The Red Queen -SD

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:29 In the spring of 1988, my mother and my father crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico into Texas.
00:00:37 With them, they brought their hopes, their fears, and a mystery.
00:00:44 A mystery it would take me 20 years to solve.
00:00:48 [Music]
00:01:12 [Spanish]
00:01:32 [Music]
00:01:34 [Spanish]
00:01:41 [Spanish]
00:01:52 [Music]
00:02:19 [Spanish]
00:02:47 [Screaming]
00:02:58 [Baby crying]
00:03:05 [Spanish]
00:03:07 [Baby crying]
00:03:14 [Spanish]
00:03:17 [Baby crying]
00:03:30 [Spanish]
00:03:32 [Baby crying]
00:03:36 [Spanish]
00:03:47 [Baby crying]
00:03:53 [Music]
00:04:07 [Spanish]
00:04:17 [Music]
00:04:27 [Spanish]
00:04:37 [Music]
00:05:03 [Gasp]
00:05:07 [Music]
00:05:10 [Music]
00:05:18 [Music]
00:05:29 Your mother will always be with you.
00:05:33 Happy birthday, Gabriela.
00:05:35 Thank you, sister.
00:05:37 [Music]
00:05:44 Two.
00:05:47 Three.
00:05:50 Four.
00:05:54 Five.
00:05:57 Six.
00:06:00 Seven.
00:06:03 Eight.
00:06:07 Nine.
00:06:10 Ten.
00:06:12 How's school?
00:06:13 Fine.
00:06:14 Eleven.
00:06:15 How are your friends?
00:06:17 Okay.
00:06:18 Twelve.
00:06:19 How was Jose?
00:06:24 [Shouting]
00:06:40 What did your father do now?
00:06:43 Class is over.
00:06:46 [Baby crying]
00:06:56 [Music]
00:07:01 Jose's sending me to Stanford.
00:07:04 Oh, that's wonderful.
00:07:06 What's so wonderful about moving halfway across the country?
00:07:09 Gabriela, it's a great school, Gabriela.
00:07:14 You deserve it.
00:07:16 I deserve to stay here.
00:07:19 Where I grew up.
00:07:21 With my friends.
00:07:22 With you.
00:07:24 And her.
00:07:26 You don't want to leave your mother, is that it?
00:07:28 I know it doesn't make sense.
00:07:30 But, it's like she's a part of my life.
00:07:34 A part I can't leave behind.
00:07:37 You couldn't if you tried, child.
00:07:40 Wherever you go, she won't be there.
00:07:44 But you won't be.
00:07:49 When it comes to the school of life, I've been a poor student.
00:07:52 But I have learned this much.
00:07:55 Life is about loss--
00:07:57 Loss and change?
00:07:59 If you can handle one, the other won't matter?
00:08:03 You really believe that?
00:08:06 I must.
00:08:08 Because when you leave, I will lose you, too.
00:08:12 I have to go pick up Jose at the university.
00:08:26 I'll see you next week, okay?
00:08:28 Well, let me go ahead and give this to you now.
00:08:32 It's your birthday, you know.
00:08:37 A desert star!
00:08:39 They grow everywhere, even in silver.
00:08:44 Happy birthday, Gabriela.
00:08:46 Thank you.
00:08:49 [Music]
00:08:52 ¿De qué distancia se puede medir
00:08:56 Desde una sonrisa hasta por siempre vivir?
00:09:04 Siempre en mi corazón
00:09:09 ¿De qué distancia se puede medir
00:09:13 Desde una sonrisa hasta por siempre vivir?
00:09:23 Next week, most of you will be graduating.
00:09:29 Launching yourself into the world.
00:09:32 Launching yourself. Did I just say that?
00:09:34 Like you're a fleet of ships or something.
00:09:36 I'm the professor that launched a thousand students.
00:09:39 [Laughter]
00:09:42 So you'll be headed out there to jobs and bosses,
00:09:45 work and bills, spouses and kids.
00:09:48 But what's life without challenge?
00:09:50 You can stay in one place, play it safe,
00:09:53 but you'll never grow.
00:09:55 Take a chance.
00:09:58 What do you got to lose?
00:10:00 Except a false sense of safety?
00:10:04 Because trust me, there's no such thing as safe.
00:10:09 Not in this day and age.
00:10:13 That's it guys, you guys enjoy your summer.
00:10:15 [Applause]
00:10:19 Joe, I need that paper by the end of the day.
00:10:21 Four o'clock.
00:10:23 Did you lose your calendar, mija?
00:10:25 It's Fridays. We take lunch at Tico's.
00:10:28 It's the 10th, dad. May 10th.
00:10:32 May 10th.
00:10:35 Oh, the birthday thing.
00:10:37 Right, that thing.
00:10:42 Oh, mija, Gabby, wait for me.
00:10:48 Wait, wait for me.
00:10:54 Gabby, this car smells like a dumpster.
00:10:57 You don't like driving with me, then drive yourself.
00:11:00 Oh, oh wait, you can't drive.
00:11:03 I forgot about that. I guess my memory's as bad as yours.
00:11:10 Gabby, Gabby, mija.
00:11:12 You've got some kind of nerve, dad.
00:11:14 You talk about taking chances and embracing challenge,
00:11:17 and you don't even try.
00:11:19 I've had my challenge.
00:11:20 And you got your PhD.
00:11:22 Did you get writer's crap on your dissertation?
00:11:25 Gabby.
00:11:28 Gabby, why don't we have a nice quiet evening for change?
00:11:33 Why? You don't like change.
00:11:36 [cheering]
00:11:39 [music]
00:11:50 Happy birthday.
00:12:14 Okay, okay, listen up.
00:12:16 Here we are gathered here to celebrate Gabby's big two-oh.
00:12:21 Now, I've known this girl since the first grade,
00:12:23 and I've always envied her.
00:12:25 My house was a circus.
00:12:27 I've got four brothers and two sisters.
00:12:29 But here it was just Gabby and her dad.
00:12:32 We'd go to her room and he'd leave us alone.
00:12:35 Lest we set fire to it.
00:12:37 And they really did that once.
00:12:40 An innocent experiment with a magnifying glass and a paper cup.
00:12:45 From all the time I've known Gab, she's gotten bigger and smarter.
00:12:49 But one thing's never changed.
00:12:51 Her being the best friend a girl could have.
00:12:54 [awing]
00:13:00 I've known Gabby a long time too.
00:13:03 Since...
00:13:05 a long time.
00:13:08 I think Gabby is...
00:13:11 Well, I think she's...
00:13:16 Happy birthday, Gabby.
00:13:19 Thank you, Benito.
00:13:21 That was nice.
00:13:23 Nice and lame.
00:13:25 Okay, listen up, everybody.
00:13:28 My papa used to say,
00:13:30 "Every old crow thinks his is the blackest."
00:13:33 So I know that when I say, "My girl is amazing,"
00:13:35 you're going to say, "Ah, yeah, sure."
00:13:38 [laughter]
00:13:40 Let me tell you something.
00:13:41 This old crow has reason to crow.
00:13:44 My girl's going to Stanford.
00:13:46 On scholarship!
00:13:48 [applause]
00:13:50 [sirens]
00:13:55 Is that the police?
00:13:57 [music]
00:14:03 What is this?
00:14:04 What?
00:14:05 What's going on?
00:14:06 Is someone in trouble?
00:14:07 What are they doing here?
00:14:09 You're in trouble, young lady.
00:14:10 What are you up to, Locardo?
00:14:11 What your daughter's up to, Salinas.
00:14:13 Rookie here caught what she did this morning
00:14:15 on the way out of town.
00:14:16 What?
00:14:17 What are you talking about?
00:14:18 Officer Hernandez, make your report.
00:14:21 The suspect, Gabriela Salinas,
00:14:22 was seen driving while...
00:14:24 having a birthday.
00:14:26 [laughter]
00:14:29 [cheering]
00:14:32 [laughter]
00:14:35 [cheering]
00:14:39 [laughter]
00:14:42 [cheering]
00:14:45 Hey, this was his idea.
00:14:47 [cheering]
00:14:50 [cheering]
00:14:54 [birds chirping]
00:15:03 You only visit the showroom.
00:15:05 You never drive away in the caddy.
00:15:08 What?
00:15:10 You're hopeless, Benito.
00:15:12 Yeah.
00:15:15 Woo!
00:15:21 Well, I better get out of here
00:15:22 before somebody steals half the town.
00:15:25 Hey, congrats on that Stanford thing.
00:15:27 Thanks.
00:15:31 You know, I've known your dad
00:15:33 since you were nine pounds and an ounce.
00:15:36 We'd hang out on my boat in Isabel,
00:15:38 drink some beers,
00:15:40 talk about the weather,
00:15:42 the cowboys, the Spurs.
00:15:45 All those things change with the seasons.
00:15:48 One thing that never changes...
00:15:52 is how he talks about you.
00:15:54 He's always proud of you, Gabby.
00:15:57 So...
00:15:58 I don't have to go to Stanford to make him proud?
00:16:02 No.
00:16:04 But you would make him happy.
00:16:06 [birds chirping]
00:16:12 Woo!
