• last year
00:00:00Oh, she took her headphones off.
00:00:04She's got them on all the time.
00:00:14Good evening, everyone.
00:00:15Welcome to the 12th regular session of Kansas City Council.
00:00:20We'll start tonight off with the roll call.
00:00:23Joel Alcaster.
00:00:24Steve Fox-Barocca.
00:00:26David Beasley.
00:00:28Steve Walter.
00:00:30Chad Miller.
00:00:32Peg Wren.
00:00:33Andra Tudor.
00:00:35Robin Jones.
00:00:36Thomas Hummer.
00:00:38Lynn Webb.
00:00:39Cindy Mertt.
00:00:41All right.
00:00:42Thanks, everyone.
00:00:43I'm going to ask all who are able to please stand
00:00:46and do my best prayer.
00:00:47And I have the pleasure to do so.
00:00:51Gracious and loving creator, tonight we
00:00:53gather grateful for the opportunity
00:00:56to serve our community.
00:00:58We acknowledge your presence among us,
00:01:00guiding our hearts and minds as we
00:01:02make decisions that impact the lives of those who live, work,
00:01:05and visit the city of Ketcham.
00:01:08Grant us wisdom to recognize what
00:01:10is right and just for our city.
00:01:12Give us courage to speak and act with integrity,
00:01:15always mindful of the needs of our citizens,
00:01:18especially those most vulnerable among us.
00:01:22May we approach each issue with compassion and understanding,
00:01:28seeking common ground and unity in our diversity.
00:01:31Help us to listen attentively to one another,
00:01:34respecting differing viewpoints, and working together
00:01:36towards a common good.
00:01:38Bless our discussions this evening
00:01:40that they may be filled with clarity and purpose.
00:01:43And may our decisions be guided by your wisdom
00:01:45and inspired by your love for all people.
00:01:48We lift up to you, oh Lord, our city, its leaders,
00:01:51and its residents.
00:01:52Grant us your peace that we may be
00:01:54instruments of your justice and agents of your healing
00:01:58in our community.
00:01:59In your holy and precious name, we pray.
00:02:04Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
00:02:08and to the republic for which it stands,
00:02:11one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty
00:02:15and justice for all.
00:02:25Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes
00:02:30as they were provided in your packets?
00:02:38Seeing none, we'll stand approved as submitted.
00:02:44As far as citizens requesting time to speak,
00:02:46we don't have anyone on the agenda tonight.
00:02:48We've seen quite a few faces out there, though.
00:02:50So if you would like to speak to counsel
00:02:54and to the administration, there
00:02:56will be time toward the end of the meeting.
00:02:58And we titled that Comments from the Public.
00:03:01So we'll ask for any comments at that time.
00:03:05Are you going to conduct the public hearing?
00:03:08Oh my gosh.
00:03:11Thank you.
00:03:12You're welcome.
00:03:13Yeah, we blew right through that.
00:03:15You did.
00:03:16So we will pause and open the floor for a public hearing
00:03:22with regards to, ah.
00:03:27Wildcat way.
00:03:29Yeah, right.
00:03:31I was going to say, well, no, we wouldn't
00:03:34have the meaning of the legislation.
00:03:40We will open the floor to any comments regarding
00:03:44the change of name to Silver Street from State Route 53.
00:03:50No, from the stop sign just before the elementary school.
00:03:59All the way.
00:04:01Morningside, yeah.
00:04:02Is the stop sign, is there anybody
00:04:04that faces Silver Street?
00:04:07So it's just from the 600 block.
00:04:09Oh, it is from the stop sign.
00:04:10It's not a stop sign.
00:04:11So once it goes around the curve.
00:04:14So it's from the curve.
00:04:16As soon as it starts curving.
00:04:17As soon as it starts curving.
00:04:18To the southeasterly direction.
00:04:21Yes, as soon as it starts curving to southeasterly
00:04:24direction, all the way to Morningside Drive,
00:04:27the proposal is to change the name to Wildcat Way.
00:04:32Any comments from the public?
00:04:35Is there a change to Morningside Drive to Wildcat Way?
00:04:38I'd like you to please come up to the podium, if you would.
00:04:43No, so to clarify, it's Silver Street
00:04:47from the portion where it starts
00:04:50to curve toward the southeast to where it meets Morningside
00:04:57In front of the school.
00:04:58So they're going to change it from 53 Claire Road to?
00:05:00No, no.
00:05:02Where Silver Street starts to curve
00:05:06almost in front of the elementary school.
00:05:10Into the residential.
00:05:11All the way through the southeast.
00:05:14From there to Morningside Drive.
00:05:17So you're going to have a street
00:05:18in the middle of two streets.
00:05:21I deliver things for a living.
00:05:23You know what a nightmare that's going to be for logistics
00:05:26Right now?
00:05:28By the way, please give a name.
00:05:31My name's Joe LaWare.
00:05:32I live on 506 East Ohio.
00:05:35Thank you.
00:05:37I'm a commercial driver for 29 years.
00:05:40Right now?
00:05:43That will be the biggest nightmare
00:05:45for people trying to locate or find
00:05:47anything that's not from here.
00:05:49You've got a road that wraps around there, basically.
00:05:53It all ought to be the same name.
00:05:55Just to clarify, the only addresses on that section
00:06:00are Kent City Schools.
00:06:03Right now?
00:06:08And Kent City Schools would control?
00:06:10They don't own both properties and the field behind Kmart
00:06:13and all that?
00:06:14It wouldn't.
00:06:16It doesn't get that far.
00:06:17That's all Morningside.
00:06:18There's two Morningside Drive and stops.
00:06:20Morningside Drive.
00:06:21It stops at The Curve?
00:06:22Can we get a picture?
00:06:24Do you have anything that we can actually visually see?
00:06:27Let me pull up the aerial here.
00:06:29This is, yeah.
00:06:30Just give me a minute.
00:06:31So basically, you're naming two blocks.
00:06:37And we'll try to get, I'll tell you what.
00:06:39From about where they do start into Silver Street
00:06:43to The Curve.
00:06:46It just runs in front of the school.
00:06:50Yeah, all right.
00:06:52I guess I was the assumption it was a whole lot more than that.
00:06:57No, we have a lot of questions here.
00:06:59Joe, if you wouldn't mind, if you take a seat.
00:07:02We're going to go back in regular session.
00:07:05And Emma's going to try to get this up on the monitor.
00:07:09Unless you can do it pretty quick.
00:07:11Yeah, do you need my computer or?
00:07:13I'm going to plug it in.
00:07:15We're going to try to get it up on the monitor.
00:07:17If there's that many questions.
00:07:19Do you have a paper for a hearing?
00:07:21We're going to try to get it up on the monitor.
00:07:23It was a permit.
00:07:26Do you have a copy of the permit that the school submitted?
00:07:29Is that up in your office?
00:07:31Somewhere, yes.
00:07:34Yes, there is a permit that was submitted by the school.
00:07:38I didn't bring it last week.
00:07:39Well, I can post it to you.
00:07:42Waltz and me was at our table.
00:07:45Want me to do it again?
00:07:46Here you go.
00:07:47You need the minutes from last time.
00:07:51I'll be ready for it this time.
00:07:54All right, we're just trying to create some community
00:07:57pride in the school.
