Strange Animals that Exhisted

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00So the title of the sermon today is strange animals that existed, strange animals that
00:00:09So I've got three animals and it's based off the Bible and if you would talk to anybody
00:00:14they would tell you no these animals didn't exist and in fact the newer Bible versions
00:00:20will try to replace the names of the animals with something else that's commonly known.
00:00:25But I'm here to tell you I don't know how many animals there are but there are I believe
00:00:30at least 39 or 40 animals that have become extinct.
00:00:35One of them is American bison, the buffalo.
00:00:39The Indians used to in the western times they would take the buffalo and they would kill
00:00:45the buffalo and they'd use the bones and use the skin, they'd use everything of the buffalo
00:00:51and of obviously the meat but when the white man came they killed off all the buffalo and
00:00:57they're not anymore around anymore certain species of the bison or buffalo.
00:01:03And then you have the dodo bird, it's an extinct animal.
00:01:06These animals are not existing anymore but they did exist and we know that because of
00:01:11the Bible.
00:01:12So I'm here to test and ask you do you believe what God says in the Bible or do you believe
00:01:17what man says?
00:01:18So the first animal is the unicorn.
00:01:22Go to Psalm 92.
00:01:23So there's nine times in the Bible that God mentions the unicorn in Psalm 92.
00:01:30And when I grew up as a young person I remember being told that the unicorn was a satanic
00:01:37animal and that people that would get tattoos of unicorn and stuff you know.
00:01:43But if God mentions it then it can't be satanic.
00:01:47It has to be made of God and all three of these animals God created all the way back
00:01:52in Genesis.
00:01:53And I'm going to prove that to you.
00:01:54I don't want to just sit here and tell you that but I've got six attributes of the unicorn
00:02:00that the Bible describes and a lot of people will try to say no this is rhinoceros or whatever.
00:02:06I'm here to prove to you that I don't believe it's a rhinoceros.
00:02:09Now what I don't believe, I don't believe it's a fake animal.
00:02:14I don't believe it's a horse with wings that you see like you know on TV and shows or on
00:02:21you know some girl's trapper keeper where it's got a unicorn and all different kind
00:02:27of colors.
00:02:28I do believe that the world's taken the unicorn and make it into something like homos where
00:02:33they put rainbows on it and try to make it out to be that homo people are unicorn people
00:02:39because the word unicorn itself would be something that you can't find very often.
00:02:44But in 2024 you can't swing a dead cat without finding a homo so that's that doesn't make
00:02:49a lot of sense.
00:02:50But in Psalm 92 verse 10 what does the Bible say this is where it mentions about it.
00:03:01But my horn shall exalt like the horn of a unicorn.
00:03:06I shall be anointed with fresh oil.
00:03:09So the Bible is talking about the horn being exalted and if you read the Bible and you
00:03:13read about a horn you'll see that people were being anointed with oil.
00:03:18That's the priest would be David was King Saul was Solomon they were anointed with oil
00:03:26to the point that they were being an example if you read about anointed with oil being
00:03:31anointed with the Holy Spirit.
00:03:33Jesus was anointed with oil and that's an example but what it's explaining to the horn
00:03:38shall they'll exalt like the horn of a unicorn.
00:03:42So my first thing about a unicorn is an exalted animal.
00:03:46It's an animal that's exalted and has glory as far as God's concerned.
00:03:52Now there's animals there's all kinds of animals out there.
00:03:55There's some animals that God does not exalt like a snake a serpent he does not exalt it.
00:04:00In fact I believe that serpents used to maybe not crawl on the ground because it clearly
00:04:06tells us in Genesis that God cursed the serpent and said it would now crawl on the ground
00:04:10and eat dust.
00:04:11So the first thing is a unicorn is an exalted animal.
00:04:16Go to numbers 23 and we're going to go to all nine mentions in the Bible.
00:04:26Numbers 23.
00:04:33Numbers 23 verse 22 23 22 God brought them out of Egypt and he's talking about when when
00:04:54he brought the children of Israel the Hebrew children out of Egypt.
00:05:01He hath as it were the strength of a unicorn.
00:05:06So the Bible is showing us here that the unicorn is a strong animal.
00:05:11It has strength.
00:05:13It's exalted.
00:05:14If you will go to one page over probably the number 24 verse 8 this is the third mention
00:05:21of the unicorn.
00:05:23So it's an exalted animal.
00:05:25It's a strong animal.
00:05:28So right now you may say well that's kind of sound like rhinoceros.
00:05:32Okay well let's keep reading.
00:05:35Numbers 24 8 God brought him forth out of Egypt.
00:05:40He hath as it were the strength of a unicorn.
00:05:43He shall eat up all the nation's enemies and shall break their bones and pierce him through
00:05:48with arrows.
00:05:49So he's talking about the enemies of God that you know that again the unicorn has strength.
00:05:59Go to Deuteronomy 33.
00:06:03The fourth mention.
00:06:04So far we've seen a unicorn is an exalted animal.
00:06:08It's a strong animal.
00:06:13Deuteronomy 33 Deuteronomy 33 17 verse 17.
00:06:28His glory is like the firstling of his bullock and his horns are like the horns of unicorns.
00:06:38With them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth and they are the
00:06:43ten thousands of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh.
00:06:48So the Bible is telling us that the unicorn with its horn just like the bullocks or bulls
00:06:55they are an attacking animal.
00:06:58They're pushing people.
00:06:59That's what this example is talking about that God's going to push the people to the
00:07:05ends of the earth and he's going to use it's like the idea that if you went into a pen
00:07:10with a bunch of bulls they're going to push you.
