Kaput and Zosky The Ultimate Obliterators E00- Cabbage Patch Kids

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
00:30Non, non !
01:00Come on, press the red button, quick!
01:03Not that red button!
01:05Put them all red!
01:15Please stop landing! Please stop landing!
01:17Let him, let him!
01:20Watch what you're doing, for goodness sake!
01:23What's the use?
01:24Our garden must be perfect! The best on the planet!
01:28Bess, it's the only garden on the planet. We're the only people on the planet.
01:33That's no reason for it to be second rate.
01:36But I'm so bored! What kind of life is this anyway?
01:41Oh, maybe we should have children.
01:45Children? Are you mad? They'd ruin my precious cabbages!
01:50Speaking of cabbages, for goodness sake, please keep watering them!
01:57In a few seconds she's going to mention her mother.
02:00Three, two, one.
02:03If only children really did come from under a cabbage leaf, like my mother used to say.
02:10It never fails.
02:17Great, now it's...
02:18Couldn't you have chosen a planet with nicer weather?
02:22I remind you that we didn't exactly choose this planet.
02:29Babies! My babies!
02:36My babies! My babies!
02:39Who does she think she is?
02:42Easy, big fella. I think we've just gained control of this planet.
02:47Huh? Already?
02:49I didn't even get to vaporize anybody.
02:52Come and see! They're so adorable!
02:58No, he said mommy!
03:00She's your mother?
03:01She's yours too, moron.
03:03Mine? I don't think so. Mine had hairy ni...
03:09It could be mama!
03:15I'm hungry!
03:17And make it snappy!
03:19Yeah! How about it, mom?
03:21We want food!
03:23Listen to them rattle! Such clever little thoughts!
03:28But how do you know they're really ours?
03:31Well, they were under our cabbages, weren't they?
03:38About that food!
03:40Yes, yes! Coming right up, my little lovey-doveys!
03:45I'll give your lovey-doveys a bang-zoom!
03:53Are we the kings or what?
03:56I guess.
03:57But there's no action! We're turning into a couch potato!
04:00Can't we shoot them? Just a quick blast?
04:02What do you say?
04:04No, this is the good life.
04:16All right, who did that?
04:24I've had it with you two space weirdos!
04:28Don't you dare harm my sweet little angels!
04:31Who's she talking about? Never mind!
04:34Smile! You look cuter!
04:37Star Wars?
04:39No, no, no!
04:41Never mind! Smile! You look cuter!
04:49I think I'm gonna hurl.
04:51Shh! Listen to the story!
04:54I already know the story!
04:56The wolf dresses like a granny, he puffs and puffs,
04:58the bear eats the apple, yadda yadda yadda,
05:00the prince comes in my kitchen, he turns into a frog!
05:05I am full to the brim!
05:07I've had enough with cabbages!
05:11Take that!
05:13And that!
05:15And that!
05:17And that!
05:19And take that!
05:26Wait a minute...
05:40The prince, he's trying to kiss me!
05:43What's he doing?
06:06Oh, no!
06:08Oh, no!
06:12Sayonara, babies!
06:22My babies! My babies are gone!
06:25There, there, there, sweetheart!
06:27The kids decided that the time had come to strike out on their own.
06:32Sooner or later, all little birdies must leave the nest.
06:36But they were so young!
06:42We have to go back!
06:45I didn't say goodbye to mommy!
06:50Saskie, can I tell you something?
06:53That wasn't your mother!
07:12Translation by Jean Laflute
