• l’année dernière


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:06 ♪ Word Up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:11 ♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪
00:14 ♪ Vocabulary that sounds from the final lexicon ♪
00:16 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:18 ♪ Faced with a catastrophe you'll need the living dictionary ♪
00:23 ♪ Her superior intellect keeps the prime world in check ♪
00:27 ♪ Go girl ♪
00:29 ♪ Hugging faces by her side ♪
00:32 ♪ She'll make sure that crime won't pay ♪
00:34 ♪ Then throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:37 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:40 ♪ Word Up, from the planet's lexicon ♪
00:44 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:52 ♪ Word Girl ♪
00:56 Listen for the words "faculty" and "expect".
00:59 It's another early morning.
01:02 Excuse me.
01:03 And Becky and Bob are getting a lift to school.
01:05 Hmm. They usually walk.
01:08 Becky, you're probably wondering
01:10 why I'm driving you to school today.
01:11 - Actually, I hadn't really-- - I have a surprise!
01:14 And I cannot tell you, okay? I'll tell you.
01:16 ♪ Bum-ba-da-ba-dum-bum-bum ♪
01:18 You're in the car with a new, official,
01:20 substitute teacher from Miss Davis's class.
01:23 My teacher, Miss Davis?
01:25 Yep. She came down with a particularly pesky case
01:28 of chicken pox, and after what I understood
01:30 to be a very thorough ten-minute search,
01:32 the principal gave me a call.
01:34 Do you believe it, Becky? I'm a teacher.
01:36 So you're my new teacher?
01:38 Yes! I'm part of the faculty.
01:40 Starting... now!
01:43 Becky, get to class!
01:44 (laughing)
01:46 - Kidding. - Yes, I see what you did there.
01:48 (laughing)
01:49 Wait, is that the time?
01:50 Becky, get to class! And me too!
01:52 (school bell ringing)
01:54 Good morning, class.
01:56 I am your substitute teacher, Mr. Botsford.
01:59 Bots...ford. I'll write it on the board later.
02:01 Pop quiz! Becky! Get it, Becky?
02:04 I'm your pop, and I'm giving you a quiz?
02:06 - Pop quiz! - Yes, I get it.
02:08 Good one, Mr. Botsford.
02:10 Uh, Dad?
02:11 (laughing)
02:12 Oh, I mean, Mr. Dad-ford?
02:14 No, uh, Mr. Bots-dad.
02:16 I mean, Mr. Botsford!
02:17 (laughing)
02:19 Maybe you'll do better next time.
02:20 - Oh. - Okay.
02:21 And now, let the learning begin.
02:24 (classical music)
02:25 (en anglais) 10, 11, ah, exercise. Pop quiz scoops.
02:30 Yes, Mr. Botsford?
02:31 Healthy bodies equal what?
02:33 Huh, healthy minds?
02:35 Well done, scoops. A+. Your reward, five. More knee bends.
02:39 Ha, your dad's hilarious.
02:41 Don't you love having him as our teacher?
02:43 Yeah, well, I think he's doing okay.
02:45 (school bell ringing)
02:46 Ba-ba-ba-Becky! Let's cut down on the chatter, okay?
02:49 I expect less talking and more knee bending. Hi-ya!
02:52 Oh. Hi, Hank. Want a little scratch?
02:55 You like a little scratchy-scratch?
02:57 Now, Becky, let someone else pet Hank.
02:59 Don't go hogging the guinea pig.
03:01 Hog the guinea pig.
03:02 (laughing) Funny.
03:04 That was a pop quiz joke, scoops. A+. Great job.
03:06 Thanks, Mr. Botsford.
03:08 Oh, hog the pig.
03:09 Seriously, though, Becky, don't hog the guinea pig.
03:12 This hat is a clue.
03:14 Quick, pop hat quiz.
03:16 Where's Saskatchewan? Becky.
03:18 I know you know this.
03:19 Uh, uh, yes, I know I know it.
03:21 It's, uh, um...
03:22 Too long. Scoops.
03:23 - Canada. - Nice.
03:25 - Mouah! - Whoo!
03:26 Well, Becky, you can expect to spend the weekend
03:28 reviewing these flash cards.
03:30 (chimes)
03:32 So, long story short, a mystical elf in a flannel jumpsuit
03:35 has nothing to do with why rhombuses
03:37 have four sides of equal length.
03:39 Kyle, I hope that answers your question.
03:41 (bell ringing)
03:42 Oh, that's all the time we've got.
03:43 Okay, goodbye, mathematicians.
03:45 I'm so happy to be a new addition to your classroom.
03:48 (laughing) Another winner, Mr. Botsford.
03:51 Hmm. Okay.
03:53 Uh, Mr. Botsford?
03:55 You know what? Close enough.
03:57 - Dad? - Not right now, Becky.
03:58 I have a lot of work to do.
04:00 Right, but school's over, so are we leaving soon?
04:02 Oh, I expect to be here a while.
04:04 So you and Bob should, uh, just walk home.
