• last year
00:00regular session of Kent City Council and we'll start with a roll call.
00:24Thank you Emma. I'd ask all who are able to please stand and have a prayer followed by the
00:29Pledge of Allegiance. Heavenly Father, we gather this evening with grateful hearts
00:38seeking your guidance and wisdom. As we meet to discuss and make decisions for our community,
00:44we ask for your presence to be with us. Grant us the clarity to see the needs of our city
00:50and the courage to address them with fairness and compassion.
00:55Help us to listen to one another with open minds and respectful hearts. May our discussions be
01:01fruitful and our decisions be sensible, always seeking the betterment of all our citizens.
01:09Guide us to work together in unity and peace, setting aside personal differences
01:14for the common good. We thank you for the privilege of serving the citizens of Kenton
01:19and ask for your blessing on our endeavors tonight. In your holy name we pray, amen.
01:28I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which
01:34it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
01:40I hope everyone's recovered from all the fair food they might have consumed
01:52and ready for a meeting tonight, so we'll get right into it. You had the minutes from
01:59our prior meeting in your packets. I'd ask council are there any additions or corrections to those
02:05minutes that you would like to see made? Sorry.
02:15Hearing none, I'll stand approved to submit it.
02:20Up next are citizens requesting time to speak. We have no one on the agenda this evening
02:26scheduled, but there will be time later under comments from the public
02:31to address council and the administration. I also add that one of the things I'm going to
02:37start trying to be more routine, when we get into the legislative items that are on second
02:45and third reading, after Emma reads each item, I'll not only ask if there are any new information,
02:52but I'll ask if anyone is here to comment on that particular item, and if you'd like to,
02:59and we'll give you time to do that.
03:06So we'll move on then to communications. I did receive, or we received the
03:14Council on Aging newsletter for August and September, and that came to the office here,
03:20so I can pass that on around. Anyone like to take a look at that? Does anyone else have any
03:26communications they received or would like to share?
03:31I would say also I did receive a communication from a resident regarding a potential
03:37handicap sticker or handicap spot, and I forwarded that on to Min and Cindy.
03:46Okay, petitions. Nothing before us right now that I'm aware of,
03:51so we'll move on to administrative reports and comments. I'll start with Chief Musser.
03:56Just real quick, just to keep Council up to speed, we've been going through the process of
04:09hiring two new officers. I think this week we should probably be wrapping it up.
04:13We've been at it for several months now, but our final interview is Wednesday, I believe,
04:20and unless something catastrophic happens, we should be back up to speed. So I just wanted
04:27to keep you guys in the loop there. Thanks for everything. That's all I got.
04:32Thanks, Chief. How about Chief Donnelly with the Fire Department? Nothing tonight? Okay.
04:41We don't have any reports under any of the administrative areas, so I'll just kind of work
04:45down through here. Is there anything to talk about? Tim's not here tonight. Anything we need
04:50to talk about with Public Works? Okay. Economic Development? Income Tax Department? Auditor?
05:05Anything, Daryl? All right. Treasurer not here. Law Director? John? The only thing I might know
05:12is a girl's got a soccer game at the high school. I might try to skip out after the ordinance of
05:18resolutions. Okay. Unless there's a need later, but I'll stick around through that and then try
05:25to get out there. And I see Cindy's already up there, so Law Director, or Service Director.
05:32I just want to give you an update on the water tower. So the portable tanks have been placed
05:37around town. We have someone coming on Wednesday to wire the two tanks that are out by the tower
05:48to the tower so that it can speak to the – I use the word speak – to the pumps back at the plant.