00:07:13In fact you can go down the road there and there's a big old bull I was looking at him
00:07:16yesterday and I was thinking man if this guy got loose or I was in the pen with him that
00:07:21would be very scary.
00:07:22He looked like he was about a thousand pounds I don't know.
00:07:26I don't know much about them except they're really big and they're scary.
00:07:30And that's what it's talking about is that the horns of the bullock and the horns of
00:07:33the unicorn shall push the people together.
00:07:37So it's an attacking animal.
00:07:39It's an exalted animal.
00:07:40It's a strong animal.
00:07:41Go to Job 39.
00:07:42And you know I was thinking about the movie that I watched a long time ago when I was
00:08:02a kid called I believe it's called Jason and the Argonauts or something where it's
00:08:07this weird animation where they're taking little clay people or something I don't know.
00:08:13It's kind of strange.
00:08:14It's an old movie so they don't have the cinematics as they did but they did have a unicorn and
00:08:21I think his name was Pegasus which is some kind of Greek type thing and it had a horn
00:08:28and it had wings and I remember the guy was trying to catch the horse with a rope and
00:08:34he was able to.
00:08:36But look at Job 39.
00:08:38Now you've got to understand in Job the whole book of Job is first the part is where it
00:08:46sets up the story and then all throughout the rest of the whole book the rest of the
00:08:52book the chapters is the conversation between Job and his three friends and we find out
00:08:59later at the end of the book in chapter 42 that God was not happy with his friends and
00:09:04his friends were wrong and Job was right the whole time.
00:09:07But the last chapters 38 39 40 and I believe 41 is when the Lord answers Job.
00:09:15So we know that what is being told we know the whole Bible is true but we know doubly
00:09:19one this is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and this is the Lord himself speaking to Job
00:09:25and in verse Job 39 verse 9 it says will the unicorn be willing to serve thee or abide
00:09:36by thy crib.
00:09:37So the Lord is asking Job about a unicorn and if you read the whole chapter you'll see
00:09:44that he's explaining about a whole bunch of different animals so we know that the unicorn
00:09:48is a true animal because if you look down at verse 13 real quick it talks about peacocks
00:09:57it talks about ostrich it talks about other beasts and other animals so for him to put
00:10:02it in the category with these other animals and the horses and all these other animals
00:10:09is we're sure that it is a true animal but let's keep reading verse 9 will the unicorn
00:10:15be willing to serve thee or abide by thy crib.
00:10:18So an animal this unicorn is obviously not a tame animal you can't let it sit next to
00:10:25a baby because it's not a tame animal you won't ever see a unicorn you know in the nativity
00:10:33scene because it's not tame is what it's talking about it's not a tame animal.
00:10:40Will thou trust him because his strength is great so again we see another verse where
00:10:53it's talking about he has great strength or will thou lead thy labor to him will thou
00:11:00believe him that he will bring home thy seed and gather it into thy barn.
00:11:04So the Bible is asking these questions God's asking hey this animal called the unicorn
00:11:11he has great strength he's not tamed you're not going to put a yoke on him and go out
00:11:15there and plow a field with him you're not going to be able to take him and use him to
00:11:20grind corn because you're not going to be able to tame him you're not going to be able
00:11:23to put a rope around him you're not going to be able to do these things so this is obviously
00:11:28a wild untamed animal that had great strength that has been exalted let's look at another
00:11:35thing go to Psalm 22 Psalm 22 in Psalm 22 21 save me from the lion's mouth now that
00:11:56could be actually talking about a lion we talked last week about the man of God being
00:12:03torn up by the lion but not eaten or it could be a reference about Satan being that lion
00:12:10walking about looking for someone to devour for thou hast heard me from the horns of the
00:12:17unicorns so the Bible is describing the fierceness or the untamedness of a lion to a unicorn
00:12:28that uh that's you know maybe a lot of people's been stuck with the horns and been killed
00:12:33that's what it's talking about it's talking about the fierceness of the unicorn so it's
00:12:37a fierce untamed animal that is strong and is exalted go to Psalm 29 a couple pages over
00:12:46in Psalm 29 verse 6 this is another mention of the unicorn look at verse 6 he maketh them
00:13:04also to skip like a calf well that just ruined the idea of the rhinoceros because you're not
00:13:11gonna see a rhinoceros skip but you will see a horse you see a horse skip so the idea that I
00:13:18have from these explanations from the Bible the Creator is that it's an agile creature it is a
00:13:28not a tame animal it's an attacking animal it's a strong animal and it's an exalted animal it's
00:13:35an animal that God has lifted above other animals to show something there's his strength to compare
00:13:43his strength and his abilities to be able to do things so this animal is skipping and then Lebanon
00:13:51and Sirion like a like a young unicorn so it's talking about a calf it skips around you have a
00:13:57baby calf you know we've not had any calves but we've had goats and they kind of hop around and
00:14:01skip around well apparently a young unicorn does the same thing so these are the attributes the
00:14:08last place go to Isaiah 34 this is the ninth mention of the unicorn in the Bible now again
00:14:18I told you that the new Bible versions and you'll get a concordance or something and it will explain
00:14:26these things rhinoceros the NIV says this is a rhinoceros but we just don't see that we don't
00:14:33you don't see a rhinoceros skipping a rhinoceros is like a tank coming down the road and it's not
00:14:38skipping it's just running in one straight line and it's gonna be hard to stop and it's not gonna
00:14:43stop till they hit something but I want to explain to you I just looked up before the sermon just
00:14:52animals that have one horn okay and I found rhinoceros of course a different species of
00:14:58rhinoceros there's a goblin spider pretty scary looking if you don't like spiders you may not
00:15:05want to look this one up but he's got a horn on his head a Texas unicorn mantis so you know like
00:15:12a praying mantis type animal that eats plants and stuff it's got a horn on it it's a Texas unicorn
00:15:19mantis a unicorn fish it's got one horn so unicorn means one horn or you can say unicorn but look at
00:15:30Isaiah 34 verse 5 Isaiah 34 verse 5 for my sword shall be bathed in heaven behold it shall come
