Art et designTranscription
00:30de l'existence par la puissance brutale et la puissance de la roue de l'Iron Will de les Rippin' Friends.
00:34Rippcont s'occupe de leur quartier sacré, un symbole brillant de la liberté
00:39et un exemple pour l'humanité de la grande hauteur
00:42qui peut être atteinte par des hommes de puissance et de génie.
00:47Oui, les Rippin' Friends, comme tous les enfants de l'école le savent,
00:50sont les hommes les plus homogènes du monde,
00:52reverts pour leur grand volume musculaire et leur définition.
00:54Mais ce que les enfants de l'école ne savent pas,
00:56c'est que leurs héros brillants sont aussi des génies,
00:59qui possèdent une grande autorité dans de nombreuses disciplines scientifiques.
01:03Rippcont est seulement l'exemple le plus grand et le plus protrudant
01:06de l'espoir insatiable des Rippin' Friends pour le progrès.
01:12Chaque instant à Rippcont,
01:14des pas dures dans la science médicale,
01:16dans l'astronomie,
01:17la physique nucléaire
01:18et les sciences trop nombreuses à mentionner
01:20sont lourdement construites par les Rippin' Friends
01:23contre l'inviolable volonté de la nature elle-même.
01:27Ainsi supérieurs sont ces hommes de génie
01:29et leurs achats scientifiques
01:31que Rippcont vit virtuellement bien avant
01:33la technologie du reste du monde.
01:35Jusqu'à ce qu'ils vivent cinq jours à l'avant de nous
01:38dans le monde de l'après-midi.
01:41A l'intérieur de Rippcont,
01:42la ville de prototypes vraiment impressionnante
01:44de l'après-midi,
01:45l'après-midi est silencieux,
01:46les Rippin' Friends créent des inventions
01:48qui confondent l'imagination,
01:50inventent des armes qui confondent l'indispensable,
01:53conduisent des expériences scientifiques
01:55qui frappent les yeux sans question
01:58des vastes hordes de créatures ignorantes
02:01qu'on appelle les Homo Sapiens.
02:03Avec toute la connaissance secrète
02:05amassée à chaque micro-instant à Rippcont,
02:07il n'est pas surprenant qu'elle soit fortifiée
02:09avec les systèmes d'insécurité les plus récentes
02:11pour protéger ces secrets scientifiques
02:13des ennemis dangereux de la liberté et de la justice.
02:17Sûrs de la connaissance
02:18que leurs secrets précieux sont sécurisés,
02:20les Rippin' Friends prennent du temps pour se détendre
02:22et frôler dans leur chambre de ciment.
02:24Man, there's nothing like a nice refreshing dip
02:27in wet cement.
02:28You know it, Craig!
02:29After a hard day of thinking up new ways
02:31to rip the secrets from nature,
02:32I can't get enough of this soggy concrete!
02:38Can you not get enough, kid?
02:40I said that, didn't I?
02:41Well, here, have some more!
02:46Darn you!
02:47Why, Al!
02:48Hey! I'm hardening!
02:51You knew that would happen, didn't you?
02:58Now I'll show you!
03:10A little horseplay now and then is good for the boys,
03:13even geniuses like us.
03:15Yes, the Rippin' Friends are quite secure
03:17in the knowledge that their most potent science
03:19secret is locked away.
03:21A secret so dangerous, so powerful,
03:23that should it ever fall into the wrong hands...
03:26Ah, here we are.
03:28The Room.
03:31So tight is security at The Room
03:34that its sophisticated identification system
03:36recognizes only the Rippin' Friends'
03:38individual tongue prints.
03:40Admittance is strictly forbidden to all others.
03:44For, hidden here in the deepest bowels
03:46of the Ripcot security maze
03:48are stored the vials.
03:50Yes, the vials.
03:52The vials that contain the most perfect substance
03:54in the universe.
03:56The Rippin' Friends own superior genetic material,
03:59their precious ripping DNA.
04:02Luckily for all, their fantastic secret is safe,
04:05for it is virtually impossible
04:07for any intruder to enter this mystical room.