05:56After that, we would be ready to go, but we are going to run the system using the portable
06:04tanks for a couple of days before we actually drain the tower. So hopefully to everybody out
06:13there that has city water, this will be a very transparent process. And seamless. Yes. So I will
06:23keep you all informed as to what's going on. All right. Thanks, Cindy. Lynn, do you have anything
06:30to make? No. Okay, then we'll move on to committee reports on finance. Anything you want to talk
06:37about? Finance does have a written report, and we are delaying our next meeting until the first
06:43meeting in September, which will be the 14th. October. October, sorry, thank you. I'm looking
06:50at the calendar, which has both months on here. So it'll be October 14th, which is actually
06:55five weeks because of the fifth Monday, which is fine. That'll give a little more time for
07:01negotiations to kind of solidify. We'll have a little better handle on salaries and maybe even
07:10some preliminary information on benefits that'll allow us to have a better handle on the budget for
07:162025. I don't think MOP is met. Public utilities, anything to update prior to your meeting this
07:27week? Just meet at the sewer treatment plant at 2.30. Anybody interested in coming to
07:36have a tour of the sewer treatment plant?
07:39Quite fascinating. Take advantage, folks.
07:49Streets, alleys, and sidewalks, anything to add other than your upcoming meeting date?
07:55Not really. We discussed, people talked about the roundabout, but if there's something
08:00new and different to add to that, we don't. Okay, and you've got September 25th at 3.30, right?
08:07Yes. And then legislation codes and regs, anything to discuss other than your upcoming meeting date?
08:13Actually, that's the 25th. I was going to say that. That's a Sunday, I think. I was going to say it's
08:18usually right after streets. Yeah, yeah. So I think it should be 25th.
08:25Oops. Okay then, anything from regional planning? Regional planning has not met. Parks and Rec Board,
08:37Robin, anything to talk about there? Let's wind him down. Grove Cemetery Board? Nothing new out
08:44there. We do have a meeting tomorrow at 5 p.m. out there. Tree Commission? Meeting Thursday at 1.
08:51And BKP meets a week from tonight. They were busy at the fair the whole time.
08:57Pretty good social media posts, and I give the folks a lot of credit for doing that.
09:05They always usually have a good experience at the fair. We have no old business, no new business,
09:10so we'll get right into ordinances and resolutions. I see four under first reading, so
09:17Anna, if you want to start? Okay, ordinance number 24.025, an ordinance providing for additional
09:24appropriations and for transferring funds for the year 2024 for the City of Kenton, Ohio,
09:30in declaring an emergency. There is...
09:36There is no explanation. There's no explanation, anything you want to talk about? These were the
09:40housekeeping issues on the police and fire pension funds, transferring them back to the
09:45general fund and getting rid of the separate line item and those sorts of things, and then
09:49the adjustment to Grove Cemetery based on the auditors, the county auditors' updated figures
09:58to us. So this does have some importance for us to get this done so we get this cleaned.
10:05Plus there's not a lot of choices either. No, there's not. So Mr. President, I would move for a
10:13suspension of the three-read rule number 24-025. I'll second that. It's been moved by David,
10:19seconded by Robin. There's no discussion, so we'll go ahead and vote on that.
10:25Sue Fox-Broker? Yes. David Beasley? Yes. Steve Walter? Yes. Chad Miller? Yes.
10:32Olga Tudor? Yes. Robin Jones? Yes. Okay, you did suspend the rules by letter 6-0, so we can...
10:40I move for the adoption, Mr. President. I'll second that. Moved by David, seconded by Steve.
10:45Is there any discussion? Okay, hearing none, we'll go ahead and vote. David Beasley? Yes.
10:52Steve Walter? Yes. Chad Miller? Yes. Olga Tudor? Yes. Robin Jones? Yes. Sue Fox-Broker? Yes.
11:01That also passes 6-0.
11:06Ordinance number 24-026, an ordinance providing for additional appropriations
11:12and for transferring funds for the year 2024 for the City of Kensington, Ohio and if there are any
11:17emergencies. Now this one does have an explanation, it does. Any questions on that or anything anyone wants to add?
