• 4 months ago
00:00Good evening, welcome everyone, and let's get started with the 16th regular session of Penn State Council.
00:14Let's start off the meeting with a roll call.
00:16Mr. Althauser? Present. Sue Fox-Broker? Present. David Beasley? Present. Steve Walter? Present. Chad Miller? Present. Peg Wren? Present.
00:25Andra Tudor? Present. Robin Jones? Here. John Schoenberg? Present.
00:30Blake Webb? Here. Cindy Berg? Here.
00:33Thank you very much. We'll begin this evening with a prayer and a pledge of allegiance for those who are able to please stand.
00:40Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of life and the opportunity to serve the people of Kent.
00:49Help us to act with character and conviction, and to listen with understanding and goodwill.
00:55Guide us to be the leaders your people need.
01:00Help us see the humanity and dignity of those who disagree with us,
01:04and to treat all persons, no matter how weak or poor, with reverence, the reverence your creation deserves.
01:11Finally, Father, renew us with the strength of your presence and the joy of helping to build a community worthy of the human person.
01:19We ask this in your sons and daughters, as confident in your goodness and love. Amen.
01:26I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands,
01:34one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
01:44We'll have a small amended agenda change, and the petitions, that petition is probably going to come up later on.
01:52There's a few other items that need to be considered.
01:56Right now, the administration is asking to draw that item under petitions,
02:02the vacation of easement between 418 and 420 South Detroit Street.
02:06We'll reintroduce that later.
02:09So first, the prior minutes, and that would be the meeting minutes.
02:15Does anyone have any additions or corrections to those minutes?
02:22All right, it looks like then, Emma, they're good as written.
02:27You can mark them down.
02:30We do not have anyone on the agenda to speak tonight.
02:33However, as one of the items up for legislation in first reading is the result or at least the continuation of a public hearing that was held two weeks ago.
02:48And since we will vote on that prior to open comments at the end of the meeting,
02:54if anyone is here and would like to make further comments regarding the zoning change west of Kenton along Jones Road, you're welcome to do so.
03:08I would just remind anyone who would like to address the meeting tonight that, again, minutes were taken of that entire meeting.
03:18Minutes will be available of that entire meeting.
03:21So if it was brought up clearly there, there's probably no reason to restate it other than, Peg, you were not at that meeting.
03:34So if there are some new things that have come to light that anyone would like to share, you're free to do that right now.
03:41And again, I'm doing that because our final public portion of the meeting will be after the legislation is considered, if council even considers it tonight.
03:59Okay, great.
04:02So then moving on.
04:07Any communications from any council members?
04:11Mayor, I'm guessing this is something you're going to talk about a little bit.
04:15At the end.
04:16I thought maybe you were advertising for sort of selling flashing signals or something.
04:23So then let's move on to administrative reports.
04:28Let me start with Chief Lusser.
04:32Chief Donnelly.
04:38Just kind of a couple updates.
04:41Guys are wrapping up the inspections on the hydrants.
04:43They've identified about 16 more problematic hydrants, but five of those are ones that are actually out of service at this time.
04:53And the other three wards, they've been referred on to the street department.
04:57So the other 11 or so that they've been able to find are somewhere in the stages of being repaired by the guys down at the station.
05:06So unfortunately, the guy that's been keeping track of all those records for us has been on vacation.
05:12So haven't been able to get an update or report on those numbers as to see what's all been taken care of.
05:18We do have the ladder truck back.
05:20They were, for lack of a better wording, able to patch it back together and stuff.
05:27Between discussions with the manufacturer, the one component of it, they are saying that there's nothing wrong with it.
05:35And so they have been able to find a way to get it fully functional.
05:41But with that being said, I'm sure something else will probably pop up at some point in time.
05:46But we have kind of put together, did a little bit of fact finding on the truck.
05:52And basically since the accident in October of 2019, we've had kind of an extensive list of repairs done on the truck.
06:05And all in all, through service done by fire services over in Indiana that did the repairs,
06:13the collision repairs and the repairs for the swivel on the last time and Atlantic Emergency Solutions.