00:07:59So it's just the two schools in front of the two kids right
00:08:03If somebody builds a house along there,
00:08:05then we don't live on Robert Hathaway.
00:08:09I think put a sign in front of where it says property walk-in.
00:08:12OK, let's hang out.
00:08:14This is a public hearing.
00:08:15So if we're going to have a discussion,
00:08:17it's going to be over the mic, OK?
00:08:19Right now, I'd like a pause until we
00:08:22can get the information the two of you have requested,
00:08:25so we can get it in front of you.
00:08:27And we're going to do that.
00:08:30OK, so I'm going to bring the arrow,
00:08:32if you can see the little arrow, going across the school.
00:08:35So this is the new elementary school.
00:08:39Can you zoom in, Andy?
00:08:41I can try a little bit, but I'm going
00:08:42to lose part of the street if I get much.
00:08:46We're losing part of it.
00:08:51So the homes are right here, OK?
00:08:56We're going to start.
00:08:58The Silver Street would be renamed Wildcat Way
00:09:01from this area on down.
00:09:03So again, no affected residences.
00:09:05Because this is owned by school, this is owned by school.
00:09:08So it goes along this route, all the way down Silver Street.
00:09:12Of course, the new middle school and high school
00:09:14is going right here, all the way to Morningside Drive here.
00:09:19So it's this area, all the way to right here.
00:09:24So there will be no residents that have an address change.
00:09:28The only address change would be the school.
00:09:31And of course, this school would get the new address
00:09:36as it would designate, Wildcat Way.
00:09:40There's no homes or anything on this area.
00:09:43And if they were to later develop,
00:09:45then they would get an address on Wildcat Way also.
00:09:48And John, if we could, each of those properties,
00:09:50so Osbournes own, start at the west, that one.
00:09:55They own the next one, too, right?
00:09:57Right, and then the school owns everything.
00:09:59Have we received anything from Osbournes
00:10:02having any concerns over this?
00:10:05To my knowledge, no, nothing at all.
00:10:10And then the school owns the rest of it
00:10:13to the stop sign, right?
00:10:15Right, both sides of it.
00:10:16Both sides, so the school is going to control
00:10:18who would possibly ever buy any of that
00:10:22other than the areas that are right now.
00:10:25And the school deliveries are coming from the north,
00:10:29off of the county road, so that's their delivery
00:10:32address anyway, that doesn't change.
00:10:41Okay, so Joe, if you have more comments
00:10:43you'd like to make, if you do, please come on up.
00:10:45No, I mean.
00:10:47If you're gonna comment, please come up to the microphone.
00:10:50I'm sorry, I just.
00:10:51We take verbatim minutes, you know,
00:10:53especially for these hearings.
00:10:54Right, we take minutes word for word.
00:10:59Anyone else?
00:11:03I don't know how hearings work necessarily on city side,
00:11:09but are we, do you need to have sign-in for a hearing?
00:11:14For who comes to the hearing?
00:11:17No, but that's why we wanna know who's speaking.
00:11:19Oh, Michelle Labus, do I need you my address?
00:11:23Oh, Michelle Labus.
00:11:27So really, you're looking at just changing
00:11:30the address for the schools?
00:11:32So the schools have Wildcat Way as part of their address?
00:11:37Well, if we're gonna say it correctly,
00:11:38we're looking at changing the street name.
00:11:40Street name, yep.
00:11:41And that's at the request of the school.
00:11:43And that's at, yes, at the request.
00:11:45But if you change the street name,
00:11:46it changes their address.
00:11:48Correct, but we're not changing their address,
00:11:50we're responding to their request
00:11:53to change the street name to Wildcat Way.
00:11:57Does that seem significant in the way it's,
00:12:00I guess, it doesn't matter, that's just a,
00:12:03I understand, you're changing the street name
00:12:05so that their address changes,
00:12:07so that it's more school pride oriented?
00:12:12Would it be the?
00:12:13I mean, I don't know that we necessarily
00:12:14can speak to the reasoning.
00:12:16I think it's obvious, but I mean,
00:12:19I don't know the word.
00:12:22I don't know that it's our.
00:12:23It's our, I don't know.
00:12:24It wasn't our request.
00:12:25Yeah, that isn't part of our request.
00:12:27It's their request.
00:12:30I see.
00:12:32The school's petitioned the council to rename it.
00:12:39Yeah, and that said build pride amongst the community
00:12:42is, you know, their statement.
00:12:45Yeah, I just thought, I thought this was a different hearing
00:12:48that was gonna happen today.
00:12:50And so, I don't know, maybe I missed the memo
00:12:55of which kind of hearing it was, or.
00:12:59That comes up here later on,
00:13:00it's the Saturday down here.
00:13:02Yeah, we don't have any other.
00:13:03Well, I know, but the hearing for today,
00:13:05I guess I didn't.
00:13:08We announced it at the last meeting.
00:13:13And Emma and I were not on the same page.
00:13:16Normally, we'd put something right at the top.
00:13:18Oh, okay.
00:13:19I should have done that.
00:13:20Okay, yeah, I was just a little taken back
00:13:22by a switcheroo and didn't know what was going on.
00:13:25But I think it's all good.
00:13:27We've had hearings at the beginning of council many times.
00:13:30That has been our practice the last several years.
00:13:35I think that's great.
00:13:36I think it's great.
00:13:37I just was a little taken back that it seemed all very,
00:13:43I didn't know.
00:13:44It's fine, it's fine.
00:13:45Everything is good.
00:13:48Everything was going on.
00:13:52I was just wondering if I could make a comment.
00:13:55It's not an uncommon practice.
00:13:57If you go over to Wapakoneta,
00:13:59they named their street, I don't know.
00:14:03Redskin Way.
00:14:04Redskin Way.
00:14:04And there are several other schools
00:14:06that when they utilize a whole large area,
00:14:10they will ask the city to name that road.
00:14:15It might have had another name,
00:14:16and from this point and this point
00:14:18in front of the school property,
00:14:20it becomes a different name.
00:14:22We did that with Ari Allen and Joan Allen Parkway
00:14:26in front of the existing high school.
00:14:28Except that was not a street, a name change.
00:14:30That was a designation.
00:14:32Same as Clay Flynn Parkway.
00:14:35That's a designation, but it's not.
00:14:37But some areas have actually changed the name.
00:14:40But it did have action by council to do so.
00:14:44Oh, did it really?
00:14:45Yes, it did.
00:14:49To my knowledge, though, it didn't change the name.
00:14:51It did not change the address.
00:14:53And I guess one thing to always consider
00:14:55when we're doing a name change is,
00:14:58well, who named the street, who dedicated it?
00:15:02Because they may have a reason of why.
00:15:05They created the subdivision, they did this,
00:15:07but the person that created Silver Street initially,
00:15:11the original Silver Street, were not affecting that area.
00:15:16The group that dedicated Silver Street,
00:15:19as well as Morningside Drive, was the school.
00:15:21They're the one that put in the road.
00:15:24And they're the ones that's requesting it.
00:15:26The part that we're talking about.
00:15:27The part that we're talking about.
00:15:28So what I'm saying is, we don't have a subdivider
00:15:32from back in the years that had a reason to name it this,
00:15:37and all of a sudden we're changing it
00:15:39contrary to the developer's intent.
