00:00Welcome to Kenton City Council. It's our 19th regular session. We'll begin with roll call.
00:07Joe Allhauser? Present. Sue Cox-Broker? Present. David Beasley? Present. Steve Walter? Present. Chad Miller? Present.
00:16Amy Grant? Present. Andra Tudor? Present. Robin Jones? Here. John Trummer? Present. Lynn Webb? Here. Cindy Murray? Here.
00:25Thank you Emma. I'd ask all who are able to please stand and we'll have a prayer and then the pledge of allegiance.
00:33Heavenly Father, as we gather in this City Council meeting, we seek your divine guidance and wisdom.
00:40Bless the discussions and decisions that will be made this evening so they may align with your perfect plan for our city.
00:48Grant us judgment to identify opportunities, courage to address challenges, and unity to work together harmoniously.
00:57May the outcomes of this meeting lead to the prosperity and well-being of all involved. In your name we pray. Amen.
01:07I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
01:23Again, welcome everyone. Appreciate you being here this evening.
01:28Pretty good agenda tonight and we'll start with the minutes from our meeting three weeks ago.
01:33Are there any additions or corrections to those minutes?
01:37I do not hear a sound so we will assume they are correct as submitted.
01:45No one on the agenda this evening. We get to the end of the meeting under comments from the public.
01:51It should be right after all of our legislation. I'll ask if there are any comments and you'll have time to speak to Council and the administration then.
02:01So, communications. In your packet, County Chamber and Business Alliance, their economic development report for October.
02:12If you have questions, please ask Lynn or reach out to Holly. I'm certain she can answer any questions you have.
02:19Also, Hardin County Council on Aging, that newsletter, it's available upon request. Emma can share that with you. She has it in the office.
02:32Petitions. We do have a petition.
02:36We do have a petition. It is a request for a handicap sign in front of 411 East Columbus Street, Kenton.
02:50I don't know, Cindy, if you have any background on this or want to talk on it any or Lynn.
02:57Well, so are we considering this here or are we sending it to the streets alleys?
03:04We can send it. I just didn't know if you wanted to make any comment now or not.
03:09I don't have any additional information in what's presented here.
03:14So, if streets, alleys and sidewalks would like to take a look at this, I'm not certain when you're scheduled on the 30th.
03:24Do you all have a copy of it? Read through it. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Cindy.
03:32Hopefully, you all can make a decision at your meeting here at the end of the month and get back to Council that first meeting in November.
03:42If that sounds okay.
03:45All right. We also do have a request from Liquor Authority, Division Liquor Control.
03:54We'll just take that up in new business. It's a brand new one.
03:58So, we'll take that up in new business.
04:01I don't think they have anything else in their petition.
04:05So, administrative reports. I don't see anyone, but any police reports tonight?
04:11Then, Chief Donley. Fire.
04:19I just wanted to let you know that we had a real good, successful Fire Safety Week.
04:24We had 140 kindergartners come down to do a tour and visit with us down at the station.
04:29And we presented materials for kindergartners through fourth grade this year.
04:36And I just want to thank all the businesses, organizations, individuals that donated towards the purchase of those materials, the activity books, stickers, and all that.
04:46I think we had between our budgeted funds plus those donations, I think we had a little over $3,000.
04:52And so, we were able to get a lot of supplies for the week.
04:56And so, I also want to thank Yokum Insurance for State Farm.
05:04Each office, I think, kind of gets a care package of fire safety materials, too.
05:09And I know they donated one of the banners that's hanging down there in front of the station and also some activity books.
05:15So, just appreciate everybody's willingness to help out on this and make it a successful week.
05:21And so, we are waiting to get the final specs on the truck through the funding through the state.
05:31So, hopefully, we'll get those back this week and be able to PO for that and get things moving.
05:38So, that's all I've got at this time.
05:40All right. Thanks, Bruce.
05:42Public Works, Tim's not here tonight, Economic Development.
05:48Is there anything you want to talk about, Lynn, in the Economic Development area?
05:52Income Tax, that report will probably be next meeting.
05:56So, we'll get right to Auditor.
06:01I haven't been here for a while to talk, so I will.
06:04The audit is basically complete.
06:08I heard from Brett this week that they're just working on the final management letter, and we'll get that out soon.