00:15:50down upon I do I do Mia and upon the people of my curse to judgment the sword of the Lord is filled
00:15:58with blood it is made with fat with fatness and with the blood of lambs and goats with the fatted
00:16:04kidneys of rams for the Lord hath a sacrifice and bows raw and a great slaughter in the land of
00:16:11I do Mia and the unicorn shall come down with them and the Bullocks with the bulls and their land
00:16:18shall be soaked with blood and their dust made with fat and fatness for it is the day of the
00:16:25Lord's vengeance and the day of recompenses for the controversy of Zion so I wanted to show you
00:16:32this because this is the last mention but it's talking about vengeance it's talking about and
00:16:37if you know anything about the book of Isaiah it's all about the vengeance that God's having
00:16:41that the nation of Judah refused to go along and they started worshiping idols like the nation of
00:16:48Israel did the northern nation this is about the punishment of the nation of Judah what God's
00:16:54going to do so we see that it's an agile creature and that it's it's not a tame animal it's a wild
00:17:03animal if you think about wild horses running around loose out you know before people would
00:17:09would take them and tame them and they're running loose out there in the desert or whatever that's
00:17:14what I think of it's an exalted animal it's an animal that God has exalted above other animals
00:17:20for what it for its majesty for the glory that it has and it's example of seeing who God is
00:17:28and it's also a strong animal so I see it as a horse with a horn and we can't sit there and say
00:17:37well we've never seen it before but that's what people will tell you but there's other animals
00:17:42that you've not seen before that you don't know of number two the second animal is called behemoth
00:17:51behemoth go to Job 40 Job 40 so the first animal is a unicorn like we said there's a lot of times
00:18:10when people like to question the Bible and say well the Bible is not true because it mentions
00:18:15unicorns well there's other animals that you've never seen before you know and you can't just say
00:18:21well the Bible is not true because well there's nine times that the Bible mentions a unicorn and
00:18:26whatever animal it is I don't believe it's a rhinoceros but if you want to think it's some
00:18:32animal it's an animal with one horn or it wouldn't make any sense but I don't believe it has flying
00:18:39wings but we will see behemoth look at Job 40 verse 15 now again this is God answering Job so
00:18:47he's a creator so don't you think that he knows exactly what he created and where they are and
00:18:54what happened to him look at Job 40 verse 15 behold now behemoth so the first thing I want you to see
00:19:04is that Job while God is speaking to him he's literally looking at behemoth he's looking at
00:19:13because he's saying behold him so it may be out there feasting or out there just standing outside
00:19:19but God saying you see behemoth there he is so first he sees him that's the first thing which
00:19:26I made with thee so you have these people sometimes they'll tell you that they'll talk
00:19:34about not creation they'll talk about the world being millions or billions of years old and that
00:19:41before anything before man was created there was a universe or world war where dinosaurs lived by
00:19:50themselves and no man could live with a dinosaur because they could not live there when they
00:19:56dinosaur because the dinosaur would eat up all the men eat up all the people but I'm fixing to
00:20:02show you that's not true go to Genesis 1 where was behemoth created well God's telling us and
00:20:09he's making it clear that I made behemoth with you come out with man Genesis 1 24 and God said
00:20:21let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind this is the sixth day cattle and
00:20:29creeping things and beasts of the earth after his kind and it was so and God made the beasts of the
00:20:35earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creeped upon the earth after
00:20:41his kind and God saw it was good and then the next verse 26 and God said let us make man in our
00:20:51image plural I'm not the Trinity it's the first mention about the trinity after our likeness and
00:20:58let him them had the meaning over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle
00:21:06and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth so God created
00:21:12man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so this
00:21:22idea that people will sometimes say well you know there's evidence of dinosaurs and that God there's
00:21:29no way that the dinosaurs were walking the earth when man was here well I got the smoke what a
00:21:37Bible says so I'm asking you do you believe the Bible or do you believe what man says signs false
00:21:43and so called go back to Job 40 so we'd say that God says I created behemoth when I created you
00:21:50and we saw what in Genesis 1 we saw where God said he created all the land animals on day 6 and one
00:21:59of the land animals if you don't know what it is go look in the mirror that's you we are a land
00:22:05animal we breathe air we are on the land and God created man with the behemoth which is a land
00:22:12animal look at Job 40 verse 15 that he made with thee so God Job saw him God created him with Adam
00:22:23and Eve or with Adam and Eve with man is what he's trying to tell Job and he eats grass as an
00:22:31ox so this is a land animal an herbivore that eats grass that eats plants that's what it tells
00:22:40so he's a herbivore and and that God created him look at verse 16 lo now his strength is in his
00:22:47loins and his fourth is forces in the navel of his belly so we see that this is a big animal
00:22:54he's got a lot of strength and he's large he moved his tail like a cedar now a lot of times I told
00:23:02you that people will take the NIV and some of these other Bible supposedly people learning
00:23:09about the Bible concordance will say in parentheses this is an elephant but what a tail like a cedar
00:23:18so if you think of a tree you can go out there and look at any tree a pine tree an oak tree and
00:23:25you see how big and round and massive is is and it moves around well an elephant the way I think
00:23:32of an elephant's tail if you've ever seen an elephant's tail you know those long balloons
00:23:37that you get at the circus that people making the things when it has no air in it that's what
00:23:41an elephant's tail is like it's just there's nothing it's about you know a foot long and
00:23:46nothing just just a long skinny oh it's smaller than a snake a lot of times well that's not a
00:23:52that's not a cedar and if you go out and find a cedar tree you'll find the two things about a
00:23:58cedar tree is hard and it's big like an oak tree we you know we may think about oak tree and
00:24:04constantly when you go through the Bible we talk about cedar trees people built stuff out of cedar
