I mean, this is the third time you've robbed the bank this week.
01:18 Really?
01:20 Does your job ever start to feel... boring?
01:23 No, Butcher, never, no.
01:24 This is like jumping out of planes.
01:26 Anyway, you want the money or not,
01:27 because I'm pretty sure any second,
01:29 Word Girl is gonna just swoop--
01:30 Hold it right there, Butcher!
01:32 Called it.
01:33 Called what? Let's go--
01:34 Corned beef!
01:35 Ka-pow!
01:36 What's with you guys?
01:41 Butcher, are you feeling okay?
01:43 I don't really know, Word Girl.
01:44 Hmm. Well, try again.
01:46 You know, I don't want to take you down without a fight.
01:48 Where's the sport in that?
01:49 Oh, thanks.
01:50 All right, here goes.
01:52 Chicken pot pie!
01:55 I'm not feeling it.
01:56 Nothing.
01:57 No, it's not working.
01:58 I don't believe this.
01:59 I've lost my ability to summon meat.
02:01 All right, go ahead.
02:04 You gonna arrest me now, Word Girl?
02:06 Well, you haven't really done anything wrong,
02:08 except for moping a bit.
02:09 Is something bothering you?
02:11 I don't know.
02:12 Stealing stuff, shooting meat, going to jail.
02:14 Maybe it's just getting a little... routine.
02:17 Well, then it sounds like a perfect time
02:19 for you to quit your life of crime
02:20 and become a law-abiding citizen.
02:23 You're kidding, right?
02:24 That kind of sounds boring, too.
02:28 Uh, uh, do you have a vending machine here?
02:30 I told my sidekick that this would be
02:32 an all-you-can-eat battle.
02:33 Go right into the hole.
02:34 Thank you.
02:35 Later, over at the Butzford house...
02:37 Oh, I'm bored.
02:39 Gosh, what's going on around here?
02:41 You sound just like the butcher.
02:42 He's bored and moping around, just like you.
02:45 How do you know that?
02:46 How do I know what?
02:47 That the butcher is moping.
02:49 What butcher?
02:50 Oh, never mind.
02:51 Just let me get back to being bored.
02:52 Hey there, TJ. What's wrong?
02:54 I'm bored.
02:55 A Butzford? Bored?
02:57 What? What is going on?
02:59 TJ, that word is not even
03:01 in the Butzford vocabulary.
03:03 So let's pick a super fun activity
03:05 and say bye-bye to this Butzford boredom bug.
03:08 Ooh!
03:09 Where are we going?
03:10 I was thinking we could visit
03:12 the Bundt Cake exhibit at the museum!
03:15 No.
03:16 No.
03:17 There must be a way to pick a family activity
03:19 that everyone will agree on,
03:21 something that will stop all this moping.
03:23 Bundt Cake.
03:24 No.
03:25 Meanwhile, on the other side of town...
03:27 If I can't summon the meats,
03:29 I can't rob banks.
03:31 But robbing banks has become boring.
03:33 This is a problem.
03:34 I guess there's only one thing I can do.
03:37 My son!
03:44 What are you doing here?
03:48 I think I've lost my ability
03:50 to summon the meat.
03:52 It's okay, son.
03:54 This can happen even to the best supervillains.
03:57 Hey, Pop,
03:58 you think I can stay with you for a while?
04:00 Come on in.
04:01 Tell your old man all about it.
04:03 But I won't have you moping around the house all day.
04:07 No, I know, I know.
04:08 Hey, you want to go out
04:09 and steal some dinner or something?
04:11 I'm afraid you're on your own, son.
04:13 I have to go to work.
04:14 Work? You work?
04:15 What happened to the supervillain Kid Potato?
04:18 I had to retire Kid Potato
04:22 after I hurt my back firing a whole lot of au gratin.
04:26 I overdid it with the cheese.
04:28 I'm a vendor at the ballpark now.
04:30 A vendor? What's a vendor?
04:32 A vendor is a person who sells things.
