00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:07 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:10 ♪ Fly against the speed of sound ♪
00:12 ♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪
00:14 ♪ From the final lexicon ♪
00:15 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:18 ♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪
00:20 ♪ Who'd need the living dictionary ♪
00:22 ♪ Her superior intellect ♪
00:23 ♪ Keeps the prime world in check ♪
00:26 ♪ Go girl ♪
00:28 ♪ Huggy faces by her side ♪
00:30 ♪ Vocabulary of man and wife ♪
00:32 ♪ Make sure that prime will pay ♪
00:34 ♪ And throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:38 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:41 ♪ Word up, from the planet lexicon ♪
00:44 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:48 ♪ Word Girl ♪
00:56 - Listen for the words, invincible and fiction.
00:59 It's a completely exciting and unusual Saturday morning
01:02 at the Botsford's, as they're about to have a visit
01:04 from Becky and TJ's grandfather, Bampy Botsford.
01:08 - Is he here yet? - Nope.
01:09 - I can't wait to see Bampy.
01:11 - Mom, Dad, when's Bampy getting here?
01:13 - Any minute now.
01:14 - We're just finishing up Bampy's favorite meal.
01:16 - He's here! - He's here!
01:18 (all laughing)
01:19 - Bampy! - TJ, how are you?
01:20 - Hi, Bampy. - Hi.
01:21 - Oh, Becky, boy, you're getting big.
01:24 Hi, Bampy. - Got your nose, got your nose.
01:26 Remember that?
01:28 - All right, all right, now let's see what Bampy brought
01:30 for you, whippersnappers. - Yeah!
01:32 - Pretty Princess Sparkling Art Kit.
01:34 Thank you, Bampy.
01:35 - And I made a special treat for my son
01:37 and his lovely wife. - Oh, Bampy.
01:39 - We made a treat for you too, Dad.
01:40 - It's your favorite sweet potato succotash surprise.
01:44 - Well, I guess we'll have leftovers.
01:47 - Okay, this is getting creepy.
01:50 - And...
01:51 I saved the best for last.
01:55 Here you go, TJ.
01:56 - Oh, thanks, Bampy.
01:58 What is this?
02:00 - That, my boy, is the screwdriver I used to defeat
02:03 a 50-foot tall robot back before your father was even born.
02:07 - You used to fight robots?
02:09 Awesome.
02:10 (Bampy laughing)
02:11 - Well, TJ, that story might be fictional.
02:14 - No, no, no, it's true.
02:16 I was stronger and faster than that silly word girl
02:20 you got flying around here these days.
02:22 - What's that now?
02:24 - You are even stronger than word girl?
02:26 - Hey, maybe you're right, Dad.
02:27 I think that story might be fictional.
02:31 - Meanwhile, across town in Toby McAllister's bedroom.
02:34 - This isn't a bedroom, it's a laboratory.
02:36 - My bad, Tobes.
02:38 - Allow me to introduce you to TobyBot 9000,
02:40 my finest and handsomest robot to date.
02:43 The TobyBot 9000 is more than just another pretty face.
02:46 It is also invincible.
02:48 Nobody, not even word girl, will be able to defeat it.
02:52 The TobyBot 9000 is programmed to defend against
02:54 each and every known word girl attack.
02:57 Observe.
02:59 - Secret plan number 818.
03:01 Number 819.
03:02 - You see, if the TobyBot 9000 knows all of word girl's moves
03:06 she'll be unable to defeat it.
03:08 Hence, invincible robot.
03:11 Impressed?
03:12 - Yes, and a little worried.
03:14 Back at the Botsford's.
03:16 - And there I was, standing in front of this
03:18 monstrously tall robot, wondering how I was gonna
03:21 shut it down and save the city.
03:23 - Wow.
03:24 - And, to be honest with you, I don't think that word girl
03:27 could have defeated a robot this big.
03:29 - Um, I'm pretty sure if word girl had been there
03:32 she would have been able to defeat the robot, okay?
03:34 I'm just saying.
03:35 - Not this robot, Becky.
03:37 Only Bappy and his ultra screwdriver could beat him.
03:40 - Oh, TJ.
03:41 And how could one person, a non-superhero I might add,
03:45 defeat a giant robot with no weapon?
03:47 - Well, I was wondering the same thing,
03:50 until I realized I had my trusty screwdriver in my pocket.
03:55 - Again I say, awesome.
03:57 - Meanwhile, high above downtown.
04:00 - Yes, once word girl is superbly impressed
04:01 by this technological masterpiece,
04:03 she will admit defeat.