00:24:09trees because of the strength of the tree that's not an elephant my friend this is not an elephant
00:24:15I know that elephants eat grass I get that they're herbivores but they don't have a tail like a cedar
00:24:22I wouldn't call a little squirmy thing a cedar the sinews of a stones are wrapped together his bones
00:24:28are as strong pieces of brass his bones are like bars of iron so obviously this is a large animal
00:24:37if his tail is like a cedar and it's a strong large animal guess what if his bones are that
00:24:44strong and it's that big of an animal it's gonna have big bones I mean doesn't that make sense if
00:24:49you had a big animal it's gonna have big bones and God's telling us that this animals bones are
00:24:56strong as brass or like bars of iron he is the chief of the ways of God he that made him can
00:25:04make his sword to approach unto him so the next thing I want to show you that besides having a
00:25:11tail like a cedar it's a large and strong animal but you know what God's saying I made him and I
00:25:16can destroy him that's what it's talking about God's giving us a prophecy that in the chief ways
00:25:22of God that he can make his sword to approach unto him he's made him like a big animal but he's
00:25:29saying you know what this animal is going to be become extinct because I'm gonna allow it to he's
00:25:34gonna allow a man to kill it and that's what happened and let's keep reading surely the mountains
00:25:41bring him forth food where all the beasts of the field play he lieth under the shady trees and the
00:25:49covert of the reed and fins the shady trees cover him with their shadow the willows of the brook
00:25:55come pass about him behold he drinketh up a river and hasteth not he trusts that he can draw up
00:26:04Jordan into his mouth he taketh it with his eyes his nose pierces through snares what is he saying
00:26:10he's the Bible's describing an animal so big that if it went to a river and started drinking it
00:26:17could draw up that river now that's a big animal that's a big animal there's no animal today
00:26:22walking the earth that you will find that can drink up a river and not only that it's talking about the
00:26:28river of Jordan you're talking about a big river and then it talks about it taketh it with his eyes
00:26:36his nose pierces with snares he's saying look he can walk through through the snares and the traps
00:26:43it's not you're not gonna trap it it's such a big animal you know you think about a snare
00:26:47where you take a rope and you put it on the ground and then you tie it to like a tree and you pull
00:26:53it down and when an animal steps on it and slings them up you ain't doing that with this guy he's
00:26:58such a big animal that you can't do that he can drink up a river and what I picture is is a
00:27:06brontosaurus brontosaurus it is a big animal it's got a large tail if you see any pictures of a
00:27:13brontosaurus it eats grass it eats plants it doesn't eat people but what people don't understand
00:27:24is and and you know people have said stuff mocking the Bible saying with the the dinosaurs were there
00:27:32why are they in the Bible well here's the thing people don't understand this King James Bible you
00:27:38have it was perfected in 1611 with the word brought the word dinosaur was not even created
00:27:46till the 19th century well God's not responsible for putting words in there what you won't find in
00:27:52the Bible is a word internet you won't find a word car you won't find a word airplane you won't find
00:27:58a word train all these things but you know what they exist so we can't just say well the Bible's
00:28:05it's not in the Bible so it doesn't exist okay that don't make sense and people also mock the
00:28:12Bible and say well the brontosaurus is existed if dinosaurs existed how did they get here on the ark
00:28:22and they're thinking you know and it's common sense you could have a big animal like a huge
00:28:28brontosaurus is so big how you gonna feed it but here's how you do that folks you take a teeny
00:28:35tiny brontosaurus male and a teeny tiny brontosaurus female and you take two of them
00:28:41and boom guess what when they grow up then you have big nuts so the Bible and Job is talking
00:28:49about these animals God's talking about these animals so this is after Genesis but guess what
00:28:56during the flood it might have it might be went away who knows we know that they existed at least
00:29:04some of them because Job is after the book of Genesis 6 so we know that they existed or dinosaurs
00:29:13so there's not any alternate universe or an alternate time frame that happened before man
00:29:18Genesis 1 1 is true God created everything he created behemoth he created unicorns he created
00:29:25all the dinosaurs and just because they're not around anymore doesn't mean a hill of beans you
00:29:29got to believe the Bible the third and last animal luckily we can stay in Job Job 41 again this is
00:29:38the Lord answering Job face to face look at Job 41 1 there's 34 verses about this animal it's
00:29:46called Leviathan Leviathan look at verse 41 canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook or his tongue
00:29:55with a cord which thou let us down canst thou put a hook into his nose or bore his jaws through with
00:30:01a thorn will he make many supplications unto thee will he speak soft words unto thee so the first
00:30:08thing I want you to see is this is a sea creature it's asking can you take a hook and go fishing
00:30:15and pull him out of the water like you would any other fish you may go bass fishing and you throw
00:30:20out a hook and you catch it you pull it in you've got the strength to pull that in you're not doing
00:30:25it with this guy you're not doing it with this animal Leviathan so this is a sea creature that
00:30:31is talking about pulling out with a hook and look at verse 4 he's saying will you make any supplications
00:30:38unto thee can you speak to him you're not gonna speak soft words and calm him down this is a fierce
00:30:45sea creature will he make a covenant with thee without take him for a servant for thee so you're
00:30:54not gonna do anything with this creature to you're not gonna make him a pet you're not gonna make him
00:31:00a pet you're not gonna put a you know put him in a fish bowl and let him swim around you're not
00:31:06gonna be able to put a leash or collar on him and run him around without playing with him as with a
00:31:13bird without binding for thy maidens you're not gonna have this thing as a fish like I said shall
00:31:20the companions make a banquet of him or shall they take part him among the merchants so it's saying
00:31:28you're not gonna eat him he's so big that you can't pull him out of the water he's so large that
00:31:36you're not gonna fish him out he's such a big animal with all these questions are asking and