00:15:42Here, the developer was the school
00:15:43because they put the road in.
00:15:47So, and it was just a continuation of Silver, so.
00:15:50And I'd have to go back and look, John.
00:15:52When that dedication was completed,
00:15:56is that when that section of that new street
00:16:00became named Silver?
00:16:02Was that a part of that legislation?
00:16:04It was, it was part of the plat that they put in.
00:16:07It was done in 14, October 23rd of 14 is when that was.
00:16:12But I can tell you from, I remember when that came through,
00:16:15I don't know that anyone, I don't know,
00:16:18think there was a lot of thought put to it.
00:16:19It was just simply, we're gonna call it Silver Street.
00:16:22For the continuation of the street that it abutted into.
00:16:26That's all.
00:16:28Just one other administration in the schools.
00:16:34What happened?
00:16:38Anything else?
00:16:40Anything you'd like to say on behalf of the schools?
00:16:47Thank you.
00:16:53Comments from Council?
00:17:10What do you want our next step to be?
00:17:14Well, my plan would be, since we've had a public hearing,
00:17:18I would draw legislation up to have that
00:17:20at the next Council meeting.
00:17:22And then Council, and so do, you know,
00:17:25I represent a school.
00:17:28I do not plan on having emergency language
00:17:31in this ordinance because I don't feel
00:17:33the school's not gonna be up by then, the new school.
00:17:36So I would plan on drawing just a regular ordinance
00:17:40and having that run through.
00:17:41So, and then Council will have to decide on a vote
00:17:45after reads if they wanna pass this or not.
00:17:48So, but that's the process that gets it.
00:17:50It's not me drawing this up,
00:17:52isn't the decision we're going ahead with it.
00:17:54I'm putting it to a vote through legislation.
00:17:58So there's still time for people to communicate to Council.
00:18:03Even though we were gonna wrap up this hearing,
00:18:06the decision is not made.
00:18:08If anyone can come up with a good reason
00:18:10of why this shouldn't happen,
00:18:12please submit it to Emma or City Council
00:18:15and we can review as part of the upcoming meetings, okay?
00:18:21And every, both Joe, your comments
00:18:25and Michelle, your comments, obviously,
00:18:27are included in the minutes tonight from this meeting.
00:18:31Are there any objections to having John go ahead
00:18:36with the legislation and having it ready
00:18:39for a first reading at our meeting?
00:18:44July 8th.
00:18:45On July 8th.
00:18:50Hearing no objections, then we'll go forward with that.
00:18:55It would be like any other piece of legislation
00:18:57unless Council were to decide to suspend the rules,
00:19:01it would be read three times.
00:19:05As the former said,
00:19:07he will not be adding emergency language,
00:19:09which means simply upon passage by Council
00:19:12and signed by the Mayor,
00:19:14we would still have 30 days before it went into place.
00:19:18Now, once the Mayor signed it, though,
00:19:23during that 30 days, it is like we can just say,
00:19:26oh, no, we decided not to do that.
00:19:28Council would have to rescind it.
00:19:32So there will be at least six weeks
00:19:35where you folks will have time to talk to Council.
00:19:45All right?
00:19:47Thank you, David, for catching that.
00:19:52Go back into a regular session, then.
00:19:56And through the minutes.
00:20:02Any communications from any Council member
00:20:06or administration that anyone has?
00:20:15Petitions, we'll have a discussion,
00:20:19a new business regarding a public hearing
00:20:23that needs to come up,
00:20:24and it's not really related to a petition for the city.
00:20:27So I know no petitions outstanding at this time.
00:20:30So we'll move on to administrative reports
00:20:33and start with the Police Chief, Ms. Chief Musser.
00:20:36Are there any tonight?
00:20:37Thank you.
00:20:38Chief Donnelly, fire.
00:20:45Tim's here.
00:20:46I'll be at my desk.
00:20:47Oh, okay.
00:20:49Economic development, probably nothing.
00:20:52Income tax, do you have a report in your packet?
00:20:55The monthly tax revenue report
00:20:59through the end of May appears.
00:21:07Any questions on that?
00:21:10Okay, move on to auditor.
00:21:12Bill, anything you want to report on?
00:21:16Okay, Treasurer's not here.
00:21:18John Valdere?
00:21:23Okay, so just to give you a little bit of an update
00:21:26on the project out here,
00:21:27they're starting to make the taps into,
00:21:30the waterline taps that go into the buildings.
00:21:33They won't be active yet,
00:21:35but that should take them a couple weeks.
00:21:38So moving along good, not having any real big issues.
00:21:43I also want to say that our trash rates go up
00:21:49here July 1st.
00:21:50You will not see them until your September bill.
00:21:54This is the last year for the contract,
00:21:56so it's an increase on the standard,
00:22:00on the senior citizens of 48 cents,
00:22:03and on the standard rate of 62 cents.
00:22:08So we decided, the utility group decided to leave them
00:22:14as what was voted on last year,
00:22:17due to the fact that we don't know
00:22:20what the next contract will look like,
00:22:22and we will have to pay for two months
00:22:26off of these, the money that we collect now,
00:22:28when we get to the new contract,
00:22:30because it would fill two months in arrears.
00:22:33So, that's all I have.
00:22:37Just for the public, so they understand,
00:22:40this rate is the rate increase we agreed
00:22:43from day one with Republic.
00:22:45So if we don't do this, we're going behind,
00:22:48because we still owe Republic that amount.
00:22:51So this isn't a new increase that we've decided.
00:22:54This was from the time we signed the contract,
00:22:57these are the rates we've been looking at.
00:22:59So we've known this all along.
00:23:00The original ordinance had this amount in there, okay?
00:23:04So it's nothing new.
00:23:06There should be no surprises here.
00:23:11Okay, Mayor Webb?
00:23:16Committee reports.
00:23:17Finance have a report?
00:23:19Finance did meet this evening.
00:23:20We discussed a few items,
00:23:22and we're preparing to meet again
00:23:23the second meeting of July,
00:23:26in advance of the budgeting season.
00:23:34You'll be into August after that, my friend.
00:23:37That should be what, July 24th?
00:23:4122nd, yeah.
00:23:49MOP have any report?
00:23:51No, MOP has not yet.
00:23:52Public Utilities, seeing Public Utilities meeting
00:23:55on July 10th at 3.30, any report?
00:24:01Streets, alleys, and sidewalks.
00:24:02Next week.
00:24:04Next week, this week.
00:24:05I'm just speaking, I'm sorry.
00:24:07Yeah, Wednesday.
00:24:08This week, yeah, okay.
00:24:09And legislation, codes and regulations,
00:24:12also meeting right after that, right?
00:24:17Anything regional planning?
00:24:18No, sir.
00:24:19Parks and Rec Board?
00:24:21Robin, anything to talk about with Parks and Rec?
00:24:23The last meeting we had,
00:24:25we just recognized that last Thursday
00:24:28was the longest day of play, longest day of,
00:24:31so we had extended pool hours,
00:24:33and the Lions are still working at Pioneer Park,
00:24:39they have a dog off hut down there,
00:24:42so you have to take your own ball,
00:24:43I'm not real sure how it all,
00:24:44it's like dodge ball,
00:24:47so they were trying to get that off the ground,
00:24:52and we've had a pretty successful tennis camp
00:24:55the month of June,
00:24:57and I think that's about it, honestly.