00:16:17 Hey!
00:16:18 Police property.
00:16:25 Call me!
00:16:29 My car's around the corner.
00:16:31 You my designated driver?
00:16:33 I'm always a designated driver.
00:16:38 [sighs]
00:16:39 Great party, Dad.
00:16:41 You're the one with all the friends.
00:16:43 It's a party without friends.
00:16:46 Or family.
00:16:51 Tell me the story.
00:16:53 Oh, Gabby.
00:16:54 It is my birthday.
00:16:59 I had left Santa Fe for the summer,
00:17:01 and I was taking a Spanish Lit class
00:17:03 at the University of Mexico City.
00:17:08 I went to this little cafe off the Zocalo.
00:17:12 I bought a cold horchata,
00:17:13 and I ended up giving it to your mother.
00:17:15 [laughs]
00:17:16 Thank God it wasn't hot espresso.
00:17:18 [laughs]
00:17:20 And that was the first time I heard her laugh.
00:17:25 Maria Soledad Martina.
00:17:28 God, just the name was enough.
00:17:32 Spent the rest of the day talking about our hopes,
00:17:34 our dreams, everything.
00:17:38 Everything?
00:17:39 Mm.
00:17:43 Everything...
00:17:45 but she wouldn't talk about her family?
00:17:48 It was off limits.
00:17:50 I never knew why.
00:17:51 All I knew is they lived in Nicaragua.
00:17:54 Nothing else?
00:17:57 Well, that country was a mess back then.
00:17:59 Maybe her people were Sandinistas,
00:18:01 or they backed Somoza.
00:18:03 Either way,
00:18:05 I guess she was ashamed of them.
00:18:10 But I didn't care about that.
00:18:14 I had her.
00:18:16 Nothing else mattered.
00:18:18 It must have mattered.
00:18:20 You had to swim across the Rio Grande.
00:18:22 Mm.
00:18:23 There were problems with her passport.
00:18:25 But you were an American citizen.
00:18:28 Your passport wasn't enough?
00:18:30 Gabby, we've talked about this a thousand times.
00:18:33 And you never tell me anything.
00:18:35 What do you want me to say, mija?
00:18:38 That she was an escaped princess fleeing a wicked king?
00:18:42 That she'd stolen the Mexican crown jewels?
00:18:47 She was just a fine, decent woman
00:18:50 who wanted a better life,
00:18:52 which I couldn't give her.
00:18:57 My only hope is that I can give it to you.
00:19:01 [music]
00:19:14 You had a mom and a dad, Gavs.
00:19:16 You met the minimum.
00:19:18 Take it and live with it.
00:19:20 How would you feel if you never knew your mother or her family?
00:19:23 Oh, and miss those wonderful trips to El Paso
00:19:25 for my gran's pineapple mole?
00:19:27 I'd survive.
00:19:29 You don't get it, T.
00:19:31 My dad's a foster kid.
00:19:33 Grew up alone in Santa Fe.
00:19:35 He has nobody.
00:19:37 It's like I appeared one day from nowhere.
00:19:39 Want to know where you're from?
00:19:41 Just listen to your name.
00:19:43 Gabriela Carmela Diaz Salinas.
00:19:45 That's a song from Spain
00:19:47 singing a thousand years of history just for you.
00:19:50 T, that was wonderful.
00:19:53 That was Dr. Ramon, my history professor.
00:19:56 I only steal from the best.
00:19:58 You okay now?
00:19:59 Better. Thanks.
00:20:01 Thank Dr. Ramon. Bye.
00:20:03 Maria Soledad Martina.
00:20:10 Nobody's singing to that.
00:20:12 But somebody will, soon as they see this.
00:20:19 Hello, world.
00:20:24 Hear our song.
00:20:26 [singing in Spanish]
00:20:29 Hey, I'll be grading finals in my office all day.
00:20:40 Need a ride?
00:20:42 No, I'll bike.
00:20:44 You'll need a break by lunch.
00:20:46 How about zapatas?
00:20:48 I'm buying.
00:20:50 Piscochitos on me.
00:20:52 [beatboxing]
00:20:55 Forget something, Dad?
00:21:04 Gabriela Salinas.
00:21:06 Taekwondo.
00:21:08 Your form is excellent.
00:21:10 How long have you been training?
00:21:11 Long enough to kick your face in.
00:21:13 Did you post on a People's Finder's website
00:21:16 a picture of a man and a woman?
00:21:20 I did.
00:21:22 So?
00:21:24 I am Franco Martina.
00:21:26 And that woman is my sister.
00:21:28 I would very much like to see her.
00:21:31 Is she here?
00:21:33 After all these years,
00:21:38 I never lost hope that I would find her.
00:21:42 But now...
00:21:45 You say she's buried by the river?
00:21:49 Near San Emilio's Mission.
00:21:51 I'm so sorry. It's just not fair.
00:21:54 Life's not a fair thing.
00:21:56 But at least I found you.
00:22:00 Maria's daughter.
00:22:01 But how?
00:22:02 I didn't even log an address in that posting.
00:22:04 Your email's enough.
00:22:06 A friend of mine hacked your name and address and...
00:22:08 Please forgive me.
00:22:10 I was just so excited.
00:22:12 I have so many questions about my mom.
00:22:16 You.
00:22:18 Your whole family.
00:22:19 I assume this is your father?
00:22:21 Jose Salinas.
00:22:23 He's a professor at the university.
00:22:24 Take me to him. Now.
00:22:26 What's the hurry?
00:22:28 If I could find that picture, so could others.
00:22:31 You and your father are great race.
00:22:33 He must be warned.
00:22:34 Take me to him.
00:22:35 Take me to him. Now.
00:22:37 Was it bad for you?
00:22:45 This is about Nicaragua, isn't it?
00:22:47 Your family?
00:22:49 My father worked for Samosa.
00:22:51 When his regime collapsed, we were forced to flee.
00:22:55 Saninistas.
00:22:58 They would have killed us all.
00:23:16 We were separated, however.
00:23:18 I lost track of everyone.
00:23:20 My sister, my parents.
00:23:22 Your folks are still missing?
00:23:24 Yes. And the Saninistas are still looking for them.
00:23:27 But it's been 20 years.
00:23:29 They have long memories.
00:23:31 I hope your father does as well.
00:23:33 You think he can help you find them?
00:23:35 Maria must have mentioned something.
00:23:38 According to my dad.
00:23:40 Not Hayward.
00:23:42 Perhaps he spoke in confidence.
00:23:44 My sister told him something he could not share with you.
00:23:46 To protect you.
00:23:48 Did he ever mention the Red Queen?
00:23:51 What?
00:23:52 The Red Queen.
00:23:53 It's a code we use to help find each other.
00:23:55 Like you found me with Maria's picture.
00:23:57 Did he ever mention this?
00:23:59 No.
00:24:01 Never.
00:24:03 It doesn't mean he doesn't know.
00:24:05 Please, wait here.
00:24:14 No way. I've waited for this all my life.
00:24:17 If Maria swore your father to secrecy,
00:24:20 he could be uncomfortable speaking in front of you.
00:24:22 I know that expression.
00:24:28 I know it well.
00:24:30 Every time my parents would say no,
00:24:32 Maria's frown lines would form...
00:24:35 right there.
00:24:39 Okay.
00:24:42 Talk to them.
00:24:44 Then we all talk and you tell me everything.
00:24:47 [footsteps]
00:24:49 [doorbell rings]
00:24:52 [music]
00:25:01 [music]
00:25:03 Hello, Tony.
00:25:27 Long time no see.
00:25:30 [screams]
00:25:37 [gunshot]
00:25:39 [music]
00:25:55 [birds chirping]
00:25:57 Do you know what I'm dealing with out there?
00:26:04 I've got the Emmy, the press,
00:26:06 and one very dead Franco Martina.
00:26:09 Can you keep us out of this?
00:26:15 Depends on what you tell me, Jose.
00:26:17 He fell.
00:26:18 He came at me, we fought, and he fell.
00:26:20 About what? What did he want?
00:26:22 Well, do maniacs have sensible reasons for anything?
00:26:25 So you're telling me you've never met this Franco Martina?
00:26:28 I've never heard of him.
00:26:30 He said he was my uncle.
00:26:32 You talk to this man?
00:26:34 At the house.
00:26:37 He wanted to see you.
00:26:39 About what?
00:26:41 He wouldn't say.
00:26:46 You see? Some kind of nutcase.
00:26:49 Can we leave now? My daughter's pretty shook up.
00:26:51 Your daughter?
00:26:53 Suddenly the little girl I watched grow up is your daughter?
00:26:56 I'm sorry, Javier. I came out wrong.
00:26:59 Until this investigation is concluded,
00:27:02 please don't leave town.
00:27:05 Sorry. Came out wrong.
00:27:08 [music]
00:27:11 [birds chirping]
00:27:13 Did you do something? Contact someone?
00:27:26 Talk to me, Gabby. I need to know how that man got to us.
00:27:29 Sent an email to a people's finder.
00:27:31 With you and Mom's picture.
00:27:33 For God's sakes.