04:06 Oh, well, uh, okay.
04:09 Bye.
04:11 Later on the walk home...
04:15 Wow, so Dad seemed kind of different today, huh?
04:18 (squeaking)
04:19 It was almost like I was just another kid in the class.
04:21 Except he was nicer to them than he was to me.
04:24 I mean, not right now, Becky.
04:26 He's never said that to me.
04:27 (bell ringing)
04:29 (gasps)
04:30 Time to do what I do best.
04:32 'Cause no one ever says, "Not right now, Word Girl."
04:35 Word up!
04:36 (tires screeching)
04:37 Boy, you're a real pro at that.
04:40 You sure you've never done this before?
04:42 Actually, I do this three times a week, at least.
04:44 Come on, come on!
04:46 We gotta hurry before Word Girl--
04:47 Stop right there, Butter!
04:49 And Pig Potato, how are you, sir?
04:51 Nice to see you.
04:53 Oh, man, I knew it!
04:54 Really?
04:55 The big bad butcher is scared of a little girl
04:58 and a pet koala?
04:59 -B'pop! -Darn b'pop me.
05:01 You don't see any of these other nice people
05:03 getting all worked up over Miss Red Pajamas over there?
05:06 Hey, that's because they're not the ones committing a crime!
05:09 Always with the excuses.
05:11 Huggy is a monkey and these aren't pajamas!
05:14 Uh... okay.
05:18 And you should try to be a little nicer to your son.
05:21 But he keeps doing everything wrong.
05:24 Oh, come on, he's not doing everything wrong.
05:27 My bad.
05:28 You were saying?
05:30 Do you expect your son to be perfect all the time?
05:32 Yeah, do you expect me to be perfect all the time?
05:35 Dab, actually, the word is "expect."
05:37 It means to anticipate, watch for, or look for something.
05:40 If your father, Kid Potato, expected there could be a mistake,
05:43 he could prepare for it instead of blaming you.
05:46 Oh.
05:47 How does he expect you to do a good job if he's picking on you?
05:49 Yeah!
05:51 And he should not expect you to be completely quiet
05:52 when you're doing knee bends!
05:54 Yeah!
05:55 Huh?
05:56 I mean, someone asks you a question, you answer it, right?
05:58 Even if it is during gym class.
06:00 For some reason, I don't think we're talking about me anymore.
06:03 Oh, sorry.
06:04 My dad is my new teacher at school.
06:06 Whoa!
06:08 I know, right? It's just weird.
06:11 He's nicer to my friends than he is to me.
06:13 I have to call him Mr. Bot... uh, Mr. His Last Name.
06:16 It's just...
06:17 Wow, word girl.
06:19 Seems like you got a lot of stuff on your mind.
06:21 Yeah.
06:22 Well, here's some more stuff to go on your mind.
06:24 Pastrami attack!
06:26 Yeah!
06:27 Pastrami!
06:28 On your mind!
06:30 - Get it? - Good one.
06:32 Hey, you forgot the furry thing.
06:34 [laughing]
06:35 Potato pie pow!
06:37 Ha!
06:40 - Should I, uh... - Let's get in the car.
06:43 The next day...
06:44 You know, I don't like when the butcher robs banks,
06:46 but I can't believe the way Kid Potato treats his son.
06:49 Always criticizing him,
06:51 picking on him in front of the whole class.
06:53 Um, class?
06:54 And he didn't even give me a ride to school today.
06:57 Oh, no, not Kid Potato, my dad.
06:59 Can you believe we have to walk to school?
07:01 [horn honking]
07:02 I know we usually walk, that's not the point.
07:06 Oh, man, not again.
07:08 Can't quite get the angle.
07:11 We get a great space in front of the store we're gonna rob,
07:14 and you can't park.
07:17 I know I can't let them rob the store,
07:18 but if we stop them, I'll be late for school.
07:20 [squeaking]
07:21 Yes, I know, I know what to do.
07:23 Great.
07:24 Now I'm all car sick.
07:26 Well, if you just stop complaining and let me park...
07:30 You can start complaining when I park you in jail!
07:33 - Nice one! - Thank you.
07:34 Oh, brother.
07:35 So how's the whole teacher-dad thing working out?
07:37 Oh, no.
07:38 You're not going to distract me again.
07:40 Yeah, my dad's on the faculty at school, so...
07:43 Wow, I never said anything about your dad on a factory.
07:46 No, not a factory, a faculty.
07:48 A faculty is another name for the group of teachers at school.
07:51 Oh, just think, if a factory made teachers,
07:54 it would be a faculty factory, huh?
07:58 [laughing]
07:59 Hey, kid, what do you call an entire group of potatoes?
08:03 I don't know, what do you call a...
08:05 A getaway!
08:07 What a rooty...
08:08 - Patoot! - Dad!
08:11 You got stopped from doing a crime before you even got in a store.
08:15 That's got to be some kind of a record.
08:18 Just leave it alone, Pop.