00:24:59Different things, Emma's done a really good job,
00:25:01she updates every week what's going on at the pool,
00:25:06if they have a swim meet,
00:25:09if it closes early,
00:25:11Wednesday night is high school event from seven to nine,
00:25:15so it's $2 a mission,
00:25:16and they have a disc jockey, I think, and pizza,
00:25:18so we've been really good to get sponsors for those things,
00:25:21so the pool looks good, enjoy the pool,
00:25:24really nice this summer,
00:25:25so we do have community involvement with that,
00:25:28and that's it, that's it, thanks.
00:25:32Okay, thanks, Robin.
00:25:33Okay, tree commission, or growth center, Steve?
00:25:38Nothing new, our next meeting's next Tuesday.
00:25:42New, let's see, got all the jobs filled, they need?
00:25:46They had quite a few seasonal help out there,
00:25:49he said, yes.
00:25:51He didn't say they were all full,
00:25:52but he said they had a lot.
00:25:55Tree commission, anything?
00:25:56They did meet on the 13th,
00:25:57and they're still in discussion of trees
00:26:00that need to be removed and trimmed.
00:26:03And I have nothing to report, nothing on BKP.
00:26:08We have no old business, new business,
00:26:10we do need to set a date for a public hearing,
00:26:13and in your packet, there is some information on that.
00:26:17There's a public hearing regarding the rezoning
00:26:20of three parcel numbers that are owned by the county.
00:26:24The request is to rezone from R1,
00:26:26where the one and two family residential,
00:26:28to M2, general main facility.
00:26:31We need to make that announcement publicly,
00:26:34and there has to be at least 30 days until that hearing,
00:26:37so that puts it past the July meetings.
00:26:41So the first eligible meeting,
00:26:43if we wanted to have it on the same night
00:26:45as a council meeting, would be August 12th.
00:26:49One suggestion, there were some concerns
00:26:53that were expressed at the meeting,
00:26:58I don't know, John, do you want to touch on that at all?
00:27:01Sure, and yeah, there were a couple property owners
00:27:04that had concerns, as well as a couple people from the public
00:27:07that had concerns about the petition,
00:27:09and objecting to the petition.
00:27:14Emma, do you have a ballpark of like a week or two,
00:27:18when do you think you will have the minutes?
00:27:20All of October instead.
00:27:21Okay, because we would like to have that available
00:27:24for council, as well as any of the public,
00:27:27to review those minutes,
00:27:28so you can read through the concerns.
00:27:31And I would expect one or all of those people
00:27:33to come to the public hearing to reiterate those,
00:27:35but I still, once those are available,
00:27:37we'll have Emma send those to council,
00:27:41so you guys can look at that.
00:27:42But yeah, it was just objection from a couple
00:27:45of the neighboring property owners
00:27:47that didn't think this was a good place to be rezoned.
00:27:53That's the nuts and bolts,
00:27:54but I don't want to get into all the details,
00:27:57but you can read through that,
00:27:59and you know, I was at the hearing,
00:28:01so if you guys have any questions, let me know,
00:28:03but obviously we would have the public hearing,
00:28:06you know, on the date, as Joel says.
00:28:12Now did they, what did the?
00:28:14The planning commission made the recommendation
00:28:17to rezone to M2.
00:28:18That was the recommendation.
00:28:19Which we'll have that information, also,
00:28:21if you just wanted to know that.
00:28:23So, that would be one suggestion to,
00:28:27I would say six o'clock,
00:28:29like a finance committee meeting,
00:28:31ahead of a council meeting,
00:28:33to give enough folks time to speak.
00:28:36Now, with regards to that, though,
00:28:39it's not like we're gonna let people talk for 20 minutes.
00:28:41There's only so much they can say, each person.
00:28:44I mean, there's only so much data there
00:28:46that you can read, and make certain
00:28:48everybody has the minutes.
00:28:50Emma's doing the minutes
00:28:51from the planning commission's meeting verbatim,
00:28:55so you will have a hard, PDF copy
00:28:59of exactly what was said.
00:29:03And, so that's a suggestion,
00:29:06but if it's up to council,
00:29:07we can set that whenever you'd like,
00:29:10after 30 days.
00:29:14August 12th will be our meeting night.
00:29:17Suggestion would be six o'clock.
00:29:21So moved, Mr. President.
00:29:23Six o'clock, I won't forget it.
00:29:25I second that.
00:29:30It's been moved, we'll go ahead and vote on that.
00:29:32Yeah, we will.
00:29:32Very properly.
00:29:33It's been properly voted by,
00:29:35or moved by David, seconded by Peg, I think that was.
00:29:38I seconded it.
00:29:39Robin did.
00:29:41Do you have a meeting, public hearing,
00:29:43on August 12th, 6 p.m., which is prior,
00:29:45one hour prior to a regular council meeting?
00:29:48Any discussion?
00:29:50Sue Fox-Broker?
00:29:52David Beasley?
00:29:54Steve Walter?
00:29:56Chad Miller?
00:29:58Peg Renn?
00:30:00Amos Ritter?
00:30:01Robin Jones?
00:30:03All right, that passes, no votes again,
00:30:05so we'll have that for August 12th at six o'clock.
00:30:09Ordinances and resolutions,
00:30:11we have one item left for the first reading.
00:30:18We are going to do ordinance number 24-013,
00:30:22an ordinance authorizing the city of Kingston, Ohio
00:30:25to enter into a highway improvement project
00:30:28with the Ohio Department of Transportation
00:30:30in declaring an emergency.
00:30:33Anything on this from the administration we need
00:30:37to talk about?
00:30:43I don't know if anybody has any questions for us or not.
00:30:45I do, only because it contains emergency language.
00:30:48Is there any timing issues on going three reads?
00:30:53To your knowledge.
00:30:57That gives the public sufficient time to respond.
00:31:00So this is, yeah, my preference,
00:31:03I was hoping we would not.
00:31:05Oh yeah, I just wanted to make sure
00:31:07there was no reason to do so.
00:31:09Everything I've been told to me, there's not.
00:31:15So this would be, as you saw,
00:31:18it's called preliminary participation legislation,
00:31:21for the Hardin U.S. 6831 roundabout.
00:31:26At this point in time, you can see the legislation.
00:31:32We're not committing to specific dollar amounts,
00:31:34but we will be committing to funding the project.
00:31:39And they acknowledge the funds that have been earmarked,
00:31:43designated toward this project from outside of the city,
00:31:49and they even go as far as to say that our share
00:31:53would be approximately $410,000.
00:31:57So we will consider this the first reading.
00:32:01Any comments or discussion?
00:32:06I know that was publicized social media wise,
00:32:14several days ago.
00:32:15And if there are any comments,
00:32:19I would even say if anyone, for a limited amount of time,
00:32:22if anyone wants to comment on it tonight,
00:32:24you can do so during public participation,
00:32:26that would be very welcome.
00:32:33Well, during public participation.
00:32:34Oh, it's not ready?
00:32:36We're not there yet.
00:32:37We're not quite there yet.
00:32:39I mean, it's in the agenda under...
00:32:43Comments from the public.
00:32:43We're almost there.
00:32:46So we intend on reading this three times, is that our...