06:16Hopefully, I mean, he wanted to get it out before this meeting, so it's very soon.
06:24As you know, I sent out September reports, and so you can tell I'm finally caught up on my monthly book work.
06:33So, that feels really good, along with getting the budget ready.
06:37So, I think that's all I have to report on for the Auditor's Office.
06:43Thanks, Pam.
06:46I encourage all of you to take a look at those September reports, especially while they're fresh in Pam's mind, too.
06:52That way, if you have questions, you can reach out to her, and she can answer them fairly quickly.
06:57Along with that, we have the report from the Auditor, the Treasurer, to the Mayor.
07:02Again, that report is just to give a beginning and ending accounting of the balances in each line item, if you will.
07:11And then, there's the second page, which basically is a more detailed description of each of those items.
07:20So, it breaks down receipts and disbursements.
07:24If you have any questions on that, again, please talk to Pam.
07:34John, anything you want to talk about tonight?
07:37Okay, then. Cindy?
07:39The water tower is – we are back online with the water tower.
07:43Everything seemed to go very smoothly.
07:48No hiccups, so that was good news.
07:51We submitted today the initial – you haven't heard me talk much about this – lead line report to the EPA.
08:01We have to monitor every parcel within the City of Kenton, what the service line – the city portion of the service line is,
08:10and what the customer side of the portion of the service line is.
08:15The initial report was submitted today.
08:17We had been working with Ressler Engineering.
08:21As part of the identification, we have a lot of unknowns that we have a lot of work to do to get those identified.
08:30So, the public will be hearing a lot more about this ongoing EPA program.
08:40So, just be ready for that.
08:44The lead replacement, you're correct.
08:46I want to thank Tim Thomas.
08:48He did an excellent article on Thursday.
08:53The Kenton Senior High School biology – I think advanced biology students were at the sewer treatment plant along with the EPA
09:03to do some field work and things like that to introduce the kids to the EPA line of work.
09:12So, he did a very nice article in the paper on Saturday on that.
09:16So, I want to thank Tim.
09:18And that's all I have.
09:20Great. Thanks, Cindy.
09:21Lynn, anything you want to talk about now?
09:23Yeah, I'll just do all what I need to do unless I forget something.
09:26I'll catch it at the end.
09:28I just want to touch real quick on trick-or-treat and the parade.
09:32The Optimist Halloween Parade judging is at 2.
09:37Parade lineup is at 220.
09:39Parade starts at 230.
09:41Trick-or-treat will follow 3 to 5 p.m.
09:49The Kenton Historical Courthouse District, we're having a raffle.
09:53So, I expect $700, $800, $100 from everybody for your raffle tickets.
10:01We're doing it.
10:03It's a great thing.
10:04It's a great fundraiser for us.
10:06So, please consider seeing me because it will help.
10:12It's the start of the downtown with helping with some grants
10:16and how we can help businesses down there.
10:20So, Kenton Main Street is just doing a phenomenal job.
10:24We've had a really, really, really good outpouring of people who want to volunteer.
10:29People always say, hey, I would love to help out,
10:32but I don't know where to plug myself in.
10:34People are plugging themselves in.
10:36So, it's exciting.
10:38They see the excitement of what's coming.
10:40So, participate.
10:46Can you remind us the date of Trick-or-Treat, though?
10:49The 26th of October.
10:58So, let's get into reports.
11:00Reports, finance, anything you want to talk about tonight?
11:04Finance did meet this evening.
11:06Looks like we're, with a few tweaks, going to have a budget that will be ready to present a second meeting in November.
11:14Barring any unforeseen abnormalities, the first meeting in November.
11:23Anything from MOP?
11:26Public utilities, there's a meeting October 16th, which is what, Wednesday?
11:32So, streets, alleys, and legislation, codes, and regs, October 30th, 3.30?
11:40Before 3.
11:41Any reports from either of them?
11:46Regional planning, have any type, any report on David with regional planning?
11:52Anything with regional planning?
11:54Nothing concrete.
11:57There were some positive signs that we might see some additional projects funded that we had submitted, but nothing in stone yet.
12:07Robin, you want anything about parks and rec?
12:10We haven't done anything with park and rec.
12:12We have a meeting.