00:31:40the answer is no pretty much all the questions God's asking the answer is no shall they part
00:31:47him among the merchants means should I cut him up into pieces and have him forsakes you're not
00:31:51gonna do that guess I'll fill his skin with barbed irons in his head with fish spears again you know
00:31:59you're taking spears and you see these old movies where they're taking whales and they're trying to
00:32:05throw spears at him and they're trying to kill him you're not doing that with this guy he's so
00:32:10large that you can't put enough spears in him that they hit vital organs to kill it you're not going
00:32:16to do that he's so large it's not going to happen he's such a big creature you know you think about
00:32:21most animals you hit them in the vital organs that's what kills them in the heart the lungs
00:32:26and all these other vital organs it's such a big animal that you the spears are not long enough to
00:32:33reach these vital organs so it's talking about how big he is lay down hand upon him remember that
00:32:42the battle do no more behold the hope of him is in vain shall no one cast down even at the side
00:32:48of him so it's saying he's such a big animal you're gonna be shaking in your boots when you
00:32:54see him and he's standing before you or you're there in a boat you're there with him he's gonna
00:33:01be so scared none is so fierce that dare stare stir him up when then is able to stand before me
00:33:08who had prevented me that I should repay him whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine I
00:33:15will not conceal his parts nor his power nor his comely portion God saying I made him a fierce
00:33:22dangerous creature and I'm not gonna hide that he said that's the way I created him and he said
00:33:28that's the way I created him and it's giving you an example of who God really is that he can create
00:33:34something so fierce that nobody can stop it he can create something so fierce that that he's the only
00:33:41one that can stop it and that's the idea that he's trying to give us about this comparison to Leviathan
00:33:48and himself who can open the doors of his face I'm sorry skip one who can discover the face of his
00:33:56garment who can come to him with his double bridle who can open the doors of his face his
00:34:02teeth are terrible roundabout so this is an animal that's got a lot of teeth and they're sharp teeth
00:34:08and they're scary looking if he's that big of an animal his teeth are probably pretty big his scales
00:34:15or his pride shut up together with a closed seal one is so near to another no air can come between
00:34:22them they are joined one to another they stick together that they cannot be sundered so I want
00:34:28to explain what this means the idea I have when I read this is that when I was a young boy I watched
00:34:36a movie a cartoon I don't know about today it's called The Hobbit and it's about this little
00:34:42midget guy and he goes around and he puts a ring on and go he can get invisible but what I remember
00:34:48about is that the end there's a dragon and his name is smog if I remember correctly and this
00:34:55dragon has scales and he's large now he had wings I don't think Leviathan had wings but when I think
00:35:03about what it's describing here as the scales is that the scales are so close together there's no
00:35:10chink in the arm now the one thing about smog I remember is that when this this Hobbit guys
00:35:15talking to him Bilbo Baggins or whatever I'm just telling you what it wasn't when I was a kid that
00:35:22he described and sees that smog has one little spot that is open well this one doesn't this one
00:35:31doesn't he had one spot and that's that was the one spot that smog did but this Leviathan the
00:35:38scales are so close together that when you shoot arrows at it it's going to bounce off there's no
00:35:44place for you to there's no I'm trying to think there's no vulnerable spot you know there's no
00:35:51vulnerable spot for an arrow to hit it that's what is explaining and look at verse 18 by his
00:35:59kneesings now you say what are kneesings ah the King James Bible throw it out this word doesn't
00:36:05make any sense well if you take the kneesings and you put an S on it what do you have sneezings
00:36:09well that's not the way we spell sneezings in English you put a Z on there but if you say the
00:36:15sneezings so when you sneeze a light does shine and so what does that mean again let's keep reading
00:36:23and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning out of his mouth go burning lamps out of sparks
00:36:30of fire leap out out of his nostrils go a smoke is out of a seething pot or a cauldron his breath
00:36:37kindleth coals and a flame goeth out of his mouth and you say wait a minute I was all with
00:36:44you mark until you started talking about fire breathing dragon that's not what this is I mean
00:36:50it doesn't make any sense there's three verses that talks about kneesings smoke coming out of
00:36:56this light coming out eyelids in the morning burning lamps fires out a leap leaping out his
00:37:04nostrils go smoke well where there's smoke there's fire out of the seething pot of a cauldron so if
00:37:10you take a pot of something and you're cooking it there's gonna be fire and smoke correct his breath
00:37:15kindleth coals and a flame out of his mouth so coals burn at a when you take fire and you burn
00:37:23it and they turn red when you see coals and they're red they're hot and that's what it's talking about
00:37:29that literally Leviathan is having is breathing fire out of his mouth and so well that don't make
00:37:36any sense well did you know that every single all these people you know from the Middle Ages and all
00:37:45these people record things of fire breathing dragons I mean that that's not too far-fetched
00:37:52they record animals that have the ability of breathing fire out of their nose and you saw
00:38:01what that doesn't make any sense I can't believe that what did you know there's a bug out there
00:38:05that it but lights up got lightning bugs well I mean we've all seen that before I mean if they
00:38:11saw that today if they saw that in the Bible they'd say whoa now what are all these flashlights and
00:38:17they would say flashlight what all these lights that we see all these campfires they may think
00:38:22there's a bunch of campfires when it's actually what it's firebugs it's lightning bugs folks God
00:38:28has made creatures there's also a creature that can blow itself up it has these different chemicals
00:38:35I don't remember the name of it and all these animals God has created these animals and it
00:38:39just shows you his majesty and what he's done and if the Bible tells me that there's a Leviathan out
00:38:46there that was out there one time and it's in the ocean and it breathed fire I believe it because
00:38:52that's what it says let's keep reading this 34 verses devoted to this animal his flakes of his