00:32:50That's really up to the seven of you.
00:32:54There's no reason not to.
00:32:55The email that I sent out...
00:32:56There's no reason not to.
00:32:58There's no reason not.
00:32:59But there was a public hearing on it in November
00:33:01that people were able to attend.
00:33:03We've had presentations up here by the administration
00:33:07that people did not attend.
00:33:09I mean, we've all probably seen opinions on it.
00:33:14As far as concrete reasons why not to enter into this,
00:33:20I just don't...
00:33:22I don't see the value in reading it three times
00:33:24if it's being paid for,
00:33:26which is what we're getting our tax dollars back
00:33:30to our community.
00:33:31We've addressed any kind of concerns that's been brought up.
00:33:36Friday, I went Friday up to North Baltimore
00:33:38and watched their roundabout with the CSXs up there
00:33:42with their rail lot.
00:33:44UPS is up there.
00:33:46They're pulling doubles through that.
00:33:48No issues.
00:33:48It's plenty wide enough.
00:33:50It's a three in, three out.
00:33:52It was very fluid.
00:33:53I mean, for my lifetime in town,
00:33:57I've heard nothing about we drag our feet
00:34:01on doing something about the truck traffic.
00:34:06So we have the opportunity for something that is funded
00:34:10by federal and state government.
00:34:12It's not out of our local tax dollars other than 400,000.
00:34:17And it takes the turning off of the square.
00:34:21It puts stuff up through Detroit.
00:34:24I just don't see the value in dragging this out
00:34:26for six weeks.
00:34:27And I would make a motion that we waive the three-read rule
00:34:31and we decide on where we're at with this.
00:34:34It's been moved by Chad to waive the three-reading rule.
00:34:40I'll second that.
00:34:42Seconded by Robin.
00:34:43I want to remind everyone,
00:34:46there is no discussion in suspension of the rules
00:34:50because there's nothing to discuss.
00:34:52You're either suspending the rules or you're not.
00:34:56Just keep in mind, you're not voting on the ordinance.
00:35:00You're voting on whether you're suspending the rules or not.
00:35:05And I'm taking a little liberty here.
00:35:08And Council, if you want to stop me, stop me.
00:35:11I would also remind everyone, it's been stated,
00:35:14there is no urgency from ODOT
00:35:17or anyone providing funding that we are aware of
00:35:20to not follow the Ohio revised code
00:35:24and read it three times.
00:35:26And it does not change the timing of the project
00:35:29in any way, shape, or form.
00:35:32I understand that.
00:35:33But in making the motion, I just feel like it,
00:35:38as Council, we're putting it out there
00:35:41that we're either supporting this or we're not.
00:35:43And we're enthusiastic about making,
00:35:45having an opportunity to change.
00:35:47You hear about the truck, the lighting, the traffic lights,
00:35:50that's gonna be part of it too.
00:35:53That the light, you know, the new lights
00:35:55will monitor traffic flow and keep traffic flowing.
00:36:00I just don't see the value in reading this three times
00:36:03and dragging it out for six weeks
00:36:05when it's been in the public limelight
00:36:09for better than six months now, so.
00:36:11So it's been properly moved and seconded again
00:36:14to suspend the rules.
00:36:17We'll go ahead and have a vote.
00:36:18I would remind everyone, this has to pass
00:36:20by a supermajority in order for you to suspend the rules.
00:36:24David Beasley.
00:36:26Steve Walter.
00:36:32Chad Miller.
00:36:34Peg Wren.
00:36:37Anna Tudor.
00:36:41Robin Jones.
00:36:43Sue Fox-Broker.
00:36:47And that's
00:36:48four, three.
00:36:51Five, two.
00:36:52Five, two, I'm sorry, which is not enough
00:36:54to meet the requirement.
00:36:57So that will stand as having been read one time.
00:37:03Mr. President, may we comment at this point?
00:37:07Yeah, Councilor Campbell.
00:37:08I do not, I understand what Chad is saying,
00:37:12but I also do not want to give any less time
00:37:15for our citizens to respond,
00:37:17which is why I voted the way I did in this case,
00:37:21because this has been a hot-button issue for some people
00:37:26and I do not want to strip them of any ability
00:37:29to address Council by reducing the number of weeks
00:37:33this is available for them to comment.
00:37:36That wasn't my intent.
00:37:38I appreciate that.
00:37:39I do, I really, I really value the public's opinion.
00:37:43My motion was based on that there's been six months
00:37:46to have that opinion and there's been 15 Council meetings
00:37:51since the November public hearing
00:37:53and I've yet to hear anybody step forward
00:37:56and come up with a valid reason not to do it.
00:38:00I've heard opinions, but I've not heard valid reasons
00:38:04on not doing it.
00:38:07I am, sir, I am.
00:38:13I don't know if you can get to public comment
00:38:15or government comment.
00:38:16But I am.
00:38:18So, no, Chad is fine.
00:38:25Appreciate everything you said there
00:38:27and I guess I really appreciate that you did exercise
00:38:31the proper way of addressing that and we did that
00:38:36and I thank every Council member for voting
00:38:38how they feel and we've handled that part.
00:38:41So, any other comments from Council's administration
00:38:45regarding that first reading?
00:38:48Okay, so that'll be entered as being read one time.
00:38:51We have nothing on second reading, nothing on third reading.
00:38:54Any other matters that need to be discussed?
00:38:59Comments from the public?
00:39:01Anyone like to come up and address Council
00:39:04regarding anything on their mind,
00:39:05including what was just discussed?
00:39:08Michelle, I just keep it.
00:39:13We don't have open discussion during.
00:39:17Michelle Lavis, I just had a quick question
00:39:20and maybe you already discussed it, I missed it.
00:39:23The last I knew it was $600,000 approximately
00:39:26and now it's down to 410.
00:39:27I just wondered if there was,
00:39:30I just was questioning where that came down.
00:39:32That was all I had.
00:39:35Maybe I was wrong.
00:39:38The $600,000 includes the design portion of it.
00:39:43The 410 is construction only.
00:39:46And we do want to make something very clear here.
00:39:49This comes from experience that we've all had,
00:39:53especially the administration.
00:39:56I mean, these numbers are very preliminary still.
00:40:00They're very preliminary.
00:40:03That's just the way a project like that works.
00:40:08It is an estimate and it is a rough estimate.
00:40:11No doubt folks wouldn't agree with me
00:40:13that it's a rough estimate, but it's a rough estimate.
00:40:15Number one, they're dealing with things
00:40:17that are two years out.
00:40:19So I think they were talking about spring of 26.
00:40:33Oh, just come up to the podium and give your name
00:40:38and your address.
00:40:48No, you.
00:40:50You don't want to tell us?
00:40:51I'm not ready, I need the information.
00:40:54Then I'll be more than happy to help everybody.
00:40:57What information?
00:40:58He had a public record request.
00:41:02Oh, okay.
00:41:03I thought you wanted to talk to me.
00:41:05Oh, no, you don't want me to talk tonight.
00:41:09Anyone else?
00:41:12Yes, go ahead.
00:41:16And I know you did already, Joe,
00:41:17but please repeat your name.
00:41:20My name's Joe LaWare.
00:41:23Actually, I've got a couple issues.