00:27:35 You just sent out an open invitation
00:27:37 to every whack job and con artist in the country.
00:27:39 But if that man was a crook or a crazy,
00:27:41 how did he know about Nicaragua?
00:27:44 Did you mention it?
00:27:46 See?
00:27:48 That's how con artists work.
00:27:50 You volunteer information and they run with it.
00:27:52 I didn't volunteer the Red Queen.
00:27:54 What?
00:27:55 The Red Queen!
00:27:57 Said you knew about it.
00:27:59 What's the Red Queen?
00:28:01 Nonsense.
00:28:03 Nonsense that lunatic made up to reel you in.
00:28:06 You need to access that website and delete that email
00:28:09 and promise me you'll never do something like--
00:28:11 All I wanted to do was--
00:28:12 Once you get to Stanford, everything will be fine.
00:28:15 Get some rest. Some food.
00:28:21 Maybe that special is still on at Alfredo's.
00:28:25 Gabby?
00:28:27 Gabby?
00:28:29 Gabby!
00:28:33 I can't believe your dad actually killed somebody.
00:28:37 He said it was self-defense.
00:28:39 But you don't believe him.
00:28:41 He had this look in his eyes.
00:28:43 Never seen it before.
00:28:44 It was like he was suddenly someone else.
00:28:46 Considering how boring you think he is,
00:28:48 maybe that's a good thing.
00:28:50 He's trying to be positive.
00:28:52 It's not helping tea.
00:28:54 Okay, let's start over.
00:28:56 We got a guy who says he's your uncle,
00:28:58 who says your mom's family escaped from the Nisenanistas
00:29:00 in Nicaragua because they worked for Somoza.
00:29:03 Not very likely.
00:29:04 I'm not finished.
00:29:05 Somoza was assassinated in '80,
00:29:07 and the Concha War ended in '87.
00:29:09 Other than proving that you're a complete geek, Link,
00:29:11 what does any of that--
00:29:12 I was born in '88.
00:29:14 Will someone please let me finish a sentence?
00:29:16 Somoza was ancient history by then.
00:29:18 The Sandanistas wouldn't have been after your mother or her family.
00:29:21 So Franco, or whoever he was, was lying?
00:29:24 I'm still here, guys.
00:29:27 But so was your dad.
00:29:29 Your parents weren't in any real danger.
00:29:31 They could have gained entry to this country under Jose's passport.
00:29:33 What are you trying to say?
00:29:35 That my parents didn't have to cross the river in the middle of nowhere?
00:29:37 That my mother didn't have to die?
00:29:39 Stop!
00:29:41 Stop making this all complicated.
00:29:45 You want the facts, go right to the source.
00:29:47 If you mean my dad, that's a joke.
00:29:50 After what happened today, he's not laughing.
00:29:53 Maybe he'll open up now.
00:29:56 What have you got to lose?
00:29:58 [music]
00:30:03 [speaking in foreign language]
00:30:05 Dad?
00:30:07 [speaking in foreign language]
00:30:13 Dad?
00:30:15 [music]
00:30:31 Dad?
00:30:33 Where the hell were you?
00:30:36 I heard talking up here.
00:30:38 It sounded weird.
00:30:43 I was on the radio on Al Jazeera.
00:30:46 For some reason I didn't understand a damn word.
00:30:51 You're drinking?
00:30:53 So?
00:30:56 I've never seen you drink.
00:30:59 Or smoke.
00:31:05 I watched a man die today, Mica.
00:31:10 I'm so sorry. I know this is all my fault.
00:31:12 No, don't say that.
00:31:14 Don't ever say that.
00:31:17 If this is your fault, then up is down.
00:31:20 And wrong is right.
00:31:23 The best thing that ever happened to me,
00:31:28 without you nothing else matters.
00:31:31 Nothing else matters.
00:31:33 [music]
00:31:39 Get you to bed, Dad.
00:31:42 Bed?
00:31:44 Oh yeah, bed.
00:31:55 Dad, if there was something I needed to know,
00:32:01 you would tell me, right?
00:32:04 Would you do it?
00:32:06 Do what?
00:32:07 Get your picture off the website.
00:32:10 At the library.
00:32:12 This afternoon, but I can't promise it's gonna--
00:32:14 You're a good girl.
00:32:16 You're my best girl.
00:32:19 The best thing that ever happened to me, next to her.
00:32:32 I don't recognize him.
00:32:34 He's changing before my eyes.
00:32:36 Nothing cannot change.
00:32:38 Jose is your father, and he loves you.
00:32:40 Do loving fathers lie to their daughters?
00:32:42 If he is, it's only to protect you.
00:32:44 From what?
00:32:46 From a cool and dishonest man.
00:32:48 The one we encountered today.
00:32:50 What happened was terrible and sad.
00:32:53 But I'm sure Jose had no choice.
00:32:55 God, I hope you're right.
00:32:57 God is hope.
00:32:58 Remember, he's always with you.
00:33:00 I just wish my mother were here right now.
00:33:03 She is.
00:33:05 How about the stars tonight?
00:33:07 The way they sparkle.
00:33:09 One of them shines for you.
00:33:11 Thank you, sister.
00:33:14 [♪♪♪]
00:33:18 [♪♪♪]
00:33:21 [♪♪♪]
00:33:25 [♪♪♪]
00:33:28 [♪♪♪]
00:33:31 [♪♪♪]
00:33:35 [♪♪♪]
00:33:38 [♪♪♪]
00:33:51 [♪♪♪]
00:33:54 [♪♪♪]
00:34:05 [♪♪♪]
00:34:17 [♪♪♪]
00:34:20 [screams]
00:34:27 Up!
00:34:35 Up! Up, sleepyhead!
00:34:38 What?
00:34:40 What?
00:34:42 That is no way to start a day of fun and adventure.
00:34:45 This is an art walk in McAllen.
00:34:47 We're walking and darting.
00:34:49 But you hate art shows.
00:34:51 You call them collections of expensive, worthless objects.
00:34:55 Only before I have my morning cup of coffee.
00:34:58 Mmm.
00:35:01 Voila.
00:35:03 Now the overpriced dust collectors are priceless collector's items.
00:35:08 Whichever alien planet you come from,
00:35:11 please vacate my father's body.
00:35:13 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:35:18 I am here to lay, turtling.
00:35:20 I am here to conquer.
00:35:22 [laughing]
00:35:24 Come on, let's go.
00:35:26 [♪♪♪]
00:35:30 [♪♪♪]
00:35:33 Priceless collector's item?
00:35:47 I'm going to collect the hot dog. You want one?
00:35:50 Sure. Don't forget the mustard.
00:35:52 Mustard, yeah.
00:35:54 [laughing]
00:35:55 [speaking in foreign language]
00:35:58 Pick a car. Pick a car. Any car. Any car.
00:36:02 I pick a car, what do I get?
00:36:04 A big surprise.
00:36:06 A major prize.
00:36:08 A mega prize.
00:36:10 Pick. Pick, pick.
00:36:13 Eh, don't look at it.
00:36:15 Don't look at it until I say so, eh?
00:36:18 Okay? Okay.
00:36:20 Now, I'm going to get the car.
00:36:24 Get the car.
00:36:26 But you guess fast. Fast, fast, fast.
00:36:32 Aces, babe.
00:36:34 Good guess. Good, good guess.
00:36:37 Now look at it. Take a look. Take a look.
00:36:42 Right car. Wrong game.
00:36:45 Surprise.
00:36:47 [gasps]
00:36:48 Damn it. Mi car.
00:36:52 What's wrong?
00:36:54 That man, he showed me.
00:36:57 Gabby. Gabby. What happened?
00:37:02 [music]
00:37:04 [music]
00:37:07 [music]
00:37:10 [music]
00:37:38 They won't do anything to us in here.
00:37:40 There's too many people. We have a moment.
00:37:43 Who won't do anything?
00:37:45 What are you talking about?
00:37:47 Well, hello there.
00:37:49 I hope you're in the mood for some fresh lemonade.
00:37:52 Or a hot dog.
00:37:53 Oh, I see you've already had one.
00:37:56 We love some honey.
00:37:57 Well, good. It helps the parish charities, you know.
00:38:00 The concessions are to our benefit today.
00:38:02 Every dime goes to children's programs,
00:38:05 Meals on Wheels, Bible classes.
00:38:07 We're really thirsty.
00:38:08 Oh, the lemonade. Yes. Yes, we'll be right back.
00:38:11 Your mom wasn't from Nicaragua. She was born in Venezuela.
00:38:16 Narco-terrorists wiped out her village, killed her whole family.
00:38:19 Oh no.
00:38:20 Yes, but somehow, despite all she'd lost, she never lost her humanity.
00:38:25 She rebuilt her life, worked her way through school.
00:38:28 The future was bright. And she fell in love.
00:38:30 Sounds like a happy ending.
00:38:32 It would have been.
00:38:33 If she'd fallen in love with me, the man of her dreams was a nightmare.
00:38:37 Here we are.
00:38:39 Fifty cents for both.
00:38:42 Thank you.
00:38:44 Keep the change.
00:38:45 Oh, aren't you kind.