04:05 And I will simply press the manual override button
04:07 to deactivate the Toby Bot 9000,
04:09 thus bringing my brilliant plan to its elegant conclusion.
04:13 But enough chit-chat, time for things to go boom.
04:15 (laughing)
04:17 Toby Bot destroyed.
04:19 - Well, there I was, clenching the screwdriver in my teeth,
04:23 climbing up the outside of this robotic beast,
04:26 holding on for dear life.
04:28 - This story just can't be true.
04:30 I don't think that actually happened.
04:31 - But it did happen.
04:33 - It has to be fictional.
04:34 - Becky, please quit interrupting Bappy's story.
04:37 What does that even mean, fictional?
04:39 - Well, if something is fictional,
04:41 then it's made up or not true.
04:43 Bappy's story about fighting a giant robot
04:45 using only a screwdriver never actually happened.
04:49 So it's fictional.
04:51 - But what if it's a true story, Becky?
04:52 What if Bappy really did defeat that robot?
04:55 - Then it wouldn't be fictional.
04:56 But think about it, could one person with a screwdriver
04:59 defeat a robot that big?
05:00 A robot word girl couldn't even defeat?
05:03 - Bappy could have.
05:04 (laughing)
05:05 - Now, where was I?
05:07 (crowd cheering)
05:08 Giant robot!
05:10 - Uh-oh, Bob, sounds like there's trouble brewing downtown.
05:12 Let's go.
05:13 - Where are you going, Becky?
05:15 You're gonna miss the end of my story.
05:19 (signal sonore)
05:20 - Okay, move along, everybody.
05:22 Nothing to see here.
05:23 Just an enormous robot going berserk.
05:25 - Why, that's the third one this month.
05:27 - I hope word girl works fast.
05:28 I've only got 10 minutes in my meter.
05:30 (crashing)
05:31 What do you know?
05:32 Free parking.
05:33 (engine revving)
05:36 (crashing)
05:38 - Well, well, well, I wonder who built this robot.
05:41 This shouldn't take long.
05:42 Huggy, initiate secret plan number 477.
05:45 (tires screeching)
05:47 Plan 477, deflect monkey using nearby object.
05:51 (tires screeching)
05:54 (sword slashing)
05:57 - That's strange.
05:58 It's like he knew what we were going to do.
06:00 Huh, okay.
06:02 Huggy, initiate secret plan number 299.
06:05 (whistle blowing)
06:06 (upbeat music)
06:13 - Plan 299, ignore dancing monkey for extra impact.
06:18 (tires screeching)
06:20 - Maybe this won't be as easy as I thought.
06:22 - Greetings, word girl.
06:24 Seems you have met my newest creation,
06:25 the Toby Butt 9000.
06:27 Yes, he is handsome, just like me.
06:29 And yes, he is also invincible.
06:33 (tires screeching)
06:34 - Invincible means impossible to defeat,
06:36 beat, overcome, or subdue.
06:38 - That's right.
06:39 Nobody can stop my invincible robot.
06:41 (tires screeching)
06:44 - Don't worry, Huggy.
06:45 We'll come up with something.
06:47 - Jim, I'm standing at the scene.
06:49 So far, none of word girl's secret moves have worked.
06:52 Some are fearing this robot may be invincible.
06:55 - Invincible?
06:56 Well, that's just fiction.
06:58 I'll go give that pile of boats a piece of my mind.
07:01 - You're going to fight the robot?
07:03 No way.
07:04 - Well, someone has to, and it might as well be me.
07:07 - Awesome, we're going to fight a giant robot.
07:10 - Hmm.
07:11 What's up, hon?
07:12 - Well, Bambi and TJ just left,
07:13 and I think I heard them say
07:14 they were going to fight a giant robot.
07:16 - Fight a giant robot?
07:18 - But he might've said, "Eat a giant donut."
07:20 - Well, which was it?
07:22 - Well, you certainly wouldn't eat a giant robot
07:24 or fight a giant donut.
07:26 I'm leaning fight a giant robot.
07:28 (laughing)
07:30 - Fighting a giant robot is a terrible idea.
07:33 - Worse than eating a giant donut.
07:34 - Wait! (screaming)
07:36 - Back at the battle,
07:37 word girl and Huggy are running out of ideas.
07:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:41 (explosion)
07:43 - And energy, I'm beat.
07:45 Come on, Huggy, we've got to figure something out.
07:48 - Woo-hoo, word girl, give up yet?
07:51 - Turn it off, Toby.
07:53 - I'm not pressing this manual override button
07:55 until you agree to take a stroll with me down by the river.
07:57 We can talk about how amazing I am.
07:59 - Fine, whatever, just turn it off.