12:13I sent it out, yes, today.
12:14Park and rec meeting is Wednesday at 6.
12:16Wednesday this week.
12:17This week.
12:18I didn't get that.
12:19I didn't see it anyway.
12:21Steve, how's things going out at the cemetery?
12:25As you can see, they started with the mausoleum.
12:29Everything's going good as long as the weather cooperates.
12:33Not right at the moment, though.
12:35The one thing I can say, though, is if you have any questions about what's going on out there, please, please call either Grove Cemetery, email me, whatever.
12:50I've read some stuff on Facebook.
12:51It just blew my mind about how people without knowledge of what's going on voice their opinion about something they know nothing about.
13:01I hate saying it that way.
13:02From a standpoint of an expert, even.
13:05So, yeah, if you have any comments, questions, please contact me, Grove Cemetery.
13:11We'll take care of it.
13:12We'll get back with you.
13:14I'll let you know why we're doing it, why it had to happen.
13:20There's just a lot of misinformation.
13:23That's it.
13:24Thanks, Steve.
13:27Tree Commission.
13:28Sue, anything to talk about?
13:29They meet the 17th at 1.
13:34And BKP Ambulance District meets a week from tonight.
13:37It's dead.
13:39If there's anything of significance to share, I'll share that at the next meeting.
13:45No business?
13:46So, new business.
13:47A couple things.
13:49So, at your station tonight were the minutes from a Planning Commission meeting hearing that was held September 30th at 8.30 here in Chambers.
14:02I would encourage you all to read through those.
14:06This is going to be one of those.
14:08It is a change in zoning request.
14:11This is going to be another one of those that we're going to need to allow some time for.
14:15We need to plan.
14:17They need at least 30 days before we can set a hearing date.
14:24We need 30 days before the hearing date so it can be advertised.
14:29That would put our meeting at that second meeting in November.
14:33Hopefully, finance really wouldn't even have to meet at that second meeting.
14:38So, I would just keep it in the back of your mind that if we choose to meet prior to that meeting, because this is one where we would want to set it for 6 o'clock to give us time, not 7 o'clock and a quick hearing and we go on.
14:55If something were to happen budget wise and you do decide to have this hearing, what was the date again?
15:04Yeah, 25th.
15:06And we do decide to have the 25th, understand we might have to have like a 5.30 finance meeting or something if need be.
15:15But right now, David's shaking his head, normally we like to not have to have finance even meet that meeting.
15:21Because normally it's printed and ready to go.
15:24So what are your thoughts on having this hearing on that night at 6 o'clock prior to our second meeting in November?
15:36Second meeting of November?
15:39We have to, there has to be 30 days, so if we decide tonight, we have to at least do it 30 days out so that everyone can have proper notification time.
15:52Everybody okay with that?
15:54Can we get some kind of map or something that would indicate a location?
16:00So we can get a look, because that was not included in here as I did a cursory review.
16:05Can you get us a...
16:09The GIS?
16:10Yeah, we have the application.
16:12I can send it all out digitally as well.
16:15That would be swell.
16:18This is very helpful, but I'd like to know exactly where I'm looking.
16:21So I can go...
16:22Read through here the comments.
16:24She's got everything in there.
16:28Then second item.
16:33And go back to this.
16:34I would encourage you all, as you did the last one, do your research, talk to people you feel you need to speak with, including planning commission members, if you want to get more information.
16:46Second item.
16:47SPSP02 or 02 LLC, they are doing business as the Liquor Depot.
16:54We have a request, and there's actually two of them, but we can act on them all at once.
17:02It is the new liquor store is really what it comes down to, where it's going to be out in the Kroger, beside Kroger there.
17:14So it's a request for those to be...
17:18I assume it's a transfer.
17:20It says new at the top.
17:21It does.
17:25It seems odd to me.
17:29But it is the...
17:33Well, you can read it.
17:34Two separate notices for this location, the liquor agency, and a second notice for carryout liquor license.
17:40Does anyone feel the need to have a hearing?
17:47All right.
17:48Hearing none, let's go ahead and vote on that.
17:51You're voting.
17:52Well, I need a motion.
17:57I just need a motion that you want to waive or not waive a hearing.
18:00I move.
18:01I make a motion to waive that.