00:38:47 Now, here is a calendar of our parish events.
00:38:50 Bingo is every Friday night.
00:38:52 And on Thursday night...
00:38:53 Bye now.
00:38:54 Please.
00:38:56 Yes, okay.
00:38:57 Thought you'd snap a neck.
00:39:01 I've been waiting for this a long time.
00:39:03 Go on.
00:39:05 Your mother got involved with one of the wealthiest men in Venezuela.
00:39:10 His name was Sanchez.
00:39:11 His idea of love was that of a man who owns a fine horse.
00:39:15 First you break it, and then you staple it.
00:39:17 After the initial infatuation, Maria came to her senses and she ran for her life.
00:39:23 To Mexico City?
00:39:25 Caracas.
00:39:26 Where we did meet in a cafe.
00:39:31 Only, she wasn't laughing that day.
00:39:34 She was sad and alone.
00:39:58 Something about this girl, the lost look in her eyes, drew me to her.
00:40:03 I took a chance and sat at her table.
00:40:06 She rewarded me with a smile.
00:40:10 And so our love began.
00:40:21 And all was well, but we had one serious problem.
00:40:24 Sanchez.
00:40:25 The man thought he owned your mother, like she was a horse that had escaped him.
00:40:28 He followed you to Mexico City?
00:40:30 And beyond.
00:40:31 Sanchez and his men followed us all the way to the border, which is why we had to sneak into the country.
00:40:37 Maria!
00:40:52 Maria!
00:40:53 Maria!
00:40:59 Maria!
00:41:01 Maria!
00:41:03 Even after your mother died, the danger wasn't over.
00:41:07 I had your birth certificate, but there was no DNA then.
00:41:11 No real proof.
00:41:13 Sanchez would have claimed you as his very own.
00:41:15 But you could fight him.
00:41:17 Yeah, he had money and influence.
00:41:19 It was a war I would have lost.
00:41:21 And Franco and the man with the car?
00:41:23 They worked for Sanchez.
00:41:24 Which means that Sanchez is still looking for us.
00:41:26 But like you said, there's DNA.
00:41:28 You could prove that I'm yours.
00:41:30 We're past that, Gabby.
00:41:33 You're a young woman now, think about it.
00:41:36 Exactly.
00:41:37 If he can't own your mother, he'll take you.
00:41:41 The crowd is starting to thin out in here.
00:41:45 We have to go.
00:41:46 Where?
00:41:48 As far away as we can.
00:41:50 [Birds chirping]
00:41:52 Give me the keys.
00:41:56 Wait, you don't drive.
00:41:58 Bonjour.
00:42:07 [Grunts]
00:42:09 Get in the damn car!
00:42:17 [Footsteps]
00:42:19 [Tires screeching]
00:42:22 [Gasps]
00:42:25 [Groans]
00:42:27 [Gasps]
00:42:31 [Groans]
00:42:34 [Crying]
00:42:45 [Crying]
00:42:47 [Tires screeching]
00:42:56 [Crying]
00:43:00 [Gasps]
00:43:07 [Gasps]
00:43:08 [Gasps]
00:43:15 [Gasps]
00:43:18 We have a storage unit?
00:43:34 Since your third birthday.
00:43:36 Guns?
00:43:37 Credit cards?
00:43:40 Passports?
00:43:42 Mexico?
00:43:44 Canada?
00:43:46 China?
00:43:48 Pakistan?
00:43:50 The picture on these, it's new.
00:43:55 I got it off your student ID.
00:43:57 Who are you?
00:44:01 I'm your daddy, mija.
00:44:05 [Music]
00:44:07 We're heading to Port Isabel tonight.
00:44:21 A friend of mine there has a boat.
00:44:23 We'll take to sea.
00:44:24 We'll tour the world. Sanchez will never find us.
00:44:27 That's your plan?
00:44:29 Do you have a better one?
00:44:34 I'll have the lasagna.
00:44:35 I gotta go make a phone call.
00:44:37 You never told me.
00:44:39 About the Red Queen?
00:44:41 What does it mean?
00:44:42 Nothing.
00:44:43 Sanchez likes mind games.
00:44:45 I'll be back in a minute.
00:44:48 Coffee? Water? Iced tea?
00:44:54 No, thank you.
00:44:55 And how about some lemonade?
00:45:02 It's for the church, you know.
00:45:04 Running is a waste of time. I've got eyes everywhere.
00:45:08 How do you think I found you?
00:45:10 What do you want?
00:45:17 What everybody wants.
00:45:19 Life, love, happiness.
00:45:22 But I'll settle for the Red Queen.
00:45:24 You work for Sanchez?
00:45:26 Sanchez?
00:45:27 Your boss.
00:45:28 Hunted my mother, now he's hunted me.
00:45:31 That Sanchez?
00:45:33 You wanna know who I work for?
00:45:35 Hop over to Washington, D.C.
00:45:36 Drop in an office on K Street off Farragut Square.
00:45:39 There are three letters on the door.
00:45:40 FBI?
00:45:41 My department is so secret I can't even tell you the letters.
00:45:46 But I can tell you how much we want the Red Queen.
00:45:48 I don't know any Red Queen.
00:45:50 What are you talking about?
00:45:51 A picture is worth a thousand words.
00:45:54 Even on a card.
00:45:56 Ace of clubs.
00:45:58 Jack of spades.
00:46:01 Queen of hearts.
00:46:02 No idea on this one.
00:46:04 But we're certain that the Red Queen is in this country.
00:46:07 Under deep cover.
00:46:08 Planning an op that's gonna make 9/11 look like a skinned knee.
00:46:11 She's working with a man named Ali Kari Zahra Maliki.
00:46:16 King of hearts.
00:46:18 Oh!
00:46:21 Magnés.
00:46:27 Magnés and Dears.
00:46:30 We are all here.
00:46:31 You are here with him or you are dead.
00:46:35 We are in a country of murder.
00:46:40 My dad's a college professor.
00:46:56 A foster kid.
00:46:58 He grew up in Santa Fe.
00:46:59 Republican guard born in Basra.
00:47:01 Santa Fe! He's from Santa Fe!
00:47:04 And where is your mother from?
00:47:07 Here's our guess.
00:47:12 She was some poor knocked up kid hanging around Reynosa.
00:47:15 Her ready made family is good cover so Ali Kari took her with him into the States in '88.
00:47:20 How can you be so sure?
00:47:21 Because after he crossed the border, two of my men tried to stop him.
00:47:25 He killed them both.
00:47:26 I bet your mother didn't live much longer.
00:47:28 Or did she?
00:47:30 She died having me.
00:47:31 Everybody dies a natural death around the king of hearts.
00:47:34 But then under the mission she told me.
00:47:36 What she had to tell you if she wanted to stay alive.
00:47:38 Stay with the king until he finds his queen and then call us.
00:47:54 This is a bad dream.
00:47:56 Wake up and smell the blood.
00:47:58 Your Jose from Santa Fe is a dead man walking and if you don't want to follow him into hell, you do as I say.
00:48:04 Oh, here comes daddy.
00:48:10 Did you order yet?
00:48:15 What's wrong, Mija?
00:48:20 You look sick.
00:48:23 I am.
00:48:24 Need a bathroom.
00:48:25 After he crossed the border, two of my men tried to stop him.
00:48:45 He killed them both.
00:48:47 I bet your mother didn't live much longer.
00:48:48 I bet your mother didn't live much longer.
00:48:50 I bet your mother didn't live much longer.
00:48:52 I bet your mother didn't live much longer.
00:49:12 I bet your mother didn't live much longer.
00:49:14 Nobody dies a natural death around the king of hearts.
00:49:28 Nobody dies a natural death around the king of hearts.
00:49:57 Mija!
00:49:58 You in there?
00:49:59 Mija!
00:50:00 Mija!
00:50:03 Santa Ana.
00:50:13 The answer is Generalissimo Antonio de Pablo de Maria Seferino Lopez Santa Ana.
00:50:18 Who?
00:50:20 How can you know about the Alamo and not know who the bad guy was?
00:50:22 Hey, in Mexico Santa Ana ain't the bad guy.
00:50:26 We're in Texas?
00:50:27 Don't remind me.
00:50:28 Madre de Dios!
00:50:31 I kept looking but I don't think they followed me.
00:50:35 Is there anyone in the street?
00:50:37 Did they follow me?
00:50:38 Gabs, what happened?
00:50:39 I wanted to know.
00:50:41 God help me, I wanted to know.
00:50:43 I've scanned every federal website I could find.
00:50:49 They've issued playing cards with terrorist faces on them but not your dad's.
00:50:52 And there's no queen of hearts.
00:50:55 Maybe it's a secret set the feds pull out for special occasions.
00:50:58 Lucky me.
00:51:00 But none of this hangs together.
00:51:02 Why would a terrorist keep a baby?
00:51:04 Why would he wait 20 years to pull another Twin Towers?
00:51:07 He's waiting on the Red Queen.
00:51:09 How convenient.
00:51:11 You think I made all this up?
00:51:13 No, but somebody is.
00:51:15 Someone has to be lying to you.
00:51:17 Your dad or the lady with the cards.