00:39:01flesh I'm sorry his neck remained his strength and sorrow is turning to joy before him so he's
00:39:07got a large neck and it's strong like you would think of a dragon again I'm trying to figure out
00:39:15smog he was a fire-breathing dragon out smog he was able to fly and that was just added to it this
00:39:21drag this dragon or this Leviathan does not fly it's in the water but it breathes fire the flakes
00:39:31of his flesh are joined together they are affirming themselves they cannot be moved again talking about
00:39:37how strong his skin is how strong his body is that you're not going to be able to penetrate it with
00:39:44anything his heart is as firm as a stone he has hard as a piece of the nether millstone so it's
00:39:53talking about his heart is as strong as a stone I think what it's talking about when you read
00:39:58about people hard-hearted means that they don't have a heart for people they don't have any mercy
00:40:04and I think this is what it's talking about is this animal is such a fierce animal God created
00:40:09that it doesn't have any mercy towards people or anything else it just destroys everything in
00:40:17its wake look at verse 25 when he raises up himself the mighty are afraid by reason of
00:40:25breaking the breakings they purify themselves let's talk about the prideful people you know
00:40:32when people have pride and people try to stand next to this thing you know what do they do they
00:40:37purify themselves what does that mean well you've heard before that there's no atheists and foxholes
00:40:43you know when the bombs are dropping and people were at wartime and what do they start doing they
00:40:48start oh god I'm sorry I'm sorry I ever did this and they believe who God is that's what it means
00:40:54that there's no atheists and foxholes that when the bombs are dropping and people think they're
00:40:58fixing to die they cry out to God for help and that's what it's talking about when people are
00:41:03standing next to this thing it's so large fierce and such a massive animal that people cowered down
00:41:11and they start trying to get right with God so to speak the sword of him that layeth at him cannot
00:41:19hold the spear the dart nor the Habergen he esteemeth as iron and straw and as rotten wood
00:41:27so the Bible's talking about that if you try to shoot him and stick him with a sword you can't
00:41:33because he's such a big animal his organs cannot be reached you don't have a sword big enough you
00:41:39don't have a spear big enough the dart or the Habergen you cannot touch this animal you
00:41:46cannot kill it and then when it said it esteemeth iron as straw and brass as rotten wood things made
00:41:52out of iron and made out of brass when he steps on it it's like it's just it's like you know nothing
00:41:59it's rotten wood if you broke up rotten wood if you went out there and found a board you could
00:42:04bust it up because it's rotten wood and a straw talks about when he steps on these things he just
00:42:10destroys them into pieces there's nothing left that's the strength he has the arrow cannot make
00:42:16him flee sling stones are turned with him into a stubble darts are counted as stubble he laugheth
00:42:25at the shaking of a spear sharp stones are under him he spread a sharp pointed things upon the
00:42:31mire so the Bible is explaining that you can't hit him with arrows you can't hit him with anything
00:42:38you can't hit him with anything that stones he laughs at him he's walking on sharp stones and
00:42:45it doesn't affect him his skin is so hard and so so strong that when he's walking the sharp stones
00:42:53are not even messing with him he laughs at the people shaking a spear at him like verse 31 he
00:42:59make it the deep to boil like a pot he making the sea like a pot of ointment he making the path to
00:43:06shine after him he would think the deep to be hoary so let me explain this to you this animal
00:43:13so big that it's in the deep water you know you're not gonna find him on the beach shore he's on such
00:43:20a deep deep water that what when you look at water sometimes and you go out to the deep ocean if you've
00:43:28ever been out there it almost looks black or dark blue it's just darkness you can't hardly see
00:43:34anything but what it's talking about is he's such a large animal even the water when you went out
00:43:39to the deep water hoary means white if you remember we talked about the hoary head means
00:43:45white well when a boat or something goes through the water it makes a wake it makes a wake of water
00:43:54and usually that's bubbles and it's white and that's what it's talking about that he's such a
00:43:59big animal that the deep water you know you're in shallow water and you drove a boat through there
00:44:05you know you would see wake you would see the water you would see the waves come up because
00:44:10that's what it does but when you get out in the deep water you don't see it as much a boat does
00:44:15not make that especially this time when they didn't have motorboats and they're just riding with the
00:44:20seas but this this tells me that this is a fast-moving animal in the water and it's so big
00:44:27that when it's in the deep that the water looks like it's bowling because bubbles are coming up
00:44:32and it's moving so fast that if this is a an animal that God created to be big to be a good
00:44:39fierce to be so large to people to be scared of and it breathes fire and smoke out of its nostrils
00:44:46that's what this animal does that the what this is so speedy in the water that in the deep water
00:44:53that it turns white that's what it's talking about being hoary or that like a pot is is when you put
00:44:59a pot water in the pot and bowl it the water starts bubbling and you see white bubbles that's
00:45:05what it's talking about upon earth there is none like he is who is made without fear he beholdeth
00:45:11all things he is a king over the children of pride I think one of the bowels talking about
00:45:16here is that a pride for people you know what they'll be humble before this thing if they stood
00:45:23before something you know we see that the pride that God talks about pride that he will destroy
00:45:29pride the other places I want to show you go to Psalm 74 now we just saw 34 verses devoted to
00:45:37this one animal so it'd be very hard for you to say what is the animal didn't exist are you just
00:45:43saying that God just chose 34 verses to put in the Bible for no reason God didn't do that folks so
00:45:51many things have happened in the world that he chose what need to go in the Bible we've seen the
00:45:56book of John where the even the things that Jesus did if people recorded the things that Jesus did
00:46:02in the 33 years that he was on this earth that the by the world would not even be able to hold
00:46:08all the things that Jesus did but we see a small sample of what Jesus did so 74 verse 12 of Psalms