04:35 A vendor at a ball game
04:36 usually sells hot dogs or peanuts.
04:39 Hey, come work with me.
04:41 With your background in the meats,
04:43 you'd be a natural.
04:45 A vendor?
04:46 And it's not boring?
04:48 No, it's fun.
04:49 And the best part is,
04:50 you get to see all the games for free.
04:53 Okay, Pop, I'll do it.
04:55 Yes!
04:56 Meat and potatoes together again.
04:59 This time as vendors.
05:01 Sit up straight.
05:02 You're slouching.
05:03 All right.
05:04 The next day at the baseball stadium.
05:07 Ah, yes, baseball!
05:09 What a beautiful day for a family activity.
05:12 Thanks, honey.
05:13 Don't thank me.
05:14 Thank the family adventure activity wheel.
05:16 You probably could have left the wheel at home, Dad.
05:18 I know, but I just love it so much.
05:19 I did have to buy another ticket for it, though.
05:21 Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
05:23 Look at this.
05:24 Father and son vendors.
05:25 I love it.
05:26 All right, get to work, boys.
05:27 Don't worry, kiddo.
05:28 You're gonna do great.
05:29 Just do what I do.
05:31 Get your hot dogs, yeah?
05:33 Hot dogs!
05:34 Okay.
05:35 It doesn't seem too hard.
05:37 Hot dogs.
05:39 Peanuts.
05:41 Sticky stuff.
05:43 You're moping.
05:44 A good vendor never mopes.
05:46 Give it some energy.
05:47 All right.
05:48 Hot dogs!
05:50 Get your hot dogs!
05:52 Now you got it.
05:54 All right.
05:55 Hot dogs!
05:57 The butcher working as a vendor?
05:59 What's with you and the butcher?
06:01 What butcher?
06:02 Becky, you just said that--
06:04 Mom, Dad, Bob and I are gonna go get some snacks, okay?
06:07 Okey-dokey.
06:08 Hurry back-y, Becky.
06:09 I love it.
06:14 I love it.
06:16 Listen to my stomach.
06:18 If I don't get a hot dog with onions soon, I'll eat my hat.
06:21 Hot dog, please.
06:23 Let's see.
06:24 Hot dog, onions.
06:26 Excuse me, but are you the butcher?
06:28 Oh, yeah.
06:29 Well, I was.
06:31 Of course, I've never met you, but I have read about you in the paper.
06:34 You were a very good criminal in your day and quite a challenge for me.
06:38 I mean, for word girl.
06:39 Yeah, trying to work here.
06:41 Hot dog, over here, please.
06:43 Do you want me to eat my hat?
06:45 Because I'll do it if I don't get a ballpark snack.
06:48 Pronto.
06:49 Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
06:50 All right, yeah.
06:51 Yeah, kid, I'm a vendor now.
06:52 See?
06:53 Oh, well, then I'll take two hot dogs, please.
06:55 Okay.
06:56 I'm not playing.
06:59 Where's my food?
07:00 How am I supposed to send so much food in so many directions at once?
07:05 Wait a minute.
07:07 Who had the dogs with onions?
07:09 Oh, over here.
07:10 It worked.
07:12 All right.
07:14 Hamburger hammer.
07:15 Got it.
07:17 Pastrami attack.
07:18 Bratwurst blast to the dewy weds in the back.
07:22 That's my boy.
07:26 Later, the butcher reports back to the vending boss.
07:30 Wait, hold on.
07:32 This is all I get?
07:33 Yeah, well, technically, today's a training day for you.
07:37 You aren't supposed to be paid at all, but you did such a good job, you shouldn't leave empty-handed.
07:41 Hey, that's not fair.
07:43 Désolé, je suis le vending boss, et vous êtes le vendeur.
07:46 Et ce sont les règles.
07:47 Non, je suis le butcher, et vous allez me donner tout votre argent maintenant.
07:51 Hey, quelqu'un, aide-moi.
07:54 Ce vendeur a volé tout l'argent.