00:51:19 Which unfortunately covers everyone in this story.
00:51:22 Not everyone.
00:51:25 Gabriela, I've told you all I know.
00:51:27 It's not enough, sister.
00:51:29 I need everything that happened the day I was born.
00:51:31 You can't hold anything back now.
00:51:33 It's just too important.
00:51:35 When will you be here?
00:51:37 Within an hour.
00:51:39 I'm depending on you, sister.
00:51:41 Antonio.
00:51:49 Tell me again why I can't come along.
00:51:53 Someone had to see Chief Legardo and fill him in.
00:51:55 There's this thing they've invented called a cell phone.
00:51:58 He won't believe such a crazy story unless you talk face to face.
00:52:02 You're trying to get rid of me, aren't you?
00:52:04 Yes.
00:52:06 You admit it?
00:52:08 I admit I don't want you getting in the way,
00:52:10 opening your big fat mouth and making a mess out of things.
00:52:12 I wouldn't get hurt, Gavs.
00:52:14 I can't take the chance.
00:52:16 I can't take the chance.
00:52:17 Stop the car!
00:52:43 Stop the car!
00:52:46 Did you keep checking your mirrors?
00:52:47 There's no one behind us, Gabby.
00:52:49 We're safe.
00:52:51 Safe?
00:52:53 There's no such thing as safe.
00:52:55 When we get there, drop me off and drive away.
00:52:57 No.
00:52:59 You'll do what I say.
00:53:01 No.
00:53:03 Day before yesterday, you couldn't look me in the eye.
00:53:05 Yesterday?
00:53:07 You weren't in danger.
00:53:10 What are you doing?
00:53:11 Looking for the big red "S" on your chest, Superman.
00:53:14 [car engine starts]
00:53:15 [car engine starts]
00:53:17 [car engine starts]
00:53:19 [car engine starts]
00:53:21 [car engine starts]
00:53:23 [car engine starts]
00:53:25 [car engine starts]
00:53:27 [car engine starts]
00:53:29 [car engine starts]
00:53:31 [car engine starts]
00:53:33 [car engine starts]
00:53:35 [car engine starts]
00:53:37 [car engine starts]
00:53:39 [car engine starts]
00:53:42 [car engine starts]
00:53:43 Big fat mouth.
00:53:45 [car engine starts]
00:53:47 [car engine starts]
00:53:49 If I've got such a big fat mouth, why should the Chief listen to me?
00:53:52 He'll listen and he'll laugh. That's what he'll do.
00:53:55 [car engine starts]
00:53:57 [car engine starts]
00:53:59 [car engine starts]
00:54:01 What am I doing? I don't even know what I'm looking at.
00:54:03 And if I did, I wouldn't know what to do.
00:54:05 This is dumb.
00:54:07 [car engine starts]
00:54:09 When did she leave?
00:54:11 [gasps]
00:54:12 [car engine starts]
00:54:14 [car engine starts]
00:54:16 [car engine starts]
00:54:18 [car engine starts]
00:54:20 [car engine starts]
00:54:22 [car engine starts]
00:54:24 [car engine starts]
00:54:26 I was looking for the truth about my mother.
00:54:28 That's how this all began.
00:54:30 You didn't do anything wrong.
00:54:32 Someone did.
00:54:34 I think I know who.
00:54:36 Gabby.
00:54:39 That woman said about Jose could be a liar.
00:54:41 I'm not talking about my dad.
00:54:43 I'm talking about the one person I thought would never lie to me.
00:54:46 And now that I'm finally allowing myself to look at all this,
00:54:49 I can see the truth.
00:54:51 And it's not pretty Benito.
00:54:53 [car engine starts]
00:54:55 [car engine starts]
00:54:57 [car engine starts]
00:54:59 [car engine starts]
00:55:01 [car engine starts]
00:55:03 Gabby, wait.
00:55:05 I need you to stay here and please don't say no.
00:55:08 Gabby, you trust me.
00:55:09 Gabby, is there something dangerous waiting for you here?
00:55:13 Are you taking some kind of chance?
00:55:15 I started this.
00:55:17 And I need to finish it.
00:55:19 On my own.
00:55:21 Okay.
00:55:23 [music starts]
00:55:25 Wait.
00:55:27 Until there's nothing left to say.
00:55:32 Until the darkness falls through the stars.
00:55:38 [music starts]
00:55:39 I know.
00:55:41 Nothing is like the day before.
00:55:46 I'm caught into your eyes to dance alone.
00:55:52 [music starts]
00:55:54 Stay.
00:55:59 This will last forever.
00:56:03 It will last forever.
00:56:06 Stay.
00:56:14 This will last forever.
00:56:17 I thought you'd be hungry Gabela.
00:56:19 I hope you're in the mood to start a big one.
00:56:21 Where is everyone?
00:56:23 Father Diaz.
00:56:25 He took the children to town for ice cream.
00:56:27 Everyone else, I just sent them away.
00:56:30 I thought we could use a peace and quiet.
00:56:32 Tell me about the day you met my mother.
00:56:35 I told you many times.
00:56:37 I met them on the road to the mission.
00:56:39 I brought them here.
00:56:41 Maria had her baby, then she died.
00:56:43 There is nothing more.
00:56:45 Maria?
00:56:47 Maria Soledad Martina?
00:56:50 I understand lying about everything else.
00:56:53 But why lie about her name?
00:56:56 You're not making any sense child.
00:56:58 The night she started to be gay.
00:57:00 They were found by the road and taken to the mission.
00:57:04 My mother had me and my father.
00:57:06 Well, I guess I'll never know who my real father was.
00:57:10 Except for what you just said about Jose.
00:57:13 It happened that way.
00:57:15 Yes, there was your father, your mother and myself.
00:57:17 And one more person.
00:57:19 She had already crossed the border to meet the man she called the king of hearts.
00:57:23 Sister Carmela.
00:57:25 Kind, loving sister Carmela.
00:57:27 All she had to do was die.
00:57:32 So that the Red Queen could live.
00:57:34 Red Queen?
00:57:36 Who is this Red Queen?
00:57:38 You are.
00:57:40 You are.
00:57:42 You're the Red Queen.
00:57:44 That was a mistake.
00:57:48 That was a mistake.
00:57:49 You should get a bandage for that.
00:58:15 I'm no stranger to pain.
00:58:17 But you're a stranger to me.
00:58:19 None of what you say is true.
00:58:22 Nothing you've ever told me is true.
00:58:24 But just this once.
00:58:26 Be honest with me.
00:58:28 Please just tell me one thing.
00:58:31 Which of you
00:58:34 killed my mother?
00:58:37 I did.
00:58:38 That was close.
00:58:52 Not close enough.
00:58:54 This is all your fault.
00:58:56 I didn't put the picture on the net.
00:58:58 She wouldn't have if you would have told her the right story.
00:59:00 I told her the story we agreed on.
00:59:02 Well then why did she believe you?
00:59:04 None of this was my idea.
00:59:06 No, you weren't there.
00:59:07 It was a lousy plan.
00:59:09 Quiet!
00:59:15 Shut up!
00:59:17 Stop!
00:59:19 What is this?
00:59:21 What's going on?
00:59:23 Who are you people?
00:59:25 Isn't it obvious, Gabby?
00:59:27 Look at how they fight.
00:59:30 Mad as cats but still crazy about each other.
00:59:34 What kind of people argue like this?
00:59:36 Gabby, you wanted to know your mother.
00:59:39 Well, here's your chance.
00:59:42 Mom?
00:59:46 I know I shouldn't have trusted him but he was so upset.
00:59:56 So Jose.
00:59:58 I just had to tell him everything.
01:00:01 It's okay, Tina.
01:00:03 He's her dad for God's sake.
01:00:04 And if he was evil or something,
01:00:06 wouldn't he have hurt me to get what he wanted?
01:00:08 What about Chief Locardo?
01:00:10 Jose said he'd handle that himself.
01:00:12 Did I do wrong?
01:00:15 Tina, you can do no wrong.
01:00:17 Just relax.
01:00:19 What about Gabs? How's she doing?
01:00:21 She's been better.
01:00:23 And the Red Queen said,
01:00:31 "It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place."
01:00:34 It's like I'm Alice and I've fallen through the looking glass.
01:00:38 They're waiting for you.
01:00:41 I think they'll tell the truth this time.
01:00:44 If they don't,
01:00:46 I'll kill them.
01:00:48 [♪♪♪]
01:00:50 [♪♪♪]
01:00:53 [♪♪♪]
01:00:56 [♪♪♪]
01:00:58 [♪♪♪]
01:01:00 [♪♪♪]
01:01:03 [♪♪♪]
01:01:06 [♪♪♪]
01:01:09 [♪♪♪]
01:01:12 [♪♪♪]
01:01:15 [♪♪♪]
01:01:18 [♪♪♪]
01:01:21 [♪♪♪]
01:01:24 Mija.
01:01:27 Don't you dare call me that.
01:01:29 Do I know who you really are?
01:01:31 Both of you?
01:01:33 I don't want you to call me anything.
01:01:35 Well?
01:01:38 Someone start lying.
01:01:40 No more lies.