08:01 - I win! (laughing)
08:04 Oh, no, no!
08:06 (explosion)
08:08 No! (laughing)
08:11 - What does that mean, Toby?
08:13 - It means I can't turn the TobyBot 9000 off.
08:16 Um, that's really unfortunate.
08:18 ♪ Freedom, nobody can stop me ♪
08:20 ♪ I am invincible ♪
08:22 (grunting)
08:24 (engine revving)
08:26 - You think you're invincible? Ha-ha!
08:29 I think it's pure fiction.
08:31 Let Bampy do his thing, son.
08:34 (engine revving)
08:35 - Bampy?
08:37 - I mean, nice older man whose family might call him
08:39 any number of adorable grandpa names,
08:41 with Bampy being just one possibility.
08:44 (horn honking)
08:46 (bell ringing)
08:47 Look out!
08:48 - Bad idea, older gentleman.
08:50 That robot has been programmed to defend
08:52 against all of Word Girl's moves.
08:54 I doubt you could put a dent in it.
08:56 But not Bampy Botsford's moves.
08:58 Word Girl--
09:00 Fly around distracted.
09:02 (whistling)
09:06 ♪ Word Girl flying distraction ♪
09:08 ♪ Plan 3, 4, 5 ♪
09:10 ♪ 4, plan 4, X, 3 ♪
09:12 ♪ 4, plan 1, 2, 9, or 8 ♪
09:15 - Look, Bampy's climbing up the robot
09:17 just like in his story.
09:19 (whistling)
09:22 Hang on to your screwdriver, Bampy.
09:24 - Ha-ha!
09:26 Oh, got your nose!
09:28 Hey, hey, oh!
09:30 (whistling)
09:32 (cris de joie)
09:34 (cris de joie)
09:36 (cris de joie)
09:38 (cris de joie)
09:40 - That was amazing, Bampy!
09:42 You defeated a robot with just a screwdriver!
09:44 - Well, that wasn't invincible after all, was it?
09:47 Kind of exciting.
09:49 - What'd I miss? - What did you miss?
09:51 Bampy defeated a giant robot, Becky.
09:53 And all this time, you thought his story was fictional, huh?
09:56 Now do you believe him?
09:58 - DJ, here's your present back.
10:00 - A robot defeating screwdriver!
10:03 (applaudissements)
10:05 (cris de joie)
10:07 (cris de joie)
10:09 (cris de joie)
10:11 - Well, let's just get this over with.
10:13 - Ow, ow, ow, ow!
10:15 Next time, Word Girl and Spritely Old Man, I--
10:17 Oh, ow, ow!
10:19 - We're glad you're okay, Bampy.
10:21 Fighting giant robots can be dangerous.
10:23 - Even more than eating giant donuts.
10:25 (silence)
10:27 - What? - Forget it.
10:29 - Next time, we have a potato-suck-a-tache surprise.
10:31 - Bye! - Bye!
10:33 - I'll have some good flying back there.
10:35 - Ruff! - Don't worry, kiddo.
10:37 Your secret's safe with me.
10:39 Last one home's an angry armadillo.
10:41 - And so, with Toby's not-so-invincible robot
10:44 safely out of commission
10:46 and Bampy's fictional stories revealed to be not-so-fictional,
10:49 all is well in the city.
10:51 Join us next time for another exciting episode of...
10:54 - Word Girl.
10:56 - Word Girl!
10:59 (anglais)
11:01 (anglais)
11:03 (anglais)
11:26 (anglais)
11:29 (anglais)
11:32 (anglais)
11:35 (anglais)
11:38 (anglais)
11:41 (anglais)
11:44 (anglais)
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11:49 (anglais)
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11:55 (anglais)
11:57 (anglais)
11:59 (anglais)
12:02 (anglais)
12:05 (anglais)
12:07 (anglais)
12:10 (coup de pied)
12:13 - Are you okay?
12:15 - Good to hear. - Okay, then.
12:17 See you next time on...
12:19 - May I Have a Word?
12:21 - Word Girl!
12:23 - Psst! Listen for the words "revise" and "mislead."
12:26 Early one morning around the Botsford family breakfast table...
12:30 - Hello.
12:32 - Sweet pasteurized dairy creamer!
12:34 Listen to this, kids.
12:36 New studies show drinking milk will make you a movie star.
12:39 - That's the first thing you read in the newspaper.
12:42 I mean, really. Milk turning you into a movie star?
12:45 Please! Who would write such a misleading article?
12:48 (coup de pied)
12:50 - Now, Pumpkin, you know the daily rag is never wrong.
12:53 Look, it was even written by your friend Scoops.