04:13Just like taking candy from a baby.
04:18What's that?
04:19It's the intruder alarm.
04:20An unauthorized person is inside
04:22our secret genetic laboratory.
04:24That's impossible!
04:25They'll be here soon.
04:27Let them come, let them come.
04:30At last, I have the raw material
04:32to beat those loathsome Rippin' Friends.
04:36Easy does it.
04:38I'll be back.
04:39I'll be back.
04:40I'll be back.
04:41I'll be back.
04:42I'll be back.
04:43I'll be back.
04:44I'll be back.
04:45I'll be back.
04:46Easy does it.
04:49There we are.
04:52I think I'll let them get a look at the man
04:54who will finally defeat them.
04:59Nobody has ever penetrated our security before.
05:02What are we standing around doing for?
05:04Let's go rip his butt!
05:05To the lab!
05:17Hey, look!
05:18The tongue print detector is already wet.
06:12All right, you behelmeted interloper!
06:14Explain yourself!
06:15What are you doing here?
06:16And how did you get in?
06:17Let me see your authorization.
06:19Why not?
06:20This is my authorization.
06:31I'm sorry I can't stay
06:32to take advantage of your warm welcome,
06:34but I have some important business to attend to.
06:37You will excuse me, of course.
06:45Stop, trespasser!
06:46Stop in the name of the law!
06:48Don't worry.
06:49I'll visit again soon.
06:50Perhaps I'll see you...
06:52last Tuesday.
06:57Get out of the way, pops!
06:58I'm coming through!
07:03Wait till I get my mitts on you, you costume freak!
07:11What the...
07:16Hey, help me, you guys!
07:17I'm stuck!
07:19Hang on!
07:20Don't panic!
07:33You idiots!
07:35All right!
07:36Here I come!
07:40Thanks for nothing.
07:41What happened, buddy?
07:42I don't know.
07:43The guy got in his wiener
07:44and then just disappeared!
07:50I tell you, the guy just disappeared!
07:52Do I have to kick your...
07:54Rip's right, man.
07:55He's vanished into thin air.
07:58Come on, let's confirm.
08:02I don't know who he was
08:03or where he came from,
08:04but I'll tell you one thing.
08:05Every villain I've ever known
08:06always leaves a clue.
08:08We just have to find it.
08:10I wonder what he meant
08:11by the crack about meeting us
08:12last Tuesday.
08:13Everybody knows
08:14that it's already next Tuesday.
08:23I don't know how anyone
08:24could have broken in.
08:25It's impossible!
08:26You can't enter
08:27without our tongue prints.
08:28The tongue sensor is programmed
08:29to read our individual taste bud
08:31configurations and nobody else's.
08:33That's right, young fellow.
08:34But when we got here,
08:35the sensor was already wet.
08:37You know what that means,
08:38don't you?
08:42It means someone
08:43whose tongue is authorized
08:44let him in.
08:47It had to be one of us.
08:49One of us let him in.
08:52Absolutely right.
08:53One of us
08:54is a traitor.
09:12My tongue hasn't left my mouth
09:13all day!
09:19My tongue is clean!
09:21Hey! Give me that thing!
09:25The kid did it!
09:27Look at it!
09:28It's still pink!
09:29Chuck sold his tongue
09:30in a crime!
09:31Look, look!
09:32The guilty tongue!
09:33I'll smash you,
09:34you dirty tongue!
09:37Your tongue is still there!
09:38I'll smash you,
09:39you dirty tongue!
09:41Stop it!
09:42Give me my tongue back!
09:48Here's your culprit, Captain.
09:49Lock it up
09:50before it licks again.
09:52Come on, tough guy!
09:59Stop it!
10:00All right, listen to me.
10:01We can't just go off
10:02half-cocked all the time.
10:03Okay, look.
10:04We know one of us
10:05is a filthy, dirty,
10:06low-down criminal sellout.
10:09It could be you!
10:10And it could be you!
10:13What about you?
10:15it could even be me.
10:19One of us
10:20can't be trusted.