11:25This came before finance and was recommended to proceed. And if I understand, we have,
11:33probably mostly because of the water tower, we have a time... We do have the one sinkhole at
11:40Franklin and Barone that has gone unattended and needs to be taken care of. So we'd like
11:45Council to consider this now if possible. That is the recommendation and I would move for suspension
11:52of the three-read rule for ordinance number 24-026. I'll second. That's moved by David,
11:57seconded by, it was either Steve or Chad, I'm not certain. A host. It was a host, yeah. Oh, Onda.
12:04I need to get my hearing checked. Onda seconded that. There's no discussion, so go ahead and vote.
12:09Steve Walter? Yes. Chad Miller? Yes. Olga Tudor? Yes. Robin Jones? Yes. Sue Fox-Broker? Yes. David Beasley?
12:19Yes. And that passes 6-0. So we can think about moving forward on the ordinance? So moved. Thanks,
12:27Sue. I'll second. Second by Steve. Is there any discussion? If not, we'll go ahead and vote.
12:35Chad Miller? Yes. Onda Tudor? Yes. Robin Jones? Yes. Sue Fox-Broker? Yes. David Beasley? Yes.
12:44Steve Walter? Yes. That passes 6-0.
12:50Resolution number 016-24, a resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Kingston, Ohio to enter
12:58into a contract for union of a City Health District with the General Health District
13:04in declaring an emergency. I don't know who wants to talk on this. John, do you?
13:08One of the two of you? I can. Basically the Health Department, they had an unnecessary board that
13:20they had the power to dissolve and get away from, and that board had the ability to appoint one of
13:26the board members on the Health Department. So that board, the appointed authority, is no longer
13:31in existence. So it's just the reallocation of the voting. There's no change. Our vote remains the
13:37same. Our percentage of contribution towards the Health Department remains the same. So from our
13:43standpoint, there's no change, but we have to do this new contract. And again, we had just approved
13:48the contract, I don't know how many, just within last year, but we were just tweaking that because
13:56of, again, that licensing board going away. Can I ask a question? Yes. So the amount that they,
14:04our percentage stays the same, but is the amount
14:08the same or is that going up or down as far as? There's no change. Okay. Yep.
14:18Can you read that again at the next meeting? There's no hurry on getting anything done. Okay, great.
14:24Resolution number 017-24, resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the
14:34Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.
14:42And I believe, and this is an annual item, but I believe there's no hurry here. I would also say
14:51there isn't much you all can do. We have no flexibility whatsoever. So I would just throw
14:55that out there. Mr. President, I move that we suspend the three-year resolution number
15:01017-24. Second. Moved by David, seconded by Chad. If there's no discussions, we'll go ahead and vote.
15:08Auditor? Yes. Browder-Jones? Yes. Supox-Broker? Yes. David Beasley? Yes. Steve Walter? Yes. Chad
15:16Miller? Yes. That passes 6-0. So I move for the adoption, Mr. President. Thanks, David. Second.
15:22Seconded by Sue. Is there any discussion? Okay, we'll go ahead and vote. Robin-Jones? Yes. Supox-Broker?
15:30Yes. David Beasley? Yes. Steve Walter? Yes. Chad Miller? Yes. That passes 6-0.
15:38Thank you. Okay, for a second reading item. Ordinance number 24-022, an ordinance to change the zoning of a real property located south of West Lima Street and east of Jones Road in the City of Kensington, Ohio, owned by the Board of the County Commissioners of Harding County, Ohio, from R1, 1 and 2 Family Residence District, to N2, General Manufacturing District.
16:06This item, again, we have time. It does not have to be addressed tonight. It can be if you all want to.
16:12This was a result of the public hearing that was held on August 12, 2024. I don't think there
16:19would be anything new, so I'd ask is anyone here tonight that would like to comment regarding this
16:38Hi again. Faith Spearman. I guess I would just like to come back and say this is
16:48really difficult for our family.