07:56 Never work, never lose.
07:58 Le butcher est de retour, bébé.
08:00 Donne-moi tout ton argent.
08:02 Hard top top.
08:03 Le butcher est de retour dans ses mauvaises façons.
08:05 Père, on va aller acheter plus de napkins.
08:08 Okie dokie, hurry napkin.
08:11 C'est parti.
08:13 Sausage cyclone !
08:16 Je vois que tu as arrêté de moper.
08:18 Oui, j'ai arrêté de moper.
08:21 Je pense. Je ne sais pas exactement ce que moper signifie.
08:24 Moper signifie se sentir triste ou déçue.
08:27 Tu mopais quand tu étais fatigué et que tu as perdu tes super-pouvoirs.
08:30 Ah, alors tu as raison. J'ai arrêté de moper.
08:33 Hamster !
08:35 Bon trou, mon amour.
08:38 Pas de peur. Deux contre un.
08:41 Papa ?
08:42 Le nom est Kid Potato.
08:44 Je pensais que tu étais en retard, Kid Potato.
08:46 Tu dois faire ce que tu dois faire. Dans ta famille, c'est la nourriture.
08:49 Je savais que tu allais récupérer tes pouvoirs.
08:52 Comment tu sais ?
08:53 C'est qui nous sommes.
08:54 Maintenant, envoyons cette petite fille et son petit-père, Lima, à la librairie.
08:59 Qui est ce petit garçon ?
09:01 Potato Pie !
09:03 Hamburger !
09:06 Oh, ce gars peut faire du boulot.
09:09 Tu n'es pas en train de te moquer.
09:10 Bonjour à tous et bienvenue dans la librairie où nous sommes au milieu d'un bazar.
09:14 Où la fille est en train de battre le boucher et son père, Kid Potato.
09:17 Voyons la réaction sur le terrain.
09:19 Oh, la la ! Oh, génial !
09:22 Avec du fromage !
09:24 Et là va le dos.
09:30 Oh, papa.
09:31 Oh oh, il semble que Kid Potato est malade et que Huggy a arrêté.
09:35 Juste la petite fille et le boucher maintenant.
09:37 Je t'ai pris maintenant, petite fille.
09:40 Tu es prête, soeur ?
09:41 Meatball !
09:42 Réveille-toi !
09:44 Lâche-moi, lâche-moi maintenant.
10:00 J'ai fait trop de fromage.
10:03 Hey, papa.
10:05 Je suis désolé que tu sois sorti de la retraite pour être arrêté et envoyé en prison.
10:08 C'est ok, c'est ok.
10:10 As longtemps que je partage une prison avec toi, je serai heureux.
10:15 Du fromage ! Vous deux étiez là depuis longtemps.
10:21 Becky, où étais-tu ? Tu as oublié le meilleur jeu de base.
10:24 On l'a fait ? Qui a gagné ?
10:26 Je ne sais pas, mais on a vu Word Girl se battre avec le boucher et Kid Potato.
10:30 On doit venir ici chaque dimanche.
10:32 Je pense qu'on doit laisser cette décision à la roue de l'activité de famille.
10:36 Ok, bébé. Donne-moi du bûn. Donne-moi du bûn.
10:41 Allez, petite chance. Donne-moi du bûn.
10:44 Et voilà, Word Girl gagne la victoire contre les vendeurs de villaines et finit tout ce boulot.
10:50 Merci d'avoir regardé et soyez sûr de nous rejoindre pour un autre épisode d'Excitement de Word Girl.
10:55 Word Girl !
10:59 Bonjour, je suis Beau Handsome et voici...
11:02 "May I Have a Word ?"
11:04 Comme d'habitude, le joueur qui définit correctement la phrase de ce jour sera le gagnant de la prize.
11:10 Jouons !
11:12 "May I Have a Word ?"
11:14 Oui, vous pouvez. La phrase de ce jour est "Dose".
11:18 Pour vous donner une idée, voici des clips de Word Girl qui montrent le sens de la phrase.