01:01:44 You can do it all this time.
01:01:47 The problem is,
01:01:49 the truth is less believable than anything we've told you.
01:01:52 That's comforting.
01:01:54 And honestly,
01:01:56 we don't know where to begin.
01:01:57 Why don't you start with the day you met?
01:01:59 In '88, I was working for the company
01:02:08 as a covert field officer,
01:02:11 stationed in the embassy in Beirut.
01:02:13 You were a spy?
01:02:15 A spy who tracked and terminated other spies.
01:02:17 [♪♪♪]
01:02:20 [♪♪♪]
01:02:25 [♪♪♪]
01:02:28 [♪♪♪]
01:02:31 [♪♪♪]
01:02:33 (dramatic music)
01:02:35 (bell ringing)
01:02:38 (dramatic music)
01:02:43 (bell ringing)
01:02:46 (dramatic music)
01:02:50 (bell ringing)
01:02:53 (dramatic music)
01:02:58 (bell ringing)
01:03:00 (dramatic music)
01:03:05 (bell ringing)
01:03:08 (dramatic music)
01:03:12 (bell ringing)
01:03:14 - My current assignment was a Syrian operative,
01:03:17 code name Red Queen.
01:03:19 One of their best people, a prime target.
01:03:23 But the Queen found me first.
01:03:26 (bell ringing)
01:03:29 (dramatic music)
01:03:34 (bell ringing)
01:03:37 (dramatic music)
01:03:41 (bell ringing)
01:03:44 Should have ended there, but it didn't.
01:03:47 (bell ringing)
01:03:51 (gasping)
01:03:55 (bell ringing)
01:03:59 Something in his eye stopped me.
01:04:03 That and the fact that I was sick of what I had become,
01:04:07 what I had done, I couldn't take it anymore.
01:04:10 - She was defenseless.
01:04:14 I could have finished it right then.
01:04:17 But the way she looked was the way I felt.
01:04:26 I was done too.
01:04:31 - Well, then it just happened.
01:04:36 I never felt about anyone like her.
01:04:41 I felt like my life had finally begun.
01:04:44 It was wonderful.
01:04:47 - We're too short a time.
01:04:48 Until when?
01:04:50 - Until you.
01:04:52 - When I became pregnant, we were thrilled and terrified.
01:04:56 - The Syrians would have executed her on the spot.
01:04:59 - The company would have killed your father.
01:05:01 - Overnight we were fugitives without a flag or a nation.
01:05:05 - With a bounty on our head.
01:05:06 - From the Syrians and the company.
01:05:08 - So we fled from Beirut to Malta.
01:05:10 - To Paris, to Venezuela.
01:05:13 - Until we finally arrived here.
01:05:15 - When you crossed the Rio Grande.
01:05:16 - Well, we did cross the river.
01:05:22 - But we flew over it first class.
01:05:27 (soft music)
01:05:29 - We found a restaurant near Roma, isolated and quiet.
01:05:41 We thought we were safe.
01:05:42 - You want what?
01:05:50 - Grape jelly, preserves.
01:05:52 - You're really gonna slather it on this meat?
01:05:56 - It's delicious, you should try it.
01:05:58 - What if I get pregnant?
01:05:59 (dramatic music)
01:06:17 (soft music)
01:06:19 - Le Brat.
01:06:28 - Do we look like the lowly paid civil servants
01:06:31 who slay for the Syrian secret police?
01:06:34 - We're independent, out of my faith.
01:06:37 - Come a long way.
01:06:40 - You're worth it, mademoiselle.
01:06:41 - The bounty on your head has risen to the stars.
01:06:44 - How high?
01:06:45 - Two hundred, three.
01:06:47 - What?
01:06:52 - Millions, thousands.
01:06:54 - And half as much for the man.
01:06:55 Where is he?
01:07:00 - He abandoned me weeks ago.
01:07:02 - Why, Papa, she won't tell us the truth.
01:07:06 - Then we will have to force her, son.
01:07:09 (dramatic music)
01:07:12 (soft music)
01:07:15 (dramatic music)
01:07:17 (soft music)
01:07:20 (soft music)
01:07:22 (gun firing)
01:07:35 (thunder rumbling)
01:07:39 (thunder rumbling)
01:07:42 (speaking in foreign language)
01:07:56 (thunder rumbling)
01:07:59 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:03 (thunder rumbling)
01:08:20 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:47 (speaking in foreign language)
01:08:51 (thunder rumbling)
01:09:02 (thunder rumbling)
01:09:12 (moaning)
01:09:14 - What happened?
01:09:18 No, it's me, it's me.
01:09:20 (moaning)
01:09:22 - How was your day, honey?
01:09:26 (laughing)
01:09:28 Oh, my water just broke.
01:09:32 (moaning)
01:09:37 (thunder rumbling)
01:09:40 - I bet you preferred the story
01:09:50 of the evil Venezuelan horse rancher.
01:09:53 - Please tell your line about this too.
01:09:55 - You wanted the truth.
01:09:57 - Be careful what you wish for.
01:09:58 - So the baby came, but where?
01:10:01 - That part, we never made up.
01:10:03 - The nearest thing to medical attention
01:10:05 was the nurse at the mission, and she did help us.
01:10:09 - She, the real sister of Carmela.
01:10:11 - Not long after this picture was taken,
01:10:19 the good sister died.
01:10:20 - Oh, natural causes, lymphoma.
01:10:30 - We thought the best thing was
01:10:31 that I stay here and take her place.
01:10:33 - For what possible reason?
01:10:35 - For three million of them.
01:10:37 The heat on me eventually cooled down.
01:10:46 I was able to trade some secrets and some favors.
01:10:50 The company gave me a pass, barely.
01:10:55 (eerie music)
01:10:57 - But your mother was another matter.
01:11:06 - The Syrians tripled the bounty on my head.
01:11:09 - To three million dollars?
01:11:11 - For that kind of money,
01:11:12 there were people that will never stop looking.
01:11:16 - We knew it was a matter of time until somebody found me.
01:11:20 So to keep her daughter safe, I decided to die.
01:11:24 - And sister Carmela was reborn.
01:11:25 - So do you guys have any real names or family?
01:11:31 Or have you forgotten?
01:11:33 - I'm Anthony Manetti from Boston.
01:11:36 - I was born in Damascus.
01:11:41 My name is Nadia Salima.
01:11:44 (eerie music)
01:11:47 (Anthony gasps)
01:11:50 - Gabby?
01:12:08 - All this time I've breathed over my mother's grave,
01:12:10 she's been standing right next to me.
01:12:14 Is that love?
01:12:17 - For her it was.
01:12:18 Gabby, I,
01:12:29 I have strong feelings for you.
01:12:33 - Your timing is terrible, Benito.
01:12:37 - I'm Superman, remember?
01:12:40 His timing's perfect.
01:12:45 Mija, can I call you that now?
01:12:47 - I'll be with your mom.
01:12:59 (Anthony laughs)
01:13:04 - Is that really Benito or some kind of imposter?
01:13:07 - You should know.
01:13:08 - Take a walk with her.
01:13:15 - Please?
01:13:16 - Plan is still the same.
01:13:27 We'll go to Port Isabel.
01:13:29 From there we take to sea.
01:13:33 First stop will be the Caymans.
01:13:34 We'll access our blind accounts.
01:13:36 From there we will--
01:13:37 - You keep saying we.
01:13:38 Who is we?
01:13:41 - The three of us.
01:13:43 - There has never been a three of us.
01:13:44 Why start now?
01:13:47 - Mija, it's only a matter of time
01:13:48 before the Syrians find us.
01:13:50 - They're not looking for me.
01:13:52 This is your mess.
01:13:54 - Mija.
01:13:55 - On second thought, don't call me that.
01:13:59 - Look, we just wanted to keep you safe.
01:14:02 - No.
01:14:03 You wanted to live a lie.
01:14:06 And I paid the price for it.
01:14:08 - Oh, and you don't think your mother paid?
01:14:12 You think she wanted to see you only a few times a year?
01:14:15 Why do you think I quit coming to this place?
01:14:17 Can you imagine seeing that woman,
01:14:20 that amazing woman, and not older?
01:14:22 - Yes, I can.
01:14:25 I felt that every day.
01:14:28 - Sorry.
01:14:32 We did the best we could.
01:14:33 - The all-purpose excuse.
01:14:35 For bad parents everywhere.
01:14:37 - Where are you going now?
01:14:42 - Where you wanted me to go.
01:14:43 To Stanford.
01:14:45 Halfway across the country.
01:14:47 I only wish it was halfway across the world.
01:14:51 (somber music)
01:14:57 (somber music)
01:15:00 (somber music)
01:15:02 (somber music)
01:15:05 (somber music)
01:15:07 (somber music)
01:15:36 - No.
01:15:37 No.
01:15:39 - You sure about this, Gabby?
01:15:51 They are your parents.
01:15:53 - I don't know who they are.
01:16:05 (somber music)
01:16:34 - Border patrol.
01:16:36 What could they want?
01:16:37 Gabby?
01:16:40 Is there a problem, officer?
01:16:48 - Bonjour.