16:55I know that this is important to everybody in the whole community, but this directly affects us,
17:01so I guess that's why I have such an amount of emotion about it, and I think that's fair,
17:08but I also understand you guys have a decision to make that's big, so I guess I would just ask
17:15that you consider that we are directly affected by your vote. Like, it's not just another vote.
17:22Like, this directly affects our lives and what we can tell our children as far as
17:30is this home? Is this safe? Is this spot okay? Because you guys can't tell us what
17:36you're going to put there, and you honestly can't, and we understand that, but at the same time,
17:41you're asking us to just assume that it's all going to be okay and tell them it's all going
17:46to be fine, and as their mom, I can't do that, and it's really hard. It's been very challenging
17:52a couple months for it just to stay kind of unsettled, and I know I come across kind of like
18:01a train wreck, but that's all right. I just really care about having a safe environment
18:08for my children and some place that they can call home and make memories, and it really puts that
18:13kind of up in the air for us, and we put a lot into this community. My husband's been, you know,
18:19probably has dealt with every single family here in some form and putting a monument out for your
18:25families in some way, and so we really do care about this community, and we're not against it
18:30improving in any way. That's not how I mean to come across, but it does directly affect us, so
18:36it might just be another vote to you guys, but it is a life-changing vote to us, so it kind of tells
18:42us a lot, and we just ask you to reconsider that as you take it seriously, I hope,
18:49that it's very serious to us, so thank you for your time.
18:56Anyone else like to come up? I would just remind everyone, including anyone that talks about it up
19:01here, within reason, let's not try to go repeat a lot of the same things that we're done before,
19:09so I'm just reminding everyone of that. Go ahead, Brian.
19:21Hello, Tim Spearman here. Keep it short. Yes, it's a very challenging decision to do.
19:30Everything's challenging today, you know, what we're going through downtown. As my wife and I
19:37have talked, we are challenged to make a decision ourselves on just to be, tell you what our plan
19:50is. It's something, it's not a threat. We're just being honest with you. I feel and she feels that,
19:57you know, if something like this does happen, that, I mean, it's coming down to the situation
20:04of why we're here, why we're here in this town, if it's something like this that we feel like
20:09we're not being heard. Nobody's, I mean, a couple of councils reached out to us and talked to us,
20:18others have not, but it's a very important decision to make, and it's a very important
20:23decision for my wife as a family of, I mean, we've come down to the decision almost to basically
20:31leave. I mean, why should we be here when we invested our life into this property?
20:38We invested everything that we have, making it what it is to be better. It is an investment.
20:44It's an investment for the city, too, to have more jobs here. It's an investment for the county.
20:51I understand all that stuff, too, but it is a big decision to make. It is a big decision for
20:58everybody, and I just wanted to keep, just let you know that, like I said, it's just kind of, I feel,
21:06these a bad taste in my mouth, and it's just very sad, yet it's still exciting, yet it's all,
21:16it's all in your guys's vote. So that's why I got it. So, all right, thank you. Anyone else?
21:28Mark Kaufman. Just a couple of follow-ups on what the Spearman said. As a reminder to you
21:41folks, there was a petition handed out at the first meeting, public meeting held on this whole
21:45thing. It was signed by residents in that whole area out there. There's only two families here
21:50representing all those people. It's not just two families that are opposed to this. It's everybody
21:56directly in that area. We don't feel that spot zoning is an appropriate way to bring business
22:02into this community, and we'd like for council to consider this. Furthermore, the Hardin County
22:08Commissioners years ago passed a resolution not supporting the destruction of agricultural
22:13ground for development. Here they are trying to sell their own ground for development purposes
22:18as opposed to keeping it agricultural, so they can't even keep their own word on their own
22:23resolution. And to quote one of the county commissioners, the only reason they're doing
22:29this is a favor. There's nobody apparently already looking into this, but we want to do a spot zoning
22:36industrial out there when we have all this industrial ground already sitting vacant.
22:40So take that in consideration, and whatever you guys decide is the final answer, and
22:47I hope it works out for everybody, whichever side you're on. Thank you.