11:23 [Musique]
11:31 Oui, Phil !
11:33 Je pense que "Dose" signifie "danser" comme Tobi l'a fait dans le dernier clip.
11:39 Non, personne d'autre. Ok, donnez-le à Emily.
11:42 "Dose" signifie "dormir" ou "aller dormir", comme vous faites maintenant.
11:46 [Bruits de bouche]
11:48 Excusez-moi, pouvez-vous définir "Dose" pour moi encore ?
11:51 Ça signifie "dorsir".
11:53 C'est correct !
11:54 Vous allez bien ?
11:56 Je n'ai jamais été meilleur ! Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai gardé les oreilles toute la nuit.
12:00 Elles sont trop grosses pour mon chat.
12:02 En tout cas, félicitations à Emily !
12:04 Vous êtes le gagnant de ce jour !
12:06 Huggy, montre-lui ce qu'elle a gagné !
12:08 Un lit d'eau officiel de Word Girl !
12:12 [Bruit de bouche]
12:14 Et voilà pour l'épisode de ce jour !
12:17 À la prochaine sur...
12:18 "May I Have a Word ?"
12:21 Word Girl !
12:23 [Voix-off]
12:24 Écoutez les mots "communiquer" et "peaver".
12:26 [Voix-off]
12:28 [Voix-off]
12:30 [Voix-off]
12:31 It's Parent-Teacher Conference Day at Becky's School! Yikes!
12:35 We have a very special and exciting guest that will be performing for you while the teachers meet with your parents for the Teacher-Parent Conferences!
12:44 Oh! Dun-dun-dun!
12:46 I'm just kidding! Kind of.
12:50 Parent-Teacher Conferences are just a way for teachers to communicate with your parents so we can help you become better students.
12:59 Are some of you not familiar with the word "communicate"? Well, it simply means...
13:05 Oh! To communicate is to share thoughts or ideas with another person, like Miss Davis will be talking or communicating with our parents so they can learn from each other.
13:13 Oh, I interrupted you, didn't I? Sorry. I'm sitting.
13:19 Anywho, while the teachers have conferences with your parents, you'll be in here being entertained by an amazing performer!
13:27 Yeah!
13:29 Alright students, let's give a polite Woodview Elementary welcome to...
13:36 The Amazing Rope Guy!
13:40 Hey kids! Are you ready for some amazing rope tricks?
13:47 I can't hear you!
13:50 That's more like it. You know, a couple guys in the front weren't even clapping. You and you!
13:55 Now let's get this rope party started!
13:58 Yeah!
14:00 Hey, that's weird. I'm twirling this rope with my left hand, but I'm right-handed. I better fix that, huh kids? Hey, rope!
14:11 Oh, keep the music going! Oh, this doesn't usually happen...
14:17 My mom's! Talking to Miss Davis, that makes me a little scared.
14:22 Do you mind?
14:23 Why?
14:24 I forgot to turn in my math homework last week.
14:27 Look, this is my personal space. And that is yours.
14:30 I'm the one who should be scared. I'm always interrupting Miss Davis while she's talking.
14:34 Yeah, that's way worse than anything I did. Thanks for making me feel better, Becky.
14:40 Oh, enough leaning! Blasted assigned seating!
14:43 Toby, aren't you a little scared Miss Davis will say something to your mom that would get you in trouble? She's always warning you about your rope-uts.
14:51 I would be, if I weren't a boy genius. You see, I thought ahead and built a special rope-ut that looks exactly like Mother to attend in her place.
14:59 Rope-uts, is there anything they can't do? No.
15:02 But why would you do that? It's so dishonest.
15:06 Look, I got a B+.
15:08 That's very good.
15:10 For you, maybe.
15:11 Toby, if you're not doing the best you can, you should communicate with your mother, not send a rope-ut to the parent-teacher conference in her place.
15:18 Sounds like someone's jealous that they don't have a rope-ut parent to send in. Now please, I need to monitor my mo-but. Get it? I combine mom and rope-ut. Mo-but!