06:20And we've even had Hoover Electric and Hydraulic from out on 205 do some electrical troubleshooting for us.
06:27But all in all, in the past five years, it's been out of service a total of 541 days.
06:33And we've had just over $70,000 in repairs on that truck.
06:38So it is, let's see, it's 24 years old at this point in time.
06:44So, I mean, it is kind of getting towards the end of its service life.
06:48But, I mean, hopefully we still got several more years that we can get out of it.
06:53So, but it's probably something that we'll put on our radar in terms of possibly seeking some grant funding to possibly see if we can find some means to generate,
07:03find some revenue to see if we can't get something lined up for a replacement on this truck, whether it's sooner or later.
07:10But that's something we'll definitely be kind of looking into and making future plans on.
07:15So, any questions?
07:21Chief, Donnelly does have a report in your information in the packet.
07:26Do you have any questions on that also?
07:29Terms not, so no public works, economic developments, income tax, there is a report.
07:41Any questions on that?
07:46All right.
07:49Auditor, treasurer, John, anything tonight you want to talk about?
07:56So, we don't have a firm date yet on the tower, but you can see around town that we've got the portable tanks that are coming.
08:03There will be nine of those tanks located throughout the town.
08:07The guys are working at setting the hydrant out at the water tower.
08:12That's how we will drain it.
08:14So, we're trying to get that all done.
08:18The tanks will be charged, and then they have to be tested before we can use that water.
08:23So, it all goes down to Mass Eye, and it all gets tested to make sure it will be good drinking water.
08:30When I call the tower people, they're still planning on mid-September, but we don't have a firm date yet.
08:36The paving, the street paving, the Brooklyn paving will be, they're planning on trying to be in here in September sometime, too.
08:44We're going to try to, I need to talk with them that there will not be water available if they need water for their paving project.
08:51So, just trying to coordinate all those things.
08:59Okay, Finance Committee.
09:01Finance did meet tonight, Mr. President, and we began discussions on the budget.
09:10We will be meeting every two weeks now at 6 o'clock prior to each council session until we're able to put a balanced and complete budget in front of council.
09:24MOP hasn't met. Any upcoming meetings or anything for MOP?
09:33Public Utilities, I see you have a meeting scheduled for September 11th. Anything to report?
09:39Not to me.
09:41It's at 2.30.
09:44And it will be at the sewer plant.
09:47Oh, that will be at the sewer plant, that's right.
09:52And do you want, if non-committee members want to also go, do you want them to email you?
09:58There was an email invitation.
10:01Yeah, I couldn't remember whether you were asking them to respond or they could just show up.
10:06They can show up.
10:10Streets, Highways, Sidewalks, looks like you have a meeting this week. Anything else to talk about?
10:16Not yet.
10:18All right.
10:20And finally, Legislation.
10:23We meet this week also, 4.30.
10:27Any reports from council members? Regional Planning, David?
10:32Regional Planning has not met since our last session.
10:34Parks and Rec, Robin?
10:38Grove Cemetery Board?
10:39Nothing new to them.
10:41Shade Tree Commission?
10:42No, they did meet.
10:44There was nothing to report.
10:46BKPM's district met last Monday.
10:49The meeting was all of 15 minutes.
10:53Very little going on.
10:57No old business that I know of, no new business.
11:00So we'll get on to the legislation.
11:03All right. Ordinance number 24-022.
11:08An ordinance to change the zoning of the rail property located south of West Lyman Street and east of Jones Road in the city of Kinston, Ohio,
11:16owned by the Board of the County Commissioners of Hardin County, Ohio, from R1, 1-2 Family Residence District, to M2, General Manufacturing District.
11:27So this was our public hearing two weeks ago.
11:31Board of Revisioners sent it on to us, to council, about a month ago, a little over a month ago.
11:42Again, I'd ask any comments that want to be made.
11:46All right. Council, do I have any desire to act on this tonight?
11:48If so, you'd have to suspend the rules.
11:51So the M2, it says M2, General Manufacturing.
11:56Wasn't the M2, Industrial Manufacturing?
11:59It's considered the Heavy or Industrial.