00:46:17for God is my king of old work and salvation in the midst of the earth that is divide to see by
00:46:25the strength that it break us the heads of the dragons in the water so we see now is talking
00:46:32about the word dragon we see that Satan's being described as a dragon they'll break us the heads
00:46:38of Leviathan in pieces and gave us him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness so I've
00:46:44told you that before in Job God was saying that you're not gonna be able to pull this thing and
00:46:50eat it but he's saying that he can't he can pull this thing out he can call this thing to die and
00:46:55for people to eat it go to Psalm 104 to see another mention of the word Leviathan because
00:47:04104 verse 24 Oh Lord our manifold are thou word so we're talking about how great how great all
00:47:15the things that you did how great are the things that you created and wisdom that has made them
00:47:20all the earth is full of our riches so is that great and wide sea when you think about the sea
00:47:27folks there's animals out there that people's not even found oh there's so many different creatures
00:47:32that are so deep in the ocean that have lights did you know that there's creatures that are so
00:47:38deep in the ocean that they have lights that light up stuff I remember seeing these things when I was
00:47:43a kid and an encyclopedia that they have animals that are so deep in the water that it's pitch
00:47:49dark they have lights that actually light stuff up but you know that don't make sense to us it's
00:47:55like oh that don't make sense well we just talked about an animal it's butts light up they go to
00:48:00the ships there is that Leviathan whom thou has made to play therein so the Bible is talking about
00:48:06all and you read through the whole chapter of Psalm 104 it talks about all the animals and
00:48:11all the things that God created the valleys the mountains and everything and he's talking about
00:48:16Leviathan last place is Isaiah 27 last place that Leviathan is mentioned so we got four places
00:48:2934 verses and Job itself well God's answering Job back to tell him and guess what Job sees him he
00:48:41knows what he's talking about Job in that sometimes saying who you talking about what is this Leviathan
00:48:48God look at Isaiah 27 verse 1 in that day the Lord with his sore and great strong great and
00:49:01strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent even like Leviathan that crooked serpent
00:49:09and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea so I believe that Leviathan is a created creature
00:49:18just like Satan or Lucifer is and I think the Bible is trying to give us this correlation that
00:49:24God created everything and whatever he created he can destroy it's like one day he's going to
00:49:29destroy Satan so I think it's an example that you may not be able to destroy it you may not be able
00:49:36to catch it you may not be able to do anything but God is so great that there's no animal no
00:49:42person nothing out there that he cannot destroy go to Psalm 19 so what is the correlation we
00:49:50talked about three animals that people may mock the Bible and say yeah you talk about this and
00:49:56talk about that well the Bible is explaining in Psalm we got two two more places to go to
00:50:03Psalm 19 and Romans 1 that God's creation when you go out there and you look at the natural world
00:50:13the world of nature and you see ants and you go out there and see deer and turkey and all these
00:50:20animals and you see trees and plants and all these things Psalm 19 is going to explain to us that the
00:50:27natural world is how God shows us who he is folks you got to be a complete moron a complete idiot
00:50:36to think that trees just created themselves but the Bible says that the the fool says in his heart
00:50:44there is no God but I'm telling you when the bombs start dropping and the bullets start flying in this
00:50:50country people are going to start to believe in God again because that's all they're going to have
00:50:56look at Psalm 19 one the heavens declare the glory of God so when you look up in the heavens and you
00:51:05look at the clouds you say man that is so great who could make that only God and the firmament
00:51:11show this handiwork so the firmament is the sky when you look out there in the sky day in the day
00:51:17utter speech and night unto his night shows knowledge when you look out there at the nighttime
00:51:22and you see all these stars scattered about you know only God can create that thing there is no
00:51:29speech nor language wherein their voice is not heard their line is gone out through all the
00:51:34earth in the worlds to the end of the world and them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun which
00:51:41is a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices as a strong man to run a race is going
00:51:47forth is from the end of the heaven and a circuit unto the ends of it and there is nothing hid from
00:51:53the heat there uh so the bible is showing us that guess what when you look outside and you see all
00:52:00these animals and you see all creation that is God showing you his nature that he created and he's
00:52:08showing you the natural world but then when you read verse 7 we see a gear change look at verse
00:52:157 the law the lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making
00:52:21wise is simple the statutes of the lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the lord
00:52:28is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the lord
00:52:34are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they than gold yea they're much more
00:52:40fine gold sweeter also than honey in the honeycomb more by them is our servant warned
00:52:46and in keeping of them there is great reward so in verse 1 through 6 we see the natural world
00:52:53that God reveals himself by the natural world and then we see in verse 7 through 11 what is he saying
00:53:00but the law the lord's perfect the word of God is perfect there's no error it mentions unicorns
00:53:07because unicorns existed it mentions leviathan because leviathan existed mentions behemoth
00:53:13because behemoth existed and if you don't have the the natural world which communicates us to who
00:53:20God is in his glory and God's word in conjunction with each other guess what something's wrong
00:53:28so we believe in science science is the belief that of knowledge belief of knowledge of animals
00:53:35but if your science is signed falsely so called which i've preached on that before
00:53:40and it doesn't line up with the bible you got no truth and these things have to be uh together
00:53:47they have to be congruent you have to have the word of God matching up with science because if
00:53:52it doesn't then it's not true last place i want you to go to is romans 1 romans 1
00:54:06look at romans 1 18