22:53Any other comments or questions? John? I would just, you know, if there's no decision tonight,
23:01I would stress, Emma got the minutes out a couple weeks ago, 20 pages of minutes, and if there's
23:08anyone in that needs a copy, and we can make sure Emma gets those, or I can get them to you, but
23:14I would stress that you guys read through those minutes again. It's been a few weeks. There's a
23:18lot of good points that were made, so I would ask council to take the time before next meeting to
23:25read through those minutes again, so that's all fresh in your mind, so you can make an informed
23:31decision. Okay, that's all. Yes, thanks, John. I have a hard copy with me. If there was a lot to
23:38print out at home or you don't want to read on the screen, no problem. And the original petition
23:44from the commissioners, including the documentation that was brought up of
23:50those petitioners against, it's all included in that? Yes, the original email that everyone
23:56received included the original petition, the signatures of all the detractors or the people
24:02that had negative comments, and included the map and proposed areas. So if anyone, though,
24:11cannot find that in their email, we can obviously, we'll be happy to get that to you again, but I know
24:17you all received that. So if there are no objections, we can go ahead and read that again at the next
24:23meeting, if that's council's wishes. Okay, I'll move on to a third reading then.
24:30All right, resolution number 015-24, a resolution authorizing the safety service director to prepare
24:42and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission's state capital
24:48improvement and or local transportation improvement programs for the sanitary sewer
24:53trunk main replacement phase one, and to execute contracts as required in the emergency.
25:01Does anyone have any comments on this? Is there any new information,
25:05anything new, any new time frame issues? Anyone hear a comment on that, this legislation?
25:13All right, if council has no objections, we can read that again at the next meeting on September 23rd.
25:24On to our third reading. Ordinance number 24-017, an ordinance authorizing the city of
25:31Kinston, Ohio to enter into a highway improvement project with the Ohio Department of Transportation
25:36and the Clarendon Emergency. This is, I would call, step two of the roundabout.
25:43Is that a fair way? Oh, no, it's Detroit Street. Well, yeah, that's true. I start to think of all
25:49of them. Yeah, this is North Detroit Street. It's been read. Any new, anything new, Cindy?
25:59It's been read now twice. This is the third reading, so if council wants to move forward,
26:05now's the time. Mr. President, I move that we adopt ordinance number 24-017.
26:11Second. It's been moved by David, seconded by Sue. Is there any discussion?
26:15And we can go ahead and vote.
26:19Robin Jones? Yes. Steve Cox-Broker? Yes. David Beasley? Yes. Steve Walter? Yes. Chad Miller? Yes.
26:28Robert Souter? Yes. That passes 6-0.
26:34Ordinance number 24-018, an ordinance providing for additional appropriations and for transferring
26:41funds for the year 2024 for the City of Kensington, Ohio, and the Clarendon Emergency.
26:47Memory serves when I did bring along, there was an explanation here, this was a cleanup of several
26:53items mid-year that Pam found that we really ought to address. This dates back to August finance,
26:59yes. Right. So, is the third reading, what are council's wishes? Move for the adoption,
27:05Mr. President. It's been moved by David, seconded by Robin. Is there any discussion?
27:15Hearing none, we'll go ahead and vote. Sue Cox-Broker? Yes. David Beasley? Yes.
27:20Steve Walter? Yes. Chad Miller? Yes. Robert Souter? Yes. Robin Jones? Yes. That passes 6-0.
27:28Resolution number 010-24, a resolution authorizing the sale of personal property
27:36not needed for municipal purposes and declaring an emergency. And just for your memory, it was,
27:43there were about six pieces, mostly equipment from public works that we don't need anymore.
27:52This is anything new? So, third reading, what are council's wishes? I move for the
28:02adoption of resolution number 010-24. I'll second. That was moved by Sue and seconded by Steve.