15:28 We better go stop Toby's rope-ut before it ruins all the parent-teacher conferences.
15:32 Okay, let's not panic. We'll just have to sneak out as soon as Amazing Rope Guy distracts everyone with an amazing rope trick.
15:41 Just continue to watch. This part gets good. Just give me another... Oh, keep the music going.
15:48 Oh, this could be a while.
15:50 Meanwhile, outside Miss Davis' classroom, the parents and mo-but wait for their turn to communicate with Miss Davis. Mo-but is blending right in.
16:00 Mr. and Mrs. Botsford?
16:03 That's us!
16:04 Welcome, Stan the Runner. Come right in.
16:09 So, let's take a look at Becky's work, shall we?
16:13 Back in the auditorium.
16:17 Hey, who out there likes merry-go-rounds?
16:26 Yeah!
16:28 Great, great! Okay, bet you've never seen a rope merry-go-round.
16:33 Come on, Amazing Rope Guy, you've done this a million times in front of the mirror.
16:37 Hey!
16:39 I hope during the conference, my mother gets to see all the art projects I made this year.
16:45 She's an art lover, like me.
16:48 I hope my parents will get to see everything other than my art projects. They're art lovers too.
16:52 I don't have a care in the world. Why? Because ro-buts don't get peeved at a parent-teacher conference.
16:57 Peeved? What does that mean?
17:01 Peeved is when someone gets annoyed or upset.
17:03 Like Toby's real mom is going to be so peeved when she finds out that a robot took her place at the parent-teacher conference.
17:10 No, she won't. I took care of real mother days ago.
17:13 Mrs. McAllister, there is no need to attend the upcoming panel.
17:22 Toby is a boy genius and a perfect student.
17:25 But you will still need to pick Toby up at the end of the school day.
17:28 Thank you, Robots Forever. Good job, Toby.
17:32 Why did you write Robots Forever?
17:34 You wouldn't understand.
17:36 Hey now! These mistakes, they're all part of the show, you know.
17:40 All part of the show. For my next trick, I need a volunteer from the audience.
17:44 Anyone!
17:46 I'm going to be a robot.
17:48 For my next trick, I need a volunteer from the audience.
17:51 Anyone!
17:53 Hands are going down. That's great.
17:55 Here's one. Great!
17:57 Thank you so much for your help, little buddy.
17:59 And what's your name?
18:01 And how old are you, Squeak?
18:03 That's great. You don't look a day older than Squeak Squeak.
18:06 Yeah! I'm back, baby!
18:14 Qu'est-ce qu'elle essaie de communiquer dans ce morceau?
18:17 Je ne sais pas ce que c'est.
18:21 Est-ce un éléphant?
18:23 Je pense que c'est un tunnel.
18:25 Je suis inquiète. Il n'y a pas de bon réponse.
18:27 Mais pas de soucis.
18:29 Pas tout le monde est un artiste naturel.
18:31 Et comme je l'ai dit, Becky est une excellente étudiante.
18:35 Et c'est un plaisir d'être en classe.
18:37 Comme vous pouvez le voir dans ses assignements de Gold Star.
18:41 Eureka! Il y a de l'or dans ces assignements!
18:44 Des Gold Stars, c'est ça!
18:46 Oh, mon amour!
18:50 Oh, c'est tellement bien de vous parler aussi.
18:52 Oh, bonjour, Mme McAllister.
18:55 S'il vous plaît, venez. Je suppose que vous êtes la prochaine.
18:58 Bonjour, Mrs. Davis. Je suis Tobee's mother, pas un robot.
19:02 Oh, euh, quelle...
19:05 ... peau métallique que vous avez.
19:10 Tobee est un bon étudiant, c'est vrai ou faux?
19:13 Oh, c'est vrai. Absolument vrai. Il l'est.
19:16 Laissez-moi vous montrer un peu de son travail.
19:18 Ces robots sont très bons!