12:03We have Light Manufacturing, which is the M1, and the M2 is our Heavy or Industrial.
12:11So we don't go any further than that.
12:14Now, there's still certain things that you can't do in an M2.
12:18It's not an allow.
12:19I mean, I can pull up the ordinance if anyone would like to review specifically what is allowed.
12:26But there are still approvals.
12:28There are still conditional uses that the planning, not the planning, but the Board of Zoning would have to approve certain uses in an M2 that are considered more of the really Heavy, Industrial.
12:47Hearing no move to suspend the rules, we can read that again in two weeks, as long as that's okay with everybody.
12:55All right.
12:56We'll have a second reading at the next meeting.
13:01Ordinance number 24-023, an ordinance providing for additional appropriations for the year 2024 for the City of Kinston, Ohio, and requiring an emergency.
13:13Do we need a background here from someone?
13:20So, this is 43.
13:22And there is an explanation.
13:24I forgot.
13:25So, underneath, between, on Perry Street, between Detroit and Main Street, and actually, it's a 24-inch trunk line that actually goes along the river all the way to the sewer plant.
13:41Well, before we do anything with the roundabout, we thought it might be nice to replace that sewer so that we're not, in a couple years, ripping up anything that we do to replace the sewer.
13:53So, this is for the Sewer System Project Engineering with Choice One, $52,000.
14:07Evidently, there are some time issues you're concerned with here.
14:14And they are?
14:16Because we need to get that all done before we do anything for 2026.
14:21And this is the engineering, and then the bid, and then all of that time.
14:27Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-023.
14:32I'll second.
14:33It's been properly moved and seconded by David, and then seconded.
14:37Moved by David, seconded by Steve.
14:39No discussions.
14:40We'll vote on this.
14:41Stu Fox-Broker?
14:43David Beasley?
14:45Steve Walter?
14:47Chad Miller?
14:49Craig Wren?
14:51Rhonda Tudor?
14:53Robin Jones?
14:55And that passes 7-0.
14:56So 4-0.
14:57Ordinance number 24-024, an ordinance providing for additional appropriations for the year
14:59I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-023.
15:00I'll second.
15:01It's been properly moved and seconded by David, and then seconded.
15:02Moved by David, seconded by Steve.
15:03No discussions.
15:04We'll vote on this.
15:05Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-023.
15:06I'll second.
15:07Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-023.
15:08I'll second.
15:09Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-023.
15:10I'll second.
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15:32I'll second.
15:33Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
15:59I'll second.
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22:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:39I'll second.
22:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:41I'll second.
22:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:43I'll second.
22:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:45I'll second.
22:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:47I'll second.
22:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:49I'll second.
22:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:51I'll second.
22:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:53I'll second.
22:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:55I'll second.
22:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:57I'll second.
22:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
22:59I'll second.
23:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:01I'll second.
23:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:03I'll second.
23:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:05I'll second.
23:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:07I'll second.
23:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:09I'll second.
23:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:11I'll second.
23:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:13I'll second.
23:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:15I'll second.
23:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:17I'll second.
23:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:19I'll second.
23:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:21I'll second.
23:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:23I'll second.
23:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:25I'll second.
23:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:27I'll second.
23:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:29I'll second.
23:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:31I'll second.
23:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:33I'll second.
23:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:35I'll second.
23:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:37I'll second.
23:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:39I'll second.
23:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:41I'll second.
23:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:43I'll second.
23:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:45I'll second.
23:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:47I'll second.
23:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:49I'll second.
23:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:51I'll second.
23:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:53I'll second.
23:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:55I'll second.
23:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:57I'll second.
23:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
23:59I'll second.
24:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:01I'll second.
24:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:03I'll second.
24:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:05I'll second.
24:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:07I'll second.
24:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:09I'll second.
24:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:11I'll second.
24:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:13I'll second.
24:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:15I'll second.
24:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:17I'll second.
24:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:19I'll second.
24:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:21I'll second.
24:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:23I'll second.
24:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:25I'll second.
24:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:27I'll second.
24:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:29I'll second.
24:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:31I'll second.
24:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:33I'll second.
24:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:35I'll second.
24:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:37I'll second.
24:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:39I'll second.
24:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:41I'll second.
24:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:43I'll second.
24:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:45I'll second.
24:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:47I'll second.
24:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:49I'll second.
24:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:51I'll second.
24:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:53I'll second.
24:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:55I'll second.
24:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:57I'll second.
24:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
24:59I'll second.
25:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:01I'll second.
25:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:03I'll second.
25:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:05I'll second.
25:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:07I'll second.
25:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:09I'll second.
25:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:11I'll second.
25:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:13I'll second.
25:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:15I'll second.
25:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:17I'll second.
25:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:19I'll second.
25:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:21I'll second.
25:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:23I'll second.
25:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:25I'll second.
25:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:27I'll second.
25:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:29I'll second.
25:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:31I'll second.
25:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:33I'll second.
25:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:35I'll second.
25:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:37I'll second.
25:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:39I'll second.
25:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:41I'll second.
25:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:43I'll second.
25:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:45I'll second.
25:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:47I'll second.
25:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:49I'll second.
25:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:51I'll second.
25:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:53I'll second.
25:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:55I'll second.
25:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:57I'll second.
25:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
25:59I'll second.
26:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:01I'll second.
26:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:03I'll second.
26:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:05I'll second.
26:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:07I'll second.
26:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:09I'll second.
26:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:11I'll second.
26:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:13I'll second.
26:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:15I'll second.
26:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:17I'll second.
26:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:19I'll second.
26:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:21I'll second.
26:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:23I'll second.
26:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:25I'll second.
26:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:27I'll second.
26:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:29I'll second.
26:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:31I'll second.
26:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:33I'll second.
26:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:35I'll second.
26:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:37I'll second.
26:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:39I'll second.
26:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:41I'll second.
26:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:43I'll second.
26:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:45I'll second.
26:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:47I'll second.
26:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:49I'll second.
26:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:51I'll second.
26:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:53I'll second.
26:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:55I'll second.
26:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:57I'll second.
26:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
26:59I'll second.
27:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:01I'll second.
27:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:03I'll second.
27:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:05I'll second.
27:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:07I'll second.
27:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:09I'll second.
27:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:11I'll second.
27:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:13I'll second.
27:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:15I'll second.
27:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:17I'll second.
27:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:19I'll second.
27:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:21I'll second.
27:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:23I'll second.
27:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:25I'll second.
27:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:27I'll second.
27:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:29I'll second.
27:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:31I'll second.
27:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:33I'll second.
27:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:35I'll second.
27:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:37I'll second.
27:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:39I'll second.
27:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:41I'll second.
27:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:43I'll second.
27:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:45I'll second.
27:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:47I'll second.
27:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:49I'll second.
27:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:51I'll second.
27:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:53I'll second.
27:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:55I'll second.
27:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:57I'll second.
27:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
27:59I'll second.
28:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:01I'll second.
28:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:03I'll second.
28:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:05I'll second.
28:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:07I'll second.
28:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:09I'll second.
28:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:11I'll second.
28:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:13I'll second.
28:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:15I'll second.
28:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:17I'll second.
28:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:19I'll second.
28:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:21I'll second.
28:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:23I'll second.
28:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:25I'll second.
28:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:27I'll second.
28:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:29I'll second.
28:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:31I'll second.
28:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:33I'll second.
28:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:35I'll second.
28:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:37I'll second.
28:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:39I'll second.
28:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:41I'll second.
28:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:43I'll second.
28:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:45I'll second.
28:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:47I'll second.
28:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:49I'll second.
28:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:51I'll second.
28:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:53I'll second.
28:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:55I'll second.
28:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:57I'll second.
28:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
28:59I'll second.
29:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:01I'll second.
29:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:03I'll second.
29:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:05I'll second.
29:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:07I'll second.
29:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:09I'll second.
29:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:11I'll second.
29:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:13I'll second.
29:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:15I'll second.
29:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:17I'll second.
29:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:19I'll second.
29:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:21I'll second.
29:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:23I'll second.
29:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:25I'll second.
29:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:27I'll second.
29:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:29I'll second.
29:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:31I'll second.
29:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:33I'll second.
29:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:35I'll second.
29:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:37I'll second.
29:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:39I'll second.
29:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:41I'll second.
29:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:43I'll second.
29:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:45I'll second.
29:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:47I'll second.
29:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:49I'll second.
29:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:51I'll second.
29:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:53I'll second.
29:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:55I'll second.
29:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:57I'll second.
29:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
29:59I'll second.
30:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:01I'll second.
30:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:03I'll second.
30:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:05I'll second.
30:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:07I'll second.
30:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:09I'll second.
30:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:11I'll second.
30:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:13I'll second.
30:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:15I'll second.
30:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:17I'll second.
30:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:19I'll second.
30:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:21I'll second.
30:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:23I'll second.
30:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:25I'll second.
30:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:27I'll second.
30:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:29I'll second.
30:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:31I'll second.
30:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:33I'll second.
30:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:35I'll second.
30:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:37I'll second.
30:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:39I'll second.
30:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:41I'll second.
30:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:43I'll second.
30:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:45I'll second.
30:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:47I'll second.
30:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:49I'll second.
30:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:51I'll second.
30:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:53I'll second.
30:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:55I'll second.
30:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:57I'll second.
30:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
30:59I'll second.
31:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:01I'll second.
31:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:03I'll second.
31:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:05I'll second.
31:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:07I'll second.
31:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:09I'll second.
31:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:11I'll second.
31:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:13I'll second.
31:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:15I'll second.
31:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:17I'll second.
31:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:19I'll second.
31:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:21I'll second.
31:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:23I'll second.
31:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:25I'll second.
31:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:27I'll second.
31:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:29I'll second.
31:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:31I'll second.
31:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:33I'll second.
31:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:35I'll second.
31:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:37I'll second.
31:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:39I'll second.
31:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:41I'll second.
31:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:43I'll second.
31:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:45I'll second.
31:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:47I'll second.
31:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:49I'll second.
31:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:51I'll second.
31:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:53I'll second.
31:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:55I'll second.
31:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:57I'll second.
31:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
31:59I'll second.
32:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:01I'll second.
32:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:03I'll second.
32:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:05I'll second.
32:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:07I'll second.
32:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:09I'll second.
32:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:11I'll second.
32:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:13I'll second.
32:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:15I'll second.
32:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:17I'll second.
32:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:19I'll second.
32:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:21I'll second.
32:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:23I'll second.
32:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:25I'll second.
32:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:27I'll second.
32:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:29I'll second.
32:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:31I'll second.
32:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:33I'll second.
32:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:35I'll second.
32:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:37I'll second.
32:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:39I'll second.
32:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:41I'll second.
32:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:43I'll second.
32:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:45I'll second.
32:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:47I'll second.
32:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:49I'll second.
32:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:51I'll second.
32:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:53I'll second.
32:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:55I'll second.
32:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:57I'll second.
32:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
32:59I'll second.
33:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:01I'll second.
33:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:03I'll second.
33:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:05I'll second.
33:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:07I'll second.
33:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:09I'll second.
33:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:11I'll second.
33:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:13I'll second.
33:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:15I'll second.
33:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:17I'll second.
33:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:19I'll second.
33:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:21I'll second.
33:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:23I'll second.
33:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:25I'll second.
33:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:27I'll second.
33:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:29I'll second.
33:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:31I'll second.
33:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:33I'll second.
33:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:35I'll second.
33:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:37I'll second.
33:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:39I'll second.
33:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:41I'll second.
33:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:43I'll second.
33:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:45I'll second.
33:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:47I'll second.
33:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:49I'll second.
33:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:51I'll second.
33:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:53I'll second.
33:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:55I'll second.
33:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:57I'll second.
33:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
33:59I'll second.
34:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:01I'll second.
34:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:03I'll second.
34:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:05I'll second.
34:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:07I'll second.
34:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:09I'll second.
34:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:11I'll second.
34:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:13I'll second.
34:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:15I'll second.
34:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:17I'll second.
34:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:19I'll second.
34:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:21I'll second.
34:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:23I'll second.
34:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:25I'll second.
34:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:27I'll second.
34:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:29I'll second.
34:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:31I'll second.
34:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:33I'll second.
34:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:35I'll second.
34:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:37I'll second.
34:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:39I'll second.
34:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:41I'll second.
34:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:43I'll second.
34:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:45I'll second.
34:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:47I'll second.
34:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:49I'll second.
34:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:51I'll second.
34:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:53I'll second.
34:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:55I'll second.
34:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:57I'll second.
34:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
34:59I'll second.
35:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:01I'll second.
35:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:03I'll second.
35:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:05I'll second.
35:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:07I'll second.
35:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:09I'll second.
35:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:11I'll second.
35:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:13I'll second.
35:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:15I'll second.
35:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:17I'll second.
35:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:19I'll second.
35:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:21I'll second.
35:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:23I'll second.
35:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:25I'll second.
35:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:27I'll second.
35:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:29I'll second.
35:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:31I'll second.
35:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:33I'll second.
35:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:35I'll second.
35:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:37I'll second.
35:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:39I'll second.
35:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:41I'll second.
35:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:43I'll second.
35:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:45I'll second.
35:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:47I'll second.
35:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:49I'll second.
35:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:51I'll second.
35:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:53I'll second.
35:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:55I'll second.
35:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:57I'll second.
35:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
35:59I'll second.
36:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:01I'll second.
36:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:03I'll second.
36:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:05I'll second.
36:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:07I'll second.
36:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:09I'll second.
36:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:11I'll second.
36:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:13I'll second.
36:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:15I'll second.
36:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:17I'll second.
36:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:19I'll second.
36:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:21I'll second.
36:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:23I'll second.
36:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:25I'll second.
36:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:27I'll second.
36:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:29I'll second.
36:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:31I'll second.
36:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:33I'll second.
36:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:35I'll second.
36:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:37I'll second.
36:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:39I'll second.
36:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:41I'll second.
36:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:43I'll second.
36:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:45I'll second.
36:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:47I'll second.
36:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:49I'll second.
36:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:51I'll second.
36:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:53I'll second.
36:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:55I'll second.
36:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:57I'll second.
36:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
36:59I'll second.
37:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:01I'll second.
37:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:03I'll second.
37:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:05I'll second.
37:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:07I'll second.
37:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:09I'll second.
37:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:11I'll second.
37:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:13I'll second.
37:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:15I'll second.
37:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:17I'll second.
37:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:19I'll second.
37:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:21I'll second.
37:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:23I'll second.
37:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:25I'll second.
37:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:27I'll second.
37:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:29I'll second.
37:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:31I'll second.
37:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:33I'll second.
37:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:35I'll second.
37:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:37I'll second.
37:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:39I'll second.
37:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:41I'll second.
37:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:43I'll second.
37:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:45I'll second.
37:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:47I'll second.
37:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:49I'll second.
37:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:51I'll second.
37:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:53I'll second.
37:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:55I'll second.
37:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:57I'll second.
37:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
37:59I'll second.
38:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:01I'll second.
38:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:03I'll second.
38:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:05I'll second.
38:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:07I'll second.
38:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:09I'll second.
38:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:11I'll second.
38:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:13I'll second.
38:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:15I'll second.
38:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:17I'll second.
38:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:19I'll second.
38:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:21I'll second.
38:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:23I'll second.
38:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:25I'll second.
38:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:27I'll second.
38:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:29I'll second.
38:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:31I'll second.
38:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:33I'll second.
38:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:35I'll second.
38:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:37I'll second.
38:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:39I'll second.
38:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:41I'll second.
38:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:43I'll second.
38:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:45I'll second.
38:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:47I'll second.
38:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:49I'll second.
38:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:51I'll second.
38:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:53I'll second.
38:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:55I'll second.
38:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:57I'll second.
38:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
38:59I'll second.
39:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:01I'll second.
39:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:03I'll second.
39:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:05I'll second.
39:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:07I'll second.
39:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:09I'll second.
39:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:11I'll second.
39:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:13I'll second.
39:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:15I'll second.
39:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:17I'll second.
39:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:19I'll second.
39:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:21I'll second.
39:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:23I'll second.
39:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:25I'll second.
39:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:27I'll second.
39:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:29I'll second.
39:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:31I'll second.
39:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:33I'll second.
39:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:35I'll second.
39:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:37I'll second.
39:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:39I'll second.
39:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:41I'll second.
39:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:43I'll second.
39:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:45I'll second.
39:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:47I'll second.
39:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:49I'll second.
39:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:51I'll second.
39:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:53I'll second.
39:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:55I'll second.
39:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:57I'll second.
39:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
39:59I'll second.
40:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:01I'll second.
40:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:03I'll second.
40:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:05I'll second.
40:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:07I'll second.
40:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:09I'll second.
40:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:11I'll second.
40:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:13I'll second.
40:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:15I'll second.
40:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:17I'll second.
40:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:19I'll second.
40:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:21I'll second.
40:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:23I'll second.
40:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:25I'll second.
40:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:27I'll second.
40:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:29I'll second.
40:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:31I'll second.
40:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:33I'll second.
40:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:35I'll second.
40:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:37I'll second.
40:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:39I'll second.
40:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:41I'll second.
40:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:43I'll second.
40:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:45I'll second.
40:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:47I'll second.
40:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:49I'll second.
40:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:51I'll second.
40:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:53I'll second.
40:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:55I'll second.
40:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:57I'll second.
40:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
40:59I'll second.
41:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:01I'll second.
41:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:03I'll second.
41:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:05I'll second.
41:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:07I'll second.
41:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:09I'll second.
41:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:11I'll second.
41:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:13I'll second.
41:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:15I'll second.
41:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:17I'll second.
41:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:19I'll second.
41:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:21I'll second.
41:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:23I'll second.
41:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:25I'll second.
41:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:27I'll second.
41:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:29I'll second.
41:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:31I'll second.
41:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:33I'll second.
41:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:35I'll second.
41:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:37I'll second.
41:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:39I'll second.
41:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:41I'll second.
41:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:43I'll second.
41:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:45I'll second.
41:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:47I'll second.
41:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:49I'll second.
41:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:51I'll second.
41:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:53I'll second.
41:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:55I'll second.
41:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:57I'll second.
41:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
41:59I'll second.
42:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:01I'll second.
42:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:03I'll second.
42:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:05I'll second.
42:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:07I'll second.
42:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:09I'll second.
42:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:11I'll second.
42:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:13I'll second.
42:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:15I'll second.
42:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:17I'll second.
42:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:19I'll second.
42:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:21I'll second.
42:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:23I'll second.
42:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:25I'll second.
42:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:27I'll second.
42:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:29I'll second.
42:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:31I'll second.
42:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:33I'll second.
42:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:35I'll second.
42:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:37I'll second.
42:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:39I'll second.
42:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:41I'll second.
42:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:43I'll second.
42:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:45I'll second.
42:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:47I'll second.
42:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:49I'll second.
42:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:51I'll second.
42:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:53I'll second.
42:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:55I'll second.
42:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:57I'll second.
42:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
42:59I'll second.
43:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:01I'll second.
43:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:03I'll second.
43:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:05I'll second.
43:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:07I'll second.
43:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:09I'll second.
43:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:11I'll second.
43:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:13I'll second.
43:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:15I'll second.
43:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:17I'll second.
43:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:19I'll second.
43:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:21I'll second.
43:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:23I'll second.
43:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:25I'll second.
43:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:27I'll second.
43:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:29I'll second.
43:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:31I'll second.
43:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:33I'll second.
43:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:35I'll second.
43:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:37I'll second.
43:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:39I'll second.
43:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:41I'll second.
43:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:43I'll second.
43:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:45I'll second.
43:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:47I'll second.
43:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:49I'll second.
43:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:51I'll second.
43:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:53I'll second.
43:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:55I'll second.
43:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:57I'll second.
43:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
43:59I'll second.
44:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:01I'll second.
44:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:03I'll second.
44:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:05I'll second.
44:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:07I'll second.
44:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:09I'll second.
44:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:11I'll second.
44:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:13I'll second.
44:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:15I'll second.
44:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:17I'll second.
44:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:19I'll second.
44:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:21I'll second.
44:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:23I'll second.
44:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:25I'll second.
44:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:27I'll second.
44:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:29I'll second.
44:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:31I'll second.
44:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:33I'll second.
44:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:35I'll second.
44:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:37I'll second.
44:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:39I'll second.
44:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:41I'll second.
44:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:43I'll second.
44:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:45I'll second.
44:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:47I'll second.
44:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:49I'll second.
44:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:51I'll second.
44:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:53I'll second.
44:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:55I'll second.
44:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:57I'll second.
44:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
44:59I'll second.
45:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:01I'll second.
45:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:03I'll second.
45:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:05I'll second.
45:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:07I'll second.
45:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:09I'll second.
45:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:11I'll second.
45:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:13I'll second.
45:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:15I'll second.
45:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:17I'll second.
45:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:19I'll second.
45:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:21I'll second.
45:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:23I'll second.
45:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:25I'll second.
45:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:27I'll second.
45:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:29I'll second.
45:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:31I'll second.
45:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:33I'll second.
45:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:35I'll second.
45:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:37I'll second.
45:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:39I'll second.
45:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:41I'll second.
45:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:43I'll second.
45:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:45I'll second.
45:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:47I'll second.
45:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:49I'll second.
45:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:51I'll second.
45:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:53I'll second.
45:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:55I'll second.
45:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:57I'll second.
45:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
45:59I'll second.
46:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:01I'll second.
46:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:03I'll second.
46:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:05I'll second.
46:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:07I'll second.
46:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:09I'll second.
46:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:11I'll second.
46:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:13I'll second.
46:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:15I'll second.
46:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:17I'll second.
46:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:19I'll second.
46:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:21I'll second.
46:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:23I'll second.
46:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:25I'll second.
46:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:27I'll second.
46:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:29I'll second.
46:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:31I'll second.
46:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:33I'll second.
46:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:35I'll second.
46:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:37I'll second.
46:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:39I'll second.
46:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:41I'll second.
46:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:43I'll second.
46:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:45I'll second.
46:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:47I'll second.
46:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:49I'll second.
46:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:51I'll second.
46:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:53I'll second.
46:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:55I'll second.
46:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:57I'll second.
46:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
46:59I'll second.
47:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:01I'll second.
47:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:03I'll second.
47:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:05I'll second.
47:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:07I'll second.
47:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:09I'll second.
47:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:11I'll second.
47:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:13I'll second.
47:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:15I'll second.
47:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:17I'll second.
47:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:19I'll second.
47:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:21I'll second.
47:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:23I'll second.
47:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:25I'll second.
47:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:27I'll second.
47:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:29I'll second.
47:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:31I'll second.
47:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:33I'll second.
47:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:35I'll second.
47:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:37I'll second.
47:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:39I'll second.
47:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:41I'll second.
47:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:43I'll second.
47:44Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:45I'll second.
47:46Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:47I'll second.
47:48Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:49I'll second.
47:50Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:51I'll second.
47:52Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:53I'll second.
47:54Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:55I'll second.
47:56Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:57I'll second.
47:58Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
47:59I'll second.
48:00Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:01I'll second.
48:02Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:03I'll second.
48:04Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:05I'll second.
48:06Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:07I'll second.
48:08Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:09I'll second.
48:10Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:11I'll second.
48:12Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:13I'll second.
48:14Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:15I'll second.
48:16Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:17I'll second.
48:18Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:19I'll second.
48:20Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:21I'll second.
48:22Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:23I'll second.
48:24Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:25I'll second.
48:26Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:27I'll second.
48:28Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:29I'll second.
48:30Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:31I'll second.
48:32Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:33I'll second.
48:34Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:35I'll second.
48:36Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:37I'll second.
48:38Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:39I'll second.
48:40Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:41I'll second.
48:42Mr. President, I move for a suspension of the three-repo coordinates, number 24-024.
48:43I'll second.