12:56 - That's peculiar. Come on, we'll be late for school.
12:59 No, we're not stopping for more milk on the way.
13:02 You're as famous as you're gonna get, buddy.
13:05 - Squishy Bunnies win World Series.
13:07 The thing is back and now bigger than ever.
13:09 - Todd Scoops me. What is the meaning of this?
13:11 Thanks to your article, Bob here thinks if he drinks milk,
13:14 he'll be a movie star.
13:16 - New studies show drinking milk will make you a movie star?
13:19 This isn't what I wrote at all.
13:21 My lead story was all about dairy allergies and eating healthy snacks at recess.
13:24 - Then where did this misleading story come from?
13:26 - Good question, Becky. Hmm.
13:28 Wait a second. Of course!
13:30 M.B.! He must have gone back and changed what I wrote!
13:33 - M.B.? Who's M.B.?
13:35 - The new editor of the Daily Rag. He just started yesterday.
13:38 Do you smell that?
13:42 - No.
13:43 - It smells like the new editor is up to something.
13:45 And...
13:47 It also smells like we'll be having tacos for lunch today. Come on!
13:51 - At the office of the Daily Rag.
13:54 - Mr. Big, that's M.B.?
13:56 You're in charge of the school newspaper now?
13:59 - Yes! I always wanted to run a newspaper.
14:02 I even tried to take over this one back when I was in fifth grade.
14:05 But now...
14:07 I'm a bigger boy!
14:10 And I can take over the Daily Rag and control people's minds legally
14:13 because people will believe everything they read!
14:16 Mwahaha! Mwaha! Mwaha!
14:20 Mwaha! Mwaha!
14:22 - Why did you revise my story on healthy snacks?
14:24 That was a great story!
14:26 - Hold on! Leslie, what exactly is he accusing me of?
14:29 - Revising his article, sir.
14:31 - Oh, right. And what does "revise" mean?
14:34 - Well, let's see...
14:36 - It means you're changing it or fixing it.
14:38 But when you revise something, you're supposed to be correcting it,
14:41 making it better, improving it.
14:43 - Oh! So you agree I made the story better by "revising" it?
14:48 - No! When you revised Scoop's story, you didn't just change it.
14:51 You turned it into something that wasn't true, something misleading.
14:55 - Wow, thanks, Becky. I don't think Word Girl herself could have said that any better.
14:58 - Nyahaha!
15:00 - OK. One more question for you. Why don't you just print the truth?
15:03 - The truth?
15:05 - Oh, come on! You really expect people to spend their hard-earned money
15:08 on a newspaper full of stories about "the truth"?
15:12 - Actually, MB, no one has to spend any money on our newspaper. It's free.
15:15 - Eww! How did you manage to keep your job this long?
15:19 Anyhoo! So now I will use my new power,
15:22 the power of the press, to make me rich, rich, richer!
15:27 - Mwahaha! Wouhouhou! Mwahaha! Mwahaha!
15:32 Wouhou!
15:34 - I don't think Word Girl has anything to do about it.
15:36 - Well, she won't, because this is going out in tomorrow's edition.
15:40 - Mr. Big's Big Contest.
15:43 The first citizen to bring in a picture showing the secret identity of Word Girl
15:46 wins free jelly beans for life?
15:49 - My readers will keep Word Girl so distracted,
15:52 she won't be able to stop me from carrying out my evil plan.
15:55 - And the winner will also take over as head reporter for the Daily Rag.
15:59 Hey, I'm the head reporter. You can't do that.
16:02 - I can. - But I really like my job at the paper.
16:05 It's my main extracurricular activity.
16:07 - Well, scoops, if you want to keep your job,
16:11 just bring me the secret identity of Word Girl.
16:14 Mwahaha! Mwahaha!
16:18 - The next day, the latest edition of the Daily Rag hits the streets.
16:22 - Extra, extra, read all about it.
16:25 Unmask Word Girl, win free jelly beans for life.
16:30 (coups de klaxon)
16:32 - Somebody help me find my camera!
16:36 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
16:40 (battements de doigts)
16:43 (battements de doigts)
16:46 (battements de doigts)
16:49 (battements de doigts)
16:52 (battements de doigts)
16:55 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
16:58 - Oh! Oh!
17:00 (battements de doigts)
17:02 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:05 (battements de doigts)
17:08 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:11 (battements de doigts)
17:14 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:17 (battements de doigts)
17:20 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:23 (battements de doigts)
17:26 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:29 (battements de doigts)
17:32 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:35 (battements de doigts)
17:38 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:41 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:44 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:47 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:50 (musique de la série "The Nutcracker")
17:53 (bruit de la télévision)
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