28:10Is there any discussion? Hearing none, we'll go ahead and vote. David Beasley? Yes. Steve Walter?
28:17Yes. Chad Miller? Yes. Craig Friend?
28:22Robin Souter? Yes. Robin Jones? Yes. Sue Cox-Broker? Yes. That passes 6-0.
28:35Any other matters need to be brought up tonight?
28:41Okay, comments from the public. Does anyone here have anything they'd like to
28:46address? Yes, sir. I would just like to remind the public, I was watching on Facebook and they
28:58were talking about how they're running the lights right here. They say just look and they go.
29:04If you would hit and kill someone, a construction worker or a pedestrian in a work zone, the state
29:11doesn't go lightly on that and it's doubled. So, say you get seven years, well now you're
29:17two minutes and 30 seconds that you thought you're going to save. Now you got 14 years in prison.
29:22I think I wouldn't hit anybody. We're watching the news, you can punch somebody and they can fall
29:29and hit their head and that person is dead, especially kids. There's kids that after school
29:35that walk down back and forth through here. The construction workers go back and forth down
29:41through here. I thought people were just talking on Facebook like, oh just look both ways and go.
29:48Unfortunately, I've seen people and it's not kids. It's not like 16, 17 year old kids that are doing
29:52it. It's adults our age 40s, 50s. I watched the lady do it. I watched the lady smile. Actually,
30:02I watched the person behind them do the same thing. I just, they think it's not a big deal
30:10but as much traffic is still going through here, as much as foot traffic is still going through
30:14here, the police can't be up here all the time. They need to take it into their own hands and
30:18think about the consequences for two minutes and 30 seconds that you're going to save
30:2314 years in prison. It's a long, long time. So, I would just hope that the citizens
30:31would think about that before they go. We're all getting, I'm sure they're tired of
30:36stopping in the light where they think they don't see anything. Construction is coming.
30:40It's getting closer and closer maybe to the end but and they're fed up with it but you have to
30:47think about the safety of the kids, the safety of the workers and the safety of just everyone in the
30:55town. So, it was just astounding and sickening that it was adults that are our age that were
31:02actually doing it and smiling when they went by. So, I just wanted to remind them two minutes and
31:0830 seconds, 14 years in prison kind of, you know. So, thank you. Thank you. Anyone else?
31:18Okay, news media.
31:23Then we'll go around administration and council members.
31:28Daryl, Chief, Bruce, Chief, Sue.
31:40Yeah, John, thank you. It needed to be said. It's a shame that it needed to be said.
31:46It needed to be said. I applaud you for your courage and your participation. At the same time, I would
31:53like to thank the administration for the work they did at the fair this week. It took some guts
31:59to go out there and stand in front of people and take whatever level of abuse might be forthcoming.
32:07I applaud that. Meeting people where they are, taking on the comments and all of the things that
32:13are out there, probably explaining some details to folks that may not have understood them from all of
32:19the one-sidedness in social media kind of thing. So, kudos. Thank you for doing that.
32:34So, I have a couple of businesses I need to thank. We redid our city of Kenton booth.
32:41It looked really nice. Stillwater Metal donated all the metal. Tom Beach and Dave Geiger
32:47installed the metal. Myself and Diana Beach painted. The administration, Emma, Lynn and Cindy
32:55and Whitney had a hand in how we were going to present the stop sign and the roundabout information.
33:01And when I was out there a couple times with Lynn and even on my own, there were informative
33:06questions and I didn't hear anybody be really upset about anything. They just wanted to learn
33:11and figure out on their own a better take of everything. So, I was appreciative of that. And
33:17also, I need to thank Amy Wells because she also came out and spent two or three hours getting
33:23everything put together. So, we have a lot of good people that volunteered their time and their
33:30talents. So, thank you.
33:31That's it, Robert. John, anything?