00:41:26The one seems to be the building construction methods
00:41:29going on in the neighborhoods
00:41:32due to recent storm events down Indian Lake.
00:41:37Everybody can see that construction types matter.
00:41:42Stuff built with metal siding just blows away.
00:41:48Barns, they just blows away.
00:41:54I think it's long overdue that council
00:41:56put some building standards in this city
00:41:59about what is allowed in the residential areas.
00:42:03Of course, Ohio Street is looking like a pole barn city
00:42:07because yet another one is going up.
00:42:11Since I've lived down there in this 20 years,
00:42:14there has been two, three, four, five of them,
00:42:19and there's another one going up.
00:42:21I guess this one is a barn dominium going up.
00:42:25Pole barn.
00:42:27Certainly suitable for agricultural,
00:42:30have no issues out in the country.
00:42:33I work for a farmer.
00:42:35But once again, barns are good to last, what,
00:42:4140 years, 50 years, till they rot off in the ground,
00:42:43and you got a dump because it's fallen in,
00:42:46or you've got major structural issues.
00:42:49Unlike my house that was started in 1860,
00:42:53and it was slowly added on, added on, added on,
00:42:56and I'm sure Mrs. Broker's was the same way.
00:42:58It was old.
00:43:01These houses they're putting up in these barns
00:43:03are just never gonna stand the test of time.
00:43:05Makes our property value go down in this neck of the woods.
00:43:11I'm not asking to be Dublin, Delaware.
00:43:15I'm just asking for, you go down Indian Lake,
00:43:19and look, everybody's been down there
00:43:20and saw the dramatic impact of the storm.
00:43:25The blue houses on the stilts down by Indian Head
00:43:29withstand that tornado.
00:43:33Someone ought to look at how it was built.
00:43:35Maybe we need to put in some considerations for,
00:43:44I don't know, just a little oversight,
00:43:46because you can do anything you want to your house
00:43:48in this community, and there's no oversight, nothing.
00:43:53No electrician, no codes, nothing.
00:43:57Someone might drive by and look,
00:43:58make sure you're within your property, I guess.
00:44:06But the amount of taxes I'm paying in this community
00:44:09is equal to Findlay, Bell Fountain, Lima.
00:44:13I think it's time that the city actually
00:44:17make the residents come up to the level it needs to be,
00:44:23because they sure are making the business community do it,
00:44:27as example of the Dairy Queen.
00:44:29Mr. Conkle's down here is going to be put
00:44:31through the ringer, bring his building back to standard,
00:44:35that he can operate it.
00:44:39And enough on that.
00:44:41Now the roundabout ordeal.
00:44:43Can I ask a question, please?
00:44:45You mentioned the Dairy Queen.
00:44:48Like, they were put through the ringer.
00:44:50You want to elaborate on that a little bit?
00:44:51Took two years to get the building back to operating.
00:44:55And do you have information as to the cause of that?
00:44:59I was told it was a fight over the insurance,
00:45:04wanting them to, the health department said
00:45:07the codes had to be come up.
00:45:10But the man wasn't doing a renovation.
00:45:13He was just wanting to put back his building like it was.
00:45:17I guess my point there is, I don't think it was anything
00:45:19in city regulations that-
00:45:21It was not zoning, it was health department.
00:45:26The city doesn't do that, but the other,
00:45:29if they're made to go through that,
00:45:32little bit, we could do a little bit
00:45:34to make our neighborhoods better.
00:45:37Of the type of quality and material
00:45:39that we let in our neighborhoods.
00:45:42I want my property value increase,
00:45:45and it has over the years, but-
00:45:48Would you have some suggestions
00:45:50that you might jot down sometime
00:45:52on what you think those would include
00:45:54as far as in the residential areas?
00:45:57You see livestock living in and out in the country,
00:45:59should you really allow it in town?
00:46:02But would you be interested in providing some of those?
00:46:06I talked to Mr. Beasley here about it
00:46:08in a number of years ago,
00:46:10and he said our hands was tied,
00:46:13but you couldn't tell someone
00:46:15what they could build their house out of,
00:46:18or their garages.
00:46:21I mean, I feel differently.
00:46:25Joe, what I'm looking for, though, is-
00:46:26Oh, I'll help.
00:46:27Just ask, I'll-
00:46:30I am.
00:46:30And yeah, I'll-
00:46:32Okay, so if you might want to take a little time
00:46:34and jot down what you think-
00:46:35Oh yeah.
00:46:36Those ordinances should include-
00:46:38You're probably gonna want some more affirmation
00:46:40when I get done here.
00:46:43Next thing is the big grape ape in the town is the trucks.
00:46:49And I spoke with the mayor
00:46:50when the proposal come out about the roundabout.
00:46:55Yes, I have been through the North Baltimore
00:46:57pulling a 53-foot trailer.
00:47:00Doubles are the easiest thing to get around
00:47:02any community with the set trailer.
00:47:04That is the worst thing to-
00:47:07If you want to judge something
00:47:09on getting around in neighborhoods,
00:47:10you want to look at a long-nose Peterbilt
00:47:13with a 53-foot trailer.
00:47:15Or better yet, let's put it even in a bigger perspective.
00:47:19Propeller coming through town.
00:47:23And everybody knows the propellers come right down 68
00:47:26when they was going out here at the oversights.
00:47:30The German motor blade?
00:47:34I don't know.
00:47:36I have not seen size or dimensions,
00:47:38but I know where they're talking about
00:47:39wanting to put the roundabout.
00:47:41Let's put this in perspective.
00:47:43North Baltimore is one of the largest roundabouts
00:47:45I've ever been around.
00:47:47And I've driven 3 million miles.
00:47:53I don't know what size they're put.
00:47:55The ones going to Lima are awful.
00:47:58I aim the cab to the roundabout,
00:48:01trailer runs over everything.
00:48:04That's the way it is.
00:48:05I felt like the one in North Baltimore,
00:48:07not to interject you, I apologize.
00:48:09I felt like the one in North Baltimore
00:48:10had a wider footprint as far as for trucks.
00:48:16The center was smaller as opposed to 309s
00:48:20that has the larger center cap, so to speak.
00:48:24Well, it was probably someone that knew about trucking
00:48:27helped design it.
00:48:28Right, right.
00:48:29Because the railhead is why that was put in.
00:48:32And UPS is up there.
00:48:34UPS pulls pups, and then we'll go around.
00:48:36Well, they do 53s as well, but yeah.
00:48:40The one up on 224 between 23 and Tiffin
00:48:46is a large one, as well as the one down in 47 and 235.
00:48:52I'm not a fan of them.
00:48:54I think they're the most stupidest things
00:48:55they ever come up with.
00:48:57That is the diamond intersection at the crossovers,
00:49:00what they're going to do at the 161 exit up in Finley.
00:49:06But traffic flow, residential, I have no problem with them.
00:49:11So I get it, they're a big thing over in Europe.
00:49:14I don't know what the fascination is with them,
00:49:17but as for the modern trucking world, no.
00:49:20It'll slow traffic down coming around that,
00:49:23because you go around at 10 mile an hour, 15 mile an hour,
00:49:27and you could see on a Friday night,
00:49:33trucks will line up, clear up 68 here now,
00:49:36because you're dumping all the traffic to one side.
00:49:38So you've almost, in return, created your roundabout setup
00:49:44of what that volume of traffic is going to be on 68.