01:16:51 - Surprise.
01:16:55 (dramatic music)
01:17:01 (dramatic music)
01:17:04 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:21 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:25 - His English was your second language?
01:17:34 - If you're asking if I lied about being an agent
01:17:38 of the United States government, the answer is of course.
01:17:41 - He's not part of this, leave him alone.
01:17:44 - I'm not going anywhere.
01:17:45 - Please, Benito, she wants me.
01:17:47 - Oh, shut up.
01:17:47 I hate bad movie moments,
01:17:49 and I'm not after either of you anyway.
01:17:50 - But the Red Queen, I'm her daughter.
01:17:53 - Well, every girl is someone's daughter,
01:17:56 and every boy is someone's son.
01:17:58 - Then what are we doing here?
01:17:59 - You know, I was in the mood for a drink,
01:18:01 and I hate drinking alone.
01:18:02 I feel like white, how about you?
01:18:06 To the Red Queen.
01:18:09 May she choke to death on her own blood.
01:18:12 I suppose I should understand,
01:18:15 the woman is your mother, and family is all that matters.
01:18:18 - That and three million dollars?
01:18:21 - Three million dollars.
01:18:22 - The bounty from the Syrians, for the Red Queen?
01:18:25 - Oh, that.
01:18:26 The Syrians canceled that years ago.
01:18:30 - Then what are you doing here?
01:18:31 - Well, like I said, family is all that matters.
01:18:35 In this case, my family, my son, my husband.
01:18:39 - Then this isn't about money?
01:18:42 - It's about love, or hate,
01:18:46 depending on how one looks at it.
01:18:49 (car door slams)
01:18:52 - Take them back to their car.
01:18:53 Oh, by the way, merci beaucoup.
01:18:59 - For what?
01:19:01 - For leading us to your parents.
01:19:03 - But I made sure we weren't followed.
01:19:05 - What decade are you living in?
01:19:07 Human eyeballs can't match directional beacons,
01:19:10 like the one in the cell phone I gave you.
01:19:12 - That's why you stopped us?
01:19:17 You wanted me to know?
01:19:19 - Family is all that matters,
01:19:22 but in your case, not for long.
01:19:24 (Mika screams)
01:19:27 Get them out of here.
01:19:28 Have a safe trip.
01:19:31 (Mika screams)
01:19:34 - There was these men with the guns.
01:19:40 I know it's all my fault.
01:19:42 - Mika, Mika, calm down.
01:19:45 You need to calm down.
01:19:46 It's all gonna be fine.
01:19:47 Don't worry about the cell phone, or those people.
01:19:51 - I know it's all my fault.
01:19:53 - Mika, you need to calm down.
01:19:54 - Gabriela, please stop.
01:19:59 Don't put this on yourself.
01:20:00 This started before you were born.
01:20:02 - Oh, Mommy, I'm so sorry.
01:20:05 - Don't be, and they would have found me eventually.
01:20:09 And this is not a bad thing.
01:20:11 Now we'll all be free.
01:20:13 - I'll be alone.
01:20:15 - I know, Mijita.
01:20:16 We'll always be with you.
01:20:18 - I love you, Mommy.
01:20:20 - We love you too, Gabriela.
01:20:21 - We gotta go back.
01:20:32 - They flattened all four tires.
01:20:34 We could call the police.
01:20:40 - They'll never make it here on time.
01:20:42 - This is not your fault.
01:20:43 - Just saying that won't make it so.
01:20:45 - We can get back.
01:20:55 It'll be slow, but I can get us there.
01:20:58 - Gabby?
01:21:01 Gabby!
01:21:12 - Yeah, I had my day all planned.
01:21:14 Lockup meth heads,
01:21:16 drop by the dry cleaner,
01:21:19 bunch of Ticos,
01:21:21 and I got a special on Cabrito.
01:21:26 - You know, life is full of disappointment.
01:21:28 - Especially when it ends abruptly.
01:21:30 You sure about this?
01:21:32 - No one else.
01:21:35 Just you, Javier.
01:21:36 It'll be easier that way.
01:21:41 - We don't have much time.
01:21:43 - We have 20 years.
01:21:44 - 20 years apart.
01:21:47 How do we survive that?
01:21:48 - Ask me that question tomorrow.
01:22:10 - You know the American phrase, famous last words.
01:22:13 - Zers, not ours.
01:22:15 - I will join you shortly.
01:22:19 Save the kill for me.
01:22:21 - D'accord.
01:22:22 - Allez, vite!
01:22:23 - Fred, definitely red.
01:22:30 (suspenseful music)
01:22:33 (suspenseful music)
01:22:36 (suspenseful music)
01:22:39 (suspenseful music)
01:22:42 (suspenseful music)
01:22:48 (suspenseful music)
01:22:53 (suspenseful music)
01:22:56 (suspenseful music)
01:23:02 (suspenseful music)
01:23:08 (suspenseful music)
01:23:15 (suspenseful music)
01:23:23 (suspenseful music)
01:23:26 (suspenseful music)
01:23:33 (suspenseful music)
01:23:40 (suspenseful music)
01:23:47 (suspenseful music)
01:23:50 (suspenseful music)
01:23:57 (suspenseful music)
01:24:04 (suspenseful music)
01:24:15 (suspenseful music)
01:24:18 - Please kill me quickly.
01:24:34 (grunting)
01:24:40 - You must be new at this.
01:24:44 - And you must be old.
01:24:46 (gunshots)
01:24:49 (gunshots)
01:24:51 (gunshots)
01:24:53 (gunshots)
01:24:55 (gunshots)
01:24:57 (gunshots)
01:24:59 (gunshots)
01:25:01 (gunshots)
01:25:03 (suspenseful music)
01:25:06 (speaking in foreign language)
01:25:13 [slap]
01:25:14 [speaking foreign language]
01:25:20 [intense music]
01:25:22 [grunting]
01:25:24 [intense music]
01:25:26 [gunshots]
01:25:28 [intense music]
01:25:30 [gunshots]
01:25:32 [intense music]
01:25:34 [gunshots]
01:25:36 [intense music]
01:25:38 [gunshots]
01:25:40 [intense music]
01:25:42 [gunshots]
01:25:44 [intense music]
01:25:46 [gunshots]
01:25:48 [intense music]
01:25:50 [gunshots]
01:25:52 [intense music]
01:25:54 [gunshots]
01:25:56 [intense music]
01:25:58 [gunshots]
01:26:00 [intense music]
01:26:02 [gunshots]
01:26:04 [intense music]
01:26:06 [gunshots]
01:26:08 [intense music]
01:26:10 [gunshots]
01:26:12 [intense music]
01:26:14 [gunshots]
01:26:16 [intense music]
01:26:18 [gunshots]
01:26:20 [intense music]
01:26:22 [gunshots]
01:26:24 [intense music]
01:26:26 [gunshots]
01:26:28 [intense music]
01:26:30 [gunshots]
01:26:32 [intense music]
01:26:34 [gunshots]
01:26:36 [intense music]
01:26:38 [gunshots]
01:26:40 [intense music]
01:26:42 [gunshots]
01:26:44 [intense music]
01:26:46 [intense music]
01:26:48 [gunshots]
01:26:50 [intense music]
01:26:52 [gunshots]
01:26:54 [intense music]
01:26:56 [gunshots]
01:26:58 [intense music]
01:27:00 [gunshots]
01:27:02 [intense music]
01:27:04 - Get up, stop fooling around. - Watch out!
01:27:06 [intense music]
01:27:08 [gunshots]
01:27:10 [intense music]
01:27:12 [gunshots]
01:27:14 [intense music]
01:27:16 [gunshots]
01:27:18 [intense music]
01:27:20 [gunshots]
01:27:22 - What the hell did you hit me for?
01:27:24 - I can handle myself.
01:27:26 - You're right you can handle yourself. Who pulled you out of the ocean, Bermuda?
01:27:28 - Oh, shut up.
01:27:30 You know how that went.
01:27:32 - You were kicking your butt.
01:27:34 - Yeah. - You deluded.
01:27:36 - Deluded?
01:27:38 - I saw you in here on the floor when I came in.
01:27:40 - I got involved. Both those guys are mine.
01:27:42 You didn't do anything.
01:27:44 [intense music]
01:27:46 [intense music]
01:27:48 - She didn't come back.
01:27:50 Gabriella, she didn't come back to save us.
01:27:52 - We didn't need saving.
01:27:54 - She didn't know that.
01:27:56 [intense music]
01:27:58 - She'll forgive us.
01:28:00 Someday.
01:28:02 - Oh, what's another 20 years?
01:28:04 [intense music]
01:28:06 Desert stars
01:28:08 didn't really grow everywhere.
01:28:10 - Let's find out.
01:28:12 [intense music]
01:28:14 [gunshot]
01:28:16 [intense music]
01:28:18 [intense music]
01:28:20 [intense music]
01:28:22 - My men?
01:28:24 Dead, unconscious, I don't care which.
01:28:26 They do all the work,
01:28:28 I get to play.
01:28:30 It's not fair, but I am management.
01:28:32 Finish it.
01:28:34 - Oh, I will.