19:24 Oui, oui, ils sont bons, n'est-ce pas?
19:27 Tobee est un garçon génial!
19:29 Il est un garçon d'or.
19:30 Vous savez, mon seul problème est...
19:32 ... bien, j'aimerais juste qu'il montre plus d'intérêt dans son travail à l'école...
19:36 ... et moins d'intérêt dans les robots.
19:39 Ne computez pas! Les robots sont bons!
19:42 Les robots sont dangereux!
19:44 Oh non, Mobot! Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
19:47 Mme Davis est en colère avec le Mobot. Je perds le contrôle de ce robot.
19:49 Je dois trouver un moyen de sortir de là pour arrêter ce robot.
19:52 Hey!
19:53 Psst!
19:54 Psst!
19:55 Psst!
19:56 Super! On dirait qu'on a un autre volontaire.
20:01 Oh.
20:02 Allons-y.
20:03 Je suis Tobee's mother! Les robots sont bons!
20:07 Oui, les robots sont bons.
20:09 Je vois bien où Tobee...
20:11 ... a trouvé son amour pour les robots.
20:13 Les robots sont bons! Les robots sont bons!
20:18 Arrêtez, Mobot! Mettez-les ensemble!
20:20 Oh, allez!
20:23 Alors, je n'ai pas besoin d'être là-haut!
20:25 Ouais!
20:27 Les robots sont bons! Les robots sont bons!
20:35 Très, très bons!
20:37 Maman, que fais-tu?
20:38 Je suis Tobee's mother! Les robots sont bons!
20:42 Tobee, ce n'est pas ta vraie mère, c'est ça?
20:44 Quoi? C'est absurde!
20:46 Reste là!
20:47 Quoi, fille?
20:48 Mettez-les ensemble, Mobot!
20:50 Tous les projets de l'A+ sont là-dedans!
20:53 Les robots sont bons!
20:54 Pas tous les robots sont bons.
21:03 J'hate ce truc!
21:05 Je suis vraiment étonnée!
21:14 Salut, Miss Davis! Les enfants ont vraiment aimé la série aujourd'hui!
21:17 Je suis juste arrivé, vous savez.
21:19 Alors, qui me paye?
21:21 Tout va bien. Vous pouvez le faire.
21:24 Vous pouvez le faire.
21:26 C'est ce que vous avez fait!
21:28 Oui! Bam!
21:31 C'est la dernière scène! C'est un super robot pour vous!
21:34 Regardez ça, tout le monde!
21:36 Les robots sont bons!
21:38 Bam!
21:39 Merci, Word Girl.
21:41 De rien, Miss Davis.
21:42 On ne voudrait pas que des étudiants très boulots perdent leur travail de star d'or
21:45 avant que leurs parents les voient, hein?
21:47 On vous enverra la prochaine conférence de parents-étudiants.
21:51 Prends ton chèque de l'office.
21:54 Tobee, as-tu enfin appris ta leçon sur les robots?
21:58 J'ai bien entendu, Miss Davis.
22:01 La prochaine fois, assure-toi que Maman-Robot ne se moque pas de toi.
22:04 J'ai entendu ça! Mère!
22:06 Tu viens avec moi, jeune homme.
22:08 Et donc, encore une fois, Word Girl, avec un peu d'aide de l'incroyable Rope Guy et de Tobee's Mother,
22:13 a sauvé le jour de Tobee's Peeved Robot.
22:16 Et si c'est tout, je veux juste communiquer ce message final.
22:19 Soyez sûr de nous rejoindre la prochaine fois pour une autre incroyable aventure de Word Girl!
22:23 Word Girl!
22:27 En voulez-vous plus de Word Girl?
22:28 Regardez vos épisodes préférés et testez votre puissance de mot sur pbskidsgo.org
22:33 En voulez-vous la puissance de mot de Word Girl?
22:36 Vendez-vous à votre librairie locale.
22:38 Pas de couteau nécessaire.
22:39 Word Up!
22:41 [Musique]