10:21We know that now,
10:22but we have to live with it
10:23until we know for certain
10:24who it is.
10:25In the meantime,
10:26someone is out there,
10:29planning to use
10:30our precious
10:31genetic fluids
10:32for some diabolical purpose.
10:34So we still have
10:35to work together.
10:36We still have to be a team.
10:37Even though we could all
10:38lose our lives
10:39because of one
10:44seller's own mother,
10:45snake in the grass.
10:47Just don't turn your backs
10:48on anyone.
10:50Okay, let's go.
10:59far, far in the future,
11:00our mysterious intruder
11:01appears in the fantastic world
11:03of next Thursday,
11:04two long days from now.
11:07Ah, the future.
11:08Home at last.
11:09I can hardly wait
11:10to browbeat Future Cat.
11:22in the remote world
11:23of next Thursday,
11:24everything has advanced
11:25beyond our wildest imaginations.
11:27Even the lowly house cat
11:29has developed
11:30a rudimentary intelligence.
11:31Here we see
11:32Future Cat,
11:33exercising his powers
11:34to the maximum.
11:35Here we see
11:36Future Cat,
11:37exercising his fertile mind
11:38with an ancient book
11:39from his library.
11:42This evolutionary theory
11:43is quite startling.
11:46Oh, oh gracious.
11:49The mind boggles.
11:51Simply incredible.
11:53But a complete fairy tale
11:57Future Cat,
11:58I'm home.
12:01my master is home.
12:03I'm back from
12:04next Tuesday.
12:05Just wait till you see
12:06what I brought back
12:07from Ripcon, honey.
12:10Hold on.
12:11I'm afraid nature is calling.
12:27I've heard that
12:28before telepathy.
12:29We used to have to
12:30do that manually.
12:34Lookie what I got.
12:35Genetic material
12:36from the Ripping Friends.
12:38At last,
12:39I have everything I need
12:40to destroy them.
12:42Destroy the Ripping Friends?
12:45You love
12:46the Ripping Friends.
12:51No, I don't.
12:52I hate them.
12:55If you only knew
12:56how I hate them.
12:58I'm going to tell you
12:59why I hate them.
13:02Do you want to know
13:03my origin story?
13:10I used to love
13:11the Ripping Friends.
13:13But that was before
13:14the thing that they did to me.
13:17Uh, I don't get it.
13:18What thing are you
13:19talking about?
13:22You want to know
13:23about the thing?
13:25I'm going to tell you
13:26how I hate them.
13:28You want to know
13:29about the thing?
13:30You want the thing, huh?
13:32I'll show you the thing.
13:34Okay, you asked for it.
13:44Now do you see, huh?
13:46Do you see why
13:47I hate the Ripping Friends?
13:49Yes, yes.
13:50The Ripping Friends
13:51put a giant thumb
13:52in the middle of your chest.
13:53It's horrible.
13:54Put it away.
13:56No, they didn't put
13:57a giant thumb
13:58in the middle of my chest.
14:00All of the super evolved
14:01people of next Thursday
14:02have giant opposable
14:03thumbs in the middle
14:04of their chests.
14:06You know that.
14:08Oh yeah, I forgot.
14:10Well, then
14:11what's wrong with it?
14:13Look at it.
14:14Look at the nail.
14:19Yeah, so?
14:21It's on the wrong side!
14:22Oh, yeah.
14:23I guess it is.
14:28Here's my incredible
14:29shameful story.
14:31There was an accident.
14:32An awful,
14:33painful accident.
14:35It happened long ago.
14:38On Thursday,
14:40my thumb was torn off.
14:44The doctors of next Thursday
14:45were able to reattach it,
14:46but they told me
14:47that the nail
14:48was too far gone.
14:50There was no sign
14:51there was no surgeon
14:52in our time
14:53that had the skill
14:54to save the nail.
14:55They told me
14:56I would have to get used
14:57to the idea
14:58of being
14:59a freak.
15:01But then,
15:03one doctor told me
15:04that once upon a time
15:05there lived a great surgeon
15:06named Dr. Slab Friend.