18:07Moved by Robin, seconded by Sue.
18:08Is there any discussion?
18:11Sue Fox-Brooker.
18:13David Beasley.
18:15Steve Walter.
18:17Chad Miller.
18:19Peg Friend.
18:21Rhonda Tudor.
18:23Robin Jones.
18:25All right.
18:26So we'll waive that request.
18:27Thanks, everybody.
18:32We have a couple first reading, a couple second, and a third.
18:35You will see one item in first reading does have an asterisk.
18:40So we're going to go ahead and read the title.
18:44Ordinance number 24-030, an ordinance providing for additional appropriations and for transferring funds for the year 2024 for the city of Pinton, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.
18:56Pam has a great explanation, but Pam is here, so I am not denying her the chance to talk with you.
19:01Well, first of all, as we met in finance, we brought up that we, in light of having to get all these parcels associated with all of our water and sewer and storm customers, and having to get new accounts set up for the ones that don't have accounts but have parcels for that storm water,
19:27and for the lead line, we would like to amend this to do a transfer from water and sewer office wages to water and sewer office contract,
19:52so that we can just hire somebody to come in and to make those changes to our system and additions to our system.
20:02So that comes out of the Water Works Fund, it would make an additional $7,000 there, or would it go under the transfers at the bottom?
20:09It goes under the transfers, and you will have water, the Water Works Fund transfer from salaries to Water Works Office contract at $3,500, and then the sewer office salaries to the sewer office contract, $3,500.
20:37Did I make kind of that clear?
20:39Well, I mean, if we're going to amend this, we've got to know what the final numbers are and each...
20:51So that makes total transfers then $9,200.
20:58$35,000 out of water, $35,000 out of sewer, and $22,000...
21:02So $35,000 out of water and sewer office wages?
21:07$35,000 out of sewer...
21:09It's not all. It's a net.
21:11Water and sewer office contractor.
21:16We're creating a contracted labor position, and it's a separate line item.
21:26Where's the second set of $3,500?
21:29One from water.
21:30One from sewer.
21:31One from sewer.
21:32Because they're separate enterprise...
21:33So there's water office wages and sewer office wages.
21:37$3,500 each.
21:38You can certainly understand what's being done.
21:41All of those salaries are split half and half down there.
21:44I understand that.
21:45In the future, I guess, if we're going to change something right before the meeting, let's get it written up so we can hand it around to everybody, even if it's handwritten.
21:54We got a copy right over there.
22:01Anybody else have questions on that?
22:03I mean, someone will have to move that, but why don't you go ahead and explain the rest of it.
22:08As I set out the explanation with the streetlight contract, our average monthly bill, we don't have enough in the budget.
22:20I haven't really figured out exactly why we didn't have enough, but I think maybe AEP made some changes in our billing, and maybe we were taking some out of traffic lights that were streetlights before, or something to that effect.
22:35But I need $14,600 to be able to get through the rest of the year in that.
22:43Maintenance of equipment for fire.
22:46Bruce had a list of things.
22:50Oil changes and filters that we didn't have enough in the budget for these maintenance items.
23:02He has them listed as units.
23:04The M71, M77, E71 for $2,500.
23:11And then for a total of about $13,000 for additional maintenance of equipment.
23:20And then EMS supplies.
23:23When we added money for EMS supplies before, we thought about putting this in maintenance of equipment, but it's maintenance on the equipment and the ambulance.
23:35So I would like that in EMS supplies so it shows up as a direct cost to the EMS.
23:44The street new equipment and water plant new equipment are two new mowers that we have quotes from Troyers on.
23:52And they are giving us a 15% discount if we order them by October 31st.
24:02We had these in the 2025 budget. We took them out of the 2025 budget.
24:08So we would like to purchase them this year and save that $4,438.
24:17The Water Works operator salaries.
24:21The water bus is the water plant.
24:24That would be primarily because we are short because of Dale's severance.
24:31Continuing to pay Dale and then his severance pay because he had sick time accumulated and vacation accumulated.
24:40Sludge removal.
24:42Again, we did this for the sewer. Now we're doing it for the water.
24:46It's just more money and we're paying the county for that.
24:51So that's additional appropriations of $7,600 and then $9,200 for the total transfers.