01:28:36 But I'm in no hurry.
01:28:38 From knee to elbow
01:28:40 to lung to kidney,
01:28:42 each shot placed
01:28:44 with great care.
01:28:46 This will be--
01:28:48 - Stay away from my money,
01:28:50 you bitch!
01:28:52 [intense music]
01:28:54 [intense music]
01:28:56 [intense music]
01:28:58 [intense music]
01:29:00 [intense music]
01:29:02 [intense music]
01:29:04 [intense music]
01:29:06 [intense music]
01:29:08 [intense music]
01:29:10 [intense music]
01:29:12 [intense music]
01:29:14 - That's my girl.
01:29:16 - Now!
01:29:18 [intense music]
01:29:20 [intense music]
01:29:22 [intense music]
01:29:24 [intense music]
01:29:26 (upbeat music)
01:29:28 (grunting)
01:29:30 (upbeat music)
01:29:33 (upbeat music)
01:29:36 (upbeat music)
01:29:38 (grunting)
01:29:42 (upbeat music)
01:29:45 (grunting)
01:29:48 (upbeat music)
01:29:51 (grunting)
01:29:56 (thudding)
01:29:58 (birds chirping)
01:30:01 (panting)
01:30:02 - Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:30:04 You're squeezing my flesh wound.
01:30:05 (laughing)
01:30:06 I always wanted to say that.
01:30:08 (bell ringing)
01:30:13 (ominous music)
01:30:17 - Family.
01:30:22 It's all about family.
01:30:26 (thudding)
01:30:31 (grunting)
01:30:34 (door opening)
01:30:36 - Can we call the police now?
01:30:40 - Your timing keeps getting better, Superman.
01:30:43 (laughing)
01:30:46 - Chief, chief, my parents.
01:30:55 - I know, I know.
01:30:56 Jose told me everything.
01:30:58 Where is he?
01:30:59 - He's down that way.
01:31:00 He's been shot.
01:31:00 - Okay, my car's down there.
01:31:01 Get on the radio, call for EMT stat.
01:31:03 I'll go check things out.
01:31:05 (ominous music)
01:31:10 - You're squeezing my flesh wound again.
01:31:13 - This wasn't bad.
01:31:14 - What, the wound or the fight?
01:31:18 - Well.
01:31:20 - Remember Marrakech?
01:31:23 I got shot in the lung
01:31:24 and you had to carry me five miles on your back?
01:31:26 - Yeah, in the desert, during a sandstorm.
01:31:30 - Or Paris in that bistro.
01:31:32 - The can-can dancer with the stilettos in her heels.
01:31:36 - She almost got you in the eye.
01:31:38 - And then her boss let his Rottweilers loose on us.
01:31:42 - Great times.
01:31:44 - With more to come.
01:31:49 - How do we?
01:31:55 - Stop wasting time.
01:31:58 (ominous music)
01:32:01 - Well, say old friend.
01:32:13 You made quite a mess.
01:32:15 Now I'm gonna have to clean it up.
01:32:19 (gunshots)
01:32:21 - Stay back, it's too late.
01:32:26 (woman gasping)
01:32:29 - This lady wasn't done.
01:32:33 She took your folks out before I could finish her.
01:32:38 There's nothing I can do.
01:32:39 - You, you're a part of this.
01:32:43 - Take her home.
01:32:45 There's nothing for her here.
01:32:46 Take her.
01:32:48 (ominous music)
01:32:52 (sirens blaring)
01:32:55 (soft piano music)
01:33:04 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:33:11 ♪ Can I ask you this ♪
01:33:15 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:33:19 ♪ Can you tell me this ♪
01:33:24 ♪ Can you hear me ♪
01:33:28 ♪ When I sing ♪
01:33:31 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:33:36 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:33:43 ♪ Tell me where he is ♪
01:33:47 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:33:49 ♪ Please tell me how it ends ♪
01:33:54 ♪ I can't hear you ♪
01:33:59 ♪ Can't you sing ♪
01:34:02 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:34:04 - Who are those people?
01:34:07 - Friends or their enemies.
01:34:16 - Making sure.
01:34:17 - Don't they ever give up?
01:34:20 - They'll have to now.
01:34:22 They didn't find it.
01:34:41 - What's that?
01:34:44 - The desert star.
01:34:45 I asked Father Diaz.
01:34:49 He looked everywhere, but it wasn't in the mission.
01:34:53 It wasn't with my mom.
01:34:58 It's gone.
01:35:01 ♪ Tell me where he is ♪
01:35:06 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:35:08 - I need a second.
01:35:09 ♪ Please tell me how it ends ♪
01:35:12 ♪ Tell me how it ends ♪
01:35:14 - I'll be in the car.
01:35:15 ♪ I can't hear you ♪
01:35:21 ♪ Can't you sing ♪
01:35:24 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:35:26 - Mama, you said,
01:35:29 look up into the stars,
01:35:33 that one of them shines for me.
01:35:35 But I never wanted the stars.
01:35:39 I wanted you.
01:35:43 ♪ Tell me where he is ♪
01:35:46 - Please Benito, just a moment.
01:35:50 - A moment is all I need.
01:35:52 - What are you doing here?
01:35:55 - Pay my last respects to a friend.
01:35:57 - Do you even know what that word means?
01:35:59 - Jose taught me.
01:36:00 I'd do anything for that man,
01:36:02 but I just didn't have the chance.
01:36:04 Too bad I have to work today.
01:36:12 - Nice day for a boat ride,
01:36:13 but life is tough and then you die.
01:36:18 I hope things work out better for you, Gabby.
01:36:22 - What did he want?
01:36:28 ♪ Oh God ♪
01:36:33 ♪ Yeah ♪
01:36:35 - Hope a meteorite hits him.
01:36:37 I hope it gets to Peter and his damn boat sinks.
01:36:40 (sighing)
01:36:42 - Nice day for a boat ride.
01:36:44 - What did you say?
01:36:45 - I hope he gets torpedoed.
01:36:47 - We'll head to Port Isabel tonight.
01:36:49 A friend of mine has a boat there.
01:36:51 - In his boat?
01:36:53 - Where else would he get torpedoed?
01:36:54 (sighing)
01:36:56 Gabby, what's wrong?
01:36:57 - Port Isabel, take me there.
01:37:02 Take me there now.
01:37:04 - Okay.
01:37:07 (dramatic music)
01:37:10 - Wait.
01:37:23 - It's okay.
01:37:28 (dramatic music)
01:37:31 (dramatic music)
01:37:34 (dramatic music)
01:37:37 (dramatic music)
01:37:40 (dramatic music)
01:37:42 (dramatic music)
01:37:45 (dramatic music)
01:37:48 (dramatic music)
01:37:51 (dramatic music)
01:37:53 (birds chirping)
01:38:20 (water splashing)
01:38:23 - Were they?
01:38:26 - No.
01:38:28 - So what's next?
01:38:34 - What they wanted me to do.
01:38:36 Live my life.
01:38:38 Be safe.
01:38:39 But there's no such thing as safe.
01:38:42 - Well, that depends.
01:38:45 On where you are.
01:38:50 Or who you're with.
01:38:51 - Perfect timing.
01:39:01 (gentle music)
01:39:08 - You found the star.
01:39:10 Where was it?
01:39:11 - Hiding in plain sight.
01:39:14 - Sometimes that's the best place to hide things.
01:39:17 (gentle music)
01:39:20 - Life is about loss and change.
01:39:23 If you can handle one, the other won't matter.
01:39:25 But one thing will never change.
01:39:29 How I feel about my mother and my father.
01:39:32 And how they feel about me.
01:39:35 - Desert stars, do they really grow everywhere?
01:39:41 - Let's find out.
01:39:47 ♪ I won't wake up until tomorrow ♪
01:39:51 ♪ All the things I've said and done ♪
01:39:54 ♪ Now are turning into something ♪
01:39:58 ♪ Into point of no return ♪
01:39:59 ♪ Gotta try, gotta try, oh ♪
01:40:01 ♪ And I will follow what I have to ♪
01:40:05 ♪ Never mind good or bad ♪
01:40:10 ♪ Good or crime ♪
01:40:14 ♪ Gotta try, gotta try, oh ♪
01:40:17 (gentle music)
01:40:20 ♪ Now I step out in the desert ♪
01:40:33 ♪ Running with a midnight train ♪
01:40:37 ♪ Calling every coaster party ♪
01:40:40 ♪ Looking for someone to blame ♪
01:40:42 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:40:45 All what I have to.
01:40:48 Don't care good or bad.
01:40:50 Good or crying.
01:40:56 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:00 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:03 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:07 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:10 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:14 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:17 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:21 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:24 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:28 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:31 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:35 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:38 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:42 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:46 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:49 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:53 Gotta try, gotta try a lot more.
01:41:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:42:12 [MUSIC PLAYING],
01:42:22 [MUSIC PLAYING],
01:42:32 [MUSIC PLAYING],
01:42:52 [MUSIC PLAYING],
01:43:12 [MUSIC PLAYING],
01:43:32 [MUSIC PLAYING],
01:43:52 [MUSIC PLAYING],
01:44:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]