15:08The greatest surgeon
15:09who ever lived.
15:10If anybody could have
15:11saved my thumbnail,
15:12it was him.
15:13And then I realized
15:14there was my answer.
15:17I knew all about Slab,
15:18sure I did,
15:19because he was one of
15:20my local heroes.
15:21I read about him
15:22and his heroic brothers
15:23in the Ripping Friends comics.
15:25I collect their comics,
15:26you know,
15:27I have a subscription.
15:28They come every month
15:29and I read them
15:30over and over again.
15:35I knew then
15:36that my only hope
15:37was to travel back in time
15:38to next Tuesday.
15:41I built a time wiener
15:42and did just that.
15:44I went back
15:45into the past
15:46and brought my severed thumbnail
15:47to Ripcock Medical Center
15:48and demanded to have
15:49Dr. Slab operate on me.
15:50They told me
15:51that could be arranged,
15:52but I'd have to come back
15:54because Slab was away
15:55on an assignment.
15:58So there I waited,
15:59in the emergency ward
16:00as people all around
16:01stared at me
16:02with sick revulsion
16:03in their eyes.
16:06They hated me
16:07for my disfigurement.
16:10At last Wednesday came
16:11and Dr. Slab
16:12performed a miracle operation.
16:14He reattached
16:15my broken torn nail,
16:16yes he did,
16:17but he,
16:18being a creature
16:19from an ancient race
16:20who hadn't evolved
16:21chest thumbs,
16:22he didn't know
16:23which side the nail went on.
16:25Or maybe
16:26he didn't care.
16:28I was not important enough
16:29for him to even ask.
16:31And then the other
16:32ripping friends came
16:33and whisked him away
16:34to another important adventure,
16:37more important than me,
16:38their biggest fan.
16:41And now,
16:42because of them,
16:43I am a hideous freak.
16:45Everywhere I go,
16:46people gawk at me,
16:49They throw up
16:51or they look at me
16:52with pity.
16:54I think I hate the pity
16:55even more than the puke.
16:57Why are you telling me all this?
16:59Because you're the only one
17:00who loves me.
17:04You do love me,
17:05don't you?
17:06Tell me you love me.
17:10Say it.
17:15Say the words.
17:18I love you.
17:20Of course you do.
17:24So I dreamed of the day
17:25that I could destroy
17:26the ripping friends
17:27for making me ugly.
17:28I waited for the key
17:29and at last I have it.
17:32The secret to their destruction
17:33lies in their own
17:34genetic material.
17:36You're wondering
17:37how I know this.
17:38The comic books told me.
17:40Sure they did.
17:42You see, they come out
17:43after each of their
17:44real life adventures
17:45and recount the tales.
17:47Since I live in their future
17:48and I read their comics,
17:49I know everything
17:50that happens to them.
17:51And here, look.
17:52At the back of every comic,
17:53there's a little section
17:54that tells you
17:55all their secrets.
17:56See that?
17:57It says,
17:58hey kids and super villains,
17:59learn the fantastic secrets
18:00of the ripping friends.
18:02Here's where I found out
18:03that they have a lab
18:04where they store samples
18:05of their mighty
18:06genetic fluids.
18:08And I'll tell you
18:09how I broke into the secret
18:10genetic lab at RipCot.
18:12See here it says,
18:13gain access to the ripping
18:14friends' secret genetic vault
18:16with this swell tongue print.
18:24And look at the last page.
18:25The ripping friends
18:26guard their genetic samples
18:27very closely,
18:28for it holds the key
18:29to their defeat.
18:31Find out how
18:32next issue.
18:34Oh, how I hate
18:35these continued stories.
18:42Will Thursday Man
18:43discover the awesome
18:44secret that lies
18:45in the ripping DNA?
18:46Will he defeat
18:47the ripping friends?
18:48Will Future Cat
18:49live past 14 years?
18:50Tune in next time, folks,
18:51to see the exciting
18:52conclusion to
18:53The Man from Next Thursday.
19:11That's the spirit!
19:12Let's rip them apart!