00:49:49Now, here's the million dollar question.
00:49:52What happens when that needs maintenance?
00:49:55Where's the traffic going to go?
00:49:58I don't know.
00:50:02I mean, I'm not a civil engineer,
00:50:04but there is a couple other ways.
00:50:06And no, I could not make the meetings of the state,
00:50:10because I was probably in Mississippi when they was going on.
00:50:15Just life of truck driver.
00:50:18And I was told, I know Mr. Jack Grenzing,
00:50:22and I guess somebody asked the state of Ohio person,
00:50:27have you ever ridden in a truck?
00:50:29And they said, no, the computer told us that it will work.
00:50:35I don't know.
00:50:36Computers don't drive trucks.
00:50:39Not yet.
00:50:40Yeah, yeah, but.
00:50:46Now, to the trucks not following the road closed signs,
00:50:52that's because they're not blocked.
00:50:54You need to get the road closed signs
00:50:56in the middle of the damn intersections,
00:50:58where they can't make the swing
00:51:00to turn onto the streets they shouldn't be.
00:51:06Almost make them have to go around it.
00:51:10I noticed at one point,
00:51:11we had a cruiser sitting down at Jump of Gems.
00:51:15They was leaving a, I don't know,
00:51:19one of the police cars was left sitting down there.
00:51:22Stuff like that I do think helped,
00:51:24because people see it,
00:51:25and they don't know if a cop's sitting in it or not,
00:51:28so they was turning.
00:51:29Got a program, but.
00:51:34By the time they hit the second roundabout,
00:51:37they're turning on Ohio Street.
00:51:39I personally received a citation
00:51:41for being on Ohio Street.
00:51:44This has been 15 years ago.
00:51:48Because I pulled across there, stopped there,
00:51:51pulled off the side of where
00:51:54the old welfare building used to be.
00:51:56It was gone.
00:51:57It was all busted up concrete
00:51:58and walked the windows.
00:51:59I come back, the officer was there giving me a citation
00:52:02for being off state route.
00:52:05I seem to think them rules
00:52:06has evidently blew out the window,
00:52:09or they don't enforce no more,
00:52:11or at least give these guys warnings
00:52:13and say next time we'll nail you.
00:52:16I don't know what the solution is,
00:52:19but they're supposed to be all reading
00:52:22unless you drive a truck.
00:52:25I don't know why they can't follow a bit closed signs.
00:52:28And part of it I do think is
00:52:33when they change the signs from one side to the other,
00:52:37the Franklin to Columbus,
00:52:38they go back and forth with working on it,
00:52:40then they flip it back.
00:52:42The signage don't get flipped.
00:52:44Some of it does, some of it doesn't.
00:52:49Like when you're coming down Detroit,
00:52:51that left-hand turn they all like to make on Carroll,
00:52:55why don't they have that whole left-hand lane
00:52:56just completely blocked off
00:52:58where you can't even get in it to make the left?
00:53:02I don't know.
00:53:04That would stop a lot of the trucks
00:53:05from ending up over in front of the churches.
00:53:08Joe, if you could, could you get to your final point?
00:53:11But that's what I said.
00:53:13I'm gone a lot of the time,
00:53:15so I don't get to all these,
00:53:19but that is really the, I guess, the most of it.
00:53:25Anybody has any questions about any of the commercial side,
00:53:28I'm more than happy to help.
00:53:32I just gotta be asked,
00:53:33I don't have time to come to the meetings
00:53:36like a normal citizen would, so.
00:53:42All right.
00:53:43Thank you.
00:53:44Thank you, Joe.
00:53:44Thank you for all your comments, Joe, appreciate it.
00:53:47We'll reach out to you on the residential side of things.
00:53:50Oh, yeah, I'll thought some stuff and get to you.
00:53:55Anyone else like to address council?
00:54:03I should at least introduce you.
00:54:07We have a scalpel with us tonight.
00:54:10Would you like to come up and introduce yourself
00:54:12and maybe tell us why you're here?
00:54:17Thank you.
00:54:20Tell us your name and why you came
00:54:23to the city council meeting tonight.
00:54:26I'm Frederick Speece,
00:54:27and I'm here to do citizenship in the nation, Mayor Badger.
00:54:35Go ahead, David.
00:54:36All I said was welcome.
00:54:37Oh, what troop?
00:54:39I didn't see your.
00:54:40Troop 318 of Arlington.
00:54:44Well, welcome.
00:54:45As David said, we really appreciate you being here,
00:54:48and hope to gain a little bit of knowledge,
00:54:52and thanks for coming.
00:54:55Thank you.
00:54:58Does anyone else want to address council?
00:55:05Just want to make a couple of comments regarding
00:55:12comments from the public, comments from council,
00:55:14everyone, anyone.
00:55:17As those who have been here several years
00:55:21that I've been council president,
00:55:22I'm pretty liberal with that.
00:55:25Maybe Michelle, you would disagree with me,
00:55:27but I'm pretty liberal with letting people speak,
00:55:32and want to continue to do so.
00:55:35As we get into some topics that I think
00:55:38we're going to have a lot of people want to speak,
00:55:41there will probably come a time, though,
00:55:43where I may tend to try to say let's get to our point,
00:55:47because I want other people to have time to speak as well.
00:55:51This council has not set any requirements
00:55:54as far as limits to speaking time.
00:55:57I'm certain I could ask Colt.
00:55:58I know Kent Board of Education has specific requirements
00:56:02as to the number of minutes that you can speak.
00:56:06We've not done that.
00:56:08And my opinion is we have no intention of doing that
00:56:14unless we need to.
00:56:16So Joe, I hated to urge you along,
00:56:19but I didn't know if other people did want to speak.
00:56:23So at least right now, with council as well,
00:56:30we'll try to, not at all,
00:56:32we'll try to give everybody a chance to talk.
00:56:36But we also can't be here until 11 o'clock at night either.
00:56:43Comments from the news media?
00:56:48Then we'll go to council members, administration.
00:56:50We'll go back to the administration.
00:56:52Darrell, anything you want to add after tonight so far?
00:56:57Not so far, no.
00:56:59Chief Musser?
00:57:00No, thank you.
00:57:01Chief Donnelly?
00:57:03Colt, thank you for being here tonight.
00:57:06I appreciate that.
00:57:07Cindy, anything you want to add?
00:57:09All right, then we'll go around the table here.
00:57:11Starting with Steve.
00:57:12I'm just wishing everybody a happy and safe 4th of July.
00:57:18Mr. President, I will be absent
00:57:19from the next council meeting.
00:57:21Would ask that you would excuse me for that.
00:57:23And I would also like to say how much I appreciated
00:57:26how our rules worked tonight.
00:57:36So on an unrelated topic,
00:57:40I had taken some stuff out to the transfer station last week
00:57:43and there was a line out there
00:57:45and you could tell it was just residential people.
00:57:48I'd like to thank the members of the community
00:57:49that are utilizing their vouchers
00:57:52and taking advantage of that cleanup program.
00:57:56Just with the opportunity that that brings,
00:57:59summer, don't lose perspective.
00:58:01I'd ask that it kind of be,
00:58:05just people remember, it's hot out right now,
00:58:07but you got the whole rest of the year to take stuff out.