25:01Right. Of which only $22 is general fund and the others are water and sewer.
25:07So basically Pam just updated what she submitted to you all so we can just vote on it in one vote.
25:14Well Mr. President you'll need a motion for the amendment.
25:18And I so move that we amend the transfers to include water office salaries to water contract labor
25:28and sewer office salaries to sewer contract labor in the amount of $3,500 each
25:33increasing the total transfer from $2,200 to $9,200.
25:44Been properly moved and seconded to amend what was presented.
25:48Adding an additional $7,000 in transfers as described.
25:53Is there any discussion on that amendment?
25:58David Beasley? Yes.
25:59Steve Walter? Yes.
26:01Chad Miller? Yes.
26:03Peg Renn? Yes.
26:04Rhonda Tudor? Yes.
26:06Robin Jones? Yes.
26:07Sue Fox-Barocra? Yes.
26:09And that passes.
26:10Mr. President I move to approve ordinance number 24-030 as amended.
26:19I second that.
26:21We've got to suspend the rules.
26:23Oh good idea. Let's do that first.
26:25That was why I kind of had that little bit of a moment.
26:29Timing on that.
26:31So we need to suspend the rules. Thank you David.
26:34Seconded by Robin. No discussions. We'll vote to do that.
26:38Steve Walter? Yes.
26:40Chad Miller? Yes.
26:41Peg Renn? Yes.
26:43Rhonda Tudor? Yes.
26:44Robin Jones? Yes.
26:45Sue Fox-Barocra? Yes.
26:47David Beasley? Yes.
26:48Okay. My apologies for going out of order.
26:50No problem. We'll suspend the rules.
26:52We did make a change to it.
26:54Motion to approve as amended.
26:56Thank you David.
26:57Seconded by somebody over there.
26:59Peg? Any discussion?
27:02Okay we'll go ahead.
27:04Chad Miller? Yes.
27:05Peg Renn? Yes.
27:06Rhonda Tudor? Yes.
27:07Robin Jones? Yes.
27:09Sue Fox-Barocra? Yes.
27:11David Beasley? Yes.
27:12Steve Walter? Yes.
27:14And that passes 70 to 30.
27:17Following along.
27:19And we can move on to the next item.
27:23Resolution number 021-24.
27:25A resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and or Safety Service Director
27:30to apply to the Ohio Department of Transportation
27:33for Transportation Alternatives Program funding in declaring an emergency.
27:38Before we move on, thank you Pam for explaining all that.
27:41Glad we were able to get that done.
27:44Anything Lynn? Cindy?
27:49You want to chat about this?
27:51So this would be North Detroit Street, the second phase which is in 2028.
27:57Transportation alternatives would be sidewalks, curb approaches, things like that.
28:02So funding for that.
28:03Sounds like we have some time here, a little bit, right?
28:08So if there are no objections, we'll read this again in two weeks.
28:12If you have questions in the meantime, please help us.
28:16Because she's got so much extra time, right?
28:19Okay, now we're up to the second readings.
28:22Ordinance number 24-028.
28:24An ordinance authorizing the Safety Service Director
28:27to advertise for bids for rock salt for the Public Works Department
28:30and to contract the lowest and or best bidder.
28:33Again, I think we still have time.
28:35Just Cindy's way to remind us all that winter's coming.
28:40Still okay? We can wait?
28:42Okay, so we'll read that again in two weeks.
28:44That's all right?
28:46Ordinance number 24-029.
28:48An ordinance authorizing the Safety Service Director
28:51to advertise for bids for materials and supplies for the calendar year 2025
28:56and to contract the lowest and or best bidder.
28:58And declaring an emergency.
29:00Again, I don't think anything sped up the time frame here either.
29:05Although this will affect the budget.
29:11I was going to say, yeah, you're right.
29:13Well, then there's, we've got the list on the back.
29:15If you remember that from two weeks ago or three weeks ago,
29:18the schedule of everything that Cindy's, her grocery list.
29:25We'll read that again in two weeks.
29:27And however it impacts the budget, finance will figure it out.
29:32They always do.
29:36All right, third reading.
29:38Resolution number 016-24.
29:41A resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Kempston, Ohio,
29:45to enter into a contract for union of the City Health District
29:49with the General Health District in declaring an emergency.