08:19 Well, Becky Botsford, nice of you to join us.
08:24 Please take your seat.
08:25 And remember, everyone, tomorrow is Dads and Donuts Day.
08:32 We'll greet and eat.
08:34 All dads are invited to stop by and enjoy a cinnamon bun with me.
08:37 Uh, Becky, please see me after class.
08:40 Yes, Mr. Botsford?
08:42 You seem a little down today. Is everything OK?
08:45 Yeah, I mean, no.
08:47 I mean, well, I kind of feel like you're picking on me.
08:51 What? Becky!
08:52 Like you expect me to be perfect and when I make a mistake, you...
08:55 What, I tell you that you're wrong?
08:56 Well, yeah.
08:58 Now, Pumpkin, I don't think I should go easy on you
09:00 just because you're my daughter.
09:01 I don't want you to, too much.
09:03 Maybe just a little.
09:04 But Becky, the reason I'm so hard on you
09:07 is because I know you're good enough and smart enough to handle it.
09:10 Maybe I need to remind you of that more often.
09:13 Thanks, Dad.
09:14 I want you to know that I'm sometimes your teacher,
09:16 but I'm always your dad.
09:18 Now, what do you say we seal this deal with an official Botsford hug?
09:22 Hmm.
09:23 Give me the wheel! Give me the wheel!
09:25 Robbery at the jewelry store?
09:27 Uh, Dad, Bob and I are really enjoying our walks home,
09:31 so we're going to leave now and let you get back to work.
09:34 OK. Oh, and Becky, don't tell anyone,
09:36 but you're my number one favorite mathematician.
09:39 [Rire]
09:41 Aw, thanks, Mr. Dadford.
09:44 [Laughter]
09:46 [Grunts]
09:48 Come on! Hurry up and park!
09:50 There's still time left on that meter.
09:51 Correction! Your time's up!
09:54 -Brr! -Yeah, not my best.
09:56 Blast, sonny!
09:57 [Explosion]
09:58 Uh-oh.
10:00 You know, Butcher, I learned something today.
10:03 I learned that, yes, sometimes your dad can be hard on you,
10:06 and he may expect a lot more from you than he does other people,
10:09 but that's only because he thinks you're really great.
10:12 My son.
10:14 Come here, Bob! Come in for the big one! Come here!
10:16 [Grunts]
10:18 [Grunts]
10:19 [Explosion]
10:20 Oh! Oh!
10:21 You know, this is great, Pop, but we really got to remember,
10:24 get away first, then hug.
10:26 You can't fight your emotions, son.
10:29 And so, on Dad's and Donut's day,
10:34 the newest member of the faculty, Mr. Botsford,
10:37 was both Becky's dad and her teacher.
10:41 And they knew exactly what to expect from each other
10:43 so they'd never be confused again.
10:46 Next time, grab your dad or a donut or both
10:49 and drive over to join us for another emotional
10:52 and always pop-quizzical episode of Word Girl.
10:56 ♪ Word Girl ♪
10:59 Hello, I'm Bo Handsome, and this is...
11:03 May I have a word?
11:05 As usual, the player who correctly defines
11:07 today's featured word will win a fabulous prize.
11:10 Let's play!
11:12 May I have a word?
11:14 Yes, you may.
11:16 Today's featured word is "imitate."
11:19 To give you a clue, here are some clips from Word Girl
11:22 that show the meaning of the word.
11:23 [♪♪♪]
11:26 [♪♪♪]
11:28 [♪♪♪]
11:30 [♪♪♪]
11:33 [ding]
11:34 Uh, I think "imitate" means to dance and sing, right?
11:36 No! It does not!
11:38 Yes, Emily?
11:40 "Imitate" means to mimic or impersonate,
11:42 like in that last clip where Huggy
11:44 is imitating Tiny Big's moves.
11:46 That is correct!
11:48 Huggy, what are you doing?
11:50 Okay, well, I'm sure you have your reasons.
11:52 Anyway, congratulations, Emily!
11:55 You know, I'd really appreciate it
11:57 if you'd stop imitating me.
11:59 Emily, you are today's winner!
12:02 You know, that's really quite distracting.
12:04 Huggy, show her what she's won.
12:06 [thumping]
12:08 An official Bo Handsome microphone!
12:12 Emily, you're really going to have fun with that.
12:15 I am?
12:16 Indeed! That's it for today's episode.
12:18 See you next time on...
12:19 May I have a word?
12:22 ♪ Word Girl ♪
12:24 [en anglais]
12:27 [en anglais]
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12:39 [en anglais]
12:42 [en anglais]
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12:48 [en anglais]
12:52 [en anglais]
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13:16 [en anglais]
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13:25 [sonnerie]
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13:31 [crissement de porte]
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13:52 [crissement de porte]
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15:54 [toux]
15:55 [parle en anglais]
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16:00 [rire]
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18:16 [musique douce]
18:21 [en anglais]
18:22 [coups de feu]
18:45 [coup de feu]
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