00:58:11I appreciate the ones that I've seen out there.
00:58:13I know I've seen like May's report.
00:58:15There was, it was taken advantage of quite a bit in May.
00:58:18And I would just encourage the public
00:58:20to continue to take advantage of that,
00:58:21to clean up their properties or brush or whatever,
00:58:24utilize that system.
00:58:27Thank you.
00:58:28Thank you, Sharon.
00:58:29You okay?
00:58:30It's a good system.
00:58:30I have no problem.
00:58:32Thank you.
00:58:33Thank you.
00:58:35We have fireworks, 4th of July.
00:58:37We have pray, 4th of July.
00:58:38So those are things that the community can jump in
00:58:42and support and enjoy.
00:58:44We've got a great set of young people,
00:58:47great leaders that are working at the pool really hard.
00:58:50So if you get a chance, drive out there and look at the pool
00:58:52and tell them thank you for the job that they do,
00:58:54because I know a lot of people thinks
00:58:57that we need longer hours,
00:58:58but they have to also understand
00:59:00that these kids are just learning and that's their job.
00:59:03And they take their jobs very seriously for safety
00:59:06and they show up to work every day.
00:59:07So we've got to give them kudos
00:59:09because they might stick around here
00:59:11and be another leader someday.
00:59:13So I think they do a fine job out there.
00:59:16That's all I have to say.
00:59:18Thanks, Robin.
00:59:19John, anything?
00:59:20No, just 4th of July, just a reminder.
00:59:23Some committees, when they changed the law
00:59:26in the state of Ohio, said it's all right to use fireworks.
00:59:29We did not.
00:59:30We wanted to continue the prohibition of fireworks in town.
00:59:34So everyone needs to be aware of that.
00:59:37You're not allowed to have fireworks in town
00:59:39unless it's a public event approved.
00:59:42You know, the fireworks at the fairground,
00:59:45it's a separate organization.
00:59:48But you're doing private fireworks,
00:59:50you need to be licensed, okay?
00:59:52So just want to remind everyone about that.
00:59:54And I also will not be at the next meeting.
00:59:57If anything comes up, Joel, you have my cell phone.
01:00:00I could call in if there's something urgent
01:00:04or you need to speak to me.
01:00:05I'll make sure I'm available during that window if need be.
01:00:12Just to kind of piggyback off of Chad on,
01:00:16you know, if you drive around the town,
01:00:19you can get in a rut of looking at the negative.
01:00:23And we're really pushing, you know,
01:00:27Cindy has really challenged us all
01:00:29to come in every day to see the positive.
01:00:31And if you drive around, you can really see
01:00:33a lot of properties that people are really starting to change.
01:00:38And I think it's catching a little bit of fire.
01:00:40So on that note, I thank everybody
01:00:43who is really putting forth a good effort
01:00:45to, you know, clean up their properties
01:00:48and put a good show on.
01:00:50I think pride's coming back
01:00:52and it's only gonna get better.
01:00:55Also, just to touch base on the pool,
01:00:57because it's kind of a topic
01:01:01that people don't understand.
01:01:04Maybe, you know, the reason that we went
01:01:07from 1 to 6 p.m. was data-driven.
01:01:09We try to do everything by what we see
01:01:13and it's not just a knee jerk.
01:01:14Oh, we don't want to stay open at night.
01:01:17So what happens is when we've done data,
01:01:20we have a mass exodus at five o'clock.
01:01:24Everybody leaves to go home.
01:01:25Nobody comes back.
01:01:27There's no one there.
01:01:28We send guards home.
01:01:30So it's not like we can't, again,
01:01:33we want to be responsible for taxpayer money
01:01:36and the kids were not to sit seven guards out there
01:01:40or six guards out there in concession
01:01:42and no one comes to the pool.
01:01:44We would keep open.
01:01:46And I know the kids would probably like
01:01:48more money on their paycheck,
01:01:50but the issue becomes no one is there in the evening.
01:01:54And I understand, even when we did some,
01:01:58we stayed open late the first night.
01:02:00There wasn't hardly, on a hot night,
01:02:02there wasn't anybody that,
01:02:05there was very few people.
01:02:07So again, it's data-driven.
01:02:10We try to make those decisions
01:02:12that really impact how we operate.
01:02:17So I just wanted to clear that up.
01:02:20I just want to welcome Whitney.
01:02:22Everybody who doesn't have Whitney,
01:02:24she's our HR and she is my fill-in
01:02:27for when I'm not here and I won't be here,
01:02:29either meeting in July.
01:02:30So be kind to her.
01:02:33She's been trained well.
01:02:37And Whitney, that's a fairly normal occurrence
01:02:40that I fumble the ball really badly, so be prepared.
01:02:48Just to follow up on what Mayor Webb said,
01:02:52we've had a lot, not a lot,
01:02:53but there have been a number of comments
01:02:56about staying open late and not to repeat everything.
01:02:59Just, it was data-driven.
01:03:02And on top of that,
01:03:05we all need to remember,
01:03:07if you just isolate the pool,
01:03:10first of all, we have a pool that's been run better
01:03:12under this administration than it's been run for years.
01:03:15Because we have a Parks and Rec Board that cares,
01:03:18we have an administration that really has a lot of desire,
01:03:21and some key council members, especially Robin,
01:03:24that take an interest in it,
01:03:26that want to see that run well.
01:03:30That being said, the pool loses money.
01:03:32I mean, when we started with this 10 years ago
01:03:37and we were contracting the pool out to the Y,
01:03:41everyone remembers all of that.
01:03:43I remember talking with Finley,
01:03:46just called up there and talked to them quite a while
01:03:48to see what they do.
01:03:50Their auditor's like, Joel,
01:03:51you're gonna get it through your head.
01:03:53Pool loses money.
01:03:55You're never gonna make money on a pool.
01:03:58It's done as a public service.
01:04:00It's done because it's public health,
01:04:05public entertainment, the whole nine yards,
01:04:08but there's a point.
01:04:09And if the data's telling us almost every dollar
01:04:14we're spending after six o'clock is going down the drain,
01:04:18that's not very wise use of you all's taxpayer dollars.
01:04:22So that's where that comes from.
01:04:26Appreciate all the discussion here this evening,
01:04:29and to echo what Councilman Beasley said,
01:04:33appreciate the fact that we utilize Robert's Rules,
01:04:37we utilize the Ohio Revised Code
01:04:39to look at a piece of legislation
01:04:41and see if we can handle that expeditiously.
01:04:45And Council decided not to, which is fine.
01:04:49I just appreciate the fact
01:04:50that we had multiple different votes
01:04:52other than just seven yeses or seven nays.
01:04:57And we'll continue to try to do so.
01:05:02Our next meeting then is July 8th, 7 p.m.
01:05:06Of course, we announced the public hearing
01:05:08August 12th at 6 p.m.
01:05:10with regards to the potential change of zoning
01:05:14on the parcels located west of town.
01:05:18Encourage all Councilmembers to do more research on that.
01:05:20And when Emma gets those minutes typed up,
01:05:25that was an hour-long meeting.
01:05:27So you'll get those via email,
01:05:30unless the email servers say the file's too big.
01:05:35All right, with that then,
01:05:36there are no objections, we're adjourned.
01:05:39Let's go practice.
01:05:44All right, see you later.