29:53John explained this very well, I thought.
29:55Actually, I think now that's been five weeks ago.
29:58Any questions about this?
30:00It's somewhat of a formality.
30:03It doesn't impact the city any.
30:05It doesn't change any fiscal dealings we have with them.
30:08It doesn't change how they handle what we contract with them to do.
30:14But we are on a third reading.
30:19I move that we adopt resolution number 016-24.
30:24Thanks, Peg.
30:25And Sue seconded.
30:26Any discussion?
30:29Go ahead.
30:30Peg O'Reilly?
30:32Rhonda Tudor?
30:34Robin Durham?
30:36Sue Fox-Broker?
30:38David Beasley?
30:40Steve Walter?
30:42Chad Miller?
30:44All right, that passes.
30:48Any other matters?
30:50I always hate to ask that question.
30:52No one's ever taken me up on that.
30:55Any other matters we need to talk about?
30:58Okay, then.
30:59Comments from the public?
31:01Anyone left that wants to chat?
31:08I notice we have a commissioner candidate here.
31:12You're in the thick of it now.
31:14They're voting.
31:18Well, best of luck to you.
31:22Best of luck to you.
31:25Comments from the news media?
31:28All the above.
31:34Council members, administration, anyone else?
31:37Bruce, Pam, anything to add?
31:46Hey, guys, Honda, Robin, John, Cindy.
31:53I have one more thing I remembered.
31:57There was an issue with mail delivery at the square.
32:02I don't know if we saw a lot of that going around.
32:05We met with Ethan Price, who's the postmaster,
32:10and this was something we definitely said
32:14we needed to communicate.
32:16That was one thing we let slide through the cracks on this.
32:20He did a tour with us, walked it around,
32:23and it was just a great conversation.
32:26I just want to publicly thank Ethan for coming.
32:29I think we have it all ironed out and have a plan
32:33and how to communicate for the rest of the projects moving forward.
32:40All right.
32:43Anything else because of the order?
32:45A couple quick comments from myself just to echo what Steve mentioned.
32:53I'm not going to try to do a history of the whole mausoleum.
32:56I'm not going to go down that road.
32:58I would just say this.
33:00The individuals involved, mostly the board of the cemetery
33:10and Pleasant Township trustees,
33:12and then to a lesser extent but not insignificant,
33:15the county commissioners, the county engineers,
33:22are not taking that situation lightly.
33:26There have been years of thought going forward here.
33:31Unfortunately, the way cemeteries are set up in the state of Ohio,
33:37and again, that was not a part of the Grove Cemetery.
33:41In fact, there was a point in time where no one knew who owned it for certain.
33:45That was a mausoleum association that went defunct.
33:49It happens.
33:51We don't like it.
33:53And no, are those people's wishes being met?
33:55Not necessarily they're not.
33:57But you run out of money.
34:01There hasn't been money there for years.
34:04And I know I can say for my own part,
34:07and I've spoken to other people my age,
34:09I remember when I was a kid in high school,
34:11we knew the thing was falling down.
34:13So it isn't like that was unplanned.
34:16So please, to echo what Steve said,
34:20if you have questions, ask.
34:23This is not some ill-planned, no money was spent,
34:28and no one cares.
34:30Not at all.
34:34Secondly, just a quick shout-out to Cindy.
34:37And I was reading minutes.
34:39I joke with Cindy a little bit,
34:42kidding her about how much work,
34:44or kidding about not that much work.
34:47The shout-out I want to comment on is she gave a report on the water tower.
34:53That, along with several other items,
34:55have been on EPA's hot list for decades.
35:01I don't mean a year or a few months.
35:04I mean a decade, a very decade.
35:09She has dealt with those things.
35:13I'm not pointing fingers at any previous administration
35:16or any previous safety service director or mayor.
35:18That's not my objective.
35:20But they've come home to roost on her watch.
35:24And she's dealing with it.
35:26Met them head-on.
35:30I appreciate that.
35:33Because it was a worry.
35:35So with that, we have a meeting in two weeks here, October 28th.
35:43And appreciate everybody's attention tonight.
35:45And if there are no objections, we're adjourned until that time.
35:48That's good. Three minutes until 10.