00:54:10toward the wrath of God i say anger of God is revealed from heaven against all
00:54:15ungodliness and unrighteousness of men for the truth and unrighteousness
00:54:21because that which may be known of God is manifest in them we just talk about that
00:54:28when people see stuff God has shown himself in the natural world when you see a lightning bug
00:54:35lightning is behind up because they usually come out during the summertime maybe too hot now
00:54:40but you'll see them outside at night right before it gets really dark and you'll see them i've seen
00:54:47them before they're just lighting up the whole sky right in the trees and you're thinking man
00:54:51that's pretty cool that's God revealing himself if we were alive during the time of Job we would
00:54:58see Leviathan and Behemoth and that would be God revealing his glory and the unicorns all
00:55:04these things were Job could speak about them because he had seen them that's him revealing
00:55:12himself for God has showed it unto them he showed it unto everybody for the invisible things of him
00:55:20from the creation of the world are clearly seen
00:55:24being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead
00:55:30so that they are without excuse so there's there's no excuse nobody's going to stand
00:55:34before God and say i i i i i didn't know you can say yeah you did goodbye go to hell
00:55:40when they're standing at the great white throne judgment people can give all the excuses they want
00:55:45and God will say you have no excuse you could just look out there and see the skies you're
00:55:50going to look out there and see the grass the trees and all the animals and all these things
00:55:54and realize that big bang is a bunch of garbage that all this stuff did just was created but you
00:56:02just didn't want to believe no excuse because that when they knew God does not mean that they're
00:56:09saved means that they saw God and they said well there could be a God that God could have created
00:56:15these things that's when they knew they glorified him not as God now they were thankful but became
00:56:21vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened so they could they had the
00:56:27opportunity of saying yes God did create things yes Jesus did create things he was a creator
00:56:35but you know what they said no i don't believe that no i don't think i think a rock blew up
00:56:42i think the primordial goo just created a cat or a dog i just think that rocks just exploded
00:56:50and all this other stuff happened i don't believe there's a divine creator i don't believe there's
00:56:54somebody who created an animal made it out of it just like the bible says i don't want to believe
00:56:59that that's their vain imagination so the foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise
00:57:07they became fools the wisest people will tell you oh you believe in a god that created everything
00:57:11you're such a stupid okay well the bible says you're stupid they became fools and changed the
00:57:17glory of the uncorruptible God cannot be corrupted or changed that's what it means into an image made
00:57:25like a corruptible man like buddha like a cow you know the hindus they celebrate cows i just heard
00:57:35that uh the other day that in india it was 129 or 127 degrees i bet there's a bunch of their kin
00:57:41folks that were burning up like burnt hamburgers over there because that's pretty hot but they
00:57:47worship animals corruptible man to birds four-footed beasts and creeping things wherefore
00:57:55it's saying because they did this god gave them up to uncleanness through their own lust and their
00:58:00own heart means that when they did this god said okay you want to be stupid and believe that that
00:58:06cow is your great great granny go ahead don't eat it starve to death i don't care and that's what
00:58:13they're doing wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through their lust means their
00:58:19desires of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves here's the key verse
00:58:26who changed the truth of god into light what's the truth of god he created behemoth he created
00:58:32leviathan he created unicorns he created all these things man there's not some alternate universe
00:58:38where he created these and then man was came out of something folks dna just destroys all that
00:58:44garbage do you really want to think that you're like a monkey where you eat your own poop because
00:58:51that's what they do did you know monkeys they poop and they don't get enough of their minerals so they
00:58:57eat their own poop and they throw it at each other is that what you i mean i've seen some people that
00:59:01like that sometimes they're about that crazy but folks i can take my dna and that just destroys
00:59:07this idea that man evolved from an ape that's just stupid why do people say that because they don't
00:59:13want to believe there's a god they don't want to stand before somebody and say i'm in trouble they
00:59:20don't want to they don't want to have that fear and worship and serve the creature more than the
00:59:27creator who is blessed forever amen so they don't want to believe there's a creator they want to
00:59:35worship the creature let me tell you one creature most people worship themselves
00:59:43that's a creature god created in genesis 1 and they want to believe that they're themselves and
00:59:50they can do them themselves and i i just got a repent of my sins i just got to do the best i can
00:59:56that's you worshiping yourself or they actually worship a cat or dog and they put a cat over i
01:00:02told you about the the kid who keep the squirrel off the off the mountain and they said kill keep
01:00:07the kid off the mountain folks that's stupid but when you put creatures and i see this all the
01:00:14time when i go to tallahassee there's a uh a veterinarian office and the things they just put
01:00:20on that board just you just know people have these signs on their car god is dog dog is god
01:00:28spelled backwards where you're putting god and dog is the same thing but if you read the bible
01:00:33what god tells about dogs is not very good now look we got a dog it's not a big deal but when
01:00:39you try to compare god to a dog which is very bad that god describes as a dog in the bible
01:00:49any kind of creature man folks god's so much higher than us we just need to understand that
01:00:55and that's what i want you to see from this that now look you can't go to an unsaved person say no
01:01:01here's the dinosaurs in the bible they're not going to get it but you may have somebody that
01:01:06is saved and they're on the fence and you may be able to show them in the bible the book of job
01:01:12it'd be the easiest all three of them are in job where it mentions unicorns where it mentions
01:01:16leviathan and where it mentions behemoth they don't say dinosaurs because nobody knew that word
01:01:22as far as that word of prayer