33:36The only thing I want to note, just because we, you know, it's just been a while, we have a few
33:40newer council members. When we have a controversial vote, what's important to note is unless there's,
33:48you're conflicted out, you have to vote for legislation. So, I just want to make sure
33:52everyone comes prepared to vote yes or no at this next meeting. You can't just abstain unless
34:00there's a valid reason, like you're interested in the contract and, you know, a family member.
34:07But even then, you'll always want to clear that with me if you're going to be abstaining for a
34:12reason, a conflict of interest. And I'm not sure we have that here on anyone from council. So,
34:17I just want to remind people because, again, we have a few newer council members.
34:22Good point. Thanks, John. Lynn?
34:24So, I just want to touch base, too, on several things. One, Mike Steyer, he has done,
34:32he does a great job at the disc golf park. He sets all those tournaments up with Mason Bloom's coming,
34:39I think, in October. He keeps an eye on everything. If something's broken, he's taking care of it.
34:45But he also runs Mike's bike rehab and he's donating to our police department and fire
34:53department from his proceeds. So, he's a phenomenal community member and I just want to
34:59give him a shout out for what all that he does for us. Again, the fair, it was a good thing and I
35:09learned a lot. There's just this one person that kept saying, how many roundabouts? Five roundabouts?
35:16It was Dave. Anyway, but it's a whole lot of fun and, you know, I appreciate because it wasn't,
35:22it was all of us, that administration, chiefs out there, being able to meet people and have a good
35:30explanation. But we had a lot, a lot of conversation and it just, it gives me the drive to even not
35:40wait for the fair, but how do we do it again so we can continue to bring more people in to say,
35:47where do we set this up where people are, so people can ask? You know, we talked to a lot of
35:52people outside of Kent and Dunkirk, Ridgeway, Mount Victory, because they're thinking, how do I navigate
35:58to get to Walmart? How do I get, go south to come to Columbus? It was a very good, it, that opened
36:04my eyes up to a, you know, it's, we're responsible for the city of Kent, but there's a lot of people
36:10that had questions. So, I mean, it was a great, it was a great spot that we had and, you know, Robin
36:16and those guys did a great job getting it put together. So, I'm real pleased and I can't thank
36:23my staff and admin enough to cover the days out there and help communicate it to everybody.
36:30And then I can't thank the fair board. What a phenomenal fair we have and we are a blessed
36:36community. And again, you know, John makes some good points and you know what, that is so the,
36:42that's so not the majority. The majority are those people who come out and volunteer and
36:50contribute, like at the fairgrounds, that's a huge undertaking. To have kids ride free,
36:56it's just a big thing that people, we can just continue to build on what our community's doing
37:01here. I mean, there's a lot of good things happening here and there's a lot of good people
37:07here. So, I'm pretty excited for the future. That's what I have. All right. Thank you, Lynn.
37:14I just want to make certain Cindy, nothing, okay. Well, a housekeeping item. We do, Peg could not be
37:22with us this evening. I honestly could say I didn't hear from her ahead of time, but I'm guessing it's
37:29still to do with what she went through with her hip. So, I'd like to have her be excused.
37:38Thanks, Sue. Seconded by David. Any discussion? Okay, we'll vote. Sue Fox-Broker? Yes. David Beasley? Yes.
37:47Steve Walter? Yes. Chad Miller? Yes. Amba Tudor? Yes. Robin Jones? Yes. That passes 6-0.
37:55Then I would just make certain, remind everyone of our upcoming dates. Next meeting in two weeks,
38:02September 23rd, right here, and a few committee meetings coming up this week.
38:10Public Utilities on the 11th, so what day after tomorrow, and then Streets, Alleys, and Legislation
38:18on the 25th at 3.30 and 4.30. And always, if you have comments with finance, have questions, seek
38:25out PAM, seek out Finance Committee members, or come to Finance Committee meetings. You'll always
38:32learn quite a bit, and David's very good at allowing everybody's input. So,
38:38with that, I have nothing further, so if there's no objections, we're adjourned.